#little does he know how far nongnong gets :)))
rqs902 · 5 years
I randomly started watching ep 1 of idol producer on the TV in my living room while cooking dinner, and one of my roommates (who is a goofy Caucasian boy who proudly claims he has never eaten Chinese food) walks in to eat his dinner, starts watching, starts calling Nongnong “the kid who looks like he’s 8 years old” and gets so caught up in it, that when ep 1 ends, he’s like “you better put that back on the tv!” And so I put on ep 2, and they start revealing the 24 hr rankings and he’s like “who got #1?! Why don’t they tell you??” And then he asks me “was it the kid who looks like he’s 8?” And I was like “well he’s the only one you remember from ep 1, so he’s number one in your heart” :^)
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peanutpinet · 4 years
Playing ‘Great Escape’ (Escape room) with Nine Percent (female reader)
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So basically, this is a scenario of what each member would be like when you all play an Escape Room or film ‘Great Escape’ (a show that Justin is actually on) together.
Cai Xukun
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For Kun, I feel that he would be one of the few members that actually try to keep it together and lead everyone. Like he was already a leader of nine percent so I feel that if all 9 of them and you were to do an escape room together, he would try to calm everyone down, maybe even split the group into two teams of five. He would also be one of the few members that would actually comfort you if you started to feel scared or anxious about the situation.
“Don’t worry about anything (Y/N). Just figure out the passcode and I’ll make sure that nothing will scare you”
Chen Linong
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As for Nongnong, I feel that he would be more on the aware side of the situation. Like how he would make sure that everyone is safe, no one would have a heart attack from the jumpscares or even to the point where he wouldn’t mind carrying someone if they had to run. Like who would have thought that this soft boi with the brightest smile would be so stronk and brave (well this is mainly based of how Nongnong can do the 4 finger push up and not be afraid during that ghost prank episode) <3
“(Y/N) watch out!! Are you ok? Are you hurt? Here, I’ll give you a piggyback ride. It’s alright, you’re not heavy at all!! (*insert his uwu smile)”
Fan Chengcheng
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Chengcheng, I would feel that he would try his best to be brave but would have some shocks every now and then. Also probably one of the members that would try to tease everyone else or even be mischievous and would try to scare you but the same time wouldn’t go too far because he knows what it feels to feel scared. Would also be so lost when trying to figure out how to solve one of the password or clues.
“C’mon guys, it’s not that bad...w-what was that?! Did you guys hear that?! Aww, were you scared (Y/N)? No, I won’t scare you anymore, cross my heart”
Justin (Huang Minghao)
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Okay, this might be quite long because!!! Since Justin has already been on the show for 2 seasons now, I feel that he would know his way around no matter what kind of scene/story they throw him into. Spy story where the whole agency was trashed and little source of electricity? Ha!! He doesn’t need electricity. A death case with haunted objects? Please, he knew that they’re all fake and would probably end up playing with the objects. Like he may be the youngest out of all of the members, but do not be fooled as he is damn smart (not to mention very brave!!). Would probably end up bossing some of his geges around because he worries that being in the escape room for too long may cause some anxiety to some of his geges and you. Speaking of you, since you were the only girl of the group, he would probably try his best to reassure you that everything will be alright. Even if you are older than him, he would do nothing but to make sure you were alright. To the point that he would even let you cling on him the whole entire time. Just like Nongnong, I feel that Justin would even go as far as to carry you should anything go wrong (like you guys have to run away from the npc chasing after you).
“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. What about you? Did the npc hurt you? Did someone bumped you? No no, it’s alright, you can hold onto me. Does your feet hurt? Do you want me to carry you? Look, look, the exit is just over there!!”
Lin Yanjun
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For Yanjun, I feel that he would be more unpredictable, depending on the situation. If he was all alone, he may have the tendency to be startled every now and then, just like Chengcheng. But I feel if he was with the other boys and especially you, his tough *cough*military*cough* side would definitely show. Like, I can imagine he’d get startled if he heard something fell but when he’s with you, he’ll be tough and more protective towards you. Like, he’ll have his arm wrapped around your shoulder or waist; especially when something startled you or you feel extra scared during a specific scene/room. He may even intertwined with your fingers and allow you to cling onto him just like Justin (sorry Zhangjing). Not forgetting to give you a pat on the head or even back, reassuring you that you’ll get through it together. I also feel that his flirty side wouldn’t really come out to play because he knows the situation you all are in and the least thing he would want is to annoy you when you’re scared. Instead, his cold joke side would come out every now and then to lighten up the mood.
“Did any of you just hear what I did? I feel something or someone is following us. Hey, it’s alright (Y/N). C’mere, nothing will touch you as long as I’m around. Guys, can we not stay here until 8 o’clock? I feel that that’s the time when the zombies come out to get us? Get it? Because it’s ATE (eight) o’clock?”
“Jun, shut it. Why did I have get stuck with you and not Justin?”
“ :(  *insert pouting Yanjun*” 
Zhu Zhengting
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Alright, Imma apologise first hand because let’s be real, mama Ting gets easily scared by everything (maybe not heights). So, I feel that while he will definitely help with solving the clues/problems that may occur, he definitely would be the type to scream with you. Not just scream but even be the first to run away along with Zhangjing (we’ll get to him soon!!) But I feel he would also be the mother of the group as in if someone was scared or hurt, he would be the first one to worry about them instead of worrying about himself.
“AHHH MAMA I DON’T WANT TO PLAY!! YOU CAN HAVE MY MONEY!! Are you hurt (Y/N)? Did I accidentally hit you when that npc came? Oh no!! You got a bruise!! *proceeds to kiss the bruise* ”
Wang Ziyi
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* note: this is one of the gifs I feel that would fit but I won’t put Ziyi and Xiaogui together don’t worry. They have their own part
Alright, we all know Ziyi is definitely a prince!! NOT TO MENTION HOW SELFLESS HE IS!! Okie!! So, I feel that Ziyi would dare to sacrifice himself *IF IT IS NECESSARY* He would also be the one to carry the group (literally). Zhangjing fell? Time to put him over his shoulder and yeet away. Chengcheng got startled by something that fell? Ziyi would definitely bro hug him, telling him that it was probably the wind. You crying because you were afraid of the dark? He would be there and lend his shoulder for you to cry on. I also feel that whatever physical course they have to go through, he would definitely be the one to do it. Like if they need to grab something from the dark room at then of the hallway? He’ll grab it on his own. Need to go through the air vent to open up a door? He’s on it!! Need to cross from one side to another only with 2 ropes (1 for walking the other one to hold) to pull down the lever for the bridge? He’ll be done in less than 5 minutes.
“Don’t worry everyone. There’s nothing to be afraid of!! This is all so fake. Eh (Y/N), you ok there? Did the npc scare you? Do you want me to scold them? Has everyone drink?”
Xiao Gui (Wang Linkai)
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Alright, for Xiaogui, I feel that he wouldn’t be that scared especially when he’s with a large group (NINE PERCENT NINE PERCENT!!). Not to mention that he’s a ghost himself (get it? gui is ghost in chinese, Imma shut up now). Instead, I feel he would be slightly mischievous like Chengcheng. He wouldn’t really know how to figure out the codes but he would be there to scare the pig out of Zhengting. Or even annoy some of his geges, *cough*yanjun*cough*. However, I do feel that he would be the one to hype the group up. Like he’ll start shouting NINE PERCENT NINE PERCENT or even ‘CAUSE WE ARE RULE BREA-KKKK-EEE-RR’ so that everyone wouldn’t be that scared. If he’s with you, I feel he won’t scare you but he’ll be curious to what you were doing that he accidentally scared you. Like let’s say you’re going through some codes on a desk and was so into solving it that Xiaogui suddenly came up behind you, startling you. BUT HE WOULD DEFINITELY APOLOGISE IF HE DID.
“EYO (Y/N), what are we solving right now?”
“WO DE LAO TIAN, WO MIAN BAO MEI LE (cue Yanjun looking over). XIAO GUI!! Can you not suddenly show up with no sound whatsoever!!”
“Sorry :(( I have some candies, hope it’ll make you feel better”
You Zhangjing
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OKIE OKIE, HEAR ME OUT!! I can so imagine Zhangjing getting scared and snatching one of the npc’s wig like this GIF XD Alright, serious talk, I feel Zhangjing would be as scared as Zhengting; especially when you guys are all in a wide space/area and not so enclosed because I feel that the more enclosed the space is, the less jumpscares would occur. Would definitely be the first to run away from something along with Zhengting or would probably hide behind Yanjung/Nongnong. But would end up accidentally bumping to a wall or maybe of the members or even you and maybe even falling down. Would be the third person to be carried around when they’re running (after you and Zhengting). Would threaten the staff (like he’d face to the cameras) to cut out any embarrassing pictures/videos of him. Would also threaten the members if they scared him (looking at you Cheng and Xiaogui). I can imagine that he, you and Zhengting would be cornered and hugging together whilst the other nine percent be protecting you guys. Would definitely start singing to make himself (and possibly the others) better. Like I can imagine Xiaogui chanting Nine Percent and started to rap then Zhangjing followed by singing.
“None of you better scare me!! I may be smol but I will hurt you if you do. Not you (Y/N). I know that you won’t ever do that!!”
“Can you not scare us? We, we can sing for you!! FOR FREE EVEN!! What do you want? HEY YOU HEY YOU DON’T PICK ME!! EI EI!! LET THE MUSIC GO ROUND ROUND ROUND ROUND ROUND!! I NEED A DOCTOR!!!”
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9pcentrash-blog · 6 years
Soft Kiss | CollegeAU Chen Linong
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Notes: So I used to write these scenarios things for other groups when I was like freaking 12 or 13 when I had the writing skill of a bad middle schooler and the relationship experience of nothing but really cliche romance animes. But now I’m 18 so let’s see how this goes lol. Also my first scenario writing in like 4 years pls go easy on me. Would very much appreciate feedback cause I’m not sure this is good or not asdfghjkl. 
Words: 2.7k (haha I need to chill)
okay so i get nongnong is the soft shy boy but I think we can give him a lot more credit to think he'll take some initiative.
not saying boy would be full ‘in charge’ but I think he can really be confident in his feelings once he's confident in himself
SO i wrote this because there are too many ‘soft boy nongnong doesn’t know how to relationship’ or ‘too shy to tell you how he feels uwu’
welp im here to show a little more forward but still sweet nongnong
so buckle up cause i got real into this
okay, nongnong would probably fall in love with you from a far or being he's met you in group settings but never really had a one on one conversation with you
but he sees how cute your mannerism is when it comes to how you laugh with your friends or how you light up when you talk about something you're really passionate towards.
he notices these cute things about you just by watching 
he's w h i p p e d
'h o w can someone be so cute???' he's probably thinking
you and him have mutual friends like zhangjing and yanjun
yanjun being nongnong's roommate and you having to study english with him that’s how you guys meet
yanjun introduces you guys
at first, yeah nongnong thinks you’re cute and all but doesn't have that big of an impression on you
but his interest peeks when you spend the day 'studying' with yanjun
and by ‘studying’ I mean you guys only studied for the first hour before ordering food and started playing video games
nongnong hears yelling from outside his bedroom and he walks in to you guys playing mario cart and eating pizza
"wow yanjun" he says with a hint of pain in his voice
you both stop to look at him
"you guys dare to play my mario cart and not invite me???"
so obviously nongnong joins in on the fun
and while you guys play he starts to see how you are, beside from your brief introductions 
he realizes just how cute you are when you’re having fun
to your adorable reactions as you jump in your seat when you get hit with a shell or how antsy you get when yanjun dares to pass you into 1st place
in the end you constantly beat yanjun for first while he gets second and nongnong is just content with his stable 5th or 6th place because seeing your little victory dance and teasing of yanjun as you win everytime is enough for nongnong to feel like he's won
cause w o w he never knew he could come across someone as adorable as you
okay but that's just the surface of you guys path's crossing
you and zhangjing are best friends
but zhangjing and nongnong always get food before their history class so they can cram/get hw done last minute
zhangjing eats your food whenever he comes over your place
that damn freeloader
but you'll never actually stop him, rather you see opportunities for future food purchases from him.
so you're hungry as heck one day after class and you have no money
that's when you see your best friend rushing into one of the food places on campus
"hey zhangjing!!! buddy do you have any money on you :) "
"what why??"
"remember MY leftover pizza you ate in my fridge last weekend? :))))"
you pull out the receipts and he cant find an excuse so he reluctantly buys you food
you guys meet up with nongnong after and you recognize him
I mean how could you not
he wasn't that talkative but he was a sweetheart from what you remember
*cough* and not to mention was pretty cute *cough*
"oh hi y/n!"
nongnong lights up when he sees you
"you guys know each other??? dont you just stay inside all day, how do you know peo-”
you step on zhangjing foot hard enough so he can feel it but not hard enough for him to scream
and cue the explanation story of how you guys met to zhangjing
suprise zhangjing is good friends with yanjun too and grew up together
suprise suprise its a small world and you guys decide why not all of you hangout cause mutual friends?
the four of you then started to hangout
often had study sessions or more mario cart races as 4 people and you and nongnong got closer
nongnong, getting to know you fell in love with you even more and just really loved being around with you even tho you guys never spent time alone.
time was always spent together with either yanjun or zhangjing and he doesnt think he has any courage to even be in the same room with you alone
yanjun and zhangjing have figured out nongnong's painful obvious crush and try to help him out
zhangjing as your best friend definitely approves of nongnong cause at least he's a good kid unlike the flirt yanjun is
but anyway yanjan and zhangjing have enough of pinning nongnong and tell him he should just confess or you and his relationship will never change
he knows but he's scared
he's never dated let alone have his first kiss
he thinks its sad cause he's in college but relationships were never something he really sought out till he meet you
he never had his heart quicken so fast for someone, feel his stomach in constant knots or felt lost for words like this until he meet you
you caused all these bubbly feelings in him and he couldn't stand it, he had to tell you
nongnong decides to ask you to come over and hangout that weekend
yanjun gets kicked out but its okay cause him and zhangjing decide to hangout and spam nongnong cause they want all the updates
“yo 10 bucks he kisses her” zhangjing says while they wait for nongnong to text back
“pfft he won't do it”
“wow, doubting our nongnong”
“yeah I'm not even sure he'll go through with telling her”
“oh, if you're so sure how about raising the stakes and buy me whatever meal i want if im right”
”you’re on”
little does yanjun know, zhangjing is your best friend and he knows you
so you actually have a thing for nongnong too you’re just better at hiding it
like nongnong, you fell from the little interactions and observations
you thought it was endearing to see him always try and lighten up the mood when someone was down
or how he'd remember little things like yanjun and zhanjings favorite foods or drinks so he could get some for them when they seem to be down, eventually even doing this for you too
he gave you thoughtful advice and help when you needed it from someone besides your best friend
overall he was someone you wanted to depend on and fell for each and every time you saw him
when he asked you to hang out alone you're shocked
‘h o l y  c r a p  I've never hung out with him alone what do I do???’
you're a nervous mess but you don't want to pass up this opportunity
so you say yes
that weekend you get to his dorm and at first its very awkward
but nongnong tries super hard to lighten the mood by telling you funny stories about yanjun or doing silly things
you guys break out in laughter after listening to nongnong's story about how yanjun got a girls number only to give him a Chinese take out number and when he asked again about the ‘wrong number’ she gave him a different take out place
“I can't believe he asked again after she gave him a fake number the first time!” you laugh
“you gotta admit though it's clever she had another take out number on hand for the 2nd time”
you two are a mess of giggles and have closed the space there was previously between you 2 on the couch when you first got there
you didn't know when the two of you got so close but you and nongnong had your legs and arms brushed up against each other
every so often you would lean into nongnong's shoulders while you were in your laughing fits
and nongnong took notice to the distant and could literally feel his heart popping out of his chest
you obviously noticed the distance as well cause oh boy his smile from this close and his laugh humming in your ears made it feel like you were gonna die from how much it filled you up with this warm feeling
up close you notice little things like the cute mole right below his nose or the sweet but minty scent that probably comes from his shampoo or cologne
you both kinda come to a calm and eventually stop laughing
your eyes meet and that's when the heat rises into your cheeks and the butterflies in your stomach run loose cause his gaze into your eyes is so gentle looking
“hey y/n”
you die a little inside cause you've never heard him ever call out your name so softly like that
its timid and delivered sweetly like it was something fragile on the tip of his tongue but had a hint of fearfulness to it.
“y-yes” catching you off guard
he catches his breath
“I like you”
you kinda look at his serious expression and you're a little too shocked to say anything
nongnong sees the shock in your face and starts to panic
“oh god um- I didnt mean to scare you or anything but i just couldn't wait any longer to tell you cause you looked so cute so i just had to tell you- but it was so abrupt what was I thinking, you don't have to answer or a matter of fact you can just pretend this didnt happen if you wan-”
“I like you too!”
his panic halts and you see the visible red as his face heats up
“you do????”
“yes, I've actually liked you for awhile now”
cue nongnong's redness to increase tenfold and he breaks into that signature smile
“so does that mean if i asked you to be my girlfriend you'll say yes???”
you giggle out a ”mhm”
 and he's so happy he pulls you into a hug and you both break out into giggles
f i n a l l y  he could hold the big cutie that you were and call you his
nongnong holds you for quite some time while telling you how cute you are and goes on to list what makes you adorable
“the way your voice perks up with you get nervous or the way your giggle sounds so cuteeee” he goes on and you're heavily embarrassed
“nongnongggg please noooo” you're blushing so hard from the compliments you might actually die
he then lets you go and stops with the listing before he brings a hand to your cheek.
he runs circles with his thumb against your cheek and smiled ever so brightly
“im sorry its just- I've fallen so hard for someone as precious as you.”
man you're seriously gonna die from the sweetness of this boy
you then proceed to spend the rest of the night talking about when you started to like each other and finding that personalness you guys missed out on cause you never got the chance to hangout alone until today
later when you get ready to leave for the night nongnong stops you outside his door
“wait y/n before you go, can I hold you for a bit?”
u m  y e s
but in reality you just nod yes shyly before he pulls you into a hug where his big frame just sallows you up
hes so warm and sweet smelling when your face kinda presses into his chest
it’s the sheer definition of comfort and warmth and you never want to leave
once he lets go you wince a little cause the pleasant feeling of his embrace disappears
but before he entirely pulls away he plants a little kiss on your forehead
“goodnight y/n”
you say the same and you walk off literally stumbling and disoriented cause he's so precious your heart cannot comprehend it, you’re soft from this precious boy
nongnong probably texts yanjun and zhangjing in a group chat later that night
’guys i did it! I told her and now we're dating!!!’
zhangjing: ‘okay cool but did you kiss her???’
linong: ‘on her forehead i did’
zhanjing: ‘IT COUNTS, I CALLED IT’
yanjun: ‘FUCK'
yanjun’s wallet is then screwed
anyway after all this your relationship takes off
it starts out a little awkward but you guys start to adjust in time
Nongnong is constantly shy as heck when it comes to pda and holding your hand and thats all he can handle in front of other people
he can barely do that tho when yanjun and zhangjing constantly tease
but even though he's not blatant with his affection in public he’s still someone who tries to give subtle touches
to quick back rubs if you're walking side by side to when your arm rest on tables while you study he’ll lightly squeezes them while you work
he's tends to have trouble knowing what right words to say if you're upset or mad but is a great listener
he doesn't tend to get upset as easily as you would but when he does its a pretty big deal to you
he tries his best to not let any of his ill emotion get to him or let it out on you
and he tells you how he feels but often is really reluctant to talk unless you give him lots of convincing
he even likes to put on a smile for you like he's okay but you can tell he's not
he lets it build up so when he spills to you his feelings he tends to cry and holds on to you like his life depends on it
It’s hard for him to always keep a happy face so he really values these times
your touch and warmth calms him down when he breaks down like that
his affection maybe hard to convey in public but he lives for your embrace when it's just you 2
at first he always asked if it was okay to hug you or hold your hand
he wants to make sure you're comfortable
but you guys get to the point where he doesn't have to ask but naturally he just intertwines your fingers with his or cuddles up to you when you'd be sitting on the couch or his bed alone together
now kissing is a different story
at first he could only give you kisses on the forehead or your temple
progressively he started getting bolder sneaking pecks on the cheek or even lips (he apologized probably the first time he randomly kissed you on the lips but you gave him a quick kiss back and he died)
he constantly gives soft pecks because long kisses aren't something you have done yet
until one day
you're sitting on his couch watching a show when he nudges you a bit
you look at him and he moves in to plant small kisses on your forehead, to your nose your cheek and then softly your lips
doing this makes you giggle and he loves it to bits
Nongnong is gentle with kisses
kissing you so delicately like you'll break under his touch
he plants a soft kiss on your lips doing it again and again and again before the soft but fleeting kisses stop and he just doesn't pull away while kissing
he keeps his position and presses his lips onto yours just as delicately but it's far more passionate then the quick kisses from before
you're a little shocked cause you wouldn't expect him to kiss you like this but nevertheless it didn't stop you from kissing back
he presses into your lips slowly and tenderly while bringing his hands up to cup your face
the kiss is long but never rough just soft and sweet
you pull away and he's dazed before he can really comprehend what he did
“oh.” slips your mouth
“that was uh…”
“was it bad?”
“no it was good, um really good���
he lights up
long soft kisses are now your new killer 
especially when you’re caught off guard he tends to do them the most
He usually doesn’t try to get you flustered but he wants to do it once in a while
so he loves how flustered they get you because of the kisses and definitely plans on doing them more
so ultimately this boy is definitely gonna be the death of you
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