#but also like. thank you. For not only creating travis but also for leenik
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Image ID: A digital drawing of the final scene of episode 179 of Skyjacks. A white raven flies toward a pink sunrise, away from the Uhuru, as a Luminary card with a faun and a child holding illimat cards labeled "The Changeling" falls to the deck. End ID.
Today marks the one year anniversary that I started listening to Campaign: Skyjacks. In that year, I have seen my art drastically improve, become obsessed with the discography of a band from Portland, and made new friends all because of this show.
I absolutely adore every character created, pc or npc (even JOJ 😔), but my favorite character has always been Travis. Everything about him was so compelling from the get-go, this mysterious man who turns into animals and steals too many timepieces, who goes on a huge journey of emotional growth and learning to trust, who has found so many reasons to live. The story he tells is full of so much hope that it makes me tear up just thinking about it.
Farewell, Travis Matagot. We're all really going to miss you.
Take flight.
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