#but also really respects her because of just how caring and paragon she is personality-wise
carewyncromwell · 2 years
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Percy 🤝 Carewyn
The summer of 1995 was a very busy time for Carewyn at the Ministry. Normally she would’ve been glad for the extra case work, as it would’ve allowed her to help more people, which had always been her dream and goal...but unfortunately, most of this “work” as of late had been to assist the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, in crafting some new legislation pointed directly at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Apparently Fudge was so fed up about Dumbledore having so much trouble finding suitable professors for Defense Against the Dark Arts -- in Fudge’s words, “one of the core subjects for a developing witch or wizard’s education” -- that he decided that if Dumbledore couldn’t nominate a suitable successor, the Minister (and therefore he) would just have to do it himself. Carewyn truly detested the idea -- but under the circumstances, she knew if she was both going to prevent Fudge from causing too much damage and keep the job she loved so she could continue helping people, then she’d have to be involved in putting that idea into action. So she’d accepted the role of legal counsel for Fudge while he developed this plan...even while simultaneously offering covert assistance to Dumbledore’s organization, the Order of the Phoenix, by leaving enough wiggle room to legally challenge the legislation. 
One silver lining about having to work with Fudge, though, was that it gave Carewyn the chance to make contact with Percy Weasley, who had been appointed Junior Assistant to the Minister of Magic earlier that summer. Carewyn had to break ties with the Weasley family, including her best friend, Bill, so as to stay at an advantageous position within the Ministry -- an act Carewyn was loathe to put on, given how much she adored all of them like her own family. But not long later, third-eldest son Percy was promoted to the role of Junior Assistant at only 19 years old -- an act Carewyn immediately pinpointed as Fudge trying to keep tabs on the Weasleys, who’d always been loyal and close friends to Dumbledore -- and right afterward, rumors started flitting around the Ministry that Percy had severed ties with his family, all because they supposedly believed the “Boy Who Lied’s” rubbish about You-Know-Who returning. 
Carewyn’s heart hurt, just hearing the rumors. She knew Arthur and Molly had to be devastated over Percy’s departure -- Bill and Charlie undoubtedly would be too, once they found out. Bill in particular had always been so protective of all of his siblings: his greatest fear, from the time he was young, was any of his family being hurt. And with Voldemort really having returned, it was truly dangerous for Percy to be shoving his head in the sand at this particular moment. 
Someone’s got to look after Percy and make sure he’s okay, Carewyn decided at once. If the Weasleys can’t, then I will.
So when Percy stopped by Carewyn’s tiny office the following morning to fetch the legislation draft and notes she’d written for Fudge, Carewyn couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him.
“Hi, Percy,” she greeted him. 
Percy was very stiff-shouldered as he gave her a slightly forced smile and nod. 
“Good morning, Carewyn,” he said, his slightly pompous voice coming out a bit brusquely despite himself. “I’m here for the notes the Minister requested...”
“I figured,” said Carewyn. She took out a file and placed it in front of her on the desk. “It’s all right here -- I enclosed a letter of recommendations at the top, for the Minister to read over -- ”
“Much obliged,” Percy cut her off as he reached out to take the file from her. 
He seemed oddly evasive. Carewyn could sense he was trying not to look into her eyes too long, but when he did, slips of memory emerged.
“ -- swear, it feels like she can look right through you, at times...”
“ -- it’s called Legilimency -- ”
The first voice in Percy’s mind she didn’t recognize, but the second she immediately knew was Bill’s. The thought of her best friend made Carewyn’s heart hurt. 
“You haven’t had breakfast, have you?” she said abruptly, as Percy turned to leave. “I’m brewing some coffee.”
She indicated the modified Muggle coffee maker next to her desk. 
Percy’s eyes flitted over to it. For a split second, Carewyn could see his father’s face in Percy’s gaze. 
“Thank you,” the bespectacled young man said uncomfortably, “but I should really get this back to the Minister -- ”
“I’ll send it on ahead for you,” said Carewyn crisply. 
She raised her wand. In an instant, she’d transfigured the file in Percy’s hand into a Ministry-of-Magic-approved paper airplane, which she then Charmed to soar out of the room, out toward the Minister’s office. She then indicated the empty chair across the desk from her with a gentler expression.
“You should eat something,” she murmured. 
Percy looked up at her, startled. Carewyn could see Molly in his eyes, this time -- Bill too. 
The third eldest Weasley flushed darkly as he averted his eyes again, his gaze falling over to the coffeemaker and Belgian waffle iron on the side. 
“...I suppose,” he said stiffly. “But I can’t stay long -- there’s a great load of work to do...”
Carewyn nodded respectfully as Percy sat down. If there was one thing she and Percy had in common, it was their workaholic tendencies. 
Once Percy had sat down, Carewyn set about fetching some mugs from inside the cabinet hosting the coffee maker, as well as loading some stored batter into the modified waffle iron so it could cook. She could feel Percy’s eyes on her, but when she looked up, he quickly looked away again.
“ -- Muggles use these things to cook different kinds of food! Don’t entirely get why they choose to iron it, but Muggles are truly fascinating things, aren’t they?”
Carewyn’s eyes softened a bit, hearing Arthur’s voice in Percy’s thoughts.
“Jacob made these for me,” she attempted conversation.
Percy looked up, startled. “...Oh, ah...your brother?”
Carewyn could hear Charlie in Percy’s thoughts.
“ -- kind of a mad genius, really -- ”
“Her brother disappeared because of those Vaults, Perce -- Carey’s not going to just give up on them -- ”
“Yes. I’d mentioned how irritated I was that the cafe’s line’s always so long and that I didn’t have any electricity so I could plug in my own appliances...so Jacob ended up enchanting these so he could gift them to me for Christmas. He even made a stop at a Muggle shop out in San Francisco to pick me up the waffle iron...” 
Carewyn couldn’t keep the fond smile off her face. 
“...It’s been helpful, in keeping everyone fed,” she said amusedly. “Ben especially -- he’s always skipping meals. And Talbott, Tonks and I work such late nights, it’s nice to be able to brew a pick-me-up or two, to get through it all...”
Once the coffee was finished brewing, she poured out two mugs, one for Percy and one for herself.
“Would you like milk?” she asked. “Sugar?”
“Sugar, please,” said Percy. “Two lumps will do.”
Once Carewyn had fixed his cup properly, she offered it to Percy, who quietly thanked her as he brought the mug into his hands and took a sip. As he did so, he kept his eyes locked on the coffee as much as he could -- even so, Carewyn could just barely sense the clipped memories in his head: Bill standing over Carewyn’s shoulder, Charlie wrapping an arm around Carewyn and calling her his “twin”...even the twins laughing.
“She’s like Mum!”
“Only cooler!”
That’s what it is, then, Carewyn thought. He’s afraid his family’s told me about his departure.
Her red lips came together grimly as she looked down at and took a sip from her own cup, contemplating how best to approach the issue. Then, taking a deep breath, she decided to say very softly,
“...I heard about what happened.”
Percy avoided her gaze all the more even after raising his head. 
“...From Bill, I presume?” he muttered.
The thought of her best friend made Carewyn give the slightest, longing wince.
“...No,” she said softly. “We...aren’t speaking, right now.”
Carewyn felt Percy’s wide eyes on her without looking up. There was a long silence, before Percy finally spoke again.
“...I see.”
His voice was very solemn and yet also oddly soft: almost empathetic. 
Carewyn swallowed. She could surmise what Percy was probably thinking -- that they’d had a similar falling out -- and as much as she wanted to correct the record, she knew it would be counterproductive. She knew Percy was in denial about Voldemort being back just as much as Fudge was, and he was just as deathly loyal to the Ministry as the rest of his family was to Voldemort. If she told Percy the truth about her helping the Order or the true reason why she wasn’t in contact with Bill or the others, then he would undoubtedly tell Fudge, and everyone else would only be in more danger. And so, reluctantly, she let it lie. 
When she looked up, Percy was looking her in the face again -- it made it so that his emotions were suddenly much better for her to read, through his eyes. 
“He’s using you, Perce, can’t you see that?”
“ -- wants at Harry -- ”
“ -- know you don’t want to believe it -- none of us do...but You-Know-Who is back, Percy!”
“ -- only believes what he wants to see -- ”
“And what about you? Blindly marching lockstep with Dumbledore, all this time -- even after he let Bill go running off after the Cursed Vaults with Carewyn -- after he left him and Charlie around the likes of Patricia Rakepick -- !”
“Don’t you see, you’re nothing but a pawn Fudge is using to -- !”
“Nothing?! Nothing?! And what have you done with all your time at the Ministry, Dad?! Besides....besides chasing after airplanes and collecting rubbish Muggles chuck away!?”
“At least I’m trying to do something with my life! At least I’m trying to provide for everyone -- to be someone my family can actually be proud of!”
“Ah yes -- proud of. A Ministry brown-noser that bows and scrapes before the likes of weak men like Cornelius Fudge, just to advance himself -- ”
“You’ve NEVER understood me! None of you ever have!”
Arthur’s and Percy’s voices yelling at each other was a strange feeling, for Carewyn. Both of them were destructive like out-of-control, reckless flames, and yet it was oddly vulnerable: like a wounded lion lashing out when deeply hurt.
Carewyn’s eyes flooded with compassion, feeling Percy’s anger second-hand. Percy seemed to sense how much Carewyn was seeing -- before he looked down at his mug again, Carewyn once again could hear Bill.
“ -- it’s called Legilimency -- ”
“Suppose you read my mind, just now?” Percy asked with a dark smile. 
Carewyn shook her head.
“Thoughts aren’t something that can be read -- they’re not sentences in a book. I can only sense and feel someone’s emotions and memories.”
She paused. Then she reached out and took Percy’s hand. 
“...Percy...I’m sorry your father said that to you,” she murmured.
However right he was about You-Know-Who...and however much it is true that Fudge’s promotion of you was more selfishly motivated than you think...you’ve always worked so hard, to try to do well at the Ministry. Mr. Weasley must’ve known how much all of this means to you...
Percy’s eyes darkened. 
“He thinks I’m just thinking of myself,” he said lowly. “That I’m just running after glory for myself, and nothing else. But...”
His hand started to shake as he clenched his teeth, bowing his head.
“...But...but he’s always been the selfish one!” he burst out angrily. “Always running around, dawdling after Muggles...like his job’s nothing but a game! His was the only salary we’ve got to live on, since Mum’s always been at home -- sure, we want him to be happy, and yes, we’ve been able to manage...but we shouldn’t have HAD to just ‘manage!’ He should’ve been providing for us -- he should’ve been trying to climb the ladder, should’ve been looking for a job that could actually pay the bills, rather than make us constantly live on the edge...constantly have to buy things second-hand, constantly have to decline opportunities or make do with rubbish, just because we couldn’t afford better...constantly have to live with the stigma of being one of Arthur Weasley’s boys...”
Percy’s hand inside of Carewyn’s clenched into a fist. Carewyn gave Percy’s fist a gentle squeeze, but she didn’t speak: this was a time to listen, not to talk.
Exhaling heavily, Percy put down his mug of coffee down on the table, so as to protect it from his own temper.
“I wanted to attend the Slug Club party with you,” he mumbled self-consciously. “The one your brother was invited to, before you graduated.”
Carewyn blinked in surprise. 
“I’d heard all about the Slug Club from other students,” Percy explained earnestly. “About how Horace Slughorn’s only ever invited those he saw as the most up-and-coming witches and wizards to his events. I thought it’d be exciting to meet so many new, well-regarded people -- maybe talk to Barnabas Cuffe about what it’s like to work as a journalist for the Daily Prophet -- chat with some fascinating up-and-coming authors, before I read their work -- maybe even meet the Gwenog Jones -- tell her how much my little sister idolizes her...”
Carewyn’s eyes welled up with compassion.
“Percy, why didn’t you say anything?” she asked sadly. “Jacob and I would’ve loved to have you join us.”
Percy shook his head. "I was only fourteen. Slughorn would’ve had no reason to talk to me -- I hadn’t done anything that would set me apart as anything other than ‘one of Arthur Weasley’s boys.’ And I already knew I had nothing to wear that would be suitable.”
“Andre would’ve made you something to wear,” said Carewyn, but Percy shook his head again.
“I thought of that, but...at the time, I didn’t want to be treated like a charity case,” he said gloomily. “I was already so much younger than you, and...well, you’ve always been much closer with Bill and Charlie than me. Even Fred and George...”
“That doesn’t mean you wouldn’t have been welcome,” Carewyn said very firmly, giving Percy’s hand a squeeze. “I only went to that party because of Jacob, and Jacob only went out of a sense of feeling like he had to, after how worried Slughorn was about him all those years. I know Slughorn would’ve loved having another person there who was just as thrilled to be there as he was.”
Percy gave Carewyn a weak smile. Through his eyes, Carewyn could feel just how warm and comforting her sentiment was.
“...Thank you, Carewyn.”
He paused. Then, taking a breath, he took the plunge.
“It’s...it’s lovely that you went to a party you weren’t even interested in, just to support your brother,” he said quietly. “I don’t think any of my siblings would go with me, if I got invited to a Slug Club party...they’ve never been interested in such things...”
Carewyn frowned. “You don’t think Bill or Charlie would’ve supported you?”
Percy looked uncomfortable. “In sentiment, maybe, but...well, Bill and Charlie always spent the most time together, at home. They were always each other’s best friend, before they got to school and met you. And Fred and George of course always had each other...even Ron and Ginny ended up together most often, just because they were the smallest and always needed the most attention...”
“...Leaving you all by yourself,” Carewyn finished grimly.
Percy’s eyes darkened again. Carewyn could sense the remnants of a very lonely bespectacled boy hiding in a hollowed-out tree outside the Burrow, reading a book, coming off of him.
Carewyn’s eyes softened and she gave Percy’s hand another affectionate squeeze.
“I’m sorry, Percy,” she murmured. “It must’ve been really lonely for you sometimes...even with how close your family’s always been...”
Her eyes landed on their hands rather than Percy’s face as she tried to shut out the isolating memories rippling off of Percy.
“...My mum’s family was a lot worse than yours...but she was the black sheep there too...and she’s always said that you should never be lonely, when you’re in a family. Even when you’re physically alone...you should never have to feel alone.”
Percy looked up at Carewyn, his lips twitching into a weak, humorless smile.
“Your mother sounds like a very kind woman.”
He paused. Then, after a moment, he spoke a bit more bitterly.
“...I...don’t suppose Fred’s followed up with you about taking over my old room at the Burrow, now that I’ve left for good?”
Carewyn’s blue eyes welled up with pain.
She got up from her chair, extended both of her arms, and encircled him in a big hug. The taller ginger-haired man flinched ever-so-slightly, but almost immediately grabbed onto her in return, burying his face into her shoulder without ever getting up from his seat.
“He didn’t mean it like that,” Carewyn whispered in Percy’s ear. She found herself maternally stroking the younger boy’s hair like she sometimes would Charlie’s, when he was sad.
“I know,” Percy’s voice came out slightly muffled beside her shoulder. “...I know...”
Even so, Carewyn could tell how much that barbed joke had really hurt.
Percy’s arms adjusted a bit around Carewyn, giving her a slightly tighter squeeze before he finally released her. He brought a hand up under his glasses to covertly wipe at the tear that had formed in the corner of his right eye, clearing his throat loudly.
“Excuse me, I...lost my composure. Silly thing...”
“It’s not silly,” Carewyn shut him down sharply.
Softening at once again, she walked over to the waffle iron, which had started to beep. She opened it, levitating out the newly cooked waffle inside with her wand onto a plate before summoning some butter and strawberry compote out of a drawer.
“I realize this makes for a rather sweet breakfast,” said Carewyn as she set about buttering and then drizzling the compote over the waffle. “But...well, Mum used to say that sometimes something sweet in the morning can take off the edge of a bitter night’s sleep.”
Percy eyed the full plate of food and then the clock.
“It looks lovely, but...” he said uneasily, “...I really should be getting back to work...”
“Then take it with you,” said Carewyn. “You can always bring the plate and mug back to me, when you’re done with them.”
Percy’s eyes softened a bit behind his glasses as he picked up his half-full mug and got to his feet. “...All right.”
He accepted the plate from her in his other hand as he headed for the door. He paused in the door frame, looking back over his shoulder at her with a slightly warmer expression.
“...Carewyn...thank you for listening. I mean, you clearly have a full day of work yourself to contend with, and -- ”
“My work might be very important to me,” Carewyn said firmly, “but the only reason it is so important is because it lets me help people. And the people I care about I will always help first.”
Carewyn could imagine Bill standing over Percy’s left shoulder, smiling fully and handsomely as ever. It made her smile that bit more warmly at Percy.
“...My office door is always open, if you need anything,” she said gently.
Percy smiled and nodded, before turning on his heel and heading out of Carewyn’s office, taking another sip of coffee as he went.
Friendship Drabble Prompt!
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script-a-world · 6 years
Is it honestly actually possible that bad people run most of the galaxy or several galaxies? Or at least even just an entire planet? It's done in sci fi a lot. However in real life that obviously has never happened. I'm not sure how to well, begin, create the circumstances that will give them that kind of vast power and not be defeated before. Even if they are the good guys, still, can't see how they can run everything either.
Bina: Totally possible since “bad” is relative depending on you who ask. If they have a believable facade of being “good” (or if they ARE doing good....... to just the right people (such as, politicians or powerful allies who will back them up)), and if they have a lot of supporters who think they’re the good guys, then it’s super feasible that they can take control of the majority of the galaxy with very little opposition.
Heck they can even get away with people just not thinking badly of them. They don’t necessarily need supporters who think they’re the right people to have in charge. Having people be neutral towards them can also be also good enough for them to take control without anyone complaining. All they need is people not caring. People supporting them is bonus, but apathy from the common man also goes a long long way in helping bad people come into power. 
In the end it’s all about controlling their narrative and their own publicity. They can be totally truly evil, but if they cover their tracks with enough propaganda and efforts to appear like they’re doing nothing wrong, or even that they’re doing things for the benefit of the people (or that they’re beneficial for powerful people who have more sway than the average person and can thus override the wills and desires of the common people), then the baddies can take power and the common man would either take no issue with it or be unable to do anything about it. 
Tex: The thing about leadership is that morality doesn't really calculate into it - they're two separate areas with very little overlap, especially if a leader is a successful one. The longevity of a leader's reign has more to do with their bureaucratic competency, organizational skills, competency to set and achieve certain goals that benefit those whom they rule (in some form), and ability to manipulate people. And, I hate to break it to you, but both "good" and "bad" people are manipulative, just for different reasons.
Al Capone is a classic example of how "bad" people can do good things that legitimately benefit others. He was a gangster that directly or indirectly had a hand in killing a great deal of people - but he was incredibly influential in making sure milk had expirations dates, among other things (Atlas Obscura). It could be argued that running bootleg alcohol at all was a good thing, given that a significant portion of the US population did exactly the same thing (to various degrees) during Prohibition. Is profiting off civil disobedience in such a manner against the mores of altruism? Murder or no murder, Capone straddles the line of "good" and "bad", depending on your point of view.
Martin Luther King, Jr, while on the surface might look like a paragon of virtue, did purposefully break laws with specific goals in mind - while his civil disobedience resulted in drastically fewer deaths than Capone's, he did still break the law. There are some schools of thought that believe adherence to the law is virtuous, and thus moral (and thus, "good"). Is MLK virtuous in this regard? Does his position as a minister of his faith grant him more morality than the average person, who isn't an official representative of a codified set of beliefs?
Both MLK and Capone caused immense upheaval in their respective eras and societies. Is this necessarily good? Is upheaval - change - bad? I'm sure there are proponents regarding both of them that can see the advantages and disadvantages of their respective actions. One is classically referred to as a "bad" person, and the other a "good" person. Why? And through whose lens are these judgements being made? Is the perspective itself moral?
Let me bring some fictional examples into this.
Emperor Palpatine, of Star Wars, is coded to be a distillation of evil - the evil, a scourge upon the galaxy. And yet, when he rose to power and declared himself emperor of a new empire, he was lauded as an incredible unifier. General evil-doer he may be, but his grip upon his own galaxy was ironclad, and his background as a senator and then chancellor shows that he was canny, able to organize his political agenda in influential ways that effected significant change upon the political and even economic landscapes of the respective eras of his life.
He was respected - yes, even by the Jedi - for his affable demeanour and bureaucratic acumen. His death, depending on the canon you subscribe to, did not end the vast reach of his influence, with post-mortem orders that were followed with the same fervent veneration as in life. Palpatine's opinion was trusted, and regardless of his moral compass, trust is still something that needs earning. What perceptions his followers are predisposed to, well- that's certainly another topic.
Aragorn II, son of Arathorn, of Lord of the Rings fame, ruled over the reunited kingdom of Arnor and Gondor after the war against Sauron. He is typically coded as the exact opposite of someone like Palpatine - generous, compassionate, wise. A unifier that began an unequivocal era of peace. However, his death toll is proportionally similar to Palpatine's during the war that secured his place upon the throne, and he had eschewed his responsibility as blood heir to the throne for a great deal of his life, a time during which there was famine, suffering, and death from Sauron's own influence. Are his reasons for obscuring his identity and being a Ranger good enough to justify the expansion of Sauron's reign through his relative inaction, his non-acceptance of leadership? Does the end of the war justify the means that Aragorn took to get there?
Is Aragorn more moral, more good than Palpatine, because his reign was brought about through total bloodshed? Palpatine's was wrought through the genocide of the Jedi, and yet his own reign brought a stability to his empire. It can be argued that the inaction on Aragorn's part, and the action on Palptine's part, during their respective wars pre-coronation, were a manipulation of the masses. They both chose to guise themselves for who they really were - the son of Arathorn II and the Lord descendant of Bane's line - only to unveil themselves at an opportune moment hastened on by their own actions to claim, and unify, these warring factions.
All four of these individuals, be the real or fictional, share something in common - the ability to be a successful leader. Their morality did not, in the end, impede them from swaying the masses to their opinions and leveraging the influence that they had - through argument, through force, through lineage - to assemble under a common goal. They all enacted dramatic, sweeping changes upon the society in which they lived, and utilized the power granted to them through their public's opinion to direct society in a direction that they wanted. They were good leaders, but that doesn't mean they had to be good people. 
Saphira: In my novel, I am working with two different rulers. One is an Empress and the other a Tyrant. I'll see what I can glean from each of these two to provide more context in a fictional setting.
The Empress has a positive perspective from her people, as he is backed by her Goddess and her long family line of rule. She has  well developed court, council and structure set by both the Goddess and generations of Empresses before her. (Yes, it's an all female-ruling lineage because they're Elephants and the species is largely Matriarchal, but I digress.) She uses generations of Faith-based morality and ideology  to cultivate the values and perspectives of her subjects. Her choices are just because the Goddess has told her to do it, and our Goddess is Benevolent for all. Behold, she has given us life and freedom beyond our bestial origins. She makes her decisions and rules her people using rigid methods and strict guidelines to keep the common life consistent and rational. Whether she is aware of it or not, it is not so much the faith or the prestige of her rule that is powerful, but that selfsame consistency and rationality of her people.
What I mean is this: because the way of life is consistent, it feels rational. Any good or bad that she does is ruled by the same beliefs as those before her. That makes it easy for her subjects to accept her decisions because it makes sense in the context of their everyday lives. Of course she is going to hoard all the 'non-essential' food in storehouses for the war, because we, the entirety of our people, have been preparing for the war that dominates over other races since our inception. Of course we will put finances into the arts, because we are the great race that will take over the planet and arts show how sophisticated and glorious we are. All of the laws that control, govern and guide her people tether to the same principles, and that makes her powerful. There is minimal resistance, because to resist is to change their daily life and core philosophies.
The Tyrant, on the other hand, has by definition stolen the power for himself by force, and that leaves him with a radically different set of tools to stay in power and rule his territories.
First is the Legacy. The narrative of his glorious victory, his noble war that dominated over the nations to protect the underdogs, helps give him some positive influence, but force is force. He is still dealing with those who will be able to mentally reject or object to his power. He could have taken one of two simple routes: A. Quell or crush any rebellion, or B. Wield that rebellion and outcry as a tool for positive change. A sometimes needs to be done, but his ideal is B. This helps create a positive influence over the territories to help reinforce his Coming to Power Narrative, and also fixes problems in the nation that allows him to turn his focus to other problems. Fun stuff.
His true power is that he is cheating. He is using his arcane ability (which won him the war in the first place) to A. live far longer than anyone has any right to, and B. give the overall impression that he can snap his enemies with the thought of snapping a matchstick. This makes his greatest tools Benevolence and Fear. Or, rather, Love and Fear. This gives the people two reasons to hesitate against him: "I don't want to because he does a decent job most of the time," followed by "also I just like being alive in general." 
Where he lacks in 'legitimate rule' with a long lineage, he has made  up for in a single, long lifespan. The current generation has never lived outside of his rule. Their parents were under his rule. Their great grandparents were under his rule. This also introduces a fear of change, and the fear of change is the greatest tool of all. If there is no great and colossal reason why something should be different (like, I dunno, a lot of people dying) then things tend to stay as they are.  
So what it comes down to are three factors, for staying in power. 
1. The populace thinking it's honestly not that bad, or it could be worse. 
2. Fear of change, or that this thing that claims to be better, isn't. 
3. The consequences of change are too dire. This person can murder me, my family and if they die the economy dies with them.
The moral strength of the character may be a direct influence over these factors. That moral compass might be completely irrelevant. That depends on the characters you want to write and what the narrative needs to present your ideas xor experience. Either way, it's how the ruler handles these factors, ether with skill or great lacking, that determines the strength and distance of their power. 
Constablewrites: Cracked just had an article about this from the perspective of the citizens: http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-ways-normal-people-allow-evil-rulers-to-thrive/ It's got some good links to sources discussing real-world regimes and historical examples.  
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Mass Effect: Andromeda 30 Day Countdown Ryder Meme
I’ve been super distracted with moving and the shit with my car, so here have a giant info dump for my Ryder(s). Day 25-16 because it got really long.
25 Days: Describe Ryder’s favorite combat style. Bioware call Peebee a “gunslinger” and describe Liam as a “close-range fighter” - how would you describe Ryder’s combat role/strengths? What are some of their favorite biotic/tech/other abilities? 
- For Sara, something like “ranged support”. Like I said, I mostly use tech and biotics, hardly shooting my gun. Basically, if an enemy gets too close I start screaming “NO NO NO GET AWAY FROM ME AHHHHHHHH!!!!” Which actually kind of fits what I headcanon for Sara. She didn’t have the natural knack (or enjoyment) of combat that Scott does. She prefers to stay at a distance, behind cover, and let her combat drone flush enemies out, or use biotics to lift the enemies up where she can shoot them. She’s more of a strategic fighter. Scott is the type to “take point” and just head straight into the thick of things, causing as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time.
24 Days: Which squadmates do you think will best compliment Ryder’s combat style? Alternatively, who do you plan to take out most in the field? 
- This one is difficult to say without playing the actual game. My engineer Shep had a very different team than my adept. Even personality-wise, we haven’t *really* met them yet. But with the limited info we have, I’m getting the impression I’ll bring Vetra and Liam the most. I was worried Cora would be Miranda 2.0, but from reviews I’ve seen she isn’t that bad. So maybe her. We know next to nothing about Jaal, so maybe him/them.
23 Days: Which weapons or category of weapons will Ryder prefer? Describe their favorite loadout. 
-I headcanon Sara being a kind of sniper, but I am SHIT as using snipers in game. Trusty pistols and smgs when I actually have to shoot things. Scott is all about the assault rifles and shotguns.
22 Days: Will Ryder craft? What are you most excited about crafting? Do you have any names in mind already for weapons? 
-”I am totally not going to waste a bunch of time crafting and looking for materials constantly” I say, right before I totally do just that. I don’t name my stuff though. Makes it too hard when I inevitably have to sell it because carry limit and better things come along.
21 Days: What are Ryder’s personality traits? Describe 5 strengths and 5 flaws. 
-Sara: intelligent, caring, loyal, patient, hard-worker; space-case, painfully shy, over-analyzes, has a hard time with change, overly-sensitive
-Scott: intelligent, brave, quick thinker, friendly, funny; smart-alec, cant control his sarcasm, hot-headed, rushes into things, easily bored
20 Days: What first impressions does Ryder tend to give people? Do they have any ‘odd’ or specific mannerisms, habits or other quirks? How do they present and carry themselves? 
-Sara is always polite and respectful when she meets new people. People’s first impressions are typically that she is nice, but a little stiff. She takes time to warm up to people, a product of having to move so much as a kid and dealing with constant bullies. The only person she is completely herself with is her brother, her one constant companion. Once she gets to know someone, she tends to become “the mom friend”, another callback to her childhood with Scott. The Ryder’s were poor up until Alec “made it big” in the military, so she tends to be very thrifty. She got laser eye surgery right before she joined the Alliance, but she still wears glasses when she reads (which she does. a lot.) or needs to focus, out of habit. In general, she keeps to herself, but does take the time to check on people and things she cares about.
-Scott *can* be polite and respectful (thank you military father and service), but whether he *is* when he first meets a person is another thing. He has a tendency to be overly-casual with people he doesn’t know well. People either find it endearing and friendly or disrespectful and rude. He rarely means to be rude, but sometimes he can’t control his sarcasm, or what comes out of his mouth in general. Overall, he gives off an easy-going friendly vibe, and people find it easy to approach him.
19 Days: Where would Ryder fall in the classic Paragon/Renegade morality system? What would their D&D alignment be? If you know their personality type in any personality typing systems (such as MBTI and Enneagram - you can find various type descriptions and tests using Google), feel free to add and discuss them here. 
-Sara: complete paragon, blue Hawke, lawful good. INFJ-T (Advocate)
-Scott: ESTP-A Entrepreneur), chaotic good, purple Hawke, healthy mix of paragon with renegade retorts and insults
18 Days: What qualities does Ryder like and dislike in other people? Are there any things they particularly appreciate or can’t stand? 
-Sara tries to get along with everyone really. She is accepting of people’s differences. The only thing I’d say she has a problem with is selfishness (we are all trapped in Andromeda together, we need to work together!), being rude and/or antagonistic for no reason/just for fun, and bigotry in any way, shape, or form. With all the alien races she worked with while with the Prothean team, as well as being born on the Citadel, she’s had a lot more exposure to alien races than most humans, and it has left her very open minded and appreciative of other cultures. She also appreciates it when people don’t pressure her to be more outgoing or into being friends. Not only is she already introverted, she had a few bad instances of people pretending to be her friend, either to bully her and/or get closer to her more popular brother.
-Scott also tries to like everyone, but he’s not quite as forgiving as Sara can be. He can’t stand bullies, and he can get bored if a person is slow to open up. While he will still be nice, he might just not try as hard to become their friend. Ironically, the people he tends to butt heads with the most are people who have similar personalities to him. He gets too competitive and feels a constant need to prove himself/one-up the other person. All in all though, he doesn’t have to try hard to make friends; people naturally flock to him. If there is one immediate turn off for him though, it’s people being mean to Sara. He is very protective of her.
17 Days: List some of Ryder’s favorite things - colors, food, music, etc. Is there anything of this nature that they hate? Do they have any hobbies or skills outside of combat? 
-Sara prefers muted and/or soft colors. Compared to her brother and father, she is the one who likes non-earth/human the most. If you ask her, her favorite genre of music is classical. But while she does enjoy it, she *really* likes pop music. She feels great shame about it, but she can’t help dancing along to a catchy song. She only dances when no one is around, and will immediately stop and run away if caught. She likes to knit as a hobby, and while Scott teases her relentlessly about it, he brought a blanket and sweater she knitted to Arcturus with him. (He will never say it out loud, but they are his favorite)
-Scott’s favorite color is on a constant random cycle between red, blue, and green. He prefers Earth food, and has fought a man for a greasy burger before. He likes classic and alternative rock, and somehow thinks that makes him cool and badass. (He bought a leather jacket once and wouldn’t stop posing in the mirror. Sara laughed for a week straight.) He is a skilled artist, but doesn’t really make use of it often, save for the occasional technical diagram. According to him, he “just doodles a lot”. (Sara has various drawings he’s given her over the years, and she treasures every single one. Many are framed, which makes Scott both embarrassed and pleased.)
-Keeping with the proud Mass Effect protagonist tradition, neither of the twins can dance. Scott thinks he can. But no. Sara doesn’t even deny it, which is why getting caught dancing to pop is even more embarrassing.
16 Days: How would Ryder define their sexuality? 
They are both super bi. Sara is also demi, but they both like girls and boys. Of any species. Would that make them pan? I don’t know. Thinking about abstract sexual concepts with fiction aliens is a little more than I can handle right now.
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