#but also with galacta and morpho
moonverc3x · 7 months
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finalpam8000 · 2 years
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POV: You’ve just entered an argument with Kirby’s friends (???)
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otaku553 · 7 months
Outfit breakdowns for all of my Kirby hero of yore ocs! I don’t know if I can count Galacta (or Papi) as ocs but my interpretations are rather far from the source material at this point ^^;
First is Galacta, the Hero of Heart, who is the hero among heroes of the four of them. The most honored, the most gallant, the light and hope of Halcandra.
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Second is Nebula, the Hero of Dream, who is a laid-back, mostly relaxed figure who is calm and kind. Though they can often be found napping in various locations around town, in battle, they are a fierce warrior, and are very protective of Galacta.
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Third is Papilio, the Hero of Soul, also known to many as Lio, or by their personal name, Anax. They are the smallest and the youngest of the heroes, a prodigy with the blade, and known as the fastest and most light-footed of the heroes.
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And finally, the Hero of Dark, whose true name is only known to their friends. They are the quietest of the heroes, and wield a spear, though most of their powers are long range magic.
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diroxide · 9 months
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Canon: Galacta’s loss.
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Non-canon/alternate universe: Highest-honored Knights of the (ancient) GSA Aurora and Galacta celebrate the birth of their first child. (later to become an angel-winged meta knight)
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Not your average family 😎😎😎
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Shout out to the people who watched Lab Rats and is a Kirby fan!
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glitterspeckle · 11 months
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This never hurts any less. (You’ll come back, right?)
Alt title:
How Many Details Can I Add Before I Go Insane
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Some extras
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stareyed-knight · 1 year
Things that have happened in my Miitopia run as the knights:
- Galacta dislikes butterfly honey
-Galacta sacrificed himself to make sure Meta remained unscathed in battle
-Galacta gave roses to Morpho, Dark Meta got jealous
-Galacta scared the life out of Morpho when she had hiccups
-First quarrel was between Dark Meta and Meta
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turtleplushi · 1 year
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An art dump? With an animation AND designs for an au I haven't even mentioned in months? Impossible
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Galacta's death was... greatly exaggerated
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atomik-art · 1 year
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It's pride month and I felt like sharing a few of my silly personal pride headcanons...had to do a quick sketch! I have a few other pride hcs for other characters, so I might make a part 2 another time. Also wow, this is like the first time I've drawn Dedede in years, and the first time I've drawn Susie and Gryll...like, ever LOL. I should really draw them more.
Pride Hc list below the cut:
Kirby - Nonbinary Aroace Bandana Waddle Dee - Demiboy King Dedede - Bisexual Meta Knight - Demiromantic Ace Gryll - Nonbinary Pansexual Marx - Agender Aromantic Pansexual Magolor - Nonbinary Aroace Taranza - Genderfluid Bisexual Susie - Bisexual Morpho (Knight) - Agender Aroace Galacta Knight - Genderfluid Panromantic Ace **(I can see Genderfluid Pan-Oriented Arospec Ace for GK too)
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forestofhope · 10 months
This will get weird but bear with me...
Morpho Knight is described as "being lost to the darkness of history". My takeaway is that Morpho Knight was recognized by the Ancients (the original inhabitants of the New World?), but all records of it were lost by present day. While the current generation does not know what it is and fear it, the Ancients were familiar with it as a guardian spirit from the afterlife (Another Dimension?), and maybe even deified it. Everything about the distant past in the Kirby 'verse is rather nebulous as is.
Also, is Morpho Knight really meant to be same species as Meta Knight, Kirby etc.? Given its nature, I am under the impression that it could resemble them in a sense that a mythological figure resembles a human. Maybe all the puffballs are made in Morpho Knight's image, like how gods made mankind in their image.
Because of experimentation with Fecto Elfilis's space-time warping capablities, the New World's original population (who are pretty all but stated to be humans) were able to travel through the universe. As you know they left for the "Land of Dreams" which may as well be Halcandra. Since they were already able to subdue and study a being as powerful as Elfilis, then why stop there? Morpho Knight has DNA, as Chaos Elfilis's description is anything to go by, and let's say someone over at Lab Discovera was able to collect a sample.
By the time ID-F86 split apart, they were no longer of any use (beyond put up as a tourist attraction) so the scientists moved on to studying Morpho Knight. Both are god-like entities with control over space-time, so the Ancients pondered if the two are connected, or better yet how Morpho Knight's abilites can benefit them like ID-F86 has.
The end result is to grow genetically engineered specimen, created from Morpho's genetic material as a base, and imbued with at least some of Elfilis's power. The Ancients could have an army of cloned "Knights" at their disposal, but for now they focused on creating a living tool to assist with space exploration and inter-dimensional travel. The resulting "offspring" of Morpho Knight would be called "Galacta Knight".
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quinn-pop · 11 months
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i can rlly just draw whatever huh
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ehatnow · 11 months
Morpho laying on Galacta's chest and thinking "man tiddies" while Gala just chills
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galakianexplosion · 1 year
Uh yea been sleepy all day, i didnt have school so i slept and drew on paper because ...idk i draw on paper sometimes
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Its the first time i actually draw morpho knight decently . Idk why i didnt do this earlier i like its design a lot, and orange happenned to be one of my fav colors
Also some other art in the same sketchbook
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Result: i suck at taking pictures, you get a lot more silly sketches on paper too
Ill probably upload some more silly art but the ones i make at school
Also theres apollyon [my oc if you're new here] lined in orange and i think i made him very cute
Im still sleepy and have a slight headache but will probably do some more art, again if you have any prompts, characters, kirby powers, or things to ask about my ocs or something feel free to ask. Tho take in account i cant draw too complicated things like dragons[landia] correctly
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zaphiyy207 · 11 months
Theia — Inventor
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The Inventor
The current eldest of Their descendants. Theia was the first of the Astrals to live in Popstar, Kirby being the last.
Expert in mechanics, she strived to create gadgets and weapons suitable for everyone to use. Whether for defense and offense, for easier life or simply for entertainment.
Though for the sake of everyone, do not let her make you a gun.
A lot of iconic machineries were her designs, but never would she bragged.
After all, all she wanted was to help others the same way she was helped by a warrior of Yore and live a simple yet promising life just like he wanted her to do before the butterfly's judgement took him away from her.
Edit: I changed her title!! I didn't know manic is a mental disorder. My meaning of that word is insanely happy (like maniac(??)) and I just searched it up after posting after a bit of a doubt if I used the word correctly which turned out I didn't. She's known as The Inventor now !! Sorry!!
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rubybloodhound · 18 days
[Pat one]
Lady Adeliza: Alright, what do you guys want? Galaxia: Mcdonalds. Meta Knight: Mcdonalds Morpho Knight: Mcdonalds! Papi: Mcdonalds! Dark Meta Knight: MCDONALDS! Galacta Knight: MCDONALDS! All (Expect Adeliza): MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! Lady Adeliza, sweating: Ok- The knights (And Papi): YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Animeta Knight: Who the hell is giving me pretty roc- IS THAT A FISH!?
Bandee: It's so sad Parasol died today.. Parasol Dee: STOP TELLING EVERYONE I'M DEAD! Bandee: Sometimes, I can still hear their voice...
Some GSA private: Question: why does the garbage disposal smell like rotting flesh? Sir Arthur: Counter question: Why are you looking through the garbage disposal? It handles itself pretty well
Magolor: Kirby! There's a pipebomb in your mailbox! Kirby: But I don't have a mailbox? Magolor: what Kirby, pulling out a banana with a pipebomb, a miniature version of Meta Knight, and Marx strapped to it: All I have is this banana...
Marx: First words? *Tire screeching sfx* Marx: Second words? *Car crashing sfx* Marx: Third words? *Heheheha clash royale sfx*
Marx: By the way, I'm dead Magolor: Your name is Dead?
Kirby: Is the sun edible?
Sword: Hey, Sir? What's with this? ("This" being a dead fish at Sword's door) Meta Knight: Ah. Uhm. Uh. Uhhh.
Doctor Healmore: Finally. The gay potion
Adeleine: Why did I draw that? I'm an artist
Galacta Knight is just standing there Galaxia: Kiss him. Meta Knight: What? Galaxia: Kiss. Him. Meta Knight: Why- Galaxia: I know you would love to. Meta Knight: I would not Galaxia: I will control your body so you know how good kissing him feels Meta Knight: ....I'm not ga- Galaxia: YOUR BI
Sir Arthur: Sending hints to the universe so it sends hints to me on how to escape this time loop
Meta Knight: Finally.. My identity crisis is done... Alright that was fun, but now it's time for part 2, pronouns edition! Meta Knight: wait wut
Just after GK gets unsealed Meta Knight, internally: They didn't say the greatest warrior in the galaxy would be so hot..
Morpho Knight: Wait, what do you mean there's no it/it's in halcandran?
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