#but also yeah he’s got the Thor Protector of Lesbian Memes vibes
isobel-thorm · 1 year
You also know all these but anyway
Considering her quality of life falling out of the tree and hitting every “awful” branch on the way down, between the amnesia, losing two of the main people this New Her made, finding out she was engaged to the local tyrant lord and bore him a son, she’s not remotely okay and is the one person that gets closest to making a deal with Raphael just to have some control of aspects of her life- even if he holds the cards.
Befriends Astarion first out of the companions, and once she starts getting glimpses of her memories back, she can totally understand that like calls to like on that front.
Is a Fighter through and through but she does have a reoccuring interest to study being a bard.
His full name is Theodric and went by it, but come Tadpole Time, upon meeting him Raphael nicknamed him “Theo” to annoy him. It worked, so Theo started going by the name to take it back.
Bonus as this is his tumblr debut: Is Isobel’s baby brother and was often seen as “The Spare” in his family/to all but Isabel herself, so he’s fiercely loyal and will fight to the death for her if necessary.
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