#but also yes i definitely ship it cuz thats why i drew it
reineyday · 2 years
that chagrinned feeling of someone reblogging your art but making a point to say "i dont ship this but"
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survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 9 “That Damn Demagorgon” Pippa
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ok so I was close 8-4 against Isaac but Tommy got the other 4 votes.... idk what they were thinking targeting Tommy....like yes he needs to go, but did you really expect to be able to get votes on him right now?? I'm just happy my ladies Sarah and Brian escaped unscathed lmfaooo!
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LISTEN UP MCFUCKERS! im pissed as hell! Isaac did not deserve this. AT. ALL. PERIOD. If alex didnt hardcore defend sarah this entire fucking day, we prob would've been a little more aligned. If trace (actually i forgive trace bc we barely talked) and kendall (that damn demagorgon) and johnny (YOU ARE NOT ISAAC, ANDREW, AND I'S KIDS ANYMORE. YOU'RE NOTHING. YOU'RE ROTTEN) had not been up everyone's asses about saving their asses, everything would've been fine. BUT NO. NO ONE KNOWS TRIBAL FUCKING LOYALTY. NO ONE. SCREW ALL OF YOU. this is like bb19 where all of you are so stupid to not vote sarah (paul) out or tommy (also paul) because they offer you friendship. oh and the india alliance is so fucking obvious, get over yourselves
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HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE!!!!!! I'M ****SHOOK**** THAT WENT THE WAY IT ENDED UP GOING JDAFKVLABDNFJKLVNFADLJKVNJKLADNVKJLADNVKLJADFLJKVNAJKLAD To be completely honest, I'm not happy at all that Isaac is gone, but it just needed to happen because I needed to show Alex a lesson, and I know it may have hurt Andrew and Pippa a bit, but if I can work it to the best of my abilities, then we have a real shot at only taking down Villains from here on out, and I think the possibilities are endless. I also got kicked out of the alliance chat I had with Isaac (who left), Kendall (who left), Andrew, Drew, Pippa, Alex C. and me (who got booted), so now I know that alliance is down to four and Kendall and I abandoned ship so LUL More importantly, I have a pretty good position on my tribe and every single tribe member has a good level of trust with me, which I'm content with, and now I think we have a VERY strong potential to win this immunity challenge, but looking at that it's flash, I'm thinking the brains are going to go back to tribal, which will hopefully knock Jonathan out of the game. I wanted Music Videos at this point, but we get what we get and we don't get upset. Even though we're the beauty tribe, I think we have the strongest tribe by far. No offense to some, but Kage and Ashton are not too great at challenges, especially doing horribly in their original seasons, but I know Drew, Steffen and Dom are fucking all stars, so we'll see how it weighs out. I think our tribe is mad strong and we could be looking towards our first W as a tribe after this challenge. Time to devote my life for the next 22 hours to this challenge. Finally, I'd like to commend a RIP to Isaac. True friend, just a casualty *blows three fingers into the air*
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These heroes know about each other's personal lives way too much....if I'm going to survive here I need to be REALLY inventive REALLY fast because I can't build a bond like that in a matter of a week.... I'll just have to use brute strategy and logic to convince them to keep me. I mean, right now, I'm clearly much, much more valuable than Kage so hopefully they'd at least keep me over him. After that, I could probably stick with Steffen and paint Drew as a big individual threat. From there, we could either help protect him, thus gaining his support, or make a campaign against him to Ashton and Dom. The latter seems risky though considering Ashton and Dom hardly speak to me.... If Drew can't be painted as a big target, my next best bet is to prove my worth over Ashton....cuz it seems Drew/Steffen/Dom know each other quite well so they'll be no chance in breaking that and I'd rather be at the bottom and alive than voted out so.....
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So after talking to Pippa, it seems that she's in A LOT of trouble, and she is definitely not happy with my move against Isaac, and honestly, I expected her to be the one that was most upset with the move. The way she was talking to me was almost like ".......... okay what do you want me to do now?" Like she was saying how everything I was saying WASN'T getting shut down, but literally it was, and I was looking to better my position to get to merge, and then essentially just going with the flow and figuring it out from there. Essentially, I think I'm in a good position in my tribe, but I am pretty sure that Sarah is very likely to target me next, but I've got my second chance idol if I go back to tribal council, so I should be okay. I'm just going to have to finagle my way around this and figure my way out of this swap, but I also do think that Kendall won't target me immediately because it just doesn't make sense for her. I'm almost willing to cut anyone on my tribe, except Trace, to survive to merge. It might have to be Brian, even though voting for Brian won't work out too well for my whole Steffen/Crow/Brian/I thing, but oh well. I gotta stay safe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
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asfoajshfoqhrqototbie wubgwbgw; literally me having Sarah throw just gave me immunity and let me avoid 17th place as royalty Cirie Fields once said if ya cant beat them with dem biceps u can beat them with dem brains! (yet I'm a brawn but thats fine.....) Now if I could somehow scheme Junior out of this game cross-tribally hmmmmmm!
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Just being here this season https://68.media.tumblr.com/401f8e72df04c376c8d989cdf135f514/tumblr_orehgfDnfj1t8a71ko1_500.gif
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Okay since the truel is coming up and there might be the possibility of it being a double tribal, I know I need to get the ball rolling on the strategy. I hope I can bank on Steffen helping me out since we have the connection of me, him, Johnny, and Brian. Kage is too chaotic for me to feel good about having on my side Dom never talks to me nor responds much....Ashton is giving me no vibes of wanting to play with me So I'm working on Drew right now because I feel that if him AND Steffen both see the pros of keeping me, I'll survive at least the first vote-off we have.... Here's to hoping my sarcasm and charm actually work..... =)
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I could go on a whole mess about why I'm pissed about Isaac going but I'll just sum up because I'm trying to move past it. I'm hurt. Johnny and Kendall hurt me. I see why everyone did it other than Kendall, and I really think she's just throwing this whole thing to Sarah. I almost pity Kendall but then can see her getting far. Not winning - but getting fat. And that's something that's seeming less and less like a possibility for me while I'm on this brain tribe that was fucked from the start. This is why a beauty had to go. So now we're moving forward. Last night, I called Junior and I think we're gonna try working together on this. Jonathan wants out Pippa but Junior and I discussed taking out Alex. Which? Is fine. Our relationship is just too strained. But the problem is - his chickenshit ass is probably playing the brawn idol tonight. So Pippa and I might just have to vote Jonathan. But I need Alex to not play that idol. That could be a disaster. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE ASHTON GAVE ME THE FUCKING REHIDDEN BRAIN IDOL. So obviously I have to play one of these tonight bc I'm not going home with 2. Everyone's kinda offline rn so I'll check in with everyone a little later. I just wanna survive this brain tribe. Even if I have to take out a hero, or Pippa. Fuck the tribal lines at this point. After being preached to for 18 days about "hero strong" I didn't really have reason to question it but obviously people are going to be selfish, and I wanna be too. Sorry if that makes me a POS ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but if we keep losing and I'm still here I'm gonna have to be
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