#but always incredibly excited to share ds9 thoughts
section-69 · 2 years
Tell us the thoughts about Julian and food (if you want to)
"When I was in med school, I designed an incredible candy bar which was far superior in food value." - Julian to Miles, explaining why he does not eat his rations, The Siege
"Maybe you should go easy on those, Torias. Julian was just telling me the other day he's started to watch what he eats." - Jadzia to Torias (currently possessing Julian's body), Facets
"Really, Doctor, two Delvin fluff pastries for breakfast this morning? You of all people should know better than to start your day like that." - Odo to Julian, Facets
Family dinner, you can cut the atmosphere with a blunt knife - transcript, Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
"This isn't the first time I've seen you rush through a meal. You never take the time to savour your food." - Garak to Julian, Improbable Cause
"Did you get your breakfast, Doctor?" / "Yes, I did." - Sloan & Julian, Inquisition. Julian is lying, he doesn't eat during this episode
"I complained when they cut our rations, so they threw me in solitary." - Julian, Inquisition
Changeling impersonating Julian brings the crew sandwiches. This is immediately after the audience learns of the imposter, In Purgatory's Shadow
Hands own rations to Terran slave, Crossover
"I put your tray back in the replicator. I didn't know how long you'd be gone." - Kirby to Julian and Jake. Jake then goes to get soup, Julian runs off to do more doctoring, skipping lunch, Nor the Battle to the Strong...
"Who ordered the vilm steak?" / "Ah. You'd better keep that warm." - Quark & Julian, Chimera
"Keiko whipped you up some crab rolls. She - we - thought you might be hungry." - Miles to Julian, Tacking into the Wind
"Delavian chocolates. But these were meant for you." / "I know. I thought you might need them more than I do." - Garak & Julian, Improbable Cause
The whole forced starvation ritual around Worf's wedding, You Are Cordially Invited
"... improvements in my hand-eye coordination, stamina, vision, reflexes, weight, height. In the end, everything but my name was altered in some way." - Julian, Doctor Bashir, I Presume
Orders (the notoriously bland) plomeek soup - The House of Quark, The Die is Cast
Hates beetroot, looks genuinely uncomfortable at having to try it - Equilibrium
There's just a whole bunch of times - more than I've remembered to list here - where Julian either refuses food, is prevented from eating, or (in Facets) has his friends step in to prevent someone else from snacking while in his body. He eats Klingon food with Melora, seemingly to impress her, but mostly chooses to eat either very sweet things (candy, scones) or very bland things (soup with basil), both of which scream sensory issues to me (including the Klingon food actually, I feel like it'd be very stimmy). It comes up often enough to jump out.
Considering how tense that dinner table discussion was with his parents, I'm inclined to think that wasn't uncommon for him growing up. And with his parents being... stockier, than he is, and having specifically requested his height and weight be altered as a child? And him being an athlete, and - as Odo points out - a doctor who theoretically knows the importance of nutrition?
I don't really have a conclusion here, but it's compelling.
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