#will end up adding to that once I have writing spoons once more
itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Y’know how reader is stuck as a monkey in the Yan monkiefam posts, what if reader somehow sneaks off the mountain and stumbles upon macaque. Macaque gets a specific vibe from the mysterious monkey, so he takes it as his own. Monkey reader is trying to communicate to macaque on how to transform back, but either due to lack of understanding or macaque not wanting reader to turn back, reader is still a monkey much to their dismay. Meanwhile Monkiefam is panicking and looking everywhere for reader. This could be seen as a part 3 to the Yan monkiefam posts with an added platonic Yan macaque.
How would you write this scenario? Sorry if it’s long, I started rambling a bit lol. I really like your writing and was hoping you would write something similar to this, I love platonic Yan and you stuff really caters to me. Thank you🩷🩷
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Monkiefam: Part Three
Sable Savior
(Part Zero) (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
(💜💜Post one-hundred, huh? Feels good to have gotten here! My ask box has been wiped, and is open again! Character x character requests are now allowed! 💜💜)
Monkeys don’t make for good pets. They’re cute, sure. They’re funny and interesting creatures that are worthy of study. But it’s impossible to raise them properly.
And it’s impossible to obtain one ethically.
Either the mothers are shot to death in the wild and the babies are ripped from their still bodies, or they’re kept in horrid conditions and forcibly bred again and again, having their babies torn from them after only a few days or weeks.
All for a cute pet that will be dumped in a few years. Monkeys don’t stay cute, after all. They grow out of the clothes you put them in, grow out of the training you put them through, grow from cute “living dolls” and into wild, fanged animals all their own.
Once they’ve shed their youthful looks and compliant behaviors, the fate of every ‘pet’ monkey is the same- death.
Whether shot or euthanized or dumped far from home and left to starve, monkeys kept in captivity almost always have unhappy endings.
You could be easily mistaken for one of those unfortunate creatures, stuck in a simian form and curled up near the roots of a looming tree.
Even after two full weeks, the transformation you had accidentally locked yourself into remained strong, showing no signs of faltering.
What at first seemed like a potential method of escape had quickly because the thickest chain in your shackle.
Not only was your newfound ‘family’ thrilled to have you as a cuddly little monkey, they seemed even more intent on coddling you.
MK especially adored having a ‘little sibling’ who couldn’t escape his grip. Day in and day out, every minute spent by your side, tending to your needs as a form of stress relief. Whether it was wrestling you into the bathtub or carving up fruit to spoon-feed you, the hero had quickly become a constant smothering presence. He was a fine caretaker, but you would much prefer that he used those skills on anyone else but yourself.
Just barely had he talked himself out of dressing you up, reasoning that you might find fabric uncomfortable over your fluffy white fur.
Not that he allowed you to remove the silk ribbons that his mentor had tied. Those were staying, and MK made sure of it. Every single time you had managed to squirm one free from your body, he just snatched it off the ground and tied it back on.
And, speaking of his mentor-
For all the doting you faced at the hands of MK, Sun Wukong was twice as bad.
Having been the caretaker for thousands of monkeys through the passing of centuries, it seemed that the Great Sage had a knack for pampering the furry darlings- and that translated quite easily to a human being who had accidentally trapped themselves in the form of a cub.
Already you had spent hours upon hours upon his lap, feeling Wukong’s deft fingers comb through your fur in search of debris to remove. Given that you weren’t allowed outside, he rarely found anything more than dust. Still, his intention was more to bond than it was to clean.
For him, the best part was when you'd get so bored that you'd start stroking his fur in turn, picking through it just to pass the time. Even though your heart wasn't really in the action, he was absolutely thrilled to have you acting like a real monkey in some small manner.
The Great Sage was so thrilled, in fact, that he'd barely allow you even a minute alone. And though some of this was justified by your inability to properly function in this new form, it went far beyond the realm of understandable when the king started taking you to bed with him- all under the guise of 'keeping you safe'. You'd rest all through the night tucked into his arms, listening to a powerful beating within the Monkey King’s muscular chest.
Against MK, you were lulled to sleep by a slow throb, finding some gentleness in the steady and low thrum.
Against Wukong, you were cascaded by the furious white-hot pounding of a heart blessed by power almost beyond comprehension.
You’d be lying if you said neither was at least a little comforting to hear as you drifted to a deep, dreamless sleep.
But here and now, there wasn’t an ounce of warmth to be found.
You had finally managed to slip from the clutches of your ‘family’, mustering just enough motor control to clamber up the couch and jump to a window left cracked, slipping under the peering pane and crawling to ‘freedom’.
On unfamiliar and furry legs you had fled, away from a gilded cage and into the beckoning wilderness. Maybe a part of you now longed for the forests, driving you to escape and run free. Perhaps some newfound simian instinct craved a life free from unchanging scenery and sturdy walls.
So away you went, chirping and chittering and calling out to the rising moon as the night grew darker and darker.
And as you raced into those darkening woods, throwing caution to the wind, you also drew further and further away from any semblance of safety.
It hadn’t taken you even twenty minutes to find trouble on the supposedly idyllic mountain.
And now you were here, stuck in a simian form and curled up near the roots of a looming tree.
Not alone, of course.
A troop of monkeys surrounds your quivering form, hissing and snarling at such a strange outsider. The count is easily fifteen to twenty, each one bearing sharp fangs and hunched down in aggressive stances.
You hunker away, pressed to the cold bark with eyes pointed downwards. You don’t dare move or make a sound.
It’s not enough to save you.
The largest member of the pack snarls for just a second, rearing back with his teeth bared. Before you can even flinch, the simian lurches towards you with a splitting howl, powerful jaws snagging the skin of your neck.
The scent of blood fills the air.
As it shrieks through a mouthful of your flesh, the monkey violently slings you back and forth. It beats at your face and neck, hammering your diminutive form with all the strength it can muster. When you dare to try and strike back it throws you to the ground, beating ruthlessly down on your stomach.
It hollers.
The rest of the pack jump into the fray, beating and biting and tearing at fur. Where one shoves, another pulls. Any spot left untouched by one is promptly assaulted by another. Not an inch of you is spared the violent assault, nor is mercy given in regards to your youthful form.
And right as darkness swells in the corners of your vision, the troop freezes.
A barbed lash of black strikes the alpha across the face, leaving a deep and stinging cut where it lands. He howls and shrieks and falls back, shooting off into the jungle and disappearing from sight. From only the trail of blood left in his wake, his troop follows, fearful but still loyal.
“Someone’s had a rough go of it,” says a voice that would be insufferably smug if it hadn’t just saved you from probable death.
Two cold hands wrap around your prone form, prying you from the ground.
The white of your fur has almost entirely disappeared behind a mixture of wet soil and stinking blood, filthy and pungent. The ribbon around your neck has been torn free and left on the ground, lying in tatters.
“You‘re still a little too young to be without your mother, fuzzball. She’s the one who’s supposed to teach you ‘the ways of the wild’, yeah? Where’d she get off to?”
Macaque cradles you close in one of his arms, lightly stroking the underside of your chin with a sharp nail. His touch is surprisingly gentle, far more than you’d expect for a demon. His voice takes a turn for the soft.
“Nah, that’s not it. If you’re this close to another pack without her, then she’s… not around anymore. You probably weren’t raised by her at all, actually.”
His thumb presses against your ragged silk ribbon, toying with the red fabric.
“Must’ve been dumped by some mortal who got sick of taking care of you, huh? Bastards.”
You chitter desperately for his help, hoping that this one might understand even a word you say. But he only gives you a pitying smile, untying the ribbon from your tail and letting it flutter slowly to the ground.
“You never even learned to speak, furball? They must’ve taken you young. Humans always do. Keep you for a few years and dress you up like babies, then throw you out once you’re not cute enough for them anymore.”
Your vocalizations grow more desperate and wild, becoming outright hysterical.
“I know, I know. Hungry, right? Never learned to forage for yourself, or pick for bugs. C’mon, let’s find something to eat- bet I can scrounge us up some peaches, at least. After all…”
Macaque pulls free his tattered scarf, then holds one end of it against your stomach. You can’t so much as chitter before he wraps you head to toe, swaddling your fluffy form tightly. It’s warm, at least, if a bit restrictive.
“Shouldn’t we outcasts stick together?”
And off he goes into the night, far from home and far from safety.
It’s not quite freedom, but you’ll take it.
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copperbadge · 1 month
I am so close and yet so far from being done with The Chicken Salad War, argh. I have the entire rest of the book plotted out, and there's a little less than a quarter of it remaining to write, I think, but it's going to be an intense quarter. And then the rewrites will be a little more extensive than usual because I've basically been skipping scenes I don't want to write, which isn't a lot but isn't zero.
Anyway, have a scene where Ylias and Simon realize that attempting to make an edible sauce using davzda and harissa paste may be an error.
It took a few more minutes of scraping and blending, but in the end the warm, fragrant harissa paste was scooped out and into a bowl, and they both examined it.
"Now…davzda," he said, sounding excited and doomed at once, like someone about to attend an execution but fortunately not theirs.
"I'm wondering, should we just try to loosen it up with the raw hooch?" she asked. "Or actually make some shakshouka and stir the davzda into that?"
"I think to start, we make a sauce -- some beautiful paste, some davzda, and some broth," he said. "I will reserve some for further experiments."
She carried the bowl to the stove and set out a saucepan, spooning some of the harissa into it and then shuffling aside so he could add broth; he whisked them together cold, then added a careful pour of davzda from the ubiquitous gray-green bottle. The smell that rose from the mixture was…herbal, but it began to fade into something more pleasantly spicy as it heated.
[insert brief hold music here for a part of the scene I don't want to spoil yet]
"Now, I must begin prep for dinner, I think, while this simmers."
"Can I help?" she asked. 
He blinked at her. "Oh -- it is my job and I am too accustomed to it. But..." he added, considering, "You won't go yet, will you? You must taste this sauce. And I have been accustomed to company, but not so much with Eddie now looking after the little ones." 
"Can I criticize your technique?" she asked, grinning, and he laughed. 
"Only in French, and I will not be gracious about it," he replied. 
"I'd worry if you were," she said, stationing herself at the stove to mind the sauce while he gathered ingredients. By the time he was done assembling the meatballs, the sauce had thickened and darkened to an almost mahogany color. Simon procured some twist-bread and fetched crudite from the fridge ("I keep carrot sticks for Joan, and His Majesty will enjoy the leftover cucumber at dinner,") and she spooned some sauce out into a bowl, dipping the bread while he tried a piece of carrot. 
At the first taste, he looked thoughtful, chewing the carrot and harissa sauce with a blank look on his face. Ylias, taken off-guard, coughed and nearly choked when she finally tasted it.
"Oh, no, oh dear," she said, taking a long sip of water while he grinned, still chewing. "It's...so earthy."
"The flavoring in the alcohol, I think," he said, finally swallowing and rinsing his own mouth out. "The oil in the chilis brings out the mushroom in the davzda."
"Ugh, but the worst part," she managed. "That's awful. It's not even bitter, really, not like davzda is, it's just...almost cloying." 
"Yes, but..." he considered, eyes narrowed. "There is good flavor there too, just not in balance."
She tapped her tongue against the roof of her mouth, chasing stray hints of the sauce, then braced herself and took another, smaller taste. 
"You can almost get to it," she agreed, considering more deeply. "I never bother with mushrooms in shakshouka because they're just texture at that point, the flavor's too delicate for the spice. But maybe...if you could just cut the flavor a bit."
"Less davzda?"
"Defeats the point, but maybe. Or..." she considered. "There's a lot of tomato coming through, but it's the acid. Do you think a sweet note would help, or would that just make it worse?"
"Make this worse?" he asked, amused, but he was already reaching for a jar on the counter. "The family likes muscovado in their coffee," he said, using the little spoon in the jar to lift out a mound of golden-brown sugar. "Yes?"
She gestured for him to give it a try; he added a few spoonfuls and then stirred it with the whisk again. The sauce darkened further, but when they tasted it this time, the horror had receded. 
"Oh, that's...actually nice," she said. "Salty-sweet. You could even use molasses -- or a sherry if you wanted."
"Yes. Very good," he agreed, and then he leaned in and kissed her. 
It surprised them both, she could tell; she didn't pull away -- he was a very good kisser -- but when he leaned back, he looked startled by what he'd done.
"Ah, perhaps inappropriate," he said. "Only -- I like this very much, this experimentation. With the sauce," he added in a stammer. "Although, of course -- "
She held up a finger and he fell silent, looking relieved.
"I like it too," she said. "A little warning next time, maybe."
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screeblees · 11 months
Yandere Manipulating Boyfriend x Kidnapped Reader Headcannons
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Yandere Manipulating Boyfriend is Male and Kidnapped Reader is Gender Neutral
Been a bit since I've posted! I was in a bit of a slump and got hit with creative juices - definitely wrote way more than usual!
I hope this isn't too long, I kinda love this idea if you can't tell :3
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy!!<33
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❥ Yandere Boyfriend who pretends to be in a normal relationship.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who stalked you for months after his attention was captured, taking photos and videos all for blackmail (among other things…)
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who broke in and drugged you with some sleeping pills, he knew you hadn’t been sleeping well after all! 
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who took most of your belongings with him once he kidnapped you, mixing everything with his home’s own décor to make it look like you’d lived there for months, ensuring details such as two toothbrushes, your hygiene products being in a similar place to where they were in your own home, two sets of dishes in the sink, any work documents or notes being scattered about the desk, any little detail he could think of to make it look like you had went about your day just the night prior.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who knew you wouldn’t believe it, but at the very least you would doubt your own mind, which was exactly what he wanted.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who assured he removed all sharp (or potential escape) objects from your shared bedroom, the windows are locked and tinted and you are laid in your bed while he cuddles you, waiting on you waking up.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who acted confused and worried from the moment you woke up, he really had no idea why you didn’t remember your loving boyfriend, you had been living with him for months! 
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who would restrain you if you fight him, explaining it away by him being scared of you in your “amnesic” state and not wanting you to hurt yourself or go outside and get lost since you seemingly don’t remember anything about the largest part of your life.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who has written an entire book’s worth of stories to fully flesh out your relationship; how you met, how you kept bumping into one another, your first, second, third and-so-on dates, moving in together, the list goes on!
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who tells quite detailed (made up) stories of your time together, all taken from his previous writings which proving immensely helpful in avoiding contradicting himself and explaining why he knows everything about you!
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who crushes any pesky stray thoughts that may lead you to doubt him swiftly and completely. (“The lack of pictures? Oh, well, I’m pretty self conscious so I prefer taking pictures of you! My favourites are the candid ones, you just look so peaceful!”) You end the conversation glad that you asked, not realising that he had technically completely avoided the question and he later returns with a few pictures of important anniversaries which he commissioned from a very talented photoshopper.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who confiscates your phone, citing that you shouldn’t be on social media while recovering, all that negativity may impact your health! He may message your friends, family and workplace, just to let them know you’ll be unreachable for the time being, that’s all! (and then if you have a few people less in your contacts and a few more in your blocked list then who’s to say what happened?)
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who spoon-feeds you, refusing to let you do more than sit in bed, rest, and talk to him. For the time being he’s keeping you to soft foods; soup, porridge, mashed potatoes, pasta, scrambled eggs, applesauce, yoghurt and pudding for a treat! (It’s nobody’s business if he’s adding some medicine to make you hazy and docile to make you feel better and make you weaker since you seem to be getting sick).
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who slowly allows you to get better you to do more for yourself, although he still encourages you to stay in bed and enjoys feeding you himself, he’s allowed to be a little selfish - after all, he’s still worried for you!
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who begins the heavy guilt-tripping (as if he hadn’t already) once you start insisting on getting out of bed and doing things on your own; “I just want the best for you, why won’t you let me help you?” “Are you trying to hurt yourself? Straining yourself will only put you back, I know you don’t know me but can’t you see that I only want what’s best for you?” “I know you don’t remember me but I love you, can’t you at least appreciate my love for you if you can’t love me back?” 
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who is always cheerful and sweet (sickeningly so) and suffocatingly affectionate, no matter how you resist his efforts the most upset he’ll get is a pitying or disappointed look. Anything he really doesn’t like is simply ignored, you didn’t mean to say that - obviously - so he just won’t hear it in the first place!
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who’s reactions grow twitchier the more you insist and fight against him, he’s extremely good at keeping his charming smile from slipping but he must admit it grows more and more difficult every day as you barrage him with your range of pleads and reasoning to demands and yelling - the former only causing him to say “Oh, honey…” in a pitiful manner and take you in his arms, rocking and shushing you like a parent would for a crying child - and the latter only receives a disappointed yet strict “I’ll leave you to calm down.” and a firmly shut door.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who’s patience has grown thin and his tolerance is reached as they are exhausted by the same song and dance every day, the same ungrateful tone, never thanking, only asking for more. 
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who finally snaps.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who screams at you “WHY CAN’T YOU JUST BE HAPPY?! WHY CAN’T YOU JUST APPRECIATE ME?!” 
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who’s eyes are wide and bloodshot, his usually put-together appearance has been thrown to the wind, dishevelled clothes and messy hair taking its place. One hand grips the side of the bed frame above your bed as he leans over you. The silence is searing in the seconds after, you both stay frozen still, neither of you expected the outburst and neither know how to react or proceed.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who clears his throat and takes several steps back, unable to make eye contact as mutters an apology for his outburst and leaves with the excuse of making dinner, no matter your reaction. He’ll feel guilt in his throat for days to come but will never address what happened - and will shut you down with a loud and obvious change in subject if you ever try to - instead bringing you gifts such as stuffed toys, blankets, soothing drinks and a little more sugary food than he had previously given you (it doesn’t matter if you don’t like them, although he’ll adapt to your tastes, the nature of the gifts will remain the same).
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who restrains again you if you start being physical with him, clearly your amnesia has seriously affected you to make you act like this. 
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who allows you to work from home if your (previous) job accommodates it, of course you don’t need to work (really, he’d be able to support you without you lifting a finger) but he thinks it’ll give you something to do and keep your mind from wandering into dangerous territory (with limits, naturally).
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who still dotes like the day you woke up, still spoon-feeding and even carrying you from room to room (especially when you are not yet trusted, instead you are placed in your chair to have dinner together and are expected not to get up until you are carried back to your room afterwards) and even just having you sit on his lap as he plays with your hair. 
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who sometimes uses a baby-voice when talking to you, especially when you’re trying to have a serious conversation. (“Aww is someone’s feelings acting up? I think someone needs a cuddle and a nap, huh?”)
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who takes a very, very long time to really trust you (or rather, trust his manipulation and gaslighting have taken effect, maybe with a touch of stockholm syndrome) and when he does, expect to not have a moment without supervision. Once he lets you out of your room into the rest of your apartment, naturally there’s cameras covering every corner, sensors on all the doors and windows and a ring doorbell so you don’t interact with anyone when he’s not there. And maybe, if you’re really moved by his tactics, taking up the role of a loving partner, then you may be rewarded with rare dates - outside of your shared home - to places like the aquarium or zoo, an activity to keep your mind occupied.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who claims to only want what's best for you, to help you in your recovery and to settle into your new normal.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who spoils you, although dates outside the apartment are few and far between - even once you earn his trust - he tries to have a romantic evening at least once a week. Of course, he cooks almost every night - your boyfriend should be able to tend every need - but he puts in special effort on these date nights, maybe a more expensive meat (if that’s your preference, he’ll adapt for whatever your dietary habits are) the dish will be made with spices and oils to enhance the rich flavours of the dish to a mouth-watering extent - and naturally candles will surround where you eat and several vases of a mix of flowers all relating to the love he has for you, most of which in shades of red such as roses, chrysanthemums, carnations with the rare white alyssum or bergenia mixed into the array of bouquets around your home.
❥ Yandere Boyfriend who loves you unlike anyone else ever could…
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sexhaver · 4 months
writing to encourage you to post a recipe of your successful smashed potatoes!🙌 that shit looked nutritionally dense and I love more food per food when possible especially if tasty
3lbs fingerling potatoes (i used a 50/50 mix of yellow and red but whatever works)
6ish cups broth (if you use veggie broth this is vegetarian)
1 pint heavy cream
3-4tbsp butter
6ish cloves garlic (literally impossible to overdo the garlic here, go with your heart)
salt, pepper, thyme, and parsley
BONUS: cayenne pepper and mustard powder
wash the dirt off your potatoes and dump them in a big pot (ideally one with close to 90 degree angles on the bottom instead of a curve). pour in all the broth. if the potatoes aren't entirely submerged, add water until they are (but just barely), then turn the heat on high and put a lid on it
while the potatoes start boiling, crush and peel your garlic WITHOUT CHOPPING IT
add 2 tbsp of butter to a sauce pot and heat on medium high until melted and sizzling
add the garlic cloves and swirl/baste them in the butter for a few minutes until they and the butter both start to turn brown
dump in all of the heavy cream, then add salt, pepper, parsley, thyme, cayenne pepper, and powdered mustard to taste. unfortunately i do not have measurements for any of the spices because i cooked this while drunk. follow your heart here
reduce the heat on the heavy cream mixture until it's simmering (not all the way down to low, you still want some bubbles). by this point the potatoes should be boiling (leave the lid on). set a timer for somewhere around 23-25 minutes
come back and stir the heavy cream mixture every few minutes, and stir the potatoes once or twice throughout their cooking process
when the timer goes off, strain the potatoes out from the broth, BUT make sure to save at least two cups of the broth before pouring the rest down the drain
use a potato masher to mash the potatoes, skin and all (none of this fucking around with the back of a spoon). ideally you should probably do this in a separate bowl to avoid microplastics in your food, but im not a cop (this is why we picked a pot with 90 degree angles in step 1)
once the potatoes are properly mashed, dump most (but not all!) of the reduced heavy cream mixture in with them and continue mashing to spread it out evenly (this will also mash in the garlic cloves, which is why we didn't need to slice/dice them earlier). you should leave behind enough heavy cream to coat the bottom of the pot and then some
let the potatoes rest for a second and put the heavy cream back on medium-high heat. add 2 tbsp of butter and wait until it melts, using the whisk to mix it in with the remaining heavy cream
once the butter is melted, sprinkle in some flour, using the whisk to integrate it with the butter + cream mixture. again, i don't have exact measurements for this because i was drunk, but you want to keep adding flour and whisking until you're left with some pretty thick clumps of what looks like brown dough
crank the heat just a little higher while whisking the dough around to get it nice and burnt all over. once you're satisfied with your work and/or you start smelling burning, dump in some of the saved broth to deglaze the stuff burnt to the bottom of the pan (it should sizzle at first, that's good + normal). keep up the whisking motion so the added liquid is integrated with the dough, then add more liquid and repeat over time. eventually you should end up with something recognizable as gravy. congrats, you just made gravy from roux!
use the rest of the broth to thin out the mashed potatoes if necessary, mashing it in just like the heavy cream mixture
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anotherspnfanfic · 1 year
Surprise Visits
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Pairing: Eddie Diaz x reader
Word count: 2400
Warnings: seizure, epileptic reader, possible inaccuracies
Summary: Eddie shows up unexpectedly. Reader is glad he did for more than one reason.
A/N: This is only my second time writing for Eddie and last time it was a co-write. I did a whole bunch of research and had some proof reading from the lovely @thatonewriter15 and @muchamusedaboutnothing. Hopefully this is a somewhat accurate representation... 🤞🏻
Trudging up the stairs towards her apartment, she cursed the elevators for being broken. All she wanted to do was collapse into her bed and sleep for two days. Unfortunately, that was impossible since it was only Wednesday and she had an important meeting first thing in the morning.
Passing the third floor, she considered if she was going to eat before she went to bed. She was starving, but cooking seemed like too much effort and time. Then she considered having something delivered but guessed that would take even longer than cooking. She decided to just eat a spoonful of peanut butter so that she wasn’t battling hunger while trying to fall asleep.
Finally reaching the fifth floor, she exited the stairwell and took the four steps to her door. It was a small victory for climbing the stairs— at least she didn’t have further to go once she got to her floor.
She unlocked the door and pushed it open. Immediately, she dumped her purse, jacket, and laptop case on the floor beside the door before pulling her shoes off one at a time to drop in the pile.
Rounding the corner into the living room, she gasped. Her favorite scented candle was lit on the coffee table next to several containers of Chinese take-out. Eddie stood from the couch as she approached.
“What are you doing here?” she asked as she let herself fall into his embrace.
He pecked a kiss to her temple as he pulled back to look at her. “You sounded a little overwhelmed when you called earlier. So I had Buck take Christopher for the night, and I brought you dinner.”
Tears welled in her eyes as she was overcome with emotions. “I love you. You are the best. I was about to eat some peanut butter because I’m too exhausted to cook or wait for delivery.”
“And let me guess, you’ve barely eaten anything all day?” he chastised.
She shrugged. “I had a bagel for breakfast.”
He pulled her over to sit on the couch. “I’m glad I came then.”
“I’m really glad you did.” She grabbed a fortune cookie while he started to open the other containers. “Are you staying all night?”
He nodded. “I’m all yours. Buck is taking Christopher to the zoo tomorrow.” He dumped some rice on the plates he’d gotten out of the kitchen. “Chicken, beef, or shrimp?”
“Some of each, please.” She set the fortune cookie back down as she stood. ”I’m gonna go change out of these work clothes. I’ll be right back.”
Before Eddie could even finish dishing up the food, she returned in sweats and a shirt she’d stolen from him.
As she sat back down, she picked up and opened the fortune cookie. She pulled out the piece of paper. “‘Life will soon become interesting,’” she read. “I think it’s already plenty interesting.”
Eddie chuckled. “Yeah, where’s the one that says we get a vacation soon?”
He finished adding everything to their plates as she flipped on the television and started an episode of How I Met Your Mother.
They ate in a comfortable silence and had finished before the twenty-minute episode had ended. He set the mostly-empty plates on the table, and she shifted to curl in against his side while he wrapped his arm snugly around her shoulder.
As the credits rolled, he asked, “Bed or another episode?”
She yawned. “One more. I’m probably going to fall asleep, but I’m comfy.”
He pressed a kiss to her forehead as the TV rolled over into a new episode on its own. “As you wish, mi amor.”
She had just started to doze off when, suddenly, she was overcome with a familiar, distinct, full-body tingling sensation along with intense nausea. She quickly shifted to leaning forward on the edge of her seat. “Oh, no. No, no, no.”
Eddie reached out and placed a tentative hand between her shoulder blades. “What’s wrong?”
She stood and moved over to the empty dining room, which she kept devoid of a table and other furniture precisely for this reason. “Seizure,” she stated as calmly as she could before lying down in the middle of the floor.
“Oh, uh, okay.” Eddie was surprised, but quickly stood. He grabbed a blanket from the recliner and moved to sit beside her. He knew about her epilepsy and the medications she took for it. However, in the eighteen months they’d been dating, she’d never had a seizure. He lifted her head to slide the folded blanket underneath.
She let out a quiet whimper before her eyelids fluttered closed.
“Okay. You’re okay. I got you.” He pulled out his phone, opened the timer, and set it on the floor. He continued to whisper soft reassurances to her and started the timer as soon as she started to seize.
Despite his training and having treated patients with seizures at work, he couldn’t help but notice the way his hands shook as he carefully kept her rolled on her side. “You’re okay,” he repeated, more to reassure himself than anything. He continued to repeat it several more times as he waited for her to stop.
He felt his anxiety spike again as he watched the timer hit four minutes. He thought about what time it was, trying to figure out which shift was manning the 118 currently. He knew if she hit five minutes, he would have to call 9-1-1. As the timer rolled past four and a half minutes, her movements finally began to slow. He breathed a sigh of relief and pushed some hair out of her face as she stilled. Next, he used the corner of the blanket to wipe the saliva that had dribbled out.
For his own peace of mind, he checked her pulse, satisfied that it was steady and only slightly tachy. Next, he counted her breaths, ensuring her breathing was also back to normal. Then he sat there, running his fingers gently through her hair, and waited for her to wake.
Finally, after several minutes of anxiously waiting, she groaned.
“Hey, sweetheart. You with me?”
Slowly, she cracked her eyes open and looked around for several moments before finally landing on his face. She was clearly confused and still disoriented.
“You’re okay. You just had a seizure,” he explained. “Do you remember feeling it coming on?”
She thought for a minute before finally nodding. Groaning again, she rolled onto her back and threw an arm over her face. “Trash,” she slurred.
Eddie shifted away to grab the trash can sitting in the corner and move it beside her. “Do you want to sit up?”
“Not yet.” She lied there, trying to regain her bearings.
He took her hand in his and ran his thumb softly over her knuckles. “Anything I can do?”
“Mmmm, make the jackhammer in my head stop? And the nausea, too.” She rolled back onto her side before starting to push herself into a sitting position and pulling the trash can between her knees. “This blows.”
Leaning forward, he placed a chaste kiss on her temple. “I know. I’m sorry. Do you want something for the headache?”
“Not yet. I don’t want to puke it right back up.”
She didn’t know how long she sat there, taking slow, deep breaths in an attempt to clear the nausea. All the while, Eddie rubbed soothing circles across her back. The soreness was already starting to settle in all her muscles. Eventually, she pushed away the trash can and leaned into him.
“Ya know, this isn’t the kind of interesting I was hoping for. Stupid fortune cookie,” she grumbled.
“Me either. You think you’re ready to move?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around her gently.
“Yeah.” She nodded. He stood, and she reached a hand out for him. “Help me up?”
Instead of pulling her up, he bent down and slid one arm under her knees and the other around her back and easily lifted her. He walked slowly towards her bedroom, cautious of making the nausea worse, then set her gently on the bed. “What do you need?”
“Uh, I will take that Tylenol now. Plus, water and some Advil for in the morning, and the trash can by the bed,” she listed, then, with a pout, added, “Please?”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
She laid back into her pillows as she waited for him to return. Next thing she knew, she was peeling her eyes open to find Eddie beside her, rubbing a hand across her head.
“Here, take these and then you can go to sleep.” He handed her the pills and then opened a bottle of water before offering that as well.
Once she’d swallowed them, she took a few deep breaths to clear the flare of nausea. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” He pressed another kiss to her hairline.
“As much as seizures suck, it’s really nice having you here to help. I’ve just slept on the floor in there so many times because I just didn’t have the energy to move.”
“I’m glad I was here. I hate that you’ve had to go through that alone.”
“I hate that I have to go through it at all.” She sighed. “And I just broke my longest streak. At least I didn’t try to take a chunk out of my tongue.”
She nodded. “Yeah, one time, I had to get stitches from biting it so bad.”
He cringed. “That sounds awful.”
“Mmhmm,” she hummed, eyes fluttering closed. “Work is really going to suck tomorrow.”
“No, it won’t.” Eddie argued. ”You’re taking the rest of the week off.”
“I can’t!’ she declared, opening her eyes and leaning forward. “I have too many things to get done and a meeting first thing that we’ve been working toward for three weeks.”
“You just had a seizure,” he pointed out the obvious. “For the first time in, what, two years? And a long one at that. You were about twenty seconds away from a trip to the hospital. You don’t think your stress levels had something to do with this?” His tone was one of frustration, but she could tell he was just worried.
She sighed, knowing he was right. “Maybe.”
Eddie climbed into the other side of the bed and settled nearly in the middle. “So take the long weekend. Just relax and get some rest. Doctor’s orders.”
Shifting to curl into his side, she giggled. “You’re not a doctor.”
He huffed. “Medic’s orders. Is that better? Or I can call a doctor.”
“Don’t you dare.”
Rolling impossibly closer to her, he pressed one more kiss to her forehead. “Good night, mi amor.”
When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was her alarm clock. She was surprised to find it was nearly ten already. Slowly, she shifted onto her back and turned her head to look at the other side of the bed. She found Eddie sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone.
“Good morning,” he greeted as he noticed she was awake. “How’re you feeling?”
“I’m okay. Just a bit sore. Which is pretty much what I expected.” She took Eddie’s hand in hers. “And maybe a little grateful that I got to sleep in and I don’t have to get up and go to work.”
He lifted her hand to kiss her knuckles. “You needed it.”
“Oh, shit!” she panicked. “I didn’t call. I missed the meeting. I’m gonna get fired!”
Eddie shushed her. “I called. Just breathe. It’s okay. I called earlier and talked to your boss. He knows you’ll be out today and tomorrow and told me to tell you to take Monday also, if you need to.”
She took a deep breath and let herself relax. “Okay. Thank you.”
“Of course. How about some breakfast?”
“Mmm. Yes, please.”
Eddie let go of her hand and got up off the bed. “Stay there. I’ll be right back.”
He disappeared out of the room, and she could hear him moving around her kitchen. A few minutes later, he returned with a plate and set it on the bed in front of her.
She looked up at him, surprised. “Since when do you make omelettes?”
“Uhh, well, never?” He laughed. “I may have called in reinforcements. Bobby dropped it off earlier. I just reheated it according to his very direct instructions.”
“Eddie! I could have just had some cereal or something. You didn’t need to make him drive over here so early on his day off.” She reached over to grab her phone off the nightstand.
“I figured you could use real food. I was going to order delivery, but Bobby offered.”
“Why would he have offered?” She opened Bobby’s contact to send him a thank you text. “Oh. You told him about last night.”
“I couldn’t fall asleep. Then they were all texting in the group thread. So when they asked why I was still up, I told them. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have without asking you first.”
“No, it’s fine. It’s not like my epilepsy is a secret. They’re your—our— friends. I’m sure I would have told them anyway.”
He nodded. “Okay. Eat and then you can go back to sleep for a bit. If you want.”
She cut a piece off the omelette and ate it. As she chewed, she spoke, “Bobby says we’re invited over there for dinner if I’m feeling up to it. I told him we would let them know a little later today.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me.”
She took another bite of her food. “Aren’t you going to eat?”
Shaking his head, he explained, “I ate earlier.”
“Oh, right.” She glanced at the clock. “I forgot it was so late already.”
“Anything else I can get for you?”
She contemplated for a moment. “Umm, maybe a glass of apple juice?”
He disappeared from the room with a simple nod.
Soon after he returned, she finished her omelette and he took the plate into the kitchen.
“Did you want to go back to sleep?” he asked.
“How about a shower and then a movie on the couch?” she countered, throwing off the blankets she was still tucked under. As she stood, dizziness flared, causing her to sway slightly before sitting back down.
Eddie was in front of her instantly, steadying her. “How about a bath instead?”
“Sounds perfect.”
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emyluwinter · 1 year
Yuu and streams.
I've always wondered what if Yuu uses his smartphone to conduct simple amateur streams? Over time, they even gain a small popularity and audience. But no one at all can intelligibly say that such Yuu.
All their followers could find was that they study at Night Raven College, but their dorm is unknown to anyone. And there are ghosts there? Some particularly energetic followers sometimes build wild theories about the life of Yuu and about the life of ghosts.
Next I will write that Yuu is a girl. I'm so comfortable.
Yuu usually streamed her normal life. Washing dishes after dinner and cleaning the kitchen. A quiet place, with simple actions and some tired charm in every movement, something hooked everyone who accidentally stumbled upon this stream. No magic despite the fact that this is her uniform belongs to one of the famous colleges of magic. Occasionally she puts a gramophone nearby that can play the music you remember. (This thing is in the guest room in the game) This thing is so old that some go to search the Internet for what it is.
On some streams, Yuu cooks a recipe book for beginners or something a little more complicated.
-Add 4/1…w h a t ? - Yuu squints at the book in puzzlement and then her eyes blink in surprise.
Her expression changes to confused and confused. Leaving the spoon and the bag of butter on the table, Yuu takes the recipe book and turns it upside down, shaking it slightly along the way so that all the joking notes from the former owners of the recorded and enclosed scraps of paper fly out.
-Pretend you didn't see it.. - Yuu asks awkwardly, unable to hide her reddened ear tips from shame.
Having a habit of pronouncing his actions, Yuu tries to follow everything according to the recipe, occasionally adding one or another spice to his taste if it is permissible.
-Oh, what a delicious syrup. - Licking a drop of syrup that fell on her finger, Yuu thinks for a second and adds even less than a teaspoon to the pie mixture more.
At one of the not birthday parties. Cater suggested that Yuu make some settings for donations or the location of the chat for followers that Yuu can see live.
It all started with pretty simple and cute donations. 15 madols on a new sponge for dishes, because this follower can't look without pain at this horror with which Yuu washes plates.
45 madols for a new light bulb so that Yuu can use them for a new light bulb in the kitchen, without fear that the last working light bulb in the chandelier will burn out and have to cook by candlelight.
Grimm wanted to participate in this for a while, but he was so lazy to do anything after classes and a good dinner that he just slept peacefully or dozed next to Yuu while she was hosting.
Accustomed to the "definitely not feline" habits of the Grimm, Yuu did not even swear when he suddenly fell asleep in the middle or at the beginning of his work.
But the followers, Grimm definitely liked it.
Ace and Deuce definitely watched every Yuu stream if they weren't busy with club activities. Why? Because somehow even the mere sight of Yuu through the screen calmed them down and motivated them to continue their training.
Despite his completely "not sincere language", Ace left any emoticons under each stream of Yuu.
Deuce really liked doing homework in the living room of the dorm while watching Yuг stream along the way. His favorite streams were when Yuu was studying or cooking something. He could not explain why he could concentrate on studying on such days and better assimilate the material. In truth, both of them could not find the strength to overcome the desire to go right now to visit Yuг and Grimm and ask for a portion when the Prefect was cooking something delicious.
Trappola more than once ran away from his duties when Yuu made pies or buns, just for the sake of being the first to try them. He gets punished by Riddle, but in a lighter form because Ace "pays off Yuu's cooking"
He ends up doing double punishment anyway.
Often Deuce is also involved in this.
Yuu's followers just go crazy when they can't find a single song they hear on her streams. Someone even made recordings and sent them to local radio or music stations, but no one could give an answer to the name of the song or melody. Which is why there are even more theories.
Detective stories that she occasionally retells while Grimm finishes his homework. And as a reward receives the answer to the riddle. He definitely likes to feel this tension from the tightening mystery like a narrow bottleneck. And then swear that the solution was so obvious and he would have guessed if Yuu had given him more clues.
Some book clubs almost pulled out their last hair trying to find the name of the book or collection mentioned by Yu. But there is not one even close to what they heard from her.
Absolutely insane theories about who the Prefect of Yuu is are starting to go around on the Internet and Magikamе.
Her dorm? There is not a single official document that it was ever possible to find. There is not one of the accounts among College students who would be there. But absolutely EVERYONE could confirm that such a dorm REALLY EXISTS. And yes, the Prefect is a living person.
One day Yuu comes to one of the streams of the next donat "1000 madols. User xxxx2546 asks - Yuu are you some kind of forgotten deity or a lost child of a famous family?"
Of course, she is very flattered that she will be donated, mostly small amounts, but she definitely improves the hostel on them so she definitely won't complain. And never in his life will he tell Director Crowley about it.
After reading the text to the donation, Yuu quietly choked on air and laughed merrily covering her mouth with her palm. Her cheerful ringing laughter bounced off the old shabby walls and pale faded wallpaper, giving the room a more lively look at least for a moment.
-Forgotten deity?! Do you guys seriously think that I am….pf… Oh, I can't… - Yuu doubled over with laughter and then suddenly straightened up.
-First of all, thank you for your help, I can finally buy some pots. And secondly….what nonsense is this?!I'm not a forgotten deity, I don't even have magic…look here..
Standing in a ridiculous hero pose, Yuu points to the window with his index finger.
-Let there be thunder and lightning! Hdysch! - having invented the ridiculous sound of the spell, Yuu jumps on the spot when thunder begins to rumble loudly on the street so much that the glass in the window frames vibrates and the room is illuminated by a thunderbolt.
Biting his lip, Yuu awkwardly looks at the camera. Now she definitely won't be able to reason with some of the people who watch her.
-I swear to you…..it's not me….
Suddenly realizing something, Yuu again makes a ridiculous pose and hand gesture.
-I want to become rich!
But nothing happens, except that the thunder and lightning increase.
-Oh, come on….it's not fair. I only know one who could….Oh shit!
Running up to the window and quickly opening it, Yuu leans out of the window and shouts loudly to someone on the street.
-Tsunotaro, please let's not rain today! I just hung up all the laundry!!!
Suddenly, the whole storm subsides and the chat just blows to shreds from text and messages. Yuu looks at his phone even more confused.
-I don't think I can explain it to you for sure….
I think that Vil also makes streams from time to time. Because he is a media personality and he needs to maintain his level.
So on one of the streams, several of his followers notice a terribly familiar interior and furnishings that they have definitely already seen somewhere.
-Schoenheit I brought you tea as you requested.. - a quiet voice-over is heard in the room while Vil continues his stream.
-Oh, thank you, put it on the table, please.
The chat begins to fill up with questions whether it could be someone from the staff or college students. And what kind of relationship they have with a celebrity.
Behind Schoenheit, a small figure in an apron can be seen placing a tray with a cup and a small teapot on a table behind the place where the model is sitting. The face does not get into the frame. And the chat is even more crazy.
-Is there anything else you need? - again an unfamiliar and quiet voice for everyone.
-Yes, here is a list of what we talked about earlier. And don't forget the ointment.- Schoenheit puts some paper in her hand with a plaster on the brush.
-Okay, I get it. Thank you, that helped a lot from the burn.
A few days later, on Yuu's stream, some people notice the same hand with a Band-Aid and the same paper in her hands.
"150 madols. user xxxx45461 asks - what happened to your hand?"
-Oh thank you, oh…. a trifle I burned myself in class today. I've already been given a good ointment so it's okay. Today there will be a short stream because I will need to do a lot of tasks from the list. And it's secret.
A huge wave is now pouring into the piggy bank of theories about the origin of Yuu, what kind of relationship she may have with the most famous Schoenheit model. Magikame buzzes like a pterodactyl from all the most impossible and ridiculous options.
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
I have this cute Florence fic idea and thought I'd send it to you. Of course you don't have to write it if you don't want to. 💖
Florence was on set filming a movie and reader wants to surprise her by cooking dinner for her. When Florence comes home there is a lot of mess in the kitchen. The surprise didn't go as planed and Florence needs to help reader cook but at the end they are happy because they had a lot of fun and enjoyed the cooking together.
A Beautiful Mess
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Reader
Summary: Florence comes home to a lovely smell but a messy kitchen.
Fluff | No Warnings | 1.1K
AC: Thank you for sending this, I loved the idea! I hope you enjoy this x
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Florence walked through the front door to the welcoming smell of something cooking in the kitchen and music that played at a medium volume. She kicked off her shoes and dropped her bags to her feet, a problem to deal with later she thought before making her way to the kitchen. 
There you were, surrounded by a mess that most would be bothered by. Pots of all sizes cluttered the countertops, ingredients scattered around the other countertops while you used a wooden spoon to stir whatever contents were in the fry pan. She could hear the soft humming coming from you, completely unaware that Florence was standing in the doorway with a smile tugging at her lips. 
Even Billie was too distracted by the meat scraps that you dropped on the floor for her. She sniffed all around your feet for any sign of goodness she might've missed. The sight only made Florence even more glad to finally be home. She took a few short steps, coming up behind you and wrapping her arms around you. You gasped as first, frightened as you jumped and almost knocked the fry pan to the floor. 
"I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to startle you" Florence apologized, trying to hide the amused look on her face from your reaction.
 "You're home early!" you commented before your eyes quickly scanned your surroundings, taking in the large mess you'd made. "This was supposed to be a surprise" you added as your eyes traced back to Florence, you pouted before sighing in defeat. 
"Don't look so sad love" Florence gently pulled you closer, smiling softly at the feeling of finally having you back in her arms after a long few days without you. 
"I was trying to cook your favourite! I was going to set the table and set up the cinema room for movies later, why didn't you text me to let me know you were on your way?" you asked, wrapping your arms around the back of Florence's neck. 
"I'm sorry baby, my phone died on the plane" she apologised once again. 
Looking into her eyes, you knew you couldn't hold this against her, even if you wanted too. "Well, maybe it's a good idea you came home early" you chuckled, "I was totally winging it and I think I've stuffed up the sauce" you added. Florence smiled softly before crashing her lips onto yours, "is that your way of asking for my help?" she asked as she pulled away to grab her apron. 
"I believe so" you smiled. 
Florence grabbed a teaspoon, dipping it into the sauce for a taste test. "You almost had it!" she spoke before reaching for the salt, "it just needs a little more salt and some more tomatoes" she added as she spung around on her heels to face you.
"We don't have any more tomatoes" you replied.
"There should be a can of crushed tomato in the cupboard" 
Of course, Florence was right, you found the can of crushed tomatoes and opened it for her. "I'll continue on with the vegetables" you smiled softly as she took the can from your hand. Florence nodded as she poured the tomato into the sauce before giving it another stir. You focused on the vegetables, getting lost in the moment when your humming started once more. 
You didn't notice it but as Florence helped you cook, she let you take the lead and only gave you a hand where she thought you needed it the most. She could see how much you wanted to cook for her and give her something lovely to come home too, little did you know, that just the idea of coming home to you was more than enough for her. 
She loved watching you humming and dancing around the kitchen that she couldn't help but join you. Gently grabbing you by your hips and pulling you closer to her, leading you two into a slow dance while the sauce simmered over the heat of the stove. No words were spoken, it was just the two of you in this moment, smiling softly at one another while music played in the background. 
Florence had been in more movies than she can remember but this moment felt much more like it came straight out of a movie than ever, but this was real. 
"Honey, the sauce is going to burn" you said, bringing Florence's mind back to the cooking. Her hands left your hips so you could turn off the stove and begin to dish up her favorite meal. "Oh god!" you looked around the kitchen before turning to look at Florence once more, "I'm so sorry about the mess!" you added. The kitchen had only grown with more mess since Florence helped you cook, she chuckled. 
"It's okay my love, I'll help you clean it up after dinner" she replied. 
"No, no! You're not lifting a finger; tonight, is all about you and for me to show you how much I've missed you" you spoke with a raised brow in hopes she wouldn't be her stubborn self and help you anyway. 
"What would I do without you, huh?" Florence replied. 
After dinner, the dishes were placed in the sink before you made Florence a hot cup of tea to drink while she relaxed in the cinema room but of course you knew that wasn't going to last long when you felt her wrap her arms around your waist once more. "Can we make cooking together a regular thing?" she asked before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. 
"You mean, me make a mess and you saving the day?" you turned in her arms with a warm smile. Florence chuckled once more, "that's not how I see it" she replied. 
"Oh yeah? I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened" 
"I came home to a beautiful mess, a lovely dinner and my two favourite things in the entire world, Food and Billie" Florence playfully raised her brow as you gently slapped her arm. 
"That's the last time I try to do anything sweet for you!" you joked. 
"Hey! I like coming home to you, my beautiful mess" Florence pecked a kiss on your forehead. 
"Now, if that wasn't so sweet, I'd never cook for you again" you chuckled, blushing big time. Even after two years together, she still gave you the nervous butterflies and she knew a little too well how to make you blush. "Would you like some help cleaning up?" she asked, but you being the stubborn person you were shook your head, "nope, I've got this one" you smiled softly before kissing her lips deeply.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @sophie-xox | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @sophie-xox | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @crescent-witch | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @blue-serendipityy | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @livresjaunes | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | 
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writingshushf1 · 2 years
hey babe 💕 hope your day is going well! if the idea clicks with you, here's a request! but, no worries if you don't vibe w/ it <3 anyways, would you be up to writing a felipe drugovich x fem!reader, where usually their sex is very sweet and lovey, and its good, but reader decide she wants to ask for something different. she sits down to talk to him all like "please don't take this wrong" and is super worried he'll hate the idea but she asks him to take it rough with her sometime and boy, he delivers 🫣 ( + spanking kink <3 )
My oh my...
Summary: felipe was sweet and lovely, but too much for your taste, so you decide to change things a bit - and he's into it.
Rating: +18
Warnings: explicit !!!! oral (f! and m! recieving), p with plot, unprotected s*x, spanking (kink), blindfold, maybe some mouth f*cking, praise kink. PURE FILFTH
Word count: 2.2k
Notes: it was supposed to be a drabble . it was supposed to be around 0.9k words. ended up a full one shot. i'm more impressed than you think .
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Their bodies were clinging together, his face was against your neck as he let out low moans. You had already reached your climax, and he was reaching his. He was mumbling incoherent things in Portuguese and you thought it was adorable.
His body crashed against the mattress and he held your hand, kissing it lightly, and you smiled and laid your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes and enjoying the rest. He was so sweet and caring, so different from the others.
Days later and there was something bothering you lately about having sex with him and you didn't know what it was, he was perfect, loving, took time with you and treated you like a princess, there was no reason to be picking on that. Since he was away for the first race of the season, you took that time to think about what was going wrong, what you felt was missing, not least because you always got there, always, often more than once.
Of course google was your source to understand what you might be feeling, because the love was there, the hard-on was there, what was missing?
And well, you found what you could possibly add. It wasn't that you had a missing piece, but a few things that could be added sometimes. Now came the hardest part, talking to him and seeing if he was okay with that. The biggest fear was that he would feel offended or even angry that you kept it from him and you didn't want to get to that point, of fighting over sex "issues".
You waited until he had the week's break between Bahrain and Jeddah. He arrived at your London apartment with the biggest smile on his face, hugging you and lifting you off the floor, filling your face with kisses.
"Eu estava com saudades!” (I've missed you.)
"I missed you too, Fe." As happy as you were, your nervousness was eating you up inside. "Drop your bags in your room and come, I made a special dinner for you."
"I'm curious." He hurriedly went to leave his suitcase in his room and quickly returned, already with slippers on his feet and without his sweatshirt.
"É... Um... I'm going to say this wrong, but... farofa de pinhão." You put it in a pot and handed it to him.
"You're the best, you know that, right?" He took a spoonful of the farofa and smiled when he tasted it. "Incredible."
You ate dinner, sitting on the couch with your legs curled up together. After a while, just listening to the background television and enjoying the moment together, he started paying more attention to you, sensing that maybe something was wrong, so at the same moment, you got up and took the pots to the kitchen, washing them while he followed you, leaning his body against the countertop, analysing your somewhat nervous movements.
When you finished cleaning the dishes, you took a deep breath and turned to him.
"We need to talk."
“Aham… Bedroom?” He was a bit startled by it, but he tried to take it as light as possible.
You walked to the bedroom and sat on the bed facing each other. You took his hands and placed them on your lap, taking a deep breath and looking at a fixed point behind him.
"First of all, love.... Please don’t take this wrong, okay?”
“Did I do something wrong, gatinha?” His worried voice made you even more nervous than you already were.
“Baby, no… Calm down and listen to me.”
“Okay. Sorry.”
“So… I love having sex with you, really, you’re the best guy I’ve ever been with, you care about what I’m feeling, it makes me cum every single time, it’s very sweet and it makes me feel so good…” You breathed in, squeezed his hands. “But sometimes I would like to do it more rough, you know? Like… You know, be rougher with me.” The tension on your body could be felt miles away. “If you’re not into it, it’s okay! I… Is it more of an idea? I’m sorry.”
“Ah. Uau.” His face expression was pure surprise, yet his smile did not lie, he was into it. “You don’t need to apologise, baby.” 
He pulled you to his lap, caressing your back and leaving small kisses on your shoulder.
“Don’t worry, okay?” You looked at him, feeling that guilt fade away.
“I just didn’t know you were such a naughty girl…” He murmured, stealing a quick kiss before taking you off his lap and going to the bathroom.
You had spent your Saturday afternoon with your girl friends, going to different cafés, going shopping - which resulted in a new green lingerie set, just for him. When you came back, the lights on the apartment were low. He was sitting down on the sofa watching a football match, only in his black Adidas training shorts, his legs and arms spreaded and you could see his bulge from afar. You left your bags on the floor and sat on the arm of the sofa, running your hands through his hair.
“Hi, love…” He looked up, smiling at you.
“Oi, bem.” (Hi, dear)
“I’m going to take a shower then what do you think about some coffee and pastries from the places I went with the girls?”
“Perfect. The match will be off soon.” His fingers travelled through your thigh.
“Be right back then. Love you.”
“Te amo.” (Love you)
You ran towards the bathroom, all giggly from how he was acting, it was so sexy to see him like that. Before you went to take your shower, you got the new lingerie set and the fancy body products he gave you a while back for valentine’s day. Maybe you stayed in the shower more than you planned, mostly because you wanted to be smelling good for him - and pretty. On top of the green set, you’ve put one of his oversized shirts - that didn’t totally cover you, because your ass and thighs were bigger than most girls. 
Walking back towards the open plan kitchen-living room, he was already arranging the sweets and the coffee, but he stopped everything to look at you coming to him.
“Gostosa pra caralho.” (Fucking hot)
“I try to.” You laughed, putting your arms around his neck.
Unexpectedly, he turned you around and bent you on the balcony, coming right behind you. His shorts were so tight that you were feeling him semi hard against you.
“Wearing my shirt, huh? Someone’s trying to call my attention?” 
His hands were travelling around your body and he didn’t have any hurry on exploring your body. He lightly squeezes your breasts when his hands arrive on them, biting his lower lip.
“You’re wearing something under this, aren't you? Say it.”
You took a few seconds to answer him, so that was when the first slap against your ass came. A whimper escaped your lips in shock - but you liked it.
“Say it to me…” His lips got closer to your ear. “Palavras, bebê.” (Words, baby)
“Yes… I’m wearing green lingerie. I bought it today, just for you.”
“Really? I’m the luckiest man on Earth, aren’t I?” He slapped your ass again, with a little more strength than before. “Take off the shirt and show me.”
He gave you space to get up and take off the shirt - which you did at such a quick pace that made him chuckle.
“Such a good girl.” He lifted your chin. “Sit on the counter.”
You complied to his ask and soon he spread your legs and got it in between, holding your hips and starting a passionate kiss, letting his tongue pass over your mouth and colliding against yours, in such a desperate pace, like he didn’t kiss you in months. You tugged his hair a little, not giving him a chance before you started to kiss his jaw, then his neck, letting yourself bite and make bruises that he was going to show himself off to his friends. His low groans were making you wetter by the minute. Drugovich got tired of not doing anything, so he grabbed your face and lifted up, letting your neck and V line be exposed. He was so desperate that he only gave you quick hickies, soon exploring the valley of your breasts, while his thumbs were going against your nipples - the feeling of the fabric against them was making you crazy.
After listening to your moans, he smiled, going lower till the height of your thighs, laying his head there. Felipe slowly pressed a finger against your covered clit, moving in slow circles. That movement got you in surprise, making you squirm under his touch. The kisses on your thighs weren’t helping, you were melting under his touch.
“So wet… Only for me.”
“Only for you, baby.”
Out of the blue, he changed his position and picked you up, taking you to the bedroom. Feeling the soft fabric hit your back gave a good calming sensation, however you couldn’t focus on enjoying that for too long, because he got a silk cloth and brought it to you.
“Can I?”
He tied it on your face, completely taking out your vision - Drugovich was a smart man, he researched online about things he could do and put a blindfold on someone appeared a lot on the websites, so why not? Slowly he took off your lingerie and you could feel his mouth going at the places where the fabric covered it once - he just left the stockings on, he thought it was sexy.
You felt his hands on your thighs, then his kisses and his finger moving your - now bare - clit, it was cold, nothing like your body. Soon, this finger had its tip curled and was going in and out of you. You moaned his name when you felt his tongue on your folds, licking the wetness away and then going harshly against your clit.
The quick but then slow movements of his tongue, followed by some sucking on your clit and his finger pumping on you was overwhelming, the moans and whimpers going out of your mouth were so loud that your neighbours probably heard him give your first orgasm. When he saw that you were overwhelmed with the climax, he pulled away, smiling and slapping both of your thighs.
“Open your mouth, baby.” He held your face and turned it to the side. You opened your mouth, knowing what was coming. “Boa garota.” (Good girl)
He slowly pushed his hard dick against your mouth so you could get used to the feeling of taking him in with a blindfold on. When you got used to the feeling, he started to move his body a bit quicker, grabbing your hair. You knew he was into it because he couldn’t hide his groans, especially the ones that pet names escaped in the middle. His pace was getting faster and rougher - he was basically fucking your mouth and you were loving the sensation of it, just at mercy of his control. You gagged a little when you felt him go deeper, but got used to the feeling, soon small tears were forming at the end of your eyes.
“If I didn’t want to fuck you so much, I would finish like that.” He took his dick out of your mouth, kissing your forehead. 
He left your face against the mattress and your ass up, caressing your bum before slapping a few times - that earned strangled whimpers from you. Felipe went closer to your face, taking the blindfold off and you could notice that you could see yourself on the big mirror that was on the side wall from your room. 
“I want you to see yourself moaning and falling while I’m inside of you.” He said, giving another slap on your ass.
He adjusted himself on your entrance, going in slowly, knowing that you took some time to take him in. The Brazilian didn’t move for a while, waiting for your approval. When you mouthed a “please” he knew that he could thrust into you.
Drugovich started with slow movements, to get you more comfortable. When you felt good enough, you started to move your hips against him, which earned a hard slap on your ass.
“I control the pace.” You stopped moving and let him have all the control.
This time, he was faster, grabbing your hips with both of his hands, going all in for the moment. Your thighs would slap together and the contact made the back of yours get red - that was already sensible from the multiple slaps he gave you throughout the night. Without you noticing, one of his hands went on the middle of your legs, opening up them a bit and teasing your clit - if you were already close to having an orgasm, nothing could stop you now. Since his body was closer to yours, he kissed and nibbled the back of your neck.
Soon you were chanting his name and getting into your climax, that soon triggered his and he came hard inside of you, moaning your name multiple times.
Both of you laid spread on the bed, hugging each other. He left kisses on the top of your head, caressing the side of your body.
“That was good.” He murmured.
“So fucking good.” You chuckled.
“We will do it like that always, it’s just so hot.” He pulled you closer. “Why didn’t we think about that before?”
“I don’t know, but I’m happy we know now.”
“Eu te amo, muito.” (I love you so much) “Thanks for opening up, gatinha.”
“I love you too, Fe. I was pretty nervous, but thanks for being open about it.”
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southparktegreity · 1 year
gen. dating headcannons! + short stories
[ SOUTH PARK x reader ]
[ stanley marsh x reader + clyde donovan x reader ]
kyle, kenny and butters part is here !
gender : neutral cws : none! requested : yes ! thank you anon & jae ! i added in clyde for fun since him and butters are my favorite characters to write :))) i hope that was okay!
NOTICE : these characters are aged up, and intended to be 19/20+!
a/n : my requests are still open as always :) ! if requested i'll do other characters as well !!!
stan :
out of everyone i’ve written, i think stanley is the least likely to ask you out on a date. ignoring the vomit aside (since i’m sure he grows out of it eventually), i’m sure his stomach would be tied in knots and he wouldn’t have the courage to really ask you out. which leads him to the idea of letting you know you have a secret admirer. he’ll leave notes in your locker or in your bag, a nice compliment or two to get you through the day. though one day if you ever get curious enough i’m sure you’ll be able to figure out he’s your secret admirer, admiring you from afar, (he probably isn’t trying too hard to hide his identity). if you confront him he’ll spill the beans and probably be a total nervous wreck doing it, but will end by asking you out <3
KARAOKE AND DINER DATES. omg i totally can see you dragging him to karaoke with you as a second or third date. he would take you to his favorite diner around, then you'd order both of you a milkshake with two straws. i can totally see you guys sharing a booth together and giggling about it. his face would be sooo red once the waiter comes back with the milkshake.
definitely does not handle jealousy in the most healthy ways, i think if he was jealous you'd have to kind of ask him what's wrong - i don't think he'd come out and tell you that he has a problem with you hanging out with the new kid / new kid flirting with you etc. once you reassured him nothing was going on there and you wouldn't leave him, he'd probably gain his confidence back and feel a bit more secure in your guys relationship. he'd ask you beforehand if he could be a bit more open with pda when it came to dudes flirting with you, and if you say yes he'll start holding your hand around more and calling you babe around the guys who are tryna hit on you.
i think he likes being the big spoon at first, then prefers to quietly move to cuddling you as the small spoon. he definitely wants to protect you but i've always seen stan as someone who also needs a lot of comfort and comforting, though i don't think he'd be open or honest about any of it. he really wouldn't want to come across as weak or lame to you especially, so he would definitely hope you and him would have a silent agreement while cuddling that he can be the little spoon :,)
i think he prefers 'babe' or 'baby' the most to call you, i get the impression he's not too big on pet names or anything like that. especially around his friends, he'd be a bit upset with you if you used any silly or especially romantic pet names around his friends. mostly because you know what his friends are like. i get the feeling he'd LOVE them in private though, like while you're cuddling him and softly playing with his hair. slide in a little, "hey sweetheart - you're so beautiful". i can totally see him melting into you in that moment.
"Hey babe." Stan walked over to you and the new kid, rubbing the back of his palm against yours, before grabbing your hand properly, but gently. He made sure that the new kid was able to see your hands, holding your hand up to his lips and kissing the back of it gently before returning back to your hands natural state together.
The new kid looked between you both, realizing there wasn't really much getting in between you two, before waving to you both goodbye.
"What was that about, Stan?" You looked at him, smiling a little to yourself and him at the new public display of affection.
Stan shook his head. "Nothing, just missed you." He said watching the new kid walk away, before looking back at you and gazing into your eyes, then giving you a kiss on the forehead.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
clyde :
definitey talked to tolkien and craig before trying to ask you out. he really wants to come off as genuine to you, instead of just trying to get into your pants like he may have done previously to other people. again, wants to come off as genuine instead of just flirty. tolkien would probably be super encouraging and craig would probably be like “if you don’t tell them i will” or something like that. i think in the end though clyde asking you out would go something like; “hey you should come to my football game, y/n.” “it’s winter? it’s not football season..?” cue to him wiping the sweat off his forehead, “y-yeah.. what i meant was… you can play foot with my… no wait - wait..”
clyde definitely would take you to an amusement park, he's not super into rollercoasters since they're a bit scary but if you beg him he'll totally go with you. though be warned, he'll be holding onto your hand the entire time. i also get the impression he would LOVVEEE to take you into a haunted house of some kind, totally not using the fear as an excuse for you to hold onto him, but he ends up holding onto you out of fear - maybe crying a little. he doesn't want to seem like a baby around you but you can't fault him for being scared - right?
honestly? i think clyde is similar to kyle in that he gets a bit more territorial (again as seen in that one episode with bebe and kyle). though he definitely isn't as possessive as kyle. clyde's the type of person to throw your arm around you and say something like "what's up, honey! who's this guy?", as if the other guy isn't trying to flirt with you. if you were spending too much time with tolkien or stan (or any other boy really) he'd probably get genuinely upset and would communicate this of course, throughout a very teary night. he always wants to be your #1 and is probably a little afraid of you leaving him for someone else (especially if it's his fault (cough) his mom (cough)).
i can definitely see the sun barely coming up and shining on him and yourself glistening on yours and his skins. he would definitely be hugging your waist and pressed in between your chest. his legs would wrap around yours. you playing with his hair as he whispers sweet nothings to you. he's definitely a big ol' cuddle bug, and i can see him and you during the summer deciding not to cuddle since it's too hot, and then waking up in each others very, very sweaty arms.
he’s so hit or miss with sweet names, i feel like he probably calls you “sweetheart” or “honeyy” but i could also see him saying something like “mx/mr/ms. y/n donovan” all the time. especially around his friends or anyone who might try to hit on you. i feel like he’s all lovey dovey and tries to act like a married couple to get people away from you. plus, he loves the idea of getting married to you. and if you play along (calling him “mr. clyde l/n”) he’ll lose his MIIIND practically cries tears of joy hearing that :,)
You and your lovely boyfriend Clyde were laying in his king size bed (since of course, he had to buy a bed fit for a king), as the sun began to set. It was summertime, the wind was nowhere to be found and the air was humid. Clyde's room was hot, since there was little to no ventilation. You turned to Clyde, his face slightly covered in sweat as he wiped it off with a nearby towel. His face was glistening from the sun setting, as the purple-y pink sun shined on his face.
"What's wrong honey?" You snapped out of your thoughts, shaking your head and looking back at him - your face subtly flushed. Partially from the heat, but also from him.
"You just looked really pretty... even with all that sweat on your face, hehe." You grinned at him.
Clyde looked back at you with the biggest toothy smile on his face, tackling you down onto the bed and peppering you with kisses. You both were too hot (literally and figuratively) to be holding each other like this, your arms wrapped around him as he smooched you.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
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agentstovring · 7 months
Play the (Summer) Game
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Title: Play the (Summer) Game
Pairing: Spencer/Tommy (Smosh)
Rating: M for Mature
Notes: I wrote this as a gift for the wonderful @blondeforyou because they've been an invaluable pillar of support as I've finally found my way back to writing.
You can also find this on Ao3
Spencer has no idea how long they’ve been sitting there. His phone ran out of juice at least two hours ago, so he can’t check the time, and Tommy’s phone is currently sitting in a bowl of rice back at the beach house. Between the beach and the pool, someone had to drop their phone in the water. He wonders for the umpteenth time why someone would bother building a pool for a beachfront property; but it was damn convenient for Smosh, so he can’t complain.
After all, what would Summer Games be without the bellyflop competition? It’d be pretty tough doing bellyflops into the ocean; if they hadn’t found that house, they would have had to shoot the games somewhere else, and they would have missed out on all the beach activities they added. The sandcastle competition; playing volleyball with a person-sized beach ball; the ice-cream scoop on a spoon race; he couldn’t wait to see the footage.
Also, more pertinently, if they hadn’t shot the games right by the beach, this potentially life altering moment might not have been so aesthetic.
The beach stretches out for miles on either side of the lifeguard tower, and the ocean is impossibly endless in front of them. They’re both sitting on the deck, leaning back against the pastel blue structure, squinting in the low light. The mild ocean breeze is soothing; it’s late summer in California and they’ve been filming in the scorching heat all day. Spencer inhales deeply, smelling their warm skin, a hint of sunscreen, and lukewarm hard cider from the half empty cans between them, courtesy of one of their sponsors.
As the sun is slowly setting into the water, they’re bathed in orange light, and he’s scared to look at Tommy for several reasons. One, because Tommy might simply be too beautiful in this light, and Spencer is already in too deep; and two, because neither of them has said anything in a while.
He’s building up the courage to speak as he watches a small group of sandpipers running back and forth alternately following the lapping waves and escaping them. One of them, smaller than the others, gets too brave and gives a startled jump when a splash of water grazes its tailfeathers.
“How long have you known?” Tommy asks finally, still looking straight ahead.
“That I’m bi? Or that I’m in love with you.”
Tommy sighs. He sounds tired but not upset. “I guess we’ll do them in order. When did you realize that you like guys? I’m kind of hoping it was earlier today, since you haven’t told me about it.”
“That’s not fair, I know, I’m sorry.”
Spencer picks up a cider can and turns it in his hands. “I didn’t tell anyone. I thought about telling Courtney, but I didn’t know what to say. ‘I think I’m bi, help’?”
“That would be a start.”
“I wasn’t sure; and the conversation that would have to happen for me to be sure would involve telling her that I like you.”
Tommy shifts, rolling his shoulder until it gives a satisfying pop. The wooden deck is not exactly ergonomic, but something tells Spencer that the conversation will end permanently once they leave this spot. If he doesn’t get it all out now, he might never get the chance again.
“You could have just told her - or me - that you like guys,” Tommy says.
“I’m not a good liar.”
“Saying you like guys is a lie?”
“I only like you. And women.”
Tommy huffs out a laugh. “Women in general, and me. I’m gonna try real hard not to wonder what that says about me.”
“That you’re special?”
“Which brings us to the second question,” Tommy says, evading the compliment. “How long have you known that you- about me?”
“Since you and Kevin broke up and it made me really happy.”
Tommy snorts, breaking into giggles as he facepalms. “Oh my god, you suck so much..”
“It started way before then, but that’s when I realized; before that I didn’t know what I was feeling. I thought it was just.. I don’t know, confusing friend feelings. I’ve never liked a guy before, what was I supposed to think?”
Tommy looks up, frowning. “You’ve been in love before though.”
“Not like this. Never like this.”
Tommy’s face does something complicated, like he is physically unable to process just how serious Spencer is about this. Even on his best days, Tommy can be pretty insecure; when someone compliments him, his standard response is surprise or denial; an earnest declaration of love is probably breaking his brain a little.
“I’m sorry.”
Tommy frowns. “For what?”
“For not telling you sooner, or maybe for telling you at all. For feeling this way, I guess, I know I’m putting a lot on you.”
“You’re not- I mean, yes, you’re putting a lot on me, because we’re somehow finding ourselves in a situation where I have to be the responsible one. But don’t apologize for telling me, and definitely don’t be sorry for how you feel.”
The tab on the cider can finally gives in to Spencer’s continuous wiggling and pops off with a metallic ting. He put it in his pocket, setting the can aside. His brain catches up to Tommy’s words.
“What do you mean you have to be the responsible one?”
“Well, we can just rush into this; even if we weren’t coworkers, we’re friends, and that’s complicated enough.”
Spencer’s heart thumps harder in his chest and, as much as he tries to fight it, he can’t help but smile a little, soft and disbelieving. “You like me back?”
Tommy sighs, refusing to look at him. “No, no ‘back’; I like you; you think you like me. You don’t know for sure. No offense, I’m not trying to invalidate what you think you feel, but you can’t know for sure. If you’d had even one crush on a guy before-”
Tommy sighs again. This time he turns to Spencer, looking tortured. “If I believe you and we do this, and it turns out it really was confused friend feelings this whole time, where would that leave us?”
“With the same homoerotic friendship we’ve always had. Purer, if you think about it, because we’ll have explored all options and made an informed decision.”
Tommy narrows his eyes at him, smirking in mock derision. “You wanna get in my pants so bad, you’ll say anything.”
Spencer swallows. “Is it working?”
Tommy just looks at him for a moment, face unchanging. The seconds tick by. Finally, he picks up the cider cans and sets them both aside. He scoots closer until his arm brushes Spencer’s, and when he looks up their faces are inches apart.
“I need you to use your excellent communications skills,” Tommy says, voice lower now that they’re close. He leans in slowly. “I need you to tell me exactly what you feel, as you’re feeling it, so I can respond appropriately.”
Spencer leans in as well, blood rushing in his ears. “I’m taking mental notes. I’m gonna make you a.. PowerPoint presentation.”
“I can’t wait to see it,” Tommy murmurs, closing the distance between them.
Tommy’s lips are soft and Spencer almost whines as he pulls away too quickly, having barely given Spencer a taste. Tommy snickers, sensing his frustration, and leans in again, placing a light hand on Spencer’s thigh. He lets the second kiss last as long as Spencer wants, pressing his mouth firmer against his. He makes a scandalized noise when Spencer slips him the tongue but gives in all the same.
His hand feels like it’s burning through Spencer’s shorts and Spencer moans softly into the kiss when Tommy tightens the grip slightly, getting carried away. When he finally pulls back to catch his breath, he doesn’t go far. He feels as dazed as Tommy looks, and he’s not ready for this to end.
Clearing his throat, he says, “I really don’t think it’s friend feelings.”
Tommy laughs, shaking his head. “I’m starting to believe you.”
“I’m a good kisser, right?”
“Very good kisser, very convincing. There’s also that,” he adds, glancing at Spencer’s crotch where the tropical print of his shorts is slightly distorted by his obvious erection.
Spencer blushes, grateful that the sunset has turned red enough to mostly hide it. “Well, what do you want from me? I’m out here being felt up like a prom queen-”
“Good lord..”
“-and I bet you..” He falters, suddenly more nervous than he even was before he confessed. “Are you..? I mean, you liked it, right?”
Tommy’s expression turns impossibly fond at Spencer’s sudden loss of confidence, and he gently takes Spencer by the wrist, holding it loosely enough that he can pull away easily. He maintains eye contact as he guides Spencer’s hand to his crotch. Spencer’s gaze flickers down and he inhales sharply at the feeling of Tommy’s dick hard against his palm. Tommy lets go of his wrist, but he doesn’t pull his hand away; instead, he gives the hardness a slight, experimental squeeze.
“God,” Tommy sputters, pushing Spencer’s hand away even as his hips involuntarily roll to chase the touch. “Now who’s the prom queen?”
“Sorry,” Spencer chews on his lip, eyes switching back and forth between Tommy’s blown pupils and the bulge in his pants. “Can I see it?”
Tommy stares at him incredulously. “I’m genuinely afraid of what you’ll do to it, if I show you.”
“Okay, it’s not like I’d do anything weird, I just wanna see it.”
“I know you too well, you see with your hands.”
When Spencer is unable to defend himself, Tommy chuckles, leaning in to give him an appeasing kiss. “I’m not saying I don’t want to; I’m in fact showing great restraint right now.”
Spencer pouts a little. He’s too keyed up to be ashamed of his own behavior. Tommy laughs, shoving him. “Don’t pout! Do you really want your first mess-around with a guy to be here, like this?”
“On a secluded beach, in the light of a beautiful sunset? You’re right, that sounds terrible.”
Tommy laughs again and shakes his head, then turns to squints at the sunset. “It’s almost over; it’s gonna get really dark soon, and neither of us have working phones.”
“Yeah, we should probably head back,” Spencer agrees, hating the reality of it. He shoots Tommy a hopeful look. “One more for the road?”
“One more.. cock squeeze?”
“A kiss, jesus! If you wanna be a gentleman so bad, at least assume I’m gonna be a lady.”
Tommy pulls him in, clearly intent on making it count. He grazes Spencer’s bottom lip with his teeth, pulling a breathy moan from him that gives him goosebumps. He could get drunk off those moans. He thinks he might actually lose his mind when Spencer’s hand slides up his thigh, not going any further, just resting there in a clear attempt to test his resolve.
He responds by breaking the kiss and, before Spencer can protest, pressing his lips to Spencer’s neck instead. He gives it a small lick, tasting salt, and Spencer whimpers right next to his ear. He doesn’t want to leave a mark, but at the same time, he wants to eat Spencer alive. It would be so easy to push Spencer down and give him what he wants, what they both want; and he allows the thought to marinate for just a second before-
“Spencer! Tommy!” The voices are far away but coming closer with every new shout of their names. Tommy sits up straight, listening. Spencer gasps slightly at the interruption and seems disoriented, but then he hears them too.
“Tommy!” It’s Courtney.
“Spencer!” And Shayne.
Tommy groans, kissing Spencer once more, quickly. “We’ve been declared missing.”
“Damn it,” Spencer sighs, adjusting himself in his pants before getting on his feet. His lower back hurts from sitting on a hard surface for so long, and he’s secretly glad Tommy refused to take things further, lest they both suffer permanent injuries.
They quickly descend the ramp leading down into the sand, waving at their approaching friends. Courtney is jogging towards them, smiling now that she’s spotted them. Shayne trails behind, struggling to keep up. The flashlights from their phones sweep across the sand.
Tommy takes a deep breath, hoping he doesn’t look as horny and disheveled as he feels. “Here!” he calls out redundantly, reaching for Spencer once more. He squeezes his hand comfortingly and doesn’t let go as the other get closer. Spencer smiles and squeezes back. //
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
Hello!! Since baking is constantly mentioned in one way or another in the game, how would each of the brothers be as a baking partner? Maybe you’re baking a cake for someone else’s birthday or just to share with the HoL - who’s good, who’s bad, who’s messy, who sneaks some of the batter (rhetorical, it’s Beel) etc?
AN: Sorry fellow Luci kissers he is a bitch and we love him. Also @ Levi anon just know I see u and I am going to try my damnedest to write smut and let it see the light of day
Anyways baking time!
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Lucifer is insufferable (affectionate). He will basically take over. Everything is measured exactly. He makes little to no mess yet cleans the counters every five seconds… and no, you can't add chocolate chips. The recipe doesn't call for it! Do not bake with him unless you can deal with his "No Fun. Only Task at Hand." mindset. Fun fact! This is all just a way to disguise the fact that Lucifer is really bad at baking! He will blame whoever he is baking with because "I followed the instructions step by step so it can't be my fault." 
Mammon is an absolute disaster in the kitchen. There are eggshells in the cake batter, a thin layer of icing sugar covering the entire kitchen, and don't think you are getting away without a food fight. The cake will be burnt because he was more interested in getting batter in your hair than setting a timer like you had asked. Just slather it in frosting and call it a day.
Leviathan can be coaxed out of his room to make anime related treats and anime related treats only. As for how good he is at baking… It takes a couple of tries, but Levi is a quick learner and will get the hang of things pretty fast! He has turned the stand mixer on too high once or twice and maybe added too much vanilla, but at the end of the day, you have some decent snacks from your efforts.
With Satan, it's organized chaos. Flour has spilled all over the floor, you impulsively added mint extract that the recipe did not call for, and the cookbook you were using is nearly unreadable. But you know where everything is and have all the right ingredients. Unlike Mammon and Belphie, Satan will actually clean up after himself without complaining. He is a menace, but he knows what enough is enough. 
Asmodeus is surprisingly good at icing cupcakes. He makes a perfect swirl every time. That said, while the things he bakes are pretty… they don't taste the best. It's not bad, but it certainly isn't good. I'm sorry, Asmo, but your baking skills are mid. At least you got some cute Devilgram pics! Asmo will also insist on wearing the cutest apron he can find and scream when he gets batter on it. 
Listen, we all know Beelzebub will eat the raw ingredients, cookie dough, and the finished product. Your best bet is to have snacks prepared beforehand for Beel to munch on. He really tries to restrain himself, but can you blame him? He's just a hungry little guy! Beel will 100% ask to lick the spoon, and the bowl, and the beater, and probably the counter… you get the point. But! If you have enough ammo (pre-made snacks) and patience, he's actually really good at baking! 
Belphegor is the laziest motherfucker around. Don't fool yourself into thinking you are using anything but a box of cake mix with Belphie. If he has some sort of motivation, he'll try but… just don't expect any miracles. He's basically the opposite of Asmo when it comes to baking. The cake is the ugliest thing you've ever seen but DAMN does it taste good. As long as you don't let him drag you off into a cuddle session while it's still in the oven. Because at that point it's guaranteed to be burnt. Sorry. 
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fffrost · 10 months
Please please share ur kenlao headcanons n stuff🙏🙏🙏🙏
AHAHA OH BOY! I didn’t expect my KenLao shit to hit it off so well- but yeah totally. I haven’t had a ton of time to give them much more thought than the surface level stuff. A lot of it relates to the way I personally view the characters so I hope it’s good.
Pre relationship summary:
They both kind of make the first move with each other, the current dynamic (and fic) I’m working on right now has it where gang reunites every so often as a whole group. Kung Lao and Kenshi end up hitting it off at one, and gradually over time while they mature and grow more comfortable with themselves and each other they talk more outside of these meetings.
Kenshi and Lao I think are both confident in a manner that manifests in being very forward with other people- which for them ends well. Kung Lao likes to flirt, and Kenshi isn’t against it, it doesn’t bother him. He warms up to Lao and they end up really enjoying each others presence.
For Head-canons, Particularly Kenshi, because of how I characterize him:
- Kenshi eventually (idk how to word this well) accepts his blindness- and doesn’t often use Sento to see. Partially because I hc it would be pretty jarring to have that weird mindfuck of the souls of your ancestors which live in your sword directly beam visions into your brain- and also because he straight up just can’t have a sword out all the time.
- just adding this: he uses sento while fighting. Of course, so most likely he uses the sight it grants him almost exclusively in combat.
- I haven’t gone super in depth into more head-canons on what sort of aids he would use, because I need to do more research, but I think he uses a cane when walking around, and maybe later he has a service dog.
I want to point out that I’ve seen a lot of people brush off his blindness in favor of just pretending he can see like normal because of sento… which really fails to see the full potential and worth of his blindness in his character arc. I don’t know much about blindness and I am going to do research to be able to characterize and write him correctly!
Anyway moving on since I just talked about Kenshi so much (I love him) here’s some basic hcs for them:
- they alternate who is the big spoon/little spoon often.
- Kung Lao (later in life, when their relationship starts) has tattoos! He also grows his hair out, and gets a few more (bridge piercing cameo) piercings.
- Kenshi obviously has a beard
- Kung Lao can’t grow an epic beard and instead just fawns over Kenshi’s. Kenshi is mildly annoyed by it (he loves it.)
- once they’ve built trust Kung Lao trims and tidies Kenshi’s beard.
- Kenshi likes to tie up Kung Lao’s hair
- Kung Lao picks outfits for Kenshi sometimes, once Kenshi has drilled the importance of cleaning up and looking good into him enough.
- Kenshi steals Kung Lao’s clothes. A lot.
- over time their relationship develops from casual to serious, Kung Lao is the first to realize it. It grows to the point where Kenshi can’t imagine spending his time with anyone else, or trusting anyone else with that side of himself.
- Kung Lao yearns for an active and dramatic life at first, and Kenshi knows how painful it can be, so it worries him.
- over time Kenshi mellows out Kung Lao, and Kung Lao introduces Kenshi to positive excitement.
- ^ Kenshi dislikes large gatherings (such as concerts) and amusement parks.
- Kung Lao loves training with Kenshi, due to the unique techniques Kenshi’s fighting style provides. Kenshi also helps Kung Lao with coaching Shujinko after the first time he biffed it, which was pre relationship.
- takeda comes into the picture also, but I am not sure how I want to fit him into their familial dynamic yet….
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Words can’t explain how much I absolutely love Eddie Munson with a tall!reader(male/fem/or gn). It gives off such Raven/beast boy, Gomez/Morticia, and Jessica rabbit/roger rabbit vibes. I love it so much.
As a 5’11 girl, when Eddie Munson is 5’10, this speaks to me HARD
Eddie would look up at the reader, especially if you’re wearing boots/platforms/heels etc just adding on to how tall you already are, esp compared to Eddie, and just be in awe. If you walk his back into something, or even pin him to a wall, Eddie’s shutting up for the first time in his life because he is literally just awestruck with you. Even you two leaning against your lockers, Eddie just once again realises how tall you are, by looking you up and down, and is, as always, so impressed by you. And boy does he want you.
Oh Eddie still picks you up. He does it whenever he can. But also he lets himself be a little less careful when he sprints and jumps on you, to get together to give him a piggyback, or catch him in your arms as he bolts. It’s sometimes a bit of a jumpscare when you just see him gunning it for you, focusing.
He’ll boast about his big strong partner. About how you can beat people up for him. How you two can be great partners in crime. All with his arm (slightly raised) over your shoulders. Eddie loves when you lean your chin on his shoulder, or his head, and when you’re leaning on him, or touching/holding him the way he’s never been in the receiving end of before, because he’s always been taller than anyone who would possibly touch him like that, and finally he can experience some of that himself, and it makes him feel really loved and looked after. As he shares being the ‘bigger spoon’ type, the taller person’s tasks, the ‘boyfriend/man’s’ moves, or more dominant roles, in all sorts of physical touchy ways. Even you leaning up to grab something Eddie could grab himself (or maybe he can’t) makes him just a little giddy, and stirred up with warm butterflies inside!
And Eddie is literally above average height! He is not short, so for you to be taller than him?? Eddie is drooling. His heart’s fluttering. Instead of thinking about proving himself to you with his knowledge of intimate times, he’s also picturing you domming him. And you making him yours!
Eddie probably would make Morticia/Gomez references to you anyway at occasional points he thinks of it. But when you two watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit together, Eddie’s taking a look at Jessica Rabbit (remembering how he and all his friends used to have crushes on her), he rerealises the height difference, and comments on your similarities to her. You laugh and hit his arm at first, but Eddie says not only are you as beautiful, radiant, and glamorous as ms Jessica Rabbit, but the height is there, so of course you’re basically Jessica Rabbit. And, well, Eddie always makes it so you really can’t argue with his complements/logic. And he definitely references you as her in your future together now too.
Also in fics, everyone writes reader as shorter, like p much everyone, and as someone who is a girl that’s taller than Eddie, and the same height as Steve, can’t relate smh ✋. I just know they’d be all flustered and awestruck over the supermodel standing next to them. Esp when they see you again wearing shoes that make you even taller! They can’t help but look a little, like at your legs, and where your eyes, and lips, meet the parts of their face, and imagining where your hands, or lips, would fall on them if you moved closer and went for it, like they’re zoned out daydreaming about, staring at your lips, as you keep smiling and talking to them
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Stay with you
Pairing: Deanna Troi x Reader Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation Words: 0.6K Summary: For Christmas the crew went to visit Andoria. However apparently Deanna wasn't dressed warm enough. A/N: This is just very short, but I really wanted to write something for her
Not my gif !!!!!
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"We're ready to go." With a bright smile, Deanna stepped out of your quarters, however, she only received a sceptical look from you. "Sure you don't want to wear a few more layers?" Deanna looked down at herself. "No, why?" You leaned against the wall and looked at your girlfriend. "Well, we're travelling to Andoria. In the winter. Don't you think you'll need more than a winter jacket and some earmuffs?" Deanna pulled a pout and stepped towards you. "And gloves." "Oh, they make up for it."
"Now don't get cocky." Deanna wrapped her arms around your neck. "I'm just saying-" "Honey, I just want to spend some time with my girlfriend. Don't be such a killjoy. Please?" You sighed. "Fine, but if you get sick, it's not my fault." "Deal."
"No I won't be cold," you muttered to yourself as you took the soup bowl from the replicator. "Don't worry, sweetie. I won't get sick." You turned and walked back to your bedroom. "Why should I listen to you? It's not like you're the one who went to medical school and studied for several years on Andoria." "I can hear you." "I know." Looking directly at Deanna, who lay in your bed, pale, with deep circles under her eyes and a red nose. "It was my intention for you to hear." "So I could tell you again that you were right?"
You rolled your eyes and put the soup on her bedside table to get the thermometer. "No. Although I'll be happy to remind you that I was right." You returned, fever thermometer in hand, and sat down on her side of the bed. "Open your mouth." Deanna squinted slightly to shift her gaze to the thermometer. "Do I have to? Can't you just get a medical tricorder?"
You had to pull yourself together hard not to roll your eyes again. Over time, you had found out the hard way that Deanna could get obnoxiously crotchety when she was sick. "No." "Why?" You sighed. "Because I'm the doctor of both of us, and consequently more qualified to decide what you need than you are." "You're just doing it to piss me off." "That too." "This is medical malpractice."
Slowly, nerves at their end, you waved the thermometer through the air. " Heaven, Deanna, just open your mouth. Please," she added, hoping to have more luck with the Betazoid, and sure enough. She still looked offended, but opened her mouth obediently, which allowed you to finally put the thermometer in her mouth to take her temperature. Of course, you could have done this with a tricorder, but you preferred the old, classic methods for these simple things.
When it beeped, you took it out, ignoring Deanna's gagging noises, and frowned. Forty-one degrees was not yet dangerous, but it was closer to the limit than you would have liked. You set it aside and lifted the bowl of soup, dipping the spoon into it and holding it out to Deanna. "Won't." For a moment you closed your eyes. "Please, Deanna." "Won't." You took a deep breath and exhaled. "And what if I promise to lie down with you after you've eaten and we listen to that Betazoid opera you've been raving about for weeks?"
That was the best deal she'd ever get from you. You couldn't stand Betazoid operas and Deanna had been begging you for weeks to hear her favourite composer's latest, yet you had so far refused. Deanna's eyes lit up. "Really?" You sighed. "Yes, really." Again you lifted your spoon once more. "Will you eat something now?" Willingly she followed your request and had quickly gulped down the soup, easing your worries a little.
Keeping your promise, after disposing of the thermometer and the dishes, you lay down next to Deanna under the covers, put your arms around her and told the computer to play the opera. It was horrible, boring and you would never get those four hours of your life back, but as soon as you looked down and saw Deanna's happy face, it wasn't quite so awful anymore.
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365partygirl305 · 7 months
I Got You
This is my first fic I’m writing. Might write more. Starting with a sick fic because fuck it why not since I like fluffy stuff.
Basically you came down with a shitty ass fever and your bestie takes care of you
Warnings: pure fluffy content, evil cold, touch starved, friends to lovers
(Trust me when I say it’s really cute, also don’t mind me adding time skips bc my thumbs can be lazy sometimes and so is my brain)
Waking up to a cold is never good isn’t it? That feeling when you feel like your body is betraying you because the muscles are sore and you can’t really do anything other than to stay in bed is a pain. I really wish my bestie is here right now.
My bestie, Matty! Why didn’t I think that before?
I ring him up while I suffer in bed with the evil fever. “Bestie, everything ok?” He asks.
“Can you come over please? I’m really lonely at home right now.” I croak, my voice raspy from the soreness of my throat. He tells me, “I’m on my way now, darlin’.”
When he arrives…
He enters my room only to see me like death is about to reap my ass out of my body. Pale as shit, everything hurts. He placed his lips on my forehead, his cold touch against my hot skin.
“You’re burning up, my love,” his voice said softly. I open my eyes to see him in front of me, those curls, those beautiful eyes, the chest tattoo peaking a teeny tiny bit from under his shirt. Usually whenever he comes over, I’m all smiles, but in this case, now, I’m very weak to do anything.
“You’re here,” I say as I reach his hand. “I feel like absolute shit.”
“I know, love.”
He lays himself on the other side of the bed as he wraps an arm around me. He always does this when I’m having trouble sleeping, waking up from nightmares, or whenever I’m sick, just like today.
“Anything I can do for you, my love?” He asks as he kisses my forehead. I nestle into him, though part of me worries he would get sick too. “Stay, please.” My voice is almost gone at this point.
“M’not gonna leave you, darling. I’m always here for you, even when you’re like this.” He whispers against my hair, his fingers gently stroking it. A tiny shiver escapes my body from his soothing movements. I feel his heartbeat in his chest as I play with his fingers from his free hand. He hums a calming melody, lulling me to sleep. I love hearing his voice, especially when he sings. Phone call or physically. I had fallen asleep once it ended.
Two hours later…
Gone is he. I had awaken, the fever dying down a little. I think about my feelings over everything. Matty’s the sweetest guy I’ve known for a long time. Though he may be busy with tour or work, he’s always here for me. I have developed a crush on him over the years. I always waited for a kiss on the forehead, his little thumb strokes that I like. I always wonder what it’s like to kiss him on the lips… My face turned red. Why am I thinking about that?! I’ve been trying to hide it for so long. When can I tell him?
He has returned to my room with only his joggers on, his bare chest revealing the tattoo I like. He sits down on my side with the tray in his hand as he places it on my lap. “Brought you the broccoli soup you like and chamomile tea. Along with painkillers for later on.” He smiles at me. My heart warms up seeing him smile like that. What a sweetheart he is.
Matty gently places the bowl on my hands only to realize I’m still weak from the fever. The pains haven’t disappeared yet. I whimper from the pain as he lift the bowl from my hands, placing it back on the tray and strokes my arms. “Shhhhhhh,” he whispers. “It’s okay. It’s okay, darlin.’ I got you.”
He takes the spoon to feed me. It’s strange to some people but believe me when I say this. This is the most sweetest thing a man can do. Even if the other is being fed like a baby. The princess treatment, even when not asked, is really the best treatment ever for me and I feel so grateful for that. Content with what I’ve eaten, he hands me the tea as I take sips of it. I went straight for the throat, basically kissing him on the cheek as if to say thank you for taking care of me. Before thinking what to say, he gently claims my lips with his own. Soft and passionate it is. His lips are so gentle against mine. I can’t stop thinking about how good it feels to have his arms around me as we kiss. We pulled away as our foreheads connect. “I love you so much,” I whisper. “You have no idea how long I wanted to be with you. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.”
“I love you too, my love. I would love to be your boyfriend.” He whispers back. I nod and nestle into his bare chest. We both lay on the bed in each other’s arms. “Wonder what the guys gonna react now that we’re together.”
I think they’ll be happy for us.” I reply. I yawn all of a sudden, thinking the food and the tea made me sleepy. He chuckles at my sleepy eyes. “So adorable when you’re cuddled up with me in these blankets,” he coos as he strokes my head. “I promise to always be there for you and love you forever.” I smile at him.
“I know this is gonna sound weird,” I began. “but will you sing me a lullaby? Please?” It earned another smile from him.
“Not weird at all. I think it’s cute you would like that. You don’t mind any song do you?” He asks. I shook my head and tell him that I don’t mind any song.
“In case I fall asleep, goodnight in advance, babe.”
“Goodnight in advance, darlin.’”
He continues stroking my head and begins singing softly.
Now is the hour
When we must say goodbye
Soon you'll be waiting
Far across the sea
I love the vibrations from his chest when he sings. I play with his fingers a while.
While you're away
Then, remember me
When you return
You'll find me, waiting here
I feel my eyes begin to close. I begin to drift off to sleep as Matty sings the final chorus.
Now is the hour
When we must say goodbye
When you return
You'll find me, waiting here
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sinsiriuslyemo · 3 months
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AN: Hey ya'll! Just a heads up that I'm going on vacation for two weeks tomorrow to see my mom, dad and grandparents. I'm planning on still doing some writing (my mom's a writer too, we're on the same page 🤧) but I'm just saying if I can't get it out before Wednesday, that's why.
Chapter Thirteen: Yankee In the Owlery
For close to an hour, Padfoot chased squirrels in the park. When one would get tired and run up a tree, another would run past, and he’d chase them. He would’ve continued to run after squirrels all night if Penny hadn’t called him back, and for a moment when they got back into her flat, he’d forgotten that he didn’t have to remain in dog form anymore. It wasn’t until Penny took out two food containers from a plastic bag that he transformed just as the phone began to ring. He shot an unamused glare in its direction and, for the first time in his life, thanked the gods he wasn’t a muggle. If he had had to go through life dealing with that incessant ringing every time someone wanted to get in touch, he would surely go mad.
Penny didn’t seem at all fazed by the ringing, placing both containers into the microwave as her voice rang out from the machine beside the phone. He blinked in slight surprise when after the beep, a new voice sounded, this one was British.
Penelope, it’s Uncle Jack —
“Oh!” she exclaimed, quickly abandoning the carry out to run over to the phone and pick it up. “Uncle Jack! Thanks so much for getting back to me.”
Sirius watched her for a moment before taking it upon himself to take the containers out of the microwave when it began to beep. He took up the two spoons wrapped in plastic and the two containers, bringing them over to the coffee table before he went to wash his hands.
“Okay! That would be great! Thanks, I really appreciate it.” There was a slight pause before she added. “Oh, at the end of the week. Yeah, I’m kinda nervous but… I’m ready.” Another brief pause. “Sure, I can do that. Okay, sounds good. Tell Uncle Frank I said hi. Love you too. Okay, bye.”
Sirius came back into the sitting room as she placed the phone back on its cradle, grinning as she looked up at him.
“That was my Uncle Jack, he found a few more books in his study that he’s gonna send over. It might take a bit to get here, the mail is epically slow. But he said he would send them priority mail, so hopefully it’ll just take a few days,” she said as he sat down beside her.
“Englishman, is he?” he asked, smiling over at her. If his instincts were correct, and he believed they were, her uncle would have attended Hogwarts, though he was having trouble remembering anyone named Jack.
“Yeah! He moved to the States, like, thirty years ago. Met my uncle at an art gallery in the Village,” she answered.
He nodded once; he now knew why he didn’t recognize the name, it had simply been before his time. “Well, now it makes more sense that you have books used at Hogwarts. It’s likely your uncle attended.”
“Is there a way for us to find out?” she asked as she scooped some curry out of the container and blew on it. “I mean, I know yearbooks are kind of a US thing, but… I don’t know, don’t you guys do, like, class reunions or something?”
Sirius snorted softly, gathering some curry onto his own spoon. “No. The best way to find out about someone who went to Hogwarts would be to ask the Headmaster, but I doubt he would want to help.”
Penny tucked the curry in her mouth to one side, covering her mouth with her hand. “He mean?”
“No, not mean. He’s one of, if not the most, powerful wizard I know of. He’s a good man. He also thinks I was the one who betrayed James and Lily. I doubt he would be open to hearing about how a man he’s known to be dead for thirteen years is actually alive and well, living as a rat, and also the one who betrayed the Potters to Lord Voldemort.”
She looked at him sympathetically, using her spoon to move the curry around in her container. “So, it sounds like you have to get this Peter guy out into the open. Then everyone will have no choice but to believe you.”
“That’s the plan,” he mumbled, eating some more curry. He pointed to it with his spoon as he swallowed. “This is bloody good. I haven’t had a good curry in so long, I’d almost forgotten what it tasted like.”
From the corner of his eye, she smiled warmly at him. “I tried to make it once. It came out okay, but not as good as this.”
“It was probably much better than the ones I’ve made,” he answered with a smirk. “If your other cooking is anything to go by.”
“Thanks,” she replied.
The rest of their meal was had in a comfortable silence, and after they’d each had their fill, Penny stood as she took up the two containers.
“Go ahead and shower if you want,” she said. “I can clean all this up and then go in after.”
“Actually,” he said, gently trying to take the containers from her. “You’ve done quite enough. Let me clean up and you go and have a shower. I can wait.”
She tugged the containers toward her. “It’s okay, you’re my guest.”
“I insist,” he replied, looking her in the eyes and tugging the containers back. “Go on. I’ll make the popcorn as I believe we have a date with Harry and Sally, yeah?”
Penny laughed, nodding once but still holding the containers. “Okay, fine. If you’re sure…”
“I’m positive. Off you go.” He held her stare, their hands on either side of the two containers until she finally relented and held her hands up in mock surrender.
“Fine, you win,” she relented.
He winked at her. “I always win, darling.”
Doing his best to ignore the pink that graced her cheeks, he went into the kitchen and covered the two containers, putting them in the fridge before going into the pantry for a bag of popcorn. After putting the folded bag into the microwave, his eyes scanned all the buttons, relieved when he found one marked popcorn, and pressed it before he started throwing away the plastic bag and spare napkins that had accompanied their curry.
As the popcorn began to pop, he rummaged through the cupboards, looking for the bowl they had been using and finally found it on a rack by the sink. It felt so strange to be going through the motions of such a human task, even after having been out of Azkaban for the last two weeks and living like a human for the last few days. There was a time, not very long ago indeed, where he was convinced he would never again know what it felt like to live as a person, resigned to carry out his penance for sending James and Lily to their death, even indirectly. And with a single photo in The Daily Prophet, all of that had changed.
His penance had become avenging their deaths, if only to give their son — his godson — some semblance of peace. Or perhaps just the knowledge that he would never again have to be in the same room as the man who turned his back on two of his closest friends. In the end, that was all that mattered to Sirius. What Harry would think of him at the end of it all was still something he wasn’t prepared to contemplate. He imagined the boy would still never want to see him ever again, and it was probably just as well.
As much as Sirius dreaded being kissed, losing his very sanity and the parts of him that made him a person, he knew it was what he deserved after having been so foolish and careless. Regardless of who told Voldemort where Godric’s Hollow was, he, Sirius, was still responsible for leaving his friends vulnerable. They should’ve never switched. He would have surely died, but he would rather have been dead knowing that James and his family survived than be alive without his best mate. And he really wished he could get in touch with Remus somehow without risking either of their freedom.
As he dumped the popcorn into the bowl and brought it to the coffee table, the bathroom door opened, letting out little wisps of steam before Penny stepped out, wrapped in a towel. Despite his better judgment, Sirius glanced up in her direction, nearly losing his breath as the faint scents of freshly cut timber, a light rain and an undertone of sweet nectar wafted in his direction. The skin of her legs were littered with droplets of water that he only caught a brief glimpse of as she scurried into her bedroom and gently closed the door. The sight made Sirius wish he was still just her dog, at least then he could justify wanting to lick off the water droplets from her calves.
He blinked several times, forcing his eyes away from her bedroom door.
You can’t have her, you stupid prick, he reminded himself, placing the bowl onto the coffee table. Running a hand through his hair and over his face, he let out a heavy sigh and went into the bathroom for a shower. His heart was still pounding in his chest as his treacherous mind began forming images of Penny without the towel on, leisurely drying her soft skin… and where was that bloody tattoo she had?!
Turning the water as cold as he could stand it, he stepped under the spray, gasping as his body was shocked by the icy cold shower. Only when he began to shiver did he turn on the hot water, warming himself before he began to wash.
When he was done, and using the spare towel on the rack to dry himself and his hair, was when he realized that yet again, he had no clean clothes to change into. And they were no longer in the sitting room. Just as he was about to call out to Penny, she knocked on the door.
“Sorry, just wanted to let you know, when you’re ready to get dressed, your stuff is in my room,” she said through the door.
He swallowed thickly; she put his clothes in her bedroom?! His voice cracked slightly when he tried to answer, and he cleared it. “Alright.”
Her soft footsteps retreated toward the sitting room and he turned his head to glare at his reflection.
“It doesn’t mean a bloody thing. She just doesn’t have anywhere else to put them,” he whispered to himself, opening the door abruptly and enjoying the rush of cool air against his bare chest.
He quickly went into her bedroom and shut the door behind him, unable to help the soft smile that formed on his lips when he saw his clothes laid out on her bed with care. Getting dressed into the joggers and the soft blue shirt with the Kool-Aid picture on it, he brought his wet towel back into the bathroom to hang it on the rack and went into the sitting room.
“Right then, let’s see about this Harry and Sally,” he said, sitting on the sofa beside her. He purposely kept his eyes forward and tried to ignore the tantalizing aroma that was coming from the beautiful creature sitting beside him. Good Godric, why did she have to smell so good?
“This is gonna be a change in tone from the other movies we’ve seen, just a heads up,” she said, picking up the remote and hitting a button to make the movie play.
Much to his dismay — and strangely, also his delight— she drew her feet up under her bottom and leaned against his side. It was at that moment he realized that he’d subconsciously draped his arm over the back of the sofa behind her. She was so close. Close enough that he could turn his head just so and inhale the most delicious smells of maplewood and… peaches? Goosebumps popped up along his arms and there was a stir in his belly that he refused to acknowledge. Tightening his jaw, he closed his eyes and turned away from her for a moment.
“I was sitting with my friend, Arthur Cornbloom, in a restaurant…”
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Penny worked a night shift the next day, and after they had eaten breakfast, Sirius transfigured a sheet of printer paper into parchment, a white bottle that Penny called ‘white out’ into a bottle of ink and a pen into a quill. He then carefully made a list of each and every ingredient he would need to brew a love potion, as well as a few other ingredients to alter the potion accordingly. Now all he had to do was convince Penny to go to the owlery and fill out an order form for the items.
“So it’s that simple,” Sirius said, handing her the parchment after he’d explained his plan.
“You’re sure they won’t ask me some kind of witch trivia to make sure I am one?”
Attempting to suppress a smile, Sirius shook his head. “No, no witch trivia. You just need to walk in as though you know exactly what you’re doing.”
“Right, except I don’t,” she mumbled.
“I promise you’ll be alright. You can do this. I believe in you,” he said, putting a hand on her shoulder.
She still looked a bit unsure, shifting her eyes from his to the parchment between her fingers. Swallowing gently, she nodded and inhaled through her nose as she brought her eyes back to him. “Okay.”
“Yeah,” she answered. “I’ll do it.”
Smiling thankfully at her, he lowered his hand to take hold of hers, bringing it up to his lips and kissing the back of her fingers. “Thank you.”
Nodding again, she gave him a small smile. “Of course.”
He could still sense her nerves and wondered whether he was asking too much of her. Still, if he had any hope of catching Wormtail as quickly as possible without Harry or anyone else being the wiser, he needed those ingredients.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be right beside you. You’ll do fine.”
“Okay,” she said as she took another deep breath. “Do you have the wand?”
“Right, yes!” He went into his pocket and pulled out the wand, handing it to her. “I don’t think you’ll have a problem, but this is just in case. If they ask to see your wand, and perform priori —”
“Did you just… how did you even —” She appeared puzzled as she looked between the wand that she took in her hand and his pocket.
“The pockets of those jeans aren’t that big. How did you fit this in them?” She held up the wand.
Sirius smirked at her and placed his hand over hers, moving it so that the wand was pointing at her front pocket, he whispered, “Capacious extremis.”
He ignored the goosebumps that he could see erupting over her arm and took a step back, his hand leaving hers. He nodded toward her pocket.
“Go on, just slip it in.”
Penny swallowed thickly, her cheeks going pink as she lowered her eyes and pushed the wand into her pocket.
“Magic is cool,” she whispered to herself.
Smiling at her, he said, “Right, so remember, all you have to do when you get inside is to go to where they keep the order forms for local businesses, and just fill it out with those ingredients. On the line that asks for payment, just copy down that number at the bottom of the page.”
“7-11,” she read, arching a brow at him. “Really?”
“711. Right. Then you hand it to an owl.”
“Hand it to a — they won’t bite me?”
He shook his head. “No, they shouldn’t. They have free access to treats at the owlery so they won’t be expecting anything but an envelope.”
She took a deep breath and said on the exhale, “Okay.”
Stuffing the list into the front pocket not holding the wand, she picked up the leash and collar. This time, Sirius didn’t hesitate to transform and sat for her to put the collar around his neck. When they left the flat, he again took the lead, walking just enough ahead of her so that the leash still remained slacked.
This time when they reached Torrington Square, he walked her right up to the door. To his surprise, Penny didn’t hesitate to go right in, slipping her hand through the loop at the end of the leash to free both hands and reaching into her pocket for the list. She looked around for a moment, then walked straight to the far left side, where the order forms were kept and pulled one from the pile.
“You didn’t mention that it smells like a barn in here,” she mumbled to Padfoot as she took up the quill that was on the corner of the counter and dipped it into the ink bottle beside it. It took a minute for her to get used to writing with the quill, but once she did, she copied the ingredients onto the form. Things seemed to be going smoothly thus far.
Then, in an instant, her eyes went slightly wide, lips parting as she frantically searched the order form.
“Good morning!” A wizard dressed in emerald green robes came up from behind them, startling Penny. He had dark hair that was thinning terribly at the top and a thick mustache that wrapped around the corners of his lips.
“Oh hi!” she replied, entirely too loudly.
The wizard looked at Padfoot, who sat patiently beside his witch, and forced a smile as he looked back at Penny. “May I help you, dear?
“I was just um… yeah, I was filling out this order form and just wondered where I put my Gringos vault number.”
The wizard’s smile faltered, his brows furrowing. “Sorry, do you mean Gringotts?”
“Oh! Yes!” she answered, laughing nervously. “Sorry — Yankee, you know how it is, am I right?”
Padfoot couldn't help but lower his head with a groan. She was clearly panicking.
The wizard chuckled warmly, gesturing to the order form with a single finger. “May I?”
“Yeah, I mean yes,” she replied, handing him the order form and moving the list Sirius had written behind her back, balling it in her fist.
“Ah yes, you’ll be happy to hear that Aurora’s Cabinet should have all of these ingredients. You can just fill in your vault number here,” he said, pointing at a spot on the form.
“Oh, yeah,” she answered, jotting down Sirius’ vault number. “I must’ve missed it. Sorry, I’m nervous.”
“That’s quite alright, dear. Although it might be easier to go straight to the apothecary next time. They’re just one or two blocks away from here.”
“Yeah, I was… totally going to do that, but I uh… I put all my money in the bank, so I just… you know, instead of going all the way there, I figured I could just — Ouch!”
Padfoot had nipped at the back of her leg, causing her to whip her around to look at him.
“No bite!” she said sternly, looking back at the wizard in front of them. “Sorry, I’m still training him.”
The wizard chuckled. “Of course. How long have you been in Britain?” he asked, taking the form and gesturing for her to follow him toward the owls.
“Oh, just a couple weeks,” she answered, tightening her lips as she looked at the various owls napping on a long perch, which took up an entire side of the room.
“I see,” he answered. “You know, if you’re connected to the floo network, you could easily get to Gringotts to retrieve gold from your vault that way.”
“Oh yeah, I… I guess I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.” She laughed nervously.
He smiled back, and handed the form to an owl, who promptly flew off with it out the window. “I should expect you will receive your package within one or two days. Is there anything else I can assist you with, Miss?”
“Nope. I think that’s all,” she answered, bensing to pick up Padfoot’s leash. “Thanks for your help!”
“My pleasure! And welcome to England.”
“Thanks!” Penny kept the smile plastered to her face until they reached the sidewalk, where she let out a heavy breath as the smile fell away. She glanced at Padfoot as they walked back to her flat. “If I had a dog house, you would so be in it.”
Padfoot barked, wagging his tail.
“Don’t you ‘woof’ me,” she mumbled.
When they got back to her flat, she automatically closed the curtains in the sitting room.
“You did brilliantly,” he said, smiling at her.
“You bit me.” She stood with her hands on her hips, staring at him with just a tad of anger, though it was enough for him to swallow thickly.
“I didn’t… it was only a nip.”
“A nip?!” She bent forward to pull up the leg of her jeans, pointing to her slightly pink skin.
“Alright, I’m sorry I… bit you.” He tried really hard to not roll his eyes, but unfortunately not hard enough.
“Don’t roll your eyes. How would you like it if I bit you?”
He went to give a quippy answer, but thought better of it. It was unlikely that she would find it amusing if he’d said that he might enjoy it very much. Instead, he lowered his eyes.
“I’m sorry, I won’t bite you ever again.” Unless of course you asked me to.
She seemed satisfied with his answer, nodding once and letting out a breath, her features softening.
“Thank you,” he said. “I could have never done without you. It was quite brave what you just did.”
“You don’t think he thinks I’m weird?” she asked, looking a bit unsure.
“Oh, he definitely thinks you’re weird,” Sirius teased with a small smile. “But that’s alright, none of us can really say we’re normal, can we?”
She stared at him for a moment. “Thanks, I think?”
He snorted softly. “Don’t worry, you did fine. Really, thank you for doing that. I could sense you were nervous and afraid.”
“I wasn’t afraid,” she argued.
“Maybe just a bit?”
Shrugging noncommittally, Penny looked down at a hangnail on her thumb. “Maybe.”
“Well, at any rate, thank you.”
The corners of her lips curled upward. “You’re welcome.” She reached into her front pocket, her arm sinking down past her elbow as her brows knitted above her eyes. “Seriously? I don't have anything else in this pocket.”
“Here, let me help,” he said, taking a step toward her as she pulled her arm out.
Reaching into her pocket, he subconsciously cast a silent accio and caught the wand as it flew to his fingers. His heart was practically in his throat with how hard it was pounding. Sirius swallowed, trying and failing not to look at her lips as a shiver ran over him. His eyes flickered up to hers, time slowing to a crawl as he pulled the wand out of her pocket. Swallowing hard, he took a step back, inhaling as though he just emerged from under water.
Penny bit her lip, staring back at him as her hand fell on the pocket he’d just pulled the wand out of. “So, what the hell is a floo network?”
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