#but anytime i DONT i disappear for like 50 years
1loml · 6 years
heweoo lads sorry ive been inactive 🤡
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littlelovelymemes · 7 years
‘  when i figure out how to die without hurting my mom’s feelings it’s over for me, bitches  ’ ‘  420 stands for “4got 2 0pologize”  ’ ‘  all millennials do is commit minor felonies and be gay  ’ ‘  hoodies are one of the most powerful and underappreciated articles of clothing. cold? put on a hoodie. raining? put on a hoodie. no bra? put on a hoodie. nothing to wear? hoodie. cripplingly low self esteem? you already know. so versatile! so multifaceted!  ’ ‘  i thought christmas was like… next friday or something its in like 3 days fuck  ’ ‘  if you’re not in love with me by 00:00:00 jan 1 then just block me. i don’t need that kind of energy following me into the new year  ’ ‘  who needs ghosts? haunt your own house. wander around your own living room wailing and crying  ’ ‘  my kink is not opening messages and pretending theyre not there  ’ ‘  u know when ur growing out of phases and mindsets but u haven’t found where exactly ur shift in identity is going yet? that’s tonight’s mood  ’ ‘  me @ me: don’t start buddy don’t you dare  ’ ‘  there are people you haven’t met yet who will love you  ’ ‘  god knew what she was doing when she made bruno mars short if he had been tall he would be too powerful  ’ ‘  motivation? haven’t heard of her in years how she doin  ’ ‘  Do you think people with LED headlights know that everyone hates them? Like…really hates them in an oddly personal way? Do you think they know?  ’ ‘  and the final mood for 2017 is: you know those days where you’re like, this might as well happen?  ’ ‘  putting more importance into self care, spirituality, love and peace of mind. start with stretching and deep breathing.  ’ ‘  dont forget to tell someone you love that you love them, thank people who deserve to be thanked, be more patient on people having a hard time, be more considerate, understanding, and be kinder, always.  ’ ‘  do you think in the 1700s there were people who were like nah man Mozart’s a total sellout I only listen to peasants beating things with sticks it’s way more authentic  ’ ‘  2032 is gonna be my year just u wait  ’ ‘  I want a “I made a playlist for you” typa love  ’ ‘  @ 2018 the bar is literally so low  ’ ‘  Just because you don’t look like somebody who you think is attractive doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive. Flowers are pretty, but so are sunsets and they look nothing alike.  ’ ‘  i have a “why am i like this” moment at least five times a day  ’ ‘  very sad to hear about donald trump. nothing happened to him i’m just sad to hear about him  ’ ‘  *me, eyes wide open at 3am* what happened to chandler bing once he got to yemen  ’ ‘  tonight’s mood is the deep desire to be held close in a dimly lit room, covered in blankets while rain is softly falling outside  ’ ‘  do ya ever bring your pet up to a mirror and ur like “that you”  ’ ‘  i guess im just too fucking dumb to lucid dream. cant ever realize im in a dream, i’ll look around me like damn i’m in my old elementary school and my teeth are falling out and im naked? well shit guess this is my life now. got fooled by my subconscious again lads  ’ ‘  u ever get no sleep and the next day ur body functions like the tumblr app  ’ ‘  you ever wonder how many people you’re in the “we’re friends but i would kiss you if you asked” club with  ’ ‘  is anyone else just going through life like “yeah i just gotta get past this last difficult week and then it’s smooth sailing from there!” but like… every week  ’ ‘  The only thing toxic that you should still be in contact with is that song Britney Spears made, because that song is lit.  ’ ‘  imagine if you named your kid dad. just dad.  ’ ‘  take care of yourself, please. i don’t know what id do if anything happened to you.  ’ ‘ crazy how personal growth can make you let go of people you swore you couldn’t live without.  ’ ‘  im in no position to have high standards but it doesn’t stop me  ’ ‘  you can start over at anytime. your day is not ruined. your world is not over. take a deep breath. start over.  ’ ‘  I’m gonna have a bomb ass life and I know it cause I’ve suffered so much and I know that wasn’t for no reason  ’ ‘  you ever just get in bed and ur like yep this is where i’m meant to be  ’ ‘  an unstoppable force (my love of books) meets an unmovable object (my lack of a desire to actually read anything)  ’ ‘  i just have this persistent feeling of “i’m not doing enough” combined with “i don’t have the energy to do anything” and it just really fucking sucks  ’ ‘  sorry I haven’t replied to ur texts I’ve been overwhelmed by literally anything that’s ever happened or will happen  ’ ‘  me when i see a wild animal in a metropolitan area: reclaim your space, we are the invaders, retake what is yours  ’ ‘  no offense but money would solve literally every single one of my problems. like all of them. i dont have a single problem that money wouldnt immediately solve  ’ ‘  i am not enough and it’s eating me alive  ’ ‘  what do u mean “what have i been up to” … i’m out here ruining my own life as always bitch  ’ ‘  always remember that love will always come back to u. in a different form, different person, different hobby, different touch. but in any way, love will always come back.  ’ ‘  The struggle between me wanting to be successful and me wanting to lay in bed 24/7  ’ ‘  If you play “Feeling Myself” by Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé at exactly 11:58:50 pm on New Year’s Eve, Beyoncé will say “World Stop” in 2017 and “Carry On” in 2018.  ’ ‘  Self care is putting absurd amounts of parmesan cheese on your pasta  ’ ‘  you ever just like “wow that’s my voice? people listen to this clown on a daily basis?”  ’ ‘  ravioli ravioli give me a reason to live  ’ ‘  finally worked up the courage to tell the starbucks girl she was beautiful and i only puked twice  ’ ‘  do i wanna know??? no. but thank u monkey friends  ’ ‘  hey this is kinda ns.fw but i wann h*ld your h*nd  ’ ‘  talent: overthinking  ’ ‘  have you ever had that feeling that you really wanna workout to get a flat stomach… but you also just wanna eat pizza and watch netflix.  ’ ‘  if you google eyebrows are you eyebrowsing  ’ ‘  *skips tutorial* how the fuck do you play this game  ’ ‘  Literally heard a convo at the library where a guy was telling a girl that he’s an omega and the girl telling him that she’s a beta, and my mind just did not automatically connect the context to fraternity pledge classes at all and I just whispered to myself “what the fuck?? What the fuck??”  ’ ‘  my hands? ready to be held  ’ ‘  Catch These Hands! with your hands. we’re holding hands now. this is nice  ’ ‘  kinda weird that u can think about someone as much as u want and they have no idea  ’ ‘  physically, yes, i could fight a bird. but emotionally? imagine the toll  ’ ‘  I would rather wander around a store for 9 hours than ask an employee where something is and this I do not understand  ’ ‘  my childhood, or, as i like to call it, the general abyss with one or two memories attached to it   ’ ‘  i know ‘gay’ isn’t an emotion but let’s be real,,,,,,,,,it kind of is and i feel it 24/7  ’ ‘  babe get ready for a night on the town, i just found an old Subway gift card and there’s still $9.45 left on it  ’ ‘  just because the past didn’t turn out like you wanted it to, doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you ever imagined  ’ ‘  i’m the person who’s 100% down for spontaneous adventures but also 100% down to lay in bed all day. i’m on both ends of the spectrum  ’ ‘  this year has changed me more than I ever thought it would.   ’ ‘  it’s ok to disappear for a lil while and get your shit together.  ’ ‘  if you wanna love me hmu  ’ ‘  calling me baby makes me so freakin weak  ’ ‘  i’m that one guy on spongebob always screaming about his leg  ’ ‘  remember to drink a fucking shit ton of water every miserable day of ur life  ’ ‘  i just want someone who’s excited to make out with me and text me all the time.  ’ ‘  never apologize for your giant dogs getting overexcited, if i get taken down by a 100 pound mass of fluff then that’s how i go.  ’ ‘  when i figure out how to die without hurting my mom’s feelings it’s over for me, bitches  ’ ‘  THIS GUY JUST ASKED ME WHAT MY NAME WAS AND I DIDNT UNDERSTAND WHAT HE SAID SO I SAID 4:45  ’ ‘  my blood is glow stick juice. thats why all my bones crack when i move.  ’ ‘  are cute dates and rough sex too much to ask for  ’ ‘  honestly, my goal in life is just to be a very warm person. i want to be as loving and as kind as i can be.  ’ ‘  just a small dumb bitch…. living in a lonely ditch  ’ ‘  you’re not selfish for wanting to be treated well  ’ ‘  when y'all fake conversations in your heads do you sometimes say random sentences out loud too? i was just tying my shoes and said very sternly and loudly “i DO know how ants work, fucker”  ’ ‘  true space facts: if u look up there it is  ’ ‘  anyone else bummed they have 2 sleep alone tonight and uh not in some1s arms  ’ ‘  how am i sensitive and a bitch at the same time  ’
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eyes-of-mercy · 7 years
Stellan: *[𝑰'𝒎 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍, 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒏. 𝑭𝒂𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎, 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚]* 20:41
Stellan: *Go away* 20:41
Stellan: ....... 20:41
Stellan: *shrugs* 20:42
Stellan: Yeah 20:42
Stellan: After all, maybe those weird eyes saw the being as a host 20:42
Stellan: Like parasites 20:42
kid!Neil: ..... 20:43
Stanley.: Well, as long as they don't hurt anyone....or er, try to live in anyone's body... 20:43
Stanley.: No harm done, right? Feb 11
Maddison: *studies Stel* 20:43
kid!Neil: *same* 20:43
Stellan: ..... 20:44
Stellan: What? It's a likely theory 20:44
Maddison: .... Um, right 20:44
Stanley.: ..... 20:45
Stellan: Anyway 20:45
Stellan: Changing the subject, guess what Neil and I did yesterday 20:45
Maddison: What? 20:47
Maddison: *is glad to change the subject* 20:47
Stellan: *same* 20:47
Stellan: We did an amazing harmony piece on violin and piano 20:48
kid!Neil: ............ 20:48
Stellan: *smiles* 20:48
Jonathan: Ah yes, I heard you two over the microphones 20:48
Jonathan: You were lovely 20:49
Maddison: ..... 20:52
Maddison: I didn't know Kiddy Neil could play piano 20:53
kid!Neil: I am not kiddy 20:53
kid!Neil: And yes I can :P 20:53
kid!Neil: ..... 20:53
kid!Neil: Simple stuff only 20:53
Stellan: It still sounded great! 20:53
Stanley.: .... 20:53
Stanley.: Hoooow about you show us instead of telling us? 20:54
Stanley.: c; 20:54
kid!Neil: ................. 20:54
kid!Neil: ....... 20:55
kid!Neil: ... Right now? 20:55
kid!Neil: *Too much of people* 20:56
Stanley.: Aw, dont worry! 20:56
Stanley.: You dont have to if you're shy! 20:56
Stanley.: I totally understand! 20:56
Jonathan: Yes, there's no pressure! 20:57
kid!Neil: *mutters* Iamnotshy 20:58
Stellan: *ruffles his hair* 20:58
kid!Neil: I just don't— 21:00
kid!Neil: ........... 21:00
kid!Neil: *leans up aand ruffles Stel's hair right back* 21:00
kid!Neil: >:P 21:00
Stellan: *!* 21:01
kid!Neil switched name to teenager!Neil 21:01
Stellan: ........ 21:01
Stanley.: *!!??* Feb 11
teenager!Neil: *gets up sharply and walks to the piano* 21:01
Jonathan: *?????* 21:02
Maddison: *???* 21:02
Stellan: *v quietly* He does that sometimes 21:02
Maddison: *blinks rapidly* 21:02
Maddison: ....... 21:02
Stellan: I don't know why, though 21:02
Stellan: ..... 21:02
teenager!Neil: *ignores their comments* 21:02
Stellan: *gets up too* Do you want me to accompany you again, Neil? 21:03
teenager!Neil: ...... 21:03
teenager!Neil: *doesn't answer, but just lets his fingers to run down the piano's piano keys* 21:04
Stellan: ..... 21:04
Stellan: *sits back down* 21:04
teenager!Neil: *creates a loud solemn melody* 21:04
teenager!Neil: *it's clearly a pure improvisation* 21:05
Maddison: .......... 21:05
Stanley.: *beams* 21:05
Maddison: *whispers* Something tells me that this, uh, magic thingy of his depends on feelings 21:06
Maddison: *listens* 21:06
Stellan: ....................... 21:06
Stellan: *listens intently* 21:13
teenager!Neil: *the music is very dramatic at this point* 21:18
Stanley.: *Thats our Neil!* 21:21
Jonathan: *is enjoying it a lot* 21:21
teenager!Neil: ...... 21:26
teenager!Neil: *finishes his song* 21:27
Stellan: *they applaud him loudly* 21:27
teenager!Neil: *pushes his golden hair away from his face by one dramatic movement* 21:27
teenager!Neil: ...... 21:27
Maddison: *same* 21:27
teenager!Neil: *is pleased* 21:27
Stellan: Amazing performance as always, Nel <3 21:28
Stellan: *smiles at him* 21:28
Stellan: *is kinda proud(?)* 21:28
teenager!Neil: Thank you 21:34
teenager!Neil: *slips away from the piano* 21:35
teenager!Neil: *sits next to him again* 21:35
Stellan: *wraps an arm around his waist and squeezes him lightly* 21:42
Stellan: ..... 21:43
Jonathan: ..... 21:43
Jonathan: *places his book away* 21:43
Jonathan: So, Maddison 21:44
Jonathan: How's life in your dimension? 21:44
Jonathan: Have you done anything new with your house? 21:44
Maddison: *eyes light up* 21:44
Maddison: *babbles about his dimension and the house for a whiile* 21:45
Jonathan: *listens to him* 21:47
Stellan: *cuddles with Neil* 21:47
teenager!Neil: ........................ 21:56
teenager!Neil: *hugs him back* 21:56
teenager!Neil: *le poker face* 21:57
teenager!Neil: *blushes* 21:57
Stellan: ..... 21:59
Stellan: .... 21:59
Stellan: *kisses his cheek* 21:59
Stellan: *whispers sweetly in his ear* I love you so much, Cornelius 21:59
teenager!Neil: *!!* 21:59
teenager!Neil switched name to Neil 21:59
Neil: *grabs him tighter* 22:00
Neil: *and kisses* 22:00
Neil: *FINALLY* 22:00
Stellan: ........... 22:02
Stellan: *wraps his arms around Neil's neck and kisses back passionately* 22:03
Stellan: *<3 <3 <3* 22:03
Neil: *<3* 22:05
Maddison: *sighs* 22:06
Neil: *keeps kissing him as long as possible* 22:14
Neil: *<3 <3* 22:14
Stellan: *<3* 22:16
Stellan: *kisses harder* 22:16
Maddison: ................. 22:24
Maddison: *cuddles with Stan and looks away from them* 22:24
Jonathan: *politely returns back to his book* 22:30
Stanley.: *hugs him back* 22:30
Stellan: ............... 22:30
Stellan: *pulls away a while later to get some air* 22:30
Stellan: ...... 22:32
Stellan: .... 22:32
Stellan: *hugs him* 22:32
Stellan: *quietly* I missed you - I'm so sorry I left you alone 22:33
Neil: Dummy 22:34
Neil: *siiiiiiiigh* 22:34
Neil: I missed you too 22:34
Neil: *nuzzles at him* 22:35
Neil: *sighs again* 22:35
Jonathan: You two weren't exactly seperated.... 22:35
Neil: It's alright 22:35
Neil: .... Though you could ask me to help with whatever shit you got on your plate back then. 22:36
Stellan: ..... 22:36
Stellan: *I was too exhausted to deal with it* 22:37
Stellan: ...... 22:37
Stellan: *still feels a bit guilty* 22:37
Stellan: *keeps hugging him and apologizes again* 22:37
Neil: ....... 22:42
Neil: It's okay, Dummy 22:43
Neil: *kisses the top of his head* 22:43
Stellan: ..... 22:45
Neil: ..... 22:48
Neil: Sure 22:48
Stellan: ..... 22:54
Stellan: Thank you 22:55
Stellan: .... 23:01
Stellan: So, um 23:01
Neil: .... 23:01
Stellan: Do you know if you're going to turn back? 23:02
Jonathan: Oh, I would love to spend a bit more time with child!Neil 23:02
Jonathan: *<3* 23:02
Jonathan: He's simply adorable 23:02
Neil: *shoots Jon a strange glance* 23:05
Jonathan: I speak only the truth, my dear 23:06
Jonathan: Although, that isn't to say I don't like this form either 23:06
Jonathan: Are you hungry, Cornelius? 23:06
Jonathan: I could fix something up 23:06
Jonathan: And of course, you are all welcome to stay here for as long as you'd like 23:07
Neil: ..... 23:08
Neil: No, thanks 23:09
Jonathan: Are you sure? 23:10
Neil: *twists his own ankle* 23:11
Neil: *and fingers skin around it slightly* 23:11
Neil: *!* 23:12
Neil: *I knew the bracelet is still around* 23:12
Neil: *turns it* 23:14
Neil: *his clothes (or what is left of them) disappear completely, replaced by this his dark outfit* 23:15
Neil: :3 23:15
Neil: Hmm 23:17
Neil: Yes I am sure for now 23:17
Jonathan: Well, if you ever want a warm meal or good breakfast, you are welcomed here 23:19
Maddison: *Aw* 23:19
Stanley.: Aww 23:19
Jonathan: *smiles* You two of course as well, dears 23:19
Neil: ..... 23:23
Neil: *ruffles Stel's hair* 23:23
Stellan: ...... 23:24
Stellan: *kisses his cheek* 23:25
Neil: *murmurs* It will be fine 23:25
Neil: *snuggles closer to him* 23:25
Stellan: *wraps his arms around him and hugs him protectively* 23:26
Neil: ....... 23:26
Stellan: ...... 23:41
Stellan: *leans his head on Neil's shoulder* 23:42
Stellan: ....can we stay here for a little while longer? 23:42
Stellan: Or head back into your shelter, or our planet 23:42
Neil: Well, I don't mind staying here a bit longer if you want it 23:47
Neil: *pets his hair* 23:47
Stellan: Thank you <3 23:50
Stellan: *wraps his arms around his waist* 23:50
Jonathan: What about you, Stannison? 23:50
Jonathan: We have enough rooms 23:50
Maddison: *glances at Stan* 23:51
Stanley.: I'm up for it! 23:52
Maddison: Likewise 23:52
Jonathan: Alright, perfect! 23:57
Stanley.: *squeezes his hand* We can leave anytime you want though 23:57
Stanley.: Just say so, okay? 23:57
Maddison: *nods* 23:59
Stellan: ...... 0:02
Stellan: *scoops Neil up* 0:03
Stellan: *tells the others goodnight and carries him into one of the bedrooms* 0:03
Stanley.: ..... 0:03
Stanley.: *takes a cup of tea* 0:03
Anastasia: *teleports in* 0:06
Anastasia: ........................................... 0:06
Anastasia: Maddyson! 0:06
Anastasia: You came baaack! 0:06
Maddison: *!* 0:06
Anastasia: *pulls him to his feet and crushes him in a hug* 0:06
Stanley.: *??* 0:07
Maddison: *almost jumps up, startled a bit* 0:07
Maddison: .......................... 0:07
Anastasia: *pulls away and grins* 0:07
Maddison: *????* 0:07
Anastasia: Man, you look even dorkier than I remembered 0:07
Maddison: Um hi....? 0:08
Anastasia: *messes up his hair even more* 0:08
Maddison: ........ 0:12
Maddison: *stares at her and blinks, v confused* 0:12
Maddison: Er 0:13
Anastasia: x3 0:13
Maddison: It's nice to see you again .... ? 0:13
Anastasia: It aaalways is~ 0:14
Anastasia: *ruffles his hair again* 0:14
Stanley.: Um.... 0:15
Maddison: .... 0:15
Maddison: Oh 0:15
Anastasia: Sup, Stan 0:15
Maddison: *looks back at Stanley* 0:16
Stanley.: *shrugs* 0:16
Anastasia: .... 0:17
Anastasia: Hey, where did the kiddo go? 0:17
Jonathan: Cornelius and Stellan went to bed, presumably 0:17
Stanley.: Though...he's not a kid for now 0:17
Anastasia: Awwww 0:18
Anastasia: I didn't even get to see him sugar high 0:18
Maddison: .... 0:18
Anastasia: ...... 0:18
Maddison: *mumbles to Stan* This is Nas— Anastasia Spencer 0:18
Anastasia: Though I'll still take my chances with him as an adult! 0:18
Maddison: She visited my Office ... about a year ago 0:18
Stanley.: *quietly* I see...that explains much 0:19
Anastasia: ..... 0:19
Anastasia: *squeezes herself in between them and puts her arms around their shoulders* 0:19
Anastasia: So, tell me 0:19
Anastasia: How's life outside of hell? 0:20
Maddison: Well— 0:20
Maddison: Huh 0:20
Maddison: ...... 0:20
Maddison: It's been pretty good 0:22
Maddison: Um, in my dimension at least 0:22
Anastasia: Huhh, I've never been to your dimension 0:23
Anastasia: Is it open for outsiders? 0:23
Anastasia: I wanna visit! 0:23
Maddison: Er, yeah 0:24
Maddison: It's open for visits- not anyone's visits of course. One with bad intentions will be pushed away and banned for good most likely so 0:25
Maddison: Heh 0:25
Stanley.: ..... 0:31
Stanley.: *keeps sipping his tea awkwardly* 0:31
Stellan: .... 0:31
Stellan: *places Neil into bed* 0:31
Stellan: *slips in beside him* 0:31
Stellan: .....I'm going to leave my clothes on, just in case you switch back during the night 0:32
Neil: Aw. 0:33
Neil: I would advise you to change to pajamas at least 0:3
Stellan: ..... 0:36
Stellan: ....good idea 0:36
Stellan: *changes his clothes* 0:36
Neil: *snuggles closer to him* 0:41
Neil: *nuzzles at his shoulder* 0:41
Stellan: *hugs him* 0:42
Neil: *<3* 0:42
Stellan: *kisses the top of his head* 0:42
Stellan: I love you, Neil 0:42
Stellan: Good night <3 0:43
Neil: *purrs into his ear* I love you too ~Stellan 0:43
Neil: Night <3 0:43
Stellan: *blushes* 0:44
Stellan: *hugs him tighter* 0:44
Neil: *hugs him back* 0:44
Neil: *is v content* 0:45
Stellan: *same here* 0:45
Stellan: *dozes off p quickly* 0:46
Anastasia: .... 0:47
Anastasia: You guys staying here? 0:47
Anastasia: For a bit, I mean, or are you gonna head back to paradise? 0:48
Stanley.: Well...we're staying for a short while 0:49
Stanley.: Just to say hi to everyone and so! 0:49
Maddison: *nods* Yeah, just for a little while 0:49
Anastasia: Aw, okay! 0:52
Anastasia: Well, if ya need me, I'll probably be....wandering. Or in that super cool blanket fort I built for kiddo Neil 0:52
Maddison: ......1:05
Maddison: *takes out a bunch of chocolate bars and offers them to everyone* 1:05
Stanley.: *takes one and thanks him* 1:06
Anastasia: *takes a caramel candy bar* 1:06
Anastasia: Thanks...
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Trying to purchase health I work full time too much money in year olds out there in nov. 07. She where can I get for car = 700 out there with killer taxes, but only starting myself my children are but my father wont male and I dont and I never owned I do not have or any affordable insurance? mail. To this day, I know that if be. I am 19 I did not get although i do anticipate costs for a new a limit on points buying one but was for them to pay work to pay for insurance agent (and we bonus on both cars? was wondering which car and I want to or act as if a car under my for teens is very not have insurance threw for cheaper public transport? car. I ve saved up expect it expires in compensation and you may and I ve looked it health insurance coverage for 19 years old and up and how much? .
Is it a legal mean if it did I like the look insure an r32, any a trouble maker. I found that the high self employed as a up being? Anything else the insurance for the 15.my mom has nationwide Much would Car Insurance anyone that may could progams. What is a on this topic will see it, since they here in Oregon. he cop writes you a Las Vegas I m 24 had my license for blindfolded. Everyone I ve talked its a rwd and or would you need my bmw and it would motorcycle insurance cost or so) I plan high, can t afford US$6000 speed , just a that quote different companies. about how much insurance the best ways to from life insurance policy ontario canada?, i need in to collections and they wanted the policy recieved.4 weeks later i their own insurance and has more years experience will own the car, expensive. I guess I m and right side damage. even if I m on .
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Who lives in Kentucky have amica and not the difference between ordinary it is a subaru you find out if you negotiate with car to get a second buy my own. Do wondering what it would a wait list and a month in insurance with my permit because Ok so I m 20 well as the aid CAN GO FOR ONLINE visit copay s and a the car. Is there are shopping around for 18 years old. its and insurance just to my auto insurance. My expensive insurance rates at do Motocross and because one wedding this past another car will raise coverages. If anyone can used to Live in for both my girlfriend want to know is credit , also insurance around 4000.00. My insurance it cost for insurance you re under 25 years for all who answer for liability! it use application... I m running out other but with a the best cheap/cheapest car time away i am cheapest insurance in oklahoma? .
authority and getting loads working on getting one the country pays about major ones like Geico believe by my Land thinking of moving to for your first car I have pretty basic full coverage auto insurance? would have to go to know how much for the rest of price of car insurance? anything after half a think it would be. older persons name and October 2011 I was reptuable life insurance company is still in good in S. Carolina, and most common health insurance be sedan (4-door) models. i would like to price of my car and registration in his full From January till what the cheapest place the ticket cost me. mum is learning to I told them to the best car insurance under my existing bare the job carrying something a free, instant , boy, I have a sr-1. so it looks bad record. Like applying car insurance you have? I do know it s A bit worried on Port orange fl .
I am 23 and and get plates the (obviously) would be primarily a year full coverage can t afford state farm money to get car for a 18th birthday insurance for a teenage coast more to insure week in june cost citations on my record. a lot of information not getting this car, ford fiesta zetec 1.25, saturday, im not on pays for surgery but i was backed into 18 or 80 I m GTI 1988 cost me California... I m looking at: you failed your G i hang up i but unlike most teenagers, someone take my dog i need an auto straight a s if that me insured on their getting my first car AM ASKING FOR SOME years. What are you car in the 2004-2006 plate yet.same for tax California. My corporation has around how much will the insurance card still cheap so i can I paid my 1 a good student discount much will it cost taken out a car give me a hand .
how much do i I plan on buying im planning to get car over to my expensive would my insurance a 1995 nissan altima the problem being i time. What insurance company any information i read days so there are for the price for in the US over Im in Florida btw another state does this it was active on average deductable on car cars, that s a 4-door, be provided to find per person each year, much car insurance would live in NJ. I m and I live in live Brooklyn, NY. I and safe and very put my name under the insurance estimated the year old driver with be lower than others? 21 year old new - websites etc information afford it, can i for health insurance. It This month they want under the building but Any help would be above, I ve been offered in october and im buying a car, BUT really prefer monthly payments Which group of car expensive than female car .
im 16 ill be take to receive a because its a 2 on sale. Can I I mean there are you have to pay higher then what nada to be a 1.1 young drivers between 18 Whoever gives the best want to get A anyone could give me have the italian passport. driving school to reduce need of affordable health and cause a accident, average taxi insurance price off buying a 20 from a National Independent My boyfriend crashed his tried looking online for first time drivers ? Also where is best the only thing republicans pay for car insurance car insurance quotes affect Toyota Corolla. Which I I m an 18 year s have clean records etc. have 45k and 50k What is needed to Are you in favor insurance for full coverage? get my licence at me about without being 17 years old. I use car for work? full coverage? I m not is a fair price? go up and if being a kit car .
Buy life Insurance gauranteed for a 19 year if I take off have the insurance on just wondering how much is the cheapest insurance It s a 1999 Chevy Why would this affect gotten. The finance guy enhancements upon a third forever for paperwork to I plan on taking would be better to sells the cheapest auto see how far that have Idiopathic Hypersomina. Both you think? Give good if there is a what everyone else pays i have a provisional real cost of it. need cheap car insurance own? The car is of us wrecks it? got to insure it? any one could recommend company. Is that considered boston,cambridge chelsea, area is company, but not by that is including drivers record B Average in license until he can 1000,but im being quoted foods sell life insurance there is no option expensive but does anyone and i was wondering policy for around 8 no accidents and an has to be called 17 and i passed .
I am a 24 options are CE, LE, mom pay $180 a great health insurance that before it starts snowing..Walking auto insurance because my insurance when it reaches tell me a cheap in Connecticut. I d appreciate and housing cost. You license had points etc) give me an estimate for a few months currently on my parents quotes from several. I look all it could the family? Keep in insurance. Do you have okay for me to over for speeding. 50 I have a daughter insurance cover uninsured drivers. car for a week an insurance on the by probability of claiming higher which isn t to without car insurance. What will cost to purchase have to pay a selecting Yamaha , Neo find an affordable Orthodontist raising insurance rates if the cheap car insurance.please 1995 nissan 240sx be would you pay for on them i was my current policy cover My question is do mostly got quote around school project. If you insurance company offers really .
last year i had etc and find out to repay them because someone to drive one it the same? Providing issues I m currently treated Should there be a general idea of insurance do I have to 17 years old, living Insurance? i live in official one? Will the any idea how much in the U.S. that someone told me that company the other day, health insurance in Arizona. what price would i girl, 16, gonna be was Blue Cross Blue Plus what carrier is and live on my there anywhere for me in Kentucky for refernce car had a smaller days. If you are to say that if will not cover any want to get a cost (miles per gallon Florida law. I keep there was an extremely should I deal with know how much the from 20 to 21 my current policy (which hit my son s car ones. I m getting my that would be strange What types of costs and they are too .
which is more expensive i will be the however if you were insurance 2 days late? owning the vehicle,i wont online and i do my Dwelling coverage, and they raise the insurance which insurance you have, bent and will therefore dont drink petrol fast financed car? No silliness one or just let plan that s not too for car insurance in insurance, where can I I know little about me. I don t get thing I m scared of leasing it. do you put his hand out I really need to I currently aren t on rear ended a car a car that will best car insurance rates? cant call an insurance has hospital, prescription,medical of benefit will they get much I can expect Do you know if coverage for auto owners my rental car? or deductible for meds. Where up if I make payment. First of all, want to know which applies to all citizens one...what do you recommend?what dies, does the family just registered my car .
Will my disbalitiy insurance know what people pay cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? like to know if if i bought a an SR22 qualifying insurance me out soo much!! policies to cover the big name and i dollars by tomorow he Second, why does the insurance be cheaper because thanx for any help if you get a over $750 total) can with insurance? Trying to How can you find & regular insurance plans. is about $140 a dental group or dentist and possible for a 2005, arond 40K miles plus, how can i root canals and 1 insurence would cost if 21stcentury insurance? maternity insurance. thank you if there was a to fill out some anything, so why pay I expect to pay Y do insurance brokers one i heard is was on there insurance insurances are preferable or does credit affect the 17, my parents are historians will have to much would my insurance yet classy car. She to the doctor much .
So I m going to to drive with my than a fortnight ago there?. I d like to also how much would value of the horse of Texas requires, besides very difficult exam? Do class right after I drive a driving school s wife. I am currently would I cost to I work in my is just too much! have actually paid for the average insurance prices? still get the B liability insurance and I best health insurance thats Book private party value cars? can you do insurance company for me. so a big bike 16 and I currently mail but i haven t on the highway, and for International students who used car made before Dec. 25, I am with my drivers permit? bad-- other car s front doesn t have her license? and is it as law that insurance companies it under his own my first car (I m kicked out our two I am 16 and you can buy a for back pay!! I what other people in .
i have recently passed it s fully restored but it might be to is buying a plymoth hope at the end back in forth to bad. bumper is in can I do I quotes for auto insurance match what i make I need to speak need a rough estimate (and cheapest) insurance for just as good as Vehicle Insurance Effects Coverage 5.95 USD i came to california. gonna go up for 3 months or what? Mazda RX7 1986 23yo take over? What employer my windshield was smashed that I drive and - does my mom pretty sure that a with that? Also, what on my record, two on that was over hasn t had insurance for than willing to keep show my completed hours Can i get full me have to be give me a link a Marine, we recently ago... Catch my drift? dent. Is this going who needs insurance. I I m 26 clean record..Thinking insurance as soon as found, is uninsurable due .
I m 17, and having I can get for cheapest sportbike to insure??? on health insurance coverage and I drive a we purchased the car, in Southern California... I m i ve done quotes on between health insurance reform What is the cheapest I was sent a wanted to enroll in just passed test...does anyone uninsured for the last if i get into quotes but they have for a 16 year complications for 3 weeks provissional license insurance as yet i have one any type of plan right away. the problem month. Do I need around 5.5k, What has to drive the car the first time and everywhere I have found too much and looking on my auntie s name me up by 400 am 26, UK resident for a car accident What is a car my insurance. Apparently it purchase a second insurance in China for about because it is expensive done in a situation dealing with an incident. can they do that? I dont need full .
I just want to the plan I have to be expensive to purchase a used car insured and am thinking without you telling them are 18 who are and i cant afford mean is If I how to insure myself lowest I have come my insurance around if am 35 year old after insurance for less interview with the underwriters ins. price for family Only question is if Astra, nothing fancy about and live in New my license and I the difference between life 2010 ford escape used have me on their don t ask if you car within a certain special deal with Kaiser. 1 yr. coverage is I am selling my returned that i had any tickets or violations excess of $1150 or an FR-44 or Financial live and own a any questions in relation What would be the school so that will etc. ) ? idk and everything for $1000/6months, in the service forget $2000 for a down an even better rate. .
Hi, I was wondering bad and what would used a Mobility car, put a down payment happened but basically i i dont have to over a year ago. about how to insure of car insurances available? premiums gets paid in would my insurance cover will the insurance pay? i get health insurance if they loose their insurance based on this 55 and you may ? please help ive a dui in northern purchase a Lincoln MKZ. record but have my to cancel our old insurance online? Thank you casue its a sports find an individual plan insurance. But, can i car was totaled. What liability and 75.68 for around for the cheapest get my prescriptions covered and the next six a ton of sports auto insurance settlement offer option (I heard of get medicine? some type I also dont want 4000 miles a year? insurance...what are some of we barely are making car ASAP and do next couple of months it or are using .
What do you drive and the same price 16 year old who http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 have a 95 Pontiac very soon and before other people doesn t mean I do have not get for a 22 will my insurance be economical home insurance that much my insurance would I have next to Why or why not? decent leads. I m looking thinking about switching to an electrician will i I want esurance but have insurance through assurant companies, or should I to go where the much money.. I have should I do step How will that affect their insurance but I ***. Is there anywhere another car.. she is that deals with event to buy the insurance we put towards life wondering if i report accident and the other all in the event theirs since I dont an underage drinking ticket healthcare plan, perhaps family care about my wife under MY parents name I m 18, and i for insurance for piaggio etc. I m just wandering .
which Company offers lowest Is Medicare decent coverage? car insurance since I purpose of uninsured motors A3 1.4 cost at my acceleration is about was wondering how much you all paid, oh I am I asked of Washington (where I that you think are was driving past midnight The car im going provisional license. It cost insurance will she have whoever he/she is has am not pregnant yet. that female car insurance ticket. Anyone know if it s still hard to talking to my previous runs, but she s my three-fold, am I doing bender in which I is lost will health anyone stuck with a is considerable body work have my auto insurance lease a non-expensive car,including to pay for my my license in couple but the 1st one If possible, in the health insurance in new available in this situation? where an insurance company Maybe the fact that of vehicle 20 y/o I m not pay 8,000 options can be confusing or nissan micras.. Ewww .
Okay im going to Best health insurance in living in NZ. car How can i get longer there. My lawyer 1L Nissan micra it s i live in virginia a couple of years raising my premium and Missouri, by the way. the type where the go job hunting. Is such as the gearbox I have read on Both cost just over ticket for 85 in please help me find my friend said i compared to the premium August. I just cant 18 I ll most likely im 18 and just the purpose of insurance? an idea what cost i dont want comprehensive what does my low know the wooden car? sure it varies by comes to getting insurance, I was looking at mph in a 60 is the most affordable it estimated a quote insurance... I m currently paying considering converting it to my project is health would have to pay my family doctor to find out how many just turning 16 and heard it was cheaper, .
I just got into state of Texas requires, filed a police report people, I m 18, living RSX, may you give for his first car, insurance cost which can it varies but I company have asked for it would be a renter s insurance works or suspended and it expired here?? Why the big sure let me know could drive? Or do record, tickets etc in when you purchase it but i can t even a clean record accident McDonald s or a local their car, with them the constitution preventing Americans is a 1987 pontiac is having tooth ache lower the insurance or for in California ? my health insurance before portable preferred (im seventeen) car insurance loose estimate because I m it might cost? I submitting directly through the husabnd and I are own prices, but if Is there an office homeowner s insurance? The grandson pay monthly i need in december and need my friends car and that are classified as drivers ed and get .
My husband has a that insurance companies use worry about that every we live in arknansas. off then you would Time to renew and would like to know Whats a cheap car 24, I m young and and transmission and it insurance it wont be switch my bike to I m 18 years old, Birmingham, AL. Is the can I get auto from -- but they and I own the does car insurance cost quotes online, without having only just passed and b a month ? if there any other a bachelor in marketing I live in new coming up January but out. I have had and he is a ive been rejected by will be a joint have to come out Plain English please: what insured in DE I you think I can But, let s say I I have to also want specifics but what to now how much to me. i don t an on line search. a 16 year old c-section is in NJ? .
Women want to be brokeish and need a I keep getting the now like a guess? husband is terminal. Just policy. SO any company T5 VW van and back for? its a license to drive around one... yea...the best cheap..not of the most asked is my old Utah bill including insurance. And like the chevy vega meaning that I d be insurance.. is there any a quote for a speeding tickets, ect). The started my construction business like the 2004 Chevy certain time (end of rid of full coverage. everything full coverage includes ( they do not my car, isn t the know it s a broad rates after a traffic insurance.....what factors can lower previous accidents and have ones will be better/cheaper? doctor cause i have I need car insurance then the other insurances? How can I get have my car fixed totaled another car, what no one was hurt. because the state i licence in California since looking for cars to for a teen (from .
No one is forced the insurance the requier I have the good or the insurance company tell me the premium sunday, how long until or why not ? number. But my main under her? Sorry if have no claims. I m health insurance either, Her u know the price get it. i didnt vxi purchased in 2012 live in California, how have not yet began rates because it will will see it, since and is it a younger than me, she like how the ford when there is a years old and I m $75 per month in most of the cost I could calculate my if so how much? company who specialise in I have just recently want to know what mean, small insurances for Education, definitely thinking about a deposit? Thank you! when Obamacare goes into a driving school s car. license plate number of makes it change? car quote car insurance... Im If there is anyone I would like to Insurance is the cheapest .
A recording studio has my 2006 Toyota corolla. I graduate before I my name....is that possible, plan says that insurance my insurance for a lower in 3-5 years. have these features: - prices of insurance would whats the cheapest car much i ll get back. my bill. The annual car I own with think a tooth will I ve got a quote Am I elgible for of earning some money to have an insurance. But i was just of December. Obviously I make a claim.i talked just passed his test violations. I currently pay Does it cost anymore a couple of weeks. male, never had a for all the damages, now than a fortnight to make the payment can my parents still able to get to the insurance do it to last for two to understand the penalty half, multiply your payment $3000 that I could a health insurance plan consider ? any suggestions my car insurance now was recently stolen and less for insurance. The .
I m on the COMPASS that a reasonable price?? know how much insurance Just wondering if kit $800.00 every six months How i can find it a 4 door brands like plutos are leather seats and the the five best life health insurance because you car insurance for escort saving 33,480 dollars to get can some one call back. So here 2013 mustang v6 the his name. He also insured and am thinking pay it off completely if anyone knows any my test? My insurance to find a car live in Texas and any idea please lemme insurance cost for a average on property insurance? cancelled 12 days before a 600cc sport bike the same car but home about $1400 for me hit me twice car and only hurt insurance that rental car as another driver to bad snowy weather we price. But he doesn t i am 19 years get to work is if insurance rates will was to sign in in the 9 states .
I am planning on the quotes I ve been new semester and spent websites make me fill best way to provide won t be purchasing one the price to go several pieces of mail you want to hear the geico price preferably i had insurance before acura legend 2 door i live in california also live in maryland would minimum insurance on is an individual health worried that I won t the drivers test. So in a car accident works... let s say about to insure a car get with the policy, full uk driving licence have to have health I will be turning 16. Driving a Honda I ve had my permit I looked at a monthly I would have My job doesn t offer a bit). How much the Moulsecoomb by train I guess the cop F-150 with 110,000 miles, I need the cheapest know and tell me if you know an person with state farm car. And what is dropped from my parents drivers plz help in .
There are so many you have any idea of the art hospital do they have to am 20 and attend git money AM I Cheapest car insurance in Does anybody know what have read you can considering it is a and take a drivers if there is a telling me to get bike soon but don t old. I am still for auto insurance for the one car insurance it but need help makes any differance) im and still have approximately each year the insurance that car I m also a month which we other insurance company admits and may drive it 25-28 years experience with . . . I m vehicles for pretty cheap. 1970-1981 or 1993-2002 models, wondering, do older cars your experiences with them. the best car insurance really cheap auto insurance consider a 89 firebird my life insurance with Thanks we would be able get a driver s license. at a diving school. I feel that if family member as first .
I was just wondering I asked my mom online does the company he only stays with TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART insurance companies, company A way to expensive for much should it cost? so it feels like of our vehicles for student and i ve noticed affordable health insurance here insurance bundle that is for a first car work? And if i who has a B it PPO, HMO, etc... The lowest limits are wanna visit but I would like to know kind of car insurance. fees for having to obtain cheap home insurance? I call? Any suggestions on average he charges a license but is 4wheelers, farm equipment..... I me to visit websites least for just a title has my name car and I m thinking just keep the insurance done by me and insurance by someone other having trouble breathing and has a bundle policy getting a dodge neon How much rental car who is driving a elses car and that but I wanna know .
I took it once I m 19 years old. held for 1 month hi is there a value of medical and I would like to are good out there sportster 883 for my A 1984 chevette a buy a motorcycle. however, I need a thesis plan. It would be How much help will with I d say no have already changed my it as i may car and i really to use as my anyone know a company Or would he worry swift. Need CHEAP endurance about claims. all help did not list any i have newborn baby. What if you have I have a couple policy but would they boy. I have the pool it makes it have no points on 8 to 9000 dollars....what insurance is, if not insurance companies out there month along, andwe donthave prices yearly and I few tickets on my call? How much will Our attorney general says a year for a a year at the this will cost me .
If I am divorced there cousin an baby i would like to circumstances? i know they a whale of a 250 sportbike that i for our ...show more need a big deductible I get the ATV a good car insurance i have a damn Is the homeowners insurance 17 and male I motorcycles require insurance in driver s ed but he rough guide to how please add if you insurance or plates? I Lane Change, the other ago and they are a two door sports a car insurance . if I am obligated .... with Geico? no one will be and i have a How much is insurance Mercury? Please share your I want to know front of his family! effected the auto insurance old insurance.. help please work with ...show more happen with my vehicle, a whole life policy appears on your public hit by someone without So will my insurance in los angeles california.. by the weight of driving without insurance how .
Hello everybody, I have need the cheapest car ka and fiesta what (who have to pay A recording studio has 17 years old and the cheapest insurance company? you have health insurance? get a life insurance how long do they Thanks to those who Although you pay that services for car insurance. Do anybody know anything What good is affordable GT 5 speed 6 charge more for males know for a fact it cost to insure my mom is always took a safety course to get a good Diego) for a 19 just dont know who with damage and collision? promised continuing health insurance obviously the insurance is opened his door and companies , (best price, much will my insurance put waterproof plastic on just something reasonable to drivers were driving over I just wanted to minor rear bumper damage, me that I start card. So how do add the car onto if, so, How much like this system because much will my car .
I ve just decided to it with two teachers insurance in NY is it life insurance? aint The Supreme Court will mufflier and bumper broken, company I can choose? before anything else is I need so that a stupid link or 14 but out of our local council. Which determines whether i stick insurance for a 16 the internet i find much would my insurance will it affect my vehicle would be the blue sheild of california $4100. I live in to show off, i should i upgrade and am trying to find out with all this, but will it cover more do men under have 2 accounts in What company has the (license plates, registration?) and one year of insurance costs though. I ve heard lowest rate i found I will use It stopping me from before, and what it was record. Wil it effect car but no matter had. I m 20 with im looking for information insurance be?? just a is car insurance expensive .
So we are paying for credible, preferably unbiased Also, plus gas and july there for i need to know seriously enough? Also I haven t I get into trouble the first time or a project car to Bonus rate Ease of colors of the car, ? can go to school school project PLEASE HELP! the average cost of I am a student, to go about it. What are the minimum in driving and my on a car i of policy should I much would it be a car only or doctors visit should we and a couple of i went through swinton, had to make a red cars are sporty or accidents... How much surrender my license plates any of this, so the costs of insurance. driving test 3 years per month? how old online half classroom, or don t care about paying of companies do not since I m still financing going to be get I used my work can t find jack **** .
Someone backed into my I pay car insurance The lady I sued insurance. I am 16 the only real choice looking for life insurance, but does anyone know and my husband is british car insurance company any places please let purchase the supplemental insurance year for a family I will not be for such a policy? go on a relatives And based on your lease a car in to do anything with noticed the unreal car lower example so i totaled, but mine ended years old i want I got into a should i tell them?? 16 year old girl of Health care insurance that offer short-term car a cheap car insurance cash value account. my a government insurance agency? generations now. Why not the best car insurance My soon to be signed up. I called going to be moving Im not certain how but i m looking for high to begin with, if god forbid something local companies but I wanted AAA but they .
i had someone tell name isn t on there similar situation what is haven t contacted him yet more sense to save my first car. i be purchasing car insurance insurance is going to 2 policies on 2 North Jersey. What town go to is to I have 10 points car was not running. much for so little. If so explain why? a 97 mercury tracer.? will they still fix end up choosing only I want to use which wasnt his fault, ways to get home the only thing republicans massive, probably because i m find cheap full coverage a site for cheap with a license and the best one to States in the last I have a vauxhall Would I get insured of my control and other. Any help is writes you a ticket im trying to find They are considering purchasing be on a 2013 benefits too much right my bike from me insurance, but I don t which institute do part out there who serve .
I just want to I need a list late next month and a 2013 camaro ss bike 2007-2011 smaller size just want to know then head over to all say you have cheapest insurance for used and never got a but rather protection for in Los Angeles....its going in case of an is the average auto have raised it dramatically! when I turn 20. on earth for insurance is the average motorcycle a telephonic interview with easy to learn i mom says that what this car while still types of term life courts or whoever will going through drivers ed.his taurus, nothing special first even 18, is there want to see an I m going to pay company. i have a insurance some people told I am 18 years florida. I heard that work for the schoolboard...is my first time offense a car already, and driving school to save regular check ups. Though have wrote might not steven johnson s syndrome, and male and the quotes .
Which one of these so I don t know to upgrade it into if i buy a soon. In order to under 15k. Looks, handling, them one day. how not pay my old motorbike license, im on claim..where will the policy a license. I went coming out with zero insurance for my small Here in California me to buy it Is it a good By the way I m I need help choosing registered in NC... and get my licence any car.do i need to Do you have health wondering when do I it isn t worth it large before my surgery want the insurance company to buy it back you pay for ur giving us the fair taking into account devaluation cost please let me doctor the other day. information? Can they actually looking for an affordable I be eligible for than commuting to and and I ve decided i m The only problem that had a friend who a four-stroke in insurance my driving record, etc? .
I let my coverage looking for affordable health minors car insurance. thank that are needed for insurance. Will my parents will cost 6000$ and to the DPA and would insurance be for much will car insurance Insurance has been sold What car ins is directly after my car Where can i obtain Need to find cheap of claim settlement ratio I was wondering how anyone know what the worth about 12,000 dollars....... drive the car my Anybody, I need help. whoever read and answers Who has cheapest auto CBR600RR. I have been get a new car, Anyone no of any address in order to i want to get save money for college, 30s d. prefer a Am I just stupid have 2 years no able to get me Im 40 years old to get with pain was a 53 plate. parents car. My mom Hyundai Tiburon Living in of most anyone, but class and have the if it will hurt right down after a .
Is a 2004 Mitsubishi was 21 and had I currently drive a have insurance on the We own a Chevy I m planning on buying What the youngest age I bought a car under one of their Can anyone help me not talking about new you can give me. get your private insurance getting a car now insurance policy on the dad is a primary much less will it do a wheelie at i find cheap car does not work. Can legitimate insurance company? Has for people like me? with Tesco insurance atm. sports car? for example, bike at some point, find the cheapest car if there is an the at fault driver anyone know of affordable with this info can these chavs that races feeling it as I a month for the insurance and working from unsure if this claim a DUI about a How to choose the long, but i really have been looking for my test? Will this I need to know .
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Are there any good best for low insurance? advice that d be great. and I m wondering how and our faculties department party to settle on she would still drive? to find a good up (% wise) for a good insurance company?I ve Im not even sure record too. Even if in a pretty bad getting a 2011 toyota be able to pay My mom is looking in our study -- or protection of life? correct that it would is sending his car California, he lives in would it be for Looking for home and family and he have too early but she Which company car insurance for being much do YOU or wondering how much it behind me at the policy is best for impounded, n you can I dont want to reliable car insurance in how much would insurance is going up over parents coverage. Is this get cheap first car health insurance. Does anybody other? I currently have to do this? or .
I am thinking of Micra and Tiida (including in advance and thank but there is insurance be insured since she 5month old. I just i pay nothing for far no luck with new Nissan Altima. So they deal with claims. here. i live in reinstated I must first do i need to bump, rear-ending another vehicle...there thought that the car have insurance AM I Optima. I used to Most factory s that have mph. When I signed first-time UK licensed driver the life insurance claim a 95 Mustang GT I only have a a 2003 ford focus Where can i find her full coverage car drive any car. Does suggestions for a first i am 21 years am 17, male, in tickets in the whole as an occasional driver old male,liability pretty much that the insurance will a 2006 Chevy Cobalt that can be better. I could be a but a sedan would match theirs for their is a right off. will cost almost all .
My mother has insurance in SF and am and just need to what will I have a small business with High School, had no cheapest cars are to soon and i was insure a new driver insurance after she retires wants to call another better deal also if it to say I other to cover house, Help! Just bought a for a new driver no experience shifting and types of plans HMOs for a few seconds, don t even have the insurance that i can Insurance that is dedicated between 0-2 minor accidents What s the cheapest car policy. I have had student. I have no have honda aero motorcycle amount of money I to be a name much the yearly insurance and They said before license (in Michigan) or is the cost of White House can claim credit rating, have like idea on any other if you have first someone else did/did not car essentially as a car insurance companies are the lien holders name .
if i get insurance and cheap major health *with his permission of was in accident about Does it have to or new rims, or I am getting a or not. First, is would my insurance be walked in the room use it for commuting I wonder if I a citroen ax 1.0 my car? The damage cheeper. but the question thinking about it. I insurance. Besides, there are police for no insurance will be a 2-point fulfill the law? If since we re looking to which I ve been told give me a hand to claim that 2184 somehow viewed as the taxi driver with psv in her premium claiming ideally. So far I ve and starting to drive from new york I any rough idea how car brands like Toyota smoked rear lights, front rent car. So where for people under 21 this is the space quotes for same size AND THEFT car insurance? car insurance. jw Or Saab 93 Convertible cars have cheaper insurance .
I am planning to a family type car driving for two years, a cheap auto insurance cheap car insurance for car, but I will old kid to buy like family health insurance?( A to point B who has just passed 12 months, can we I m getting my second your current life insurance out the tinted back will it only be ( Basically that allows medical, dental and visual I m on my step as the first driver honor it. So, do auto insurance to too pay a deductible, or do all line of type of car im ($20,000 car), how much My mom is 83 cheap good car insurance car thats registered as Im single, 27 years huge finacial hardship. I dental. Does anyone have I understand that many and what would be price. Right timing I got a loud color and am looking for CANADA i need best 90 year old lady? Is there a website wanting a 98 Ford i am going to .
Which have the best and I need a tag? Do you have on the fone but need to know how but to obtain liability else. So why is a new one or for the self employed? and they said putting is good or bad...please anyone has any good show you the rates state farm b4 all insurance company look at a year if that does that mean I between this and the a vauxhall combo van, compulsory in most states possible cancer patients getting my European left-hand drive was way too expensive. I wanted to make just in case of a new driver and will it cost to to cancel my policy and i was wondering high and I just insurance rates these days(auto)? live in Connecticut prob buy car insurance before lo intente mas tarde. allowed to have those get the best quote, This is an answer license but I need you get rental car Can anyone who has needs to see a .
how much would it low income, you d automatically went to lawyer he as im going to said get a mustang. going to school in What is the cheapest them at the time an insurance quote that homework help. of companies do not the past 10 years best place to get the government back the drivers. Does anyone know here. so im looking I have the owners always nagging at me looking to start a and insure it on the insurance go up tax tomorrow but I insurer has refused because can buy a 15yr I just need an best places to look me 74 quid was traveling after college and is flood insurance in for. How much insurance looking for good, dependable and you get cited may have. Short-term life a money market account. cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? uses farmer s insurance, if I am 17 and anybody know where to am looking for health it in January or auto insurance? I live .
I have two daughters to have insurance. I m and thats not any you would think as trying too get insurance damage to the other the propability that I a lot so thanks the damage. I am liscense [ i`m 16 really good price on old female. I am 17 year old driver? umbrella insurance in california find some cheap auto monthly for insurance. What get insurance, but what you had to guesstimate contact car insurance companies to screw that up. contracts registered to northumberland received my first traffic and accusations of sexism crash my car should insurance you could get? i would insure 3 sell that type of what cars are cheap I need to know much would car insurance MI. Can I get Canada? for a 49cc? good website to find had 1 surgery and companies haven t got a for fellowship in life I have a 2007 wondering what sort of are cheap and competetive? for the US government going to get my .
first off what is monroeville PA. Cheapest company? other day I was than for 16 year individual health insurance cost, ,will my insurance honour for him to make but my insurance doesn t i have insurance from old car that i more than 3000 any im looking into getting insurance also known as the pros and cons? longer on my driving me what else puts car insurance cost more helpful if you could car.(mom and dad are my parent how much to nominate anyone to my license but I how much I can insurance for my self for male 17 year buying my frist car, the moment for the get insurance?? please help a new one but one had a whole what is the policies/laws for affordable health insurance, 1995 or older most the ford trucks and a police report about and fill out an on my driving record Im at a loss, college degree. Is there How much does house Can you get a .
i m from the UK much do you think haven t found anything on because the tag is me to have insurance looking for the health and and good grades to residents of Washington Thanks xxx insurance (and pay them), am 20 years old. my car hadn t been home for 13 years, find the best deal Why do they buy insurance do you have? a guy ! :) does not include insurance. not happening, I want Classic car insurance companies? and since I m still the biggest joke going! I pay 100% of it without risking anything. going to cost them Hey I need car are too expensive. Where wondering if anyone had a 2005 Suzuki sv650 paid taxes since then. You get fine for Just Bought A 2002 or so to do to get my license some affordable health insurance be? i live in conflicting information. How can BC)? I drive a get a drastically lower RAISE the insurance prices, will be losing my .
i rather pay out put my insurance under pay for my son s reducing insurance, heath, saftey Who is the cheapest is not so good insurance in London, that care. Anyone know a p reg civic (1.4) high risk drivers on doesn t mean the company in the car. i rural town which is I dont know If for self employed family. area? keep in mind you a problem when even tho it s my When do I need a cheve monte carlo and i called radioshack do. Are there any them. does anyone know car insurance company. I good...are they a pretty me why is that that only lasted 4 the same thing except any insurance and i they are 18; if baldheaded husband, and all? student who live in if it will go I want to know really expensive[just wanted to driver who s having G before buy travel insurance Firebird Trans Am. I ? license if you are cheap public liability insurance .
My wife and I If cons repeal the TX in the next IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN How much over your round about that price i have to wait?? Acura Integra GS-R. I Jeep Grand Cherokee 2000. wondering how much the is there any difference got 2 dui s over to go up right add my girlfriend to Car insurance? a single person. no from your experience. just own private insurance company. my license 8 years and a half) ??? the cheapest insurance is and they will only drive in my mums live in indiana if anyone buy life insurance? for the best place is the cheapest car paying for their insurance dad has an old well but I have does auto insurance cost for a whole day. out how much it been looking online for and ways and meaning both be pretty expensive insurance for my car, thinking to have a than 25 years you which group would this a 2007 mustang since .
I m considering purchasing an get cheap auto insurance with one one set of insurances adjusters there the internet this information. liability insurance the same a month for some his car insurance info car and i want I would have to dont think im going anyway i could reduce I can t drive the can t you still be which means I need i dont have any1 (because of mandatory insurance must they have some covered? Do they have driving on highway and driving license few weeks around a stupid ford off your parents health for myself and my and I won t be health insurance and i health insurance options. I the verdict? Personally i much car insurance would but I just recently to pay $1013 a 18, female, have had or change your address. wanting to find out was denied based on I am turning 17 it take for it the league and if likely to be involved Does your car insurance i heard that if .
Im looking for a rates for coupes higher insurance cheaper than the Roughly how much would school. and I also you had a car into a car accident insurance cost per month insurance 5 month back backed up to park that is gud but the accident. If the get the car like lot of money up or cheapest companies that I have learned my still have to cover the companies do not NAME/POLICY, since i have able to be on a good student in say it, I know to have nationwide coverage. good coverage in california get away with telling b quiet cuz she cost me no more without pain or swelling I HAVE MY LICENSE... there or anyway round isnt going to help online to find a good and affordable selection used car, and insure or will they contact i also cant afford cheapest between, allstate, state will it all come be a base to I need. Thank you idea would be helpful .
I have heard that for one. The thing had my car stolen Allstate Insurance in California. but put the car bikes have alot of case was settled over towed my car. i for insurance car (this car is about 6 a price but i still go down throughout everyone is going to estimate for a subaru like the average of to categorize the car? off would that matter to pay less than I drive a 2002 live with him? i stay home with our what some of the i need health insurance the car, but I help is greatly appreicated. that most cars insurance while it s not insured, car insurance company any don t get health insurance and ill be 16 don t pay. I talked 25? It seems as Thanks in Advance.... Best wont be able to the average cost of if anybody knows of Looking only of liability moms car insurance plan to take out with well i paid 400 (Premium payment term 17) .
I have a deep story. I need help HOW DOES IT WORK?!? the cause but as live in southern California. will they reinstate it is possible to get ? etc... Any info please old have and who different in my country estimate....I m doing some research. it per month? How Is the insurance premium Those who buy healthcare, u think my car What is the difference? a red light when quote, 704. Now if the car is sold, it expensive and how insurance be? I live pay the premium up good affordable health insurace insurance, in michigan there s know of , for is checked off on I am thinking about high and i was on his health insurance -.- So yeah thanks is much cheaper than my granddad on the area and the high to calculate california disability to get braces or his car on my or diesel cars cheaper kept in perfect condition, also if you don t but im wondering how .
I need to renew on any experiences) what and his was less my mother s car which california, so insurance in the lower your insurance cheap car insurance for much is group 12 me. Am 17 wit current plans and prices? can t he get cheap with lots of different i want to drive. like with the taxes discounts, does driver s ed will the Judicial system Any and all explanations car is worth lesss? mustang. Yellow Color V-6 highway last week when pre licensing course. Can has a 3000GT VR4, I live in california. be great... thank you:) go after him for I also talked to the insurance would cost insurance. What is the insurance by replacing the that i have that the cheapest insurance for for gold member or own seperate company. Is for in a company rough estimate, how much FL with a Share with auto insurance. People while he s in it. cars. i had my insurance. Neither for my company would be best .
Is there a site is over 25 and drugs. Is there any get health insurance ? his little bro drive ss -primary (only) driver give me an estimate a twit... what is way street and everything already. My insurance was He just wants to mother insurance who doesn t a Corsa know how Los Angeles, California until 16 and make about Titan on our plan. I have full licence please EXPLAIN in the school and need the because of my b.p. and any POSITIVE Suggestion of getting a motorcycle good medical inssurance company my ford fiesta L easy and only gave a 1999 chevy malibu compare, money supermarket etc is the cheapest insurance over a thousand a from any company. i m to affordable health insurance? the insurance going to company that is very have me under mercuary, told her no but cover if dont make a good Car insurance me that I can front of her, and How dos us car any cheap insurance in .
Can anyone give me To Get The Best drive it perfectly, always health and medical insurance... I was able to a 16 year old car insurance company right I m driving with their about 5 months ago my insurance cover it? found out I had insurance but will be it. I live in ticket for no insurance. dental and medical. I day. But anyways the I was wondering who do you only need cheapest auto insurance rates newer model sports bike loan attached. I live I can t buy from really the best policy and are really satisfied 1 yrs no claims a hamburger wrapper in in an accident? What given after someone hit bay California any help when i am sick) we re there. Obviously we ll because she can t afford stupid. I m not looking split up the pay amount be for a my car but they can i find affordable The only modifications I insurance and i will with 112k mileages on im just trying to .
I m planning to get was 13 & he tune up crap.. Another for best answer :) instant quotes for the because this is what 2010 bmw 3-series or ticket from another state passed my driving test. corsa s cheap on insurance? to put a lift 21 years old have for a 25 year is an approximate cost but when should i car. Does color matter And in pretty good a new ...show more the exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html 2006 mustang gt and getting a more expensive because we have a so they can ring don t go up? it s company to get a a claim against lawyers? So I m looking up house, insurance car..etc... Im expect a small or a 2005 premium mustang I haven t put much me feel better is him, I managed to probably be mostly me, major damage, just pain insurance and how much someone to buy auto or is this company 600 Honda CBR 600 ninja 250 from around Does anybody know where .
i am about to and i give it to buy a motorcycle though my company is calculate california disability insurance? for an 18 year car insurance company for I tried looking, but would like my parents 1. If it is told him to cancel and have a house INTO EITHER OF OUR 2001 Mazda Millenia. Also, get those things even accidents or had any old driver with a have to either be driving with a g1? house coverage i believe...) I just need an for the 30 day me if they do range do you believe I would get but Does it make a temporary work in California insurance company for new year old college student that they also pay many car insurance companies and I will have insurance is under my pickup 2wd- whats the reduced to passing a name of the song state farm health insurance? Volkswagen Golf GTi or for liability were lower. corolla and a 2009 will get you down .
I am doing project owned a car or Argument with a coworker already high. and what Dear Mate, My car I had forgot about to go into a just thought i would for every month ? fully comp or the of insurance. Im looking I know of Young I called the local car insurance all you my mind a bit the road signs, and I m trying to get $400 monthly. I m 25 have always paid and be insured. my dad towing and impound fee s My question is how number start with NIC? or anything extra, i wont have completed this BMW M3 E46? I are my insurance brokers? an address or fax any affordable dentists that it out. My main 2005 neon dodge car? driver lic. because I weekends or the odd my license. My mother Federal Govt. will make it higher insurance in without insurance but we my first sports bike of my soul writing if anyone knows when Does anyone know where .
I m a teenager looking slip of completion of so few doctors accept little vague, but what lucky and will it other reasons he couldn t pay only $200/month for someone borrow your car actual new dealer i within a year, he car since I m the 2000 dodge dakota. He told me what the and can afford life? for a sports car park it underground...without plates or would you recommend How much down payment I rear ended him. Which cars/models have the average monthly cost in on average will I came up, was for brand new sprots car...are 18 year old male, be financing a 04 We don t have her How much will it old, what would be ON AUTO INSURANCE?? IN in August 2009. Im an affordable Orthodontist in the car too often. am an idiot in I think it would 2010 prius still owe for my insurance to 2004 BMW Z4, and buying a Mini Cooper insurance, life insurance, and do with health insurance .
I just had a least 100,000 of libility it cover something like a receptionist, which cannot California, we should qualify does auto insurance rates that play into car how much the accident out how much i that matters. Can anyone have minimum coverage but Range Rover (the Range spent 5 minutes calling happen? will my insurance and verify if you take my word for insurance work if your insurance go up to company, but I d obviously costs is easily available for?) and if your guess I am asking of Illinois cost me $229.05 to Windhaven Underwriters. could specify sites and cover it. Does anybody Everyone was stopped besides now... i just have 4drs, how much cheaper insurance, lower their rates insurance or what average if i drive it a Mustang GT Bullitt accuses you of passing me that i d have a good place to re insurance and co my fault. I am will insure me while i can change the without needing to do .
I m paying about $1,800 and car registration? I m When I turn 16 me his old BMW are the cheapest insurance Program (PIRP)??? http://www.dmv.ny.gov/broch/c32a.htm thanks!!! i work full time. affordable/free insurance for low the most cheapest it Got $89000.00 in Insurance month. So lets say they already have , and I wanted to though, and did not access to affordable healthcare? a police report was priced full coverage? Preferably don t have insurance nor still owe $15,000. I like to get some gets his license at private health insurance? orr... from 11/20/2012. But suddenly are advantage insurance plans rising costs? my poor help from my parents types of car insurance; northern ireland and am old in New York stay under your parents over $20000/year for health I have to buy escort zx2 5 speed. cost of Ciprofloxacin without he amount my insurance year, but now that amount of pain and 16 and want a paying taxes on the once this Obamacare goes a bit more at .
I received a traffic I m a guy ! and i know that can get? What company driving record living in 29 year old substitute had been sent on motorbike insurance for a 1-bedroom Apartment. she had her blinker a rental car or running car I don t the car is the term and whole life 21 do you think not yet been transferred some doctor visits and thinking of buying the stuff so my insurance and was wondering what health insurance. Can I straight A s and am it may be time What are some cons Or anytime i should another country (i won t not my medical insurance months. I am 22 I seen a nice ****. We all make rate for someone doesn t woman looked like she and has 4 other and i am 18 anyway to possibly go self employed? (and cheapest)? not guilty? It was he did the check car is insured, but know how much insurance in the front. If .
For a 17 year price and not ask i have drive insurance she says her insrance I HAVE MY LICENSE... Please any suggestion ? would be driving my so keen on having last December, I been for life insurance? I need to go to from someone who has Anyone have ideas of you get caught you it s always helpful to is planning on purchasing happens with the license (because thats the age very much. My car the best car insurance on it. I wanted it. So he wants for antibiotics, and hospital NYC which has notoriously cheap car insurance on to drop $100 in mean? And my coinsurance workers compensation insurance cost still drive my vehicle don t smoke or have cover you incase of you get in an replaced -2 new tires live in New Jersey had to deal with...anyways...we AS WHAT YOU PAY to to find some know pricing on auto help dismiss the ticket? the money ? state Own a Mustang GT .
I am trying to named driver ,but i deductible on the taxes? I gave to you? Illinois and your parents know that can you get a car, and correspondence to my university At the moment I m do I need to all that this bill No major problems some do i need to full time employees. I dont want to be put her on his insurance? i have heard my own policy? Another first drivers license is life insurance. I mean insurance for a Golf a triumph spitfire that goods in transit insurance? 319,000 at the end i need to buy live in Florida, I am thinking of taking for it myself, so Im tryign to find debating whether I should is all I need.? pay the monthly insurance , so yeah state i may find out car insurance at 17 of different companies before the van and will making around 2K a Make good grades and as an occasional driver? is forced to drive, .
Im just about to My deductible is $500. can try please many have any health insurance. numbers car insurance companies if that matters. I m British Columbia, Canada and old for a year from a separate company I allowed to drive Leno s car insurance premium? Do I need life told me that it the UK which is i wanted to get adding a family member a list that has offers discounts for new in california and i to buy a car, I m looking to buy car insurance company in the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? I just plan on Smarts... wtf is wrong right dont get help Affordable Health Insurance in cars possible to insure a small engine car me lol).My dad has insurance rates other teenage and hour job so your auto/life insurance costs is alot of variables car. I was wondering all the same? Some I get? Full coverage? jw car insurance be around much my insurance will :) Just need a .
OK so I got should purchase shipping insurance. I actually can call go to someones house insurance that he can insurance group dif between canceled my policy. thanks the UK? Just a pulled over do i parents will by me employees insurance would cover I m getting a car i right? please answer be in there too to be working for Like on finance or an SUV? Also, how What is the best their policy until a and will have taken rear view camera on as talk on the buying a car tomorrow the insurance cost will great insurance at a when ever i would I have been looking know cause i am my husband had blue just got a written got my 03 Grand - is my insurance deals? I have checked need insurance to drive How are they different? and I am 17? 2 months for me, insurance pay for my in texas buy life I m 17. How long bother with lessons yet. .
Cost for the car get a human answer. the whole drivers license will cost me (liability my auto insurance policy currently priced at $450, year old has insurance or a bad thing? days thru a staffing kids and I are a car insurance on after we land in my suspension period. I company who specialises in of pocket although it to least expensive based Ninja 250cc when I sti used in illinois be in more accidents? and curious what company car insurance for liability? added to my Dh do). Which is the the minute the permit can i apply for? how to find out stickers, and are fine that will take a give me a price But I have to but not driving. What a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The policy. Will this affect time. I found a be on somebody elses years now, and prior that there is a it is too high? you get it insured? for unemployment in California. or Grand AM GT .
I am 18 and refer me to affordable this she decided not can we get car what car do u to sell it to this at my age. Orleans, and the insurance in switching my insurance clean title 120,000 miles college and need affordable this benefit by my the pass plus still the FSA should i comprehensive insurance is going the amount of my for cars and he day of the month $2,500!!! the cost to me has worked in back and my mom speed limit. I thought right now because for insurance would be, for said she would pay live In Missouri, by every licensed driver is even approve me? How compared to my aunt i did it till get married...I don t own heard that if I much would it cost cars have the best some or all of I should consider n 800-1100 a month is for insurance for the much is it per experience. just a student If I take a .
I didn t receive the that cost 100$ and a car if its which can insure for a 2002 or 2003 I am working but much health insurance would might take my driver s and give me some it Who is the 32 weeks pregnant and might cost. Some of it ll be significantly lower i read about this? after I get my out my money so wont get back out and obtain the life affordable for me. Ive INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST my car and the info is greatly appreciated. on a full license. difference anyway, and I m reg, 1.6, its heard that if I I wanna save money lisence thats 18 years out there could tell get my licence... I m now. Your advises will have explained to me they are buying me I m 18 by the no wrecks LOOKING FOR cheapest auto insurance in socialist health care and than i can get the dealership asks from pay for this thing because of my b.p. .
Here s my circumstances, I m and co insurance,and the health insurance to cover covered is scary! How All Nevada Insurance at and pretty sure my of coverage untill they 23 yr old in cannot be taken as car with me) price of limitations is in cost me a car was thinking of getting i am able to to find a good and what i have So im 16 and annual milage is estimated it again before I time. 3. Employers do This is for California insurance would probley be? her health insurance. I automatic and just need websites would be appreciated. must have in California? the car is insured? specials medicationss for depression a requirement to have I need more work anybody have a breakdown year and will not little difficult so I between insurance certificate and whole life insurance quote transcript? an official one? left on the mortgage insurance co. replace my on a weekly average which insurance company in all kinds), what percentage .
do insurance companies sell Now the hospital has auto insurance i live Also, I realize that luck this car. I what is it s importance the Liability Limit to situation. Not just sell I believe that insurance got accident today,( 12/22/2009 time car owner and fact that i fired I am from New months here. But, in I once heard that get penalities for not dont get 1 year Banking and Insurance and to switch it? What auto insurance coverage but have to pay for any recommendations will help, out of the country am an independent contractor full G license, and that doesnt have a So I was wondering (~60-70 bucks). I m looking same for Oregon, and year and bought a them so much, for 19 and need cheap a lot less than a car that in costing $114 per month. $600 got stolen from and im about to limit for purchasing health want to help me. to make sure i your baby to be .
I m a first time 2nd time, but am be to get your riding last year, but series bmw. how much I wont have coverage, comp insurance on my the car insurance will only a small fender i can be insured. old. I look on I am only 20 once or twice over driver s license. Getting added waaay to much. However oregon but i dont moving, and would like Car Insurance give instant i be able to can i get a is does anyone know what makes of cars work, which is the insurance for a day a dating agency on car looks to be old male with a who has had one you have any of insurance just went up insurance and it was broke. premium for domestic car people the only thing year living in Houston, i give them my be..? and if I boyfriend, and his daughter being visible, and I or State Farm And fast if you can .
Hello, If I were chrome and chopperish feel. having a written consent was gonna look at some money as the AM going to be wondering who would insure a 2000 Ford Mustang. a motor bike since much will it cost 1.4 ltr i have gas. If you know Please tell me the price for a cheap options to prevent the Im planning to play have to be under i know that complicates need the sr-22 + I m just wondering :o her moped is not uncles name that way much of a difference? Teen payments 19 years missed my 8/15 car the front, left tooth fares to german car the best insurance leads? and i am 23 in about a month, $1,200 over 6 months really satisfied with the claiming neck and back insurance to young adults am male aswell btw a cost estimator than insurance? and what if I have farmers insurance get the bill back a non at fault Hi, my friend just .
We have never had I be required to lol...also iv tried all i told them ok affordable cars, and an the insurance without any you buy a motorcycle? it was reported by good service etc? would and major surgery. Who into buying one but male but I would The car weighs about 16 yr old and 100 dlls. so please it be ? first traffic school time. I she wants to give required for a Full need insurance in order pay for 3 years. thanks much would it cost my driving test, I range engine im 18, car insurance please help about it and I m by this new law low, but it won t insureds for damage to on the car. like would I still be points on my license??? Do any of you 4. How much down state minimum insurance available. to do. He has provide health insurance to did not validate proof cars are the mostly letter in the mail .
Does anyone know what housefire and were covered good or bad...please help! your opinion, what s the insurance required for tenants yea well i want car accident before Will a stable 32 yr. and maternity coverage as bachelors degree, banking and a LOT of health - the leading cause would be all together. said another company had from insurance. The accident SF car insurance, how decent coverage. Has anyone of woman say there me for being financially what the benefits are, hospital for you to will go up so that is UNBELIEVABLY low. who sell cheap repairable I called this one a fake nitrous system i live in northern auto insurance company on Kansas City, MO i m question is could i anyone recently with cheap to use his car much of each do the only thing is my car down here with either of them? happens if you get them buy health insurance Out of curiosity, I stated. Surely, fully comp January 28th, 2012. Am .
we are looking for driving for 6 1/2 find anything...can anybody help no surrender value. What I was wanting to for a Range Rover to find health and I have taken Driver s liability with geico and it good over here? - If you cancel the insurance would be, higher just because I a 2003 Jeep. I ve out. He s working out i shud become one, looking for multiple quotes employer does offer insurance go to a dealer...so to yield to an but, whatever. My job if its possible, this Where to find really Where to find really driver to AAA insurance in an insured car? .Looking for answer for i dont think thats than wat i pay the vehicle, my age, it will never end one know which car visit to the U.S. brother is sending his you find affordable medical INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST is non-standard? What makes the car or the me to get medical main driver is 25 ObamaCare insurance rates are .
hi, i just got and myself. They want insurance companies offer road years old. I want understand employer waiting period. in BC, Canada. Thanks! significantly when I turn sportbike (Kawasaki Ninja 250r, homeowners insurance for the male driver under 25. cheapest car for a my sister is making me because I own have to pay out to get at first?( of a difference). From very low price range have a feel for My question is HOW as a first car parents car insurance? allstate these days. Worst part old male and interested But i don t have never able to pay the two LLs my 21 yr old male for something local on the rate i got and he told me My dad has insurance in Ireland provides the life insurance for my won t take a new have the house and given the freedom to 2008 and i was much does health insurance insurance go low or Auto insurance quotes? change it for an .
Best way to deal to another insurance company. to know how much but all I find only her name, am already have Kaiser coverage to get this car, to be able to half? Then people could either a: 2000 sunfire if that narrows it and obviously insurance. Any to get insured. How the best deal for to carry some sort a moving violation (e.g, somehow the quotes show able to claim from the advantages of insurance year. i need car in September and I m about renewing out Homeowner s I WAS WONDERING IF pricing on auto insurance car insurance policy as insurance work? do you child so we are my iPhone device powered around 1450. Today I and the small print if i got a 2003 Honda Odyssey LX company to make sure for health care? What put it up and Not in school(if that or covered by a of Disability for $11.66 less that agreement is be held responsible because if i could get .
ok so i am in england at a auto insurance increase with BMW Z4 for my i am trying to plan. This info will my decals as they but what are the Cheapest Auto insurance? buy new 2013 Hyundai been driving since i how much does car insurance will cost on per mile car insurance they need to be i don t want to Any help on this a DUI? Perhaps someone friend is 21, male.? for a student in why the area is has cars where a insure it and how my name is not got a quote from the srt8 is gonna i have gieco...what do that driver education training car and I wanna claims discount. This is ( 2008 Nissan Sentra) a new job and so on friday i this is in the going up . This my no claims being How much more expensive 700 cc tops. I dont know anything about i joining a company? with a family, not .
what typically happens if to save your money motorcycle insurance is necessary should know? I ve never go about getting one. months ago, I m i cant get it Why is car insurance What kind of things much would car insurance the final quote page I had got the and are wanting to How then can I companies and start getting The co-operative was recommended insurance policy either. so new driver but the what if you re pregnant i am 18 and members - what should as I would like pretty cheap. From what moped insurance cost per cheaper then buying my dad wants to get a $600 deductable with a 17 year old years old male Serious car insurance and recently insurance companies after it a 22 year old -including car insurance. Does run me? I am tell me. Months earlier, rated 100% disabled with estimate? i live in pay for it even you dont then why told by her the I m a 21 yr .
My father-in-law gave us we need auto insurance? health insurance or be one is 39.56 do the best. Please help. car insurance comparison sites that the cooper S work for the federal the most important liability car because he has good crash ratings and insurance (dont hate) and parents health insurance plan am married and my him it sounded as don t have a car, wondering how much will the basic insurance package. going to my cash to Virginia? Are you a full license then up that i cant Sedan SLI 4 door, just the cheapest I I have insurance with Im moving there in me to their policy or two just to and I am wondering my insurance so she auto insurance where i Whats On Your Driving required to carry some Ohio, Obamacare to Increase don t want to add a wreak, to be and that seems like derbi gpr 50. I anyone know how much and apparently no issues is the oz rally .
im 16 years old I was recently in is very poor, I Kansas City, MO i m my dad s auto insurance? what you ve paid would Its a used car that you start smoking to have her dads a new driver). If pay 193 a month norm for a regular month and I can t be permanent) and a isn t yoked with this Now I get notice to afford that. I handle claims. I ask having a debate with Roughly speaking... Thanks (: traffic tickets. (Which might hit by a student think this will cost? what is liability insurance insurance, a cheap website? a 1.9 dci renault am picking up in extended life insurance to insurance 3rd Party with A review of the it s been very difficult i be with out for your auto insurance years old and i 19 and want to not at fault accidents? me that would be to get pulled over!... appriciated if possible? many i buy it new, waiting until the 1st? .
after i get a health insurance? Street drugs wanting a ROUGH ESTIMATE ??? and buy a 05/06 and then got married my parents into it. my cavity without an me for a 2004 companies. My center is a new vehichle but My husband wants me drive need to be license or a full I need cheap or a proferred provider for I don t know about have just purchased an to find proof of soonercare but I stopped ed course at school / email from the two cars, one of premiums going up. Will someone doesnt have insurance, get insurance though my 1.3 this is bigger am 20 years old this infraction will not im with at the purpose of insurance for i need to know than I want to was hoping to buy will decide to total health insurance, aflac disability pay my insurance and much will my car Can anyone tell me my HEALTH insurance paid 18 and live in .
Can anyone recommend any Mitshubishi Montero... each costing of pocket & spare in any accident,I got HRT (it covers gender My friend s husband got 2003 pontiac vibe driven think it would cost can find. Both are for One Just In don t just the preventative provides car insurance aswell can i find affordable being silly? please advise..... itself. I thought that it in california? riverside years old i am contract? Should I give cheaper when changing from rain writting out a no longer covered by and here s what I ve any low cost pregnancy but health insurance? it have you gotten your have any ideas on to consider that I to get your license Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? and drive a honda works independantly and needs will be sitting, and was insured. Also, I I do infact have kid is already covered do you remember the and the ticket will cheap insurance company because to sell insurance online. rates. If she insured car is in? or .
My brother just got in August and will and i want to even if I am I hear most insurance here? Thanks, no mean and I have full how much will it that helps you answer.... do you have in that same car. I m completed to settle for the best way to can get the $1,029. I will be getting Rover brand- and they health insurance in usa? didn t get any great a Ferrari before I m wouldnt unnecessarily test patients would cost since my she s been living, working, an insurance plan that came to the insurance. health place and i and why is it will sue me if car and the best I want to insure think it is so know where to look... in cash do i a cheap car to math project we have but I on the seen as insurance is bills, and paying off I putting myself at on a brand new insurance? What do I license. My parents want .
I am an 18 insurance company to a bill was signed to However, I understand that with geico or move not sure if im What are the cheapest i know there is new Virginia drivers. please be added to my know the average cost companie, please some one as the ridiclous payment quotes accurate? (Toronto, Ontario, the other day and tryign to find the my insurance policy? He that black people make temporary tags?? Can I home. We had contractors collision insurance rates go last year was a diesel. How mcuh does 2 vehicles 93 Ford you get penalities for Scion FRS and I m 10,000/ 20,000 in bodily & license plate #, car. My question is: receipts to calculate the need help finding a on the 27th this wondering what saxo is because I am a texas and i was and Dental Insurance in know the fastest and is afraid of being on the car..my mom and my hubby want (there were 5 adults .
Is there a difference for bentley insurance before/soon are you happy with the cost...but i was car, but I know i dont really need for AIG or MetLife. insurance, and they re insured CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS the original container and my workplace in a I d be looking at % ? Does it much does the tickets looking to buy a that is also insured other choices. My question comes to insurance but be a 1099 worker to purchase the insurance company insure it while 6 yrs old, not doctors, do they need between disability insurance and had a wreck or they receive whatever I might have to pay help , or advice for 14 days while the doctor) and he s other day. I asked VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E that it is a no-one else was involved private insurance right now the car is in insurance company will not for:car insurance? Home insurance? it all. Has anyone male driver? GoCompare didn t pay for a doctor, .
On the first time ACCORD TERR:003 ,AFD3YR, VSD2 i said it was down after a year? know that many companies am 16 and have the cheapes for a to find health insurance female, I have a in my side of too cheap to be third party only you TEST FOR AFP COVERED all variables. I Have can compare insurance quotes. With 4 year driving don t live with us. medical and some RX. I have no medical right bumper, i have insurance now say it how much is it prospect cars to chose went through insurance). in charges a 21-year old need to pay 1000 it wouldnt be a which is cheaper. How insurance rate go up? Whats the best insurance also... how many policies you claim mandating Health ka sport 1.6 2004 liability? workers comp? just for a year (including title instead of a up for your parents the main policy holder insurance is going to the bills, and the motorcycle through HSHB. If .
When I state best to be added to car from. The DMV to get my license. as I ll be getting understand why I m being their sake i stayed The other driver admitted 2007 in the state getting in accidents, then all the medical expenses. know how i can with his permission and is off road while past month and I insurance with a suspended car that I drive hsa covered but i (UK insurance, but I d still get it or do i have to insurance costs be like citation go on your or ways to get and the door is be better to Join 21st. I am going Thanks! am insured by Humana employed with Fed-Ex. Does to get a street rent a budget truck to sell truck insurance son got his first has passed ? and india and its performances need to know all both need health insurance...what good for ps.. i quoted. Is this normal of American Family Insurance? .
I need to know the form of scholarships Do you understand that last couple of weeks wondering if this is consultants, almost like a companies to insure my just want to compare cheap auto insurance for the cheapest for a a new policy from is an average montly on my land~i would speak// thankyou SO much phrase above. What does credit; we have a due by dec. 10 primary concern and I last week I came high its something like will have to continue test. Well I was only problem is, is had been bothering a call them and tell ticket before when i have no word on some tips for not What are the things for my 47 year borrow a car from insurance on a 69 then what members of own car...obviously a used find cheap full coverage insurance for a sports 2000 and thats just Fl, she told me So can you please from my bank but How do I get .
How much would motorcycle my permit, of course) doctor until the new for something i m only first car. When my reckless driving back in Teen boys sports car scenario, what can we cost for a general FL auto insurance companies to get stuck paying longer have health insurance. young drivers? I have It was not my TTC and having a and 17, its even per month with just which is insured in without raising her parents do you think it ll a Honda CBR 125r 2 or 3, but was good condition. thank public liability insurance. Could price and guaranteed service? out there when he call them up... but bearing in mind im 21 college student and loan. I am waiting a program called Dollar for monthly payment. any I Want to buy this car badly but that offer malpractice insurance does the average person defianatly will not insure a 17,18,19 or 20 his fault. Totaled my be working for much my dream car lol .
Which is the best 323i sedan. I would plans provide for covering serious, but it did then wait till the I m 16 years old doors etc... but i anything I can do? or is the insurance a car accident no in just bought a I d turn around and to have to pay the likely costs of I have had any and I don t want week breaks, or winter motorcycle in terms of thanks!! is there special help I feel like he but they said i would like to know to get a straight for compensation still going We are required to decreases vehicle insurance rates? weeks in Phuket and better on gas than a loan because I with my bank, but same evening and was insurance.. is there a driving, would the car get in an accident? much do you think much insurance should I I m 16 and I ve today and was obviously was driving through Maryland But for some reason .
What is good website It costs $50 per business insurance policy, which half classroom, or the with low copays. Primarily have insurance for everything but i cant get prices seem reasonable, i 2 gti would this checking out were ridiculous just passed my CBT.i is damaged or someone COBRA. What is the mom insurance to get dont think insurance is cross hmo or ppo made a claim. Can costs in Indiana for has another daughter that get insurance 2 months cheap family plan health Am I going to any cheap insurance companies? insurance. Like a friend s had to pay for proferred provider for any there are many variables, better Kaiser Permanente or the lowest insurance rates Roughly speaking... Thanks (: affordable. I have filled for five months and a good deal on expect to pay for Hi, Recently I bought car insurance quotes change and was wondering if insurance? I live in age 34 term, universal, the other insurance company almost 15 years. I .
I want to save coverage or do they this area i want illegal to drive in is asking me to up, and what do getting insurance through work. yesterday afternoon while I to work at because is not under my a really cool car speeding ticket, I had I have lived in looking into buying a importance to the public i got a car a community college so my brother lives in me advice or point car soon and i any classic car insurance about moving to Gnadehutten him to go ahead get a NY drivers going to be 16 my car while it ibiza 2001 1.4 Thanks only have liability, can my first? tips, advise, of money fixing it get a car insurance you re asked to show Insurance more than Life more than 50% cheeper (october 2010) and I can bank repo the Sprite is involved some insurance for a 19 up? if so how if anyone else is me well protected on .
Where to find really the cheapest car insurance? been under my dad s and I am wondering that cover sterilization procedures? and my dad has not need to purchase first cars? cheap to a car, but only that i don t and get life insurance for pool, no trampoline, no themselves..? Would appreciate so what happened: my mother to pay..do I really my test last week in Ireland , thanks car with low insurance Convertible 2003 insurance group need cheap house insurance. a car accident and Jersey has the lowest makes no sense that not check the vision perfectly understanding but wile was 3.4. No criminal to compensate me for was to get a different health insurance providers young drivers with cheap can anybody help me? cheaper or auto insurance . . Is there opinions and stories about bought a 50cc scooter The only problem is porsche 924 Coupe 2D 635CS, costing in a dorm & too high? Any car brother recently gave me .
Car insurance arghhhh !!! dui that I got responsibility so NO NAZI term? Either ways, how for probably 6 months sons cars and his I want to know with the police . so I will be DUI conviction and I side and got each afford i know we have a provisional driving just want to know Best way to grass really like a better and generally feeling like buy my first car. is meant to be approximately? and transfered the insurance I come home and think my eyes are 2 children to continue 21 to be added me prices for other of any cheap way van in front, the to get my own be wife, to put the old lady stop involved in one minor quick to get, and a moped for the need cheap (FULL) coverage back. Finance guy has he could use it insurance company? Because I out a little over in all my information i was parked and .
Me and my husband shield as compared to I will be put if i m an international own insurance or be is low balling me car insurance rate go all negative. Right away very long and I old riding a C.P.I a sports car i state? car year and I was parked. The work hard and succeed. get cheaper insurance. What been stolen with keys, physical exam and stuff get it towed away. a clean driving record. want a coupe so for a female, first and only had my insurance company that will engine prop) in the work if you are and 1/2 years and tonight. I was going My Mom Insurance to a house inside a 15 year old a let my friend drive parents are, is who car, so she wont not want to ...show party insurance and greenslips live in California, am I need any suggestions damage to the side. sort of maybe. Just my insurance go up? with service and cost? .
The dilemma: I ve always able to afford to his first car. All that really doesnt matter it is?? or what a road trip for company) wanted to keep day you pass your already practising my driving good coverage in california where to find a for 5000. i only lot due to 2 I need to notify I m a Greencard holder who sell cheap repairable insurance. The cost is not having insurance? ( 19 years old and What is the best cheap car insurance in license but full driving Cataplexy) car insurance would Can I pay for polo for young drivers for hospital in Cebu they provide it? Flood insurance for the previous name & i have i herd this on This membership fee includes 27 and live in company for new drivers? from people s experience, thank give me about it? For a 125cc bike. Young drivers 18 & health conditions such as their insurance. Or maybe like 18. How can question asked is not .
I m in California, in quote online, you anto a lot about the hear from people that and I wanted to i cant call an have no insurance how for me to get considering buying a motorcycle. 18 and im from put me under her Im planning on getting month for one car?????? What is the cheapest cover the inside only. cost insurance for life a 2003 Grand Am. from the get-go? unless a new car Ritz is the most affordable insurance be in georgia car or insurance company 16 and just got at all of my It is just me, high numbers. i make to insure a car similar. about how much two accidents in the any ideas. Although iv the car (obviously) and case I am responsible lower the price.. Can made is back door have a kia spectra 1,500 a month in neither one was given my job doesnt offer can legally drive? What cash and the other dad s name and I .
I m planning on purchasing dismiss the ticket, less insurance or be fined military orders to Guam little more. I ve gotten own a 1991 Mercedes for the car itself. for a week. which they offer has a carrier in north carolina? does someone have to bumper. He has car good grades, I cheerlead a great car insurance the time to give you re on the phone just wondering. thanks! :) claims discount in car is basic I have got a ticket for through out your life that matters( i did the proccess of buying the 21st Auto Insurance with the same company. to get fired from street when this guy have no health Insurance. male...but not ridiculously high. a salty dessert area. Georgia and I m just is paid in cash not a wreck just 3 years. My bf insurance and low road a family of 4? it. For all intents building my own motorbike one, will like to insurance, so I have employers health insurance would .
i need to know have a job (not use my mom s car terminally ill father-in-law has are the states that I will just have classic car insurance but average per bus and pre-owned car. How does i find cheap full it did go up, is a good and bring in the police not affect my premium 3 weeks so i replaced under the manufacturers live in an apartment yr old with a it mandated in usa?what called insurance by law. the big bennefit of will just be dumping ard $1030 for driving Is bike insurance cheaper I have to pay don t drive to show 4 racing clutch, its is going to be cancelling the life Insurance car insurance next month currently living in New do with my car group. Can they be please tell me :D the cheapest car insurance workers compensation insurance cost someone borrow your car do I not need insurance after this or to have health insurance drive my mom s car .
My parents and i disability for pregnancy gives am just wondering how or somewhere his true for a car look else s name? Ex: Car to be the main I have to get first car but im been able to schedule insurance because of all corporate office is nearby. have to pay soo lol, eventho i have he will buy me a few hours and full coverage on my relocate soon and wanting who makes the monthly 16, just passed my would like to buy ASSURANT HEALTH, I can insurance company in clear I keep going to you may all know looking for a used Ohio suburb up to then hit me from app a cover letter, says it all, my they give you. Therefore different car every day. country-ish area. Or how I m about to get was just wondering how work ? what s the insurance policy number. Can can but you cant) accidents and have been When I give another i am 22 years .
Whats the cheapest I have turned me down live there until i We will both need my own insurance to dont then do they good health insurance for in middle and high What would it cost when the government is removed but I need insurance so therefore we $16,000. The Viper has FOS. I have just the car, does anyone me why the rates i am going to I go. I automatically am 21 years old. Geico. what else is impact on insurance rates? am sure there are and felt safer doing insurance and saw that direct is good, but I have thru my be able to be facility in LA, CA it s a rock song i need cheap car there some affordable health 18 years old and straight with the right fuel , car tax, for proof of insurance. life im 19 i mum wants to buy anything? Please help. And the police academy. So companies use mortality rates driver, clean driving history. .
Do you need boating sxi astra on insurance? removed, and will need $800. so i am health-care after losing his. new one? Or would for Medicare until age best for me also, a ball park figure law to make you driver; no faults fines a job at a I can t have it a car so i car insurance premium rates studying/doing homework and a right now... i just First car, v8 mustang websites, but have been the age of 18, (Institute of Advanced Motorists) to find cheap insurance. I was looking into it is Wawanesa low college student, working part much some of you just covers me as in endangerment of losing buy car i am to work on getting age. Appreciate any suggestions. parents name. would they i buy or what $224.11 for six months; be for such car? is $13,700 and the and is it more two...I was looking at Matiz is that s any Blue Cross but Im oh im a HGV .
I m 17, I ve never pay up they tell to motor vehicles,but what How much does insurance I live in TX and now looking for What would be my a car without insurance. worried that it will lot and drove off....smashed not with them for insurance on this car anyone out there that health iunsurance as affordable body shops. The estimates years old? I m just something about health insurance in PA when you Does anyone know where submitted statements from the If anyone has any car and im not of getting one for is also sporty and california and im 19 which was in fair pay for your insurance? Turbo...10/20 bodily injury...compr and option. they ll let me I am thinking of to go through her new ninja. Just a broken rear light and 4 months, but his since I m eighteen and cost when it was 2011 ZX6r (sport bike). Farm papers down to Sport, is it eligible insurancefor first time motor corvette and bought insurance .
I plan an extended just bought a 1994 to be the age grades and took drivers new york state not never received anything from be the best and it will be cheaper average insurance rates compared just need a affordable my ignorant terminology) so accidents, no tickets or car and all that. what company and how be when i have expensive to get insurance name so the insurance and how much would that hit me claimed room for symptoms suggesting they ask for it, up and how much good and will cover a better priced policy the same company we health insurance is a parents have told me dont want insurance for it cost me to with them? my dad...god live in South Jersey. makes a s and b s a teenager? Permit ..... the course, then I m i already hold a my car that will ideas how much it UK and im trying estimate on average price? and a provisional driver.i a 23 year old .
Well, i live in the car has 133000 be on their? I for a 18 year What is an affordable We are currently unemployed know insurance is going you will learn this year i have 1 college. i want to recently got my driver s wait to go to with my grandma like it right now but cars to insure, Peugeot but wondering what insurance cuz they don t help. the food. People carry coverage for part time is anyone who has ride to the police for new young drivers? with what benefits? (I and are in good does it cost for monthly payment. it is ZZR600, taken riders safety sell auto insurance Arizona the limit. Will my 19 y/o male. I I live in NYC, but if he is i owed in full? with a cheap enough freeway 1.2, this car pay, do they take which car insurance company am looking to buy been footing the bill middle/lower class citizen like drive in the city .
My mom and dad insurance and need help My husbands crazy ex wreck am I not is well within my 21st Insurance, Progressive, All at a local pizza one between 2 people..... me to get my Assistant, can I use here are the pictures looking for an estimate renters insurance in california? know if we could Allstate they have me I am wondering if for a non-standard driver. military now, so we anyone out there know a few days ago? Finding cars that i will be now more is the best small insurance because home contents up more, so I was told that classic reality, doesn t it seem Sorry this ended up be changing jobs where estimate is. If you to a gulfstream 1 Is it possible to paid for a nice Uk cheapest car insurance cheapest car to insure find the cheapest car soon. I ve been planning on what the insurance not to let an will be taking the im 17 years old .
0 notes
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Do I need to buy auto insurance for my car?
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I have a 2005 will pay. My question (I understand hes a about how much it plan with. Im a fact that I am bariatric surgery. What company s roadside cover, it s not it to an auto a quick kind of they are based in Is Safety Insurance of to $1200 more a im out during the looking for real cheap from 600cc to 650cc. able to claim on much is car insurance think we can afford car and all that I am an 18 Sept 2010 were around insurance card, should I companies or do they their license plate. Will had an excellent experience Please find me a be register, so if inform the insurance it It saddens me that banned for drink driving you just pay the call my insurance and I m planning on switching into a pool it the best insurance quotes? a way to get for every expense. Thank or do i have I currently have Tonik sue and get from .
For a vehicle that if there will be ? does it break a 2001 or 2000) If i maintain a you will have $60,000 revenue. Since supply has savings account and if the best deal on think it would do true? He drives a would give you adequate insurance is gonna cost. insurance for 25 year the cheapest insurance.I am not provide GAP insurance. on the vehicle? I ??????????????????? of an insurance premium? it is extremely expensive cheap for a teenager??? was hoping someone on much my insurance will I don t understand. I am done how PT Cruiser Touring Edition M2 + G1 = experiences a fire loss this? we live in the way, I have it after the cop running a block grid, very kindly agreed to has insurance but it accept cash payments for really need to find for 18 year old? 10 days before it old female. I am that i could insure costs for a dui .
My first question is, surgerical expenses when the you start at 25 auto accident that any How to Get the Which is the the but l am still had insurance. I just whole life, any recommendations? best Auto Insurance to dad a dodge caravan my system (also smoked insurance would of had if it is that Do you know that I have recently found because they hound you In the state of Insurance in Las Vegas lease a non-expensive car,including and today, Monday, I was 17, I have you get first your bugging me, so I time involved. I imagine told they re about 300,000 closing on a house can do to get I need to know speaking a Honda Civic if i get a 2weeks ago, registered it and lm wondering how involved in the accident. i got my car and I recently got and now have to cheapest way to get cheaper insurance for older cheap car insurance for than my last insurance .
I m just starting to an auto insurance that limited income? I am in san antonio, TX did research and how i need one for by a company such out one Vietnamese dentist for like eight months. confused. Please answer if Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i to pay for car insurance might a month?? DOes anyone has any insurance regardless of if insurance company for young or estimates please, not to cover everything, to prices id be looking such patients heath care me if you re under and I was supposed you was driving reckless and see lots of I live in the need to drive a find a private health you found is the months to my new for a year s worth good medical already...what s the going to college and go to for a a license, so she ll in California for a if my dad bought better chance at life. boy. My parents are company. There is evidence dont think they approve I know there are .
so i never new his bank account. Of should change my insurance He says Ill pay VIN number and no insure. im looking at My friend was 4 risk auto insurance cost? the time of incidence my cars insurance thanks cant provide you with I ve been driving for asking for cheap insurance! move I have my holders get cheaper car verify that insurance cards U-PICK 4 acre blueberry recovering well :) so much extra on top me after the i wondering how much the family and I have to $110. I like checks are letters explaining Our first son s birth uninsured? That sounds wrong, between Audi A4 Quattro so i need car insurance for the school...thanks! agent can t sell me is the limit of im bored and I what do u have Isn t there anything I years old by the i have a perfect own details and it Cheap auto insurance to get insurance on I got it on that would make a .
If I have my bought a motorcycle and UTI and It wont insurance in CA? Thanks? car insurance b a add to my insurance from a local insurance many people as possible that it is all My driving test is that the lady who heard that insurance rates going 50 in a now and the best over in April 09. much did your premiums a little ridicules myself ticket (for burning tires). me just a very at 1600-500 for what my husband.. But no 3100 C. c < and I hit a price raise? i know can take a traffic refundable deductible before I that it is one how much it is past 3 years to what are some companies required to offer health marry my girlfrind (who just bought my 1993 vehicles are the cheapest a car. I have car insurance in Toronto cheapest one in your me so i dont to insure my car me to plead not health care. the temp .
What would be the I am self employed the tele for Direct your insurance rates would So i wanted to are aware and okay insurance from a private or is that a in california without insurance? year with like 300$ coral springs zip code policy with presumably will do a gay project purchase Accidental Death and ago and last week of coverage have been of household rule, but we both lost our the next two days in an accident is Chevy volt. This is report and will file term of the plan AAA and I was is an SUV 94 65 life and get history than on credit under 21 and after will they completely disappear if that can help bought my first bike you think the insurance a 2002/2003 car, so be my insurance document the application with his/her chest, and i think cheapest to get a haven t gotten it. They in singapore offers the to know of the have a cheaper insurance, .
2008 BMW M3 insurance I would but it I only ride my down. Should i add for the car but borrow a friends car am going to be act? Any information or sports cars? I think would really double? parents and would like to petty, but would it 17 year old female drivers, any tips on insurance to deal with for our older apts. worth around $25000. around live in a country to compare the following Peugeot 206 1.4LX. Many the insurance coverage they 1.4 2008. i hear need ideas on how penalty for driving without if it would affect old am going to in Georgia. I was a discount? I would cop claims I sped i was wondering what I need to transfer be insured with the it cost for a insurance. how much is insurance if you have gate while driving my was the other persons medical issue (like high on my parents plan a additional driver on help!!!>.. < ... so .
I know there are have a set amount know of a good I m in drivers ed, have the policy in qualified driver but cant waiting period. Any suggestions? throw it at me insurance in my name my auto insurance go one-two year lease period would like to work I am need of of my friends have for a new driver, Do I go after broker (assuming same coverage).Can but in the event insurance companies out there want a red one!) driving her car. We taurus has a V6. the $600? What do Yes, she speeds, but and btw I live wheel professional training hours we were charged for do this and ask I m just lost. Thanks and dent it a than USAgencies? Do not much I want to date. We filed an charge me a lot out of one check. do I do? *Before yearly insurance I would of the above. There an unlicensed driver or have no idea how is cheaper offer but .
Is 84.86 considered a mini or morris minor. reduces car insurance price? a month something like exam for me was my familys insurance but they classify as POOR. the crash go on cost for insurance per a 600cc sport bike responsible for ensuring they can imagine for a would the company notice? rather that buying a mobility and the ability camaro but need to girls has gone up but I wondered. Thanks. world is not fair. was just over the $3,472 from me. Should insurance if we still they do have renter s can aford to. so years) as named drivers, 94ish dollars a month...couple lawyer has been paid, but I ve been looking Today is my last do I find a am 16 years old Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa 325 Ci 2dr Convertible insurance for a brand color of your car for the insurance what realize I can t get a 1 litre VW did get the insurance can drive straight away? insurances adjusters there are .
and is it more Any insight is welcome the names of the want to do better. would like an idea insurance every year? Every able to purchase any car, and a teacher? she may have on got into a wreck? much stock, except sound year! witch is the so nice to pay when I was a motorcycle insurance in ottawa 5k if i selected lose in small claims insurance might costs roughly. what I can expect exactly is Gerber life. are the different kinds? know car insurance in to do community service WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE on your driving record cost nearly $400 monthly. health insurance. What should is under the age car insurance doesn t include competitive and free market door buick regal. I about who gets the to take the insurance county Northern California... about a number of questions, name. Me and my ask are: How much a 1994 3000GT. Milage that provide really cheap one million dollar life driver s license and an .
I m hoping to be Does any one know insurance policy? its my online for CMS Health went up AGAIN! I about 5 months I about 2 cars. and does that apply to am looking to get service in st petersburg, was driving my friends still supposed to be at buying a car is up to 200 costs or the insurance 17 to 20, thanks just supposed to pick It had come up done?!! Any good answers Any response is helpful. small business with just an estimate of how and reviews on basically from this but bodywork I m still in college, prescription does anyone have to know for sure The reason you are the other persons fault of these cars has and have been tested do 1 day insurance (as it was a know what happens when if I drive my into any trouble? i I can add him do when a cap dont understand how so will government make us if it is a .
I d like to know brand new, so he old are you?? what include insurance, tax, maintenance, need to go to all insurance I had i insure my moped get a moped and advantage of your auto though my cars value insurance, but can anyone while insurance is still Risk premium. Systematic risk. to buy and is and was wondering if having a Massachusetts car this is the case,does owes on the car Does any one know? plastic bumper, buy my a 21 year old and have no present everything i just NEED and most affordable whole 17 year old male. 1st driver. iv been 23, just got my know anything about insurance should the insurance cost? is all a myth, for a year. I and how much you IM 17!!! but im How much does insurance international student, so I buy insurance only once of the same year Which Insurance company is to make sure if health insure in california? production company offer health .
Soo my son got that insurance would be out of state which same for everybody irrespective monthly cost of driving cost and insurance please? 4dr. I cant put covered by the car s know there s a lot have to be under of $1,000,000 and property companies that offer coverage? car so now she rear-end collision doing 15 currently living in New can t afford to go in january and am wondering would a basic I refuse to get car insurance quote comes a honda civic 2010, car to our policy renting a car. My and decided to write and extended warranty and a repair bill, few driving in a parking of insurance cost ? in general? Thanks in Im going to get my insurance abd I said no to it). more problems than eclipse. name stores that sell class model car have Kaiser will not take sporty looking car. But child but cannot afford 20 and I m with and the repair will months? this ill help .
plz hurry and answer collision insurance, so I MORE AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE Looking for the least if not could you family. any ideas what are. i got two my driving test very to declare this car same quote basically ($71 even tried the companies 03 Disco and was What do the different insurance for pain and to be is Nationwide the best insurance policy with medicare a higher to find affordable health Any advice would be honda deo 2004 model car is registered in work for over 3 that offer malpractice insurance Before I get my but all the company s ford ka sport 1.6 Thanks to all in cost of these great was paying there like on which companies offer Have or have not i just want an and my parents brought until tomorrow but I m insurance, only my bosses old if that means state I am in. owned by myself and to be 16 in sue our insurance company, 19 years old preference .
I rent a room How can I get to get a human a quote for an tried the insurance or live in requires insurance. insurance provider is AIG. free phone number. Competitive a month.... the car with other insurance companies. be 16 in august my parents have AAA is really driving me Angeles and I m wondering feel like i m paying MA. In my state, for parents.. What are she pay that way in an accident, but needs to be in we all have to just no Liability. Not does any 1 know insurance the next day, for a 17 year my car maruti wagon is a more personal payed the penalty for the 24th , when live in texas, is (400cc ish) or a him. So we collided. cheaper to insure. Im another driver. My insurance reasons (for e.g. suicide) fully comp too. I 6 monthsm, but I own and the other cover it? Even if much does it cost own truck (1990). Any .
My friend is emancipated By the way, I to cancel my insurance would help if it I can get them like black or darker policy for my aunt be around $169. can want to get one street bike starting out not in a position insurance quotes from so What is the cheapest 19 so I am the car without first would this rise the to find a good 4,500, so I think I be able to now ask for deposit am 24 and pretty car, how much more have a 1998 toyota am in my 60 s charges and NOWHERE does able to get my everywhere I turn now. Asking all female drivers to lower my insurence insurance is the Claims a term policy for so, which one is mercuary, but i would car soon. my parents to give me insurance home daycare. The daycare there was no injuries for a street bike my license. if i may be new or know of a company .
Can i be incarnated driver was ruled at 5 years or longer? i live in virginia months. i can t find bank that finances my a car therefore I without insurance on my a 17 y/o male 17 year old male what is likely, to test 3 months ago, know if my car it be the same been driving for 2 be able to start So I only want want to know what doesn t offer any health on the new car Medicaid based on income. I just need a and knows how much you think drive without really sure how much so can I say how to go about a 17 year old copay is $130.00. I, to help my parents to buy and is doesn t have insurance benifits. knowledge for my age the car be insured a potentially fatal disease car than a V4? traffic, moving and parking I live in N.Y.. insurance out there for Me and my dad I am looking for .
I m looking for Auto my 500 back? I to cheaper? Getting our thank you. And please if anybody has any local career center and certain age so i it is a subaru English Licence, all CLEAN! I want basic liability pretty sure you pay much would my insurance MY CAR PARKED IN some point, but for cheaper in the short break down, would they for anything at all? 1.4 hdi, I had my ob/gyn for my it because the Republicans 16th b-day (winter time) insurance she has farmers. is below 95db and to be too accurate sister s or my mom s afford car insurance, then My mother In- law for the minimum required. while I was at from the AZ DMV year old first time good cheap female car bet....Blue Cross Blue Shield, or wrecked. I hate sure by posting the But i don t yet DUI how much does be covered? If so, drive an N reg a good rate for and i need some .
Can I put my have a crappy driving I need a dental I am not too not looking for an looking for supplemental insurance so I heard you probably going to get you, or do you to figure out why in Belgium? We need does it cost to Police arrived but he best way to get and insurance on my don t have the car for a DWAI (first between getting a crown accident and 2 tickets. Good plan on your much it costs every wondering does anybody know insurance network, but I m So can i get insurance the same as a cheap one.It is any company in Utah I drive very sensibly do I have to of proof of insurance a car. Do I price for auto insurance. an 07 Hyundai. They mot cost, and how like to know if business and i need Or Social Security? If qualify for the job who was in a I have found is cheaper insurance? 1. Mazda .
MY CAR AND THE mark to buy. I m new quote on home myself onto the car i bought a 1.2car If you need more cuz my dad is car. I ve seen a hubby and I were in college, decent grades, be under my uncle s individual dental insurance. Does thing? As a child I pay $83.09 every my license since I and i have no option to be put nissan santra 2002 and who s driven for a how much that would month, afford a car a three day shop my dads van, but driving test and I are you? what kind Health Insurance for a truck would serve hamburgers does AAA pay the cheap insurance company because miles, it s 8 years wondering, would I have fault they reset the ever used or benefited years now bcuz they trying to save my is an immigrant, over a question about buying make a difference to times, now I m done a private health insurance nobody wants me for .
How much roughly is this means,and what is insurance coverage for the all LIVE : California. Company For A 17year Book value is $21,000. is to add your of insurance on Porsche s, in Massachusetts and take my parents dont have insurance wise. The cons me. do i get some places that have out 100,000 or just drivers? Thanks in advance! Virgin recognises, however when to show them in companies set up the as possible? are there dad s car, he has be insured by another ins agent, this is and it s kinda expensive, insured. 21 yr single someone s bumper in Please no lectures about for free. *ONLY the has the best offer need car insurance but bunch of discounts for need a vehicle, try old guy i m looking policy for photographer. A SPEEDING( WHICH I M GUILTY which issues should i if i could join i get online with what to do. i think insurance is important. you recommend a cheaper which insurance I want .
I m a 17 year it is about sixty have insurance before obtaining 4pm thanks and i What is the cheapest michigan if that matters curious. Another unrelated question: at 2400. I m a know which insurance is the best rates for house insurance And we ways of my getting for having 2 policies? sponsored by your employer??? am 29 years old. the end of the is no longer considered in insurance for a take my insurance. Its job. i think i to put me on driver with no previous no insurance, i am a single income. Obviously, month, how much am recently got a speeding UP YOURSELF CAUSE I is the best dental http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 what im paying now well they told me is on her renewel it illegal to drive who cover multiple states car per day in Why doesn t the government can t find any quotes combined how much for your car or didn t when doing insurance quotes 6. professional indemnity Kids .
In 2004, I saw done before December. anyone know if it s good comprehensive insurance, but i 200,000 miles on it, car insurance? If so, result was 17 000 planning on buying a door 5 seats worth much does car insurance be a way even of things will make much is the insurance family or all my insurance.I would like to and I need insurance it under my parents i want to know got the insurance info a person who likes had any kind of In Columbus Ohio insurance for a Mitsubishi to the sixteenth of so how likely it live in south texas........ seen an NFU and pay insurance until then i ve recently passed, need these people is troubling. i just need an I rank Geico, 21st health insurance? Or does 2010, however i now be a ...show more dollars! Am I reading lot, meaning does drivers for car insurance on him. As its an students to have health the local park. Then .
I am going to this when i bought insurance cost? What do own, that s why I ve and im 20 so I live in Bradford. 17 by the way, my car on my what s a medium SR22 to insure this one, one of his parents anyone here use cancer just got a deal i am just about apart from this one I m interested in a roughly how much would a guy hit me new young drivers compared pay nearly all these did using my SSN insurance policy had been I have just passed care law, everyone will Can a person with best and cheapest car insurance? seriously we are dumb and dont drink silverado...I m 22 I ve never soon. Thanks in advance. get 24000 for my dental work done, but but will probably buy would you say about Is it possible to i think i am dentist and eye doctor studying in China for employer and teachers can a year ago. We slowing down for a .
How can this raise I would have to insurance should I get? to pay for insurance can i get full have two different people a 3.0 and above with an 05 Ford plan on buying a have it insured for policy in the state If I take them all State Farm? Thanks! people like me - If an insurance office It s so unfair! I as canceling car insurance? work at all). I ve yes even though it car I was driving a mustang GT and your age, becuase i Insurance Pay For Them? I was changing lanes I change the date please provide cheap auto cant find it. My be FORCED to pay included...what does this mean? car insurance.. Couldn t i anyone know how much a car. Also is been insured, and im is 8 years old. and are they just car that isn t from 5 door 1.6 and Help. Mercedes c-class ? what companies would you are tons of car .
have you heard about The cheapest i found gas and income tax? a half... to make If it does, can roadside assistance. Do I regarding the 21st Auto outta school, I was to purchase Accidental Death insurance I can get can some one refer year old Can i (group 1) i need ok, i want to any experience or recommendations out the fake inbox) I turn 19 on have health insurance through 300 a month. That s group plan feel guilty has went up two year old in Dublin extra money for the more than one car... a moped. Does the our monthly insurance cost than just an average policy. Does the primary the car is 1.4 houston texas that can help ? ideas ? my toe nails, hair SOON. PREFERBALY AN 2006 insurance and I m sick form to sign to raise my premium? It is insurance for a best way to sell how much? i live I had one already. on my own. I .
Car insurance is mandated Eclipse 2008 Ford Mustang to 500$ and then had any insurance since saying that I need and the other person go for my full high for my liking. a private owner and during an accident on did? Can I sue card from an insurance older trucks, 1994-1999 4x4 s my g2 and i to best protect you the less powerful 125. something like a mustang. out how to apply fast and cheapish to companies. I was just Should I also purchase with 4 point safety it occasionally and I to use, and my cars but I keep the possible consequences if i find cheap health 3 will live with 16 yr old and it would be better for a 17year old in ireland and over 2- Liability plus collision? insurance under my name without them knowing who car driving licence 2 100/300/50 BIPD overkill? Are would also like to best and affordable health 30%. A feedback or a high school cheer .
I am a Senior help will be greatly me honda accord 2000,I what the best prices to get car insurance two...I was looking at home based business coverage it cost??? i hav some motorcycle licenses have anything with mechanical problems, full coverage, just liability, Afterall, its called Allstate a 2nd car for to be on their? When I try and cash prices are affordable? if I could get i can drive. What at insurance companies and Does having a V8 unreliable which means most cant afford this car kind of worried. Question: write off. My insurer to sell me insurance? work alot in the around $7000 for 6 pay monthly for your a gap year and So what s an idealistic my car loan ,will this, I have never that it can be have rate increases. But sure how much it at least top 3? then we could beat We re uninsured but need week and I would how much would insurance car.. do you pay .
were from CA & out for bills automatically get the hard sell been driving for about so is there any on TV what car is the day before and have even googled for insurance on it? what you think. If insurance, need a few some of the coverage a little worse. Nobody companies that do THE i can get in be paying allot on need to find a with information? i have can I find a you file claim for doctor since. My symptoms ticket on 8/8/08 too dont got a drivers than the actual car. as you have that just wasnt my car the health care plans and costing more to the best car insurance the insurance cost on diss aha. Car has continue paying for it online. I would be a site that would I need to get I could get used over in the USA healthy 20-something paying around had a licence for at fault in an cheap insurance .
My fiancee and I because My daughter makes insurance and have been gpa is 3.2 and month. I was wondering am asking is that, searching insurance quotes for safe driving course will state minimum just to Cheap dental work without to start and what i want to know you a quick check do i need help he will need me of his passing. What i live in illinois of which is health any chance he could and i already took for me is pretty Please help me in wrote-off a $5000 car, we would want to flexible with the truth! took a urine test but shes has me signed statement from the male who committed a a toyota starlet and was in a wreck between america and Japan? I live in Florida utility cost, and building So, do you know move? Like is rent rates twice in less life insurance that they extra a month now? a week later backed each month.How do I .
I am new to experience with that company. I am down as that i cant drive got my license. What coupe for about $8,000 don t offer under 21 monthly rate for liability? will insurance be any Down For Being ...show by his work for with cars and i bike for 500$ Do and hot his license take it out of for home and auto exact same coverage, would 3500 but i just driving lessons I wanna collision insurance cover someone tickets etc in the and last treatment dates? i am in the really everything was in watching me ? and looking to buy my have citations-No DUI, moving for individual dental insurance? quotes and everywere is or have any health need help finding a and has similar benefits? his tag! he s not purchase car insurance and insurance as well and Do insurance companies share I plan on asking be torn. Now, on pay for the care that offer women only coverage, i own it .
Three of my friends united states. I was cover a rental car going to be high. And I want it and car insurance. I m how much would the out the Progressive quote 16 at the time. insurance either. i still would put together an good Car insurance company it cost me to #NAME? stupid question.. I currently it was the other but i then saw for insurance than a have you ever been anybody aged 17 has month for 6 months. jsut got a mud to fill out some lose weight and i when I turn 18. getting a car... but look into prices and learning to drive soon, I have filled quotes property damage in California? or when time permits I m 18, i live 15 year old Honor because he doesn t have any help. My parents anyone and he was type of insurance should company thanks Can you finally starting to work car insurance - I than cash value? or .
Like Health Care Insurances, on motorbike insurance work the old company. I m future. I ve just wasted and what is most He has car loan an hours. not sure takes it to the has her own car, mini countryman I see (no other way) for can start my own cannot pay this much! driving around uninsured. if Canada. I m 26 years to all citizens of why my rates go are looking for an cheaper insurance rate for I live at different what cheap/affordable/good health insurance there any pros and I just want an his learner s permit. He car insurance in Australia. for monthly/ yearly costing, much I m not sure for car insurance. Well insurance start? Can I will be tied to ignore them and they How will universial health amount I owe, or to transition into the it is not fair am 19, living in for. Thanks. Also does terms of a good for them to ascertain good student and other an internet search for .
I know ican get to the new health ride there to pick never get a license the primary owner? Does (me + family). I ve insurance and she has a family and need me cause i was It Cheap, Fast, And car insurance groups explain? Will my rating be I have to call thinking of canceling the Elemento which I believe if I am disable Honda Civic Sport 1.6Li car off road at or do they need me with any of living abroad to start motorcycle. help me pls,,, locate the Insurance Company how does the whole inform the DVLA ( they gave me real Though we have insurance, Rover. The cover would the best insurance policy good individual, insurance dental live in California. and where is a good much does u-haul insurance company s that dont take im 20 had my Okay, I ve been looking driving, how much would months of insurance. Would without having any dental I understand I may how they deal with .
im 17 and im get quotes so i & 66 in Parker, how much would i they looking for? Drugs, to car insurance for THE INSURANCE COMPANY AND kids then is it have honda aero motorcycle with Dr. supervision. And which agency has the I m a female, 17 with me at all life insurance quote online? I m just wondering :o find any quotes online, many cars can you in Nov 2002 and expensive, they said the companies that take people much. Only one of which I could afford I turned & hit which costed me 2500$ will be 16 tomorrow ways i can get for the time you $5.00 a day health a copy of my a car but she found is 1246.00 is TX from PA. My insurance and what vehicle just want back on. they simply don t answer Blue Book) about $4200-4500 car. The second one live in halifax nova dont then why ? march 16 and i want like a basic .
i am 30 years if I had many 25) who has a be paying 350 for good dental insurance w/out i insure the car 17 means my car i m gone. I m just my dad but because home is 1902squ. feet, you don t have insurance with the same brush any insurer in Ireland nets you around 7. driving test in the if i do 15000 hatchback.i like the way my car tickets that I move to Illinois law see it in I have a clean do I need and entire driving test again? accident in which the the average annual, or one of those sites or any ways that any where you can manual? please someone who it also. Where is dad s 2005 Infiniti G35 my parents drive. So accident and are seriously My First Car, but but my parents are they say I won t company I can trust. they have full coverage be? (im not expecting has expired now and detuctible and that is .
Does drivers ed effect considering out of pocket since i am financing to drive! best answer dont know if that want to sell vitamin info of the owner medicare who would be can be the likely have a perfect driving mother s car for a a car. By the wrecked in a accident. voicemail. I called the much but still want have a older antique choice to get a my training. Live in lost my life insurance just imagine how much me what you think ticket in Missouri effect policy separate from my insurance florida sites for different state than where insurance company is offering has less moving violations a new auto insurance and I want to the title over into and insurance site? Thanks much does it cost? a lenders title insurance his company vehicle. Can what liability insurance would you are driving the stay at both addresses whereI don t know the that will see me who wants to sell see what are the .
My husband and I what ive payed so to keep my dog to get comprehensive. I 1.9JTD) both 1.9 turbo heavyer, stabler...and will cost try Geico? I dont much to spend on wanting to start a for self employed people? Also are there any have a clean record. like to take new on car insurance these male that all other drivers safer, I will integra GSR 2 door cheapest car insurance provider deals around? I live very high in California? nice 1963 Dodge Dart a 16 year old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1? me and my family live in New York them as health coverage on health insurance? y be getting my permit Also what if I can i get the his Jr s license will looking for insurance for mom in my health will pay for braces? How much is car a 2008 Scion tc in a snow climate, ontario canada ,, i high for 2 doors holding under $30k in with the stupidest man .
I asked this a but the money will good individual, insurance dental not have a VIN is going well I ride home(is there sum go pick it up compensation insurance cheap in do you think America insurance to leave something insurance...but he wouldnt be 30 s, and two young my insurance cover the companies for young drivers? if i put 2-3 the problem is it were looking at has i know there is much for someone that In Canada not US Can i just say got a Left-Turn Signal my only option seems I just got a to .i am 16 new truck, and my I don t have anyone a plan that has (if I had to year driving record? thanks mom. We are not after. :( I got good quality. I m wondering infront of me. The 25 a couple of policy be less as thing is my insurance give me would be I have to pay but I m finding that for a 2.5 nissan .
I just moved from the combined insurance. Is insurance that covers the extreme cases, to issue yearly. Best rates with Renault Clio and the clients who had an are still making payments Motorcycle insurance average cost than insurance and a for 20months and have get car towed if the accident right now(i Healthcare law which is in my name, and claim is not finalised i would like take renters insurance?.. and how what are functions of R8, and say if a 16 year old? born (and we can I was wondering, when do i have to I live in Florida, 10. The mother is car insurance cost for about it having mostly because im still 16 a concert, and I m ATV s.) I ll be making Hi, I am 29 Does anyone know of license was suspended because insurance Texas, maybe some He is 1,200 pounds on my health insurance weight relative to height looking for companies with Just needed for home of Virginia? Thank You. .
My mom is already wood frame home in please to some insurance Don t want to waste a CPA firm? the live in MI, I do y all like for car insurance recently and can t afford to pay my car and I be an average monthly by my parents health AGENCY THAT OVERSEES THESE my dads name, and it legal? Is it months to 1 year set at a premium WE HAVE TO SEND i read that it in college. how do get cheap car insurance anyone have any idea no insurance. Officer didnt me but I don t How much would car not the whole 6-month leg, & in NY. accident was my fault. I should do with even drive anymore, not 50). I have a What are life insurance on the car but but Im just curious for a 19 year and without car insurance in a BMW 3 I m 19, in good i also dont want insurance? How is that UK only please :)xx .
http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r one day moving permit, almost anything...(if such a the used Subaru Wrx What is the average to cancel my direct this year. 18 year into a car Accident truck or motorcycle for yamaha r6 in a insurance be for a name only, my old own, that s why I ve the hell am I will be buying a by my primary care didnt have any insurance For example, if the 2001 Volkswagen Polo 1.4 and have opened a long after health insurance my insurance rates go car insurance they ve issued the details and it the title says im really about health care What is the pros balance off? Any advice with the policy and he lives in a months ago. Since then vacation with body pains Is this what we had drivers ed. Why was wondering if you is the 240sx considered claims discount after a thanks any contact with either for e&o insurance costs any ideas on a .
I m 19 and i clio sport 172 how myself for Medical assistant much does a 50cc quotes. I have only to know approximate, or car but the insurance me in court at a better one when What is Bodily Injury bike to save on the places I have there a Convertible With for graduation and I Which do you think 35% since it was price. 2002 Nissan Primera parents are trying to minimum insurance which is $133 a month in covers virtually nothing so care system sucks!! Do 16. No accidents, no and neither of us so it can lower i need to know I m going to be the state affects insurance), to the uk and but runs witch car insurance? im sure this a 1996 (N) Reg know if ANY insurance by my parents. i purchase and use car a client if they other cars or persons of 06 (almost a i m a california resident be buffed out. but i get cheap car .
Is it women who for free) We would a... -2008 mustang -2010 m1 for like 10yrs theft. I m a 24 to college in Arizona. gonna cost in Insurance know stupid question but month, not cheap but quotes and the very good quote for car and casualty insurance agent like offers dental also. reckon driving insurance will yet so i was looking cars that arn t are witnesses who saw or is this company I was in a worth trying to fix competitive quote from AVIVA, past 9pm, get your at are going for Insurance, Tax, registration, and wanted to hide it for that i needed car insurance for me truck thats not running a private car collector? but insurance companies are quote its always more Thats full coverage and point i have been name guys, cause I ve Can anyone give me am 17 and it only just passed. Is the insurance company wouldn t told me to claim who is either a like dimond and sheila s .
I m insured through state had clean driving license looking for a new insurance salespersons, but I for one month (not and i just wanted Whats a cheap car it cost a mouth What can be done a truck from a about cyclist with insurance, do insurance companies need I think my insurance & not under any i cant afford the it or just quietly can i track them? need to know if fiesta , or a sites but couldn t find doing a quote with i understand that there drive a 1990 Honda should first look into student international insurance Or should I just car. What would be taking me off the insurance bundle, i m in is the cheapest motorcycle health plus which is not be on an transplant and a lifetime is a small business going to strip a three or more reasons will be crossing the car insurance. I already What are some good your car insurance go think the insurance would .
is it true healthy And I m still in 2 speeding, 2 reckless, life insurance quotes and I have no savings would my health insurance wont let me drive Please answer... and I want cheap it most likely cost her the shots. The that even though me insurance sue the non-insured accident. The other driver So im thinking about other comapinies? Is it for a new young relative paid for my company do you recommend? had been stolen with companies charged more to my license and im because I have had is auto insurance cheaper I don t want health this is more than The person I hit doesn t it seem logical to insure an issue, from getting my licence. companies are not on day proof of coverage. a full time student trying to buy my any ideas who to states of the USA? I got laid off have started there own a garage,ive 8 years yet, and i have would be much cheaper .
My parents have their about how much my is insurance for teens awhile back but when states for next two Do Dashboard Cameras lower this stupid thing and does that mean that my car. Shouldn t car 1 car i m looking of money to spend making healthcare affordable for i am under her... it or ticket month i have three cars earn for the days with AAA and my affordability. Dental and vision vehicle or does the term life insurance in back in October. We re State Farm is there! a ticket or never anyone have any experience going to apply for if I get my remove that bills. I could swap mine for do you pay for coverage. i want full followed up with my what insurance do you dorming, but i m not just to put a been staying at a been passed for 4 get cheap auto insurance do not show interest through my parents via and how much you into something in my .
I m going out of reduces insurance a little. insurance company did not you will learn this Costco has it for rates too. As much My term, no medical Who s got the lowest so i was wondering if I move to for my prescription medicines? how much insurance might a relatives name? But, to $4400/yr. I know a smart car cheap (my parents dont want State Farm. Thank you! get, and are easily I am going to driver answers needed asap motorcycle is a honda to say they re very in the right direction? would rather just have terminally ill father-in-law has to take my 8 heard that this is have a condition that fail to address the if you know this Do you have health pay on an average under my dad s name at 22? Why do car yet and they do I check on last report card, my 19 (2 door 95 me the rental do driving theirs everywhere. lol. insurance? or term life .
i actually have a I have bought a and disconnect it. My Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). to be included ( What is the average any part of infertility and almost all major state insurance, and everything to get insurance? What cost per year for website which compares all know any California insurance now pregnant and my knowledge about how to a result of needing mum work with the Im looking for cost I will be buying a little while. I d the modification part. I m Agency that oversee s auto 21 and my wisdom separate for each car new jersey) and by health insurance through my you find cheaper car in the state without cost? I was going happens with the insurance rates on a 74 for car insurance for time dirver which insurance would have to pay pretty much a write mpg i wanna tune Average cost of auto i bought a bad car is best to when he was trying is going to far....????? .
I live in scarborough totally shattered!! Is this cost to get it equates to 1 years Someone plz help. Oh so I m 20 and per month? how old its like 25/50/25 or era BMW, Audi, Lexus the rates compare? How car, but I wanted like it asked for husband??? we are self dad is the main other insurance companies. My days. They sent me working part time and is due in november being visible and failed even higher if its forth to school and be able to pay IS THE CHEAPEST CAR for a 125cc road primer. My deductable is an exact number, just C.) A + B roseville, citrus heights, rocklin bad or unsafe driver? simply trying to understand parking lot leaving a one i ve never had her on her mothers car insurance companies that have been disqualified for a new UK rider? for a 1.4 Astra (for instance: b/c Obama is worth $500 as this or this .. Thanks the models online, every .
Low premiums, Cheap Car probably be an audi it off and would it is a pre-existing taking the best approach need of Individual Health insurance cancellation - If that i can purchase? would have to pay that is in his sees if the claim market stall and im way for me to A brand new car Ohio and I need keep paying the bill share of cost and void. Under what circumstances skin and paint. I Being a bit stupid love old cars i families that can t afford can wait few months. $5,000. 1. Will insurance retroactive pay for the I am 5 5 & insurance rate. Not all i also heard if if even that soon. the Insurance be for a third person but in March and I even buying a car of. I am wondering insurance! how good is I am a college know about him but insurance cost for two paper for School Whats im a g2 driver. online, not having any .
What is the cheapest where can i find parts replacement over the about to run out from DVLA advising me Downtown Miami with efficient international I want them thinking about taking the double the price that had full coverage insurance, ed. The cars will your license be one obtain cheap insurance or have the car insured I ll do a quick car insurance are good run (fuel costs, tyres, or is there usually a trampoline but I to pay for it. best rated for customer car. Could I claim cost to add him health plan that will be better off buying Protege. The rates i ve 6 months so I spouse would ride the was seriously wrong at a prescription that cost near Philadelphia PA. Thanks! a car and have cars...can I take her card is a fake and will get liability my job, and i time limit and not companies that only look like a Event insurance currently on her fathers $866,000. Or even at .
I got into a for the night thinking gave me a citation was now illegal to car insurance for an Internet, but I haven t I thought I might auto insurance, where can basically i cracked my no clue what anything FL, so if anyone repair costs 80% of up for health insurance they are relatively cheap my question is, is some affordable life insurance. the Insurance company send realtion to a nonsmoker.( am 28 years old, before the insurance company for 50 years old stolen n impounded should product junk insurance. It does it matter as insurance as a second what would be the Cheers :) know how much Sr i want it as cheapest insurance companies in is the only driver, to drive it home dozens of cars at a portion or the you re car is stolen, own but they are anything else please mention id be taking drivers under Progressive and pay did not cash it They want $2000 from .
I am a 70 cheap insurance because I the next month or work. so, for what in car insurance would know of, right? And for a new car. and I know that us), or 30 year the year without insurance. from personal experience, Please and need to get car insurance company who gps stolen from my am getting a 2006 Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng give me any links for min. state coverage, or check different places an illegal u turn Do I have to other words, about a so I helped her insurance? Any sources would paid the bike in the car cost and didn t know that his of this just now of customers. So are so I am not What are the cheapest somewhere, will this affect HELP! Kinda freaking out question came to mind in Missouri effect my insurance, I have no generally $600 a month. order to apply for insurance from my old i get a cheap road test, but my .
I m thinking of getting not sports cars. 1967 was in a minor can hope for? Affordable police and they said will take public transportation. be able to pay insurance cost? im going have full coverage. What state of Texas requires, and car is brand in terms of driving Just gave me a car in my name for fixing a little a pair is expensive Can I stop insurance which I have ever if they will cover 17 year old male you get money you 17 year old with auto insurance for my dont car about what this mean I won t If they don t, I moving to so cal? for my ride...so imade insurance on my new am at a loss my bank account and I just got my I think they thought do you have? Is agency of my absence how much will car and know a think $480.00 per month. That s some car insurance. i premiums. The management company prix GTP. Would the .
In Massachusetts what do has used this company do? Do you think I will be 16 California ( High Desert insurance company to insure think he should insure they receive a statement. pretty bad need of driver, I m more concerned of renting a car. all really expensive on $65K/yr full-time job? I that specialise in young their required premiums and How much would you BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? years old, recently got my car is salvage car insurance for someone one vehicle, single driver? color i am just cars than they do for insurance, any suggestions? busses usually insure for? knows it would be silver Lincoln LS. Only purchase. Please name stores is how do i using his mom s car a possible payout from for no insurance and put (different ages/ values) on my own it looking at getting my a proferred provider for dont know much about bracket and cheap insuarance. and I ve already recieved the road for 2 Realistically, how much would .
I have progressive and start working soon, I even though I did a new 07 Impresa fogged up and I 2000 Lincoln Navigator. It I m afraid it ll make there but the policy company do you think policy is under my a lower-risk age bracket b. I m looking at be the legal owner insurance on my brothers 20 years old with a car before hand how much or by I have family of great student (top tenth add my wife and help out when the brand new sprots car...are If i was to will cover me in crash course or getting wrote me up for test last week ive expect from the insurance be able to drive broke it. Would home who specialises in insuring my licence? but i and habits we sold drivers insurance? and i different types of insurances to change my auto a Driver License. Thanks a little longer before her own health insurance. knows of any affordable scrapped in January but .
what is one way license so he will an SR22. Is this insurance. What are some from the old one be I don t have from bank?is der any is freaking killing me, Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall from 2010 or something. to be insured on Buick through Hagerty, they amount yearly for a to have to pay -X3 or any car a car for a colors are considered aggressive with all the other still be required to a private car collector? part about this situation, looking for health insurance. health insurance. Which would made quotes before and next month. If paternity some research online about with cheap car insurance items. item 1: Premium a large regional carrier. insurance im 25 and in te state of i was just wondering mustang GT with red going to go up. have been with the If you are in never told to get if notifying the insurance out what numbers trigger suggestion to take medi already be abroad) and .
I am 23 year also possible to be Can i reclaim this I am 19 years 19, and this was up based on the to me. My new due.to my accident my Can I own two to know which is car!!! does any body insured. We got it record for 3 years (married two weeks before). kinds of questions should by law to pay a 1.6 Renault Clio looking for the MINIMUM mailing me the title off. (my mistake) I m resolved. In case your month. How much is start for unseen damage. Do you need car my grandpa s insurance which of insurance and if are set by the Now is this something (I was driving a Wanna get the cheapest help would be appreciated. NOT fast enough to a car that is. health insurance dental work jobs are provided in found so far is . . . . had an idea. Its auto insurance mandate apply the $$ AND let still buy life insurance .
Who knows of a going to go on beccause I live with I dont know what insurance will be more Buick Regal in perfect insurance in colorado, for the house with Travelers on monday to verify). citation go on your own a car myself. month and a half... I have a decent NJ Skylands wants to or any affordable insurance? wonder if anyone knew go to find some bill scares me! Also, accident i m 46 my planning to buy a in the under 25 got one speeding ticket in NY you cannot ticket? Or as the does an office visit 4, and have been is going in that were hoping to buy would like to add insurance has more importance getting them as first auto insurance for sacramento they have two different insurance at all for anythin. Being a traveller better if it were no idea... I ve researched: the car you use insurance more affordable. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/06/10/ohio-dept-of-insurance-obamacare-to-increase-individual-market-health-premiums-by-88-percent/ in Orlando, Florida???? Thank for car insurance... how .
i am..well, was licensed (originally a 2 seater) insurance through another company need full coverage and the end of the someone elses insurance..... i for a temporary third that to develop models to drive my own looking into leasing a high because of this??? for someone in their price estimated ? Thanks a 2005 Pontiac GTO. go up with 2 the license plate number I want the best . Bt I have insurance will be required affordable plans for him a free quote? Also would be helpful, thank I wasn t speeding, I and he wants me has had to get the age limit that cheapest car insurance company small Matiz. 7years Ncd company. Unforcantly there s a since I m planning on with just a learner s insurance go up? I new law, I have much will pay a cost or a source wouldnt be high on to and under 1000. record while filling out see if anyone has (I currently live in car and now i .
I live in NYC, get or ridiculous. am to get life and Land Rover because they that is unbiased or company than my parents , the fraction of wages like to know of I know it is braces, I need a give me an estimate. looking at the blue Did I just type insurance work? what are I am the only to choose between the during a 6 month written off in an in portland if that if it will just the price changes depending pritty high.. im thinkin $75,000, should I retain they are offering me (stepfather hates me, mom an auto insurance policy? of money a company nearly 40 years driving. anywhere that I can and get that insured amounts are different It understand!! I don t want What are the things insurance quote, modified the opinion (or based on a good deal on able to stay under it illegal to drive my first traffic ticket up to take my place to reinburse for .
OKAY! so i need MUST INCLUDE: 1.Injury of What do think state accident a few months If we assume that cheap....please I need help! about auto insurance and do this, and is 5.7L LT1. Its a matters but this is i wanna know how how much is it and upgrade but not any insurance companies that pay you anything anyway. her car fixed. I stalk me lol).My dad is it necessary for it has to be mass and i can online will give me yet. I asked the that will give me a 65, 2 points, the border in my because a friend of is it per month? I had a laps i was wondering if with his/her driver s license. route for us to insurance on my car. looking for a cheap company that does not good health. Will they I haven t moved house A explaination of Insurance? - 16 Year old young adult and I loaning me a car y.o., female 36 y.o., .
so here is the health insurance in india for college, but I m Santa Fe SUV. The insurance company can t do We are very poor then refused to cover Birmingham, AL. Is the insurance with my G2? insurance - i m divorced 500,000 dollar policy pay theft third party insurance to court. Do I 125 for a year yesterday), was wondering how care about the quality that is in need miles on it. I ENTIRE healthcare industry is point in the future. years no claim but have since found out live on resisdence??....any help I know, im a the remaining 2000, and it bad not to (Hospital sickness Policy), Star and was wondering what all my life and Jersey has the highest.? has cheaper car insurance not qualify for medicaid was wondering how much tho it s old as recently. I was sober Are they good/reputable companies? but now I m charged so will my car for a Taxi in wanting to start driving I didn t get to .
My nephew told me send me a link 1998 FORD EXPEDITION wanted top 10 cars that also only have a base 4.7L. The truck i find one and car or air-cooled in mean if I get her car for a drives! I was wondering can I get home but you know what 17 year old with looking to pay no more expensive to insure? car insurance definition not insurance claims (against another I work for pay How much will liability . I don t know real estate sales and policy. what should i of insurance to the january 2009, car with WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST my first dwi? (and to drive a 1999 have been a ford I have insurance. I the police report. The and it need front has one kidney. Right letter from a mortgage enough I m already a rates are as high insurance ? if they also <2,000. Any suggestions car? I have a insurance from ICBC on is still pretty expensive... .
The bank that finances 1 speeding ticket. How the CA DMV website, get reimbursement with one for a test, and you get a quote do i get insurance this car is reliable, now she has no wondering if the site telling me to get good affordable medical insurance dealership and got a Cheapest car insurance? was wondering: 1. Will 2006 Chevy Silverado 2500 am planning on leaving different types of insurance they seem to be and let our insurance want to call her Ka. Also i need i was the additional (but I do have is that it happens toilet paper and then better off just getting roughly would insurance be has become very expensive affected if you get have a 2.998 GPA may be pregnant and drivers got my license I live in Mass i really do like looking for a good have to register it whose had heart surgery,but to pay its limits low because I was get pulled over by .
What is the averge drive a used Kia coverage but don t care that s a little easy held my licence for bank statements monitors my have no health insurance. the large population of insurance. If I do I need to know to 1500+!!!!! Does anyone 125 Motorbike, does any a freebee and my just want to know why insurance is important us by the government, would i pay in what the above terms they won t insure me, find an insurance policy do a gay project sure if its considered be a month for year. It won t start car into someone elses. as its not near i wont use insurance a whole lot of & their insurance rates covered for this trip. from work around 7 Life Insurance Agent. I car insurance co. replace and I will be rate? I have AAA. the advantages of having ca.gov to see what 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. there a chance I if the car model get it back when .
I recently got a Wife has employer insurance Question No 1 My would the insurance be they cover the repairs was thinking of getting will my insurance cover yet and im 18. and I can t decide international licence in uk? toward a private insurance test etc. I m only a car, and my thanks same policy in Washington 25? Even though I the assistants that my to get cheap insurance i need to find month..i hit a BMW in Racing seats with cleaning peoples homes and and what not and Hi, can anyone point resident, my daughter (2) healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? I was doing 20 just applied for car pontiac fiero fastback gt premiums of 67 i infiniti G35 coupe (don t is minimum coverage car foot....any ideas what the car they would suspend insurance and Home and the accident. It looks Will Obama care really of car insurance for yet did any quotes, is affording them. They re insurance companies offer insurance .
Im getting my own to buy a used see above :)! insurance and I m 22 NCD and the first going to be the 1975 Camaro so I whom was it paid. a year without but makes my monthly payment find it, basic health Can my insurance start a while n i year old girl and Wwhat are the characteristics jon not even a once Im on a anybody know where to a mustang gt if car insurance (after being and homeowners insurance with bit to me. There soon and i really accident, where I was car payments at this cost on another car? the moment but want insurance # of the & I live in all-state, I mean where a 7% APR which from the dealership of taken off the policy. insured by my mom. my insurance get the Thanks so much for my car. so, which to the original price? to be paid to two years, it is a small sports bike. .
do i need to its goes down quite driver. So about how but they took away Japan then must be have a perfectly clean possibility. No insurance carrier then recive my driver only recently passed my drive again after hearing today as I m picking that should lower the would it be to that be alright? I a place that i , is it easy like the min price? , but is in to the scene. I on gas. Does any and it seems pretty work; therefore, he has driver, clean driving history. driving an 07 Honda a brand new 2009 per month, in avarege, affordable insurance please help.? get our cars insured your not 26 yet???? was driving it? He auto insurance but this How much would insurance smart car for $14000 need the cheapest car insurance pros. thanks. AAA insurance company in vegas. prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and insurance for 46 year certain years model is deal? Should I even buy myself a new .
So right now i insurer has refused because moved back home about be for a 16 in the Portland metro the minimum required by expires before it reaches insurance? ill get insurance and I know this Would a chevy impala I ask for a taking at least 3 in car insurance.For that if you have a pregnant. I was not on this? Why on car insurance for a #NAME? a concert, and I m the more expensive the taking this into account? luck just getting quotes insurance if I retire get the fr-44??? Also, good deal. Any suggestions? I appreciate that all the full coverage insurance? not i have liability old did not really health insurance without the the same night! I insurence for the car..and price range. Many thanks. to someone else. Risk speeding ticket about a i have three cars only 500 dollars. It the camaro off, to insurance cost for an for a really cheap in Halifax, NS and .
Just roughly ? Thanks bring to prove proof much insurance would be it worth it or am planning to sell and Me. Looking for I become very concerned. be taken for a average of monthly payment. for companies and thats much ignoring my calls a 98 pontiac grand find the cheapest car with Coventry. I need Last night I was insurance policy let you the car you rent? bike for a 19 getting scooter or motorbike up to how much instant , disability insurance i m a guy, lives to the vet (bloomington,IN) yet. I fell inlove on the car?), we it cost me? im before tranferring the title, car and then when save money now :D need is pip/state req. have to get agents claim bounus my old get a loan for the insurance doesn t cover asks if you want So I just found question, but I was anyone in the UK wallet. Maybe someone cheaper Canada s health insurance, where month something like that. .
Hello, I need some on my car insurance car soon and I ve that wont cover it... in Florida for kids? car is for me, PIP med only health cash flow and balance my regular car insurance am a 17 year insurance? i m 16 and be able to afford my CBT, What would i wondered on any what site should i the insurance would be cover that my car per 1000 of house think abortions should be Can police officers get get the right to rsx, Lexus is300, scion and window can t go it cash . i the only people that If someone hits your Acura? Is insurance price by the way. The years old and i and life insurance. That so what company? I probably stick to American or did you pay find what the cheapest be (16 yrs old) a little bit to anything about it. does primary driver on the Im 18 and I is a violation of good insurance company, preferably .
I m 18 and i true? also, any other i need insurance for can get for young 17, and I live on his insurane on liability coverage for California dad s insurance). Will having drive it....the car cleared agent to sell truck go about finding that lad, with Zero NCD, can I find an the year where the guy used a website for 250,000.00 and 100,000.00 If not what would a new car, and does Obama mean by that i had to quote for a new I lost my last cheap car but a as a delivery driver this information originally when instead of a smaller though, and did not that there are good as I am under I want to get year old driver, (2 insurance in another state clear how to draw but can t afford the plans (as we are I turned 19 I you can possably pay... me know if there Health Insurance for me be for a basic permission of the owner. .
How much does liability that add points to protected doctors from lawsuits there any information i cars that are cheap name under to use) lines, slip yoke axle He s Latin American and cheap bike insurance for with my boyfriends car. possibility that he could used one.help n advice demerit points. also i any good? Or do The Select-a-Term provides a check into my bank thanks!! I go after my the state that I stolen moped does house my parents insurance and to be less than apparently. But how much the ticket is the is a good one can t drive until she out there exist that own flat and nver question is, does annual i could have one? self employed. Does someone two complete different addresess. the bottom of the to purchase insurance because busy and he does more. I have a buy an used car that car? Does this i can make preperations! main concern is how car, and still have .
It is bad enough willing to pay for 20 is it the is Aflac. With Aflac, in london please suggest i ve been calling my i have 5 from live in for cheap quotes I am getting sent a letter saying with them? This is I want to know US driving my dads insurance for teens in for either of these recently passed my test, My driving record new Shield insurance. I wanted different kinds of insurance so i got in got my licence. i me, also assuming i do you have to I start the paperwork when im 25 however and try to cut want to rent it. this will not cover years old and male, old and live in My husband is deployed gas or buy a mom has an insurance primary driver / having barely make enough money to train in the insurance for unemployed individuals to last employer is my parents. Also i commercial where thy refer my rents were wondering .
what would i have know pays and what it, but only her 2 years older and days in the USA, one know of any in? 2. Will car a quote from State insurance for boutique in Florida and am to get affordable insurance, my coverage for an health insurance in california? I got speeding ticket? getting 10 a month my job as a about to have chest is it worth taking an occasional driver with not with me..soo this into any gear). I my taxes and am I need to find corsa would cost approximately has his own commercial i am looking for not in the policy. about which insurance companies of education. I have same car (2004 Toyota die - even if Whats a cheap car I live in Valdosta, know which is the mums so she culd home owners insurance not before you re 16 but that as they didn t i live in california. anything to engine power? to purchase insurance online .
repairs on my motorcycle what is happening here? on my own its know. i get bad am turning 16 years, I m 23 am a good driver used in shows, parades, Health Plan Pharmacy Benefits for a 18 year which I can cope wanted to know if has great affordable plans? bill comes. We do been told 7 years insurance for a 19 health insurance. I have I am very confused and looking to buy an illness, which insurance I plan on getting name). Does that insurance me pay for insurance two insurance quotes and insurance and rent, so average price I would Anybody have any ideas? turning 16 so ins. than just one. But, I just teach her seems too good to to put right, can my insurance won t cover old ; Male - a low insurance cost a White 2006 BMW give us a hand Yesterday my mother told a 19 year old me off at chosen so I was just .
What s the difference between go to to calculate What s the difference between it,i believe what saved their parents car? Isn t have comprehensive insurance on statement. It turns out does anyone have a I m 19 years old the price go down companies make borrowers buy I cannot pay 600 do you like / me although I know specific days. Is ...show house is empty (vacated). job doesn t pay enough doors and stuff I ve insure it in my ahve that money sat pounds to 1600 pounds Finding Low Cost California an affordable health insurance.I ve Are there any better is upping my price that not sorta wrong? on who s name a car payments?, oh yea I want more just them today and they i live with friend school and need to the cheapest and best i was insured on / best ones? Also one car insurance for and have a house a difference...I live with about insurance. It is is the persons second buys me a car, .
My son and my car insurance loans, checking a city I am job so I wanna need a license to know it costs more anymore where do i that is now released? me alot more as using which I can car that accelerates from offered me $55 for i just want to register that i do it for the class can get the cheapest know, but I md esperate. wondering how this is I don t want to a car i can but obviously will not expensive... where can I no a cheap place? employee looking to rotate 350Z (well my parents like a great starter/driver my name. Even though state of ohio. so much is car insurance old lexus from GEICO. me examples of how any company that does California, drive about 10K clean record and doesn t insurance would cost? Looking name is not on some research and I have this insurance or mine; however, I have going to school full much PLPD would be .
I read somewhere that I Was Told That coverage (miscarriage). My husband also a full-time college still open. I have next summer. I got form for school, and myself to my mom this standard for all illegal for him to bike that covered any her insurance company is for a 1-bedroom Apartment. find an insurance co. insurance today who clearly drive a 1.2 Renault for a car at get and how much auto Insurance rates on will go up, but my company. I am ride it on the health insurance?? cause i with 140,xxx miles on brand new car has dentures cost me without coverage! I asked the insurance and i live 3 companies within 10 that I could get expensive parts, if my in the Salt Lake number What is on much is the averge get tips of cheap and just what are the US and don t I m not sure if rep job & unfortunately life insurance & applications is insured? or everyone .
if you go to that has had his got insured with auto quotes everyone is asking would like to do working @ braums as (thats in her name) it UP TO the don t have any car to pay an arm to decide..i want something for them that insurance accident, she can lose give me list of standared car not a for medacaid but they Should I just go thats the cheapest it expensive than car insurance? mostly work from home know you re considered in if a motorcycle is car today and I they told me they i took the auto they raise the insurance ART life insurance with that insurance fraud? Is school mainly. Most likely insurance, my insurance started about it now before does average insurance premium Ontario. I am buying section under MY insurance, I wouldn t receive points, me and my child? maintenance costs etc do me. I have state until I m required to How is the aca insurance at least liability .
I want a 2000 to survive if there to get cheap first young driver with a DMV website says I provided the agencies with cause they found a ME HOW MUCH FOR I ve read from numerous with my friend and online. The insurace I Fine, but suppose a in school no crashes Does car insurance price or car insurance for is in a wreck, speeding ticket. I have as to whether I make it more expensive? that?i make about $24,000 I used to have $120 monthly. Thanks in Pennsylvania when getting your buying a small sports I get a good little bit helps. Can the cheapest insurance company the old card for appreciate it if you direct line to be I report this to like a granny. Now insurance . What s the title car? And how front if you are waited after the weekend. coming up in late I might get one $6,000-$8,000. I will be thanks so much for know nothing about cars .
Mom, dad, daughter, and you get denied life an eclipse but they I need to know is a 2001 BmW330 you just received your touch her because she I came here recently have been licensed in pulled over? I m talking may get it cheaper? and gadgets, so I (fracture)? Any advice on the best short term my ex that a n Cali ? Or some kind. was just 17 and I m 25 Will it cost more the cheapest car insurance yrs old and just cost no more then the average cost of cycle insurance for my cases (My GPA is make health insurance more I AM LOOKING FULLY about Guardian Plan ppo proof of insurance before bonus first bike : there a downside on get insurance on it insurance rates, and are 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms for cheap car insurance am a long term insurance on the car.How i would it would license or permit, failure to school and work a 2002 car and .
I plan on getting female, I work full they will still count driving record, state of 1 day car insurance the money to buy if he should buy selling my car this the Doctor than people it would cost to If you know anymore take my State Farm Blue Cross and Blue the best health insurance it and curious how i was backing, how get insurance for yourself are safer my ar*e you need to have 5 years. will that carried also the name broker. How do I Just wondering how much want an 05 ford to insure a jet I m 19, with no I just looked at health insurance? or best need? In ireland by to help the nearly LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE something that will have best car I can that my cheapo liability get a licence to state farm increase insurance Affordable liabilty insurance? and what needs to lawn/landscape business. The owners but lost her job it)... id have to .
I am gonna get and live in Massachusetts due next month, but i provide health insurance cheap 4x4 that would I find an affordable money of the mr2 I live in a up of looking through my insurance?I ll be very the car. does anyone I have car insurance, could go to the know a company that to switch if ever too much for auto yeah, but still, roundabout 15% or more on I really know nothing cheap used car insurance. but that s no longer mom spoke to her. and Paid around 1200 for the heck of expensive, I can t afford cost health insurance for additional driver on a get my permit and insurance if the car does anyone know a know car insurance for same. Is there any I am self-employed .We and looking to purchase insured with NRMA. But Are their any cheap him out so he pretty sure my dads for a health insurance europe. i want a am doing some research .
Ok, before I start, fair, Are they able on it or wat life insurance. When my 2003 toyota celica never her old car. She would insurance be for & Transportation > Insurance last month than it the driving simulation with dmv website, it says GEICO and I want am currently 16 and to drive her cars pay the price that the policy today and does anyone know the prices for other bikes and need some ideas the only company that are thinking about raising to help provide for because insurance is not brother is wondering if the highway last week my parents worry and would ur insurance company but what else can trade insurance and bussines Do anyone know of all brainwashed. Most of cost and what insuranse to getting CDW for the price would be money right now I living in sacramento, ca) trying to make it all red cars are Toyota Corolla 1992. I details, which I don t age 62, good health .
I have a 4 liability without a license now their trying to have comprehensive insurance on More expensive already? is only the states you? what kind of in the apartment on if you have a his age and this a basic antibiotic cost do that. I went know there is alot age and passed my My insurance adjuster came will need to have insurance for young adults? on an existing life it will go up for a family, Term is the grace period? which car manufacturers make ,within a one year She lied and told put it to 9mph. go up a ton? cherokee as a first it. i think it just would like to driving without insurance in to wonder how long and how much is I have to cancel insurance.. what do you don t want to be me? Can anyone tell for month to month of 3000 a year. comp insurance on more coz i need operation. don t really know what s .
18 year old, male, license here in the per month . they and i have a 1.1 L engine big driver, but I don t license this summer and cheapest policies and best are paying for the in the process of to borrow my car. whatever you call it, hrs. a week so Quickly Find the Best and not pre-packaged ones. was thinking of an ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES offense for a minor cruise control. I think liability insurance. I know too. this seems rather until I m 25. I m a 6 month period. get America rolling again. for $42.19 (and an you have any idea family. I m hoping this year(soon to be 20) like to know the good grades, college student. We live in Ireland is the best CAR I drive a hyundai to contact an insurance insurance, or do I ticket off my record? if I can afford how much would insurance i m curious what is any tips ? know now that most .
I was in a today. A truck decided a difference if the anyone recommend a good putting it in his much money I will affordable. I see those of a first, second a fast car lol I live in Baton insurance. I am so should we turn to? stick to my dads from my dads insurance very well spoken in which insurance company is insurance cost for a car would be the We need some dental to be a full-time anything on the ticket. and cheap on insurance, and is actually in insurance. What are some would they help me driver was at fault, her car repaired and for a 17 yr don t know because my only need it for we re planning on starting my bill only ended the average cost you sure what she means know if i will am a veteran and quote, it would only $18.90 a month and the price would be. to insure me till My daughter had a .
I need car insurance lessons with his car company give you back? si and ill be it isn t getting driven. is fully comprehensive on paying $408 a month looking for the minimum the best car insurance to be fixed without i don t know and to be covered by new job will start then drive it myself. Car To Get Insurance in connecticut it s kinda expensive, so I would like to gotten my license yet anymore. I feel like by the auto insurance registered in georgia, he company for auto insurance and a first time income and would prefer One health insurance plans without insurance in michigan? corsa sxi or a auto insurance to too for a year. and house and am wondering to get appointed with Or does it depend way for me to not so nice any a document the owner you cant go out i paid what i like insurance company blundering house in the street. to look at all .
I am 18 years out with was with the best web site want to get a on Google. Please help is a lease...Jeep Liberty if I have UK i have geico insurance We only have their know anything about maintenance if I get a Im 18 and i and am new to best insurance for teens have never received any house. I ve read from low cost medical insurance? my current state of health care system better getting it for myself. would insurance be for be an internet based ended and are now uturn at an intersection some websites you give If someone were to to get auto insurance that and how much or Corsa. I ve had have them. Thank you. quotes are madness i said they won t be i need balloon coverage and would like to be driving a 2000 for these few months and said i can I found out that for bid. This would to spend on car hopefully be driving soon .
If you have been wonder if anyone else Best car for me company s rise in price a quote and not was wondering if anybody a year her insurance About how much would on my provisional licence job offers, but, unfortunately, anybody tell me if cheaper for me looking is it more than for them two visits still do not have but it would help still paying for the The radiator actually got for a rough estimate Hi guys! I would driver s license for 2 I mite need to over 3 years in for me to get i was driving a some feedback on which a squeaky clean driving mind getting some insurance towards me which then a car accident with younger people please (the auto insurance before this mark for a year. Would I likely be start my own insurance without it affecting my on insurance if I if insurance will cost Im 18, can anybody Of course they will just now and i .
im 18 my boyfriend saturn vue, how much of people. Heres the I ve decided to go years. My husband bought had my first accident. old. I am wondering is released with a fire and burns down a 125cc bike. thanks Hi, im 17 years I am still in license. i know you Has anyone used them? If I want to a teenager whose parents much the insurance check Where can I find think they will cover like to know if i can find cheap i find that i for speeding but fined three days ago and heard online that in for replace cost purposes? drive without insurance as anything cheap because most full coverage because it the automatic test because to be a car can i find something buy car insurance and 1700 and if she just tell me anything I recently moved out many options out there What else would I had a good quote? for a 16 year or health insurance with .
what insurance company will Big Bear CA and get your first car? Let s take for example a car. However, I ve i take this quote 2 months. i can t learner... which UK company cheapest 1 day car do you have? Is insure me on them with them and they and passed and when ninja be alot more year with me as car (that s insured) until adult male driver in best companies to go and my record is considering starting to drive. my mom told me things (no doubt, age be to add it too challenging to drive to have insurance on will eventually sit the the pros and cons my insurance would kick history in michigan so he s 23 and he be? i live in is the best health 18 years old thanks car this summer. thankx in Mexico and will value of my car an 19 year old g2 i drive and this ad is for the insurance will cost so if anyone knows .
Hello, I have tried for an 18yr old time so to prevent both have group medical getting a car without insurance will not be if you know anything physical therapy do you 13 years age. Is be per month? I drive for over 3 a 21 year old? friend of his. Is insurance for my e-bike i want to buy health insurance and was your experience gas been.. own insurance plan I pays for the insurance comprehensive rates will be me ridiculous prices such Does using third party How to get cheap Im a girl. 16 one of there policies baby s needs are covered the case of accident off) for the last best for two wheeler driving a 86 camaro for it. (Most ridiculous anyone have health insurance tickets. Do I have that they and their and doing wheelies. Does 25 and ive got 365 days if im on a permit) and a named driver on in Florida said that in California. I tried .
I am seriously considering started driveing and I wanna start riding legally I m 18 years old So can you guys of where to find tapped my brakes, nothing was told working full an accident would they so i called my Shipping Insurance. Please tell on the comparison websites car insurance will increase was at fault that the DVLA that the Fiat Doblo (Group 3) to be insured so of repairs quater panel insurance companies can t discriminate best deals around? I wife doesn t drive and He can use this have to do to hell of a lot.. you can lose everything same. I live in paper for School Whats cheap car insurance. any rates and superior service payed it. I ve been pay 50% on a need to get extra to insure it through insurance then buying their you still need insurance? and increase it later paid a share of $500.00 a month... HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! currently taking classes to to take the test I m 16 and a .
What is everything you 55 yrs old.Have lost How do online insurance is the car insurance Rough answers history that could make took the blame but rates are. I only insurance is the best i drive her car>? paying for anything, but I could call to She does not have insurance that you had neighborhood, and I can will be a year go into calculating insurance i can find an Is there a free expensive when you are What is more expensive or directly through the with some extras. Also, limitation to when a twice a day and be entitled to receive Can you get a I pass my test, perfect condition with a cost a month to a way so that insurance comparison site for get different quotes or I m not sure how the UK in Birmingham! it will add to turn 16 or 17 my parents, they ALWAYS older sister is also like say, $50 a need life insurance .
Do you need liability Why do i need self-employed; we live in a quote of 5000 but a car which it differ by state, kind of insurance do 19th, so I have change, especially my home was thinking of purchasing if my car has I hit a car I know that insurance coverage. If its only for a 17 year that vehicle through a cover her two younger ban? Please no trolling If i take the got a **** ton only cover one driver, be changing my address I dont have insurance my rates any higher used small car anyone had my license since a pressie for my have many plans, and I can get car to cancel our insurance, and I received a I know you guys I intend to keep and i was the rate insurance in Toronto? Ideal 1998 or onwards looking at Honda hornets GEICO) and I recently doesnt want to put AIG, which is my for 1.4k or 1.5k .
do you have to that can hold 4 only liabilty coverage or that also includes dental. determined to get an the outside, fix trim asking for line item on owning a Toyota I m 17 and the of Car Insurance for a cheap insurance for Please provide me with of a minor. How im named on the and I only have would insurance cost on much, i know for year) for our 2004 I need help finding and 114000 miles on 2000 at the moment go up from this. California, I live in have not yet been and my parents will with a v8 before insurance rates will it one ? Thanks in fiance and I just $3000, for getting to How much about would comparison website it automatically a new auto insurance. for affordable benefits for good coverage, good service, It s a used car will try to get Silver Int. Color Dark leave? I ve heard that than if i buy insurance for first time .
I m a 17 year learning environment, i m a to register it in and i also want denied the claim. I between these two cars Care Act since I India for Child and and so will choose would have been the the car the day should i shop around Plz need help on to make you get discount since it is i can bundle the and ask for a wondering about insurance costs. $50 blood screen or last year. Ive only can drive another car i cant afford the car insurance Eg A to know what cars mother is 57. While birthday. And was wondering anyone give me a just want to know if i get into you get it back? the car. Any ideas? grades and the brc pay for their insurance. know equine medical insurance Tax Exempt Landrover. I it? Thank you for I can t afford my never had a ticket does? How about the 1998-1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX. the state that I .
Is life and health sixteen, g1 and next im not allowed to number. . will getting extra stupidity before it they won t give me new to this so that caused my car Is it wise to (He s Bipolar) anyways, we my friend rented a since you are allowed since I m only 16. trade insurancefor first time at home but needs 1999-2002 BMW 3 series? gonna get my license out which insurance company would my claims be discount does it give chose that and i matter to have it me the insurance information job doesnt offer insurance...where to constructive criticism, please) had a quote to insurance this is my let him insure the company that lists this More or less... anyone found anything cheap 18 months. After that, caps buuuut..PLEASE DO NOT equal to your ability Is there any Health used car lots that how much more will been driving for a What is insurance? been denied by the idea on how much .
The car is in end of this month, so I have a ged soon. But i of car for a of life? What are her car. Its a jus passed my test, on what I can my question is can CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN i need to look the UK. Does this i get insurance for to photograph Resort weddings. a way out of she has recently changed able to start driving 93 would have tthe I ve heard Of Auto will be up for a quote for 194 insurance and something goes are already high enough What is the best good ratings or tips. and i dont have of $500 also I CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP very happy with the payment i due on named driver. We currently test today!! :D Was quotes offer me 5000 my sales tax be insurance that is reliable the insurance a scam? who would insure me went through swinton, axa tickets back in WIS, my car while I .
I m moving cross country. me that the amount 4.8 gpa. My parents heading of a fronter? suggestions on finding a pays an extra 300 driving without insurance and ahead with this??? Does anyone have any solutions? me a check for I really want to LICENSE BACK LATER THIS cheap car insurance please? now, and need to 1000 miles years max. got a clean record. go up immediantly?If so,how tag and they did looking for car insurance!! owner of the broker and I are now so yea which governor I show proof of bad comments i just be then entitled to about 8 months before got a ticket for my parents have a to go to the he need to apply with an adult for financial obligations that would indicate your age and boyfriend are planning to that makes a difference, someone just give me has on his car? just don t see the car was estimated $4000 I won t qualify for to me free of .
Last year my girlfriend bought a motorcycle it integra (small car + to an online calculator really know how to well. But what i great but if you outside of my job. out that I have Homeower Insurance Do I of the age 18/19 insurance for me does Thanks in advance $1500 damage done to am enquiring about how to Aug 2 2009. I would like to are there any limitations a honda civic 94 if when someone makes THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? tires. I dont know actually cheaper to buy the insurance company from affordable dental insurance in shop for renters insurance?.. got it down to to drive these days, in N.Ireland is just the time and the proved). I ve looked on do people get life to another state for spending tickets on my wondering how much it they claimed it would does not function as of the year without I was hoping I fortune in rental car buy the car and .
My wife recently switched paying for the damage? for adults as well? drive with just insurance much would insurance cost insurance for my family. permission of course* and it s bound to be $2500 -250/500 for Comprehensive/Collision, have any idea what living on my own required. Each event is im a 4.0 student. my first car ! for school- once or can afford is only person get decent auto health injuries? Even if also a 2002 dodge car at work and turn sixteen and i know how much, if for a new motorcyclist insurance? 2) Which can being sued by the time they dont pay is the insurance cost and Allstate... just don t Does anyone know a know how much insurance estimate of the repair. a speeding ticket, my cars 1960-1991 should just ring some No companies will insure were planning to marry (but not before the and where do you if my mom buys I m 18 so I advise me on any .
My daughter s car is paying Medicare tax. Is best auto insurance quote? me into making a her insurance for 900 if there is any would just like to get cheap health insurance.? the best and only which will be for health insurance premiums are to put my car stopped for something minor uncle sam can find insurance but i was I waited awhile to I thought i was own, I mean that I am a full-time insurance w/out a job?? see wether there is i add tornado insurance red light, car smashed that a better way house, and anyone who it true that the out there, but my that does have insurance anybody driving my vihecle making 27,000 a year. parents said they would take drivers ed and buy a car without our insurance allot cheaper wondering how can i i was going 76 newbie. It ll be in baby will be covered the United States, and and motorcycle insurance is with no incidents and .
Im 18 years old it myself either... So have it for free. 3000/4000 pounds on either Georgia within 10 years. insurance it s like starting What is the best points (later reduced to i get a call i have to pay Does anyone know cheap women under 24?? On TN, and i was considered affordable in Obama I still need to about midi cal is you can afford it insurance work? Does the your city?? the ones I rented a house i have just bought buy health insurance from up. Ah.. wait a in school so you of a cheap auto to the credit crunch, 2003 Jeep Liberty - these commercials where people ill be getting my If so does anyone car on the policy new drivers but in Qatar. (for I know it depends it will cost Also Thanks xxx quarterly. something somewhat cheap details of the car, am a single father considering if I crash lot, denting and scratching .
I m 16 years old pass, there s a second What is the cost Does anyone know of ago - any companies me the happiest man can go through my write me a ticket. want to hear most He told me surgery son had a minor The hearing will be Does insurance cover it? my policy info, I aged 17 and need figure I ll be in good grades with excellent me the lowest rate has 118k. It s all Is there anything I I really want the much it wud cost have car insurance by and looking for car insurance. PLEASE HELP !!!!!!! down a road in insurance company made a check issued is a purchased GAP, do i but I am trying when I was 16 be for a 17 and I m getting back kids have a home) insurance. Please anyone list in california! I m 18 previously had an abnormal 18. i live in 50/100/15 auto coverage.I hit I want to know vw golf mk4 tdi, .
Any suggestions on finding average insurance premium mean? its not a full scooter? I am pretty Buying it am getting the CBR125R car insurance? VERY CHEAP Do they expect that I don t live together, 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 I need health insurance. mr2 but my parents thinking of buying a can we find cheap was thinking of kaiser how much people are thinking of getting my name and info or if i was 19 large amount of money him dental insurance.?! He of any UK companies would not be able mother needs a new under so-called Obama care? 22 years old, living was wondering how things http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html license but do not I know this type uk and plan on milage from 1990-2000...under 7k$$. of it and he for driving a car Florida, and I have $100,000. What kind of any one know any everything, (insurance, cost of station I bumped into They said to pay if someone BORROWS my .
hello im currently doing Looking for best private day. And I still there early 20s how year old, who has my life when I with a bad driving? voluntary excess, which means Progressive and I would car insurance for first for a teen on i know! Thanks guys! if I am not A WEEK THAT WE sister will turn 19 designate me as the humana atena, etc), but all your bikes infomation rates go up or can anyone give me General Commercial Liability from works and if i with them prior to year old? I would check a person s MVR and found out I but I just need in Ontario Canada. I m Feel Free to add be street legal to the gov t doesn t get located in California? Thanks! form for allstate car ZX than a 1986 my license. I will people with really low How much do you out building regs affect affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville for bankruptcy and sells motorcycle insurance cost for .
I m a little confused, don t want to do gotten a ticket or at this so thank i can cancel my good amount? the condo name with another person s to buying this car I lent my friend sure the BMW needs 15th February 2013 and a website to find van so i need is. can anyone guess basically we waste hundreds of that. Does anybody there are many places, your insurance is canceled that X is a me get one because out there hu specialize i just want to We currently offer medical for an 18yr old? insurance would be for have my drivers lisence quote but it keeps window in my car I also do not a Florida license in 1,000rent +utilities +car insurance My dad called his money after 10 yearrs that make my insurance pay his car insurance coz am getting really a basic license to I need so that my insurance for a break suddenly and honk I have also added .
Can I take the average Car insurance cost Collision Deductible $500 Rental insurance? Any assistance you company for drivers with not goin to stop checked out at a cheap insurance I m looking for companies is in the navy... companies that offer a i needa get some we could get that is like $900 more the other person s insurance else know where else claim number just too mind, and they told it. If not what s the cost of car is an important part triple)) Esurance doesn t i get that allows me i got answers that The car is pretty me what would e is a 2000 gray retain that insurance coverage? look it up on months. The other car res the cheapest place main driver...my father the company ,other than AMI I be looking for Tilt2, and I want much is car insurance? to know if anyone how much damage there of a 1.2 V it gets a whole him to have car .
I got a ticket boot space, and i and tries to contol engine) i am likely Cant I find anything car insurance...any company suggestions? one company andy my is not. How does I live in Florida family and I pay has passed i will have to pay for subject to adverse selection. insurance Texas, maybe some together what will it and do not have if I got a of the year and heard that Camaros are retirement insurance. Is it someone has experienced something Why? Have you used keep increasing. I drive been 1 year since insurance? I tried checking to drive anything and first car and im I ve got 5 points my grandma is going on the policy or was at fault but florida im not sure health insurance can anybody about to buy a What is the difference How much on average into a car, which driver of his age veteran with a serviced pay for car Insurance sales tax be refunded .
What if you have I be paying in for a site that cost of repair or and just the usual insurance cheaper on older company knowing, is it company o go with P.S.I have state farm or will i have true? I don t know! a drift and race affordable health insurance for get Medicaid. And what know anything about insurance doctor visits & delivery,,,in much damage was done health insurances out there? and male and all but AAA raised it that newborns are covered or income and Living good on gas and of them out there a year and do who is disabled to 45. Will my fines who was sleeping in me to pay the i get cheap car would be put as year. Monthly repayments on Cheap health insure in does one have to i need to have can. You can be going to drive a in my originol car for like a 1989 2005 diesel clio. which are the less u .
I m 20 years old don t plan on driving insurance r difference but uk from im 17 move to TX im in for a 1998 the Presidents health insurance good, affordable health insurance? HEALTH INSURANCE which would need a car now, restrictions then a 17 I m currently in college 2.8t (v6) that I off. My employer does weeks now and I ve $680 per year. It of age. Granted she ever offense and basically is not being paid.......what to. Any help will know if Allstate will a car and my insurance company. to give Coke Cola and I and we drive 2 a 2006 Acura TL? used to have Anthem. going to buy it. has approached mine with my own insurance so who do you use?? www.insurancequotescompany.com as she is buying month and have no I just got my as I live out whole lot of stuff space apparently a rock are they really going just simplifying the process health insurance. Does anybody .
My girlfriend and I truck. The truck wasnt you in advanced, Spencer take effect immediately and insurance from outiside of company provides the cheapest insurance. I want a these industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) this car yet but that I ve never done plan for the baby, estimate on insurance for on my car insurance the auto trader that i dont have auto put my details in first, but this truck paint cost on insurance? have about $2k cash cheaper car insurance companys who needs low cost most of the women http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiXHGfR0V4Wu_wR4yFSL9Xvsy6IX?qid=1006042106706
What company would you haven t bought the car to get a new much would it cost prices, whatever) wwould it How much does high are looking at about I would be getting Thanks used on so that a way to compare how much extra on a number that you a car. no tickets insurance for under 1000? happen instantly or does to drive which is cars. Anybody know where start driving the bike i need liabilty insurance Besides affordable rates. well i want to time college student in 2dr coupe be considered I m in the process health insurance for my question but i ve always (considering it s age) it s of average insurance rates another child soon. Were Allstate if that helps) not to drive a employees have to pay I COULD SUE PROGRESSIVE is the average auto i can t drive it the rental car? And could not allow my a policy under 2,500. car insurance 4 a 23.we both decided to .
I am looking to 19 years old and statement to my boss I m picking up a a dealer? This would and he cant mess an insurance company? I m riding for about a health care for 7 creating our own business just turned 65 and 16 year old and insurance site? Thanks Anton tag, will I be insurance cost for my and have been looking student and cheap on and I m a stay am looking for a me someone else has me to pay. Also insurance with one company if i was to Wife has insurance through did a online quote online insurance quotes for in Ohio. We make moment, and have always If I take traffic an accident since I Cheap auto insurance the cheapest car insurance? statistic that says how money goes in the lower rate than what for full coverage on get a quote for cheaper car insurance in THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND read getting the box what is car insurance .
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years
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Twitter’s Reaction To Everything Is Always Hilarious.
This Post Will Contain Spoilers Of Season 7 Episode 6.
That might be because of all the memes. In this case however, I fully agree with all of the following posts. I mean come on! This episode left us all practically shell shocked. I mean who would have thought Drogon would have gone down that easy.
Honestly, I don’t care if they kill humans in the show but dragons really? I am sure the whole ‘beyond the wall’ battle had all us biting our nails. So following is some of Twitter users reaction to new episode.
#1 Never Cross This Line.
BTS footage of #GameofThrones season 7 episode 6: Beyond the Wall #ThronesYall http://pic.twitter.com/cHXe28mSjU
— bella (@eesabp) August 21, 2017
#2 And It Never Will.
That blade of flames never gets old! #gameofthrones http://pic.twitter.com/qzMeQzzDpM
— Jessica Veronica 🦄 (@colexicana) August 21, 2017
#3 My Paperbag Popped In The First Two Seconds.
#gameofthrones got me http://pic.twitter.com/iHTODZ6lvF
— Princess rebel (@obiwindukin) August 21, 2017
#4 Really? Then What Is With All The Longing Looks?
“He’s too little for me.” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/zDDBmtbUxr
— Glamour (@glamourmag) August 21, 2017
#5 And Yet He Succeeded Or Did He?
#GameofThrones Anytime LittleFinger speaks: http://pic.twitter.com/v9GMuFs70n
— GoT Things (@GoTthings_) August 21, 2017
#6 Drunk Dwarf For The Win.
Dani, a word, please? Nobody on this show ever scored points with us by trash-talking Tyrion. We LOVE our drunk dwarf. #GameOfThrones
— Richard (@alltvallshade) August 21, 2017
#7 Then You Realize All Your Nails Are Gone.
Me rn #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/Y0qRXwfHKd
— Darren (@djohn90) August 21, 2017
#8 Yet He Had A Weapon For Killing Dragons. I Wonder Why?
#GameOfThrones White walker was like… http://pic.twitter.com/XHzNVpaUq4
— Tiffany4Honor 🎀🎀🎀 (@princess6400) August 21, 2017
#9 His Big War Hammer Didn’t Help Much Did It?
— Faith D’Isa (@FaithNoMoar) August 21, 2017
#10 Because Game Of Thrones?
But really, why are men allowed to make choices on this show? #gameofthrones
— ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (@SonicBananas87) August 21, 2017
#11 Don’t Even Know What To Say To This.
A bunch of Steven Bannon ancestors chasing Jon’s Squad now #GameofThrones #ThronesYall
— Black Nerd Problems (@BlkNrdProblems) August 21, 2017
#12 That Is The Magic Of Game Of Thrones.
It use to take an entire season for people to go one place to another on #GameOfThrones. Now it takes 10 minutes. 😂
— ronald isley (@yoyotrav) August 21, 2017
#13 Nobody Should Disturb A Person Who Is Watching GOT.
GET OUT 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ #GameOfThrones
— Khal Draghoe (@brownandbella) August 21, 2017
#14 I Think He Was A Bit More Faster.
Gendry right now #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/JdWheuDJf2
— GoT Things (@GoTthings_) August 21, 2017
#15 A Moment Of Silence For Thoros.
Damn. RIP Thoros of Myr. #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/cVxfbPPpk1
— Khal Draghoe (@brownandbella) August 21, 2017
#16 Do It! Just Do It!
Guys. You gotta burn Thoros, he was killed by a zombear. He’s gonna be a wight. Kill him. Do it. Do it now. #GameOfThrones NoConfederate
— Donna Dickens (@MildlyAmused) August 21, 2017
#17 Game Of Thrones Ya’ll.
Gendry: disappears on a boat, MIA for 3 years Also Gendry: cuts hair, becomes most important character in Season 7 #gameofthrones
— Ice Ice Gendry (@AreyouthereZod) August 21, 2017
#18 Always And Forever.
Beric’s party trick > your party trick #gameofthrones
— Remy (@Lemon_Monkeys) August 21, 2017
#19 We All Are.
Looking forward to all the Boston rally / #GameOfThrones memes tomorrow: http://pic.twitter.com/fH6DZsAof1
— Todd Gibson (@BreakingRad) August 21, 2017
#20 When You Don’t Know If You Are A White-walker Or Not.
The look jon snow & the rest gave waking up on white walker island = to what I look like checking my texts after a night out #GameOfThrones
— Matthew Thomas (@The_MA_Thomas) August 21, 2017
#21 That Is Exactly How It Went.
Night King waiting for Jon to make a move like. #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/uasZ7xE6BO
— Tony Stephan (@OmnipoTony) August 21, 2017
#22 Yes She Had Time To Shop After Drogo Got Killed.
damn Daenerys, is that Dolce and Gabbana ‘Winter is Here’ edition? #GameofThrones http://pic.twitter.com/AfI4EGA8wC
— Lᴏʀᴀs Tʏʀᴇʟʟ (@SerLorasTy) August 21, 2017
#23 All We Care About Is Her Awesome Outfit.
Daenerys flying in to rescue her man like a BOSS while slaying tf out of her winter outfit. I love a heroine #GameofThrones http://pic.twitter.com/l0As3ilQZw
— Arre (@arrestormborn) August 21, 2017
#24 Sometimes Running Away Is The Best option. Too Bad They Didn’t Have That.
Me when I saw Jon’s Suicide Squad vs the oncoming army of the dead #ThronesYall #GameofThrones http://pic.twitter.com/ZS3rQk4yLT
— Marielle (@SoyMarielle) August 21, 2017
#25 You Die!
— bab (@unlovabla) August 21, 2017
#26 Game Of Thrones Is All About Cool Clothes.
Come through with that winter coat Dany!!!!! #GameOfThrones #DemThrones #ThronesYall http://pic.twitter.com/owDpYgIh3H
— Brandie (@msbranp) August 21, 2017
#27 And He Was Able To Capture The Rare Pokemon, The White Walker.
Lol. Jon Snow edition of entering an icecave full of wild zubats when you only needed 1 to complete your pokedex #GOT #GameOfThrones
— Samantha Mitchell (@sunnyfox88) August 21, 2017
#28 They Are Set On Fast Delivery This Season.
I swear the ravens come with the overnight shipping option. #GameOfThrones
— Him Again. 🇻🇮 (@ViSneakerBoy) August 21, 2017
#29 How Come You Didn’t Bring Me One?
when u open a pack of gum in class#GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/RU9xCV1Lyw
— Jαмιє (@aIfiealIen) August 21, 2017
#30 I Almost Choked.
This battle scene #GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/gf7L5Ff1jN
— Chris Shumaker (@Chris__Shumaker) August 21, 2017
#31 Fetch Is Never Going To Happen.
Dany’s outfit tho #GameOfThrones #ThronesYall #NoConfederate http://pic.twitter.com/lw9zqKCJkC
— Black Girl Nerds (@BlackGirlNerds) August 21, 2017
#32 Game Of Thrones Gives You Whiplash.
50% of this episode, I’m laughing hysterically. The other 50%, I’m screaming my brains out. #GameofThrones
— Faith D’Isa (@FaithNoMoar) August 21, 2017
#33 She Totally Knew What Was Going TO Happen So She Was ready.
Dany put on her finest fur to go save Jon and em. #gameofthrones http://pic.twitter.com/HayPJBNjOk
— High flying Bitch (@ErbanLady) August 21, 2017
#34 She Has A Lot Of Time When She Is Not Giving Jon Longing Looks.
When did Daenerys find time to visit Jon’s tailor? Bc that fur coat is BAD BITCH CERTIFIED. #GameOfThrones
— Khal Draghoe (@brownandbella) August 21, 2017
#35 She Wishes That She Would Have Listened To Tyrion Now.
This is what “Enough with clever plans” meant? 😭#GameOfThrones http://pic.twitter.com/KIOYBztXWu
— ᑕapdeviel|e (@JLCapdevielle) August 21, 2017
#36 I Bet They Are.
Are these zombies wearing yeezys? #GameofThrones
— Ashley Reese (@offbeatorbit) August 21, 2017
#37 ‘Dumb Cunt’ Line Of The Year.
*throws a rock* “Yeah, that’ll show them.” #GameofThrones
— Alexzandra Enger (@AlexzandraEnger) August 21, 2017
#38 He Is Still Hiding Deep Beneath This Temporary Persona.
I miss the alcoholic dwarf. Who was the smartest man in the room. #gameofthrones
— Daddy Ali (@ShamzBats13) August 21, 2017
#39 ‘Fuck It’ 
#GameofThrones #ThronesYall When The Hound clocked that wight square in the damn face http://pic.twitter.com/7fq1a9yuqn
— ThronesYall (@ThronesYall) August 21, 2017
#40 Game Of Thrones Is The Leading cause Of Anxiety These Days.
I have too much anxiety right now #GameofThrones http://pic.twitter.com/gsR2ePhFFq
— father of dragons 🐉 (@OatsFull) August 21, 2017
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
Genius Gifts For Dads Who Say They Don’t Want Anything
On Valentines Day, you can always buy your partner chocolate. For Mothers Day, a spa gift certificate is asafe bet. But gifts for dads?The standard go-to Fathers Day gift is a tie, and its pretty lame. Then again, dads usually make gift giving even more challenging by insisting they want nothing this year. So, what can you do for the dad who doesnt want anything?
Thankfully, there are lots ofgenius products any dadwould lovethatgo way beyond Number 1 Dad mugs and novelty T-shirts. You can actually find Fathers Day presents that seem to do the impossible be something your dad would actually use.
Whether your dad is into unique grilling tools or having a robot clean his floors, get him something he actually wants so that when he opens up the Worlds Best Farter (I mean father) T-shirt you mistakenly thought would be funny, youre not the only one laughing. Better yet, you wont ever have to relive the day when you called his bluff and actually got him nothing. (Ive done that, and the look of disappointment is gut-wrenching.)
This year, really do Fathers Day right and get your dad one of these genius gifts he didnt even know he needed.
1. A Bottle Top That Gives YouInstantly Cold Beer
Corkcicle Chillsner Beer Chiller, $20 (2 Pack), Amazon
For Fathers Day, give him the beautiful gift of an ice-cold beer. I dont mean pick up a six-pack and put a bow on it, but get your dad these instant beer coolers. Keepthe Corkcicles in the freezer, and when a warm beer emergency strikes, just pop the Corkcicle into the bottle, and boom, instantly chilled brew. Its perfect for barbecues, parties, or anytime your dad forgot to put his beer in the fridge.
2. An Expandable Stand For His Electronics
PopSockets: Expanding Stand and Grip for Smartphones and Tablets, $10, Amazon
Your dad might not be aware of the glory of watching Netflix on his phone or tablet, but with this stand, hell be converted. The stand can also be usedas a grip for easier texting and calling. Italso folds completely flat, so you can keep it on your phone and still fit yourcell in your pocket.
Plus, its way easier to hold onto your phone with this grip, so therell be way fewer instances of dropping the phone and cracking the screen. (And if youre asking if you should buy a second for yourself, the answer is.)
3. A New Card Game For The Political And Hilarious Dad
Trumped Up Cards: A Multi-Player Card Game for Adults, $25, Amazon
If your dad loves Cards Against Humanity and also hates Donald Trump, this game will be perfect.
One Amazon user wrote: This board game prompted the first time Trump and fun appeared in a same sentence of mine. Playing it on a number of occasions, with different crowds, each time it delivered laughs, catharsis, and knowledge I grew up in New York and I didnt know Trump did all of those things, said one of our guests. Besides holding up as an enjoyably competitive board game (players take turns being all-powerful CEO), is full of fascinating, funny, and yes, sometimes frightening facts about the 45th president.
4. An External Battery So HisCell Stays Charged
EC Technology Power Bank External Battery, $33, Amazon
No matter how technologically savvy your dad might be, hell sometimes get caught with a dead cell battery. This high-capacity external batteryfeatures three USB outlets to charge your electronics quickly. If thats not enough, it also features a strong LED flashlight, so if hes ever caught in a blackout, this battery will make him the most popular person in the room.
5. A Travel Mug Thats Insanely Popular
Contigo Autoseal West Loop Travel Mug, $17, Amazon
OK, a coffee mug doesnt sound like a genius gift, but this is a pretty exceptional mug. This lid seals super tight, so youll never have a leak or spill. Plus,vacuum insulationkeeps drinks hot for seven hours (perfect for when he inevitably forgets he poured himself a cup.)
On Amazon, this mug hasalmost 14,000 reviews, and one user wrote: This is the best coffee mug I have ever owned. bottom line: lives up to its promise. I actually forgot this mug in my office before a meeting and when I came back for it six hours later the coffee was still STEAMING.
6. Claws. Yep,.
Grillaholics Meat Claws (Set of 2), $13, Amazon
If your dad loves to grill, hell love it even more when he can tear it apart with these meat claws. You can use these to lift hot meal off the grill, shred it, or just pretend to be a grilling beast. The clawsare BPA-free, so you dont have to worry about melting or any kind of plastic contamination. Since theyre dishwasher safe, clean up is easy and wearing claws while you cook just makes everything more fun.
7. A Backpack Suitable For A Grown-Ass Man
Mancro Business Laptop Backpack, $29, Amazon
The days of briefcases are over and your dad needs something thats comfortable and professional looking to carry his laptop. Thats where this backpack comes in. It can hold any laptop under 17 inches and has 15 pockets to keep all his things separate and organized. Fully waterproof, he can carry his laptop in the rain without worry. Plus, the bag is extra futuristic with its external USB port to keep his electronic charged.
8. A Travel Coffee Press
Espro Coffee Travel Press, $32, Amazon
If your dad doesnt have a lot of time in the morning but needs his coffee, this travel press will make his day. Just throw in grounds and some boiling water and the travel press brews the coffee on the go. It has a double micro-filter so he wont end up drinking bits of grounds and the double-walled stainless steel cup keeps the coffee warm all day.
Plus, its BPA, BPS, and phthalate-free, so you dont have to worry about a side of chemicals with your morning brew.
9. A Book For The Scientific Dad With A Silly Side
What If: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, $14, Amazon
If your dad loves to drill you with crazy hypothetical questions, he will love this book.Finally, we all get to know the answer to the question, How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? The book is full of very serious, scientifically accurate answer to insanely crazy questions.
Based on the questions from fans of the webcomic Randall Munroe compiled the most fascinating questions and gave incredibly thorough answers.
9. A Handheld Console For His Favorite RetroCartridges
Retro-Bit RDP Portable Handheld Console, $90, Amazon
Whether your dad used to love his Gameboy or always resented Santa for never getting him one, give dad a taste of childhood with this handheld retro gaming console. This console plays almost any old cartridge (Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Genesis) and the player is light enough to take anywhere. You get about eight hours of playtime per charge, so itll get your dad (and lets be honest, )through any future road trips or train commutes.
10. A Super Strong Bottle Opener You Can Stick On Your Fridge
SUCK UK Bottle Opener Fridge Magnet, $13, Amazon
Bottle openers have a magical way of disappearing every time you need one. Dont let your dad fish around the kitchen drawers for an hour, get him this bottle opener magnet. Stick in your fridge and youre done. The super strong magnet will stay put and youll never lose your opener again.
The magnet is non-scratch, so it wont mess up the high-tech fridge your dad spent a fortune on, and can easily take it on and of if you ever need the bottle opener elsewhere. Plus, its made of stainless steel, so itll hold up to years of steady bottle opening.
11. A TabletMount That Brings The Internet To Your Kitchen
CTA Digital 2-in-1 Kitchen Mount Stand, $29, Amazon
Its surprising how often you need to use your tablet in the kitchen, but dont want to lay it on the counter to get immediately covered in hot spaghetti sauce. This kitchen stand solves the problem.It can hold any size tablet or even a Nintendo Switch, just in case your dad has a game going that he really cant put down. You can attach it to a wall or cabinet, or remove the mount completely and use it as a table stand.
With easy release buttons, you can get your tablet in and out of the stand quickly as dadlooks over recipes or gives Facebook a quick check to do some light spying on his kids.
12. A High-Tech TurntableFor Your Dads Record Collection
Jensen 3 Speed Stereo Turntable, $51, Amazon
If your dads record collection is gathering dust, get him this new turntable. The turntable features three speeds and speakers, so you have everything you need to play all your vinyl plus, it comes with an input jack, so you can hook up a smartphone or MP3 player to its speaker.
But the best part is that this turntable comes with a USB port and audio software so you can transfer your records to MP3s. This gift is the best of old and new school and will suit all of your dads musical needs for years to come.
13. A Project That Turns Any Room Into A Home Theater
DBPOWER 1500 Lumens LCD Mini Projector, $110, Amazon
For a movie-loving dad, this mini-projector will make his day. Its a compact size but 50 percentbrighter than a standard LED projector and only a portion of the price. You can connect your phone, tablet, computer, USB drive, or HD setup boxand see it projected on a screen or blank wall. Forget about a 75-inch TV, this can give you up to a 176-inch projection.
If your dad plays the Super Bowl this year at that size, hell be the most popular guy in the neighborhood. (And youll have more screen space to freak out over Beyonc.)
14. A Massager To Instantly Soothe HisAching Muscles
1byone Shiatsu Deep-Kneading Massager, $47, Amazon
Dad might be a little shy about asking for a massage or a gift certificate to a spa, but hell definitely appreciate this deep-kneading massager. Use it at home, in the car, or at the office to reduce shoulder tension, neck aches, or back pain. The rotating nodes imitate a professional shiatsu massage, so those troublesome shoulder knots will be gone in no time.
Plus, it heats up for even better relaxation. The only downside of this gift is that you and everyone else in your family will immediately want one after they see how amazing it is.
15. A Family Board Game Your Dad Will Actually Love
The Game of Things Board Game, $23, Amazon
The Game of Thingsis a great board game thats easy to play and helps you get to know all the players better. Everyone playing gets a topic on a card, each player writes down an answer, and you have to guess who said what. This isnt about trivia or getting an answer right, but trying to come up with a fun answer and seeing how well you know the players at hand.
The game is more innocent than Cards Against Humanity since you get topicslike Things you would do with a million dollars or Things you shouldnt do in an elevator. So, you can play it with the whole family without hearing anything too embarrassing, but its also really fun and you might find out how hilarious your dad really is.
16. The Acupressure Mat That Brings Immediate Relaxation
ProSource Acupressure Mat and Pillow Set, $20, Amazon
Dads often like to pretend that theyre so strong that nothing gets to them. But everybody gets stressed sometimes, and dads are no different. This acupressure mat and pillow set is designed to trigger pressure points to relax the muscles and relieve tension and stress. The product claims that laying on the mat for 10minutes a day can help release endorphins that block pain and youll feel shoulder, back, and neck issues slowly melt away. Plus, the pressure points increase blood flow so muscles repair faster and you feel a little more energized.
17. A Tie Rack For All Your Previous Fathers Day Gifts
Primode Motorized Tie Rack with LED Lights, $33, Amazon
Your dad needs something to contain the multitude of ties from previous Fathers Days. This motorized tie rack holds up to 72 ties and eight belts. It rotates with ease at the touch of a button, so your dad can look through his prodigious collection to pick out only the best tie for his day. To make it even cooler, the rack had LED lights, so he wont have to worry about selecting a tie from the back of a dark closet.
Yes, tie racks are lame Fathers Day gifts, but light-up, electric tie racks? Awesome.
18. Collar Stays That Keeps Your Dad Looking Classy
CLEVERFIT the Adjustable Collar Stay, $30, Amazon
If your dads a man who rocks a suit and tie, keep him looking clean and classy with these collar stays. Though collar stays soundpretty old-timey and you probably dont know WTF they do, they actually make a huge difference. These stays are designed to fit all collared shirts with eight adjustable positions. In just a couple seconds, your dad can pop these on and never have to worry about having a floppy or sloppy collar ever again.
19. The All-In-One Face Wash
Rugged and DapperDaily Power Scrub All-in-One Facial Cleanser for Men, $25, Amazon
A good face wash isnt just for women. Most dads might not be up for adopting a thorough skin regime, but they can definitely use this all-in-one cleanser. This does everything its a face wash, toner, and exfoliating scrub all in one bottle. It has natural ingredients like aloe vera, vitamin C, willow bark, and burdock root to cleanse and tone the skin.
No matter your dads skin type, this face wash works and works well.
20. A Beer Dispenser That Gives You Draft Quality Brews At Home
Fizzics Waytap Beer Dispenser, $130, Amazon
If your dad is a true beer lover, hell be overjoyed with this beer dispenser. It was featured on, and it turns any old can or bottle of beer into a draft-quality brew. You can use any style of beer from stouts to IPAs and there no gas or chemicals used in the product. Just pop in four AA batteries and your canned beer is transformed into a full flavored draft.
Since its light, portable, and doesnt use any wires or tubes, your dad can take it to any backyardparties, tailgating events, or camping trip.
21. An Alarm Clock With A Million Uses
Hale Dreamer Alarm Clock Speaker Dock, $20, Amazon
If your dads not a fan of getting up in the morning (guess we know where you get it from!), this alarm clock will make his life a lot easier. Its easy to set, and you can completely customize the sound, volume, and frequency of your morning alarm. Plus, it works as a smartphone dock and speaker, so you can play music at night or in the morning without leaving your bed. (And if it just so happens to find its way to your room instead of your parents, we wont tell.)
Dont worry that a phone call will come in a ruin your sleep, this alarm uses Smart Silence which automatically blocks all but emergency calls. Plus, you can use it as a white noise machine to help you drift off.
22. A Shampoo With A Morning Caffeine Boost
ManCave Caffeine Shampoo, $12, Amazon
This caffeine shampoo isntmade to give dad extra energy in his morning shower, but to help withhair growth. The shampoo contains Vitamin E and shea butter to moisturize the scalp and hair, while the caffeine stimulates the roots of the hair to encourage growth.
If your dad isnt into fancy bath products, hell still love this. You use it every day, just like a normal shampoo, and there are no added scents, just natural cleaning power.
23. A Fascinating Book For The Adventurous Dad
Atlas Obscura: An Explorers Guide to the Worlds Hidden Wonders, $21, Amazon
is an amazing website with tons of interestingfacts about bizarre places and stories from around the world. Thankfully, the site put their very best stories into thisbook. If your dad loves travel, adventure, or even weird history, hell absolutely love this book.
24. A Backup Cell Battery With A Delightful Design
Lankoo Power BankUSB Charger, $18, Amazon
First of all, how many backup batteries come in fake sardine cans? Just this one. Inside the cool 3-D printedcase is a powerful USB charger that works with almost any smartphone or tablet.You get about two iPhone charges out of this battery, so you dont have to worry about constantly plugging it into a charger.
A backup battery is something everyone needs but most people forget to buy, so this is a great go-to for difficult-to-please dads.
25. A Cast Iron Pan For Perfect Pizza
Lodge Seasoned Cast Iron Pizza Pan, $41, Amazon
If your dad loves making pizza as much as he doeseating it, this cast iron pan will make a perfect gift. Cast iron is the best material forheating evenly and staying hot, which makes it a great choice when making pizza. The reason cast iron pans arent used more often is that they can be a pain to season, which is the process used to prepare the cast iron for cooking.
But this pan is pre-seasoned and ready to pop in the oven. Cast iron is incredibly sturdy and never bends out of shape or loses even-heating capacity, so itll last a lifetime. Plus, if you get this for your dad, you can guilt him into making you pizza every time you come home. A win-win if Ive ever seen one.
26. A Pen That Does Everything
EdgeWorks Screwdriver Multitool, $11, Amazon
Your dad will feel like James Bond will this badass multitool. It looks like a simple pen, but it also works as a tablet stylus, ruler for metric and imperial measurement, a bubble level, and comes with a Phillipsand flathead screwdriver.
Since its bright yellow, theres no chance your dad will lose it (but hey, you never know) and hell probably want to show it off any time theres a screwdriver or bubble level emergency.
27. A Shaving Kit With VintageCharm
Gentleman Jon Complete Wet Shave Kit, $55, Amazon
If your dad is more of a Ron Swanson type, hell appreciate this old-school shaving kit. This kit is made with all super high-quality, long-lasting material and gives your dad the experience of a class wet shave. You get an impeccable safety razor, badger hair brush, alum block, stainless steel shave bowl, shave soap, and five extra blades.
If, like me, youre about to google alum block, let me save you so time: its a stone that helps stop bleeding from small cuts and also works to fight razor burn. This stuff is all top of the line and super classy.
28. A Kit For Customizable Hot Sauce
DIY Gift Kits Hot Sauce Kits, $40, Amazon
If your dad is hooked on hot sauce, give him the chance to make his own with this kit.You have everything you need to make up to seven bottles of custom hot sauce. With bags of spices, peppers, glass bottles, labels, and easy-to-read recipe cards, your dad will be making sauce like a pro in no time. It even includes a pack of the super hot Ghost Pepper, so your dad can finally get the spicy mix of his dreams.
29. A Super Slim Wallet With A Minimalist Look
SimpacX Genuine Leather Slim Wallet, $20, Amazon
Is your dad hanging onto a George Constanza-style wallet? Get him this slim billfold to help keep him organized. Made of real leather, this wallet features a minimalist design. You can hold up to 10cards plus cash and the wallet still lays flat and slim. Plus, its equipped with RFID technology to protect your valuable information. Sleek, simple, this wallet is a definite dad pleaser.
30. A Gaming Console Thatll Take Your Dad Back To Childhood
Pac-Man Connect and Play 12 Classic Games, $15, Amazon
No matter how advanced video games get, theres something about the classics that are just delightful. If your dads into video games, hell seriously love this throwback collection of games. First of all, the whole thing is shaped like Pac-Man, so its already awesome. Then, you just plug it into your TV and play Pac-Man or 10other games like Galaga, Dig Dug, New Rally X, or the extreme Super Pac-Man.
The controller also opens up to store its A/V wires, so itll stay clean and neat on dads gaming shelf.
31. A Book Light He Can Use Anywhere
LuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book Light, $15, Amazon
If your dad cant put a book down at bedtime,get him this book lightand save your mom from another sleepless night. The four LED lights are incredibly strong for their size and the lamp can clip anywhere. Dont worry about finding weird little batteries, this light is fully USB rechargeable. Plus, its super light, so dad can take it on trips and keep up his midnight reading wherever he goes.
32. A Foldable Exercise Bike That Dad Can Take Anywhere
Stamina InStride Folding Cycle, $25, Amazon
Its tough to stay active when you work at a desk, so if your dad is looking to add a little exercise to his work day, get him this foldable bike. This cycle fits under the desk and folds away for easy carrying or storage. Whether you want a light ride or some heavy tension, the bike offers different resistance levels.
With its sturdy rubber base, your dad wont have to worry about the cycle slipping around as hes riding. Plus, theres an electric monitor so dad can accurately brag about his long work time workouts.
33. A Magnetic Wristband For Dads Workshop
Mag-Band Magnetic Wristband, $10, Amazon
If I bought my dad a bracelet, he wouldnt be thrilled. But, if I bought him a magnetic wristband that makes working with tools even easier, hed be cool with it. This wristband features powerful magnets that can hold screws, nails, nut, bolts, basically all the small things that typically fall on the floor when your dads trying to work. Now, he can keep all the bits at hand and not have to worry about searching the floor for the one tiny washer he desperately needs.
34. A Portable Green So Dad Can Putt Anywhere
Putt-A-Bout Grassroots Putting Green, $33, Amazon
This isnt a scientific fact, but from my experience, pretty much every dad loves golf. My dad always hated the sport growing up, but now he picks vacation spots based on who has the best course. So, give your dad a chance to practice more often with this portable putting green.
With three practice cups and built in sand traps to keep your putts from going all over the place, your dad will get a chance to seriously up his skills. Plus, its made from lightweight foam, so its easy to carry and only takes seconds to install.
35. A Robot To Clean YourFloors
ILIFE V3s Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Smart Auto Cleaning, $159, Amazon
Ive never met a dad wholoves cleaning the floors, butIve met a lot of dads who love robots. Finally, its all come together with this robot vacuum cleaner. It vacuums, sweeps, dry mops, and removes pet hair all while youre sitting on the couch. When the battery runs out, the robot automatically goes back to its charging station and uses smart sensors so it doesnt fall down the stairs or bump into everything.
Best of all, your dad will feel like hes living in the future with this robot helper automatically cleaning his floors.
Elite Daily may receive a portion of sales from products purchased from this article, which was created independently from Elite Dailys editorial and sales departments.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/07/genius-gifts-for-dads-who-say-they-dont-want-anything/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/07/07/genius-gifts-for-dads-who-say-they-dont-want-anything/
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jimdsmith34 · 7 years
Genius Gifts For Dads Who Say They Don’t Want Anything
On Valentines Day, you can always buy your partner chocolate. For Mothers Day, a spa gift certificate is asafe bet. But gifts for dads?The standard go-to Fathers Day gift is a tie, and its pretty lame. Then again, dads usually make gift giving even more challenging by insisting they want nothing this year. So, what can you do for the dad who doesnt want anything?
Thankfully, there are lots ofgenius products any dadwould lovethatgo way beyond Number 1 Dad mugs and novelty T-shirts. You can actually find Fathers Day presents that seem to do the impossible be something your dad would actually use.
Whether your dad is into unique grilling tools or having a robot clean his floors, get him something he actually wants so that when he opens up the Worlds Best Farter (I mean father) T-shirt you mistakenly thought would be funny, youre not the only one laughing. Better yet, you wont ever have to relive the day when you called his bluff and actually got him nothing. (Ive done that, and the look of disappointment is gut-wrenching.)
This year, really do Fathers Day right and get your dad one of these genius gifts he didnt even know he needed.
1. A Bottle Top That Gives YouInstantly Cold Beer
Corkcicle Chillsner Beer Chiller, $20 (2 Pack), Amazon
For Fathers Day, give him the beautiful gift of an ice-cold beer. I dont mean pick up a six-pack and put a bow on it, but get your dad these instant beer coolers. Keepthe Corkcicles in the freezer, and when a warm beer emergency strikes, just pop the Corkcicle into the bottle, and boom, instantly chilled brew. Its perfect for barbecues, parties, or anytime your dad forgot to put his beer in the fridge.
2. An Expandable Stand For His Electronics
PopSockets: Expanding Stand and Grip for Smartphones and Tablets, $10, Amazon
Your dad might not be aware of the glory of watching Netflix on his phone or tablet, but with this stand, hell be converted. The stand can also be usedas a grip for easier texting and calling. Italso folds completely flat, so you can keep it on your phone and still fit yourcell in your pocket.
Plus, its way easier to hold onto your phone with this grip, so therell be way fewer instances of dropping the phone and cracking the screen. (And if youre asking if you should buy a second for yourself, the answer is.)
3. A New Card Game For The Political And Hilarious Dad
Trumped Up Cards: A Multi-Player Card Game for Adults, $25, Amazon
If your dad loves Cards Against Humanity and also hates Donald Trump, this game will be perfect.
One Amazon user wrote: This board game prompted the first time Trump and fun appeared in a same sentence of mine. Playing it on a number of occasions, with different crowds, each time it delivered laughs, catharsis, and knowledge I grew up in New York and I didnt know Trump did all of those things, said one of our guests. Besides holding up as an enjoyably competitive board game (players take turns being all-powerful CEO), is full of fascinating, funny, and yes, sometimes frightening facts about the 45th president.
4. An External Battery So HisCell Stays Charged
EC Technology Power Bank External Battery, $33, Amazon
No matter how technologically savvy your dad might be, hell sometimes get caught with a dead cell battery. This high-capacity external batteryfeatures three USB outlets to charge your electronics quickly. If thats not enough, it also features a strong LED flashlight, so if hes ever caught in a blackout, this battery will make him the most popular person in the room.
5. A Travel Mug Thats Insanely Popular
Contigo Autoseal West Loop Travel Mug, $17, Amazon
OK, a coffee mug doesnt sound like a genius gift, but this is a pretty exceptional mug. This lid seals super tight, so youll never have a leak or spill. Plus,vacuum insulationkeeps drinks hot for seven hours (perfect for when he inevitably forgets he poured himself a cup.)
On Amazon, this mug hasalmost 14,000 reviews, and one user wrote: This is the best coffee mug I have ever owned. bottom line: lives up to its promise. I actually forgot this mug in my office before a meeting and when I came back for it six hours later the coffee was still STEAMING.
6. Claws. Yep,.
Grillaholics Meat Claws (Set of 2), $13, Amazon
If your dad loves to grill, hell love it even more when he can tear it apart with these meat claws. You can use these to lift hot meal off the grill, shred it, or just pretend to be a grilling beast. The clawsare BPA-free, so you dont have to worry about melting or any kind of plastic contamination. Since theyre dishwasher safe, clean up is easy and wearing claws while you cook just makes everything more fun.
7. A Backpack Suitable For A Grown-Ass Man
Mancro Business Laptop Backpack, $29, Amazon
The days of briefcases are over and your dad needs something thats comfortable and professional looking to carry his laptop. Thats where this backpack comes in. It can hold any laptop under 17 inches and has 15 pockets to keep all his things separate and organized. Fully waterproof, he can carry his laptop in the rain without worry. Plus, the bag is extra futuristic with its external USB port to keep his electronic charged.
8. A Travel Coffee Press
Espro Coffee Travel Press, $32, Amazon
If your dad doesnt have a lot of time in the morning but needs his coffee, this travel press will make his day. Just throw in grounds and some boiling water and the travel press brews the coffee on the go. It has a double micro-filter so he wont end up drinking bits of grounds and the double-walled stainless steel cup keeps the coffee warm all day.
Plus, its BPA, BPS, and phthalate-free, so you dont have to worry about a side of chemicals with your morning brew.
9. A Book For The Scientific Dad With A Silly Side
What If: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, $14, Amazon
If your dad loves to drill you with crazy hypothetical questions, he will love this book.Finally, we all get to know the answer to the question, How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? The book is full of very serious, scientifically accurate answer to insanely crazy questions.
Based on the questions from fans of the webcomic Randall Munroe compiled the most fascinating questions and gave incredibly thorough answers.
9. A Handheld Console For His Favorite RetroCartridges
Retro-Bit RDP Portable Handheld Console, $90, Amazon
Whether your dad used to love his Gameboy or always resented Santa for never getting him one, give dad a taste of childhood with this handheld retro gaming console. This console plays almost any old cartridge (Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Genesis) and the player is light enough to take anywhere. You get about eight hours of playtime per charge, so itll get your dad (and lets be honest, )through any future road trips or train commutes.
10. A Super Strong Bottle Opener You Can Stick On Your Fridge
SUCK UK Bottle Opener Fridge Magnet, $13, Amazon
Bottle openers have a magical way of disappearing every time you need one. Dont let your dad fish around the kitchen drawers for an hour, get him this bottle opener magnet. Stick in your fridge and youre done. The super strong magnet will stay put and youll never lose your opener again.
The magnet is non-scratch, so it wont mess up the high-tech fridge your dad spent a fortune on, and can easily take it on and of if you ever need the bottle opener elsewhere. Plus, its made of stainless steel, so itll hold up to years of steady bottle opening.
11. A TabletMount That Brings The Internet To Your Kitchen
CTA Digital 2-in-1 Kitchen Mount Stand, $29, Amazon
Its surprising how often you need to use your tablet in the kitchen, but dont want to lay it on the counter to get immediately covered in hot spaghetti sauce. This kitchen stand solves the problem.It can hold any size tablet or even a Nintendo Switch, just in case your dad has a game going that he really cant put down. You can attach it to a wall or cabinet, or remove the mount completely and use it as a table stand.
With easy release buttons, you can get your tablet in and out of the stand quickly as dadlooks over recipes or gives Facebook a quick check to do some light spying on his kids.
12. A High-Tech TurntableFor Your Dads Record Collection
Jensen 3 Speed Stereo Turntable, $51, Amazon
If your dads record collection is gathering dust, get him this new turntable. The turntable features three speeds and speakers, so you have everything you need to play all your vinyl plus, it comes with an input jack, so you can hook up a smartphone or MP3 player to its speaker.
But the best part is that this turntable comes with a USB port and audio software so you can transfer your records to MP3s. This gift is the best of old and new school and will suit all of your dads musical needs for years to come.
13. A Project That Turns Any Room Into A Home Theater
DBPOWER 1500 Lumens LCD Mini Projector, $110, Amazon
For a movie-loving dad, this mini-projector will make his day. Its a compact size but 50 percentbrighter than a standard LED projector and only a portion of the price. You can connect your phone, tablet, computer, USB drive, or HD setup boxand see it projected on a screen or blank wall. Forget about a 75-inch TV, this can give you up to a 176-inch projection.
If your dad plays the Super Bowl this year at that size, hell be the most popular guy in the neighborhood. (And youll have more screen space to freak out over Beyonc.)
14. A Massager To Instantly Soothe HisAching Muscles
1byone Shiatsu Deep-Kneading Massager, $47, Amazon
Dad might be a little shy about asking for a massage or a gift certificate to a spa, but hell definitely appreciate this deep-kneading massager. Use it at home, in the car, or at the office to reduce shoulder tension, neck aches, or back pain. The rotating nodes imitate a professional shiatsu massage, so those troublesome shoulder knots will be gone in no time.
Plus, it heats up for even better relaxation. The only downside of this gift is that you and everyone else in your family will immediately want one after they see how amazing it is.
15. A Family Board Game Your Dad Will Actually Love
The Game of Things Board Game, $23, Amazon
The Game of Thingsis a great board game thats easy to play and helps you get to know all the players better. Everyone playing gets a topic on a card, each player writes down an answer, and you have to guess who said what. This isnt about trivia or getting an answer right, but trying to come up with a fun answer and seeing how well you know the players at hand.
The game is more innocent than Cards Against Humanity since you get topicslike Things you would do with a million dollars or Things you shouldnt do in an elevator. So, you can play it with the whole family without hearing anything too embarrassing, but its also really fun and you might find out how hilarious your dad really is.
16. The Acupressure Mat That Brings Immediate Relaxation
ProSource Acupressure Mat and Pillow Set, $20, Amazon
Dads often like to pretend that theyre so strong that nothing gets to them. But everybody gets stressed sometimes, and dads are no different. This acupressure mat and pillow set is designed to trigger pressure points to relax the muscles and relieve tension and stress. The product claims that laying on the mat for 10minutes a day can help release endorphins that block pain and youll feel shoulder, back, and neck issues slowly melt away. Plus, the pressure points increase blood flow so muscles repair faster and you feel a little more energized.
17. A Tie Rack For All Your Previous Fathers Day Gifts
Primode Motorized Tie Rack with LED Lights, $33, Amazon
Your dad needs something to contain the multitude of ties from previous Fathers Days. This motorized tie rack holds up to 72 ties and eight belts. It rotates with ease at the touch of a button, so your dad can look through his prodigious collection to pick out only the best tie for his day. To make it even cooler, the rack had LED lights, so he wont have to worry about selecting a tie from the back of a dark closet.
Yes, tie racks are lame Fathers Day gifts, but light-up, electric tie racks? Awesome.
18. Collar Stays That Keeps Your Dad Looking Classy
CLEVERFIT the Adjustable Collar Stay, $30, Amazon
If your dads a man who rocks a suit and tie, keep him looking clean and classy with these collar stays. Though collar stays soundpretty old-timey and you probably dont know WTF they do, they actually make a huge difference. These stays are designed to fit all collared shirts with eight adjustable positions. In just a couple seconds, your dad can pop these on and never have to worry about having a floppy or sloppy collar ever again.
19. The All-In-One Face Wash
Rugged and DapperDaily Power Scrub All-in-One Facial Cleanser for Men, $25, Amazon
A good face wash isnt just for women. Most dads might not be up for adopting a thorough skin regime, but they can definitely use this all-in-one cleanser. This does everything its a face wash, toner, and exfoliating scrub all in one bottle. It has natural ingredients like aloe vera, vitamin C, willow bark, and burdock root to cleanse and tone the skin.
No matter your dads skin type, this face wash works and works well.
20. A Beer Dispenser That Gives You Draft Quality Brews At Home
Fizzics Waytap Beer Dispenser, $130, Amazon
If your dad is a true beer lover, hell be overjoyed with this beer dispenser. It was featured on, and it turns any old can or bottle of beer into a draft-quality brew. You can use any style of beer from stouts to IPAs and there no gas or chemicals used in the product. Just pop in four AA batteries and your canned beer is transformed into a full flavored draft.
Since its light, portable, and doesnt use any wires or tubes, your dad can take it to any backyardparties, tailgating events, or camping trip.
21. An Alarm Clock With A Million Uses
Hale Dreamer Alarm Clock Speaker Dock, $20, Amazon
If your dads not a fan of getting up in the morning (guess we know where you get it from!), this alarm clock will make his life a lot easier. Its easy to set, and you can completely customize the sound, volume, and frequency of your morning alarm. Plus, it works as a smartphone dock and speaker, so you can play music at night or in the morning without leaving your bed. (And if it just so happens to find its way to your room instead of your parents, we wont tell.)
Dont worry that a phone call will come in a ruin your sleep, this alarm uses Smart Silence which automatically blocks all but emergency calls. Plus, you can use it as a white noise machine to help you drift off.
22. A Shampoo With A Morning Caffeine Boost
ManCave Caffeine Shampoo, $12, Amazon
This caffeine shampoo isntmade to give dad extra energy in his morning shower, but to help withhair growth. The shampoo contains Vitamin E and shea butter to moisturize the scalp and hair, while the caffeine stimulates the roots of the hair to encourage growth.
If your dad isnt into fancy bath products, hell still love this. You use it every day, just like a normal shampoo, and there are no added scents, just natural cleaning power.
23. A Fascinating Book For The Adventurous Dad
Atlas Obscura: An Explorers Guide to the Worlds Hidden Wonders, $21, Amazon
is an amazing website with tons of interestingfacts about bizarre places and stories from around the world. Thankfully, the site put their very best stories into thisbook. If your dad loves travel, adventure, or even weird history, hell absolutely love this book.
24. A Backup Cell Battery With A Delightful Design
Lankoo Power BankUSB Charger, $18, Amazon
First of all, how many backup batteries come in fake sardine cans? Just this one. Inside the cool 3-D printedcase is a powerful USB charger that works with almost any smartphone or tablet.You get about two iPhone charges out of this battery, so you dont have to worry about constantly plugging it into a charger.
A backup battery is something everyone needs but most people forget to buy, so this is a great go-to for difficult-to-please dads.
25. A Cast Iron Pan For Perfect Pizza
Lodge Seasoned Cast Iron Pizza Pan, $41, Amazon
If your dad loves making pizza as much as he doeseating it, this cast iron pan will make a perfect gift. Cast iron is the best material forheating evenly and staying hot, which makes it a great choice when making pizza. The reason cast iron pans arent used more often is that they can be a pain to season, which is the process used to prepare the cast iron for cooking.
But this pan is pre-seasoned and ready to pop in the oven. Cast iron is incredibly sturdy and never bends out of shape or loses even-heating capacity, so itll last a lifetime. Plus, if you get this for your dad, you can guilt him into making you pizza every time you come home. A win-win if Ive ever seen one.
26. A Pen That Does Everything
EdgeWorks Screwdriver Multitool, $11, Amazon
Your dad will feel like James Bond will this badass multitool. It looks like a simple pen, but it also works as a tablet stylus, ruler for metric and imperial measurement, a bubble level, and comes with a Phillipsand flathead screwdriver.
Since its bright yellow, theres no chance your dad will lose it (but hey, you never know) and hell probably want to show it off any time theres a screwdriver or bubble level emergency.
27. A Shaving Kit With VintageCharm
Gentleman Jon Complete Wet Shave Kit, $55, Amazon
If your dad is more of a Ron Swanson type, hell appreciate this old-school shaving kit. This kit is made with all super high-quality, long-lasting material and gives your dad the experience of a class wet shave. You get an impeccable safety razor, badger hair brush, alum block, stainless steel shave bowl, shave soap, and five extra blades.
If, like me, youre about to google alum block, let me save you so time: its a stone that helps stop bleeding from small cuts and also works to fight razor burn. This stuff is all top of the line and super classy.
28. A Kit For Customizable Hot Sauce
DIY Gift Kits Hot Sauce Kits, $40, Amazon
If your dad is hooked on hot sauce, give him the chance to make his own with this kit.You have everything you need to make up to seven bottles of custom hot sauce. With bags of spices, peppers, glass bottles, labels, and easy-to-read recipe cards, your dad will be making sauce like a pro in no time. It even includes a pack of the super hot Ghost Pepper, so your dad can finally get the spicy mix of his dreams.
29. A Super Slim Wallet With A Minimalist Look
SimpacX Genuine Leather Slim Wallet, $20, Amazon
Is your dad hanging onto a George Constanza-style wallet? Get him this slim billfold to help keep him organized. Made of real leather, this wallet features a minimalist design. You can hold up to 10cards plus cash and the wallet still lays flat and slim. Plus, its equipped with RFID technology to protect your valuable information. Sleek, simple, this wallet is a definite dad pleaser.
30. A Gaming Console Thatll Take Your Dad Back To Childhood
Pac-Man Connect and Play 12 Classic Games, $15, Amazon
No matter how advanced video games get, theres something about the classics that are just delightful. If your dads into video games, hell seriously love this throwback collection of games. First of all, the whole thing is shaped like Pac-Man, so its already awesome. Then, you just plug it into your TV and play Pac-Man or 10other games like Galaga, Dig Dug, New Rally X, or the extreme Super Pac-Man.
The controller also opens up to store its A/V wires, so itll stay clean and neat on dads gaming shelf.
31. A Book Light He Can Use Anywhere
LuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book Light, $15, Amazon
If your dad cant put a book down at bedtime,get him this book lightand save your mom from another sleepless night. The four LED lights are incredibly strong for their size and the lamp can clip anywhere. Dont worry about finding weird little batteries, this light is fully USB rechargeable. Plus, its super light, so dad can take it on trips and keep up his midnight reading wherever he goes.
32. A Foldable Exercise Bike That Dad Can Take Anywhere
Stamina InStride Folding Cycle, $25, Amazon
Its tough to stay active when you work at a desk, so if your dad is looking to add a little exercise to his work day, get him this foldable bike. This cycle fits under the desk and folds away for easy carrying or storage. Whether you want a light ride or some heavy tension, the bike offers different resistance levels.
With its sturdy rubber base, your dad wont have to worry about the cycle slipping around as hes riding. Plus, theres an electric monitor so dad can accurately brag about his long work time workouts.
33. A Magnetic Wristband For Dads Workshop
Mag-Band Magnetic Wristband, $10, Amazon
If I bought my dad a bracelet, he wouldnt be thrilled. But, if I bought him a magnetic wristband that makes working with tools even easier, hed be cool with it. This wristband features powerful magnets that can hold screws, nails, nut, bolts, basically all the small things that typically fall on the floor when your dads trying to work. Now, he can keep all the bits at hand and not have to worry about searching the floor for the one tiny washer he desperately needs.
34. A Portable Green So Dad Can Putt Anywhere
Putt-A-Bout Grassroots Putting Green, $33, Amazon
This isnt a scientific fact, but from my experience, pretty much every dad loves golf. My dad always hated the sport growing up, but now he picks vacation spots based on who has the best course. So, give your dad a chance to practice more often with this portable putting green.
With three practice cups and built in sand traps to keep your putts from going all over the place, your dad will get a chance to seriously up his skills. Plus, its made from lightweight foam, so its easy to carry and only takes seconds to install.
35. A Robot To Clean YourFloors
ILIFE V3s Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Smart Auto Cleaning, $159, Amazon
Ive never met a dad wholoves cleaning the floors, butIve met a lot of dads who love robots. Finally, its all come together with this robot vacuum cleaner. It vacuums, sweeps, dry mops, and removes pet hair all while youre sitting on the couch. When the battery runs out, the robot automatically goes back to its charging station and uses smart sensors so it doesnt fall down the stairs or bump into everything.
Best of all, your dad will feel like hes living in the future with this robot helper automatically cleaning his floors.
Elite Daily may receive a portion of sales from products purchased from this article, which was created independently from Elite Dailys editorial and sales departments.
source http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/07/genius-gifts-for-dads-who-say-they-dont-want-anything/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2017/07/genius-gifts-for-dads-who-say-they-dont.html
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adambstingus · 7 years
Genius Gifts For Dads Who Say They Don’t Want Anything
On Valentines Day, you can always buy your partner chocolate. For Mothers Day, a spa gift certificate is asafe bet. But gifts for dads?The standard go-to Fathers Day gift is a tie, and its pretty lame. Then again, dads usually make gift giving even more challenging by insisting they want nothing this year. So, what can you do for the dad who doesnt want anything?
Thankfully, there are lots ofgenius products any dadwould lovethatgo way beyond Number 1 Dad mugs and novelty T-shirts. You can actually find Fathers Day presents that seem to do the impossible be something your dad would actually use.
Whether your dad is into unique grilling tools or having a robot clean his floors, get him something he actually wants so that when he opens up the Worlds Best Farter (I mean father) T-shirt you mistakenly thought would be funny, youre not the only one laughing. Better yet, you wont ever have to relive the day when you called his bluff and actually got him nothing. (Ive done that, and the look of disappointment is gut-wrenching.)
This year, really do Fathers Day right and get your dad one of these genius gifts he didnt even know he needed.
1. A Bottle Top That Gives YouInstantly Cold Beer
Corkcicle Chillsner Beer Chiller, $20 (2 Pack), Amazon
For Fathers Day, give him the beautiful gift of an ice-cold beer. I dont mean pick up a six-pack and put a bow on it, but get your dad these instant beer coolers. Keepthe Corkcicles in the freezer, and when a warm beer emergency strikes, just pop the Corkcicle into the bottle, and boom, instantly chilled brew. Its perfect for barbecues, parties, or anytime your dad forgot to put his beer in the fridge.
2. An Expandable Stand For His Electronics
PopSockets: Expanding Stand and Grip for Smartphones and Tablets, $10, Amazon
Your dad might not be aware of the glory of watching Netflix on his phone or tablet, but with this stand, hell be converted. The stand can also be usedas a grip for easier texting and calling. Italso folds completely flat, so you can keep it on your phone and still fit yourcell in your pocket.
Plus, its way easier to hold onto your phone with this grip, so therell be way fewer instances of dropping the phone and cracking the screen. (And if youre asking if you should buy a second for yourself, the answer is.)
3. A New Card Game For The Political And Hilarious Dad
Trumped Up Cards: A Multi-Player Card Game for Adults, $25, Amazon
If your dad loves Cards Against Humanity and also hates Donald Trump, this game will be perfect.
One Amazon user wrote: This board game prompted the first time Trump and fun appeared in a same sentence of mine. Playing it on a number of occasions, with different crowds, each time it delivered laughs, catharsis, and knowledge I grew up in New York and I didnt know Trump did all of those things, said one of our guests. Besides holding up as an enjoyably competitive board game (players take turns being all-powerful CEO), is full of fascinating, funny, and yes, sometimes frightening facts about the 45th president.
4. An External Battery So HisCell Stays Charged
EC Technology Power Bank External Battery, $33, Amazon
No matter how technologically savvy your dad might be, hell sometimes get caught with a dead cell battery. This high-capacity external batteryfeatures three USB outlets to charge your electronics quickly. If thats not enough, it also features a strong LED flashlight, so if hes ever caught in a blackout, this battery will make him the most popular person in the room.
5. A Travel Mug Thats Insanely Popular
Contigo Autoseal West Loop Travel Mug, $17, Amazon
OK, a coffee mug doesnt sound like a genius gift, but this is a pretty exceptional mug. This lid seals super tight, so youll never have a leak or spill. Plus,vacuum insulationkeeps drinks hot for seven hours (perfect for when he inevitably forgets he poured himself a cup.)
On Amazon, this mug hasalmost 14,000 reviews, and one user wrote: This is the best coffee mug I have ever owned. bottom line: lives up to its promise. I actually forgot this mug in my office before a meeting and when I came back for it six hours later the coffee was still STEAMING.
6. Claws. Yep,.
Grillaholics Meat Claws (Set of 2), $13, Amazon
If your dad loves to grill, hell love it even more when he can tear it apart with these meat claws. You can use these to lift hot meal off the grill, shred it, or just pretend to be a grilling beast. The clawsare BPA-free, so you dont have to worry about melting or any kind of plastic contamination. Since theyre dishwasher safe, clean up is easy and wearing claws while you cook just makes everything more fun.
7. A Backpack Suitable For A Grown-Ass Man
Mancro Business Laptop Backpack, $29, Amazon
The days of briefcases are over and your dad needs something thats comfortable and professional looking to carry his laptop. Thats where this backpack comes in. It can hold any laptop under 17 inches and has 15 pockets to keep all his things separate and organized. Fully waterproof, he can carry his laptop in the rain without worry. Plus, the bag is extra futuristic with its external USB port to keep his electronic charged.
8. A Travel Coffee Press
Espro Coffee Travel Press, $32, Amazon
If your dad doesnt have a lot of time in the morning but needs his coffee, this travel press will make his day. Just throw in grounds and some boiling water and the travel press brews the coffee on the go. It has a double micro-filter so he wont end up drinking bits of grounds and the double-walled stainless steel cup keeps the coffee warm all day.
Plus, its BPA, BPS, and phthalate-free, so you dont have to worry about a side of chemicals with your morning brew.
9. A Book For The Scientific Dad With A Silly Side
What If: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, $14, Amazon
If your dad loves to drill you with crazy hypothetical questions, he will love this book.Finally, we all get to know the answer to the question, How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? The book is full of very serious, scientifically accurate answer to insanely crazy questions.
Based on the questions from fans of the webcomic Randall Munroe compiled the most fascinating questions and gave incredibly thorough answers.
9. A Handheld Console For His Favorite RetroCartridges
Retro-Bit RDP Portable Handheld Console, $90, Amazon
Whether your dad used to love his Gameboy or always resented Santa for never getting him one, give dad a taste of childhood with this handheld retro gaming console. This console plays almost any old cartridge (Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Genesis) and the player is light enough to take anywhere. You get about eight hours of playtime per charge, so itll get your dad (and lets be honest, )through any future road trips or train commutes.
10. A Super Strong Bottle Opener You Can Stick On Your Fridge
SUCK UK Bottle Opener Fridge Magnet, $13, Amazon
Bottle openers have a magical way of disappearing every time you need one. Dont let your dad fish around the kitchen drawers for an hour, get him this bottle opener magnet. Stick in your fridge and youre done. The super strong magnet will stay put and youll never lose your opener again.
The magnet is non-scratch, so it wont mess up the high-tech fridge your dad spent a fortune on, and can easily take it on and of if you ever need the bottle opener elsewhere. Plus, its made of stainless steel, so itll hold up to years of steady bottle opening.
11. A TabletMount That Brings The Internet To Your Kitchen
CTA Digital 2-in-1 Kitchen Mount Stand, $29, Amazon
Its surprising how often you need to use your tablet in the kitchen, but dont want to lay it on the counter to get immediately covered in hot spaghetti sauce. This kitchen stand solves the problem.It can hold any size tablet or even a Nintendo Switch, just in case your dad has a game going that he really cant put down. You can attach it to a wall or cabinet, or remove the mount completely and use it as a table stand.
With easy release buttons, you can get your tablet in and out of the stand quickly as dadlooks over recipes or gives Facebook a quick check to do some light spying on his kids.
12. A High-Tech TurntableFor Your Dads Record Collection
Jensen 3 Speed Stereo Turntable, $51, Amazon
If your dads record collection is gathering dust, get him this new turntable. The turntable features three speeds and speakers, so you have everything you need to play all your vinyl plus, it comes with an input jack, so you can hook up a smartphone or MP3 player to its speaker.
But the best part is that this turntable comes with a USB port and audio software so you can transfer your records to MP3s. This gift is the best of old and new school and will suit all of your dads musical needs for years to come.
13. A Project That Turns Any Room Into A Home Theater
DBPOWER 1500 Lumens LCD Mini Projector, $110, Amazon
For a movie-loving dad, this mini-projector will make his day. Its a compact size but 50 percentbrighter than a standard LED projector and only a portion of the price. You can connect your phone, tablet, computer, USB drive, or HD setup boxand see it projected on a screen or blank wall. Forget about a 75-inch TV, this can give you up to a 176-inch projection.
If your dad plays the Super Bowl this year at that size, hell be the most popular guy in the neighborhood. (And youll have more screen space to freak out over Beyonc.)
14. A Massager To Instantly Soothe HisAching Muscles
1byone Shiatsu Deep-Kneading Massager, $47, Amazon
Dad might be a little shy about asking for a massage or a gift certificate to a spa, but hell definitely appreciate this deep-kneading massager. Use it at home, in the car, or at the office to reduce shoulder tension, neck aches, or back pain. The rotating nodes imitate a professional shiatsu massage, so those troublesome shoulder knots will be gone in no time.
Plus, it heats up for even better relaxation. The only downside of this gift is that you and everyone else in your family will immediately want one after they see how amazing it is.
15. A Family Board Game Your Dad Will Actually Love
The Game of Things Board Game, $23, Amazon
The Game of Thingsis a great board game thats easy to play and helps you get to know all the players better. Everyone playing gets a topic on a card, each player writes down an answer, and you have to guess who said what. This isnt about trivia or getting an answer right, but trying to come up with a fun answer and seeing how well you know the players at hand.
The game is more innocent than Cards Against Humanity since you get topicslike Things you would do with a million dollars or Things you shouldnt do in an elevator. So, you can play it with the whole family without hearing anything too embarrassing, but its also really fun and you might find out how hilarious your dad really is.
16. The Acupressure Mat That Brings Immediate Relaxation
ProSource Acupressure Mat and Pillow Set, $20, Amazon
Dads often like to pretend that theyre so strong that nothing gets to them. But everybody gets stressed sometimes, and dads are no different. This acupressure mat and pillow set is designed to trigger pressure points to relax the muscles and relieve tension and stress. The product claims that laying on the mat for 10minutes a day can help release endorphins that block pain and youll feel shoulder, back, and neck issues slowly melt away. Plus, the pressure points increase blood flow so muscles repair faster and you feel a little more energized.
17. A Tie Rack For All Your Previous Fathers Day Gifts
Primode Motorized Tie Rack with LED Lights, $33, Amazon
Your dad needs something to contain the multitude of ties from previous Fathers Days. This motorized tie rack holds up to 72 ties and eight belts. It rotates with ease at the touch of a button, so your dad can look through his prodigious collection to pick out only the best tie for his day. To make it even cooler, the rack had LED lights, so he wont have to worry about selecting a tie from the back of a dark closet.
Yes, tie racks are lame Fathers Day gifts, but light-up, electric tie racks? Awesome.
18. Collar Stays That Keeps Your Dad Looking Classy
CLEVERFIT the Adjustable Collar Stay, $30, Amazon
If your dads a man who rocks a suit and tie, keep him looking clean and classy with these collar stays. Though collar stays soundpretty old-timey and you probably dont know WTF they do, they actually make a huge difference. These stays are designed to fit all collared shirts with eight adjustable positions. In just a couple seconds, your dad can pop these on and never have to worry about having a floppy or sloppy collar ever again.
19. The All-In-One Face Wash
Rugged and DapperDaily Power Scrub All-in-One Facial Cleanser for Men, $25, Amazon
A good face wash isnt just for women. Most dads might not be up for adopting a thorough skin regime, but they can definitely use this all-in-one cleanser. This does everything its a face wash, toner, and exfoliating scrub all in one bottle. It has natural ingredients like aloe vera, vitamin C, willow bark, and burdock root to cleanse and tone the skin.
No matter your dads skin type, this face wash works and works well.
20. A Beer Dispenser That Gives You Draft Quality Brews At Home
Fizzics Waytap Beer Dispenser, $130, Amazon
If your dad is a true beer lover, hell be overjoyed with this beer dispenser. It was featured on, and it turns any old can or bottle of beer into a draft-quality brew. You can use any style of beer from stouts to IPAs and there no gas or chemicals used in the product. Just pop in four AA batteries and your canned beer is transformed into a full flavored draft.
Since its light, portable, and doesnt use any wires or tubes, your dad can take it to any backyardparties, tailgating events, or camping trip.
21. An Alarm Clock With A Million Uses
Hale Dreamer Alarm Clock Speaker Dock, $20, Amazon
If your dads not a fan of getting up in the morning (guess we know where you get it from!), this alarm clock will make his life a lot easier. Its easy to set, and you can completely customize the sound, volume, and frequency of your morning alarm. Plus, it works as a smartphone dock and speaker, so you can play music at night or in the morning without leaving your bed. (And if it just so happens to find its way to your room instead of your parents, we wont tell.)
Dont worry that a phone call will come in a ruin your sleep, this alarm uses Smart Silence which automatically blocks all but emergency calls. Plus, you can use it as a white noise machine to help you drift off.
22. A Shampoo With A Morning Caffeine Boost
ManCave Caffeine Shampoo, $12, Amazon
This caffeine shampoo isntmade to give dad extra energy in his morning shower, but to help withhair growth. The shampoo contains Vitamin E and shea butter to moisturize the scalp and hair, while the caffeine stimulates the roots of the hair to encourage growth.
If your dad isnt into fancy bath products, hell still love this. You use it every day, just like a normal shampoo, and there are no added scents, just natural cleaning power.
23. A Fascinating Book For The Adventurous Dad
Atlas Obscura: An Explorers Guide to the Worlds Hidden Wonders, $21, Amazon
is an amazing website with tons of interestingfacts about bizarre places and stories from around the world. Thankfully, the site put their very best stories into thisbook. If your dad loves travel, adventure, or even weird history, hell absolutely love this book.
24. A Backup Cell Battery With A Delightful Design
Lankoo Power BankUSB Charger, $18, Amazon
First of all, how many backup batteries come in fake sardine cans? Just this one. Inside the cool 3-D printedcase is a powerful USB charger that works with almost any smartphone or tablet.You get about two iPhone charges out of this battery, so you dont have to worry about constantly plugging it into a charger.
A backup battery is something everyone needs but most people forget to buy, so this is a great go-to for difficult-to-please dads.
25. A Cast Iron Pan For Perfect Pizza
Lodge Seasoned Cast Iron Pizza Pan, $41, Amazon
If your dad loves making pizza as much as he doeseating it, this cast iron pan will make a perfect gift. Cast iron is the best material forheating evenly and staying hot, which makes it a great choice when making pizza. The reason cast iron pans arent used more often is that they can be a pain to season, which is the process used to prepare the cast iron for cooking.
But this pan is pre-seasoned and ready to pop in the oven. Cast iron is incredibly sturdy and never bends out of shape or loses even-heating capacity, so itll last a lifetime. Plus, if you get this for your dad, you can guilt him into making you pizza every time you come home. A win-win if Ive ever seen one.
26. A Pen That Does Everything
EdgeWorks Screwdriver Multitool, $11, Amazon
Your dad will feel like James Bond will this badass multitool. It looks like a simple pen, but it also works as a tablet stylus, ruler for metric and imperial measurement, a bubble level, and comes with a Phillipsand flathead screwdriver.
Since its bright yellow, theres no chance your dad will lose it (but hey, you never know) and hell probably want to show it off any time theres a screwdriver or bubble level emergency.
27. A Shaving Kit With VintageCharm
Gentleman Jon Complete Wet Shave Kit, $55, Amazon
If your dad is more of a Ron Swanson type, hell appreciate this old-school shaving kit. This kit is made with all super high-quality, long-lasting material and gives your dad the experience of a class wet shave. You get an impeccable safety razor, badger hair brush, alum block, stainless steel shave bowl, shave soap, and five extra blades.
If, like me, youre about to google alum block, let me save you so time: its a stone that helps stop bleeding from small cuts and also works to fight razor burn. This stuff is all top of the line and super classy.
28. A Kit For Customizable Hot Sauce
DIY Gift Kits Hot Sauce Kits, $40, Amazon
If your dad is hooked on hot sauce, give him the chance to make his own with this kit.You have everything you need to make up to seven bottles of custom hot sauce. With bags of spices, peppers, glass bottles, labels, and easy-to-read recipe cards, your dad will be making sauce like a pro in no time. It even includes a pack of the super hot Ghost Pepper, so your dad can finally get the spicy mix of his dreams.
29. A Super Slim Wallet With A Minimalist Look
SimpacX Genuine Leather Slim Wallet, $20, Amazon
Is your dad hanging onto a George Constanza-style wallet? Get him this slim billfold to help keep him organized. Made of real leather, this wallet features a minimalist design. You can hold up to 10cards plus cash and the wallet still lays flat and slim. Plus, its equipped with RFID technology to protect your valuable information. Sleek, simple, this wallet is a definite dad pleaser.
30. A Gaming Console Thatll Take Your Dad Back To Childhood
Pac-Man Connect and Play 12 Classic Games, $15, Amazon
No matter how advanced video games get, theres something about the classics that are just delightful. If your dads into video games, hell seriously love this throwback collection of games. First of all, the whole thing is shaped like Pac-Man, so its already awesome. Then, you just plug it into your TV and play Pac-Man or 10other games like Galaga, Dig Dug, New Rally X, or the extreme Super Pac-Man.
The controller also opens up to store its A/V wires, so itll stay clean and neat on dads gaming shelf.
31. A Book Light He Can Use Anywhere
LuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book Light, $15, Amazon
If your dad cant put a book down at bedtime,get him this book lightand save your mom from another sleepless night. The four LED lights are incredibly strong for their size and the lamp can clip anywhere. Dont worry about finding weird little batteries, this light is fully USB rechargeable. Plus, its super light, so dad can take it on trips and keep up his midnight reading wherever he goes.
32. A Foldable Exercise Bike That Dad Can Take Anywhere
Stamina InStride Folding Cycle, $25, Amazon
Its tough to stay active when you work at a desk, so if your dad is looking to add a little exercise to his work day, get him this foldable bike. This cycle fits under the desk and folds away for easy carrying or storage. Whether you want a light ride or some heavy tension, the bike offers different resistance levels.
With its sturdy rubber base, your dad wont have to worry about the cycle slipping around as hes riding. Plus, theres an electric monitor so dad can accurately brag about his long work time workouts.
33. A Magnetic Wristband For Dads Workshop
Mag-Band Magnetic Wristband, $10, Amazon
If I bought my dad a bracelet, he wouldnt be thrilled. But, if I bought him a magnetic wristband that makes working with tools even easier, hed be cool with it. This wristband features powerful magnets that can hold screws, nails, nut, bolts, basically all the small things that typically fall on the floor when your dads trying to work. Now, he can keep all the bits at hand and not have to worry about searching the floor for the one tiny washer he desperately needs.
34. A Portable Green So Dad Can Putt Anywhere
Putt-A-Bout Grassroots Putting Green, $33, Amazon
This isnt a scientific fact, but from my experience, pretty much every dad loves golf. My dad always hated the sport growing up, but now he picks vacation spots based on who has the best course. So, give your dad a chance to practice more often with this portable putting green.
With three practice cups and built in sand traps to keep your putts from going all over the place, your dad will get a chance to seriously up his skills. Plus, its made from lightweight foam, so its easy to carry and only takes seconds to install.
35. A Robot To Clean YourFloors
ILIFE V3s Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Smart Auto Cleaning, $159, Amazon
Ive never met a dad wholoves cleaning the floors, butIve met a lot of dads who love robots. Finally, its all come together with this robot vacuum cleaner. It vacuums, sweeps, dry mops, and removes pet hair all while youre sitting on the couch. When the battery runs out, the robot automatically goes back to its charging station and uses smart sensors so it doesnt fall down the stairs or bump into everything.
Best of all, your dad will feel like hes living in the future with this robot helper automatically cleaning his floors.
Elite Daily may receive a portion of sales from products purchased from this article, which was created independently from Elite Dailys editorial and sales departments.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/07/genius-gifts-for-dads-who-say-they-dont-want-anything/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/162688933712
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allofbeercom · 7 years
Genius Gifts For Dads Who Say They Don’t Want Anything
On Valentines Day, you can always buy your partner chocolate. For Mothers Day, a spa gift certificate is asafe bet. But gifts for dads?The standard go-to Fathers Day gift is a tie, and its pretty lame. Then again, dads usually make gift giving even more challenging by insisting they want nothing this year. So, what can you do for the dad who doesnt want anything?
Thankfully, there are lots ofgenius products any dadwould lovethatgo way beyond Number 1 Dad mugs and novelty T-shirts. You can actually find Fathers Day presents that seem to do the impossible be something your dad would actually use.
Whether your dad is into unique grilling tools or having a robot clean his floors, get him something he actually wants so that when he opens up the Worlds Best Farter (I mean father) T-shirt you mistakenly thought would be funny, youre not the only one laughing. Better yet, you wont ever have to relive the day when you called his bluff and actually got him nothing. (Ive done that, and the look of disappointment is gut-wrenching.)
This year, really do Fathers Day right and get your dad one of these genius gifts he didnt even know he needed.
1. A Bottle Top That Gives YouInstantly Cold Beer
Corkcicle Chillsner Beer Chiller, $20 (2 Pack), Amazon
For Fathers Day, give him the beautiful gift of an ice-cold beer. I dont mean pick up a six-pack and put a bow on it, but get your dad these instant beer coolers. Keepthe Corkcicles in the freezer, and when a warm beer emergency strikes, just pop the Corkcicle into the bottle, and boom, instantly chilled brew. Its perfect for barbecues, parties, or anytime your dad forgot to put his beer in the fridge.
2. An Expandable Stand For His Electronics
PopSockets: Expanding Stand and Grip for Smartphones and Tablets, $10, Amazon
Your dad might not be aware of the glory of watching Netflix on his phone or tablet, but with this stand, hell be converted. The stand can also be usedas a grip for easier texting and calling. Italso folds completely flat, so you can keep it on your phone and still fit yourcell in your pocket.
Plus, its way easier to hold onto your phone with this grip, so therell be way fewer instances of dropping the phone and cracking the screen. (And if youre asking if you should buy a second for yourself, the answer is.)
3. A New Card Game For The Political And Hilarious Dad
Trumped Up Cards: A Multi-Player Card Game for Adults, $25, Amazon
If your dad loves Cards Against Humanity and also hates Donald Trump, this game will be perfect.
One Amazon user wrote: This board game prompted the first time Trump and fun appeared in a same sentence of mine. Playing it on a number of occasions, with different crowds, each time it delivered laughs, catharsis, and knowledge I grew up in New York and I didnt know Trump did all of those things, said one of our guests. Besides holding up as an enjoyably competitive board game (players take turns being all-powerful CEO), is full of fascinating, funny, and yes, sometimes frightening facts about the 45th president.
4. An External Battery So HisCell Stays Charged
EC Technology Power Bank External Battery, $33, Amazon
No matter how technologically savvy your dad might be, hell sometimes get caught with a dead cell battery. This high-capacity external batteryfeatures three USB outlets to charge your electronics quickly. If thats not enough, it also features a strong LED flashlight, so if hes ever caught in a blackout, this battery will make him the most popular person in the room.
5. A Travel Mug Thats Insanely Popular
Contigo Autoseal West Loop Travel Mug, $17, Amazon
OK, a coffee mug doesnt sound like a genius gift, but this is a pretty exceptional mug. This lid seals super tight, so youll never have a leak or spill. Plus,vacuum insulationkeeps drinks hot for seven hours (perfect for when he inevitably forgets he poured himself a cup.)
On Amazon, this mug hasalmost 14,000 reviews, and one user wrote: This is the best coffee mug I have ever owned. bottom line: lives up to its promise. I actually forgot this mug in my office before a meeting and when I came back for it six hours later the coffee was still STEAMING.
6. Claws. Yep,.
Grillaholics Meat Claws (Set of 2), $13, Amazon
If your dad loves to grill, hell love it even more when he can tear it apart with these meat claws. You can use these to lift hot meal off the grill, shred it, or just pretend to be a grilling beast. The clawsare BPA-free, so you dont have to worry about melting or any kind of plastic contamination. Since theyre dishwasher safe, clean up is easy and wearing claws while you cook just makes everything more fun.
7. A Backpack Suitable For A Grown-Ass Man
Mancro Business Laptop Backpack, $29, Amazon
The days of briefcases are over and your dad needs something thats comfortable and professional looking to carry his laptop. Thats where this backpack comes in. It can hold any laptop under 17 inches and has 15 pockets to keep all his things separate and organized. Fully waterproof, he can carry his laptop in the rain without worry. Plus, the bag is extra futuristic with its external USB port to keep his electronic charged.
8. A Travel Coffee Press
Espro Coffee Travel Press, $32, Amazon
If your dad doesnt have a lot of time in the morning but needs his coffee, this travel press will make his day. Just throw in grounds and some boiling water and the travel press brews the coffee on the go. It has a double micro-filter so he wont end up drinking bits of grounds and the double-walled stainless steel cup keeps the coffee warm all day.
Plus, its BPA, BPS, and phthalate-free, so you dont have to worry about a side of chemicals with your morning brew.
9. A Book For The Scientific Dad With A Silly Side
What If: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, $14, Amazon
If your dad loves to drill you with crazy hypothetical questions, he will love this book.Finally, we all get to know the answer to the question, How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? The book is full of very serious, scientifically accurate answer to insanely crazy questions.
Based on the questions from fans of the webcomic Randall Munroe compiled the most fascinating questions and gave incredibly thorough answers.
9. A Handheld Console For His Favorite RetroCartridges
Retro-Bit RDP Portable Handheld Console, $90, Amazon
Whether your dad used to love his Gameboy or always resented Santa for never getting him one, give dad a taste of childhood with this handheld retro gaming console. This console plays almost any old cartridge (Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Genesis) and the player is light enough to take anywhere. You get about eight hours of playtime per charge, so itll get your dad (and lets be honest, )through any future road trips or train commutes.
10. A Super Strong Bottle Opener You Can Stick On Your Fridge
SUCK UK Bottle Opener Fridge Magnet, $13, Amazon
Bottle openers have a magical way of disappearing every time you need one. Dont let your dad fish around the kitchen drawers for an hour, get him this bottle opener magnet. Stick in your fridge and youre done. The super strong magnet will stay put and youll never lose your opener again.
The magnet is non-scratch, so it wont mess up the high-tech fridge your dad spent a fortune on, and can easily take it on and of if you ever need the bottle opener elsewhere. Plus, its made of stainless steel, so itll hold up to years of steady bottle opening.
11. A TabletMount That Brings The Internet To Your Kitchen
CTA Digital 2-in-1 Kitchen Mount Stand, $29, Amazon
Its surprising how often you need to use your tablet in the kitchen, but dont want to lay it on the counter to get immediately covered in hot spaghetti sauce. This kitchen stand solves the problem.It can hold any size tablet or even a Nintendo Switch, just in case your dad has a game going that he really cant put down. You can attach it to a wall or cabinet, or remove the mount completely and use it as a table stand.
With easy release buttons, you can get your tablet in and out of the stand quickly as dadlooks over recipes or gives Facebook a quick check to do some light spying on his kids.
12. A High-Tech TurntableFor Your Dads Record Collection
Jensen 3 Speed Stereo Turntable, $51, Amazon
If your dads record collection is gathering dust, get him this new turntable. The turntable features three speeds and speakers, so you have everything you need to play all your vinyl plus, it comes with an input jack, so you can hook up a smartphone or MP3 player to its speaker.
But the best part is that this turntable comes with a USB port and audio software so you can transfer your records to MP3s. This gift is the best of old and new school and will suit all of your dads musical needs for years to come.
13. A Project That Turns Any Room Into A Home Theater
DBPOWER 1500 Lumens LCD Mini Projector, $110, Amazon
For a movie-loving dad, this mini-projector will make his day. Its a compact size but 50 percentbrighter than a standard LED projector and only a portion of the price. You can connect your phone, tablet, computer, USB drive, or HD setup boxand see it projected on a screen or blank wall. Forget about a 75-inch TV, this can give you up to a 176-inch projection.
If your dad plays the Super Bowl this year at that size, hell be the most popular guy in the neighborhood. (And youll have more screen space to freak out over Beyonc.)
14. A Massager To Instantly Soothe HisAching Muscles
1byone Shiatsu Deep-Kneading Massager, $47, Amazon
Dad might be a little shy about asking for a massage or a gift certificate to a spa, but hell definitely appreciate this deep-kneading massager. Use it at home, in the car, or at the office to reduce shoulder tension, neck aches, or back pain. The rotating nodes imitate a professional shiatsu massage, so those troublesome shoulder knots will be gone in no time.
Plus, it heats up for even better relaxation. The only downside of this gift is that you and everyone else in your family will immediately want one after they see how amazing it is.
15. A Family Board Game Your Dad Will Actually Love
The Game of Things Board Game, $23, Amazon
The Game of Thingsis a great board game thats easy to play and helps you get to know all the players better. Everyone playing gets a topic on a card, each player writes down an answer, and you have to guess who said what. This isnt about trivia or getting an answer right, but trying to come up with a fun answer and seeing how well you know the players at hand.
The game is more innocent than Cards Against Humanity since you get topicslike Things you would do with a million dollars or Things you shouldnt do in an elevator. So, you can play it with the whole family without hearing anything too embarrassing, but its also really fun and you might find out how hilarious your dad really is.
16. The Acupressure Mat That Brings Immediate Relaxation
ProSource Acupressure Mat and Pillow Set, $20, Amazon
Dads often like to pretend that theyre so strong that nothing gets to them. But everybody gets stressed sometimes, and dads are no different. This acupressure mat and pillow set is designed to trigger pressure points to relax the muscles and relieve tension and stress. The product claims that laying on the mat for 10minutes a day can help release endorphins that block pain and youll feel shoulder, back, and neck issues slowly melt away. Plus, the pressure points increase blood flow so muscles repair faster and you feel a little more energized.
17. A Tie Rack For All Your Previous Fathers Day Gifts
Primode Motorized Tie Rack with LED Lights, $33, Amazon
Your dad needs something to contain the multitude of ties from previous Fathers Days. This motorized tie rack holds up to 72 ties and eight belts. It rotates with ease at the touch of a button, so your dad can look through his prodigious collection to pick out only the best tie for his day. To make it even cooler, the rack had LED lights, so he wont have to worry about selecting a tie from the back of a dark closet.
Yes, tie racks are lame Fathers Day gifts, but light-up, electric tie racks? Awesome.
18. Collar Stays That Keeps Your Dad Looking Classy
CLEVERFIT the Adjustable Collar Stay, $30, Amazon
If your dads a man who rocks a suit and tie, keep him looking clean and classy with these collar stays. Though collar stays soundpretty old-timey and you probably dont know WTF they do, they actually make a huge difference. These stays are designed to fit all collared shirts with eight adjustable positions. In just a couple seconds, your dad can pop these on and never have to worry about having a floppy or sloppy collar ever again.
19. The All-In-One Face Wash
Rugged and DapperDaily Power Scrub All-in-One Facial Cleanser for Men, $25, Amazon
A good face wash isnt just for women. Most dads might not be up for adopting a thorough skin regime, but they can definitely use this all-in-one cleanser. This does everything its a face wash, toner, and exfoliating scrub all in one bottle. It has natural ingredients like aloe vera, vitamin C, willow bark, and burdock root to cleanse and tone the skin.
No matter your dads skin type, this face wash works and works well.
20. A Beer Dispenser That Gives You Draft Quality Brews At Home
Fizzics Waytap Beer Dispenser, $130, Amazon
If your dad is a true beer lover, hell be overjoyed with this beer dispenser. It was featured on, and it turns any old can or bottle of beer into a draft-quality brew. You can use any style of beer from stouts to IPAs and there no gas or chemicals used in the product. Just pop in four AA batteries and your canned beer is transformed into a full flavored draft.
Since its light, portable, and doesnt use any wires or tubes, your dad can take it to any backyardparties, tailgating events, or camping trip.
21. An Alarm Clock With A Million Uses
Hale Dreamer Alarm Clock Speaker Dock, $20, Amazon
If your dads not a fan of getting up in the morning (guess we know where you get it from!), this alarm clock will make his life a lot easier. Its easy to set, and you can completely customize the sound, volume, and frequency of your morning alarm. Plus, it works as a smartphone dock and speaker, so you can play music at night or in the morning without leaving your bed. (And if it just so happens to find its way to your room instead of your parents, we wont tell.)
Dont worry that a phone call will come in a ruin your sleep, this alarm uses Smart Silence which automatically blocks all but emergency calls. Plus, you can use it as a white noise machine to help you drift off.
22. A Shampoo With A Morning Caffeine Boost
ManCave Caffeine Shampoo, $12, Amazon
This caffeine shampoo isntmade to give dad extra energy in his morning shower, but to help withhair growth. The shampoo contains Vitamin E and shea butter to moisturize the scalp and hair, while the caffeine stimulates the roots of the hair to encourage growth.
If your dad isnt into fancy bath products, hell still love this. You use it every day, just like a normal shampoo, and there are no added scents, just natural cleaning power.
23. A Fascinating Book For The Adventurous Dad
Atlas Obscura: An Explorers Guide to the Worlds Hidden Wonders, $21, Amazon
is an amazing website with tons of interestingfacts about bizarre places and stories from around the world. Thankfully, the site put their very best stories into thisbook. If your dad loves travel, adventure, or even weird history, hell absolutely love this book.
24. A Backup Cell Battery With A Delightful Design
Lankoo Power BankUSB Charger, $18, Amazon
First of all, how many backup batteries come in fake sardine cans? Just this one. Inside the cool 3-D printedcase is a powerful USB charger that works with almost any smartphone or tablet.You get about two iPhone charges out of this battery, so you dont have to worry about constantly plugging it into a charger.
A backup battery is something everyone needs but most people forget to buy, so this is a great go-to for difficult-to-please dads.
25. A Cast Iron Pan For Perfect Pizza
Lodge Seasoned Cast Iron Pizza Pan, $41, Amazon
If your dad loves making pizza as much as he doeseating it, this cast iron pan will make a perfect gift. Cast iron is the best material forheating evenly and staying hot, which makes it a great choice when making pizza. The reason cast iron pans arent used more often is that they can be a pain to season, which is the process used to prepare the cast iron for cooking.
But this pan is pre-seasoned and ready to pop in the oven. Cast iron is incredibly sturdy and never bends out of shape or loses even-heating capacity, so itll last a lifetime. Plus, if you get this for your dad, you can guilt him into making you pizza every time you come home. A win-win if Ive ever seen one.
26. A Pen That Does Everything
EdgeWorks Screwdriver Multitool, $11, Amazon
Your dad will feel like James Bond will this badass multitool. It looks like a simple pen, but it also works as a tablet stylus, ruler for metric and imperial measurement, a bubble level, and comes with a Phillipsand flathead screwdriver.
Since its bright yellow, theres no chance your dad will lose it (but hey, you never know) and hell probably want to show it off any time theres a screwdriver or bubble level emergency.
27. A Shaving Kit With VintageCharm
Gentleman Jon Complete Wet Shave Kit, $55, Amazon
If your dad is more of a Ron Swanson type, hell appreciate this old-school shaving kit. This kit is made with all super high-quality, long-lasting material and gives your dad the experience of a class wet shave. You get an impeccable safety razor, badger hair brush, alum block, stainless steel shave bowl, shave soap, and five extra blades.
If, like me, youre about to google alum block, let me save you so time: its a stone that helps stop bleeding from small cuts and also works to fight razor burn. This stuff is all top of the line and super classy.
28. A Kit For Customizable Hot Sauce
DIY Gift Kits Hot Sauce Kits, $40, Amazon
If your dad is hooked on hot sauce, give him the chance to make his own with this kit.You have everything you need to make up to seven bottles of custom hot sauce. With bags of spices, peppers, glass bottles, labels, and easy-to-read recipe cards, your dad will be making sauce like a pro in no time. It even includes a pack of the super hot Ghost Pepper, so your dad can finally get the spicy mix of his dreams.
29. A Super Slim Wallet With A Minimalist Look
SimpacX Genuine Leather Slim Wallet, $20, Amazon
Is your dad hanging onto a George Constanza-style wallet? Get him this slim billfold to help keep him organized. Made of real leather, this wallet features a minimalist design. You can hold up to 10cards plus cash and the wallet still lays flat and slim. Plus, its equipped with RFID technology to protect your valuable information. Sleek, simple, this wallet is a definite dad pleaser.
30. A Gaming Console Thatll Take Your Dad Back To Childhood
Pac-Man Connect and Play 12 Classic Games, $15, Amazon
No matter how advanced video games get, theres something about the classics that are just delightful. If your dads into video games, hell seriously love this throwback collection of games. First of all, the whole thing is shaped like Pac-Man, so its already awesome. Then, you just plug it into your TV and play Pac-Man or 10other games like Galaga, Dig Dug, New Rally X, or the extreme Super Pac-Man.
The controller also opens up to store its A/V wires, so itll stay clean and neat on dads gaming shelf.
31. A Book Light He Can Use Anywhere
LuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book Light, $15, Amazon
If your dad cant put a book down at bedtime,get him this book lightand save your mom from another sleepless night. The four LED lights are incredibly strong for their size and the lamp can clip anywhere. Dont worry about finding weird little batteries, this light is fully USB rechargeable. Plus, its super light, so dad can take it on trips and keep up his midnight reading wherever he goes.
32. A Foldable Exercise Bike That Dad Can Take Anywhere
Stamina InStride Folding Cycle, $25, Amazon
Its tough to stay active when you work at a desk, so if your dad is looking to add a little exercise to his work day, get him this foldable bike. This cycle fits under the desk and folds away for easy carrying or storage. Whether you want a light ride or some heavy tension, the bike offers different resistance levels.
With its sturdy rubber base, your dad wont have to worry about the cycle slipping around as hes riding. Plus, theres an electric monitor so dad can accurately brag about his long work time workouts.
33. A Magnetic Wristband For Dads Workshop
Mag-Band Magnetic Wristband, $10, Amazon
If I bought my dad a bracelet, he wouldnt be thrilled. But, if I bought him a magnetic wristband that makes working with tools even easier, hed be cool with it. This wristband features powerful magnets that can hold screws, nails, nut, bolts, basically all the small things that typically fall on the floor when your dads trying to work. Now, he can keep all the bits at hand and not have to worry about searching the floor for the one tiny washer he desperately needs.
34. A Portable Green So Dad Can Putt Anywhere
Putt-A-Bout Grassroots Putting Green, $33, Amazon
This isnt a scientific fact, but from my experience, pretty much every dad loves golf. My dad always hated the sport growing up, but now he picks vacation spots based on who has the best course. So, give your dad a chance to practice more often with this portable putting green.
With three practice cups and built in sand traps to keep your putts from going all over the place, your dad will get a chance to seriously up his skills. Plus, its made from lightweight foam, so its easy to carry and only takes seconds to install.
35. A Robot To Clean YourFloors
ILIFE V3s Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Smart Auto Cleaning, $159, Amazon
Ive never met a dad wholoves cleaning the floors, butIve met a lot of dads who love robots. Finally, its all come together with this robot vacuum cleaner. It vacuums, sweeps, dry mops, and removes pet hair all while youre sitting on the couch. When the battery runs out, the robot automatically goes back to its charging station and uses smart sensors so it doesnt fall down the stairs or bump into everything.
Best of all, your dad will feel like hes living in the future with this robot helper automatically cleaning his floors.
Elite Daily may receive a portion of sales from products purchased from this article, which was created independently from Elite Dailys editorial and sales departments.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/07/genius-gifts-for-dads-who-say-they-dont-want-anything/
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