#but anyway it's been really fun learning about Brazil! and Japanese born in Brazil!
donuts4evry1 · 2 years
Portuguese person from portugal hello 🥺 I loved your portuguese little meme doodles omg
Its always fascinating to me when ppl seem interested in our language, even if its the brazilian Portuguese
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// Ok but in all seriousness, I'm glad you enjoyed them :)!
It's been a real blast learning about Brazil and Portuguese (though now that I think about it... I think I just broke my streak in duolingo lol), and @nautilus-that-eats-hyacinths has definitely made things so much more fun :)
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cashasthephonebox · 7 years
Did you start learning all those for fun? Or were some of them for travel or school or becasue of people in your life?
I started learning French at a very young age because we used to holiday there every year. But then when I moved to my first secondary school I was put into German classes instead of French so I started learning that and became quite adept at it. When I moved to my second secondary school they taught both French and German but I was so behind on my French that I ended up taking German GCSE and hating every second of it because of my teacher and because I was doing it for a grade instead of for fun. I got an a* though so whatever.I started learning Japanese around the same time as my GCSEs for fun. It started off from watching anime and listening to Japanese songs and picking stuff up (fucking weeb) but then I started listening to language tapes and reading the books that went along with them. I never became particularly fluent in it but I still understand the odd word and don't miss out on much if I'm watching anime but don't look at the subtitles for a second.I started learning Portuguese in the summer of last year to better understand a character that I'm writing about (thanks Sam). This time I had the gift that is duolingo. I was actually in France, where I could barely order a glass of water, learning Portuguese instead of the language that would have helped me out lol... anyway. I wanted to understand Sam a little better. I researched into Brazilian culture, weather, clothing etc. I already understood a lot of his Japanese heritage but I had no clue what Brazil was like when he might have been born. I wanted to understand what words he might trip up on or blank on when he was talking, because no matter how fluent you are in your second language, your brain still trips you up sometimes. I also wanted to know what Portuguese words he might trip up on after speaking English for so long. I wanted to know what Portuguese he might slip in to his everyday language, what words he might use when he was angry or flirting or in pain. I wanted to know the kinds of sayings he would use, the ones that don't translate well into English. I can't remember it exactly now but there was a romantic one about the salt in the sea or something?........ I really should fire up duolingo again.
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