#but apparently he was in Skam France so maybe eventually I’ll get to see at least one (1) Skam
littlerockerao3 · 3 years
Do you have a fan cast for Patrek Mallister? I just can’t quite picture him.
I can’t quite picture him either. We don’t see him much in canon and when I’m reading fics they way he looks in my mind changes basically every time.
If you look into his tag, there’s someone who fancasted him as Douglas Booth but idk I don’t really see it. It’ll be helpful if all the mutuals who’ve written about Patrek would share their fancasts so we could get a clearer idea of him ;)
But I’ve wandered a little around Pinterest and here’s how I think he could look like (these are not exactly how I imagine Patrek to be but oh well):
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I do think he is attractive (Theon wouldn’t hook up with him otherwise, let’s be honest lmao) but maybe the middle one is a little too attractive. I guess a mix between young Rob Lowe (first picture) and Maxence Danet-Fauvel (last picture) could do. Add the hint of a beard too, just because.
But idk, suggestions anyone???
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maimishou · 4 years
Skam France Season 3 Thoughts and Expectations for Season 4
I’m starting to understand why France has a bad rep among the fanbase. I’m halfway through the show and so far we’re three for three on me not liking the main characters during their seasons. Still, Emma has grown on me since her season ended and I did feel sorry for Manon this season so even though I don’t like Lucas or Elliot right now I can still be won over in future seasons.
As for why I don’t like Lucas and Elliot, I don’t like cheaters as a general rule. Which is fine! Meg, Marlon, Isa, Eva, Jorge, Cris, Joana, Emma, and Yann have all either cheated or been complacent in cheating yet they manage to be likable despite that. The problem is, I don’t like Lucas or Elliot because the season hasn’t really given me reason to.
I already didn’t like Lucas to start with. But his actions this season didn’t do much to endure him to me. Like he spends the show cheating on Chloè which is already bad enough but he leads her on and in general is kind of awful? Like, yes it was wrong for her to basically out him at the party but there was no need for him to start a fight with his friends as a result of that. He also doesn’t even try to apologize for using her at first but instead makes their relationship problems all about himself. Again, I never really liked him to begin with, even though I didn’t have any reason to dislike him, but this season just gave me even less reason to.
As for Elliot while I liked him at first he began to sour to me as the show went on. Like Lucille’s no saint but she didn’t deserve to be cheated on. I don’t like Lucas but the way Elliot treated him was awful. He let’s Lucas think he cares but then he also ignores him for Lucille at the party where Lucas gets into his argument with Chloè and the boys.  And while he does eventually end things with Lucille and he and Lucas say they’re going to have to work to make their relationship work given the way he treated both Lucas and Lucille I just don’t trust him at this point. While Lucas comes across as selfish, Elliot comes across even moreso to me.
That’s not to say this season was bad though. Quite the opposite actually! I love the supporting cast for France, maybe even more than the main cast. I loved Daphnè last season and I loved her even more this season. While flawed I feel like she’s really come into her own and I loved her subplot this season about trying to make a place for everyone. She’s very quickly becoming my favorite character of her archetype and the only thing I dislike about her storyline this season is her relationship with Basile (I think that’s his name?) and how she basically gave in after only two nice moments from him when throughout the rest of the season she didn’t seem to like him that much at all. I know that her sister is apparently the main character of season six so I’m looking forward to seeing the role Daphnè plays beyond this season.
Another character I liked this season is Imane. We didn’t get a lot of her this season but I enjoyed seeing her interact with Lucas. Her best moment was when she saved the mural in the common room from being painted over. Next season is her season but given the general attitude I’ve seen in regards to fourth seasons, I don’t have particularly high expectations.
Speaking of which, this season was wild. I thought I knew what would happen after seeing Cris’s season of España since I’d heard that her season was the typical season three plot with some changes but with the exception of episode 8′s ending and a few smaller aspects this season was pretty much a surprise from start to finish. I’ve read that this season was made to be about 50% different from the usual season three plot but if it’s true that Cris’s season was the typical season three plot with changes to reflect her being a bisexual girl instead of a gay boy I’m not sure how that’s true because the two seasons don’t feel alike at all. Maybe it’s just me though?
I’m starting season four tomorrow and honestly I’m going in with low expectations. España does its own thing so I can’t rely on that to know what season four is going to be like and the only other versions of Skam I’ve seen never even got a third season, much less a season four. The general opinion from what I’ve seen in various Skam tags though is that season four is always bad so hopefully if I go in with low expectations I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
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nancydrew65 · 5 years
SKAM Austin Season 2 Episode 4
I have to say, SKAM Austin really threw me off this week. They mixed together so many different episodes, that I was left guessing what would happen. I did not know until the Friday clip whether or not Daniel and Grace would have their first kiss.
We got to see the morning after clip! OG deprived us of this scene, and none of the other remakes showed it either. (Well, Druck kind of did, but they copped out on us by having Alex gone).
I do have to say, though, that this clip is suspiciously similar to the first clip of OG episode 6. They have the whole “Were you looking at me while I slept?” exchange (they switched it so Daniel was the one watching Grace as she slept and not the other way around) and we got introduced to Daniel’s brother.
I thought the banter between Grace and Daniel was cute. However, it kind of felt off. In OG this exchange happened after a couple weeks of them dating. This is the night after Grace slept at his house. And I wouldn’t necessarily find it as unnatural as I do, if in the previous episode there had been more joking and flirting around. Grace and Daniel were so much more serious the night before than Noora and William were in that episode, so it feels weird to have them flirting so light-heartedly in this scene. Not to say I didn’t like it; I just felt it didn’t fit their characters and their dynamic as well as it did in OG.
And they continue the Noorhelm/remakes tradition of pillow fighting. Honestly, one of the cutest things this couple does.
So when his brother comes, Daniel legitimately leaves Grace in his room for like ten to twenty minutes. Kind of rude.
Grace eventually gets up and heads to the kitchen. She meets Clay, Daniel’s douche of a brother who pretends he knows all about feminism, but is actually just a condescending example of male privilege.
Well, Daniel is less of an ass in this scene than William was. I’ll give him that. I have seen people defend William in this scene and say “Oh, look at his eyes. He was practically screaming that he would explain everything later to Noora. She should have known he didn’t mean it.” Sigh. Look, while you as an audience member might have been able to grasp that oh so subtle look in his eyes, Noora probably could not. Think about it from her perspective: William has been so caring to her up to this point, so it is a huge shock to hear those words. She probably couldn’t think of anything beyond that. Nor should she be expected to. Also, it is apparent that William was never going to explain his actions because Noora had to drag an apology out of him later that week when she confronted him about his shitty behavior.
Anyways. Grace picks up on Daniel’s uncomfortable vibe and leaves. As she is walking out she hears Daniel refer to her as a “nobody”. Still shitty, but at least at this point, Grace and Daniel are not actually dating. Like Noora hearing that from William after weeks of dating, was a harsh blow. Here, it sucks, yeah, but not at the same level.
Eve is going through Grace’s clothes to give away to immigrants. I do think changing it to immigrants is great. It is especially prescient right now, with all the debate about Mexican immigrants. And Eve does not seem to be prompted by a love interest, so, an improvement in her motives?
Megan comes over to return Grace’s things. She wants to get back with Marlon. Nooooo!
So, I guess they are skipping over the Season 2 cabin episode. It makes sense; that episode in OG was an Easter special and it didn’t do much to move the plot forward.
Eve reveals that Grace slept over at Daniel, and Megan is all over that drama. She doesn’t believe for a minute that Grace is not into Daniel.
Megan and Grace decide to take a nap together. #friendgoals
Yay, Jo is joining the newspaper! I love that they are giving her more to do in this season. OG Chris was kind of just there. C’mon guys, give us a Jo season. Is she confirmed to be bisexual? OMG, make her Shay’s love interest! Make her the Austin Even. That would be amazing! I literally just came up with the best idea ever.
Also, Jo deserves all her instagram fame. She deserves world-wide fame.
Squee! Grace deleted Daniel from her message history. Not as badass as deleting his contact info, though.
Zoya is actually talking about the dance team! Wow, when are we going to see the girls in action? Will we EVER see them dancing?
Zoya is constantly getting overlooked and bullied by the Kittens. Abby literally bumps into her. I can see that Zoya is getting angry by this. She wants to put the Kittens in their place. Will this replaces Sana’s subplot with Jamila in Season 2?
Mmmm, Zoya’s line about ‘her always being the one who has to be chill’ was on point. I feel like that is so true for many minorities because otherwise they’ll be punished more than the white girls. I really liked that line, but the whole back and forth between her and Grace felt so stilted and scripted. IDK, it just felt like Grace was acting - something out of line with SKAM’s vision.
Grace just busts out her dance moves right there in the middle of the hallway. You gotta have respect for that.
Kelsey is running up and down the stairs. She is really going over the top. Whew, that was one crazy monologue. It was all over the place.
Zoya drops some more truth as she tells Megan to forget about Marlon. Yes, girl. MARLON IS NOT WORTH IT. Megan complains that Zoya is being mean to her. But I’m with Zoya here. She’s just telling the truth, and Megan needs to get over Marlon.
And then the benefit comes in. Daniel and Pen-Joe trashed Pen-Joe’s father’s cabin and now they have to pay him back. Well, this doesn’t really make sense. It is just his dad, so it is not as big a deal as trashing someone else’s property.The football guys are auctioning off dates to raise the money to pay back Pen-Joe’s dad.
Kelsey fails so hard at trying to act all nonchalant about Daniel. Also, why are they hinting at Hunter for Zoya. He was straight up Islamophobic to her. I don’t really care if it was a joke or anything. That was such a bad directorial choice. Unless… he is the equivalent of the guy on the Russebuss who bullies Sana and is a straight-up asshole. If they eventually paint Hunter as an asshole, I would be OK with this as set-up for that.
Grace suddenly snaps, “Can we not talk about guys, for once?” All the girls are kind of taken aback. You can tell Kelsey is very shook. Maybe she should listen to Grace for once. Daniel is not worth it.
Jo saves the day once again. I hope her cat is doing better.
So, is the benefit happening this episode? Does this mean Daniel and Grace are going to have their first kiss this Friday? SKAM Austin is really switching things up this week. They cut the cabin episode and they are combining elements from episode 5 and 6. I actually like this because it keeps me on my toes. I don’t know what will happen this Friday. However, I do confess that I hope Grace and Daniel don’t kiss this week. I just don’t think they are at that point in their relationship, especially after what Daniel said about Grace on Saturday morning. I hope they at least talk about that incident before they kiss. I need to see Grace drag Daniel for calling her “nobody”.
Continuing a fight that neither she nor Grace know anything about is such a Poonam move.
Aww, I love that Grace invited Poonam to join their dance team. Please, we need to see this! Also, I just got reminded just how sweet Grace is; she was pretty awesome in Season 1.
But I didn’t need SKAM Austin to hit me over the head with it through Poonam. They really didn’t need to include that line; it was so obvious. C’mon. We are not a stupid audience. We know when Grace is being nice. 
Grace gets called out of class to go to the “principal’s office”, but it is just a ruse for Daniel to see her.
Damn, Daniel acts as though nothing happened. Even if he didn’t know she heard him say the “nobody” part, he was still rude to her around his brother.
Daniel wants Grace to come to the fundraiser. Grace lectures him on immigration issues.
She seems really hurt that he called her nobody, but I think it is more because she let her guard down for him when she knew she probably shouldn’t have and she is angry with herself for doing that.
Daniel apologizes. I guess he sounds sincere.
Then Grace says, “Could you be any more of a fuckboy?” YES!!!! Thank god we had this scene. I think Grace did a great job standing up for herself against Daniel’s shitty behavior earlier this episode. So, now I am almost positive the kiss is happening this week.
Spring Showcase
Kelsey is missing. I hope she is alright.
Zoya is focused on getting the Spring Showcase spot.
We get the whole “I’ll donate to an immigration charity. But only if you come”  between Grace and Daniel. I don’t know why, but this exchange has always angered me immensely. It is not even one of the worst things William/Daniel does. I think I hat it so much because it is so hypocritical. At the fundraiser, when Noora mentions how he is blackmailing her, he states that he would have donated the money anyways, even if she hadn’t shown up. And he says it like it is the most obvious fact in the world. I think it was meant to make us think he was such a good guy, but it just made my blood boil. Because he literally said the exact opposite to her in this scene. If he had said he was going to donate to charities anyways, Noora never would have come. Ugh! I just hate how much of a hypocrite William is (and Daniel, by default).
We are about to see the girls dance, before the clip cuts out. Why????!!! Is it just a running joke that we will never see them dance? So sad.
Chill Out
Grace and Megan just look miserable. Grace is eyeing Daniel who is talking/flirting with Abby. Oooh, theory time. In OG and SKAM France, the girl William was talking to was Mari, who we later learn knows his family. Will Abby be a remake of Mari and Ingrid?
Pen-Joe goes up to the girls and compliments Jo on her lips. Zoya is like “Are you gonna let him talk to you like that?” and Jo’s like, “yeah” and goes off with Pen-Joe. Treat her well, Pen-Joe. Zoya turns back to the guy she was talking to (who I’m pretty sure is Hunter). Hmmm, Zoya, you can’t really talk. Hunter said way worse things to you. They are trying to make a point here about how girls shouldn’t let guys talk to them that way, but it is a bit hypocritical when they throw in this whole Hunter/Zoya dynamic.
Also, I think OG Chris and remakes are actually really interesting characters. I feel like because of their weight (or their skin color in some remakes), they feel like they have to be the one to go along with everything and never stir up trouble. The remake that I think has portrayed this the best is Druck with Sam.
Megan goes off, and Kelsey joins the girls. But then Grace and Kelsey have to go rescue Megan who has just kissed Shay!!! Well. This is a hell of a lot more awkward than OG where Eva kissed Vilde. I really liked that they switched it up, but I do feel deprived of a Kelsey/Megan kiss.
God, Tyler is so rude all the time. Go, Grace for standing up to him.
Grace and Daniel have their confrontation where he asks if she likes him. She says no. But you can see she doesn’t mean it. I think the red lighting in that scene was great; it really heightened the drama.
Grace runs out of the party to catch up with Daniel and they share a passionate kiss. Now, I’m kind of sad they didn’t have any dialogue before their kiss. In OG, Noora’s line right before she kisses William is so iconic. It directly represents her struggle. She tells him what an asshole he is and then kisses him. Druck also had a great bit of dialogue between Mia and Alex. BUT, I think the scene works well without it and the kiss was cute.
Cut to Kelsey watching them as she holds Megan’s hair back while she vomits. She looks so stricken. I think for her it is more of a shock. In OG, I think Vilde kind of had her suspicions. Here, Kelsey just seems more clueless, so I can buy that this comes out of nowhere to her.
General Comments
Overall, it was a pretty interesting episode. I didn’t know the kiss was going to happen until Thursday, so that was nice. I like when there is still an element of surprise in the clips. That’s what made SKAM so addicting and popular. I look forward to see what happens next because usually the scene where we meet Niko follows this episode, but as you know we already got introduced to Daniel’s brother. I don’t know if it’s just me, but he seems so much older than any of the other versions of Niko. It will be very creepy when the sexual assault storyline comes around. I need more of Jo; she is amazing and SKAM Austin has the opportunity to make her a very complex character. We got the kiss! Let’s see how Daniel and Grace’s relationship develops.
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