#but as i ate i started to feel more and more sick. and nya said she did too outright
irl-morros-account · 1 year
do you have a favourite food
i bet its mango morro ice cream right
NOO THATS NOT TRUEE. You know they named it that without my permission?? And just. Sell it to everybody. Idk how I feel about that.
My favourite food was definitely sushi, I just really liked it, and also its so versatile that it's not possible to have a type of sushi you can't like, I think.
I don't know now. I haven't had sushi since I died, it might've changed over the years. Maybe I should get some soon.
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notmyprey · 1 month
so the ninjas are in a competition to see who can hold the most people. Who do you think wins? Who passes out from a food coma cause they were too stuburn otherwise?
Ok, I'm personally thinking of this in a more tiny prey light, but if yall want to imagine different sized prey my opinion still stands.
(Btw, I dont really remember much after the day of the departed, so the ninjas I am including in this are: Kai, Cole, Zane, Jay, Lloyd, and Nya)
I'm just gonna go down the list:
Total ninja consumed: All 5
Cole would win 100% and would be unfazed by the amount eaten. He eats many of the ninjas at once a lot, and it shows. He now brings the fact that he won this contest up a lot, mainly to annoy Jay.
Total ninja consumed: 4
He stopped at 4 cause it started to hurt, and he didn't want to push it too far and not be able to eat for a few days. He doesn't often eat many of the ninjas at once just because he is very warm, and it can cause the others to overheat since they are shoved so close together. But if he had more practice, that number would go up to 5.
Total ninja consumed: 3
I know some people would argue that he's a robot and can't get sick and all that, but I also think people forget he isn't stretchy, so he has a set limit. Unlike Cole and Kai, he can't stretch his stomach to accommodate more than normal, so I think he would have to stop here, or he would risk hurting the others.
Total ninja consumed: 2
He almost ate 3, but literally could not swallow the 3rd one down without puking them back up. Cole made a bet that Jay wouldn't even be able to eat 2, and that absolutely fuled Jay's determination to eat at least 2. That said, he was absolutely sick to his stomach days after and made sure to let everyone know it was Coles fault. Jay decided to blame the fact that he couldn't eat more of the ninja on the fact that he had eaten food right before the competition.
Total ninja consumed: 2
She honestly didn't care too much. She probably could have eaten 4 if she tried, but she remembered halfway through the challenge she had something to do and left.
Total ninja consumed: 1.5
He only actually was able to eat one of the ninjas and was able to almost swallow a second. The rest of the ninja felt bad, so they gave him the extra half a point to make him feel better (much to Jay's dismay, they did not give Jay the same grace when he almost got a 3rd ninja down).
So ye 👍
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mind-in-transit · 1 year
to prevent me being arrogant. still about failure and sickness, how a sick people can help another sick people, i need to be healed first, otherwise how can we be filled with His spirit and how others about the changes we had (something that i knew the theory and i knew it at the previous situation, but when He spoke it again, the feeling is just different, the urgency and the pressure is also different). and about going to the next level, somehow i can feel the quality of my prayer increase to another level after the last 4 days, previously when i prayed to have a breakthrough, i dont know and cant imagine the differences, but at some point i can feel it now but dont know how to share it.
Coz in a month i was sick 4 times (2 times mentally and somehow relates to my headache), the other 2 were physically which i never had diarrhea before and people who ate with me had no problem, so it was like premeditated coincidence. This is the first time i was sick that much just in a month, maybe that's why you said im sick often, but the word often just for this month, as usually im rarely sick even in one year. So i thought there mush be something. The other thing that i said to you, during that time, i felt like God was so silent lately, He said something quite often and showed many revelations during the first 2 weeks, but the other 2 weeks was so silent till i was earnestly seeking what happened, why it's so silent and dry (coz it's significantly different between the first two weeks and suddenly change when i didnt feel i did something wrong during that time), like half wet and half dry, to make me think and look back
so when the first time i moved to TNR, she has a sharing night at HN something on Thu, i had class that night but i still listened to her at some point (my multi ears haha), that's the first time He reminded me to think and look at every detail, why my dad was at jkt at a time he shouldnt be (usually first saturday of first week, so basically he should be here last saturday, but somehow he was back to jkt since end of april, been two week here), that made me needs to move out the apartment. The other "coincidence", i and tnr were sick during the home online schedule, not the on site one, so not interrupting the home schedule. Means we need to focus on ourselves more during the time, and somehow no interruption from other people as well
like i said to you, i saw how her boss treated her, she said to me like 'ga tau knp boss nya lg kambuh nya parah, biasa juga marah2, tp yg kali ini lg marah2 yg lagi kumat gitu'. God allowed me to see that. On the other hand, bcoz i worked in the same room, i had a meeting as well with my team several times and she listened, a very different condition of environment. This made me realise, in my current condition, my previous response was not as good as her, i mean, i still can "mengeluh" even though i have a very nice boss, i still can be burned out etc.
total in friday, i had 5 hours prayer, since morning prayer, before night prayer start i had 30 min of praying first then night prayer at truth id and the last 2 hours prayer at mid night, at that night suddenly TNR asked me to play guitar, i though we will have our own prayer as usual, but somehow it turned out differently and we finished on 2 am, and woke up again before 5am (i just never had that so many prayers between 24 hours and still feel "kurang" even after the 2am prayer haha) usually after night prayer on friday, the night maybe only 30 min to 1 hour
after the morning prayer, we worked as usual as she works on saturday and i had deadline as well, but i need to prepare my sharing night at kg12. usually i will be alone in a room during my online sharing, but now i need to prepare the materials when there's other people, and talk when there's people as well. i didnt feel any pressure of canggung bcoz of that, but what came to my mind was it was double kill, what i said was directly heard by a living creature who was witnessing and could feel the atmosphere directly. the spirit could me more felt if i was saying an empty word.
and we had breakout room even though suaranya balapan that i need to take turn to mute or unmute, but there were many responses and situations that i was witnessing and heard with my ears from the TNR's side (may be later i will share a bit), coz i think i have been writing this for too long haha
somehow we woke up late 5:25 when i saw my handphone, tnr didnt woke up as well, so we were late about 25 min, then after morning prayer with bapak finisihed, we continued the other 2 hours morning prayer till 7.50 am, almost the other 2 hours prayer. this time TNR played the guitar. then 11am ira 1, 5pm ira 2, and TNR had night prayer with HN at 7pm, so played guitar accompanying her till 8.30pm before i went back to my home haha so sunday was full of another prayer and services
maybe that's why i felt like i was at a retreat hahaa
that place was very conducive for me to seek Him intensively, and somehow we were very careful about what we talked about, we didnt speak much. My thought was, if i was not careful in front of people who are sensitive to what i said as we know each other when we were wrong when we talked something we shouldnt, how can i keep that attitude in front of people who has different vibe (you know there's a people when we talk to them, they can trigger us to talk an unimportant thing, not an important jokes or topics or trigger our emotion, and we can easily dragged by them), so it's an exercise for me and how i can maintain it when i meet my dad coz he is someone who can trigger my emotion, you know old people somehow "suka aneh2" haha
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Don’t fear the dark, let it protect you - part two
Lloyd never paid much attention to his dragon side. But he never could have imagined how much it wanted to be heard.
The smell of bacon and eggs greeted Lloyd as he entered the kitchen. He sat down at the table, and Zane handed him a plate.
“Sorry, it’s a little cold,” he said with a frown, “we were going to wake you up but…”
Lloyd shrugged. “It’s alright, don’t worry about it…”
He poked at the bacon with his fork, unease gnawing at his gut. He’d never had a problem eating meat before. He ate meat all the time. But the overwhelming smell of grease and burnt flesh coming from his plate was nauseating, headache inducing even. Suppressing a gag, he pushed his plate away.
Cole looked over at him in concern. “What’s wrong, you feeling sick?”
Lloyd’s cheeks flushed. “No, just, uh…” he stuttered, “I’m just not… uh…”
“You don’t appear to have any sort of high temperature,” Zane said, placing a hand on Lloyd’s forehead, “though your face is very red… is there something wrong with your food?”
Lloyd gently pushed Zane away. “No, it’s fine, but… do we have any vegetables?”
Zane blinked and raised an eyebrow. Everyone at the table gave him similar bewildered looks. “Vegetables?” Zane asked.
“Yeah, I’ve been really craving some all morning,” Lloyd replied, getting up from his seat, “we probably have some carrots leftover from thursday right?”
“Yes, but…”
Lloyd opened the fridge. He snatched up the bag of baby carrots and started shoveling them into his mouth. Zane stared at him, mouth agape.
“Lloyd, are you sure you’re… feeling alright?” he asked as he watched Lloyd toss the empty bag aside and move on to the lettuce.
Lloyd swallowed a mouthful of lettuce and shrugged. “I dunno, I feel fine, why?”
“Because you hate vegetables!” Jay said, “did you fall out of bed and bonk your head or something?”
Lloyd finished off the head of lettuce and stuck his head back in the fridge. He sniffed for more vegetables, growling when there were none to be found. He was still hungry.
Kai placed a hand on his shoulder. “Lloyd, what’s going on-”
He snarled at him, his teeth suddenly much longer and sharper. Kai jumped and drew back in alarm. “Woah, dude!” he yelped.
Lloyd slapped a hand over his mouth. How had that slipped out? His eyes darted between Kai, who was still slowly backing away from him, and the shocked faces of his friends. He shuddered.
“I… I have to go…” he mumbled, and ran out of the kitchen, ignoring the shouts behind him.
He didn’t stop running until he was outside the monastery, standing on a patch of grass overlooking the cliff. Lloyd sighed, and sat down to catch his breath. He shouldn’t have trusted those oni in his dream. He shouldn’t have let his oni side take over. Now he was turning into a monster.
...a monster with an unending hunger for vegetables, which to be fair, wasn’t the worst possible scenario. It was almost kinda funny. Okay, the snarling was bad, but he could deal with that.
Speaking of hunger, the grass he was sitting on smelled pretty tasty too…
Before he could stop himself, he was down on all fours ravenously munching on the grass. He probably looked so ridiculous. He didn’t care though, all that he could think of was how sweet and delicious the grass was.
“...guys, I found him.”
Lloyd froze like a deer in headlights. He hesitantly turned to see Nya standing behind him, and almost felt like dying from embarrassment.
“Um… this isn’t what it looks like,” he said weakly.
Nya raised an eyebrow. “Really? Because it kinda looks like you're on all fours eating grass like a goat.”
Lloyd looked down at his hands. “Okay, yeah, it is what it looks like…”
He stood up and brushed himself off, as the rest of the ninja gathered around him. Cole laid a comforting hand on his back. “Hey, no matter what’s going on right now, we’re here for you y'know?”
Kai nodded and patted Lloyd on the head. “Yeah, and sorry about what happened back there, I didn’t mean to scare you bud.”
Lloyd leaned into his touch and smiled. “Thanks guys… but you shouldn’t apologize, you were right to be afraid…” he murmured.
“Aw, don’t say that!” Jay said, “we’d never be afraid of you, even if you have turned into a werebunny!”
Lloyd squinted at him. “A… what?”
“Y’know, a werebunny, like a werewolf but a bunny,” Jay explained, “that’s what happened right? You got bitten by one and now you're turning! Oh no, tomorrow’s a full moon too-”
“I’m not turning into a bunny!” Lloyd shouted, “I’m turning into an oni!”
“Since when do oni’s eat vegetables?” Nya asked, “seems weird, given their whole destroy everything thing you think they’d eat meat.”
“Herbivores can be quite destructive, even more so than carnivores actually,” Zane said.
Lloyd groaned and put his head in his hands. “I don’t wanna turn into a giant bunny… wait, why aren’t you guys more freaked out? I just told you I’m turning into an oni!”
“Why aren’t YOU more freaked out?” Jay shot back, “I thought your oni side taking over was like your greatest fear.”
“It was, but… I had a dream last night that I turned into a full oni, but I wasn’t destroying anything, or hurting anyone,” Lloyd said, his body relaxing as he remembered, “it was… peaceful.”
“Have you talked to Wu about this yet?” Cole asked.
Lloyd shook his head. “No… but I think I should, before I start eating grass again… ugh…”
Master Wu was deep in meditation when Lloyd crept into the room. He sat across from him, and crossed his legs. Wu didn’t acknowledge him. The room was awkwardly silent for a moment.
“...I sense something is troubling you,” Wu said.
Lloyd flinched, then cleared his throat. “Yeah… so, um… it’s kinda hard to explain…”
Wu poured a cup of tea for himself, and then one for Lloyd. “I’m listening.”
Lloyd nodded in thanks and took the cup of hot tea. Deep breath in. Master Wu is part oni too, he’ll understand. “I had a dream last night… about the oni.”
Something in Wu’s expression shifted. His grip on his cup tightened. “...what happened in this dream?”
“I turned into an oni.”
Wu gasped and narrowly avoided dropping his cup. He coughed, composing himself. “You must’ve been horribly frightened by this vision.”
Something in the way Wu was looking at him made Lloyd nervous. Like he was being interrogated. He tensed his shoulders and looked away. “Uh… actually… it wasn’t that bad.”
An uncomfortable energy settled over the room. “What?” Wu asked, a dark tone seeping into his voice.
“Yeah, I know it sounds crazy but when I was an oni, when I was with the other oni I felt…” Lloyd wrapped his arms around himself and sighed, “safe… like I belonged.”
Wu stood up abruptly. He grabbed Lloyd by the arm and pulled him to his feet. “Wait, master, what-”
Lloyd’s next words got caught in his throat. Wu was glaring at him, like he had done something seriously wrong. “Lloyd, listen to me, and listen well.”
The nervous feeling Lloyd had was crawling in his gut, making his head foggy. He tried to pull away, but Wu’s grip was strong. “Master please let me go-”
“The oni are dangerous, deceitful creatures who only crave destruction, you cannot trust anything they say.”
“Master, please stop, please let me go-”
Wu ignored his pleas. “You must suppress the darkness, or it will consume you, just like it consumed your father.”
At that, something in Lloyd snapped. He growled. His nails transformed into claws, and he swiped at Wu with his free arm. He hadn’t meant to scratch him that bad, but from the pained scream Wu made he’d obviously done some damage.
Lloyd scrambled back the second Wu let go of his arm. The smell of the blood on his claws only riled him up more, his eyes narrowing and illuminating the dark room with a neon green glow. “I told you to LET ME GO, old man.”
Wu gaped at him, gingerly touching the gash on his face. “How dare you use your claws against me nephew!” he yelled.
“I am not my father,” Lloyd snarled, “I’ll never be my father, and I do not fear the darkness anymore.”
Green scales covered his arms and legs. He grit his fangs as his horns tore through his skin, this time not bothering to grow them slowly. The pain only gave him clarity.
“You say oni are dangerous and deceitful… what are you then?” Lloyd asked with a scowl.
“Excuse me?”
Lloyd rolled his eyes. “You're more oni than me, and you know it,” he said as he approached Wu, claws bared, “maybe that’s why you lie, maybe that’s why you don’t tell anyone your secrets even when it could help them.”
“What are you talking about-”
“You lied to me!” Lloyd could feel tears pricking at the corner of his eyes, but he pushed them back, “you knew embracing my oni side wouldn’t make me dangerous, but you still made me suffer!”
Wu’s face changed from anger to sorrow. “Lloyd… I’m so sorry, but you must calm yourself-”
Fiery tears poured down Lloyd’s cheeks. Scales had grown over his entire body, leaving him thankfully fireproof. He cried out as his limbs cracked and popped, becoming more animalistic and quadruped, until he no longer could stand on two legs. He fell to the floor with a thud.
He looked up at Wu, terror in his eyes. “This… this isn’t like what it was like before… what’s happening to me…?”
“I… I don’t know…”
Rigged spikes formed on his wrists and ankles, and along his newly formed tail. He heard a gross tearing noise as large bat-like wings burst from his back and ripped through his shirt. Lloyd’s pained cries morphed into growls. His face pushed out into a snout, the final part of his transformation before he collapsed in exhaustion.
Before he passed out, he saw Wu standing over him. Hopefully this scared him enough to make him never want to grab Lloyd like that again.
“Oh youngling, you poor thing…”
Lloyd opened his eyes to see a familiar face leaning over him. A gentle paw touched his cheek. “Oni…?”
The oni smiled, and stroked his hair. “My name is Theta, actually.”
Lloyd groaned. “Theta… what happened? My head feels awful…”
“You transformed into a dragon,” Theta said quietly, “but don’t be afraid, in time you will learn how to control your shapeshifting abilities.”
“But I… I attacked master Wu…”
“Oh don’t worry about that, he deserved it,” Theta scoffed, “he won’t harm you ever again, I promise.”
A calming sensation washed over Lloyd as he was cradled in Theta’s lap. “Um… sorry for the weird question, but what pronouns do you use?” he asked.
“She her dear,” she replied, hugging Lloyd close to her chest.
Lloyd sighed in content, and snuggled into her warm fur. She hummed a lullaby for him, one his father had sung to him when he was little. He felt safe.
“Rest now child… even when you awake in the physical realm, my shadow will still protect you.”
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Angst Week Day Three: Hunger, Slipping (Cole)
Warnings: slight body shaming, slight fat shaming, eating disorders, vomit, self-harm through eating disorder, ‘intense’ social anxiety
Some of the parts may seem super extra but this is also about social tendencies and how the ninja are stereotyped by citizens and how the ninja portray themselves in public!
I almost deleted one of the parts at the party because it seemed too extra, but I wrote a line about highschool that I really liked so I didn’t delete it lol, I also wrote that part at midnight haha
“Why can’t they see what I see? Why can’t they hear the lies? Maybe the fees too pricey for them to realize, your disguise is slipping...”
He hadn’t had cake in forever… in fact, he couldn’t remember the last time he ate cake! So when Cole found out Darkley’s was providing them with cake, the young angsty rebel dancer inside of him wanted to eat as many pieces as he could fit in his mouth!
And he did! He ate a lot of the creamy chocolate cake, and it was delicious! But after that day at Darkley’s, things got weird.
The team made a few jokes about his love for cake, naturally. They all teased each other, it was all in good fun, he didn’t mind. But then they were out in public for a press conference one day, and the kids and teachers at Darkley’s presented each ninja with an award.
Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Nya, and Zane all received certificates with their names on it.
He received a piece of cake with his name on it.
A kind gesture, sure, but when Gayle Gossip asked why Cole received cake, Brad answered, “Cole is obsessed with cake! The day they saved us, he ate almost the entire cake by himself!”
Cole blushed and laughed along with everyone else— it didn’t matter.
A month or two later, after the final battle, there was a special on the television about the ninja, which the team all watched together.
There were a bunch of kids and each said why they loved the ninja.
“I like the black one a lot!” one kid spoke up. Cole sat up straighter, beaming. Finally! After hearing every single kid talk about literally everyone on the team but him, he was excited to hear someone liked him!
“Why do you like the black one?” Gayle asked.
“Because he eats a lot and likes cake and food and I do too!” the kid continued brightly. Cole’s grin fell as his teammates roared with laughter.
Another kid spoke up, “Yeah! I like the food ninja!”
… the food ninja? Is that all he was? He just hadn’t had cake in years because it was banned in his house… no one liked him because he was brave like Kai or caring like Zane or creative and positive like Jay (all things said about them in the interview)... they only thought he was funny because he liked cake…
Between Tournament and Possession… 
He was really nervous. He didn’t want to be here.
But, of course, the day of the banquet the mayor was throwing in celebration of some historical thing, Lloyd, Kai, and Jay had plans together, Nya was sick, and Zane and Lloyd were on a duos mission.
Cole and the others agreed that they didn’t want to be rude and decline the offer to attend, and Cole had thought they were going to offer to change their plans, but no. They decided that Cole should go to some city banquet by himself.
Cole chuckled hastily as he adjusted his collar and tie. He looked around at all these people he didn’t know, all dressed up and laughing daintily as if they’d known each other for years…
The room was filled with hundreds of people, yet Cole still felt alone.
Some banquet this was.
He’d spoken to a few people throughout the night. The mayor kindly thanked him for his service, his wife agreed, and they shook his hands.
A younger woman, probably in her early twenties, approached him and said, “Are the other ninja going to be attending this evening?”
Cole has shook his head. “No, sorry. I was the only one available to come tonight.”
The woman looked him up and down and snorted. “The fire ninja couldn’t come?”
Cole held back the want to roll his eyes. So, she just wanted to get at Kai. “No, he’s busy,” he replied in the most polite voice he could muster.
She scoffed and marched away from him.
He shrugged. Whatever. Good riddance.
After that, Cole overheard an awkward argument between a girl and her friend.
“Come on, Mia! Go talk to him!” one girl said, non-discreetly urging her in Cole’s direction.
“Ugh, but I don’t want to, Riley!” the girl, Mia, groaned.
“It’s not like he’s doing anything else! He’s been standing at the drink table all night! Besides, imagine how cool you’ll be when you go to school Monday and tell everyone you danced with one of the ninja!” Riley argued.
Mia hummed in thought. “Yeah, but I’d rather it be the fire ninja!”
Another girl who wants to get in Kai’s pants, Cole thought, slightly agitated but grateful that he never had to deal with any of the crazed fans like Kai did.
“Yeah, but he’s not here, so this one will have to do!”
Mia then leaned in and began whispering something to Riley. Cole wished he could say he didn’t care to know what they were saying, but the lonesome teenage in him took over and he leaned a bit closer and listened a bit more intently.
“— I can’t be seen with the earth and food ninja, he’s, ehhh, he’s just not my type, ya know? He’s a little too chubby and if I go around telling people I was with him can you imagine what guys at school would think they’d have a chance with me?”
Cole stiffened. Is that… is that… true? He had been eating a lot more than usual lately, but… he didn’t want to! People just kept giving him food and expecting him to eat it and he couldn’t say no because they made it specifically for him because they thought he’d like it and he wants to make his friends happy! Besides, he trains a lot and he can’t go a day without exercising, does that do nothing for him but make him really strong?”
The Riley girl sighed. “Yeah I guess you’re right. Of all the ninja, why did the least interesting one have to be here?”
Cole wanted to speak up, but he knew it was just some popular teenage drama, and he wasn’t about to get into that. The team dropped out of school for a reason, their lives are hard enough without that toxicity.
Still, it hurt a bit. Not that he was into her in the slightest, but as a publicly closeted gay he can’t go around denying girls because he isn’t attracted to them.
He was probably dodging a bullet. If she did talk to him and they ended up dancing, he would just be next week’s gossip. Some lie twisted by the popular tyrants of Ninjago High.
He’s worth more than that.
Besides, it’s not fat, no no no, it’s just muscle. It’s just hard to tell beneath his dead shirt, vest, and jacket…
And of course he was the least interesting! He was silent, closed off! He didn’t talk much during interviews like the rest of the team because he preferred the background! He didn’t flirt with girls on the streets like Kai or crack jokes like Jay! Naturally, he’d be considered the ‘least interesting’!
It was just a string of bad luck. Just some mean girls, two of whom must have some rich parents because teens aren’t really supposed to attend banquets thrown by the mayor.
People didn’t hate him that much, they just loved Kai that much. And who could blame them? Kai’s attractive, flirtatious, radiates power, and extroverted, as opposed to his silent, strong, introverted self!
Things went from bad to worse as the night went on.
He didn’t feel comfortable asking anyone to dance, and he was too anxious to start a conversation with anyone, so Cole spent the evening standing by the refreshments table, drinking water whenever he got thirsty.
It was weird… for awhile everyone seemed to be focused solely on dancing but… as the night went on, he found that people were starting to stare at him. And not stare at him in awe because he was a ninja, but as if he were doing something wrong.
Cole checked his hair in the reflection of his glass, but it was the same as when he arrived. His shirt was still tucked in, he hadn’t rolled the sleeves up, his pants weren’t wrinkled or dirty… what was he doing wrong.
Eventually, a man around the age of the woman from before finally approached him and blatantly demanded, “Food ninja, why aren’t you eating?”
Cole blinked. “Excuse me?”
The man threw an exasperated look at his group of friends, who were slowly inching closer and closer to the conversation, before saying, “You’re the food ninja. You’re, like, obsessed with food and desserts and you haven’t eaten anything tonight, what’s up with that?”
It felt as if someone had stabbed him in the gut. “I-I’m not hungry…” he muttered sheepishly, slowly wrapping his arms around himself, almost like a protective bubble.
“Not hungry? What’s wrong with you? All anyone’s seen you do is eat!”
“That-that’s not-“
“The fire ninja is the angry hot one, the blue ninja is the funny one, the white one is the serious one, the green one is the hero, then there’s the girl, and there’s you, the ninja who eats a lot!” the man exclaimed, drawing the attention of most of the room, who all now stopped to watch.
“I- those are just stereotypes!” Cole meekly replied, willing the rage inside of him to fade so he wouldn’t act out in public.
“Okay, then tell us something about yourself, food ninja, what do you do other than eat?”
Cole felt everyone’s gaze on him. Was he being set up? Surely citizens were more competent than that! Were they just trying to get him to make a scene? Was this some sort of test? His breathing was getting faster and faster. He felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“I like to draw! I read a lot, and I’m actually pretty serious too! I used to dance, but now the only dance I enjoy is a hip-hop type of dance, I climb trees and go on walks— I love nature so much!” he wanted to say, but his words were caught in his throat.
Everyone was staring at him.
Then he heard a snicker. Soon, more and more people were trying to hide their laughter.
He can’t let this be on the news. He can’t let this incident get publicized. He can’t be the one who starts giving the ninja a bad rap. He can’t he can’t he can’t he can’t he can’t—
His eyes flickered into the cruel eyes of the man before him for just a moment, before he hung his head.
The man chuckled. “See, you’re the food ninja. The food ninja eats.”
Cole, defeated, just nodded.
As he turned to walk away, probably to the food table to fulfill his stereotype, he heard whispers.
“Heh, didn’t think he’d just give up like that. He can’t hold his ground. No wonder he’s the least valuable ninja.”
Cole clenched his fists. How did that phrase get out? Who spread it?
“I bet he didn't want to eat because he noticed how much weight he’s been gaining. He can’t keep up with the other ninja if he gets much fatter,” a female ‘whispered’ to her friend, who in turn attempted to hide a laugh.
Cole looked down at himself as he continued to trudge along. Was he really gaining weight that fast? Was it that noticeable?
“I think he’s funny. Ya know, he’s just so relatable because I wish I could stuff my face all of the time and then work it off like he does. I heard that’s why he trains so much.”
Cole scrunched his nose. He didn’t… he didn’t just eat all of the time and then work it off. Yeah, he works hard, trains a lot, exercises a lot, but he does that to prepare, not to lose weight he gained…
“I really wish the other ninja were here. They do more than just stand around and eat. Like, FSM, at least talk to us, right?” Laughter followed.
Cole held back tears. So, was he reduced to the food ninja because that’s all that was memorable about him? Was he really that bland and boring?
“Maybe I didn’t talk to you all because you were too busy talking about me behind my back!” he wanted to scream at the group. But he didn’t.
He eyes the cake on the table. His stomach flipped and his mouth felt dry. He didn’t want to eat the cake right now. He was so sick of cake! He had it like five times a week! He was starting to intensely dislike the taste and texture of cake!
… but everyone was watching him. He took a shaky breath before cutting a piece and placing it on his plate.
“Hey, save some cake for the rest of us, eh?” someone shouted at him when they saw the cake on his plate. The room erupted into laughter and Cole begrudgingly shrugged and shoveled cake into his mouth as they expected him to.
The party lit up again. People went back to dancing, the room was loud and full again…
But not before he heard a girl murmur, “FSM, what a pig.”
“How was the party?” Jay asked from the couch when he heard Cole enter the room later that night.
Cole grunted and shrugged. “Fine, I guess. Really wish you guys were there. I didn’t know anyone, it was kinda awkward… everyone was asking about you guys, though.”
He looked at the scene before him. The whole team was in the living room, half on the couch and half on the floor. Nya was surrounded by tissues and wrapped in a blanket, a bowl beside her, and Zane and Lloyd looked as if they had just gotten out of the shower. His heart ached. If they were all home… why didn’t they come late?
Zane gave him a sympathetic look. “I apologize, brother. If Lloyd and I had known our mission would have ended before you got home, we would have joined you without thought.”
Lloyd snorted. “After we got all of that mud off of us.”
Zane giggles. “Yes, after we washed all of the mud off!”
The group laughed, and it was almost like Cole was invisible. He was the only one who didn’t understand.
He started towards the fridge, as the guests at the banquet had insisted he take some leftovers to “appease his appetite”, and he wanted to put them away, when suddenly the group remembered he was there.
“Didn’t you eat at the party?” Kai bluntly asked. “Eh, just didn’t finish the chicken, okay? Zane’s using it for dinner tomorrow.”
Cole blushed, biting his lip, as he placed the leftovers in the back. He wasn’t hungry, but suddenly he felt like everyone was watching him again.
He slowly grabbed the box of leftover pizza, his stomach aching at the sight, and brought it with him to the couch.
He plopped down beside Jay, rolled his sleeves up, and carelessly threw his tie on the floor, before starting a piece of cold pizza.
He wanted to throw up.
Eat eat eat eat eat
Cole didn’t want seconds during dinner tonight, but it seemed like everyone was staring at him, waiting for him to pile mountains more food on his plate so they could say “First Spinjitzu Master, Cole, Save some for the rest of us!” and laugh, as they do every night. He knew they meant no harm, but...
Eat eat eat eat eat
He felt sick. He couldn’t eat anymore. But he had to. Everyone was watching him.
Shove it down.
Just keep eating.
Don’t look up.
Focus on the food.
First Spinjitzu Master, when had he gained all of this weight… it’s because he was a pig. A disgusting pig. That’s why no one likes him, yeah, because he’s a fat pig.
Eat eat eat eat eat eat
He couldn’t eat anymore.
His stomach ached, he mouth burned…
But he had to. He is his appetite. If he doesn’t eat he’s not important. If he doesn’t eat will anyone know who he is?
He vigorously shoved more food in his mouth, then excused himself to go to the bathroom.
His throat burned.
He panted, attempting to ignore the burning sensation before once more lifting his fingers to his mouth and puking.
Too fat. His dad would be so disappointed.
Too fat means too slow means too useless on missions.
The scent of the vomit only served to aid in his purging, the smell was putrid.
Why did it hurt so much? So much pain.
Panting. He was panting.
This was what he was supposed to do, right? If he’s not hungry, then who is he?
His head hung, resting on the toilet seat, all thoughts of sanitary had left his mind after his first round of purging all those weeks ago.
Who is he?
He was coughing now. His knees ached, his throat burned, his lips were dry, and his head pounded.
He begrudgingly lifted his heavy head, wiping the leftover spit of vomit running down his chin. Like always, he shakily grabbed the febreeze and sprayed the room, praying that no one would be able to smell it.
Let them think what they want.
He attempted to steady the shaking of his hands.
Then he walked back into the kitchen.
He was… hungry.
“I bring you pain, the kind you can’t suffer quietly. Fire up your brain, remind you inside you’re rioting, society is slipping, everything’s slipping away...”
I don’t know. Might make a sequel where Zane catches him puking.
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strangermask · 5 years
HC storytime
Welcome to the first HC storytime. A mini-series where I write about my hcs for fandoms I know about. Won’t have a full-on schedule unless I feel as if people are really enjoying this, so enjoy!
Word Count: 1,613
Fandom: Lego Ninjago
The main character(s) in the writing: Kai
HC: Lactose Intolerance
Warnings: Mention and action of vomit/puking
When Kai was eleven, he would get sick. He would get bad stomach aches, burp a lot, and throw up. However, it only happened when he drank milk, ate cheese, or something that involved milk. Nya was getting worried about her big brother and went to grab the village doctor. “What is the problem again Nya?” Dr. Huntre asked, carrying his brown bag.
“Kai keeps getting sick after drinking milk and eating cheese,” Nya answered.
“What do you mean?”
“He gets tummy aches, he throws up, and he burps a lot.”
It took some time for the two to reach the Four Weapons. As the two enter the shop, they could hear someone throwing up. They ran to the bathroom to find Kai laying his head on the toilet.
“Kai, are you alright?” Dr. Huntre asked as he hurried over to the poor eleven-year-old boy.
“I’m fine.” Kai lied as he threw up again.
Dr. Huntre thought about the symptoms Nya explained to him, and when it happens.
“Kai, what have you recently eaten?”
“Ice cream.”
“How long has it been since you ate ice cream?”
“I ate it when Nya left.”
Kai threw up again. Dr. Huntre searched through his bag and found his notepad along with his breath test tool.
“Kai, can you breathe through this?”
Kai nodded and did so. Dr. Huntre looked at the tool and saw the number at 138 PPM. He looked in his notebook to look for Kai’s last recorded breath test.
Kai Ash Smith
Breath Test-97 PPM
(I don’t know the moderate amount for children. I did look it up, but it told me 97-99%)
Dr. Huntre realizes what’s going on, and sighed in relief.
“I think I know the problem,” Dr. Huntre said as he put his notebook away. “Kai, you seem to be lactose intolerant.”
“What does that mean?” Nya asked.
“Inside the body, there are these little workers called lactase that break down milk and other milk-related food. They do that so the body doesn’t have problems in the future. In Kai’s case, there aren’t enough lactase in his body, so he has more trouble digesting milk and other milk-related food.”
“Is there a cure?” Kai asked.
“I’m afraid not, but there are ways to help you so you don’t have to go through this every time.”
After Kai started to feel better, Dr. Huntre told Kai about the other food options he could eat so that he still got the calcium he needed. Kai gladly took the other food option, but he would still eat ice cream.
In the present time.
“Three years Kai,” Nya told Kai.
“Nya, please don’t do this again,” Kai asked.
“It’s been three years, and you still haven’t told them about your lactose intolerance.”
“They don’t need to know.”
“They do.”
“What if someone makes a giant dairy feast and you eat that? You’re going to end up being stuck in the bathroom for a long time.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“Now that’s a joke.”
Kai rolled his eyes.
“I’m going to visit Mom and Dad for a while, and I am going to visit Dr. Huntre,” Nya said.
“Why are you going to Dr. Huntre?” Kai asked.
“To tell him about your recent behavior.”
Kai stuck his tongue at Nya, and she did it back. She left the monastery and Kai was now alone in his room.
I do want to tell them, but what if they make fun of me?
“Kai, lunch is ready!” Zane called out.
Kai left his room and went to the dining room. He turned into a ghost when he saw what was on the table.
Oh Nya, why did you jinx me? Kai thought to himself.
On the table, there were: cucumber leek soup, ham & cheese grits, oven-baked chicken with mozzarella cheese, and a Colby Cobb salad.
“Are you okay Kai?” Zane asked.
“Oh, yeah,” Kai responded, “Just surprised by the big feast.”
“Well we didn’t have many ingredients and most of them were going to expire soon.”
Kai’s stomach dropped. If the food they had were going to expire soon, you knew Zane was the one cooking. Kai smiled nervously. He sat down with the others and began to eat. There was no way he was going to hurt Zane’s feelings.
After lunch.
Kai regretted having seconds, and he knew he was going to get scolded by Nya. She wasn’t here right now, so at least there was that.
Besides, it won’t happen immediately, Kai told himself. It takes about thirty minutes anyway, that’s plenty of time to find a way to cover this.
Kai began to think of ways he could avoid telling everyone he’s lactose intolerant. He could probably just say he drank soda for the burping part. That was easy. But the hardest part was coming up with an excuse for the stomach aches and the vomiting. Food poisoning? Zane would blame himself. Got the stomach flu? Straight to the medical room, and a ticket to them finding out. Ate a snack that was expired?... That might work. He’ll just tell them that.
“Hey, Wu wants us outside for training,” Jay said.
“I’m coming.” Kai got up.
The two went outside to the training yard and began training.
Meanwhile, with Nya.
“How’s Kai?” Maya asked.
“He’s doing better after the incident,” Nya answered. “But he’s being super stubborn about his health.”
“What do you mean?”
“He won’t tell anyone about his lactose intolerance.”
“I guess it’s your mother and my fault for that.” Ray chuckled.
“What do you mean?” Nya asked her father.
“Well Kai has my stubbornness, and your mother is also lactose intolerant.”
“You were a very stubborn man when I first met you,” Maya smirked.
Ray chuckled a bit.
“Oh, Nya, you said you were here for something else?”
“Oh yeah, I’m going to visit Dr. Huntre afterward,” Nya said as she took another sip from her tea.
“What for?”
“I need to inform him about Kai’s behavior, plus there is something I need from him.”
“Shouldn’t you go then?”
“It can wait for a while. Right now, I’m spending time with my parents.”
Back at the monastery.
The training session was finally over, and everyone was tired. Kai went to his room to check what time it was.
12:54 PM
It can't be thirty minutes already! Kai bit his lip.
Time wasn’t lying. He clutched aching stomach, cursing to himself. He toughens up, and he went to look for the guys. 
Kai found them in the gaming room. Jay was the first to notice Kai.
"Hey Kai," Jay waved when noticed Kai's pale face. "Are you alright? You look pale."
Kai nodded. The pain in his stomach is getting worse.
Zane looked over at Kai, and he looked like he was going to throw up.
"Is something wrong?" Zane asked.
Kai was about to say something. Then he felt it. Vomit was starting to rise. He ran to the bathroom and went straight to the toilet. He then threw up.
Everyone heard the red ninja vomiting and went to check on him. He was found laying his on the toilet seat with vomit hanging from his mouth.
Cole came to Kai's side and rubbed his back.
"What happened?" Cole asked.
"Probably ate something bad," Kai answered before throwing up again. Cole was feeling suspicious.
"Okay, let's get you to bed for now."
Cole helped Kai up and carried him to his room. Zane grabbed the bathroom trashcan and followed the two.
The three got to Kai's room, and he was laid down in his bed. Zane put the trash can near Kai.
“Stay in here and rest, I’m going to try to find some medicine for you,” Zane told Kai.
He nodded, and Cole and Zane left the room.
After a few minutes of looking for medicine, Nya came home.
“Hey Zane,” Nya said. “Are you looking for something?”
“I’m looking for medicine for Kai,” Zane answered.
“Did something happen?”
“He’s been throwing up for a few minutes. He says he ate something bad, but I only recall him eating lunch.”
“What did you use for lunch?”
“Mostly food that would expire soon, which were mostly dairy products strangely.”
“How much did Kai eat?”
“He had two servings, is there a reason why you’re asking me these questions?”
“I’ll be right back.”
Nya ran to Kai’s room. There he was, lying down while suffering.
“Please don’t tell me you ate two servings of dairy,” Nya begged.
“You’re the one who jinxed me.” Kai glared.
“Why would you eat that much!”
“I didn’t want to hurt Zane’s feelings!”
Kai threw up.
“This was the reason why you should have told them you’re lactose intolerant!”
“Wait, Kai is lactose intolerant?” Lloyd asked.
The Smith siblings looked at the doorway. Lloyd, Cole, Jay, and Zane were there.
Before Kai could say anything, he let out a large belch. He hid under his blankets, turning red.
After explaining.
“So Kai has been lactose intolerant this whole time?” Jay asked.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Cole asked Kai.
“Because you guys would make fun of me and poke at me for it,” Kai answered turning his head away. “Just like everyone else.”
Everyone looked at each other.
“We promise we won’t poke at you or make fun of you for it,” Zane promised. “We’re going to go easy on our use of dairy for cooking from now on. For now, you need to rest.”
So Kai spent the last hour being in pain.
And everyone did go easy on the dairy. They also made sure to poke or joke about Kai’s lactose intolerance.
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rinas-ninjas · 5 years
Chapter 8
Prologue - Chapt 7 - Chapt 9
Dinner that night was a joyous occasion, everyone wanting to celebrate Kai’s newfound control over his element. Zane and Nya conspired to make his favorite dish, one that sent Jay screaming for milk when he ate too big of a bite. Kai’s smile never faded the whole night.
“Y’know fireball, I don’t think we realized you could smile!” Cole joked. Kai flushed, his ears turning red while Nya snorted. Cole patted him on the back, laughing. “Well don’t stop on our account!” The others joined in, the laughter infectious.
Jay chimed in his agreement. “Yeah man, it’s good to see you cheered up! You’ve been so down in the dumps we were worried that maybe you were just the elemental master of cheesed off!” This set off another round of laughing, the whole room feeling brighter than it had in a week. Once the room quieted a little, a bashful looking Kai spoke up.
“About all that – hey, Lloyd, c’mere.” The blond had been standoffish since Kai’s retort that first morning, and he’d jumped on doing household tasks that would keep him away from the training yard all week. Kai rubbed the back of his neck, a more serious look on his face. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. You were being nice, and having fun, and I was mad. I’m sorry.” The room was silent, waiting for Lloyd’s answer, when he jumped at Kai, nearly knocking him to the ground.
“It’s fine Flame Brain. Just don’t be a jerk when you have migraines.” Kai shot his sister a glare as she shrugged.
“Told you to apologize that night. You didn’t. I won’t now.” Kai returned Lloyd’s hug, jumping as a flash went off, following by Jay giggling and Nya trying to hide a camera.
“Oh come on! Low blow sis!”
As the days went by, Kai’s control grew stronger. He helped Zane in the kitchen, lighting their gas stove on occasion and broiling various dishes when needed. Wu often had the two spar, once it was revealed that Zane’s powers were known to Nya, and therefore Kai. In fact, all four of the older boys spent more time together as Kai’s skill grew. And while Nya was happy for her brother – he hadn’t been this carefree in years – it did get lonely on occasion. Especially once he got to go on missions.
“See ya sis bye!” The monastery gate swung closed, a flash of red disappearing through it. Nya sighed from her spot on the porch, turning her attention to Lloyd. The youngest one got left behind anytime someone left the monastery – why he traveled with Wu to meet them baffled Nya. The current excuse was that his training was behind the others – nevermind Kai’s delayed start. He’d responded by adopting her brother’s stellar attitude.
“And take THAT, serpentine scum!” He yelled as he sent a training dummy flying. The kid was stronger than he looked, Nya gave him that much. He and Jay tended to spar a lot, due to their similar size, but he could easily take on Kai or Zane. He walked back to Nya, still huffing from his workout. “So where are they off to this time?” He flopped onto the wood slats with her, sprawling across the porch.
Nya shrugged, frowning. “Don’t know. Said it was a ‘top secret training mission’.” She air quoted her brother. “I swear I saw marshmallows in his pack.” The two pouted together, Nya fuming. “You know what?” She jumped up, startling Lloyd. “We’re going to have our own trip. With our own marshmallows, and our own training!” She stomped off to her room, Lloyd trailing after her, spewing protests.
“But Nya! Wu-“ he dodged a flying sandal as she rummaged through her closet. “Wu says I need to stay here! That I can’t leave the monastery without him!” She moved from her room to the kitchen in the main hall, a determined look on her face the whole way. “Nya are you listening to me?” Lloyd nearly ran into her as she whirled around, holding a box of graham crackers threateningly.
“All I’m hearing is that Wu wants you to stay here and be bored. And that you’re going to let that happen.” Lloyd stared up at her face, dumbstruck. He set his jaw the same as hers, eyeing the crackers.
“Fine but we have to bring the hot chocolate too.” Nya marched away, a triumphant grin on her determined face. Lloyd nodded to himself before following her, snatching the hot chocolate mix out of the pantry on his way.
It was relatively easy to sneak out of the monastery. The boys going in and out of the gate made it easy to open, and they made sure to stuff their beds with training dummies to ward off suspicion – complete with a “sick note” on their doors. Without a word, they were out of the walls and in the forest at the base of the mountain.
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libraryofrewrita · 6 years
Chapter 21: Resolved Uncertainties
For the next couple of days, the kids spent their days either running on the track at the school, climbing the poles that were also at the school, or riding their bikes all over Springdale. The purpose of all of this was so that when they eventually had to go back to the past, they could outrun and outmaneuver the Wicked Yo-kai to avoid being Inspirited. However, today had different plans in store as the group was heading back to Katie's house for the day.
"We'll go to my house and use the notes that Whisper got out of the boxes back in Harrisville to form some sort of plan for our return to the past. Sound good?
"Yeah. If we're actually going to be in the middle of a war between the Bonies and Fleshies, we might as well see what we have to deal with."
"That's a good point and...Whisper? Jibanyan? Is something up? Both of you have been very quiet today."
The nekomata and butler looked up, seeming surprised.
"Oh, it's nyothing. I was just going to go fight some trucks later. I knyow that as humans, you three can't fight trucks without people thinking you're crazy, which is why I didn't say anything."
"Whisper, what's your excuse?"
Whisper put his hands into his invisible pockets as he looked down at the ground.
"I just have a lot of things on my mind right now. Sorry for worrying you guys."
"Whisper? Would you mind watching me as I fight the trucks today? Nyormally I would do this by myself, but with everything that's been happening, I would like someone to watch my back in case the Wicked Yo-kai try something."
Whisper stopped moving, an impressive feat since he was floating, and after thinking for a moment, he nodded. He handed the papers to the kids, promised to meet up with them later, and followed Jibanyan to the intersection.
As Whisper leaned on the small fence that separated the sidewalk from the intersection and watched Jibanyan warm up while waiting for his next target to appear, Whisper felt the thoughts from earlier crowd his mind again.
I did admit to not being able to tell the difference between platonic and romantic feelings when we first discussed our feelings, but I enjoy being with Jibanyan.
Whisper gave Jibanyan a small smile when he waved to him and Whisper waved back.
I mean...I know that I love Jibanyan and that he loves me back, but what if we end up falling out of love later? What if we were mistaken about our feelings for each other? I know that we shared a kiss, but...
Whisper sighed softly when Jibanyan wasn't looking. He really wanted to discuss this with him, but he didn't want to distract him...and there was a truck headed for Jibanyan. Thankfully, Jibanyan noticed the truck in time and his paws started to fly at a hundred miles an hour, just like the first time they had met. However, despite Jibanyan seeming to be able to push it back for a few seconds, the truck overpowered him in the end and he went flying in another direction.
I better go find him. Those two...or three, if I'm remembering correctly, Wicked Yo-kai will be looking for an opportunity to mess with Jibanyan. I can't let that happen!
Whisper quickly floated in the direction that he saw Jibanyan fly in, hoping that he wouldn't be too late.
Jibanyan picked himself off the ground and rubbed his head.
He shook his head to get the dirt off and looked around. He was near the riverbank, which thankfully wasn't too far from the intersection. All he had to do was make his way back there and as he rested up before tackling another truck again, he would talk to Whisper about something.
Ever since we got together, we haven't really done much as a couple. Sure, we cuddle and tease each other sometimes and we did kiss...but...
Jibanyan sighed as he started to make his way towards the intersection.
Maybe if we weren't trying to keep the Wicked Yo-kai from wrecking everything right now, Whisper and I would be able to talk about this right now. I honestly can't wait to get rid of them so that we can have some peace for once.
Jibanyan paused and twitched his ears when he thought he heard something. He turned around, just to make sure that no one else was around, although he doubted that he was alone. Just as he was about to continue on his way, he heard the faint crackling of electricity and was too late to jump out of the way of the ball of lightning headed towards him.
Jibanyan stirred as he felt a large headache forming. He opened his eyes slowly and as he looked around the first thing that popped into his head was,
Wasn't I just outside? Why am I in a bedroom?
The more he looked around, the more he realized that something was up. He got up to explore the strangely familiar bedroom, only to find that he wasn't able to get onto his hind legs. He found that weird, but as he turned to look at a floor-length mirror, he was startled at what he saw.
"I-i'm alive again?!"
He looked at his reflection again, not sure if it was a dream. He batted at his reflection, just wanting to see if the mirror was real or not. At that moment, he heard the door open and he saw someone he didn't expect to see again.
He looked at the girl, happily humming as she set a bag down on her bed. She smiled at Jibanyan and picked him off the floor and happily spun around with him in her arms.
"Hey, Rudy! Did you miss me?"
Jibanyan was startled by what came out of his mouth, but the feeling quickly went away when he realized,
Right. Somehow alive again. Only able to speak like a normal cat.
After Amy placed him down and pulled out a feather toy that they played with for a while, Amy left her room to help with dinner, and since he didn't have much to do until dinner was ready, Jibanyan walked around Amy's bedroom. He found his old cat bed, which had the name Rudolph stitched into it, which he actually found amusing.
I never thought of myself as a Rudolph, but then again, I didn't know that many names to begin with when I became a Yo-kai. Speaking of...why was I sent back? It was Gin and Kin's doing, no doubt. But why would they do this? They're hardly the type to do something like this out of the kindness of their hearts. I don't even think they have hearts to be honest.
Jibanyan walked out of the room and decided to just go with it until he could find something that would explain what was happening. Besides, it would be nice to be with Amy again, even if his last memory of her wasn't so pleasant.
The next morning...
Jibanyan woke up to the sound of agruing and he held his head as best as he could in his old body to deal with his currently forming headache.
Lord Enma, I'm still nyot used to being in my old body.
He got up from his cat bed and after taking a few test steps to make sure he was fully awake, he made his way downstairs just in time to see Amy fuming about something. However, when he walked up to her, her fuming expression changed to a happy one as she put her shoes on and picked him up.
"Come on, Rudy. I need to get out of the house for a while."
Jibanyan was on his side as the two of them laid on the grassy area near the riverbank.
"I was sick for a few days and I have to catch up on missing assignments and my duties as part of the student council. She knows that I was sick and that I'm stressed out from trying to catch up! She didn't have to call me a lair about it!"
Jibanyan hopped into her lap and licked her cheek, making her giggle. She petted Jibanyan's head as she said,
"At least I have you, Rudy. I don't know what I would do without you when I'm at my lowest points. I need the good grades if I want to be a fashion designer one day. I just hope you'll be there when I accomplish that dream."
Jibanyan purred as she petted him and they spent the rest of the day outside before they went back to her house that evening.
That night, Jibanyan was unable to go to sleep right away as thoughts ran through his head.
Nyothing is making any sense so far. Amy is still the happy and kind girl I knew her to be, so what happened that day? Did her arguement with her mother have something to with why she called me...?
If he had been able to, he would've sighed sadly. He hated not knowing the full story of what happened before his death, almost as much as he hated Gin and Kin for doing this to him.
I swear, as soon as I'm able to get back to my original time...
He tried to get into a comfortable postion as he thought about the friends he made when he became a Yo-kai. Nate, Katie, the Koma Brothers, and Whisper.
I miss them so much. I never got a chance to even talk to Whisper about our relationship before this happened. I just want to be able to talk to him again. I want to be with my friends again.
He looked to Amy, who was peacefully asleep.
But I have to knyow...what happened that day?
Jibanyan hopped onto Amy's bed and curled up next to her, mostly because he was starting to feel lonely and he eventually fell asleep.
Jibanyan woke up and headed downstairs to eat breakfast, noticing the awkward aura in the kitchen as Amy and her mother ignored each other as they ate breakfast.
I really hope they make up soon...I can't stand this awkward aura.
Out of habit, Jibanyan looked around for any Yo-kai that might have been causing this, only for him to remember that even if he did see a Yo-kai, it wasn't like he could do anything about it. He couldn't exactly fight Yo-kai in his current stitutation and he didn't have any way to even tell them that a Yo-kai had been messing with them the whole time.
I really wish Amy could see Yo-kai. At least she could try to work things out with the Yo-kai causing trouble and have her mother back to normal. I wonder if she would be able to understand me if she could see Yo-kai...I mean, I am technically a Yo-kai. I'm just stuck in my old body without any of my powers.
He saw Amy get up from the table and he rushed to the front door, having a good idea of what was going to happen.
I might as well make the best of it. There might be a clue I'm missing to figure out my past and why exactly I'm here. Although, I really wish I had someone with me to help me through this.
"Wow, Rudy! You've been wanting to hang out with me a lot recently!"
Jibanyan allowed himself to be picked up as they walked out the front door, however he held a feeling of dread as he didn't know what was going to happen that day.
After spending the day with Amy again, pretending to give her fashion advice when he honestly didn't know the first thing about it and licking melted ice cream off her hand while sneaking a lick of chocolate. He knew it wasn't good for him while he was alive, but he really missed the taste of chocolate. That had been another thing he missed about being a Yo-kai, being able to eat the stuff that would've made him sick or worse when he was alive.
Wait...why is this place so familiar?
They were walking by a strangely familiar intersection when Amy pressed the button that would allow the both of them to cross the street. Something about this felt off to Jibanyan and he racked his brain, trying to remember when it hit him.
This is the intersection where I met Nyate, Katie, and Whisper! That means...!
Jibanyan saw two classmates of Amy across the street from them. He saw Amy wave to them. He saw the crosswalk sign give the okay to cross. He saw Amy check both ways before stepping out onto the crosswalk. He saw the truck heading right towards her.
Nyow I remember what happened!
Suddenly, time seemed to stop as Amy noticed the truck heading towards her.
"What will you choose, cat? Will you allow the one who insulted you to live, causing you to become a Yo-kai, or will you allow fate to run it's original course and allow yourself to live?"
Jibanyan instantly recognized the voices of Gin and Kin. He refused to look at them, though. They were the reason he was here to begin with.
They're trying to mess with me. There's nyo way that Amy was supposed to die instead of me...right?
Jibanyan squinted as he saw a familiar faint purple aura around the truck, indicating that the truck was Inspirited.
"What the nya...?"
Was the truck actually Inspirited the first time or are they trying to tempt me into changing the past? I wouldn't put it past them to do something like this in order to get rid of me...
Multiple trains of thought ran through his head at the same time, leaving it a scattered mess.
Even if they succeeded in getting rid of me, nyothing is stopping Nyate and Katie from saving the realms from Mckraken. I wouldn't be there, but it's nyot like I'm that important of a factor in saving the world. The major factor would be Whisper. He was the one who gave them the Yo-kai Watch in the first place...although how he got them before they were even created is beyond me. I'll have to ask him about that when I see him again. Wait...was Whisper the original target?
The more Jibanyan thought about it, the more that Whisper's actions that night in Harrisville started to make sense.
Did someone warn Whisper that he was a target? Was that why Whisper told us his story about his time as Nyonuttin/Whispocrates? Was it so that so he couldn't be tempted to change fate?
Jibanyan looked at the frozen scene in front of him. Despite the not-so-pleasant memory of being called lame, he loved Amy and from the time he had relived, he didn't see any reason for her to even call him that. She seemed to enjoy his company if anything. He sighed softly as he got into position. He knew what he had to do to get the full story.
"You're making a senseless sacrifice, you know."
"Shut up! I would sacrifice myself over and over for the ones I love! You two just can't understand that! In fact, whatever you were planning was just a waste of time!"
With a sudden burst of energy, Jibanyan leaped onto Amy, pushing her out of the way before everything went black.
Jibanyan shook his head as he realized he was back in his Yo-kai form. He saw the truck go by without stopping and hissed at it.
"I hope you get ticketed, you jerk of a driver! I don't care if you were actually Inspirited or nyot!"
He looked over at Amy, who had been caught by her classmates when he pushed her out of the way, to make sure she was okay.
He waited for the moment he was dreading, but as he watched, he noticed that Amy looked confused as she looked at her feet, where he normally would've been. She turned around and saw his unmoving body.
Is...is she crying?
He saw tears fall down her face as she knelt by his body, carefully picking him up off the street, and walking onto the sidewalk to keep his body away from the traffic as she whispered through her tears,
"R-rudy...I can't believe I let you get hit by a truck..."
Her tears of sadness turned into tears of frustration as she yelled,
"First that stupid arguement with my mother and now this?! My best friend is dead because of that stupid truck driver! That's so lame! Lame! Lame! Lame!"
What...? Did I remember it wrong this whole time?
Jibanyan felt himself crying as he said,
"She loved me! She's always loved me!"
He saw her head suddenly turn towards where he was and he was shocked when he heard her barely audiable voice whisper to him,
Jibanyan was shocked. Was Amy able to sense him? Before he could go any further to find out, he saw himself glowing and starting to disappear.
Nyot nyow! I was about to find out if she can sense me!
As he disappeared, he quickly yelled to her,
"Amy! I don't know if you can sense, hear, or see me, but I'm still in this realm! I promise that I'll come find you when I can find the time! Just keep believing in your dreams of becoming a fashion designer! I believe in you!"
He turned into a ball of light and as he floated upwards, he swore that he could see Amy looking up at him.
I really hope that I'm right about her sensing me...
Jibanyan stirred as he opened his eyes. He saw Whisper looking at him with worried eyes and he slowly sat up and looked around. He was still near the riverbank where he had been attacked by Gin and Kin.
"Are you okay? I just found you laying here and...what's wrong?"
Jibanyan hugged Whisper tightly and cried.
"S-sorry, Whispy...I've just been through so much."
As soon as he was able to calm down, he explained everything that had happened to him.
"She loved me to the very end, Whispy...I can't believe I forgot those details when I died..."
"It happens to a lot of Yo-kai that are created through death, Jibanyan. Sometimes they still retain all of their memories, sometimes they only have the bare minimum of their memories that allowed them to become Yo-kai in the first place and that explain their personalities and powers, and sometimes they don't remember anything at all, not even the details that would explain why they became Yo-kai or why they have certain personalities and powers to begin with."
Whisper looked to the side sadly when he said the last part of his explanation. Jibanyan noticed and licked Whisper's cheek, trying to cheer him up.
"Do you want to know my actual name, Whisper? From when I was alive?"
Whisper nodded, mostly out of curiousity.
"It's Rudolph, but Amy always called me Rudy because it sounded cuter. You can call me whatever you feel like, but I'm going to stick to introducing myself as Jibanyan."
"Do you know what you're going to do with the information that you recovered?"
Jibanyan shrugged.
"I do knyow that I'm going to tell Nyate and Katie what happened to me while I was out, but I'm nyot sure when I'm going to have a free moment to find Amy with the whole Wicked Yo-kai thing that's happening."
Whisper just patted the nekomata's shoulder.
"I'm sure we can get the Wicked Yo-kai situtation dealt with soon. We were able to defeat Mckraken a day after we learned of his existance, weren't we?"
"Well, yeah...but we've known about the Wicked Yo-kai for a few days at most and if I'm remembering this correctly, school is going to start up again pretty soon. It's going to be kinda hard for the kids to help save the world if they're in school. From what I remember, Amy was busy a lot with her homework and whatever else she did in school."
Whisper made an expression, which as far as Jibanyan could tell, meant that Whisper probably hadn't thought that far into the future. He shook his head to clear the expression off his face and he just smiled at the nekomata.
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, Jibby. Let's just get home, shall we?"
As the two walked, Whisper started talking about how there was going to be  a storm later and that they would probably end up being cooped up inside for the night. As much as Jibanyan tried to pay attention, he felt something nagging at him. He sighed and pulled on Whisper's arm, bringing the butler and his talk to a halt.
"Can we talk about something before we head home, Whispy?"
Whisper looked nervous as he said,
"Yeah...I've actually been meaning to talk to you about something as well."
Both Yo-kai took a deep breath and said at the same time,
"I want to talk about our relationship."
Both Yo-kai were shocked at the other's confession and Whisper managed to get out,
"I still want to be in a relationship with you, it's just that I'm scared. I don't know if our feelings will fade away or if we were mistaken about how we feel about each other or...or...I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose someone I care about. It's happened to me before and I don't want it to happen again..."
Whisper felt tears forming in his eyes as he tried to hold himself together. He felt Jibanyan hold his hands in his paws as the nekomata said,
"I knyow we haven't done much as a couple, but I still do want to be with you. Even if our feelings did fade away...even if we were mistaken about our feelings...I would still be willing to stay with you as a friend because I could never imagine ever leaving you or our friends."
Jibanyan hugged Whisper as he whispered,
"I love you, Whispy."
Whisper let his tears fall as he hugged Jibanyan back.
"I love you too, Jibby."
They pulled away from each other, trying not the break the hug and the two Yo-kai just smiled at each other before they closed their eyes and kissed, the rain starting to pour down around them. They didn't notice at first since they were wrapped up in their own world, but the rain managed to bring them back to reality.
"We should really be getting back. They're probably worried sick about us."
"Yeah, we should."
At that moment, both Yo-kai suddenly sensed an aura that was near them, but startled them most about the aura was that it was a combination of both of their auras. They carefully investigated the area until they found a small nekomata, curled up into a ball and shivering. The small nekomata was mostly white except for a few red spots and the tail flames were a light purple instead of light blue. Whisper summoned his umbrella and held it over the small nekomata, which made the small nekomata perk up their head after not feeling any rain falling on them.
"T-this nekomata looks like...looks like..."
Whisper nodded as he finished the sentence,
"Looks like a fusion of us."
The three Yo-kai just stared at each other under the safety of the umbrella before the small nekomata pointed to himself and said,
"I'm Buchinyan."
"Do you remember where you came from?"
Buchinyan had to think for a minute and said,
"I think I started to form during a festivel but it was today that I was able to show up."
Whisper and Jibanyan felt their faces getting warm as Whisper asked,
"Do you know who we are?"
Buchinyan nodded.
"Of course. You're Papa Whisper and he's Daddy Jibanyan. Your love is the reason I exist."
Buchinyan coughed, most likely from being wet and probably catching a cold, but he managed to act strong as he said,
"I'm going to be the best battler ever and make you two proud of me!"
It might have been because Whisper always had a paternal instict, which may or may not have been obvious, but he carefully scooped Buchinyan up as he said,
"Well, you're not staying out in the rain, Buchi. We're going to go to a friend's house and help out with some stuff. As soon as the weather is better and we're absolutely sure that you're healthy, we'll see how good you are at battling."
Buchi swished his twin-tails as he held on to Whisper and Jibanyan just smiled as he thought to himself,
I may nyot have Amy right nyow, but I do have people and Yo-kai that I care about and that care about me. Besides, there's a chance that Amy and I can reunite someday. I just nyeed to find a way to bring everyone together so that I won't felt conflicted about who I want to be with when that day finally comes.
Jibanyan wrapped one of his tails around Whisper's arm and used his one of his paws to help Whisper steady the umbrella as the trio started to head back to Katie's house under the safety of the umbrella, not quite sure of what the future held for them.
Previous Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/181392171284/chapter-20-finishing-things-in-present
Next Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/183172176579/chapter-22-into-the-eye-of-the-storm
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gimme cole headcanon
Cole Headcanons Part Two!
Part one right here: https://that-was-anticlimactic.tumblr.com/post/182618003899/have-you-any-headcanons-about-cole-the-fandom
(Sorry this is long, I tried doing the read more on my phone but it didn’t work I’m screeching ahh!!)
Let’s start with some depressing then end in happy!
During the beginning of Sons of Garmadon when Lloyd didn’t know Harumi was evil and they were being all flirty, Cole was the only single one on the ship (Zane still had Pixal even though she wasn’t there. That wording is weird but makes sense in my head) and eventually it got to the point of just craving validation and affection and being heard and seen since he was always the wheel and sometimes no one paid him any attention because of significant others, that he went out in search for something to make him feel valuable and long story short he met a random guy at Laffy’s (before he knew it was an SoG place) and they ended up making out in the back and it was really bad because the guy was going far too fast for Cole and wanted more and it scared Cole and he didn’t know how to say slow down and every time he tried he was ignored. He barely got out before it got... too intense.
He still hasn’t told anyone about it yet. All he wanted was for someone to notice him, to treat him like he wasn’t a third wheel... he didn’t want that.
Unbeknownst to him it was an SoG member who knew he was a ninja and was trying to make him feel pain
After the events of Day of the Departed, Cole had a few moments where he was mad at the team for forgetting him, even though he knew it wasn’t their fault
At one really low point he reasoned that if it were any other ninja (specifically Lloyd), everyone would have noticed immediately. He felt really bad about that thought for awhile.
You’re invisible when you’re sad
Fading away at random times TO THIS DAY is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to him. It happened at the most random times and he would suddenly lose control and even thought sometimes and the others would sometimes just find him staring into space
There was a good portion of time when he was a ghost when the public hates him. All of the ninja get hate a lot because... the world can be dumb... but when Cole was a ghost, people freaked out. It took a long time for them to realize / accept that he wasn’t becoming evil or anything.
Cole had some bad encounters with some citizens who didn’t trust him. The team got real pissed real fast about them. Cole definitely didn’t leave The Bounty for a while and thought everyone hated him. He had some good talks with Lloyd and Zane about dealing with it because they know best.
Ninjago being like Cole never had any run ins with water as a ghost what ??? Oh no no he definitely had some instances with water that scared him to no end
This boy just. He craves affection so badly sometimes. Like not like he’s desperate for a significant other but. FSM, this boy just needs affection sometimes because he never gets it.
Okay okay. About cake. Cole likes cake. And he likes food, he stress eats. BUT! Ever since that one day when he made a big deal out of cake (which he hadn’t eaten in a decent amount of time), his teammates made some jokes about it, as friends do. Eventually, the public kind of realized this and all of a sudden he wasn’t “the earth ninja” or “the black ninja” or even “the strong ninja” no no, he was “the ninja who liked food”. That’s how the public saw him now, and if that’s what he is, then he has to be that, he thought.
So he felt like he had to eat all the time and so he did. There were some moments when he essentially ate himself sick. At one point, he actually hated cake because of how much he ate it and how often it was out in front of him and he felt like he needed to eat it.
The thought that he had to be the one who ate all of the time and had to be that one guy who was obsessed with food led him to bulimia as well
No one on the team knows about this except for Zane who caught him puking one time and flipped out. That’s the reason he did the whole “my body is a temple” thing in season eight because Zane said if he didn’t stop doing this to himself because he felt like “he had to” then he would tell everyone right then and there.
Don’t get me wrong, Cole always stress ate a little bit and enjoyed cake because he never really was allowed it too much as a kid, but he got pushed too far (unbeknownst to himself and his teammates) and it just ended really bad.
He is very self-conscious about his weight
I know it’s essentially canon that his mom died, but Cole’s parents got divorced. It was very bad and very brutal. His mom left in front of him and didn’t spare him a second glance. Besides... he said that “he just lost someone.'' He never said someone died.
Whether his mom actually died after the divorce or it was the divorce itself, the song “Dead Mom” from Beetlejuice (Musical) became super important to him and he sang it a lot.
He still sang it once he became a ninja. The team could hear him singing or humming it some nights or during training or when he was down.
They never really understood why he was so attached to that song since they didn’t know about his family situation for awhile but they rolled with it and honestly, everyone but Jay could relate in some way
Still has nightmares about his fall (which he does NOT blame Nya for). Like. He doesn’t know how or why he survived. Sometimes he’s scared that the team literally just flew away without him because they didn’t care not because they literally had to because in his nightmares they didn’t care. Needless to say, once the Oni were defeated Cole did get a lot of love because his nightmares weren’t a secret. Being touched by the Oni like he did in his first fall and being in the Oni for twenty four hours+ definitely does that to you.
Now not only does he have a slight fear of water, but he also has a slight fear of the dark.
Kai and Lloyd went out one day after a particularly rough night and they bought a nightlight for him and he literally cried happy tears when they gave it to him because he was so ashamed but they were so supportive
When Kai, Jay, and Zane got captured in Hunted, they saw the Ultra Dragon’s bones... Cole never saw that. They didn’t even think to tell him until after they got back into Ninjago and Cole was talking about how much he missed just dragons and general and he wondered where Rocky / Ultra Dragon was
When he found out he got up and silently walked away. He found a tree that hasn’t been smashed in the destruction of the city and stayed in there. The others found him asleep in the refuge of the tree there later that night. Kai, Jay, and Zane felt terrible.
He doesn’t really like Valentine’s Day because he’s always alone on that holiday. Like all of his friends leave him, and he knows they’re not leaving him, they’re just going on dates… he’s happy that Lloyd is with him every time… except the one Valentine’s Day with Harumi. He’s usually content it’s just that he always feels isolated on Valentine’s Day.
Cole relates to Rapunzel a lot. Also she’s his favorite Disney Princess don’t @ me
Sometimes the team will be like “Cole! Let down your hair!” because Cole’s got the longest hair and they know how much he loves that girl
“When Will My Life Begin?” is one of Cole’s all time favorite songs. Ever. He relates. Also it’s pretty. One time he woke up at 7 a.m. just to sing that song. The team was not pleased as it was their day off.
One time as a surprise since Cole was feeling a little down, Kai invited him to go on a boat ride and started playing the music to “I See The Light” and Cole sang as Punzie and Kai sang as Flynn (because Cole tells him they are very much so alike and Cole knows that fire boy can sing he just... doesn’t like singing too much)
Oh and he’s definitely had a small fictional crush on Flynn Rider
Kai and Zane once said that they’ve never seen a Disney movie and Cole died and every Thursday night became Disney movie night
They obviously started with Tangled
But also since he has long hair, this boy sheds a lot. It’s almost as if they had a dog with how much he sheds.
He also definitely wishes they had a dog. Like. A corgi. He wants a corgi.
If I’m being real, the team definitely helped his gay awakening. He knew he was gay before them, but he didn’t come to terms with it until the team
As in he’s had a mini crush on Kai, Jay, and Zane each at one point guys let’s be real
On a happy cake / food note, his favorite kind of cake is marble cake.
He also can and will eat an entire jar of crunchy peanut butter as his only meal for a day
Cole expresses extreme anger and extreme excitement through other languages (as he’s fluent in multiple)
Sometimes if Cole’s slightly frustrated at the team but not like really genuinely mad but he knows his buttons are about to get pushed too much, he starts aggressively signing at them in Ninjago Sign Language but like... since he’s the only fluent one and he’s not really angry, he just signs things like “I like you shoes!” or “if I continue at this rate the only thing I’ll ever date is my MacBook Pro hard-drive!” with an angry look on his face.
Their expressions amuse him.
Jay: *says something he knows will slightly tick Cole off*
Cole: *angrily signs* I want to live on the moon!
Jay: oh frick ! I’m sorry I’m sorry please don’t be mad at me I love you!
Cole likes reading poetry!
Jay actually writes poetry a lot, and he’ll try it out on Cole all the time!
Cole’s best dance is hip-hop... which wasn’t really taught at Marty Oppenheimer’s, but he learned it while he was on his own and it’s his absolute favorite!
Although, he does enjoy tap and ballet occasionally!
You’d think since Cole has big eyebrows he’d be really good at using them (eyebrow raising, wiggling, etc...) but no... no this boy is an awkward mess sometimes. He doesn’t know how to eyebrow. Kai tries teaching him, but it doesn’t work very well…
Cole’s that kind of guy who always finds random bruises on him, but like... bruises that definitely aren’t from training. He just always somehow has bruises from nothing
He’s not ?? super freaking tall ?? I’m sorry I just can’t picture Cole over 5’8 ?? Hot take ?? Unpopular opinion ??
I know a lot of people think he’s super super super tall but... I can’t can’t wrap my head around that, he’s never been a giant to me, or even the tallest person on the team ? I’m sure like no one agrees with that one, but in my head that boyo is... well not short but not y’all either. Like Zane and Kai are definitely taller than him idk about Lloyd and Jay yet though.
Since he grew up dancing and such, he didn’t have much time for tv. So you best bet that when it his turn with kid!Lloyd they watch young children television shows and Cole freaking loves them! He thinks they’re so cute and so funny.
He definitely snort laughs while watching them
Lloyd is so confused because Cole will just start wheezing at something that wasn’t even funny or start tearing up at a moment that wasn’t even that sad but he just goes with it because tv
His favorites are The Backyardigans and Arthur.
No but he watched all of the Disney movies at Marty Oppenheimer’s because they did a dance based on the movie and he was intrigued so he watched the rest of them. That’s how he watched all of them
He’s not the best at video games... like at all. He still plays, and he still tries, but he rarely ever wins
He’s that guy who sticks his tongue out while he writes / thinks / when he concentrates
Cole and Lloyd are really good friends. Like basically best friends.
These boys have been alone on the Bounty together so often that they formed a really solid relationship and they can be very open to each other
Cole’s hair was the longest during Tournament of Elements because after Zane’s death he just stopped caring and he was in the woods but like... then he lost in the tournament and we gotta assume he was in the noodle factory for around a month? Three weeks? Idk how long but when his friends saw him again they made him cut his hair a bit because it was considerably longer
Cole is that person who doesn’t tell people things but then forgets they don’t know it. Partially because he’s a super closed off person but also because he’s just an oblivious sweetie who forgets
Cole: so who’s all interested in seeing Les Miz with me again?
Lloyd: wait what
Kai: when are you seeing Les Miz?
Zane: ... you never once spoke to us about this
Cole: ... oh well my dad knows someone who works on the tour production team and they’ll be in Jamanakai village this week and he’s getting me and anyone else who wants to see it tickets as a late but soon birthday present. Woo, guess I forgot to mention it, huh? *chuckles casually*
Everyone: …
Oh and no one knows Cole birthday by the way. It’s a big secret. They’ve tried many times to uncover it but they can never get it out of him
They thought the Les Miz tickets were a clue but they didn’t help because Cole told everyone different things and Lou does the same so they may never know
Jay: so uh, as you’re resident best friend, you should tell me your birthday
Cole: sure it’s in the middle of December
Jay: aH I GOT IT… ISH!!
Jay: *later to everyone else* guys! I found out what month Cole’s birthday is! December!
Kai: … he told me he was born in June?
Lloyd: he told me September?
Zane: *sighing* February
Nya: he told me May
Cole enjoys messing with them. He actually told Lloyd when his birthday was after a few years. Only Lloyd knows. When fun fact his birthday actually is—
Oh speaking of musicals (since he’s a theater boy), Jay and Cole sing Two-Player Game together constantly.
and The Bro Duet because those are their songs
Kai: *walks out wearing yellow*
Kai: *face palms*
Oh did I mention he bursts into song a lot?
Sensei Wu: Cole, it’s your turn to do laundry
Cole: Laundry day. see you there. under things. tumbling. wanna say. love your hair. here I go. mumbling-
Sensei Wu: every time.
He has a tree loving song that he sings while climbing too
Oh and it’s contagious…
Cole: *makes a “funny” joke*
Cole: click boom then it happened.
Lloyd: and no one else was in the room where it happened
As in he’s converted Lloyd to a theater kid.
He once “made” Nya and Lloyd sing “Lost” from the Lightning Thief with him. He was Grover, Nya was Annabeth, and Lloyd was Percy. They surprisingly liked it more than they thought they would.
Grover is one of Cole’s dreamroles. He feels like Grover is super relatable and loves his songs! Grover is also his favorite character in the books
I think I mentioned in my original Cole headcanons post that Cole is the BIGGEST Percy Jackson fan. He introduced the team to Percy Jackson, he has the Camp Half-Blood AND Camp Jupiter shirts... he loves this series
He also has a character from Percy Jackson that he associates his team with (ex. Jay as Leo and Lloyd as Jason)
For the first year or so of being on the team, they all thought Cole was worst singer on the team because he was so scared of using his real voice so he sang badly on purpose when he was around people
It wasn’t until Cole was singing in the shower when he was home alone and the team came back while he was still showering did they realize he hAS THE PRETTIEST SMOOTHEST VOICE EVER
he’s grown to being more comfortable with his voice and he sings a lot more now!
Cole kind of listens to all music! He doesn’t specifically prefer one over the other, he just finds making references easiest with theater! He really likes all kind of music!
Jay: why do you have a diary?
Cole: to keep secrets from my computer
Okay about trees again... COLE LOVES TREES
Cole: trees are better than people~
One time while they were traveling they saw a tree that was like super bent and Cole made them all stop so he could climb it. They all sat down and took a rest / water break while he climbed, and after about five minutes he was hanging upside down from the very top and scared the team…
Zane: Cole, perhaps it is wise if you get down from there?
Cole: nah I’m fine up here!
Lloyd: a-are you sure?
Cole: yes! I know what I’m doi- woah- WOAH!
Cole: *pretends to fall*
Jay: COLE!!
Cole: *swings himself back up* hahaha! You guys gotta trust me!
Kai: tHAT... that was not funny. I hate you.
He is always wearing some kind of orange on him, whether it’s a hair tie or bracelet or anklet... he always wears orange since he’s the only ninja who didn’t necessarily get their favorite color as their signature color and he just loves it so much
He and Kai definitely eat onions like apples together... just saying.
One time the team was playing badminton and Cole hit the birdie so hard they never found it ever again.
Not gonna lie, he was VERY proud of himself for that
But uh, his super strength is the reason why whenever they play sports, everyone gets to play before him. He’s learned to just go with it because he has thrown many things they’ve never found again.
Kai: *hits a ball*
Cole: weak
Kai: bruh
Walks barefoot CONSTANTLY. He’ll walk barefoot in the woods, in the city... there are times when he’s almost gone to battle barefoot and one time early on he definitely did
Zane: Cole... where in the world are your shoes?
Cole: *looks down* huh. I guess I left my shoes on the ship. I’ll get some good calluses after this fight!
He really really REALLY hates when people make certain self-degrading jokes.
If anyone makes a joke about killing themselves (someone from the team or even someone at the same restaurant or walking on the same street) Cole will tell them off. He will tell them how loved they are and that they shouldn’t be so negative towards themselves. He hates those jokes. Not that anyone on the team did it often, but after one time of doing it Cole freaked.
Like he loves his friends so much and sees their worth and when they make jokes about hating themselves he just feels so helpless and he just wants to hug them and make them realize how important they are to him
He also refuses to make those jokes. Like he’s gone through a lot too, but he feels like joking about it makes it worse and he just… he let it go for awhile but now he’ll go off if you do it
Lloyd: ugh I hate myself
Lloyd: ... yes Cole, you’re right, I’m sorry. I am very good. Thank you.
but also if anyone ever insults a team member or mentions something Cole will go full mom mode and will “smother” them with love. He’ll let Kai or Nya go after whoever insulted, Cole prefers to be the comforter. And he’s super good at it.
No he’s so good at comforting people it’s great. He’d rather be the comforter than the comforted because he’s always embarrassed when he needs comfort and he knows he’s pretty good at comforting people! It makes him happy to make his friends smile!
Cole wears glasses when he’s not training or in battle !!! (he uses contacts then)
They’re not like the bigger glasses, he has smaller glasses, it’s cute
After he becomes human again, he went through a period of time when he disliked being touched because it was so weird to him after a few years of feeling literally nothing, and the team hated it but respected it, but after a month ish, he finally realized how touch starved he was and he clung to everyone and everyone gladly let him
So uh he’s a big cuddler and can and will just plop down next to anyone and put his head on their shoulder with no context and they will embrace it
Also he loves when people run their fingers through his hair. Like it relaxes him and makes him feel so safe and comfortable?? He appreciates it a lot and if he looks stressed, the team will do that!
Doesn’t like texting or phones and had a flip phone for forever until the team made him buy a regular like apple phone
Communicates through a bunch of emojis. Like just emojis. He doesn’t text much, but when he does, emojis. He’ll just randomly send someone a bunch of emojis and they’ll just ?? Cole sweetie what are you trying to say ??
Cole will occasionally text the team goodnight while they’re in the same room. He usually does it if he’s either in a super good mood or if he seems someone is kind of in a sad mood. They all LOVE it
Cole and Nya like working out together! They’re both super into workouts and cardio and they work well together
Cole likes to look at nothing like he’s looking at a camera like Jim from The Office when someone does dumb things
Jay: look at all those chickens !
Cole: *Jim look*
Cole, Lloyd, and Nya are like a dream team. When they play games they like playing on the same team against Kai, Jay, and Zane. Even if they don’t win, those three work insanely well together like it’s crazy
Cole! And! Zane! Have! Late! Night! Talks!
Even after Cole became human again, they still have late night talks because sleeping is hard~
Jay: buddies !
Cole: bros !
Jay: homies !
Cole: amigos !
Jay: pizza !
Cole: nintendo !
Both: woo, woo, woo, let’s go !
Aka they’re just the best of friends and love and appreciate each other so much !
They’re actually learning Dutch together, as Cole likes learning languages and Jay is interested in learning some more!
Cole gets angrily easily too (as most of the team does), but when he gets angry he starts off quiet and doesn’t really talk to anyone, and if someone does or says something to someone else that ticks him off, he just gets up and kind of angrily screams as he walks away.
He’s a sulker if we’re being real here. He’s sulks.
Cole can give the meanest looks accidentally. He has a good glare. If you tick him off, you know. It’s not as impressive as Kai’s glare, but it’s still insanely impressive.
Did I mention he punches things a lot when he’s angry? Definitely punched the wheel of The Bounty once and broke it
He did the walk of shame after that and had to help Jay fix it
Hates hats, like he’d rather let his hair flow. His head feels confined when he’s wearing hats
Much like with orange, he really likes wearing pink?
One time he and Jay went shopping together and he just bought an outfit entirely in pink. Pink shirt, pink shorts, pink socks, even a pink scrunchie like he loves pink
Oh and he and Jay have a day once a month together where they just go out and have fun! They do things like shopping or getting lunch or watching a movie… sometimes they just sit at The Bounty and draw or make anklets, one time they spent a weekend at the junkyard!
He’s the kind of guy who will wear earbuds or headphones without music to be left alone
Cole loves oversized hoodies !!
Also every since March of the Oni, he’s been really really really cold so he wears hoodies and sweat pants more often and he started carrying a blanket or jacket around with him because of it.
Kai notices this and if he sees Cole getting too cold or starting to panic a little, he just wraps an arm around his shoulders or gives him a hug or something because Kai radiates h e a t
Random but he can rap really well.
Doesn’t mind getting dirty, like he’s the master of Earth, he is one with the dirt! He doesn’t just go out and roll in the mud but he’s fine just getting dirty when he’s outside!
Kai: *kicks a soccer ball into the goal*
Cole: touchdown !!
Kai: … that-that was a goal. You should know this
Cole: … I went to dance school… I don’t know sports…
Kai: that is… very true fair point
Will get up in the middle of the night to make popcorn because comfort food and he loves it
Zane woke up the first time he did it because he burnt it and Zane could smell it, so now he and Zane make popcorn together a lot. He actually introduced Zane to popcorn. He’s very proud of himself for that.
He has the best posture.
Sits up very straight since, you know, dance school. It kind of just stuck with him and he doesn’t slouch. He doesn’t mind, he’s always super sore because of his powers and abilities and so he’s fine with not having slouching add to that
oH and he and Jay give each other massages because Cole’s powers make him sore and Jay’s Tourette’s make him sore
He just… he loves his friends so much. I feel like I’ve said this many times, but just… he appreciates his friends more than they’ll ever know. He just loves them so so so so much. They mean the world to him.
I hope you guys enjoyed! We’re there any you strongly agreed with? Disagreed with? Sorry I answered this so late:/ I’ve been gone for awhile! Hope you all have a great day 😁
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