#but basically what is my nuclear source of hapiness is family / pet / art / social games lol
hikarinokusari · 10 months
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!💖
Hey ~ Idk if I will pass it to the other persons in the notifications, but I'll pass it along to persons I think won't be bothered by this. 1/ Drawing. It makes me feel a lot of things during the process, sad / angry / mad most of the time, but happy in the end. Drawing sparks joy despite the pain.
2/ I find shelter in music. Music makes me happy, be it listening to it or just playing my instrument. But as a whole, art in general makes me happy : reading, writing, watching, creating. Being able to witness human's skills in their own fields is nice. I'm thankful for artistto share what they do with their own medium.
3/ My nephew's a litteral sunshine. I love that boy. His eyes are mesmerizing. He has the cutest, most guenine smile ever. He's cute. He's heartwarming. Seeing him sparks joy.
4/ When people find time or take time on their schedule to nurture relationships, whatever level they could be. It feels nice. Thank you.
5/ Hats. I like hats of any kind. Life is better when I wear hats. Hats makes me feel happy. Seeing hats makes me feel happy. The very concept of hats is a source of hapiness.
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