hikarinokusari · 7 months
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!💖
Hey ~ Idk if I will pass it to the other persons in the notifications, but I'll pass it along to persons I think won't be bothered by this. 1/ Drawing. It makes me feel a lot of things during the process, sad / angry / mad most of the time, but happy in the end. Drawing sparks joy despite the pain.
2/ I find shelter in music. Music makes me happy, be it listening to it or just playing my instrument. But as a whole, art in general makes me happy : reading, writing, watching, creating. Being able to witness human's skills in their own fields is nice. I'm thankful for artistto share what they do with their own medium.
3/ My nephew's a litteral sunshine. I love that boy. His eyes are mesmerizing. He has the cutest, most guenine smile ever. He's cute. He's heartwarming. Seeing him sparks joy.
4/ When people find time or take time on their schedule to nurture relationships, whatever level they could be. It feels nice. Thank you.
5/ Hats. I like hats of any kind. Life is better when I wear hats. Hats makes me feel happy. Seeing hats makes me feel happy. The very concept of hats is a source of hapiness.
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itsredpaint · 6 months
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and at this moment, she knew ; she fucked up. based from this fic by @saunne!
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octoooo · 10 months
Demon Slayer is about single father Giyuu with his 8 kids right?
(With personal hc I’ve always wanted to to at least once 😖👉🏾👈🏾)
Fatherhood: How it started vs How it’s going
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No children suddenly became 8
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seitosokusha · 3 months
Writing Patterns Meme
Tagged by @saunne
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Wait... last 10 updated fics (and then take chapter one?) or last 10 fics based on chapter 1 post date? :think: uhhh I guess probably... chapter 1 post date. That's what I'm going with HAHA
This just goes to show that there truly is never a dull day on the Astral Express. Phosphorus HSR, Lord Ravager!JY au
“Here you go, Bladie. I got you a picture of your cute boy toy while I was visiting,” Kafka says, leaning over the Blade’s shoulder to hand him the picture. flirting is dead, kafblade, "this is not a renheng fic"
The seat of Divine Foresight is destroyed, pillar crumbling, the tatter red material of banners fluttering down the ground. Before Dawn, hsr/khr fusion. "What does it take to break a Sky?"
You're not supposed to be able to betray your Sky. set if free, hsr/khr fusion, Sky!JY
No one on the Luofu will tell you this story. who decides what's right and what's wrong? omegaverse Dan Feng/Jing Yuan
Himeko’s day was off to a horrible start. the stars don't shine, they burn. omegaverse Dan Heng/Jing Yuan/Marshal Hua
“General Blade, thank you for allowing us to come along,” Welt says. Cold Burning, Blade/Jing Yuan, roleswap au
Today is the day. Luofu's Most Eligible Bachelor, Dan Heng/Jing Yuan
Bailu is beside herself. let there be light, let there be light, let me be alright, Dan Heng/Jing Yuan. Heliobi au
Stelle was a blank slate, still is. Imprints on the Soul, character study
BONUS Living on board the Astral Express is nothing like Jing Yuan expects. using legends to reshape me, using agony to reforge me, Dan Heng/Jing Yuan/Blade
What have we learned?
Hmmm so I favor with prose over dialogue for my first sentence. Typically I lean towards (hopefully) strong line to set the vibe/theme. Especially when it's to show what's different than other fics (i.e. using legends' first line tells you that JY is now living on AE or Cold Burning's first line tells you Blade is a General in this AU not a Stellaron Hunter.) Or sometimes a running joke. (i.e. Himeko is never having a good time in the stars don't shine, they burn.)
It's usually not a description of the scenery unless it's unusual scenery (i.e. Before Dawn)
Tagging: @adelmortescryche and @onceabluemoonwrites
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hydrachea · 4 months
For the ship game, what are your thoughts on Jingliu x Luocha ? 🤔 And on a more common ship but with another nuance, what about Dan Heng x Jing Yuan (HengJing) ?
Wish you a good day, I hope it's sunny where you are ! 🌞
ship chart game
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Luoliu? Liucha? Isn't actually something I've encountered before, I think. Now that I'm looking at it, though, I can see it, with them being literal partners in crime. And of course, I'm an avid supporter of both men and women's wrongs, so it can only compel me. Hopefully we run into them again (we probably will run into them again) and get to peek at their dynamic some more.
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Hengjing I have seen plenty, and I see the vision but I can't say I really share it. It's one that really depends on how you see Dan Heng, personally I'm among those who think he wants a clean break from his past incarnation and so I can't really ship him with any former High Cloud Quintet members. If you're among those with a different opinion, it's a pretty sweet ship, and they both deserve nice things for real. So all in all, I see it, I acknowledge it, I am not compelled. All my support from the sidelines!
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number1villainstan · 2 years
No one really knows where Chisaki Kai came from. One day he didn't exist to the Hassaikai, the next he was trailing after Sugiyama, taking in everything with those too-intelligent gold eyes of his. When the upper brass asks Sugiyama where the kid came from, he always says that he found him outside, a street kid in need of a home, but his eyes are unsure, his voice not quite committing to the scripted answer coming from his mouth. Members of the Hassaikai will come up to Chisaki himself, meaning to ask him about his origins, but one look from him and the words shrivel up in their mouths and the intent flees their mind. Even Kurono Hari who used to be someone else but no one can remember who doesn't know where he comes from.
But really, that's only a piece of the puzzle that is Chisaki Kai, and one of the more normal ones too. He could easily be escaped from an orphanage, or a child kicked out of his own home. But that wouldn't explain the other things, the times that someone saw Chisaki talking to empty air in a language that no one could understand, the way that Chisaki can never be found if he doesn't want to be found. It doesn't explain how Sugiyama has barely aged a day since Chisaki came to the compound. The men he's brought in are also pieces of the puzzle, even as some of them try to figure it out themselves. Some of them joke about how their boss is an alien, or a demigod.
"Do you think he'd listen if I prayed to him?" Setsuno says once, only half-joking.
"Do you want him to take it seriously?" Nemoto replies, not joking at all.
Setsuno doesn't joke about it after that.
What's scarier still is that the strangeness seems to be spreading. Sometimes Kurono will tilt his head just so and his eyes catch the light in a way that makes them seem not human. Irinaka no longer has a limit on how long he can remain in a body that's not his original. Nemoto is perhaps the strangest of them who is not Chisaki, but he was strange from the start, murmuring about things incomprehensible to a normal mortal mind. Setsuno once took a bullet that should have hit his heart and killed him. He's fine now.
They say that Chisaki's aim is to bring back the Hassaikai, to pay back his debt to Sugiyama. My question is, when does it stop?
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aratribow · 6 months
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A lil thingy dedicated to this wonderful masterpiece, YALL SHOULD GIVE IT A READ IF YALL HAVEN'T 😏
I hope u like it @saunne
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saunne · 3 months
Jing Yuan had been raised for his position, trained, carved, forged, sharpened into a weapon, into a symbol, into a hope.
(Jing Yuan, Luofu’s future.) 
The next General-Arbiter, the one chosen by the Lightning Lord itself. But one was not chosen by the Lightning Lord, was not chosen by The Reignbow Arbiter, by being mellow and pliable and pleasant. 
Jing Yuan was The Hunt, in the more conciliatory guise of The Erudition. A sharp blade in a leather sheath, an iron fist in a velvet glove, a sharp mind behind eyes as bright as the Lux Arrow.
And just like the Reignbow, he knew how to aim right, true and where it would have the most impact.
“You're worried, you say," he chuckled, his voice dark and cold, cold, cold. “Now that the crisis has passed ? Now that the fighting is over ? Now that everything is safe ?”
“Lieutenant-General I’m not sure I like your tone,” Preceptor Xuepu hissed through her teeth, all pretense of cordiality abandoned in a heartbeat. “Be aware of who you are talking to.”
“Oh, I am well aware that I am speaking to cowards who, despite their powers, were nowhere to be seen on the battlefield or in the field clinics for the entire duration of the crisis,” Jing Yuan snapped, as Starfall Reverie shimmered with a sickly yellow golden glow behind his back, bathing the tent in an unearthly light. “I think on the contrary, Preceptor Xuepu, that it is you who should be more aware of your tone.”
"Who do you think you are—”
“General Teng Xiao is dead,” Jingliu cut in dryly. “Under martial law, Lieutenant-General Jing Yuan has full authority until the crisis is resolved.”
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Collaboration with @itsredpaint based on their AU. Please read the authors notes and the tags carefully.
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hopeswriting · 3 months
Writing Patterns Meme
[Plain text: "Writing Patterns Meme" in big text. /End PT]
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
i was tagged by @saunne , thank you for the tag!
1. "Luce realizes young her life isn't meant to be hers." - In another life (we smile the same)
2. "Reborn taps his foot against the body securely wrapped in the carpet, then rests his foot on top of it." - haunt me, then!
3. "Reborn gives up on him sooner than he usually does, and Skull waits until he disappears between the trees to relax his shoulders for the first time since they started the shooting practice." - want some help with that? (realizing your feelings for me, that is)
4. "Fon is fresh out of a shower, drying his hair with a towel when someone knocks on the door of his bedroom." - things that are lost (and the things still within reach)
5. "Tsuna opens his eyes normally while his mind snaps awake, ripped away from sleep by the chill running down his spine." - Tsuna's and Xanxus' Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
6. "Skull's all bright purple spread all over his hair and masterfully applied on his face." - rainbows-filled papers
7. "Tsuna has always known what love is." - to be loved
8. ""You're Byakuran, right?" she asks, always recognizing him at first glance in every world despite never having seen him before, and she probably has no idea just how much it means to him." - through the mirror (through your eyes)
9. "Reborn peers up at Tsuna over the paper in his hand, who's anxiously looking at it and him back and forth, and purses his lips." - to be worthy of you
10. "It starts like this: Tsuna's walking to school with Gokudera and Reborn, when he's snatched to the side by the collar of his shirt at the crossroad." - off script
What have we learned?
[Plain text: "What have we learned?" in medium text. /End PT]
the pattern is so clear here, i'm laughing lmao. 😂 well, i seem to start with the (one of the) main character's name for one. also i'm apparently more comfortable getting right down to it? not necessarily with starting with action proper, but it looks like i like to start with my characters already doing something/having done something/being about to do something. or by implying through them something already has happened, or, like. idk, but it's like they didn't come to life the very instant the story starts and they were already existing before and living their lives? or something haha.
on another note, it's not something i had realized AT ALL i do ezfsfds. but also i'm not surprised because characters dynamics and characters' inspection/exploration is my bread and butter and my favorite thing to write about <3
i tag @chierry @ravensilversea @xinhua-jun @leftnotright @steamworksfairy @loneliestmuffin and any of my mutuals/followers i'm not sure have written at least 10 fics haha. (have you @rebo-chan ?) no pressure tho, only if you want!!
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porcelain-giyuu · 2 years
hello I have come w another long ass ask I just need you to know that your blog is currently one of my favorites, I smile at your writing and ideas okay 💛
NS Au thoughts:
aw giyuus parenting being influenced by urokodaki and tsutako is so sweet to me. Like tsutako, I wish urokodakis relationship with Giyuu was explored more in the manga. How did tsutako and urokodaki baby Giyuu?
Isn’t it implied that Giyuu didn’t really visit urokodaki after his final selection? I see the potential for some sweet reconnect type thing, where they both have to relearn how to exist w each other and show each other affection since it’s been a while.
Aw Giyuu is so sweet, homemade comfort food and helping them fall asleep?? He’s so protective I love it.
Zenitsu and genya being being annoyed but comforted is so on point and of tanjiro and Giyuu are going to have another awkward conversation they are such beans . Inosuke showing off I can already imagine how proud he would be lol
He’s even protective of muichiro despite being in the same rank as him (now that I think of it I think the rest of the hashira would naturally be a tiny bit protective of him/ careful with him just because he’s so young) Him showing off is just icing on the cake lol. (I’ve seen you use this term a couple times, but in your omega verse what does dams mean?) I need to know how the pups collect him😭 also what do all the hashira and oyakata sama think about him joining them?
omg sanemi I have no doubt he would be meaner to Giyuu somehow like he’ll just find a way to antagonize him, either subconsciously or on purpose. Also sad too, I’d imagine it’d be hard to see his brother (or him for that matter) create familial bonds because of what happened to his family. Anyways sanemi is so funny I want to study him and his weird concoction of confusion anger and jealousy like a bug.
shenanigans?? like what op what shenanigans are kyo senjuro and Giyuu getting into???
Also Giyuu going to each of his pups houses,, he’s so devoted what a sweetie. what do the hashiras of the estates think of his visits.
and rengoku falling in love with Giyuu because of the way he parents makes me feel warm and fuzzy, I guess itd be really enthralling to be witnessing a such a warm side of giyuu. honestly I can picture them all getting closer like a big family, it’s sweet. I think kyojuro would be a big family man. Itd be good for both of them.
How does Giyuu fall in love with him back? How does shinjuro react to suddenly having all these people at the estate? How would kyo let Giyuu know of his feelings?
I love Saunnes other work, the mask one is just so 😭
It made me yearn for more ‘mask wearing Giyuu finally takes it off/ it breaks and the hashira react’ aus. I think soon will be adding to the omegaverse one with another story so I’m keeping an eye out for that, so excited !!!
I also love ‘Breathe for Me.’ by AniramLynx, it has a love harem square thing with sanemi, shinobu, and kyo, and Giyuu has a secret daughter and it’s endgame rengiyuu and I just love how they tackle omega verse dynamics, And the writing is awesome. The writing is also in Spanish but maybe one day there will be a translations because it is awesome ☺️
“Your Name” by OddlyStupidOtaku I am liking so far as well, if you couldn’t tell already, I am a sucker for good omegaverse aus, especially when they are focused on family dynamics
For the Giyuu x uzui fam au
I love the hc but that Giyuu likes keeping track of weather patterns, science and the like,. This is canon now i don’t care
I think Giyuu sharing little parts of himself and his past like the tea shop or river is so sweet. Lol at Giyuu sitting in the shadows, does he sunburn easily Somehow this suits him. I know im getting redundant, but I wish the manga added more bits of his backstory and childhood before he lost tsutako (I actually just want more Giyuu)
how does the uzui fam try to include Giyuu into their relationship? How outwardly obvious is their affection for each other?? I can imagine that the uzuis is that pda quadruple, but i think they might tone it down with Giyuu for his sake lol. aww I love Giyuu x healthy relationships, it’s the best ship imo
ANON. YIRE BACK!!! sorry it took me fucking forever to answer i got caught up in watching the entirety of camp cretaceous. it’s really fun. to apologize for taking a balls ass long time, there’s some fun dialogue/a little unpolished blurb for you 💕
i’m really happy you keep coming back. the fact that i’m one of your favourite blogs and that you actually enjoy my writing means a lot more to me than you probably think.
as always CW: canonical character death, briefly touching on shinjuro and kyojuros relationship (and all that entails) maybe a general warning for light angst. that’s it though!! have fun :-)
NS Au thoughts:
aw giyuus parenting being influenced by urokodaki and tsutako is so sweet to me. Like tsutako, I wish urokodakis relationship with Giyuu was explored more in the manga. How did tsutako and urokodaki baby Giyuu?  
well i fucking ADORE tsutako so much actually. urokodaki and tsutako treated giyuu differently because their places in his life were fundamentally different: tsutako was his mother, his sister, the woman who raised him and loved him. she helped lay the groundwork for who is he is as a whole- she was and still is monumental in his mind. his love for her is completely and utterly huge. she treated him fairly and kindly- she treated him like her son, and wasn’t often harsh with him. 
urokodaki was also gentle, but he wasn’t giyuus parent. he was giyuus teacher; first and foremost he was someone who helped guide giyuu into a very dangerous profession. he trained him to be the best of the best because giyuu (while not as hard hitting or bold as sabito) had speed, precision and a steadfast will to protect. urokodaki wouldn’t have forced him into it: giyuu took to training with his entire being. 
urokodaki wasn’t always kind. there are harsh, violent lessons you must go through to become a demon slayer that won’t perish at the first clawing- the first gnash of a demons teeth is always the worst. luckily, he saw even sharper teeth hidden behind giyuus tiny smiles and soft voice. 
tsutako didn’t baby him, per se, but she was soft with him. she helped him wash his hair, let him curl up in her futon with her and helped him hide the first nest he ever made. her nests were small, could fit in cabinets or forgotten cupboards- giyuu takes after her in that aspect. 
urokodaki didn’t baby him. he occasionally brought him to teahouses or festivals, but he also brought sabito. he rewarded giyuu for his hard work more than he babied him. 
  Isn’t it implied that Giyuu didn’t really visit urokodaki after his final selection?  I see the potential for some sweet reconnect type thing, where they both have to relearn how to exist w each other and show each other affection since it’s been a while. 
urokodaki loves his students. unequivocally, wholly, with everything he has. he guides them with calloused hands and his hidden gentle face, hoping they get to watch the sun rise each day. hoping the night doesn’t take them. 
it always had. the night (the creatures it sires- monsters made of flesh and imploding stars) takes his students; his children. death reaches for them each time. 
it had taken giyuu away from him in a different sense. he still lives, breathes, eats and sleeps- he just doesn’t come home. from the brief and quietly agonized letters he sends every once and a while urokodaki can tell the night took him- just… in a different way. he doesn’t return even when he promised, at the ripe age of fourteen and a half, to do so. 
giyuu is afraid of seeing urokodaki. not the fear of demons, or of death or of loosing someone he loves, but the strange type of dread that comes when you find something you didn’t mean to forget. hadn’t meant to leave behind, didn’t want to part with but couldn’t bear to hold. he’s ashamed of breaking his promises. 
eventually, giyuu gets a letter from tanjiro. nezuko enjoys being with urokodaki and tanjiro misses him. he assumes giyuu does as well and implores him to visit. 
urokodaki isn’t aware that his other students (nezuko included of course) have bonded so closely with giyuu. his one student who was taken by the night and spat back out. tanjiro had returned to him bathed in the light of dawn; giyuu finally arrives home on a clouded noon, years after he left. 
they’re both new people, but in that singular moment urokodaki is staring down at the half-frozen child he met so long ago. giyuu looks back at him, guilt, shame and relief building tightly in him. 
when urokodaki hugs him, cradling the back of giyuus head in his hand and mask tipped to the side to hug him better, he realizes giyuu is taller than him. the sun does not break from behind the clouds; but urokodaki thinks one dreary day is a small price in the face of his beloved student coming home. 
Zenitsu and genya being being annoyed but comforted is so on point and of tanjiro and Giyuu are going to have another awkward conversation they are such beans . Inosuke showing off I can already imagine how proud he would be lol
He’s even protective of muichiro despite being in the same rank as him Him showing off is just icing on the cake lol. (I’ve seen you use this term a couple times, but in your omega verse what does dams mean?)
the kids love giyuu a lot but they’re still getting used to him, and vice versa. tanjiro is used to protecting and providing so having someone do it for him feels… a little bit condescending at first, but when they talk about it he begins to settle into the idea more. it’s meant out of a genuine want for his safety and happiness as opposed to giyuu not thinking he’s capable. 
eventually they all settle in enough to show off, mui and inosuke (and nezuko oddly enough) just get a head start. 
dams are another term for mother, usually used in relation to omegas (both male and female) and has slightly different emotional connotations than just “mom”. 
 I need to know how the pups collect him😭 also what do all the hashira and oyakata sama think about him joining them?
it’s all tanjiros fault, really. when mui and giyuu were recovering from their mission, giyuu was in a very hormonally vulnerable state because he had just fully imprinted on a pup who was injured while in his care. he started nesting even while his hip/leg was fucked up, and was spending a lot of his time in his nest with mui. 
tanjiro visited him a lot, sometimes even being pulled into the nest beside mui because he fucking loves tanjiro (this is after the sword smith arc). 
nezuko was always with tanjiro, and where they went zenitsu and inosuke were never far behind. they were consistently shooed away because “if you don’t get out of his nest right now you’ll mess him up more and delay recovery for them both! not to mention you’re all still pups and Tomioka was just newly imprinted on!” (by aoi, who didn’t notice -or maybe just didn’t acknowledge- that she was also slowly imprinting on giyuu)
kanao also frequently did shooing duty, but liked to spend time with the others while they were all there. 
tanjiro saw that giyuu and mui were healing and in better spirits, as giyuu was becoming more open and warm with them (beginning to treat them as his pups) and mui was lightening up around people that weren’t tanjiro or giyuu!
he dragged genya around too, because they’re friends damnnit and genya is going to spend some boss ass quality time with them if he like it or not. 
this all backfires spectacularly when shinobu catches all of these children taking a dogpile nap on giyuu. they’re careful of his and muichirous injuries, but still. she’s right cheesed when she figures out giyuu has claimed them as his: they’re his kids now and nothing will make him let them go. 
oyakata was both so very very pleased to become a grandfather (something he didn’t think would happen before he died) and also quietly amused. his biological children are also pleased to become aunts and an uncle, even if their nieces/nephews are older than them. 
shinobu has some confusing feelings abt it all. on one hand, giyuu is healing from being nulled and is creating important bonds with people, but in the other he keeps stealing her fucking kids/sister. the triplets, aoi and kanao are her girls. but giyuu just swept on in and started mothering them. so to be petty (and to maybe give herself a little bit of normalcy) she starts acting all Pack Alpha around the girls. and mui. and the other kids. (she’s digging herself a fucking grave. giyuu has begun to act like she’s part of the pack. she’s so stupid for thinking this wouldn’t happen)
mitsuri, gyomei, and uzui all think it’s nice. uzui thinks it’s more funny and flashy than pleasant, but he still gossips about it with his wives. 
obanai fucking hates it. end of story. 
muichirou and kyojuro both adore it. muichirou doesn’t remember everything about his life before, but he remembers warmth. he remembers hands that held his face and swept away his tears; the scent of home buzzes constantly in his nose- the memories from his family before and the fresh notes of his family now. he promises that he will never forget any of them ever again. 
kyojuro can’t get enough of it. giyuu smiles at him, spars with him, flutters at the edges of his vision even when he’s gone. the thought of giyuu is always with him; the shape of his body and the tilt of his lips when he hums to a curled up nezuko sleeping peacefully in his lap. bathed in light or rain or fucking ash giyuu would be more breathtaking then any god in kyojuros eyes. 
omg sanemi I have no doubt he would be meaner to Giyuu somehow like he’ll just find a way to antagonize him, either subconsciously or on purpose. Also sad too, I’d imagine it’d be hard to see his brother (or him for that matter) create familial bonds because of what happened to his family.  Anyways sanemi is so funny I want to study him and his weird concoction of confusion anger and jealousy like a bug. 
oh don’t worry anon sanemis emotions get explored. also his relationship with his parents, genya and their other siblings. just wait. it’ll be so fucking fun. (and heartbreaking 💕)
shenanigans?? like what op what shenanigans are kyo senjuro and Giyuu getting into???
mostly the shenanigans are giyuu coming to the flame estate and everyone either a) going super overkill in training to show off their progress, b) shinjuro and giyuu awkwardly existing in each other’s presence (bc shinjuro Knows. he is completely aware of his eldest sons infatuation) c) kyojuro attempting to “subtly” keep giyuu and senjuro from spending too much time together while still pushing them together enough for them to get along or d) some horrible mix of them all, plus other random little issues.
it’s a whole mess, basically, but they all become more in tuned with each other. shinjuro is the exception of course; he’s fairly distant with his sons students. and the pretty water hashira.
Also Giyuu going to each of his pups houses,, he’s so devoted what a sweetie. what do the hashiras of the estates think of his visits.
the hashira of the estates generally like giyuu a lot. kyojuro is… horribly in love with him, and would give anything for the chance to properly show it.
gyomei thinks giyuu is sweet- and he never actually intended to steal his student. his visits are usually timed well enough to never interrupt anything and he brings gyomei high quality cat treats as gratitude gifts, so gyomei has no complaints. (it helps that genya seems to relax quite a bit when with two extremely powerful omegas who care about him very much- he’s not scared of being an omega, but the thought of navigating it alone was never pleasant)
muichirou obviously loves being in his home with giyuu, even though he’s taken to spending a good amount of his down time in the water estate. most of his house hands are working there now- it gets a lot more traffic and now requires a lot more upkeep. he’s a tiny little pre-presentation alpha pup with a mother that he loves to impress. his collection of terrariums is no joke, and he finds they both enjoy spending quiet time surrounded by the pretty glass jars.
shinobu definitely likes giyuu; she wishes his newfound tendencies towards gaining children stopped or at LEAST slowed down though. she and giyuu get a bunch of focus for their relationship as well- i’m unsure about whether or not to keep it platonic but still with lots of intimacy and trust (like queer platonic partners- commitment and love but not strictly romantic) or if i should go the romantic route. i’m 50-50 split currently. all i know is that she’s an important part of the ever growing pack.
How does Giyuu fall in love with him back? How does shinjuro react to suddenly having all these people at the estate? How would kyo let Giyuu know of his feelings?  
giyuu falls in love with a lot of difficultly, grief, and guilt. he and sabito were courting from the ages of 12-15, and had promises. they were supposed to become the water pillars together- a bonded team so strong they would embody the ocean and all her tides. when sabito died giyuu felt less like the ocean and more like an ice floe; cold dark and dangerous, isolating in strange and terrifying ways.
in some ways he never let go. even after he begins to heal, let himself thaw and crumble under the warmth of his pups love, his pack, there was always the shape of sabito carved into him. a brand of love, friendship and deep respect- but a brand nonetheless.
generally, giyuu thinks it’s a disrespect to sabitos memory to fall in love with someone else. to hold them like that in the same space in giyuus heart that he had taken. but slowly, as giyuu visits the flame pillar estate more often and watches him live (the night his crow had told him of the train is held deep inside of himself. he does not think about why the memory rests next to the news of his parents death- of his sister smoothing his hair as she sobbed and sobbed and didn’t let him see them even after the villagers helped remove them from the house.) he realizes that sabitos place can remain his.
he can keep his first love (his first everything) in the same place. he doesn’t have to throw him away to love someone again. tanjiro and nezuko don’t throw away their family for a new one- muichirou doesn’t throw away his sparse memories of a face mirroring his own for the other pups. zenitsu doesn’t throw away his grandfather or even the brother that hated him; they all just make new space. giyuu simply (read: with great difficulty and lots of hesitation) wants to do the same.
giyuu doesn’t love like the ocean- nor does he feel like it when he’s with kyojuro. kyojuro is hot embers and thick sloughing metal- giyuu feels like the moment he makes contact he’ll burst into steam. kyojuro makes giyuu feel like endless rain sinking deep into the earth. he isn’t a glacier, or a steep and deadly ice floe, but he is a man. a man and an omega and a mother and a son and his sisters little brother. he wants kyojuro.
kyojuro is both stunningly impatient and mature, which tempers his impatience enough to seem nonexistent. he’s eager and jovial and quick to move, but not stupid. he thinks things through, he just has very little shame or boundaries with himself. other people on the other hand…
they aren’t easy for him. he gets along with most people but it’s usually by accident or by saving them from a demon that would’ve killed them. giyuu is easy to speak with- gentle and quiet but easy to goad into reacting if you phrase things right. he’s competitive, resilient and so so fucking gorgeous.
kyojuro doesn’t tell giyuu right away. he can tell there is still a thick wall between giyuus heart and everyone else. the pups hop the wall often, but occasionally stumble or are knocked back. kyo very rarely even gets to climb high enough to glimpse the other side.
he speaks with his father first. it’s painful, in the way speaking privately with his father has been for years, but there is no alcohol in the room and it smells of his mothers favourite incense.
shinjuro listens for once. takes the time to watch his son, his eldest boy- a hearty alpha and reliable young man. his darling pup, who he has hurt deeply in the past and continues to do so even now when he doesn’t do much of anything. lets his sons worry and adoration for the beautiful and destroyed omega that has captured his heart wash over him. when he had met the new water hashira, he was taken aback by how fair he looked while being so cold. so dull. he had seen the grief for what it was- his wife’s death left a similar mark on him.
when kyojuro finishes speaking he waits for a moment, then two, then his patience wears thin and he moves to leave.
“that boy has loved someone before. deeply. like how you love him, like how i lo- how i loved your mother. i was ruined by her death. i’m still ruined.” he begins, not baring to look at his boy anymore. kyojuro settles back down.
“whoever they were they were ripped from him. it was probably the catalyst to him being nulled. it’s a miracle he’s not a completely blank slate, now.”
they’re both silent. kyojuro is deep in thought, replaying interactions with giyuu for signs he might’ve overlooked. he’s not jealous, or angry, but sad. he adores giyuu with everything he has, but if giyuu loves someone else he would’ve wanted them to be here with giyuu loving him as they must have.
“he doesn’t look at you with blank eyes. he did to me, and most of the other people he ever saw- like he was looking right through them. to love a man like that is almost a death sentence.” kyojuro has no words for that that are kind. instead he offers this;
“giyuu has always looked at me without malice, at least. there has never been disappointment in him- not for me.”
shinjuro doesn’t shiver with rage or shame as he usually would.
“break it to him slowly. talk to his pups and his pack, then make yourself clear. don’t expect an answer. don’t expect it to be a pretty or soft confession; he might be pretty and soft but he is far from both at once. dont… don’t wait, kyojuro. whatever you do, reach for him.” during his speech, made with tilted and rusty words of encouragement, kyojuro has folded in on himself. he knows this is the closest thing he’ll get to fatherly approval. for now, it’s enough.
For the Giyuu x uzui fam au
I think Giyuu sharing little parts of himself and his past like the tea shop or river is so sweet. Lol at Giyuu sitting in the shadows, does he sunburn easily Somehow this suits him. I know im getting redundant, but I wish the manga added more bits of his backstory and childhood before he lost tsutako (I actually just want more Giyuu)
i feel you anon. i’m desperate for more information but since there isn’t any i’ve just been making shit up!! it’s great
how does the uzui fam try to include Giyuu into their relationship? How outwardly obvious is their affection for each other?? I can imagine that the uzuis is that pda quadruple, but i think they might tone it down with Giyuu for his sake lol.  
they take him on a lot of dates, and spend a lot of time with him. he spends a lot of his time while not on missions in the sound estate- his house feels so cold and so quiet now. he still can’t bring himself to furnish it because at his core giyuu believes it’s not his place.
so instead he keeps things with the uzui family. he has a room with a handmade wood box inlaid with silk, which keeps tsutakos bow, half the rope from sabitos mask, and various trinkets that people he’s saved have given him. they (along with his haori) are his most painful and important possessions.
the fact that he can put them here, in this house with these people who he adores and aches for in equal measure, says a lot.
the uzuis are fond of pda, but they’re not actually too intense with it. there’s definitely a level of casual intimacy that always surrounds them, but it’s not forced or anything. they fold giyuu into the mix fairly naturally and after a few months it’s not a strange sight to see uzui just toss one of his wives and giyuu over his shoulder and bounce around. he seems so happy and it makes them laugh. they don’t have to tone things down because giyuu would tell them if he was uncomfortable (even if it was just with his expression/body language)
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mr-orion · 11 months
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Rambling Checkpoint!
It's easy to feel ignored in our communities so I want to open the door to ramble about something your passionate about. Please share as much as you'd like. If that's a few sentences or a whole essay that's perfectly fine.
Reblog or comment with whatever you want to talk about! Art, writing, Worldbuilding, OC's, heck, any niche thing! I will make sure to read them all!
I enjoyed all the ramblings from last month. They are all very creative and I absolutely enjoyed them! Thank you for participating! I've linked all the rambles and the accounts here, please check them out and follow these accounts!
@bakabakachi-blog Wheel of Time
@saunne Magic System of Erasde
@bearofthesea Spirit Casters
@caffeinated-frog Introduction of Eurath
@kenoticnull Thoughts on A Musical Series They Plan to Make
@Chalchiuhxochitl OC’s
@biptome OC Crane
@robinsonprojection Government Structure of Their Project 
@twinkpsychopomp OC Miyawen
@zackbuildit Major Species
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itsredpaint · 6 months
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doodles i made based on this fic by @saunne! PLEASE READ.
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octoooo · 7 months
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!💖
I remember doing something similar but I’ll choose 5 different things <3
1.) Friends on campus Uayayay. Anxiety sticks to me like the hair on my head, LIKE THE SPAGHETTI STAINS IN THAT ONE BOWL. Lmao I think it’s funny they first reached out because of the,,interesting stickers on my laptop + my Sailor Moon wallpaper/phonecase. We work on projects a lot in our librarby’s study rooms which is fun & chaotic <3
2.) My HAIR. I look SO delicious the frohawk is really workin for me (I feel like Genya,,,,,only bc of Mohawk this is so cool). Though I didn’t shave the sides of my head, I can’t bring myself to do it, maybe one day
3.) My dog, my pupperoni KARMAAAA!! I loaf her very much she’s so squish & looks like this
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Isn’t she the greatest :)?
4.) Oatmeal raisin cookies. Delicious, scrumptious & yummy. I think im addicted. I don’t get why ppl feel “betrayed” I guess when what look like chocolate chip cookies turn out to be oatmeal raisin, I’ll fuck them up any day. If you don’t want your oatmeal raisin cookies send them to me
5.) Sea slugs!!! Loaf them a lot they’re so squishy & squiggly & I need them all in my house Now <3
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licuadora-nasir · 8 months
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Thanks for the tag @silvery-bluish 🥺🫂❤️ this is part of my fic compelling the first chargestep meeting, with River and Ricardo.
"Shh shut up. He's here,"
I'm tagging @kanraandchrome @saunne @remnantsofmorality aaaaand I can't think of any more people that write rn lmao 🤣🤣🫂
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hydrachea · 4 months
Hiiii ! I saw you recently in the reblogs of the XingRen post my platonic spouse, Aratribow made for me !
I just wanted to say, welcome aboard, fellow XingRen enjoyer ! It's nice to see I'm not the only one completely bonkers over them. I do have a free hand for you to shake and a lotta future content to propose you cause the brainrot is.
The brainrot is bad. To say the least.
My writer ass can and will rip apart space, time, logic, common sense and the fabric of the universe itself to make this ship a reality (I already did twice in fact but made it FengXingRen and not only XingRen and I'll have to fix that).
But enough with me babbling, I came here with some questions for you but, how do you picture their relationship, the dynamic between them ? I tend to go on a very peculiar way of interaction so I'm interested in what other shippers think !
Anygays, please do have a great day/night and welcome in the XingRen hell (affectionate) 💜🤍❤️🖤
Hello, that's me, local selfcest* enjoyer!
*not quite selfcest but also not quite NOT selfcest, because nothing can ever be simple with what these two have going on, so selfcest for the sake of simplicity.
For me, well... "It's complicated" hardly even begins to cover it. The writing of KiriyaS is one big influence on my vision, on account of them being responsible for my awakening. I especially like "Enigma".
I feel like Blade would have very mixed feelings towards Yingxing, a mix of protectiveness and resentment. Since he knows very well and very personally what he, back when he was Yingxing, has gone through, he really doesn't wish it on him. But at the same time even if he does consider himself a different person now Yingxing is still a complete, unbroken version of him. (You wanna talk about it, Bladie?)
Yingxing meanwhile does not have the frankly impressive baggage Blade has. Not that their shared backstory isn't full of flavor, Blade's exclusive one just has a lot more layers that makes them hardly comparable. So he feels compassion towards him because no matter how much Blade doesn't care for being pitied, well, they originated from the same person with the same deep hatred towards Yaoshi and their abominations. Yingxing understands very well just how awful a time Blade is having, not to mention crafting is everything to Yingxing and he can also imagine very well how terrible he'd feel if he lost his ability to do that. But since they, once again, came from the same mold, Yingxing also understands that Blade still has pride (especially when it comes to himself-but-not-exactly) and mostly keeps his compassion to himself. He can try to help him in other ways, though he's not stupid and knows that "Yingxing" can't be salvaged from "Blade". Which is fine.
Tldr; in Yingxing's mind:
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Essentially, your best friend and mine the slowest of burns, the faintest of simmers makes a comeback. They have so much to work through and being the same person isn't even half of it.
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ao3feed-hadesgame · 1 year
Sweet Solace [In Affliction Flows]
by Saunne
Words: 2348, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hades (Video Game 2018), Ancient Greek Religion & Lore
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Hypnos (Hades Video Game), Ares (Hades Video Game), Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Thanatos (Hades Video Game), Nyx (Hades Video Game), Hades (Hades Video Game), Morpheus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Epiales (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Phantasos (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Phobetor | Icelos (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Oneiros (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Eros (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Anteros (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Phobos (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Deimos (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Pasithea (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
Relationships: Ares/Hypnos (Hades Video Game), Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Aphrodite/Ares (Hades Video Game), Hypnos & Thanatos (Hades Video Game), Hypnos & Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Hypnos & Nyx (Hades Video Game), Hypnos & Hades (Hades Video Game), The Olympians & Zagreus (Hades Video Game)
Additional Tags: Family Issues, Family Feels, Misunderstandings, Lack of Communication, Light Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hypnos-centric (Hades Video Game), Hypnos Needs a Hug (Hades Video Game), Minor Ares/Thanatos (Hades Video Game), Past Megaera/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Zagreus is a Good Friend (Hades Video Game), Secret family, Family Fluff, Soft Ares (Hades Video Game)
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44256196
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