#but both anarchy and blood and guts as match types have been so boring to me this year
comediakaidanovsky · 11 months
i’m so tired of hardcore matches being booked where only one side is actually into hardcore stuff?? like oooooh they’ve booked “guys who love being dragged through glass and have to be restrained from drinking their opponents blood” versus “guys who think blood is icky and don’t like to use weapons” for a carnage bloodbath fuckfest match, that should be a fun watch
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Dogs are much more cute (Juice-Sons of Anarchy)
Requested by the lovely @paintballkid711 :Hey! I was wondering if you could do an imagine where juice falls for a complete tomboy who happens to be happy's younger sister? And that she's never had a boyfriend because of who her brother is? But happy is actually ok with it in the end? Maybe fluff and smut? Ps I love your writing!
Happy walked out of the club house finding his little sister working on one of the cars that some rich lady brought in a couple of hours ago. He smiled to himself, thinking of all the amazing memories he and his sister shared. They were not that alike, except for the fact that they both loved speed and they both adored working on cars or bikes. 
She was very tomboy-ish. She loved to wear caps or beanies and usually had her hair in a pony tail so it didn't get in her face while working. 
''Hey.'' A guy, around her age walked up to her just as she got from under the car she was currently working on.
''Hey, Michael.'' She greeted the guy she used to go to school with. ''What's up?'' She smiled as he offered her his hand, which she took and he pulled her up. 
''Nothing much, heard you were back in town so i wanted to come say hi.'' He said as the two hugged. It was one of the, so called, bro hugs, where two people bump shoulders and pat each other on the back if they're feeling especially affectionate. 
''Ah yeah, I went to a wedding.''
''No shit,'' The guy raised his eyebrow in disbelief, ''Don't tell me you wore a dress.'' 
''Yep, it's apparently mandatory when you're one of the braids maids.'' She rolled her eyes, fixing her trucker cap. 
''Dude, I would pay good money to see you in a dress.'' He said looking her up and down, his hand on her shoulder. She was wearing jean overalls and a white t shirt that was covered in smudges from the car oils and god knows what else. 
''Dude, Never gonna happen!'' She said in the same tone.
''Can I help you?'' Happy walked up to the two, his face dark and serious.
''C'mon Hap, we're just talking.'' Y/N sighed, knowing exactly what's gonna happen. He was always so protective. Needless to say that she never had a boyfriend because no she had ever gone out with had enough guts to face her brother, so her relationships usually consisted of one date and never speaking to that person ever again after happy had one of his thought with him.
''Talk without touching.'' Happy said shortly before flicking the guys hand off his sister's shoulder. 
''Don't worry, man, she's not my type.'' Mitchel lifted his hands in his defense. 
''Excuse me?'' Happy took a step forward, ready to punch the guy's face in.
''No, no, I didn't mean it like that.'' Mitchel almost stuttered. ''I'm in to guys.'' 
''Good.'' Happy said backing away before wrapping his arm around his sister. ''You can keep him, I like him.'' He said to his sister making her laugh and walked away. 
''Your brother is intense.'' 
''Yeah, but you are the first guy he actually told me to keep, so, congrats dude.'' She said making them both laugh.  ''Hey, you up for a beer? I need a break.''
''Sure.'' He nodded and the duo walked over to the picnic table. 
Juice rode in to the MT, just as Y/N and some guy sat down at the picnic table. ''Who's he?'' He asked one of the new prospects as he parked his bike next to the others. 
''That's Michael, Y/N's friend.'' Rat replied.
''Friend?'' Juice couldn't help the bitter taste of jealousy that he tasted when he saw the two laughing. He has had a thing for Happy's sister for a while. She was something else. She almost never wore make up, but she looked like the most beautiful girl in the world to him. She wasn't really the type of girl he would usually go for. She was hot, there's no denying that and soon the two became friends. They shared so many interests and he could talk to her for hours and not get tired. 
''Yeah.'' Rat nodded. ''I think he was checking out Jax before, tho.''
''Good.'' Juice smirked to himself, knowing there's nothing to worry about. He walked towards the club house but decided to take the long way so he will be able to pass Y/N on the way. ''Hey.'' 
''Juice, hey!'' Y/N smiled looking up from her friend to see Juice, the boy she had a crush on since forever.  ''Juice this is Michael, Michael this is Juice.''
''Nice to meet you... Juice.'' Michael said a bit confused about the nickname. 
''You too.'' Juice said not really talking his eyes off off Y/N. ''Are we still on for tonight?''
''Yeah, I'll come by your room at 7.'' She smiled taking off her hat. 
''See ya.'' 
''Bye.'' Y/N smiled before Michael grabbed her hand.
''You didn't tell me you were banging the juicy Latino!!''
''What?'' Her eyes widened. ''No! We're just friends. We are gonna watch the world cup later.'' She shook her head. ''And for fucks sake please never say the sentence 'banging the juicy Latino' ever again.''
''But you like him, right?'' He ignored everything she just said.
''Maybe.''She shrugged, trying to play it cool. His eyes bore holes in her act. ''Okay.. definitely.'' 
''You two would look cute together.'' 
''Shut up!'' She slapped his shoulder making them both laugh. 
It was 6:50 PM when Y/N walked down the hallway leading to the sons's Dorms. She was freshly showered, her hair in it's natural wavy state gathered on one side of her head. She wore some ripped jeans, white tank top and a red and black plaid shirt. 
She took a deep breath before knocking on Juices door. 
''Yeah.'' A familiar vice came from the other end of the door and she entered. 
''Hey, everything ready?'' She asked with a smile before looking around his  room. It was so tidy and clean that she felt right at home. She was always on Happy's case about cleaning a bit more. 
''Mhm.'' He smiled grabbing a bowl of popcorn and sitting down on his bed. 
She kicked off her shoes and joined him on the bed, looking up at the tv in front of them. The match hasn't started yet. 
''Had fun with your friend?'' He asked throwing a popcorn in to his mouth.
''Yeah.'' She nodded taking a hand full of popcorn and eating one of them.  ''He thinks you're a Bangable juicy Latino.'' She winked at him. 
''Is that so?'' He laughed, shaking his head. ''Is it true tho?'' 
''Am I a bangable juicy Latino?'' He said making her look at him with surprise. They have been friends for a while now, but they never been flirty. 
''Well, Juan, You are pretty bangable, but i will never ever again refer to you as juicy.'' She shook her head, not being able to hide her smile. 
''That's good to hear.'' He said before laughing. ''That would be the preferred version, yeah.'' 
''Nice to know we are on the same page.'' She laughed, facing him not the tv. 
''Are we tho?'' 
''What are you talking about?'' 
''Y/N...I..'' Juice didn't know what to say or where to even start. He has wanted to tell her that he liked her so many times. But  now, when he finally got the chanse, he had no idea how to go about it. ''Fuck it.'' He cupped her face and leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. 
It took her a second to realise what was happening. She didn't kiss back and he pulled away after realising she is not reacting the way he hoped for. 
''I.. I'm sorry, Y/N.'' He let go of her. ''I shouldn't have done that.'' He shook his head. ''I'm sorry.''
''No, no, I'm sorry. Can we just pretend this never happened?'' She could see anxiety all over his face. His body was tensed up, his forehead wrinkled, blood pumping trough his veins.
''Juan!'' She raised her voice, making him look at her. ''Shut up!'' She said with a smile before leaning in and kissing the man in front of her. This time it took him a second to react but once he figured out what was happening he grabbed her hips as her hands fund their place around his neck. She crawled on top of him, straddling his lap. 
''Really?'' He asked with a smile, not sure if this is happening or if he is dreaming. 
''Really.'' She nodded with a giggle before kissing him again as he wrapped his arms around her, bring her closer to him. 
''Why the hell didn't we do this sooner?'' Juice smiled, with everything going on with the club this was by far the highlight of his week, hell, it was the highlight of his year. 
''Dude, I don't know.'' She  shook her head, taking a second to just look at him. Really look at him. His brown eyes sparkled and his smile, oh his smile...
''Hey, is Y/N here-'' Happy walked in to Juice's room without  knocking and stopped in his stacks when he saw them. His sister was on top of Juice, who's hands were on her ass, they were pretty close, as if they were kissing a second before. ''Y/N!'' Happy did his best to keep his voice calm. ''Get. Off. Him.'' 
''Hap, wait, don't do this!'' She tried to calm him down as she got up from the bed. 
''Happy, I... It's not what you think..'' Juice tried to explain but before he knew it Happy was in front of him, punching his face.
''Happy!!'' Y/N yelled, not sure what to do as the men found themselves on the floor, throwing punches at one another. ''Juan!!'' 
She let out a sight as not one nor the listened to her. ''Fine, kill each other then.'' She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. 
''What the hell was that about?'' Gemma as Y/N walked in to the bar and sat down next to her.
''Long story short. Happy walked in on me and Juice making out.'' 
''Ah..'' Gemma nodded, giving her a glass of whiskey. It was nothing new for the sons to fight. 
''Yeah.'' The  girl shook her head taking a sip of  her drink. 
''Oh the other hand. I wont a bet thank to you.'' 
''Me and Unser might or might not made a bet on when you and Juice will get together.'' Gemma shrugged. 
''Don't act so surprised. Everyone knew you two had a thing for each other.'' 
''Seriously?'' Y/N asked before laughing at the way Gemma looked at her as if to say 'Are you really surprised?'
About 15 minutes later Juice and Happy walked out, both bloody. ''Took you long enough.'' Y/N rolled her eyes as she saw her brother and the guy who she was kissing minutes before make their way to her. 
''You can keep him too.'' Happy said as they reached her. 
''Seriously?'' The girl couldn't help but be surprised. 
''You do know i'm not a dog, right?'' Juice said walking up to her before wrapping his arm around her.
''I know, Dogs are much more cute.'' Happy told him and walked away making his sister laugh.
''That's debatable.'' Y/N said before kissing Juice.
''I will ignore the fact that you're comparing me to a dog if you kiss me again.''
Request here!
Masterlist here!
I'm sorry there is not much fluff and no smut. today was a weird day for writing, dunno, probably a writers block. But i might write a part two with smut an all that fun stuff. 
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