#but both payd for their mistakes with their lives
avegollum97 · 2 years
Both Regulus and Severus put a person they deeply cared about into danger and lived to regret it dearly , Reggy gave kreker the one person in his family that he cared about and that loved him unconditionally to Voldemort to experiment with ,and with both u could make the argument that up until that moment the didn't expect Voldemort to be so insane and evil because of how charming the bastard was , and that this was their wake up call, or they knew deep down but choose to ignored it . Kreacker was tortured , and barely survived with his mind (possibly made insane by what happened ), so Reg went for revenge trying to take something of equal value from Voldemort, because the deed was done( and that damn house elf still loved him anyway but he dint notice ) , leaving a message so that Voldemort would know it was him who took it from him . While Severus had to be alive for Lily to remain alive , so he sold his life to dumbledore in exchange . Their fates are very similar that all I'm gonna say . And their actions are a weird mix between love for the person they feel they betrayed and hatred for the man who hurt them .
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