#but boy i dont like they stuck with the no nose thing hgdbjf. this movie has NOSES! her previous design didnt cause. that was the style
istherewifiinhell · 5 months
i wont keep rbing this post cause its getting too long but
mr president. a second movie transformer woman has hit the towers
[tf movie toy reveal]
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[ID: box of a one step changer air achnid toy for the new movie, the toy a chunky little black spider and bot. There is promo art of her movie design, her face looking very similar to elita's, but seeming to lack any nose. and a large black helm extending her head shape sleekly. END]
so if anyones wondering how this movie is ranking on my gendered alt mode frame work. we have one motorcycle and one spider. so. pretty bad!!!! ah and alas its my least favourite iteration of the sexy spider woman too.
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