#but ciel c'mon lmao
kurothoughts · 1 month
Ciel to Maurice: We went to the trash to look for evidence! We glued together the pieces!
[later that night] Sebastian, pushing down his glasses: Pardon, young brat master but... we who?
Ciel: Yes,
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jonquilandlace · 5 months
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Anyway I know I'm not a super big COTL blog or anything lol but I made a lamb! :D
Their name is Ciel, like sky, because I was trying to name them vaguely angelically and got to Siel and then realized I could just go for the Real Name variant lmao. They're very based on how I play the lamb lol (and, kinda like my Cult of the Mouse edit, which I did not elaborate upon at all lol, I think of them as pretty much COTL but if you could do an Undertale-style Pacifist Run, so a bit more strategy and dodging)! I h/c the Lamb as mute/using sign primarily, so that's true of Ciel, too; primarily, they're a cutie pie with a heart of gold :>
My main fun design idea is that their scarf is what would change colors with all the fleeces instead of the whole fleece! This is kinda the equivalent of just the base game "red" cloak, though that's a constant underneath the scarves; my favorite fleeces as a player are the two blues (Hobbled Heels and Fragile, I think?), so they're probably most commonly in those two, but, like, c'mon, the red cloak is a classic.
Bonus "Other Fleeces" under the cut! Just did a few personal favorite cloaks, plus the basic white and green because I just like their designs lol (the god of death fleece looks SO NICE on them imho)
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Give me a list of all your Nico ships,I don't care how long it is or even who you ship him with,I want to know (Favourite Nico Ship?)
Yeah I want to know too.
No seriously. At this point I can't even keep track of my pairing list. It also doesn't help that I can practically eat everything that has Nico in it - regardless of... everything else. Jesus Christ.
But since you asked, I gotta try my best. I guess it's also a good chance for me to wrap up my own messy thoughts too---
Welp. Let's see. A list of Nico ships I actively contribute in because I have no idea what I know of at this point:
Solangelo, Jasico, Percico: have written about/ have plans to write about
Nico/Alabaster: tons of ideas and headcanons but have yet to decide on a writing plan. I could kill for them tho.
Thanatos/Nico: written one fanfic. Would love to write more but I run out of ideas
Eros (Cupid)/Nico: once unhealthily enjoyed making Love-you-like-an-enemy headcanons. Still do.
Erebus & Nico: I wouldn't say this as a ship... unless the term 'platonic ship' exist. I prefer to think of them as... soulmates? What do you call two lonely souls seeking each other's company?
Now to the pairings which I leech from others' content, meaning: consume but yet to contribute
Magnus/Nico: It exists and it's true and it's AWESOME
Pollux/Nico: There're at least two fics out there that had me in a chokehold
Child of Persephone x Nico ahsdjkahdkjahdka it was just one fic C'MON
Cecil Markowizt/Nico: Again. ONE fanfic. And it was Portuegeues.
Or just platonic in general because there's potential and no one's seeing it so I'm taking it.
primordial god! chronos x ananke! nico courtesy of @avaetin. I fell so hard for it and I'm not even ashamed
Poseidon/Nico: all's Happy's fault. Like. Really.
Nipollo ajdhsajkda Brig shares the blame ok fine I'm crazy about it too and just bc Apollo's a hoe----
Anubis/Nico: thank you @/LapisLazuli13 on AO3
Dionysus/Nico but only if it's by @/robindrake93 on AO3. They have a distinguished figure for Dionysus and I'm neck deep in it
Minos/Nico: shout out to @/silenttoad on AO3 because it's the softest thing ever omfg 😭😭😭 Just for the record, their Minos is worlds different from the canon one. He's actually really nice.
Tons of crossover ships: Arthur/Nico (legitimately my RELIGION), Ciel Phantomhive/Nico,... That time I say Nezha and Nico could be friends. Like I don't... quite ship them but akdsaksaj this proves that you should never hope anything from me
I'm sure this is not all of them... I mean. I have read more. And probably forget a bunch...
I wouldn't say I have a favourite ship... well there're times that I would invest more in a specific pairing, but that doesn't mean I like other ships any less. I have 5 drafts for Jasico and then I have a Nicobaster week and then a Percico-marathon. Generally speaking though, I would say I usually... prioritize (?) the rarepairs. Since you know, the canon one and the more popular ones alr have people building the empire for them. I might be the only one invested in a Son of Persephone with Nico, for example, so I tend to gravitate towards it, in hopes of contributing a small brick for this little tent compared to their nation; or sometimes it's just because there's someone else more invested in me and their dedication fuels me (yes you @drksanctuary).
Anw I hope this gives you an insight into how wild of a being I am LMAO. I'm a proshipper. I have no qualms when it comes to enjoying fiction - as long as I enjoy it. Be free. Trust me.
As I've said, I forgo everything when it comes to Nico. He's my exception. He's always right. If he's wrong I have a few words to Rick------ jk lol or maybe not---
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innocentbeing · 6 months
this chapter actually gave me a little bit of hope because I wanted Finny and the kids to leave Snake with Doll
i don't see the point in snake dying right now lol. if he does it's just like.. what was the point in o!Ciel recruiting him then? why have all that if you're just gonna kill him before he even gets the chance to confront O!Ciel?? 😆
the only way it makes sense to me is if he's saved by Doll and lives from blood transfusion. that way he can stay with her without all the tension and hear her side of the story. Finny already told him about the kidnapping so she can't lie her way out of that, but she can at least let him know why she, joker, and the rest of the crew did it.
If Finny is allowed to explain why he killed Snake's first family, Doll should be allowed to explain why they did those things. It's unfair for Snake to only hear one side and die not knowing about Kelvin and what was going on behind the scenes of the circus.
i don't see any point in turning him into a bizarre doll either. it literally does nothing to the plot lmao. like, the only thing I can see is that maybe it'll cause some conflict in shutting down blood transfusions since Snake will rely on it to live as a bizarre doll.. but even then that conflict wouldn't last more than a few panels because we already see where everyone's loyalties lie. it's with o!ciel. so even if the servants care for snake they'll still choose to end him for o!ciel.
he can't die thinking that his first family was nothing but murderers and kidnappers when the circus arc went hard in painting them as victims of their circumstances. like, WHY show Doll and them as good people forced to do evil to survive then turn around and paint Doll as if she's just evil through and through?? WHAT. 😆 Snake's last words were "you wouldn't do such a thing.." while crying, like, c'mon. he needs to know why.
plus if Snake does die then what would that do to Doll? is she just gonna be like, "damn, this sucks. welp, im still gonna kill phantomhive in a violent blinding rage :/" ?? is she going to be depressed and just give up completely? What would be the point in THAT?? i just dunno...
also i don't think Snake becoming a BD will automatically make him want revenge against o!ciel.. unless Undertaker alters his memories and makes him somehow forget Finny telling him why they had to kill the circus crew, but like WHY would Undertaker do that LOL?? Doll already wanted revenge against O!ciel before she died, Undertaker didn't do that to her. Altering Snakes memories JUST to make another enemy for O!Ciel..??? like why? LOL. I don't think he would do that. despite everything, I don't think he's antagonizing o!ciel for the sake of it.
and ofc o!ciel wouldn't hesitate bc he has his own personal stakes in this but also bc once Snake dies, that's it. o!ciel doesn't believe dead things should come back to life.
so yeah, the thing that makes the most sense to me is Snake gets to live and hears Doll's explanation then the two of them can confront O!Ciel.
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purpleandstarlight · 7 months
@hateweasel I'm back with more past DLTD reactions!
-Me: Okay so apparently it was a year since Alois was last put in detention and he lost his 'fame' as a delinquent?? Character development. I mean, he's in detention right now, but still-
-Me and my best friend being Travis stans is a costant. We were hype about him FINALLY having a Travis PoV chapter.
-Travis, in that chapter, says that if Cielois ever got engaged, he would be sure to give them a discount, wich i found really sweet. Now I'm wondering, in the future... were the rings made by Travis' mother or did Ciel commission them from someone else? I don't remember...its been too long..please tell me if you're reading this, Hate.
-Me losing it from how funny it is that everything happens at Warwick (despite knowing that it's bc it's the MCs' school) upon starting the Black Annis case and musing about how the other students should have just gone to Weston or some other less chaotic school.
-So, during the whole Ciel-Fights-Alois-While-Under-The-Effects-Of-The-Fear-Poison, Ciel says "Your blood tastes just as good as the rest of you" and I was like "I really didn't want to know that"
-After hurting Alois and coming back to his senses, Ciel is scared and feels guilty so he keeps avoiding him, wich hurts Alois as well as himself, so the whole household is upset about the situation in return. When I told my friend about it, she went "Nooo they're in their divorce arc!" and it killed me 💀
-I was talking about how Cielois & Co were scared of the council kicking up a fit and killing them bc of the drug controlling Ciel, but I was calm bc I trust Integra, and tbh that was my modus operandi about most if not every interaction the demons ever had with HELLSING...and I'm not even a HELLSING watcher/reader...
-Btw i also stanned Oliver's dad EXTREMELY. He's a good man and a good father.
-I was really sad about Alois not wearing the short shorts anymore bc they were funny to me. Now I'm not anymore, tho I gotta say I always missed his crossdressing? Like although he did it so often mostly for attention (as he himself says in the sequel) I gotta say I miss the "So what's wrong if I'm a man and like to crossdress?" thing he did. Luckly Kris picked up the slack and crossdressed in that Pride chapter. U GO KRIS.
- So Integra goes into the specific of the experiment to Humanize Ciel and then asks everyone if they're okay with saying he's innocent in the attack to Alois and everyone but one gets his hand up and I was really mad abt that one but then I found out that it's just that the guy was asleep bc he was extremely old and it was really funny to me.
-About the paintball fight the 7 did where (I think) the others put Alois and Ciel alone in two different teams thinking it would put them at a disadvantage, my friend was like "I love how they did that bc if Cielois was together the others would be defeated in half a second (Bathroom Break included in that time)"
- Me: I still don't understand why the rest of the Seven is like "You guys never do anything chill and normal!!" like...The fashion show?? The summer vacations?? The host club???
My friend: Exactly, c'mon! The fact that like half of those ends in chaos anyway is not their fault...
Me: LMAO. I mean, though, most of those went normally? The only chaotic time I can think of is when they found out about Luka's soul being back and had to make a whole ass ritual in the basement to give him a body.
My friend: Still normal enough if you ask me.
Me: Yeah, normal teenager behavior 💀
My friend: Everyone does that!
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everybodys-chains · 7 years
why not kuroshitsuji/black butler for the ask ;)
Yaaaas!!! Lets see… kuroshitsuji… (I’ll use the anime LOL since I’ve never read the manga tho)
-First character I fell in love with: Grell Sutcliff. He was my baby.
-Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Alois I guess? I hated him the first time I saw the second season but now I love him.
-The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Just for the record… I’ve never, EVER liked Sebastian. NEVER. I didn’t liked his personality.
-The Character I love that everyone else hates: From second season too… Hannah Annafellows… she can also step on me. I love her, it made a pretty badass plot twist at the end LMAO. Also her looks as a Demon was A+.
-The Character I used to love but now I don’t any longer:  Grell I guess??
-The Character I would totally smooch: Lizzy! She is nice and badass and totally would accept an hug!
-The Character I want to be like: CIERUUUUUUU, no, but not kidding, He’s is so freaking smart!! Like really smart.
-The Charactet I’d slap; from second season too… Claude.
-A pairing that I love: Okay I loved SebasGrell at some point and ClaudeHannah … but now… I don’t… so lol
-A pairing that I despise: Sebaciel… c'mon… Ciel is just a kid dude.
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