yonemurishiroku · 2 months
Something something. Percy sees Nico's new boyfriend, who has blue eyes tinted gray and sandy blond hair, and teases him "So you like blue-eyed blonds, no wonder I wasn't your type."
To which Nico stares at him for 3 secs, glances at his boyfriend, and then stares at Percy again. "My boyfriend is Cupid. He has brown hair and red eyes."
Percy freezes. By Nico's side, the 'blond' guy smirks.
Who is whose type now, huh.
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moa-broke-me · 1 year
'ghengis kahn' by miike snow is a nicupid anthem rb if you agree
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c-upico · 11 months
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ayudantesdecupido · 6 years
Un hombre dice:
Hola a todos, soy David, de signo tauro (no se que relevancia tendría eso ahja), comencé a estudiar antropología este año en la universidad, una carrera que por fin me gusta, apasiona y que poco a poco me ha ayudado a crecer en todo aspecto (social, sexual, mental e intelectual), tengo 28 años (algo viejo para estudiar en la universidad y para el promedio de usuarixs de Tumblr, pero a mi me da lo mismo), mido 1.76 y soy delgado, no me considero un deportista pero si ando en mi bicicleta recorriendo lugares para despejar mi mente y desestresarme algunas veces, también hago ejercicio de vez en cuando, aprecio las cosas simples, nada de grandes lujos pero si aprecio mucho los buenos momentos, soy alegre, aunque no se me note en la cara, pues muchas veces no demuestro mucho.
En cuanto a gustos pues, me gusta el rock, metal, jazz, blues, rap, reggae, no suele gustarme el baile, pero bailo (o al  menos lo intento jaja) si la ocacion lo amerita, me gusta mucho hablar, pero hablar de todo, historia, series, política, sexo con muchas risas. ver una que otra pelicula, pasar tiempo en la playa, caminar por ahí, y si es acompañado mucho mejor.
Lx que busco, pues busco a una persona que guste de cosas simples, no necesariamente que le guste lo que me gusta a mi, compartir gustos es algo que aprecio mucho, una persona que no le importe la barrera de la edad mientras estemos de acuerdo que ambas personas, a pesar de sus diferencias, se quieran, respeten y amen. en genera busco algo sano.
En cuanto a lo intimo y personal, pues debo reconocer que me cuesta (aun) romper la barrera invisible del hielo, pero que cuando se da, soy muy de piel, pues me gusta tocar, acariciar, abrazar suavemente, y hacer masajitos en la cabeza, nuca o donde desee., en lo intimo (y esto no tiene nada que ver solo con el sexo) pues me gusta mucho dar besos, en el cuello, orejas, mejillas, pera, panza en fin donde sea, y boca obviamente que es lo mejor.
Siendo esta la primera vez que hago este tipo de post, no se que esperar jaja, ojala conocer gente que este interesada en conocerme, compartir y por que no llegar a algo mas.
Un gran saludos desde de Arica- Chile, donde vivo actualmente.
PD: Me falto escribir que, me gusta cocinar, hago pizzas ricas (con muuucho queso <3), queques, asados y comidas en general, me gusta experimentar.
Besos y abrazos!
No se que mas escribir…
-Eros. Recuerda que si quieres contactar esta persona debes dejar un comentario, para que te contacte.
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skankiness · 10 years
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mistressmitsumi · 10 years
CUPICO I know people probably thinks this is a weird ship or it's unhealthy cause Cupid is a god. But who cares? XD A ship is a ship. We can ship what ever we want. Though my main ship will still be Percico. I would love this ship, Cupid and Nico. We need to make this happen! XD Cupid falling in love with Nico because of how Nico is a very loving person (he just doesn't show it! He's withdrawn and too alone most of the time but he just need a push so he can show it! Hazel is the evidence to that! XD) and that Nico literally does everything for the person he loves (*cough* percy *cough*) So yeah, I really think Cupid would really like Nico. Nico on the other hand would be reculant about Cupid's motive. Dude, the guy forced him to admit his crush on Percy, attacked them and even successfully shooting him with an arrow. But hey, who wouldn't fall in love with Cupid once he start courting you? The guy is the god of love! And like Nico would just say 'Love is a monster indeed.' And just admits he likes Cupid back~ XD I wanted the name Eros instead cause for me the Greek name is hotter and well not associated with little naked cherubs flying arrows at everone. But I sucked at finding a better ship name with it. idea goes to thisismyhumorblog for wanting to spread the love~  Love and Death always go hand in hand~ <3
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
“So who falls first in your ship?” Me. I fall first and the hardest.
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yonemurishiroku · 3 months
Cupid + Percico. Just me being unhinged really
What if Cupid impersonates as Percy to toy with Nico’s feelings so that when the real Percy confesses his love, Nico’s just more heartbroken unable to believe it hahahaha
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yonemurishiroku · 1 month
Tbh I think that if you're talking ab Nico with long hair, there should be at least a scene of it being grasped and pulled. Either violently or erotically. Idk.
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yonemurishiroku · 5 months
Cupico is fun because if Cupid is any of a love god like Aphrodite, that means he can change his appearance to become attractive to everyone's eyes. And oh the joy of imagining a bunch of people gushing about how delicious the creepy Hades kid's boyfriend is and then Percy's like "he has such nice blond hair" which confuses Frank bc "what are you saying his hair's brown. like Hazel's" to which Leo is even more confused "what no it's caramel. like Calypso's" and it takes them weeks later to find out that. fuck. that's Eros. Nico got a love god as his boyfriend.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 months
Cupico is just my excuse for another getting outed debacle. That is, Cupid’s obsession with Nico get ‘outed’ when Nico accuses the god of being in love with him. It’s a messed up thing bc they don’t have the best healthy relationship. And even Cupid cannot escape the grasp of his own domain as he keeps getting all riled up when Nico holds it over his head. It’s not healthy, but nothing i’ve ever made is healthy anw.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 months
wanna write a Jercy + Cupico fanfic so bad
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yonemurishiroku · 9 months
Something something Cupid is smitten with Nico's love but dislikes Nico because Nico often restrains his own love thinking of it as wrong and sinful which is an obviously blasphemy to Cupid's name thus grants him the god's harsh treatment in this essay I will---
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yonemurishiroku · 9 months
Okay look I still think about Nico being Cupid’s favorite at least twice a day because of you, but like also consider whoever Nico has feelings for/has feelings for Nico being Cupid’s favorite accessory. Like making them fall in love with someone else, making them hate Nico, making them live Nico so much to the point of obsession where it’s off putting and vice versa. I mostly just want to image him playing with people Nico cares about like how I used to play with my dolls
This ask is from Apr 3, I hope you're still obsessed wth this because you can be damn sure I am.
jk omg i'm so sorry it took this long for me to answer jashdajkdhak i got carried away for quite a while. 😭😭
Anw this got me so enthralled like the potential you're talking about. 🙈🙉👀👀👀 I'm vibrating with joy because this Cupid is just like me, you know? Like. Do I want Nico to be happy? Yeah that sounds great. But I value my excitement more, which might or might not include Nico in utter agony.
Now. The idea of Nico being Cupid's favorite, while does sound sweet and loving, entails a specific kind of obsession that's the farthest from sweet and I'm all here for it.
I'm especially interested in the "making them love Nico so much to the point of obsession where it’s off-putting" part btw. Bc as we all know, love was what Nico craved yet couldn't get, so imagine now he's given so much of it - unwillingly - to the point of unhealthy? Ohhhh how fucked up it is - the idea that the scale would never balance in Nico's favor but always remain on the dangerous side bc that's how love is - unrestrainable and unpredictable.
And what's even more thrilling is that - at the end of the day - Nico would have to choose: Either to give up love, or to let it devour him whole. There's no in-between, and happiness is far from reach. He would have to understand that love does not guarantee happiness, whereas happiness does not happen without love. And he would have neither.
I'm Cupid and I'm laughing. When all the curtains fall down and I reveal myself as the mastermind, you can bet your fortune that I'd revel in the brokenness in Nico's eyes that is the shards of his love. And what can he do - when his existence, the love that he holds - is what keeps Cupid thriving? Nico is a moth to flame. He knows he'd burn to death, but he keeps diving head-first into it. It's a type of helplessness - when you know you shouldn't, but you cannot stop himself.
I need nothing. I just want to see his heart bare. He would probably slice me in half but that's not the point. The point is that Nico's love is a shining, brilliant, dazzling thing, I'd plunge my hand into his chest and pry it out from behind his ribs if I have to.
Damn I'd be a perfect Cupid.
I think it's the most exciting part of this whole thing, actually - to see Nico in love. As in, Nico and love. Nico's love-life whatever. I mean. what love can do to Nico, and what he can do in the name of love. Because Death and Love are just twins, and Nico is so much love the same way he's the embodiment of death. Cupid doesn't favor Nico. He likes Nico's love. And like a child, he would twist and turn, break and bend it until he gets sick of it.
This ask sets my brain on fire and I'm dancing around the bonfire as if it's a festival.
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yonemurishiroku · 5 months
Cupico is such fun bc it's the definition of a loving, obsessive, sacrificial, vain, toxic relationship and I get to throw in everything that would get me canceled.
Anw imagine the face of the campers when they find out the creepy kid they sidelined somehow landed himself the freaking god of Love, accompanied by an overwhelming devoted obsession that pisses off Aphrodite. After all, Jason's the only one who has the slightest sense of how disgusting said love is and about the demand of control Cupid holds over Nico, as if he was Galatea to Cupid's Pygmalion, for him to bend, to twist, and to mold. (Not like Nico's gonna let it happen. There would be blood before Cupid managed to harvest a single grain of love from him)
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yonemurishiroku · 6 months
Cupid/Nico is just so poetic like imagine successfully seducing love himself. I’d brag ab it for the rest of my life.
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