#but clearly we were all so shook by the movie that y'all didn't notice and kept reblogging
worldiary · 2 years
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I posted 5,246 times in 2022
58 posts created (1%)
5,188 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,801 of my posts in 2022
#lol - 930 posts
#art - 131 posts
#story ideas - 124 posts
#tumblr - 105 posts
#want - 54 posts
#worldiary speaks - 46 posts
#everything everywhere all at once - 37 posts
#dracula daily - 34 posts
#goncharov - 34 posts
#poetry - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#with google you can bring whatever you want into the sandbox but every time you touch a grain of sand google gets paid somehow
My Top Posts in 2022:
I know, I know "it's such old media how can there be spoilers" but we all know that about 0.3% of us have actually read Dracula before and 99.9% of Dracula media we have seen bears 0 resemblance to the story we're reading now. With that in mind, please consider tagging your Dracula Daily posts and/or writing at the top of the post what day's entry you're talking about so folks can skip potential spoilers as needed.
41 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
It's interesting to read people complaining about the community label feature when my understanding is (and correct me if I'm wrong here):
1. Your post will only get hidden if you mark it as sensitive. If you're worried about people not changing their settings, that's fair. You can make an FYI post and wait until you're confident before marking your work with a community flag. But it's not like the Nipple Ban™️ where an AI is rampantly tagging onions as sensitive. It's only if you mark your own post as sensitive.
2. This is what allows Tumblr to unblock porn. Which is something folks have been asking for ever since the aforementioned Nipple Ban™️. The idea is that if porn is hidden by default but folks can opt-in, Apple won't pull them off the App Store.
Maybe I'm missing something, but this feels like a win for folks making adult content? I know people on Tumblr engage less with creators these days. So it's fair to be worried that your reach will shrink. Make a few FYI posts to your followers. Don't mark your stuff as sensitive until you're ready. And then once you feel confident, try the feature out? See what you think. Give staff feedback.
51 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
The thing about Everything Everywhere All At Once is that it could have been terrible. Like there were so many elements there that 99% of the time would not have worked together. But in this case it did???? Equal parts horror, comedy, family, philosophy, and fashion.
69 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Spent 2 hours watching this movie going "huh, this is a lot like Hamlet. Funny, even the guy's name sounds like Hamlet." Turns out. I'm watching the Norse myth of Amleth. Ya know. The Norse myth HAMLET WAS BASED OFF OF. No one's talking about this? We talk about Hamlet all the damn time and no one thought to say "btw, he ripped off a Norse myth. Just moved the H around and killed Ophelia." She doesn't die in the original myth, folks. It's just Shakespeare out here fridging and moving Hs around.
90 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think the thing that hit me the hardest about Everything Everywhere All At Once was that.... Evelyn in part brings Jobu Tapaki into existence through her abuse and Jobu, in response to her pain... destroys worlds and lives searching for a version of her mother that can help her navigate the pain.
The nuance of the situation was so beautiful to me. It's the... "You hurt me but I still want you to comfort me and I don't care how much I hurt you as I dig for that comfort."
130 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
5 notes · View notes
darylsgirl · 3 years
Mac's Girl
Request 1: Do you write for any Norman characters? If so can you do one with mac from red canyon please? Request 2: Hey sweetie! Could I possibly request a Mac fic? Like he's angry and aggressive and just needs a release and finds the sweetest most innocent virgin and just goes to town roughly on her? Love ya stories BTW!
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long with this! I decided to pretty much write the full Red Canyon film out as it just felt right! As always let me know what you thought! If you want adding to my tag list let me know!
Hope y'all having a great day :)
Love Jen <3
Warnings: Ok so just like the film Please don't read this if the movie triggered you in any way. Mentions of rape/Non-con, Blood, Rough sex, Virginity being taken, Knife play, Murder, Lots of swearing, Smut
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After a long few days drive, a lot of wrong turns and a stop by a cop, you had finally made it, The property your friend and her brother were trying to sell, It was the whole reason you had all come out here was to help them with the business side of the sale, Wanting to make the most of it the group had decided to turn it into a road trip to Utah and while you were there you were all going to go riding in the canyon’s over summer.
Once you had arrived at the siblings Devon & Regina’s property, Your boyfriend Tom, Devon & Samir their friend all stood outside laughing with a beer leaving the women you Regina & Terra to take all the bags in and get the place ready to stay in….Chivalry is definitely dead you thought rolling your eyes.
When everything was set up, The three of you had managed to wrangle up a meagre dinner. Shouting the boys inside you all tucked in before heading to bed. Tom stumbling drunkenly and more than likely drugged up behind you, Pulling your body to his chest slurring his words.
“Finally Alone Y/N, Bout time we sealed the deal here”
Wanting to gag as you felt the revulsion sweeping through your stomach.
“Go to sleep Tom” You hissed through your teeth, pulling your body away from his. You weren’t going to let your first time be with him in the state he was in, In this disgusting place. It wasn’t like you wanted anything romantic, Just not this. The first time you had sex you should at least feel something other than sick at the prospect.
“Frigid bitch” He murmured before rolling away from you, His snores following soon after.
The next day had at least been better taking the bikes from the barn feeling your body physically relax riding through the canyons as it always did when you were on a bike, That was until Samir had gotten a wheel stuck in an old tunnel coming off the bike and having to be rescued before the skin could be torn from his face.
Pulling up to the Luna Mesa afterwards so ready to drink the day away, It definitely didn't look like much but as long as the beer was cold you couldn’t of cared less, Once you had gotten your first drinks and sat down a man came over to speak to Devon introducing himself as Walter, The owner of the bar and the man taking care of the property you were staying in.
After the first drink you had started to feel the exhaustion of the day falling over you, Tom gave you a quick peck on the cheek as you both stood, Him going outside to have his cigarette and you excusing yourself to use the restroom.
Patting your chest and face with cold water you tried to wake up, It was going to be a long night. You knew the guys they would want to spend most of the night here drinking, When they were all together they usually drank until dawn, You scoffed thinking about it college boys ugh…
Leaving the toilet you glanced over to the door just as Tom knocked into Samir sending the drinks to the floor. Before you knew it Tom had been thrown into the bar.
“Easy Partner” Tom groaned, not really aware of what was happening.
“Do i look like your fucking partner? As a matter of fact i don't think i fucking know you?” The man growled back angrily.
Devon noticing the commotion rushed over to help. “Hey mac...MAC!.. It’s uh been awhile ….remember me? That’s tom he’s my cousin”
“Man Devon Ashton and his cousin Tommy, I never thought I'd see you again” Mac replied, his attention fully on Devon now getting close enough to be in his face.
Devon continued looking towards Tom and Samir trying to keep his tone light “This is mac he owns the dog”
Terra cutting in "Oh the animal lover” She scoffed.
Mac ignored this turning back to the bar and raising his voice “Reunion like this is cause for a celebration, Let’s have some whiskey”
Noticing your friend Regina, Still next to the table standing looking worried, You made your way over to her, Still listening to the exchange at the bar as it seemed everyone in the place was.
“I’m fine with beer” Devon replied, keeping his voice level.
“You're gonna have whiskey” Mac declared. The look in his eyes leaving no room for argument taking a bottle from under the counter he poured two shots handing one to Devon and one for himself.
Not taking his eyes off Devons whilst they both threw them back, Taking the glass back from Devon he walked back to the bar.
Everything was silent for a moment, Mac drawing something in the spilt salt on the bar that only Walter could see, Their eyes meeting before he swiped it away, Turning to Terra “Where did Devon find a nice girl like you?”
Terra seemingly un-phased by the tension in the room, Giggling she pointed first at Devon’s chest “Fraternity boy - sorority girl” She replied pointing at herself giving him a wide smile
“College huh? Seems like such a big waste of time to me, but your brave though, Coming out here with Regina after what happened”
Regina ran her hand through her hair when the man’s eyes met hers, “I have to pee” She mumbled nervously before running off to the bathroom leaving you alone, Feeling uncomfortable you moved until you were stood partially behind Terra your hand on her arm trying to pull her back a step, Ready to get out of the way if things were to go sour.
The stranger wasn’t deterred by this “I wouldn't be brave like that, I’d be scared...Heard after your parents little accident Someone gave your little sister a ride. Busted her wide open, isn't it nasty Devon?….”
Devon cut him off swinging a punch at him, “Fuck you”
He reacted quickly moving out of the way and pushing Devon’s head down onto the bar, Holding Terra’s arm firmly, You shook your head slightly trying to warn her not to get involved. Your eyes meeting Tom’s now panicked as he stepped forward and was stopped by a few of the man’s friends.
“That’s fuckin sick...Do you like it?” The bartender jumped into action seeming to know that this would only get worse. He hit a baseball bat against the bar top in a warning. Terra brushed you off; she stood between the two trying to separate them.
“Mac You don't wanna do that son” Mac backed off instantly, Raising the bat to his shoulder the bartender continued “Just a precaution. “Let's dance” Terra said to Mac taking his hand and trying to pull him towards the empty space between the bar and the tables
Mac looked her over once before his eyes met yours still as you stood awkwardly to the side, Throwing her hand away. “Nah” He sneered “Her...She's gonna dance with me” Terra gave you a warning glare over his shoulder, ‘Just do it!’ she mouthed with wide eyes.
Gulping you nodded nervously, Mac pushed harshly through the group, grabbing your waist and dragging you backwards, Once near the tables again both his hands finding your ass he pulled your core to his, Your chest hitting him with a thump.
In a move to steady yourself you put your hands up on the top of his arms as he pushed his face into your neck, His firm arms felt incredible in your grasp.
“You feel fuckin good princess” He growled in your ear before licking a line from the base of your neck to your ear. The breath hitching in your throat. “Real fucking good, Too good for him, I’ll be takin ya for maself” You tried to push the blush in your cheeks away, His core still against yours, you could feel his arousal growing. Taking a deep shaky breath a familiar feeling stirring inside you.
The feeling should have been fear, Surely that’s what your meant to feel as a redneck asshole was groping you, rubbing against you like he owned you. But all you could feel was electricity running through your body like you were meant to be his.
Forgetting for a moment that your friends and boyfriend were staring incredulously at you both, As his teeth nipped the pulse point on your neck, your nipples hardening in response and your panties dampening for him.
Looking him over, He was the stereotypical country boy, His hair and beard a little long, The red and white flannel shirt wrapped around his waist, He was a little dirty but the way his muscles strained against the fabric of his shirt, His well defined collar bones poking out at the top. He was fucking hot, There was no way you could deny this was a real man, Not a college boy like you were used to. The dark glint in his eye threatening to turn you into putty in his hands.
His hands had now found the hem of your Jean shorts gripping harshly at your exposed flesh mouth back to your ear “Can he even fuck, Or do you want a real man to show ya” Pulling his face back his eyes fixed on yours, Your mouth dropping open breath heavy, Not able to hide the effect this man was having on you.
It was over too suddenly your boyfriend Tom had now pushed forward grabbing your arm and all but throwing you towards the door.
Mac looked amused at his reaction, “This your man?” Tom answered for you. “Yeah i am, Let’s go Y/N”
Tom pushed you towards the door, still staring warily at Mac, Mac tilted his head with that gorgeous dark look in his eye and a smirk.
“Not for long....I’ll be seeing you Y/N” It almost sounded like a threat but Why were you wishing it was a promise?
Regina had rejoined you all now standing behind her brother, Mac’s eyes glanced over her before falling back on Tom who had his chest pushed out clearly torn between fight or flight. Pushing you again you all made it to the door.
Pulling Tom’s arm gently you all made it back to the van jumping in and heading home in near silence, Just an angry tension running through the car. Looking over at Regina, You could tell something was bothering her, Regina had been your best friend since she had moved to California with her brother, You had been fast friends even going to the same college, that was how you had met Tom.
Tom was a cocky all american jock, The guy that would usually make your eyes roll with his arrogance. You were sure if he had met you a year before he did he wouldn’t have looked at you like he did now. You were well…you. It was only when you got to college that you even started to think that maybe you could be beautiful.
When you left home moving to campus and into Regina’s sorority everything about you had changed, You didn’t want to be the person you were before.
She was dead, The girl who had been overlooked and bullied. Since leaving home the bruises your abusive parents had constantly given you had faded and you were able to step away from the baggy clothes letting the girls change your wardrobe. You were taking care of yourself more, Making an effort with your appearance, determined that college would be the rebirth of you.
No one who had known you before would have recognised you now.
You hadn’t done it for the attention that you now had an abundance of, You had just wanted to feel more like you, More free. Not realising how it would have the opposite effect when all the boys started to hound you. At first you had enjoyed the attention having gone so long being ignored but now you had grown to hate it it seemed like every idiot on campus had made it his mission to take you as a trophy even some of the professors had made more than one inappropriate comment.
It had taken Tom a while to convince you to go out with him, Even enlisting Regina to wear you down until you had said yes.
When you had eventually agreed the date hadn’t been bad, Yeah you guessed he talked a lot about himself and didn’t really seem to interested in learning much about you, But to be honest it was a welcome break, You hated when people asked too many questions, There was too much in your past that you just weren't proud of. Instead you preferred to be quiet and study those around you. You had studied him intensely, He was a very good looking guy who seemed to have a good enough intellect to keep up with you in the very least, You could have done a lot worse, Also it helped that having Tom around seemed to discourage the creepers which was a definite bonus!
When he had asked you to go to Utah with the group for the summer to ride dirt bikes you had gratefully accepted. Excited to be spending the whole summer away from your fucked up family.
You had done a good job at hiding the insane mess you had come from, It was only one night when you had, had a few too many you had opened up to Regina and she opened up to you in return, You knew you couldn’t let her go back with her brothers stuck up girlfriend without you, She would need someone who understood.
Regina never seemed to really recover from the horror’s of her past, The torment always in her eyes. She had never told you who had done those unspeakable things to her, You weren’t sure she even knew herself.
Sidling over to Regina in the car. “You ok sugar?” She flinched as you pulled her from her thoughts, Grumbling something about being fine. You put your hand in hers giving it a small reassuring squeeze as you all went back to your silence.
It was only when you all got home to the house that Tom finally broke the silence. Turning on you and blocking you from entering.
“What the fuck was that about Y/N!”
Sighing you knew it was coming “I was doing what Terra told me to! We needed to calm the situation down or someone was about to get hurt!”
Your eyes meeting his you could see the jealousy in them “Looked like you needed calming down Y/N you liked that hillbilly asshole putting his hands on you eh?”
Terra shoved Tom out of the way “Leave her alone. He would have destroyed you, He would have picked his teeth with your bones you delusional little prick, He would have killed the both of you two” Glaring at Devon and Samir. Putting her hand in yours she dragged you inside “C’mon Y/N we need a drink”
After a lot of arguing you had gone to the bedroom and pretended to be sleeping when you had felt the bed sag at the side of you when Tom had come to bed. Laying awake for most of the night you let your mind wander over how you had felt pressed against his body.
He felt like a man who knew what he wanted and took it and in the haze of that moment you wanted nothing more.
The mood between you and Tom hadn’t changed in the morning, The plan for the day had been to go for a hike as a group but with tensions high between you two and then Devon and Terra the group had split.
Regina, Devon, Samir & You had gone for the hike in the canyons whilst Terra and Tom had decided to go out on the Dirt bikes.
Terra had tried to reassure you with a soft squeeze to the arm before your groups separated. During your hike everyone had stayed relatively silent only making small observations, A few miles in, Samir had to take a break, Pulling a cigarette from his pocket, While Devon ribbed him for smoking, Samir reached over putting his hand on Regina’s leg. Which caused her to freeze up before standing and mumbling that she was heading back to the van to lie down.
Regina took off before you could stop her.
“Just let her go, It’s ok she just needs to be alone” Devon murmured, Devon wandered a little behind her before stopping and watching she was still on the right track from afar. With Devon out of earshot Samir stood walking over to you, Putting his arm around your waist.
You stiffened as his grip brought you closer to him.
“Thought they’d never leave...Gives us time to get to know each other”
“Uhhh Samir, My boyfriend is your best friend….I think we know each other well enough” You gave him an alarmed look before moving away as far as you could his hand still holding your waist.
“What he doesn't know won’t hurt him….He’s told us you know….That you still haven’t put out. Figured you weren’t interested in the pretty boy” He grinned with a chuckle.
Pulling yourself completely away from him “I don’t see how that’s any of your business creep?” You quipped before yelling to Devon that you were going to explore promising you would be back soon and wouldn’t stray too far.
Watching Samir take a resigned seat back in the shade you took off glad for a few moments alone, The hairs on your neck suddenly stand up, Feeling like prey awaiting the predator’s move. Were you being watched?
When you did a quick sweep with your eyes of the area and saw no one you thought it must just be the after effects of him last night, Letting your mind dwell now on the feelings that had overtaken you last night, Immediately heating up. Looking around now more carefully and still seeing that you were alone.
Letting yourself fully explore those thoughts, Seeing a slight indent in the rock, Perfect. It wasn’t a real cave that could have dangers hidden inside but it would at least hide you if one of the group came to look for you.
You may have been a virgin but you weren’t completely innocent, Completely in tune with your own body, Never pushing too far in to keep your hymen intact for the man you would eventually give it to.
Brushing your hand down your body you let it wander into your shorts feeling the dampness spreading through your fingers, Humming contentedly as you started to work on yourself softly pressing your fingers inside slightly before bringing them to your clit spreading your fluids rolling your clit in your fingers.
Your other hand had worked inside your top finding your erect nipple easily tweaking it between your fingers. Imagining you could still feel him pressed against you, Letting out a soft moan biting down on your lip remembering that dark dangerous glare, The need in his eyes. The need for you.
“Oh Mac..” You moaned softly as your imagination ran wild.
“What the fuck did you just say cunt?” Eyes springing open and hands pulling from their previous places you came face to face with him, The man who just thought of him had turned you on so much you just had to take care of it.
Letting the blush rise in your cheeks, Looking away from him. “Shit….I’m so sorry Mac. I didn’t know you were there…” You mumbled.
He rushed forward pressing his whole body against you bouncing your hips off the harsh rock behind you, From the twang of pain still radiating through them you knew it would be bruised tomorrow but feeling him there pressed up on you, You didn’t give it a second thought.
His hand harshly pushed your head upwards to look at him, “Did’ya just say my fuckin name?”
The Dark dangerous look was in his eyes again but there was something else there too that you just couldn’t place. Nodding slightly averting your eyes from him.
“Fuuucckkk…” He groaned, Just as you opened your mouth to apologise again his mouth was on yours, His tongue not waiting for permission just pushing past your lips and exploring your mouth, Momentarily frozen in shock as you felt his teeth smashing into yours, His hand snaking down the front of your shorts groaning into your mouth as he felt your wetness.
Before you knew what you were doing you were pushing your hands into his hair moaning along with him, Your tongue dancing with his greedily. His fingers teasing your clit rubbing in harsh circles.
His lips stopped moving long enough to make a demand of you “Say it again” he growled.
His nails scratching down your length dipping into your heat.
“Oh Mnmm Mac!” You moaned arching your hips towards him, Your lips searching for his, His fingers hitting that sensitive spot inside you making you mewl for him.
“You’re playin with the devil bitch” he breathed out, Moaning at his words feeling the burn inside you grow stronger maybe that was exactly what you needed to do, Your hand reached out brushing the tent now in his overalls.
A deep angry growl rips from him as he pulls away from you, Turning and heading into a small cave to the side. “Wait-” You tried to call after him.
“Y/N? You over here?” Shit! He must have heard them, that's why he fled. Rearranging your clothes quickly and patting your hair down, It was now or never.
Coming from behind the rock face you see Devon looking for you worried.
“Hey I'm here, Sorry I had to get some shade!” You said far too huskily the arousal still in your voice.
“Yeah, Looks it? Let’s get you back, You're looking a little flustered Reggie will kill me if anything happened to ya” Following behind him back to the van you noticed how he pointedly didn’t say Tom, He probably knew there was nothing really there between the two of you.
Back at the van you felt the eyes on you again, Smirking you pulled the water from your bag you poured it over your face and chest. Reggie raised a questioning eyebrow at you once you’d finished.
Shrugging “What it’s too hot!” You snapped at her. Climbing quickly into the van before the boys noticed how your top had gone see through with the water.
As the van starts to pull away you spare a glance in the direction you felt the glare coming from, He was standing in the open now that dark look in his eyes as he watched you leave, Bringing the fingers that had been touching you so incredibly to his mouth licking them clean. His eyes fixed on yours as the van got further away.
Your mind still stuck on Mac as Reggie shook you, “Were here lets get something to eat” Nodding at her you followed into the bar ordering quickly and barely paying attention to the conversation.
“Hey are you ok?” Nodding again “Think I got a bit of sun stroke” You mumbled. Accepting this as an answer Devon paid for your dinner before heading back to the house.
The sight that met you was hilarious, That prick tom and Terra stuck on the roof of the barn with the poor dog Tom had been tormenting on their heels keeping them up there.
“Stop fucking laughing Y/N DO SOMETHING” Tom yelled at you, sighing you leant over your bag grabbing the sandwich you forgot to eat, Putting two fingers into your mouth you let out a loud whistle.
Grabbing the dogs attention instantly “C’mere baby” As he approached you warily a snarl on his mouth. Samir was behind you holding the gun. Glaring at him “You are not shooting that dog!” You growled making him put it down and his hands up in defence.
“Less of that! Sit!" You commanded clicking your fingers and pointing down. Keeping your eyes on the dog “Reggie get me the rope!” Giving the dog the sandwich and turning to Reggie taking the rope from her. The dog snarled slightly again as you slipped it around its neck.
“How the fuck did you do that?” Tom asked, As he started climbing down from the shed. Shrugging your shoulders. “Dog’s like me I guess?” As the dog finished it noticed Tom lunging back towards him. “It’s you he doesn't like” You giggled.
“C’mon sweetheart let’s take you home” You cooed at him tugging the rope enough to get his attention. Walking away ignoring the protests. Mac’s home was only a 10 minute walk away, Once away from the others you noticed the dogs attitude change significantly. Tongue lolling from its mouth playfully playing with a stick he had found on the walk.
As you approached your heart started beating harder seeing him there, Fuck he looked hot the way his overalls hung from his hips, The way his muscles moved as he kicked the dogs pen angrily.
Clearing your throat “Loose something?” Startled Mac span around “Fuck you doin here bitch!” Pointing at the dog happily sat at your feet. Giving him a scratch behind his ear. “This little cutie decided to get loose and trap my boyfriend and friend on top of a barn” You giggled.
Mac rushing to you both he ripped the rope from around the dog's neck “House, Now” he commanded pointing at the shack. Getting in your face he growled “Get the fuck outta here before you regret it bitch”
What the fuck? You thought he would at least be happy to see you. Feeling the anger surge.
“If it weren't for me” Smacking his chest “They would have shot that dog! Could at least say thank you!” Half yelling at him.
“Thank you?” He mused “I’ll show ya fuckin thank you” Lunging forward he grabbed you tight to him, Wrapping a hand in your hair pulling you towards the shack behind him.
His lips met your angrily as you crossed the threshold of the house. Your nose wrinkled as you were met with a smell that you couldn’t quite place, A mixture of rotting food, dust and sweat.
Spinning you he thrust you towards a room “Get in there cunt”
The bedroom wasn’t too bad, It was a mess sure but the smell in here was nothing like the rest of the house, There was a huge hole in the ceiling but the sheets looked clean enough. Sensing your hesitation, Mac grabbed you again, throwing you face first on the bed.
Before you had time to turn over he was on you, hands pulling your loose shorts off, Panties coming down with them, His fingers digging into your side as he went. Flipping you onto your back he moved to your shirt ripping it over your head.
“Mac what are yo-” He cut you off with a harsh backhand to the face. “Shut the fuck up, You think you can just walk around being a fucking tease and not get whats coming to ya?”
“I wasn’t” Backhanded again “Don’t fucking LIE! The water? Playin with ya damn self! You knew i was watching”
Your head was ringing from the hits, As terrified as you should be at this moment you still couldn’t find the fear, The only feeling was the burning in your loins that you hadn’t been able to quell since you had first laid eyes on him.
In the blink of an eye his overalls and boxers had both dropped to the floor leaving him in only his ratty what used to be white tank top. Gripping your knees he forced them apart pushing them down onto the bed. In one swift move he was in you, A scream breaking from your lips as he tore through your hymen as if it wasn’t even there.
As he turned your face to his you let out a whimper, your body fighting against the pain trying to adjust to his huge size.
“You were a virgin?” He asked with a shocked expression stopping his movements, Nodding weakly “Please” You begged. His hand flew to your throat.
Chuckling “Please what? Stop? i aint had a virgin in a long ass time like fuck i'm stopping!”
“Please….More” A small moan breaking through, Between the pain you were feeling from his claiming of you and the pressure around your throat, It was enough to send you spiralling around him.
He laughed fully now “Ain’t ever had a bitch ask for more before…..” His gravelly voice was sending tingles down your spine, His lips met your throat licking a small line down from your pulse to the underside of your breast, Biting down hard, Screaming again you felt as his teeth punctured hard enough to draw blood.
Finally he moved, Drawing almost fully out of you before thrusting until he bottomed out in you again. The scream turned into a strangled moan as he licked the blood from you, Biting down again on your ribs, Drawing blood there too.
When his head reared back your blood dripped down his chin, His eyes glowing with malevolence, his tongue darting out to lick the blood from his lower lip. Fuck it was hot, So fucking hot.
You were panting now at the sight in front of you. Reaching forward you grabbed his tank pulling his lips to yours. The metallic taste on his lips only spurring you on as your tongues fought each other for dominance.
Leaning back he pushed his thighs under yours lifting your hips higher impossibly pushing even deeper into you, He let go then, Thrashing in and out of you his fingers holding on so tightly to your hip bones that they would definitely at the very least be bruised if not ripped open.
“Ahh fuck Mac!” You screamed feeling the burning growing to a new height.
“Cum for me bitch” He growled his pace moving quicker, His incredible length brushing hard against that little rough patch in you. One of his hands now came down on your clit pinching it roughly before rubbing harsh circles around it.
Everything went dark as your orgasm ripped through you, Your body arching upwards as you exploded screaming his name.
He followed straight after a string of profanities falling from his mouth as he collapsed on top of you.
Your entire body was shaking, Sure you’d had orgasms in the past playing with yourself but nothing like this, Everyone said that the first time would be painful and it would suck.
Painful yes, But no one had told you how good the pain would feel.
As the dark spots in your eyesight started to clear he pushed himself from you, His hand cupping your bruised pussy. Slipping a lone finger inside he scooped some of your mixed juices onto it before thrusting it into your mouth.
Moaning around his fingers as your combined bitter tastes enveloped your senses. You felt yourself getting wet again at this. “Fuck little bitch, Yer making me love you” His voice strained eyes wide as you licked his finger clean.
Grabbing a rag to the side of him he threw it over your face. “Clean ya damn self up and get the fuck out, I got places to be”
Shocked you did as he told you but as you moved to pull your panties back on he snatched them from you, “Not these, These are mine” The gleam in his eyes was back as he brought them to his nose breathing in the scent before pushing them into the pocket of the overalls he had just pulled back on. You’d noticed when he had put them on he hadn’t bothered to clean your blood or his cum from himself.
Nodding at him you pulled your shirt and shorts back on the sense of pride you felt knowing he had a part of you with him now, Feeling like part of you was marking him as he had you with the bites.
Shit the bites! You grabbed the rag again lifting your shirt and bra and wiped the blood that was now drying from them making sure it wouldn’t seep through your shirt.
His back was to you now as you were ready to leave, Sighing you tried to touch him, The second your hand touched his shoulder he span pinning you against the nearest wall his hand pulling your hair back so you were looking into his eyes.
“You’re fucking lucky i'm letting ya live, Might just change my mind…….Now get the fuck out of here” He yelled dragging you to the door and thrusting you out of it.
After you had returned home gratefully no one had paid much attention to you once they had noticed Regina was missing, If you thought what had just happened was crazy the night was only getting worse.
Regina had to be rescued from the cave, Mac had been arrested and now Regina had come back screaming in the middle of the night insisting she had seen her old flame Harley dead outside
Rushing out after her Devon grabbed the gun from by the door. Regina led you back to the car “he's inside!” “You sure Regina?” Devon questioned looking at his sister like she was nuts “look! I saw him look!” She pushed him towards the car “at what?”
Tom looked over Devon’s shoulder, chuckling “How many of those pills did you take reg? What’s next, pink flying elephants?” Laughing harder now, “C’mon Y/N we're going to bed” Tom reaches his arm around you trying to pull you away with him making you flinch as his fingers graze the bite on your ribs.
He had turned you both around when Terra spoke up “Guys there's something in the back” As you all moved towards the back Samir opened the boot, The sheriff's body, tumbling out. There was a chorus of “oh shit! “Fucks” as you all took in the shock of finding the dead man.
“What, Dead?” Tom asked jumping backwards, hiding partially behind you, You snorted fucking pussy.
“Yeah that's one dead pink flying elephant” Samir confirmed for him.
“Shouldn't we do something for him?” Terra asked, the fear clear in her eyes.
“What do you wanna do for him? Take him inside and give him a beer? Huh? He's dead!” Tom yelled at her.
Ignoring his outburst she replied “I don't know, cover him up?” Devon lent forward grabbing the sheriff's coat from behind him and covering his face with it.
Regina brought the attention back to her now as she stood away from the group “I saw Harley in there he was in there before!”
Devon sighed “Regina don't!”
“He’s out here! whoever killed him is still out here!” She argued
Taking in her panicked expression Devon “Are you sure you saw Harley? Are you sure you didn't just see the sheriff?”
“It could have been roger rabbit it could have been anybody” Tom cut in. You gave him a swift smack around the back of his head as Devon turned around yelling “Would you shut up!”
As he turned the gun went off, Tom collapsed to the side of you screaming, Jumping into action you followed him down seeing the source of the bleeding, Good it’s only his calf it should be okay. Putting your hands on the wound trying to stem the bleeding.
The guys grabbed him, helping bring him inside while you kept the pressure on.
Once he was back in the cabin on the couch You moved back letting Samir take over. “You fucking shot me you asshole!” Tom seethed at Devon Before hissing at Samir “Careful fuck!”
“You really got me good didn't you, You trigger happy bastard” He spat turning his attention back to Devon. He tried to excuse himself “It's not my fault it went off!” “You shot my fucking leg off” Rolling your eyes at that, Yes he had just been shot but fuck was he dramatic!
Samir asked Terra to call for an ambulance, The fear in her face said it all. No phone.
Trying to keep Regina calm was an impossible feat never mind adding Tom to the mix.
As Terra tries to suggest making a plan the lights go out Sending Regina into a worse panicked state “We're all gonna die in here. I should have never come back here”
“Were all gonna die here? We’re all here because of you” Tom spat at her and grabbed your hand pulling you to him. Terra gave you a sad look “Were all in this together”
“OH fuck together!!, She’s the one who had to go to that cave! Let me fucking tell you something! Sometimes when you look in dark places Reggie, There are real fucking monsters there you understand!” You gave him a filthy look at this pulling your hand from him
“Being a fucking asshole is not gonna help, She's your fucking Cousin! The least you could do is watch your tongue!”
After a few minutes you had all come up with a plan, Devon and Regina we’re going to Mac’s house to try for a phone and Samir was taking one of the Bikes to try and get help. Leaving you, Terra and Tom in the house.
You watched as Terra got close to Tom on the couch. Snorting you grabbed the bottle of Whiskey from the side walking towards your room.
“Y/N where the fuck are you going?” Tom snarled after you.
Stopping in the doorway to your room “If we're all gonna die, Might as well be drunk!”
“We should stay together”
Laughing at him now “I thought you said ‘Fuck together’ Tom? Thought you two would want the time alone anyway. You’ve been fucking her since we’ve been together”
They both stammered trying to cut you off “Don’t even try to deny it, Honestly i don’t give a shit” You took a long pull of the whiskey and slammed the door behind you. Settling into the bed, If this was Mac he wouldn’t kill you would he?
You had been there drinking in silence for around half an hour, Hearing a noise at the open window you moved closer and let out a shriek when Devon grabbed your arm.
“Why is the fucking door locked?” He asked as he pulled himself through the window “Where is Reggie?” You countered.
“She’s at Mac’s, Blacked out, i need your help to bring her back” Making your way back into the living room you watched as Terra broke away from Tom’s side. “We need to talk Y/N” He grumbled looking between you and Devon.
“No we really don’t” Before you could say anymore you were interrupted by a scream outside. Rushing out Reggie collapsed into your arms. Pulling her in behind you, Devon pulling her away arguing in hushed voices.
As the hour ticked on, Devon and Regina whispered to each other Terra and Tom eyeing you worriedly and you drinking, Waiting for Samir or someone to come and help.
When the sound of a truck got closer. You knew exactly who it was. It was like your blood started singing, Your heart pounding in your ears, the bite on your side itching for him.
The lights from the truck flooded the cabin, Looking out you saw him even with the Mask covering his face you knew exactly who it was.
You watched as he pulled something from the bed of his truck. Shit! Scarpering backwards away from the window pushing Reggie with you who had come up behind you to see what was going on. “MOVE” You yelled at her, As the projectile smashed through the window.
Your body was still covering hers as you both turned to look at the pole which had landed only inches from where you had just been, Was he aiming for you? I guess that answers the earlier question, He would definitely kill you. Why in the hell does that still make you so fucking hot for him.
Tom yells out “what the fuck is that? A pole he threw a fucking pole at us?”
Devon leans forward noticing the cloth wrapped around something on the end. Opening it he jumps back realising it’s Samir’s head.
The bile rushing up your throat as you notice a note attached. Devon leant forward, grabbing it before moving away again. “ ‘Shouldn’t have touched what wasn't his’ What the fuck does that mean? What the fuck did he do?” Regina interrupted him. “The tunnel, Grandpa’s tunnel”
Terra’s head flashed upwards “What tunnel? Can we escape?”
Devon got up moving Regina out of the way and hooked his fingers into a grate on the floor pulling it up“It’s a tunnel my grandfather built when they raided the place during prohibition.”
Tom cut him off “It's no time for a history lesson ok! My best friend's head is sitting on the carpet” Terra helped Tom from the couch as Devon dropped into the hole in the floor. Checking it out before giving the all clear.
Tom reached his arm out to you as he approached giving you a soft look. Giving him a small smile, You weren’t really angry, You’d probably even forgive him if you all survived this, Hell you had done the same thing with Mac. If there was one thing you weren’t it was a hypocrite.
Mac. Even just thinking his name made your heart stop. You grimaced, were you crazy? He was outside trying to kill you and your friends but yet you still wanted him.
Helping tom into the hole in the floor Terra went next then Reggie then you. As you had gotten a few feet down the tunnel Reggie gasped “My necklace!” She tried to fight past you “It was my mothers! I need to get it!”
“Ok, Ok! I’ll get it! Just stay quiet!”
Crawling back to the opening you pushed upwards almost getting it when you felt a hand in the back of your hair pulling you out. “Where the fuck did you think you were going bitch?”
Mac pulled you backwards into him as you struggled to get free. You could hear Reggie crying from the Tunnel, Terra trying to calm her down when another voice mixed in with theirs.
“Oh seriously Reggie? who gives a fuck it’s only Y/N Fucking leave her ass. C’MON” Tom yelled. This stopped your fighting what the fuck? Their noises died away, They really had just left you. All the fight left fuck it if he was going to kill you he might as well get on with it.
“Go on, Kill me then!” You spat. As you spoke he let you go, Turning to him you could see the murderous gleam in his eyes.
“You think i’m going to kill you? I’ve only just started with you Y/N” He grinned “Him though….Oh I’m going to enjoy killing him” Grabbing the pole with Samir’s head still impaled on it using his foot to pull the pole free he walked down the hallway listening intently.
“Little rats think they can scurry away” He laughed before thrusting the pole through the floor, Laughing harder when he heard the screams below. Pulling it out and heading further down the hall he stabbed again twice. He noticed you watching him curiously. “What was the note about Mac?” Your voice sounded braver than you felt.
You noticed Samir’s blood still on his hands, arms and splattered across his chest, The sadist smile still on his face as he moved closer to you. Putting his hands around your back and pulling you into him. His lips at your ear.
“I saw him, Yesterday putting his hands on you, On whats fuckin mine” He lowered his lips to your neck biting down hard. An aroused groan rising through your chest. What the hell was this man doing to you. It felt like you were losing all your faculties, All that was left was him. He was all you cared about.
“C’mon time for that later” Pulled you out of the cabin he pushed you into the passenger side of his truck before getting in himself. Driving a short distance he stopped pulling you out with him. You both stayed silent still in a stupor of sorts you followed him blindly not caring what was happening as long as he was there with you.
It didn’t take long for you to stumble across a light in the distance, With the way the light was moving it had to be a fire. Putting his finger to his lips he stalked towards the fire leaving you there. No! He couldn’t just leave you here! Following after him as silently as you could you watched as he crept over the top of the rock shielding the people from view.
His hand going to his belt, You could see the fire glinting in the metal of the huge knife. Creeping closer again you heard the scream as his hand plunged over the rock into someone.
Moving around the edge you saw who. He was wildly plunging the knife in and out of Tom. Blood poured from him as Reggie screamed and ran. The scream seemed to pull you from your trance. Eyes flicking between the direction Reggie had disappeared to and Mac who was now wrists deep inside Tom’s stomach ripping at the guts inside him.
The glee on his face was evident. Looking at you “Look apparently the gutless bastard, Had them after all! My mistake” The evil chuckle was enough to make the choice for you. You'd felt the unnatural stir inside you of approval at his actions. But you couldn't give into that evil, Not now, Not when your friend needed you.
Running after Regina you desperately tried to catch up to her, You had to find her. Stumbling along you ran for what felt like hours. She was gone. The sun had come up now and you were all alone.
You couldn’t stop walking, This was a mistake. She had left you twice now. The only one who hadn’t left you was Mac, Mac you needed to find Mac! You continued on with more determination now. It wasn’t long until you heard them.
“well what do we have here? The lost pussy! did golden boy leave you all alone”
You could see them now, Mac grabbed her face pulling her to him, kissing her before throwing her to the ground. Jealousy raged within you. It should have been you he was kissing!
“I told that little bitch not to come here but you never listen”
“Don’t fucking touch me” Terra yell grabbing a log at the side of her and hitting him around the head with it. Fucking Bitch!
He stumbled for a moment before he was back on her, Throwing her back to the ground kicking her repeatedly in the stomach, Gripping her arm and pulling her back upwards pulling her tight to his chest, Just like he did to you.
Terra tried to hit him again.
“You’re making me love you just like your little friend, that day she was the only one that got it” He threw her back to the floor kicking her knees apart “That kid fucked us all”
She tried to fight him
“I’m sick of this shit! You’ll beg to die” He growled. Diving forward, Ripping her shirt from her body, She fell to the ground as Mac shrugged out of his overalls letting them hit the ground. Terra looked wild as she got back up “Your not gonna do that to me” She screamed running towards him.
You don’t know what came over you but you just couldn’t let her. Running at Terra you hit her before she got to Mac, The force of your body hitting hers sent her tumbling off the edge of the Canyon. Almost falling off with her when you felt the arms clasp around your stomach pulling you to Safety. Peaking over the edge you saw Devon holding a screaming Regina with a dead Terra at their feet.
Mac pulled on you and when you didn’t move he tried again harder pulling you almost off your feet. Looking up at him in fear. “For fuck sake” He sighed. Picking up a rock at his feet. He bashed you around the head with it. Everything went black instantly.
When you woke you could hear him pacing nearby, Whispering angrily into a small phone.
“I’ll fuckin take care of it!....Don’t I always!......Fuck sake! You clean up your other fucking sons mess next time, I ain’t cleaning up after Devon no more!” He hung the phone up, throwing it onto a well lit table next to him.
It was then he noticed you were awake. You could see the anger rolling through him in waves. Pulling at your arms you realised they were restrained above your head. Raising your eyes you saw the hook and rope binding you there. Tugging at it as hard as you could. You heard him laugh.
“Ya aint getting outta that. What you wanted to run from me again...Stupid cunt”
“Where am i?” you asked, steadying your voice as much as you could.
“In my cave...Go on scream little bitch no one will hear you!” He pounced on you sitting on your chest with that gleeful look in his eyes again. Pulling the knife from his belt still covered in Tom’s blood.
Everything was coming back to you now, Samir, Tom & Regina all dead. But what about Devon & Regina? Didn’t he just say Devon’s name?
“Where are Devon and Regina? Are they here?” He scoffed, An indignant smile on his face.
“Baby brother? He’s probably balls deep in his little plaything by now. That was the plan. I got to take all you guys out and he got to claim her. Thought you would of been a good cunt to keep around too but you just had to run” Putting the knife to your throat.
“I’m going to fuck you bloody bitch, Make you beg for me to kill you” Running the knife down from your neck to your cleavage pressing just hard enough to cut but not too deep, The bulge in his overalls becoming more pronounced as he watched the blood following the knife.
Letting out a pained gasp you met his eyes. Keeping your stare hard trying not to show the fear that had started bubbling within you. Leaving the knife propped between your breasts his hand snaked inside his overalls pulling out his impressive length. The blood from earlier dried on there now.
“Suck it clean Y/N” He pushed it to your lips, When they didn’t open he grabbed your chin hard. You felt it click with the pressure. “Open it now, Or this” He picked up the knife “will be going in there instead."
Dropping your mouth open you let him slide inside. Balling his hands in your hair you felt the knife slide across your scalp. He thrust until his full length was in your mouth choking slightly as he slipped into your throat.
You thought it would taste worse than it did considering it had been at least a day since he had taken your virginity, Yours and his juices dried and covering him.
Having never given a blow job before you were all teeth. As he pulled backwards he hissed at your teeth dragging on him. “Fucking bite me and ill bite you back bitch!”
Trying to hide your teeth behind your lips you wrapped them tighter around him sucking and running your tongue down the underside as he pulled out fully. Once only the tip remained in your mouth you sucked harder, Swirling your tongue around it, When the first drop of pre-cum landed on your tongue you moaned wildly. Struggling to push your face forward. Wanting to feel him back in your throat again.
“Fuck. Are you enjoying this? Sick bitch” Slamming back into your throat again, The moan was more intense now you could feel the muscles in your throat vibrating around him. Taking the knife and cutting your bonds.
Your arms dropped to the sides exhausted. Pulling you to your knees by your hair he stood in front of you letting the overalls drop off him completely. Not wasting any time You moved forward bracing your hands on his thighs.
Taking him fully back into his mouth now, Feeling the courage rise back in your chest you looked up into his eyes. Wrapping one hand around the base of him and started bobbing as fast as you could.
“Fffuccckkkk!” He groaned. Hands back in your hair guiding you down onto him.
It didn’t take long for his cock to start twitching. Forcing you off him he threw you back down onto the filthy stained mattress. Knife back in hand he started at the top, Pushing the knife between your breasts again facing outwards this time, He cut your shirt and bra from you before moving to your shorts shredding them too.
He laughed, Moving to the pocket in his overalls “Still missing these?” He waved your underwear in front of you, He brought them to his nose for a moment before hanging them over his cock tugging at himself with them.
Not able to stop the groan coming when you saw him bring them back to his nose. Your core tightening at the sight of him almost naked fucking your panties.
“Mac...Please…” You begged just like the first time. “Please what Y/N?” He grinned knowingly at you.
“Fuck me please Mac...I need you…” You moaned breathily.
“You want this huh?” He dropped your panties to the floor and removed his shirt.
Your eyes wide, Mouth hanging open when you got your first sight of him fully naked. “Holy fuck!”
“Nothing Holy happening in here Y/N this the devils work” He winked. Grabbing both of your feet he flipped you onto your stomach. Using your hips now he pulled your ass into the air and thrusting into you in the same movement.
A scream ripping from your throat as he stretched you wide again. He didn’t take a moment to let you get used to it like he did last time. Just pounded away.
“Look at you! You’re dripping for me you fucked up girl, And So fucking tight still. You won’t be by the time i'm fucking through with you” He growled Your walls clenched at his words. Making him hiss at the extra pressure around his cock. Smacking your ass as hard as he could. You screamed again at the initial pain, Once his hand had left you the heat from the hit turned into instant pleasure making you gush more for him. With how wet you had now become it was easier for him to jackhammer into you at incredible speeds.
“You like that do ya, Filthy whore” He smacked you again on the other side. The pain this time makes you moan. “More” You begged.
“Fuck….Always wanting more, I’ll give you more bitch” He pulled you up by your hair so your back was flush against his chest. Pulling your head to the side he bit down hard on your pulse point. You felt the blood again rolling down your chest.
Gasping you saw stars as the pressure in your heat started to unravel for him.
Moaning loudly for him, When he released you, You fell face first back into the mattress as he gripped your hips bucking harder.
“Fuck...Mac...Mmmm” Your walls started clamp again as you felt the dam inside you burst.
“That’s it Y/N Cum for this cock bitch” He wrapped one hand around your throat tight.
Screaming into the mattress. “Mac...OH FUCK MAC!” He followed straight after, Pulsing into you, your walls gripping tighter to him dragging every drop of his hot cream deep into you.
Your legs giving in now, He collapsed on top of you pushing you into the mattress. Groaning in your ear.
“Maybe i won’t kill you. You keep this up and I’ll be keeping you around Y/N” He got off you slowly.
Redressing and throwing a spare overall at you.
“Get dressed we got shit to do”
When you had pulled the zipper up he led you out and back to his van. You looked between him and the open desert.
Gripping your arm. “You run, Not just now but ever fucking run from me again. I’ll gut you just like that spineless piece of shit. Ya understand?”
Nodding “Mac...Where else would i ever want to be, Your just like me... Fucked up...I need you” Leaning over you gave him a deep kiss. Thrusting you back against the hood of the car he took you again.
You knew now what kind of evil he was now, Although you had to give it to him that he treated you a lot better than Devon treated Regina. He trusted you enough to walk around without him instead of keeping you tied to the bed, Eventually even trusting you enough to help him with work.
His thirst for blood never ceased, He always needed to kill but stopped raping when he had you at home to come back to. Even with everything he had done everything you knew he was capable of doing you fell hard for him. All of it was worth it to be Mac’s Girl
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moonstruckholland · 4 years
Can We Go Back To Bed? (t.h)
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Word count: 2,497
Warnings: angst, fluff if you squint, flashbacks
A/N: this was supposed to come out a couple of months ago 😅 but here she is, the first one shot of my Cosmic Soul series! Shout out to @fangirlwithasweettooth and @hollandsamor for being amazing and reading this over for me! I really hope y'all like it 💕
Tom had never felt as far from you as he did lying next to you tonight.
Lying next to you was honestly a bit of an overstatement. With the way you were laying, there was enough space between you to fit a whole other person on the bed. You were curled up on your side, so close to the edge, Tom was worried with one wrong move you’d just roll onto the floor. He considered reaching out, moving next you, but for the first time since you started dating he was truly scared of being rejected, of the pain he knew he'd feel if you pulled away from him.
He wanted nothing more than to touch you, kiss you, anything. He just wanted to feel close to you. Instead he quietly got up, careful not to wake you as he made his way out the room, the whole night replaying in his head.
Everything was off from the moment he walked through the door.
“Princess? I'm home!"
Flowers in hand, he walked through the apartment, looking for you. He heard a door open and a soft, “Tom?” come from the bathroom as he set his luggage down in your bedroom.
“I’m here, baby.”
You poked your head out of the doorway, hair wet and matted, a towel wrapped around your body, “Tom! Hi!”
He had expected you to run up to him and jump into his arms, like you always did before.
Instead, you casually walked over, kissing his cheek as if he hadn't been gone for months, "You didn't tell me you were coming home!"
He hadn't thought much about in the moment, but now, he could tell something was just wrong.
He knew something would be different, that was the price that came with being gone for months at a time. But not with you.
You'd always been a constant for Tom, giving him a wonderful sense of security he lacked in his hectic life. He knew no matter he could count on coming home to your warm and loving embrace.
Or at least he did.
The rest of the night had been just as weird as when he came in. You had your normal movie marathon like you did every time Tom came home, but this time around that feeling that you were out of reach was in the back of Tom's head.
You were too far, barely touching him, and you sure as hell didn't say a word to him. The normal joking around was gone, replaced with silence despite the sounds of the movie surrounding the both of you.
You had asked him questions every once in a while, about his flight, if he was tired or hungry. If he hadn't been paying too much attention, he would've thought it was just you being your normal, caring self, but it was too polite, like he was just someone visiting.
He couldn't stop dwelling on it no matter how hard he tried and that's how he found himself walking around the apartment, coming to realize it just as different as you were.
It was all little things and maybe if he didn't feel the need to look so closely, he probably never would've noticed, but he couldn't help it now.
There were flowers everywhere, fake ones in pretty vases all around because the real ones made you sad when they inevitably died. Tom could almost picture how excited you must've been setting up each vase and how long it probably took you to decide where to put them because you were such a perfectionist.
The blankets and pillows on the couch were different too, cute little sayings stitched into each one, and Tom wondered when you'd gotten then. You used to always tell him when you got new things. When was the last time you'd mentioned going to Hobby Lobby or Target?
What stuck out to Tom the most were the pictures you had. Some of the old pictures of the two of you were replaced with people he'd never seen before, he assumed co-workers, though he couldn't recall you telling him about anyone in the photos with you.
He felt a pang of guilt. How much had he missed?
He finally came across a familiar picture, one Harrison had taken of the two of you when you weren't looking the day you moved into this apartment together. You and Tom were smiling goofily at each other, pulling out things from a box on the floor.
Tom couldn't help smiling as he thought back to that day, to how happy you were.
"Tommy, baby, you have to be careful carrying that box. It has all our plates and I don't think you're gonna want to eat off a napkin." You warned him as you watched him carry the heavy box on his own, despite you and Haz both offering to help.
"I'll be careful, princess, I promise," he said confidently before somehow tripping over his own feet and hitting the wall, the plates clattering loudly
Tom looked back to see you rolling your eyes as if you knew he would do exactly that. He quickly put the box down on the floor, finding the box cutter on the kitchen counter and opening it up to make sure he hadn't broken anything.
He let out a sigh of relief before yelling out, "They're all okay!"
You shook your head at him, but Tom could see a smile on your face as you tried not to laugh.
You approached him, mumbling something about putting the plates away before Tom could break them.
Harrison was behind you, carrying a box without any complications, "It's not too late for me to take him back, y/n."
"I might just take you up on that, Haz."
"Hey!" Tom pouted, "You don't mean that do you, baby?"
You wrapped your arms around him, standing up on your tippy toes to plant a big kiss on his cheek, "Never, honey, I don't know what I'd do without you."
He put a hand on your waist, pressing a kiss to your lips before saying, "Good thing you're stuck with me then."
You were about to say something when you were rudely off by Haz throwing a napkin at you, "Oi, you two, come help me unpack your things please."
You pulled away from Tom, your laughter filling the room as you went to help. Tom watched, a warmth filling him as he thought about how lucky he was to be living this with you.
'What happened?’ He wondered with a sigh, the fond memories fading, leaving him with an achy feeling in his chest as he plopped down on the couch.
The sound of the bedroom door opening startled him, pulling him out of thoughts completely.
“Baby?” You shuffled over to him sleepily, eyes squinting at the bright light, “What are you doing up so late?”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
You nodded, taking a seat beside him, laying your head on the soft cushion.
“What’s wrong, Tommy?”
Tommy. It was a nickname he had grown to love over the years.
“My Tommy,” you’d always say, usually right caressing his face fondly or pressing your lips to his.
He hadn’t realized just how much he missed hearing it or how long it’d been since the last time it came from your lips.
He didn't answer your question, looking down at his fingers. What was he supposed to say? "Hey, babe, I feel like our relationship is falling apart and I was wondering if you felt the same?"
No, he absolutely couldn't say that, but he couldn't just not say anything at all.
You gently touched his face, grabbing his drifting attention once more, "Baby, talk me. What's going on?"
He debated with his thoughts for a moment longer, before finally deciding to work up the courage to speak what was on his mind.
"I miss you."
You gave him a little smile, "I'm right here, silly."
"Are you?"
One question and Tom started to wonder if he should've kept his mouth shut, the hurt and confusion that immediately came over your face causing his heart to ache more than he thought was possible.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Y/n, you're sitting right in front me and I still feel like you're a million miles away."
You were speechless, not expecting those words to come out of his mouth.
"I, um, I don't know what you mean," you stammered out quickly, clearly lying.
Of course you knew what he meant, how could you not? A feeling of remorse flooded your body, you knew you'd been a bit distant, but you didn't know it'd been this bad or noticable.
It'd been so long since you really got to talk to Tom, both of you swamped with work and social lives, your paths barely crossed anymore. Before you knew it, your once amazing relationship, full of great communication, had been reduced to superficial and empty conversations.
"You don't? So nothing feels different between us right now?"
"I don't know what to say, Tom," you sat up, as if to get a better look at him, but you didn't meet his eyes, "Yes, something's different. Did you expect everything to be exactly the way you left it months ago?"
"No, I just," he ran his fingers through his hair, and you could tell he was choosing his words carefully, "I wish you cared more."
'Fuck,' it was like being punched in the gut. Tom meant the absolute world to you and for him to think you didn't care? It broke your heart.
"I care, Tom," you practically whispered, your voice full of sadness.
He didn't say a word, nodding instead, as if he wasn't convinced.
You sat in silence, for what felt like forever, just staring at everywhere but each other before Tom finally said something.
"Do you remember when you, Haz, Z, and I would get super drunk and stay up all night playing Mario Kart?"
You smiled, for a second you could almost imagine the four of you sitting on the couch, yelling and laughing, having the time of your lives, "As if I could ever forget, even drunk I could kick all of your asses.”
"That’s because you would always cheat!"
"I would not!"
Tom jokingly rolled his eyes, and for a moment the tension was gone. You were back to normal, all of your fears and worries ceased to exist. It was like you’d gone back to a time where things were simpler.
The illusion came crashing down the second you softly and very sadly said, "I miss those days."
Tom almost wanted to agree with you, to continue to remicine the past with you and go back to the feeling of ease the two of you had just seconds ago. Instead he asked, "What are we going to do?"
You didn't meet his eyes, "I don't know."
“I think I should stop working for a while, take some time off.”
For a moment, a part of you considered what that would mean. Tom would be home more often, you could actually see him, spend time with him. That was the same part of you that wanted to beg him to stay every time he had to leave. It was begging you to encourage him, telling you it’d be the perfect opportunity to rekindle your relationship.
Another part of you knew better though. It’d be selfish to ask Tom to flush all his hard work down the drain for you. You weren’t worth his career.
“No, absolutely not,” letting the latter side fuel you, “Babe, you can’t just stop working.”
“Why not?”
"You've worked so hard, I’m not going to let you throw that away for me."
'I'm not worth it,' is what your mind was practically yelling at him. You truly believed you weren't. You were just one person, how could you compare to the years of work and effort he'd put into his career?
"Do you love me?"
The question almost caught you off guard, of course you loved him, a lack of love for the man standing in front of you was definitely not the problem.
"More than anything."
"Then, please, angel, let me do this."
Tom had a look in eyes, one full of determination and you knew he had already made up his mind, but you couldn't help feeling like you had to convince him otherwise.
"Acting is your dream, Tom."
“No, you and I,” he motioned between the two of you, tears starting to well up in his eyes, “together. That’s my dream.”
"I don't want to lose you."
"Hey," you grabbed his face gently, using your thumbs to caress his face soothingly, wiping his tears away, "I'm not going anywhere."
"I'm not ready, baby, I'm not,” he choked on a sob, heavy tears falling freely down his face now.
You didn't say anything, you just wrapped your arms around him, holding him tight against your chest. You hoped your actions spoke the words you wanted to speak, but didn’t know how. You loved Tom more than anything and seeing him hurting, seeing your relationship fail first hand was killing you.
You started crying as the full extent of the situation finally hit you. Your relationship was failing. It was failing and you didn’t know what to do or how to fix it.
You felt like you couldn't breathe, like there was something heavy, crushing you. You were glad to have Tom there, his presence the only comfort you had at the moment.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed like that in each other’s arms, your sobs eventually turning to soft cries before stopping all together, finally letting you catch your breath.
Tom untangled himself from you, his puffy eyes meeting yours, "Can we go back to bed?"
"Of course, Tommy."
You wiped the remaining tears off his face, then the ones on your own, before grabbing his hand and gently leading him back to your room, back to your bed, back to where he belonged.
You climbed in right after him, immediately settling into your designated spot in his arms, your back against his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. It was almost normal.
Silence engulfed you immediately, leaving only the sound of your soft breaths and the loud rain outside.
There was so much you wanted to say, but you were scared. Everything was falling apart right in front of your eyes and the thought of admitting it terrified you. Almost as much as the thought of losing Tom all together.
But you knew that if you didn’t speak up now, there might not be another opportunity to. There might not be a relationship left to save.
So, you worked up the courage to lace your fingers through his, holding onto him tightly because in some ways your life did depend on it and you whispered, "I'm not ready to wake up either."
Tagging: @fangirlwithasweettooth @bravest-at-heart @constellatinq @hoe-forharry @devildisguiseasangel @ravenclawmarvel @hollandsamor @cosmicholland @fairytaleparker @hollandsosterfield @now-imagine @officiallyunofficialperson @stealth-spiderr @xxxxdelenaxxxx @its-the-aerieljeane @petersstarcadet @babebenhardy @antoouu @lovinnholland @kxrtwxgner @sleepybesson @brookeelee98 @awkwardfangirl2014 @nedthegay @petersmparker @parkeroffline @snjms02 @the-queen-procrastinator @tomhollandsumbrella @spideyosterfield @thollandx @styles-balor4eva @80sthottie @marvelobsessedteenager @marshyrebelcloud @sixwyrxstuff @tomshufflepuff @jillanaholland @itscaminow @howdyherron @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @undiadeestos
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singular-braincells · 5 years
hey y'all sorry for the late updated n stuff I had a competing for band and ya girl is hella tired. anyways thank y'all so much for all that you do and requests are open (I have no requests as of the moment). worked on this for like two weeks so hope it's alright
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karasuno 1st years help you with a stalker
You wave goodbye to a friend as she goes into her home. You put on your headphones and put on your go to playlist and start heading home. Multiple times you feel a presence following you, but turning around you see nothing but a crow nesting on a street light.
"I am not about to be some dumb main character in a horror movie." You turn off your music but keep your headphones on. Speed walking home you notice that the person tailing you is also taking quick identical steps. Luckily your home was in view so you quickly run towards your home, keys in hand, and quickly unlock the door in record time. You close the door and peer outside the curtains of your home window. You see a male wandering outside of your home and almost makes eye contact with you but you close the curtain. You brush off the encounter and go on about your normal nightly routine.
"Good morning (l/n)-chan!" One of your classmates calls out to you. "Oh hey Yachi-san, how are you?" You snapped out of your daze, still thinking about the weird man from last night. "I-I'm doing well thank you (l/n)-chan." Yachi pauses for a moment. "Hey, you look kinda off. Are you okay?" You shook your head. "There's this tall man that followed me home last night from practice when you all were in Ukai-san's store. I saw him walking around my neighborhood before he left." You whisper to Yachi. Yachi's face went pale the longer you talked. "That's horrible. I'm so sorry." You wave your hand. "Ah I'm okay now don't worry. I'm sure it'll be a one time thing. Anyways, can I ask you about a calculus problem? I didn't do it last night because I didn't understand it."
Well, it was not a one time thing. It happened multiple nights. They never happened in a row but they happened after practice with the boy's volleyball team. You'd part from the group and the man would be following you. At this point you were running home and somehow the man would always be ever so close. It was an understatement to say that it scared you. It was terrifying seeing him in your nightmares. You were losing sleep and became more paranoid. Yachi noticed this and asked you multiple times throughout the week if you were alright. "Ah I'm okay! Just didn't sleep much last night. Nothing worry some!" You'd smile at her and continue with your school work.
You dashed home for the 3rd time this week after seeing the scary man following you home. You slide down the door while taking deep breaths. Gripping your school bag so tightly that your knuckles turned a pale white you felt tears running down your face. Picking up your phone, you bring up your contacts and call someone who’s been there for you time and time again.
"Hello? Sugawara-san? Can we talk?"
You wake up the next morning feeling a little less anxious than the night before. Sugawara believed that it’d be best to have someone walk with you home before something horrible happened to you. Sugawara would talk to some of the club members and get them to walk you home. You thanked Sugawara tremendously over the phone while clutching your uniform tightly. 
Going through classes the next day you enjoyed feeling like yourself again. You ate lunch with your fellow classmates, gossiping and giggling like normal school girls. Volleyball practice brought your spirits up and Sugawara could tell. “(l/n)-chan you’re feeling better. That’s good!" He comes up and gives you a hug. You put down the water bottles you were handing out and embrace his very calming and tranquil hug. "Yeah I feel better after talking to you last night. Thank you. Now get back to rehearsal you!" You jam a water bottle in Sugawara's general direction.
Volleyball practice was ending a little bit early since Ukai had a family emergency. “I’ve convinced most of the first years to walk you home.” Your face changes into one of worry. “Sugawara-san, I wouldn’t want to be a burden to them.” He quickly hushes you, “(l/n)-chan, it’s okay. They wanted to help, well besides Tsukishima but I’m making him go anyways. We want to make sure you stay safe because you’re important to us.” You smiled and thanked him profusely 
Sugawara sent Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kageyama, and Hinata to walk you home. On the way you and Hinata got into a somewhat heated argument about foods being classified into raviolis, sandwiches, or hotdogs.
"(l/n)-chan, a taco can be put into the sandwich category!" You shake your head. "Hinata-san, a taco is a hotdog. The two shells are not seperated like a sandwich." You argue back with the sunshine haired boy. "Tch. You both are wrong and this conversation is stupid." Tsukishima puts on his headphones and tunes the both of you out. You giggle when Hinata starts to chant "stingyshima", but you see a figure and your stomache drops to the bottom of your feet. Your hands start to shake and a certain dark green haired male noticed.
Words are coming out of his mouth but they're automatically tuned out when you see the figure come closer to your group. You start to hyperventilating and now the four boys get distracted from what they were last doing bringing their attention to you. Yamaguchi shakes you and attempts to bring you out of your panicked trance. "(l/n)-chan? (l/n)-chan? What's wrong?" He continues to shake you and you finally snap out of it. You have no strength for words, but you point to the hooded figure looming closer to your group.
Your hands start to shake more and more as he gets closer. Kageyama sees this and does the only thing his mind can think of. He holds your shaking hands while his face bursts into a light pink (having no experience with any sort of romantic interaction). Hinata home Kageyama in trying to calm you down by hugging you. Tsukishima sees the state your in and it pulled a string in his heart. He sighs as he pulls down his headphones. He heads towards the figure with a cold stare and scowl.
"Excuse me, but can I help you?" Tsukishima looms over the male figure. The male figure is slightly intimidated, but keeps his stance. "I just wanted to help my neighbor. " His nasally voice pierces through the night. Tsukishima blocks his path. " That's not needed, we're taking care of them. You can go home." Tsukishima stares at the male with an icy glare. "No, let me help my kind hearted neighbor." He tries and push through Tsukishima but fails.
You've calmed down slightly and can comprehend what's going on around you. Hinata and Kageyama are holding both of your hands while Yamaguchi is standing behind you very protective while calling 911. "Sir, we can take the them. You can go home. You're clearly making her uncomfortable and I'd appreciate it if you left her the hell alone." Tsukishima pushes the male figure back. "And if I don't? You can't keep soulmates apart forever!" He starts to scream. "Tch, then I won't hesitate using violence to make sure their safe." Tsukishima glares and spits hardly at the figure. A police officer shows up and takes the male figure away from your group.
"You can't keep me away forever! (l/n) I love you!" The male cries as the police officer escorts him into a car and drives away. Yamaguchi had given the officer information about how that man was following you for weeks from Sugawara. Tsukishima comes back to you and asks if you were okay. "Y-Yeah I'm okay. Thank you all so much. I-I'm sorry for being this way." You shake your head in shame, thinking that you'd handle this in a better way. "Don't apologize (l/n)-chan. It's not your fault." Hinata squeezes your hand. Yamaguchi gives you a kind smile and Tsukishima has a neutral face rather than his normal scowl. Kageyama hesitantly offers you a hug and you gladly accept, squeezing him tightly. A tear start to fall from your face but you wipe it quickly off your face.
"Thank you all so much. Let's go home." You give them all a smile and head to your home, a warm bubbly feeling replacing the panicked one in your heart.
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kayah16 · 5 years
One More Moment (AU)
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"You are cordially invited to the wedding of Haleigh Marie Reigns and Messiah Lorenzo Alexander."
Reading that sentence felt like a stab to Ardians chest. She was getting married. He really couldn't be mad but he was hurt. He thought he still had time. He guess God had other plans.
Playing with one of the many bracelets Haleigh made for him when they were little, he let out a defeated sigh. Seeing his phone light up he picked up to see Haleigh wanting to FaceTime him. He should ignore it and get his thoughts together but he knew he couldn't ignore her. Answering he waited until he seen her face clearly to give her a half smile.
"Did you get the invitation?"
"Yeah, I'm looking at it now. So you finally getting married?"
"Yeah, the way he asked was a little out there. Not really what I pictured for my proposal."
Ardian just sat quiet looking at his best friend through the phone.
"Are you happy?"
"I wouldn't have said yes if I wasn't happy. You coming to the wedding?"
"I don't know yet. I need a date and all that."
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It was an uncomfortable silence as both had wanted to say something but didn't know how to.
"Aye PigTails, I have to take the puppies out for their walks. I'm call you later."
Ardian hung up and threw his phone down. He lost his chance. Cuddly came up to him and started to growl.
"I know Cuddly. You want me and Mommy back together."
Cuddly growled again.
"I'm going to get her back. Okay! Can you stop growling at me?"
Cuddly growled again then walked off. Ardian mumbled as he got up and followed his oldest puppy. Ardian kept his promise and called Haleigh when he got in from taking the puppies for their walks. A month had past and Haleigh had kept Ardian up to date with events leading up to the wedding.
He missed the engagement party on purpose but he wasn't going to miss her bacherlotte party. She wasn't surrounded by her family and his family. She was with friends. Looking at the time he got himself up and headed upstairs to get in the shower.
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At the club Haleigh, Tia, Morgan, Aunni, Nola, and Chenice was in their section downing drinks. Every few minutes Haleigh would glance over at the door. It didn't go unnoticed by Chenice and Morgan.
"Who you looking for friend?!"
Chenice asked her loudness took over the loudness of the music.
"Looking for him?"
Morgan asked softly. Haleigh just nodded picking up the next shot and downing it. She needed to do something cause it seemed like Ardian wanted her to marry Messiah. A few minutes later Nola felt Haleighs phone ding and picked it up reading the message.
"Ardian is here."
Haleighs brown eyes lit up as she got up and went to go get him. As soon as Haleigh seen him she ran into his arms hugging him tight. Ardian returned the hugged sighing softly. Haleigh let him go and grabbed his hand leading him to where her and the girls was sitting. Morgan smiled as soon as she seen Ardian.
"Been a while, good to see you."
Ardian greeted as he hugged Morgan.
"Tia, Chenice, Nola, and Aunni this is my best friend Ardi. Ardi this is Koda's wife Tia. This is Chenice we went to college together. This is Eli's fiancè Nola and that's Milo's girlfriend Aunni."
All the girls greeted Ardian with smiles and watched as Haleighs whole attitude changed. Ardian sat down next to Haleigh and took his phone out responding to a text.
"Your date for the wedding?"
Haleigh asked softly.
"No, I couldn't find a date. So I'm coming to your wedding solo."
Haleigh wanted to do a happy dance but just shrugged her shoulders.
"So where y'all eating after you do all this drinking? I treat us to some food if you want PigTails."
"Either waffle house, Ihop, or Denny's."
"Are we included?"
Nola asked above the music.
"Yes, I treat everybody."
Ardian replied with a chuckle. Throughout the night Ardian and Haleigh would make eye contact. Haleigh got a little jealous when a female dancer came up and started to flirt with him.
"If looks can kill she be dead."
Tia spoke up. Haleigh shook her head giving her sister in law her attention.
"I'm just making sure she don't try anything."
"Is that all you doing?"
Haleigh looked between the dance floor and her sister in law.
"Yeah cause for the past hour he's been here you have giggled and laughed more than you do with Messiah."
Nola spoke up. The five girls looked at Haleigh waiting for an answer.
"I'm still in love with Ardi. He's my first love. I don't think he loves me though."
"I see the way he looks at you, he still in love with you."
Aunni spoke up. Ardian came and sat back down next to Haleigh smiling from ear to ear.
"What you smiling for, brace face?"
"I'm happy you found your happiness in noodle head I mean Messiah. As long as he keeps that pretty smile on that pretty face. My pigtails deserve nothing but the best."
Haleigh smiled softly. The rest of the night was spent with everybody throwing back shots except Tia and Ardian. As Ardian promised he took them to Ihop then back to the house they were staying at. He made sure Haleigh was tucked in before kissing her forehead and leaving.
The next day Haleigh wasn't even excited she had to be woken up by Tia. As soon as Haleigh reached the church she went to the back where her Mama and the rest of the women in her family was waiting for her. Trinity and Apryl noticed the look on Haleighs face but decided not to question her. While Haleigh was getting her wig styled Ardian texted her asking her to come outside. Trinity helped her out and Haleigh ran outside and smiled wide seeing Ardian dressed properly.
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"You showed up and you have a haircut."
"Yeah couldn't show up to your big day with my hair looking like it was."
Haleigh nodded grabbing Ardians hand and taking him to where she was going to get dressed at. Ardian came face to face with Apryl, Trinity, and Kandice. He greeted each women with a hug and a kiss hugging Kandice the tightest. He sat down watching Haleigh get done for the wedding frowning seeing the wigs and eye contacts.
"What the hell is that?"
Ardian asked.
"It's my eye contacts and my wigs. I might change wigs for the reception."
"Whoever agreed to let you do this is a damn fool."
"Messiah wanted this."
"But it's not you. You don't have blue eyes whatever color contacts you wear and the wigs is not you. That's Halo. He be marrying Halo not Haleigh Reigns."
All the women looked at each other then between the two best friends. Haleigh asked the women in her family to step out while she talked to Ardian.
"Pigtails you have beautful brown eyes. That was the first thing that made me like you. Your brown eyes. Your hair can be done in anyway. You don't have to wear those wigs. They don't make you. Your smile brightens up a damn room. It's brightned up my darkest days looking at one picture of Haleigh Reigns."
Haleigh wiped her eyes listening to her best friends words.
"Look, before you go and put that bullshit on. Let me have one more moment with Haleigh Reigns. My brown eyed best friend who I am still in love with and I never stopped loving you."
Outside the door Apryl did a happy dance as they all listened outside the door.
"As much as I hate to admit it. You forcing us to be friends when we were little helped me. You was the first girl I ever liked. First girl I fell in love with. First girl I ever protected."
Ardian sighed rubbing a hand over his face.
"Asking your parents if I could date you was one of the best decisions I ever made. If you still want to marry Messiah then I'm support you. Marry him as Haleigh Reigns not as Halo. I'm gonna go sit in the church while you get ready. I love you, Haleigh Reigns."
Ardian kissed her head then left to go sit inside the church. The women went back in the room and looked at Haleigh who was putting her eye contacts away and her wigs away. Haleigh took Ardians advice and got her hair done and didn't put no eye contacts in. The wedding started and Ardian sat all the way in the back just in case he wanted to leave. The pastor asked if anybody objected and Ardian was fighting with himself until he decided to go with his heart. Standing up he cleared his throat making everybody turn and look at him.
"I can't let you marry him. Not when I'm the better option."
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"You the better option but you left her. Man get yo ass out of here."
Ardian rolled his eyes at Messiah.
"PigTails, you know me. All I'm asking for is one more chance to be the man for you. I promise you I won't break your heart."
Simba took out a bag of chips and started eating it watching the wedding like it was a movie. Haleigh looked between Ardian and Messiah her heart already set.
"Messiah, thank you for the three years you was by my side but I can't marry you. You're a good guy and any girl be lucky to have you. I'm not that girl."
Taking the ring off she handed it to Messiah who had a frown on his face. Leaving the alter she ran to Ardian who welcomed her with open arms.
"The day we get married. No cameras and all this extra shit. Just Ardi and Pigtails along with our family and friends."
"We still goin to get married?"
"Of course we are. What you doin tonight?"
"Nothing why?"
"Go on a date with me. We can eat some wedding food and watch Norbit."
Haleigh laughed softly mushing his face.
"Deal, Brace Face."
AN: Fluff. Angst. Sucks. Sorry.
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