#but damn dio i love it when izuku gets to
mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Episode 48 “Symbol of Peace”
In which Power of Friendship Saves the day, at least for a little while.
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All Might is Mad. Capital M.
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Endeavor is such a Tsundere. Damn my weakness for RivalShipping.
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Best Jeanist: So Cool even AFO has to admit it.
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Holy Crap. (Definitely Bakugou’s mentor there.)
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OMFG ITS KACCHAN. How rough is mouth sludge transportation, bTW? Everyone looks traumatized afterwards.
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“All for You Tomura” Hoo boy is that ironic.
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What the hell does Tomura really want with Bakugo?
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Iida and Momo save the day by stopping Bakugou’s dumbass boyfriend trio from running out and getting themselves killed.
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This shot is so awesome!!!!!!
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“You slowpoke!” wow AFO. I really like how AFO talks about his power combos, BTW. He’s so perfect. He sounds exactly like the kind of character he is, if that makes sense.
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Ooh someone’s smart and putting all the pieces together.
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“ALL MIGHT!!!!” Listen to that delivery! Someone’s concerned for someone else, he does have a heart!
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AFO is so quick to deal with getting the league to safety. Sometimes I wish the good guys had a teleport like this.
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Bakugou vs the Entire League. Guess who wins.
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Now Deku is enacting one of his most brilliant schemes and reminding me why he’s #1 best Boy and smartest ever.
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Everyone plays a part! Momo made the tracker, Todoroki the ramp, Deku and Iida the Momentum, Deku the plan, and Kiri the friendship power. Also Bakugou the jump.
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BTW have I mentioned how sexy Todoroki is in that outfit?
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Bakugou may not like it but he has to accept that he needs to be saved.
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Ah the big KiriBaku moment. Doesn’t do anything as a ship for me, but I enjoy the friendship nonetheless.
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That smile must be protected.
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Mt. Lady in the clinch! You’re a real goddamn hero. Keep my Wonder Duo safe.
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“Darn kids!”
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Aw Tomura and Toga!
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Damn MLA Arc Feels again.
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 Dammit now I want to hug the villain. What the hell is with this series.
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AFO’s personal venom against All Might is part of what makes me think the Dad-for-One theory could be true. Like…I dunno, it seems like such a strangely dedicated, highly personalized loathing.
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All Might gives a big damn speech and a final strike…does this end his foe? As if! (holy crap next episode is THAT ONE).
Episode 48 is mostly an episode of exclamations. It’s exciting and dramatic and tense from start to finish, filled with clever strategies from both sides, a brilliant back and forth that all culminates in that wonderful rescue, and with the final battle between good and evil’s ultimate exemplars just revving up to go.
BKDK Corner
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Deku in a state of panic, but when he hears Kacchan’s voice, suddenly he can focus. He’s brave.
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Deku is so guilty about that incident, it’s a motivator for him as much as it is for Katsuki.
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You gotta love that telepathy Deku and Kacchan have. Also, guess who’s been watching Kacchan from a distance as he makes friends since the start of school.
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YAY HE SAVED HIM! Some day he will take your hand, Deku. Some Day.
BEST GIRL AWARD: Mt. Lady holding onto it from last ep
RANKER: Deku’s Smartest Moments and Schemes
5. Using Eri’s quirk to go at continual 100%
4. Strategy against Katsuki, Battle Trial Arc
3. The Bakugou rescue Plan Part 1 (Training Camp)
2. The Bakugou Rescue Plan
1. Stratagem to win the Obstacle Race
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