#but damn they really do keep screwing over video game vas
the-commonplace-book · 5 months
wow fuck sag-aftra for screwing over video game voice actors
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a-pale-azure-moon · 1 year
I've barely scratched the surface of TotK and I can feel my brain wanting to disappear down the Zelda rabbit hole. I am desperately trying to keep at least half of it in my writing brainspace but damn is it hard. There's so much temptation to just plop down with my Switch for the next eight hours and forget about everything else.
Anyway, I'm still very early in but I'll put my ramblings under the cut just in case.
-I know the popular joke was that TotK is just "$70 DLC." Obviously it is not with all of the new content, but it genuinely feels like I'm playing BotW again, only with new tools and new places to discover. And I don't consider that a bad thing! I spent almost 300 hours playing BotW and still wished there was more I could do (aside from hunting down all the Koroks because screw that), so I'm happy to be revisiting this world and exploring it all over again. Though I won't lie that I miss having all the gear and upgrades I had by the end of BotW. I'd forgotten how easy it is to die in stupid ways early on.
-Holy hell is there so much to explore. Maybe too much. Even with the nudges the game gives you, it's really hard to know where to even begin once you leave the Great Sky Island. I haven't even done any of the main dungeons yet; I've just been wandering around looking for shrines and seeing what's changed. It's even more daunting knowing there's stuff in the sky and in the depths to explore as well.
-The Depths freak me out. I've only been in there once and I'm not eager to go back until I'm stronger. Never been a fan of dark places in video games; you never can know what's lurking there, waiting to ambush you.
-It's nice to see all the familiar NPCs. Bumping into Purah and Robbie right away made me smile.
-It's also nice to see that Hyrule's been rebuilding since the end of BotW, but that evidence of the Calamity still exists (Castle Town especially). It makes the world feel that much more organic and real.
-That opening sequence was choice. Like, the approach to Ganon's lair, with the increasing gloom and the ominous music, literally sent shivers down my spine. Good shit.
-Ultrahand is amazing and I've only just begun to really play with its powers.
-To whomever at Nintendo designed the Gloom Spawn/Grabby hands/Nightmare Fuel, I hate you. May all your bacon burn for the rest of your life.
-I miss the Bomb runes SO MUCH.
-What happened to all the Sheikah technology anyway? I totally get dismantling all the Guardians considering they were the scourge of Hyrule for a long time, but did the towers and the Slate just...stop working?
-I'm fascinated by Rauru (and no, it's not just because he has Dimitri's voice, though I won't lie that it makes him that much more appealing, lol). So, we know that's his right arm that Link is "borrowing," and all of Link's new powers specifically come from that arm. And that same arm was keeping Ganon sealed away for....some length of time I'm not aware of yet, but I'm guessing it was awhile. And the new shrines are implied to contain fragments of Rauru's power as well. Just how powerful is this guy? Also, the reveal that he's the first King of Hyrule too (and married to a Hylian woman!) just makes things more interesting.
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Also, also, look how adorable he is! I want to pet his ears and brush his hair! But I also want see him go ham at some point because the game sure as hell implies that he's god-like and I'm here for it.
...But it'll probably also make me sad because he's well, dead now and it's likely because sealing Ganon away cost him his life. =(
(I'm still reeling that Rauru's voiced by Chris Hackney, and it's even more wild with Matt Mercer being the voice of Ganon. How is it that the VAs of both of my FE husbands wound up in this game? Thanks for making sure the brainrot never ends, Nintendo!)
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hetalia-tlw · 6 years
Hetalia: The Lost World Part 22 (Final Chapter)
"Anything Alfred?" asked England. "I'm getting nothing. I tried calling Yao but it just goes straight into his voice messages" said America. "Have you tried texting him?" asked England. "Yeah I tried, but I'm not getting a reply back" said America. "Zat's not like Yao at all. He usually responds back fast" said France. "Italy, I've tried everyzhing, literally everyzhing und still no reply" said Germany.
"You-a may have tried everything, but have you-a tried using pasta?" asked Italy. "Pasta isn't going to make Japan respond, ve've been over zhis" said Germany. "That may be true, but it-a works for you" said Italy. "I have a feeling that something bad happened to them" said Yong Soo. "What do you mean?" asked Iyong ju. "I'm saying that maybe that they went somewhere important" said Yong Soo.
"Hang on a second, I think he's onto something" said England. "Really? Oh that reminds me when Alfred mentioned something about Oliver and Roland helping, I haven't seen them in awhile" said Canada. "Speaking of vhich, vhere are zhey?" asked Prussia. "Going on from that, where-a is my sorry for an excuse counterpart?" asked Romano. Suddenly the large screen in the meeting room goes off into static before switching over a semi enthusiastic Lutz. "Uh hallo, iz zhis thing on? Oh vait here ve go. Zhis message iz being given to the 1P counterparts as ordered by Luciano himself. I'm Lutz und I vill be jour host for zhis evening or vhatever time it iz. I really don't care" said Lutz.
"Lutz...vhat are jou doing?" asked Germany. "I'm pretty sure I can't hear jou but I can see jou und you can see me as I tell you zhat zhe 2Ps vill be playing a game vith you all. Ve have two make zhat four unfortunate contestants zhat vill be starring in zhis game or should I say forced" said Lutz before he started laughing. "Okay Lutz you had enough, it's my turn" said Al while pushing Lutz away from the camera. "Man this game sounds like a lot of fun" said America. "Shut up Alfred" said England. "Since I suggested a direct video message, I just wanted to say that we the 2Ps will have a pleasure into kicking all of your asses and after we're done we will beat the [beep]ing sh** out of your dead bodies" said Al.
"Well that's a pleasant thing to know" said Romano sarcastically. "Beat up my own dead body after killing me? Oh my" said France who was so against the thought of it. "Alright, alright, that's-a enough of you two. Get out" said Luciano who was scooting both Al and Lutz away from the camera. "I know you can't hear us Luciano, but we're coming for you and we will defeat you" said Iyong ju. "I-a was going to be first to talk to you, but I-a had to be so rudely interrupted by two idiotas. Anyway, do you-a see these four prisoners over there?" asked Luciano as the camera moved away from him and onto a cafe of where China, Japan, Oliver, and Roland were being held in. "They did it. They actually captured them, but how?" asked Russia.
"I bet you're-a wondering how these four got into this cage, don't worry I'll-a tell you. You see, these four managed to get past my-a security and break into my base without being caught. However, they were-a soon captured after believing that they could find my-a plans and do you want to know who-a lead them into this cage? Oh fratello, come here" said Luciano. Everyone grew shocked when they saw Flavio making his way to the camera right next to Luciano. Before Flavio could say anything, Romano unnoticeably grabbed Russia's pipe before quickly throwing it at screen thus shattering it. "R-Romano.....what are you-a doing?" asked Italy. "What does it look like I'm-a doing? I had to destroy the screen out of anger because my-a own counterpart turned out to be a nothing but a liar!!!" yelled Romano. "Wh...what...? What do you-a mean?" asked Italy.
"Romano made a good point, ve shouldn't have trusted Flavio in zhe first place" said Germany. "Trusted him? When I knocked him out with a frying pan, I should've banished him to another dimension more than that, I should've placed a curse on him as punishment" said England. "But...I-a thought that he was.....going to help" said Italy. "Help!? You-a want to know who made things worse? You did!!!" yelled Romano. "No....no.....how did I-a make things worse?" asked Italy who was now shaking in fear. "Oh you-a just had to play "the everyone will-a become friends because they had a bad past if I-a be nice and understanding" game. Well guess what? It was-a fine when you met Iyong ju, but when it-a got up to meeting Flavio everything fell apart. He used you frat- Feliciano and you-a walked into his trap" said Romano sounding hurt when finishing his last sentence.
"Romano.....I-a did this for my own personal belief. I-a believe that everyone gets a second chance no matter who the person is" said Italy. "Believe!? Second chance!? Would a person who was-a so cruel to you since childhood get another chance? No they won't. I...I...just can't stand you Feliciano.....and after seeing what you-_ did.....I've lost all sympathy for you. Matter in fact, I-a wish you weren't even born.....Grandpa Rome was-a so wrong about you....you're-a not a good boy. This is all your fault" said Romano. Italy took Romano's rejection to heart realizing that what he tried to do to harm everyone. "Well...if that's-a what you think...then....ehehe....I'll-a just....I'll-a just excuse myself out. Good luck on the rescue mission...if you-a have one" said Italy before turning around and walking towards the exit. "Italy....don't go, bitte" said Germany while seeing Italy stop at the door frame. "Oh I-a would love to stay Ludwig, but......I-a just can't. Everyone would rather see me go home and go something besides being....you-a know.....annoying" said Italy before walking out of the room.
As soon as Italy walked out, Iyong ju slapped Romano across the face very hard. "Ow! What the hell was-a that for!?" asked Romano while rubbing his cheek. "How could you say that to him!? He's your brother and you decided to chew him out like that. How could you be so...so....selfish?" asked Iyong ju. "Tell it to him! He-a befriended an enemy and played the friendship game. All the times he-a screwed up, he definitely screwed up big time" said Romano before getting another slap to the face. "I can't believe the words that are coming out of your mouth right now Romano. He's your brother and you just said to his face that he shouldn't been born. If it were to be anyone's fault, it should be your fault. I may have been a horrible brother to Yong Soo for years, but I would never told him that he needs to die" said Iyong ju. "So you-a want an apology?" asked Romano.
"Yes, but I'm not the one that needs your apology, it's your brother" said Iyong ju. "You're-a right....what was I even thinking? I shouldn't have yelled at him. Now that I think of it, I guess I shouldn't been born" said Romano.  "I know zat all of zhis seems kinda heavy, but uh vat are going to do for zhe rescue mission?" asked France. "I'm glad you asked. It's mission time!" said America. "Don't spoil this already" said England.  "Since we know that the statues that were guarding the front entrance got destroyed, Luciano probably replaced all of them by now. What I mean by this is that we're going to sneak in from the back" said America.
"Zhat sounds reasonable enough, but do jou how ve can get inside vithout breaking a vindow?" asked Germany. "Easy, we throw a rock" said America. "Zhat's technically called breaking a window, America! I suggest ve jingle zhe lock" said Germany. "Okay then, but I like my idea better. Anyway, once we get inside we need to find where our friends are being held at" said America. "They're probably in a dungeon or a basement. They might be in a room where Luciano keeps his prisoners" said England. "On the top of a rescue mission what are we going to if we're caught by our dark counterparts?" asked Canada.
"Well that's an easy question to answer. We're going to fight them" said America. "All of zhem?" asked France who sounded a bit uneasy. "No, no, no, not all of them, we're fighting them one by one each. I'll go first because I'm the hero" said America. "You do realize that Al has a baseball bat that has spikes covering it, da?" asked Russia. "Yeah I know that. Hey, Matthew, do you want to fight your counterpart?" asked America. "Wait what? Alfred you do realize that my counterpart nearly tried to kill me with a hockey stick, am I correct? Besides I don't think I have anything to combat against him" said Canada.
"That's okay, you have a hockey stick too. Imagine two guys fighting with hockey sticks" said America. "Err....well.....ehehehe.....I don't think that it's a good idea" said Canada. "So we're going to be fighting the 2Ps but we will be fighting ourselves? Sounds like a plan" said Prussia. "Yeah it is a plan, but without Italy in it though" said Iyong ju. "He's-a probably still upset that we-a blamed him for everything that just happened, in fact, he's-a still mad at me. Who-a cares about what he-a thinks about anyways?" asked Romano. "Pull jourself togezher Romano! Italy iz still jour brother und he looks up to jou as his role model. Vhat do jou say about zhat?" asked Germany.
"P-Potato bastard...? What are you-a saying?" asked Romano. "Although I vould agree zhat Italy doesn't zhink before he acts at least he's very knowledgeable about it unlike jou. Jou claim to be different from him, but jou're exactly zhe same. Vhen jou're sad cry like him, vhen jou're happy jou sound like him, und vhen jou do somezhing completely idiotic jou behave like him, but here's zhe zhing, Italy gets it from jou. Now vith zhis out of zhe way, are jou going to make it up to him or are jou going forget about him? Zhe choice is jours" said Germany. "I...I....I'm-a going to make it up to him. He-a may be a idiota but he's my-a idiota bastard of a fratello, because damn it I-a love him. I-a never expect to hear those-a words coming out of my mouth like this" said Romano. "Ja, but it vas vorth hearing. Now go talk to him" said Germany. "Right! Hang on my fratello, I'm-a coming to give you a hug" said Romano before walking to a closest phone and picking up. Romano then dials Italy's number as it started dialing before picking up on Italy's landline.
"Uhh.....c...c..ciao.....? Can I-a help you" said Italy. Romano can tell that Italy has been crying his eyes out. I mean it hasn't been that long when he left. "Um...fratello....it's-a me, South Italy, you know, Romano. Oh I-a know that this going to be hard for me to say....but I-a just wanted to let you know that....well...I'm-a....s...s..s..s...so...sorry....." said Romano softly. "You're-a.....what now?" asked Italy who was confused a bit. "I said that I'm-a.....s...s.....sorry...." said Romano this time a bit quieter.
"I'm-a sorry, you're what now. I can't hear you, can you-a say that again, but only louder please?" asked Italy. "I'm-a.....s.....sorry" said Romano bug way quieter that before. "Eh? I-a know you're trying to tell me something, but I-a still can't hear you" said Italy. "Mi dispiace (I'm sorry)" said Romano. Romano waits to hear Italy's response but get hanged up on. "Oh.....I-a tried. Guess he hates me" said Romano sadly.
Germany comes up to Romano while placing both of his hands onto Romano's cheeks. "Listen to me very closely, vhat are jou, Romano?" asked Germany. "An idiota sandwich that's also a bastard?" asked Romano. Before Germany could reply at Romano's answers everything started rumbling and out of nowhere Italy comes bursting through the doors. "Ahhh! Big brother Romano, did I-a just hear what I think you-a said?" asked Italy while smiling. "Uh yeah, I-a said that I'm- whoa" said Romano as Italy quickly rushed over and hugged to him. "Oh Romano, I-a can't stay mad at you forever. You're-a my big fratello and I love you" said Italy while tightening his grip on Romano. "Alright, alright, quit giving me your-a therapy hugs! Let go of me, Feliciano" said Romano who was struggling to get out of Italy's hug. "I'll never understand zhese two" said Germany.
Oliver is seen holding his wand in one hand along holding a spell book in the other while looking through it. "No, that's not one. I know it's in here somewhere" said Oliver. "Hurry it up Oliver, zhe stress is killing me" said Roland. "Hang on, hang on, I'm finding it okay. Oh here it is" said Oliver while finding the spell he was finding. Oliver looks at spell before putting his spell book down and pointing his at the bars of the cage before chanting the spell in some form of ritual. Suddenly Oliver's wand started glowing before blasting out a purple magical beam at the bars; however, the bars didn't break.
"What happened?" asked Japan. "The spell didn't work, which is odd" said Oliver. "Could it be that this cage is impervious to all types of magic and spells, aru?" asked China. "Of course it iz! Vhy vouldn't it be? I have a feeling zhat Luciano knew zhat Oliver here vas going to cast a spell" said Roland. "If that's the case then we need Arthur" said Oliver. "Or you can just have us break you out" said Sweden who along with the rest of the Nordic 5 came into the room somehow.
"How did you guys get here?" asked Japan. "Oh we threw a rock at a window and got in" said Denmark before getting smacked in the head by Norway. "No we didn't! We got in by following America's plan" said Norway. "Wait Alfred had come up with plan for a rescuing us? That's great!" said Oliver. "Oh he didn't just came up with a plan to rescue you, he also planned out how to defeat Luciano" said Finland. "Sounds good enough for me, aru" said China.
"Alright guys let's focus, we need to get this cage open before we get caught" said Iceland. "Right! Let's see if this cage has a lock so I can break it with my axe" said Denmark before walking up to the cage. Denmark looked all over the cage till he found the lock. "Did you find the lock?" asked Finland. "Yes I did. Now stand back" said Denmark. China, Japan, Roland, and Oliver backed up as Denmark readied his axe.
Denmark backs up a bit and charges at cage before bringing his axe down just to cut off the lock only to get bounced back. "Oooooooooo.....thatttttt loccck...issssss....strongggggg" said Denmark who was shaking due to the impact making him act like the movement of a metal beam. "Okay that didn't work, so Lukas we need your magic" said Sweden. "Okay, I guess I'm ready. Quick question: is this cage like immune to any type or form of magic?" asked Norway. "Yes, it is immune to magic, but only my magic" said Oliver. "Ah I see. I was just making sure. Anyway, let's get it on then" said Norway.
Before Norway could do anything an axe came swinging out of nowhere only to go up against a wall that's by Norway. "Simon, I swear to god that I'm so going to- wait.....this ain't Simon's axe" said Norway while getting a better look at the axe. "That's because that axe belongs to me" said Spain. "Spain!? Did you came with the Nordic 5, aru?" asked China. "I did and I brought a few friends" said Spain as Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Poland walked in. "It's about time jou showed up! Vhy zhe hell did jou took so long?" asked Roland.
"Tch, don't get all mad at me. I didn't know zhat zhe rescue vould've been planned at zhis fast by America" said Austria. "If that's true then, that means we have act fast into executing you" said Kuro. Kuro and Xiao were seen standing at the top of staircase leading down to the dungeon. "Well it looks like we got a couple of 2Ps to fight" said Finland. "I see that. Lukas go cast a spell on that lock" said Sweden. "What are you guys going to do while I do this?" asked Norway. "We're going to hold back these 2Ps for you that's what" said Spain as he went over and got his ace out of the wall before standing next to Denmark. "Oh hell yeah, this is going to be a- ahhhh!" screamed Xiao as he accidentally missed his step and ended up falling down the stairs. "Why you Chinese baka" said Kuro while shaking his head at what he just saw.
"Okay since we already have two rescue squads, we're going to be facing Luciano" said America. "Yeah but vat happens if zhey get caught?" asked France. "Zhen zhey're going have to fight one of us, make zhat two" said Akbar who appeared in front of them. "Vell if isn't mein 2P, it's nice to meet jou. Put it zhere" said Prussia while offering his hand for Akbar to shake. Instead of shaking hands with Prussia, Akbar instead gets down on one knee and bowed. "Uhh...vhat are jou doing?" asked Prussia who seemed a little surprised.
"I have waited for zhis day to come. Mein own counterpart vould finally get to see me" said Akbar. "Excuse me?" asked Prussia who was confused. "Heh.....as zhe leader of zhe legendary Teutonic Knights, I get to have zhis moment" said Akbar. Akbar then removes his cape revealing his shining armor before getting up. "Nice armor jou got zhere" said Prussia. "Perpare jourself Gilbert, because I Akbar, vill finally get zhe chance to prove vho's awesome" said Akbar.
"Hey! Zhat vas supposed to mein line" said Prussia. Without any hesitation, Akbar pulls out his sword before putting it at Prussia. "Fight me Gilbert, zhat's an order" said Akbar. "Jou guys need to go on vithout me, I'll handle zhis" said Prussia. "Alright bruder, promise me zhat jou von't die" said Germany. "Heh, vhen do I break promises? Now get out of here" said Prussia.
As soon as Prussia said this everyone else left the room and went into another one. "It's-a so dark.....wait dark!? Germany help!" cried Italy while clinging onto Germany. "Italy let go! Jour nails are literally digging into mein arm" said Germany. "Aww und I zhought jou vere all strong und tough" said Lutz. The lights turn on in the room as a chair swings around revealing Lutz himself. "Ah, it's lutz!" yelled Italy.
"Hehehe.....did jou miss me jou stupid Italian?" asked Lutz. "Enough! If jou're going to pick on someone vho's weak, zhen jou might as vell fight me" said Germany. "Very vell zhen, so be it" said Lutz who got up from the chair. There wasn't any movement before Germany could do something till he was suddenly stopped by a piercing pain coming from his arm. "Germany!" screamed Italy. "I zhought jou'd be a bit quicker to dodge zhat since jou like being strict on timing" said Lutz with a small smirk on his face.
"If zhat's vhat jou zhink, zhan jou should probably vork on jour aiming" said Germany. "Vait.......how!? I...I shot jou dead on in zhe shoulder" said Lutz. "What you didn't see was a pipe and I used it hit him in the arm just to fool you" said Russia while revealing that the bullet was in his pipe. "We'll let you deal with him alone" said England. "Sounds like a plan" said Germany.
~Back With Rescue Squad 2~
"Are jou almost done yet? I'm starting to get impatient here" said Roland. "I'm trying as hard as I can!" said Norway a bit annoyed. "Hold still and let me hit you!" yelled Denmark who trying to hit Xiao with his axe. Despite Denmark's best attempt Xiao kept avoiding him. "My you sure are a feisty one indeed" said Xiao before karate kicking Denmark against a wall. Both Kuro and Spain were soon seen fighting each other evenly till their two weapons came together.
"You're very impressive with that axe even though you haven't used it in awhire" said Kuro. "I wish I could say the same thing about your katana skills, but not really" said Spain. "I had years upon centuries of experience" said Kuro. Without noticing Hungary and Poland came up behind Kuro. "You take left, I'll take right" said Hungary. "But I wanted to take right. Can we switch, please? Like I'm not in the mood to take left" asked Poland.
"No we cannot! Besides you make a pretty good distraction" said Hungary. "Aw really? I'll take that as a compl- wait....that's an insult!" yelled Poland. "No, no, it's a compliment. Now keep quiet" said Hungary. "Alright then. Hey you!" yelled Poland as he got Kuro's attention. "You can't catch me" said Poland before breaking off into a sprint. Kuro stops fighting Spain and goes after Poland while getting out his Kusarigama. "Ehh....maybe I should've think about this before hand because of Poland's loud mouth" said Hungary. "Alright here we- now it's finally open" said Norway as lock opened itself. Norway then takes the lock off before opening the door to the cage. "Finally, it's about time! It's fighting time" said Roland.
"I have a feeling zat only a few of us are going to make it to Luciano. I mean ve're meeting our respective counterpart once ve go somewhere new" said France. "You'd be correct" said Francois. "Vell I vas expecting zat I'll have face off my gorgeous counterpart sooner or later, but not zhis earlier. Alfred go on ahead vithout me" said France as America lead the rest of the squad out of the room. "Well, well, well, if isn't my counterpart Alfred. I've been waiting for you" said Al. "Cool dude, I was hoping to see you too" said America with a smile. "No it's not cool, you're supposed to be trembling in fear right now" said Al.
"Heh that's funny, the hero doesn't get scared that easily" said America. While America and Al were going back and forth on talking, Matt quietly stepped out of the shadows and goes behind Canada with his hockey stick in hand only to receive a quick punch to stomach by Canada. "Alfred, it's an ambush, well it was, but it didn't go out as planned" said Canada. "I see. So Al and Matt are you going to fight the North American bros or what?" asked America. "Oh it will be our pleasure" said Al.
~Back With Prussia~
"Jou're pretty good as I could have possibly imagine" said Akbar. "I can say zhe same to jou" said Prussia. "Gilbird!" yelled Akbar as a black eagle perched itself on his shoulder. "So zhat's jour version of Gilbird. How cute. Gilbird und friends come to me" said Prussia. "Gilbird und vhat?" asked Akbar. Suddenly Gilbird appeared along with other birds as they perched themselves on Prussia's shoulders including his head.
"Gilbird squad...ATTACK!!!!" yelled Prussia as Gilbird's entire army of birds starting attacking Akbar. "Alright Gilbird, let's find Vest" said Prussia before leaving the room. Prussia enters another room which had both Germany and Lutz fighting each other in an old western style standoff. There wasn't any slight movement till Lutz clanks his gun before Germany manages to shot him in the arm and making Lutz collapse to the ground.  "Nice shot Vest, zhat vas really intense" said Prussia. "Vhat are jou- yeah......it vas pretty intense. I had to vait for till Lutz made a move" said Germany. "I see zhat. I had an entire army of birds attack mein counterpart" said Prussia. "An entire army of birds?" asked Germany who seemed a bit skeptical about it. "Yeah an entire army of birds, it vas awesome" said Prussia. "Anyway, ve need to find zhe others. I hope zhey've finished fighting zheir counterparts" said Germany.
"Hurry it up, I can't keep running for- wahh!" yelled Poland as both of his legs were caught by Kuro's Kusarigama. Kuro took step back and before he could pull Poland over to him by the chain, he was suddenly tripped by Spain's axe and fell. "Denmark and Sweden it's your turn!" yelled Spain. Kuro gets up and tries to pull the long but gets stopped by Sweden who jammed a long metal pole in the middle of chain before Denmark comes long and slices the chain in half with his axe freeing Poland. "Xiao, stop these bakas now!" yelled Kuro. Xiao was about to fight till he was stopped by Finland.
"Hello there sir, I got you an early Christmas present" said Finland while holding up a wrapped gift. "Christmas present? It's not even Christmas yet and I only celebrate Chinese New Year" said Xiao. "Oh well I knew that, but it's on the house" said Finland. Finland gives Xiao the present as Xiao opened it only to get blinded by smoke. While getting blinded, Iceland comes and kicks Xiao the side just before Hungary hits Xiao on the head with her frying pan. Kuro was about to pull out his throwing stars only to get knocked down to the ground again when Xiao was knocked to his direction.
"Get off of me!" yelled Kuro while trying to shove Xiao away. "Vhy hallo zhere jou two. Do me a favor und look above jou" said Austria. Both Kuro and Xiao looked up to see a piano hanging over where they're at. "Wait where did you get that piano?" asked Xiao. "I just found it. Now Roland und Oliver!" yelled Austria. Both Roland and Oilver untied the ropes holding the piano making the piano come crashing down on Kuro and Xiao. "Nice one. I'm impressed" said Japan. "Zhanks" said Austria. "Enough of zhe small talking, let's get out of here" said Roland.
~Back To France~
"Did you really zhink zhat you 1Ps vill defeat us?" asked Francois. "Vhy yes I do. Here I got you zhis" said France while putting a rose into Francois' mouth. "Zhank you for your lovely time and goodbye" said France as the rose suddenly exploded in Francois' mouth. After having a rose explode in his mouth Francois collapses to the ground just before both Germany and Prussia came into the room. "Hey France, did ve miss anyzhing?" asked Prussia. "Well you've missed me defeating my 2P" said France.
"OW! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" yelled Al. "I didn't know that you'll be right there once your counterpart moved away" said Matt. "I had enough of your half assed excuses!" yelled Al before strangling Matt. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!!!" yelled Matt while pushing Al away from him. Out of nowhere Canada uses his hockey stick to hit a hockey puck right at Matt's Swedish meatballs. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" screamed Matt in pain.
"AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You just got- OH SWEET....ahhh.....THAT HURTS SO BADLY!!!" yelled Al as he got hit by a baseball that was thrown at him by America. "Two points for the boys back home" said America. "Vhat's vith all zhis screaming?" asked Germany. "Guess what Germany? Matthew and I bonded today. Isn't that great?" asked America. "Sure it iz" said Germany while ignoring what just happened. "You seriously have a gallon jug that's full of water as a secret weapon? How nice" said Russia.
"Heh, of course it. With this gallon jug, you won't be able to defeat me" said Vladimir. "Oh really? You don't know what fear is" said Russia. "What? Of course I know what fear is" said Vladimir.  "You may know what is fear is but have you ever seen it in its true form?" asked Russia. "True form?" asked Vladimir. "Watch and learn" said Russia.
Suddenly the room grows dark as the temperature slowly drops. The room got colder by each passing second as Russia was soon surrounded by winds of snow. The snowy winds blew over by Russia's side as a large figure took shape before revealing a man wearing a black military outfit. "Oh my god! What is that!?" yelled Vladimir. "This person who is standing next to me happens to be the true embodiment of winter, well my winters. There has been many stories but it said that I've never had to fear a country invading me since General Winter is able defeat armies. General Winters shall we show my counterpart what you're made of?" asked Russia. "Yes, we should. Prepare yourself Vladimir the 2P version of Russia because you had picked the wrong day to get out of bed" said General Winter.
General Winter then creates whirlwinds of snow as it became ice cold before making it surround the entire room. "Thank you for your assistance General Winter I couldn't done it without- uhh......Alfred? Everyone? You guys alright? Ehh......I think you used a little to much of the icy winds" said Russia while seeing the rest of the group trapped ice. "Yeah.....I think I did. Oops" said General Winter. "It's okay, but you did manage to froze Vladimir. Now let's get going on breaking the ice" said Russia.
"Where do we-a go now?" asked Italy. "According to the map there's a door leading to where Luciano is at, but there are two doors here in this hall" said England. "Great, which-a door is it?" asked Romano. "I don't know which one. It's either the one to left or the one on the right" said England. "Well I'm-a picking the one on the right, because it's the right one" said Romano while chuckling a bit at his own joke. Romano walks up to the door and opens it before walking away.
"What? Why are you-a looking at me like that England?" asked Romano. "You're a bloody idiot! You don't even know what could be behind that door once you open it" said England. "Yeah, yeah, but guess what? There's-a nothing there to worry about" said Romano. "Nothing to worry about!?" yelled England. "Ummm guys......you might need to see this" said Yong Soo. "I've told that there's-a nothing- OH SH**!!!" yelled Romano.
What Romano didn't know was that he opened the door leading to where Kuma was at. "I thought Matthew's polar bear wasn't scary but this is" said Yong Soo before getting grabbed by Iyong ju. "Quick! Everyone get into my magic circle" said England as everyone got into the circle expect for Romano. "Magic cycle!? There's-a literally a damn polar bear and you-a want me to stand in a circle? Forget that! I'm-a running for my life!" yelled Romano before running off. "No Romano don't! You'll-a get.......attacked" said Italy while seeing Kuma catching up Romano and attacking him. After attacking Romano, Kuma walks away leaving behind an injured Romano.
"Romano are you okay?" asked Yong Soo. "No, I'm not" said Romano weakly. "Romano quick, get into my magic circle before that polar bear comes back" said England. "I'm-a not taking any chances here, I'll-a just let limp my way out of here" said Romano before limping away. "No Romano!!!" screamed Italy. Once again Kuma came rushing over to Romano thus brutally attacking him before leaving him alone.
"I'm guessing it doesn't like it when you limp" said Iyong ju. "Oh okay then, I-a guess I'll just- AHHHHHHH!!!" screamed Romano as Kuma quickly attacked him again for the third time before leaving him alone. "What did I-a do that time?" asked Romano. "Umm you weren't supposed to be crawling away I guess" said Iyong ju. "Romano, try creating your-a own circle" said Italy. "Okay" said Romano.
"No wait that's an oval! You need to draw a.......circle" said Italy as Kuma rushed towards Romano again but didn't get to attack since Iyong ju punched Kuma right in its snout before collapsing. "Did you just punched a polar bear?" asked Yong Soo who was surprised. "I did and even though it's called animal abuse the polar bear was trained to attack" said Iyong ju. "Romano are you-a alright?" asked Italy while walking up to Romano who was bleeding in some places. "Yeah I-a guess so....I don't think that I-a can walk" said Romano. England comes over to Romano while taking out a first aid kit. England notices that Romano had a few deep cuts in both of his arms along with some parts of his shirt ripped revealing that their were some large cuts in his chest and torso.
What caught England's attention was the large scratch of a claw along with a huge tooth mark starting from Romano's knee cap all the way down to his ankle. England then does his best to bandage up all of the wounds while Romano either grunts, winces, or hisses in pain till England was done. "Is he going to be alright?" asked Yong Soo. "Yes he will. Luckily there was time for me to cover up his wounds or else that polar bear would've finish him off. Since Romano's a country, he'll heal up in a few days maybe hours, but for now he is unable to walk or stand while in this condition" said England. "Well if that's the cause then somebody carry me" said Romano. Both Italy and Iyong ju came over to Romano and gently picked him up while supporting him on their shoulders.
"Alright let's get going" said England. The five remaining members of Team Allied and Axis Powers continued on their way as they went through the left door leading to where Luciano is at. "Well it's-a about time you made it. Luciano has been-a waiting for you to come" said Flavio. "Oh hello there Flavio, where's your brother Luciano?" asked England. "Oh he's-a currently in his office right now, but he-a told me to hold you five off or should I-a say you four. Isn't that-a right, huh Romano?" asked Flavio. "You bastard! I-a can't believe you betrayed us like this and what's worse is that you-a nearly ruined my relationship with Feliciano" said Romano.
"Oh you're-a still made at that? Well I'm-a sorry to hear that, but as a 2P I can't keep any promises" said Flavio. "Why you...grr....I'm-a going to rip your throat out! Come here you!" yelled Romano while getting out of Italy and Iyong ju's support before running towards Flavio only to fall to the ground. "Romano!" cried out Italy. "Aw, what's the matter Romano? Did the little grumpy Italian get a little boo-boo?" asked Flavio in a mocking tone before laughing. This made Romano boil in so much anger that he crawled his way over to a nearby box of tomatoes before throwing one at Flavio staining his pants. "My pants! Why would you-a do that!?" yelled Flavio who started to freak out as he saw the stain.
"Oh I'm-a sorry, but I recently gotten a message for today and it's from a weatherman. This weatherman is-a predicting a 99% chance of a sh** storm and it's-a coming straight right at ya!" yelled Romano before rapidly throwing tomatoes at Flavio staining his clothes even more. "Ahhhh, stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" yelled Flavio as he clothes got even more stained. "This is-a for lying to me! This is-a for being an annoying bastard! This is-a for making Feliciano cry!" said Romano as he was throwing each tomato. The last tomato that Romano threw was suddenly sliced in half by knife. "Keep it down, I'm-a trying- oh my......hehehe...looks like the rescue squad is-a here, well half of them anyway" said Luciano as he came into the scene. "Luciano, we came to stop you. Now we can do this the easy or the hard way or the medium way. Your choice" said England.
"Aww, how nice of you to give me a choice. Actually I've-a already chose what I want" said Luciano. Out of nowhere a knife made its way to Romano stabbing his arm. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" screamed Romano. "ROMANO!!!!" cried Italy. "Hang on Romano, just let me get this knife out of you. Arthur you better get over here with that first aid kit now!" yelled Iyong ju. England comes over to them with the first aid kit as Iyong ju slowly yet carefully pulled the knife out of Romano's arm.
As the knife was out of Romano's arm, England started wrapping up the wound with bandages. "Well that was fast. I-a thought that you'd handle the pain" said Luciano. "Handle the pain!? You-a literally stabbed me right in the arm, which actually hurts" said Romano. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I've been trying to get my-a hands on you North Korea for the entire time. Now's my-a chance to either officially hold you captive or kill you" said Luciano. "What you did before separated us but we're back together again as brothers" said Yong Soo. "Oh I-a wasn't planning on separating you. What I actually mean is that I-a wanted to kill one of you" said Luciano.
"What!? You can't be serious!" said Iyong ju. "Oh but I am and I-a know who exactly that I want to choose" said Luciano. Luciano slowly makes his over over to both Yong Soo and Iyong ju before getting stopped by Italy who magically popped up right in front of him. "What the?" said Luciano who was confused. "I-a know that this seems sudden but hear me out. I know that you're a complete opposite of me and my-a personality but deep down you-a still have some feelings of kindness. Here I-a made you some pasta; I made it special. What do you-a think?" asked Italy while offering a small bowl of pasta. "I...I...don't know what to say. I'm-a honestly lost for words" said Luciano.
Italy smiles at Luciano's sudden reaction and was about to give him the bowl of pasta only for it to get knocked out of his hands. Italy was in shock to see the bowl fly through the air as it came to the ground with a loud crash knocking out the pasta spilling it all over the place. Before Italy could say or do anything, he was suddenly slapped across the face hard by Luciano and falling to the ground. "You're-a so pathetic! I can't believe that you-a had to go your way to give me pasta. Well guess what? I-a don't want your pasta and I've never asked for it anyway" said Luciano. Italy had a tear in his eye before it rolled down his check. "Aww, did I-a hurt your feelings? Well hehehe...too bad! Everyone was right about you including your friends, you're-a nothing but a sorry excuse for an ally yet a country. The only thing that you're-a probably good at is crying and shutting up. Now get out of my way, I-a have some unfinished business to do which you rudely interrupted" said Luciano before walking passed Italy.
Italy just sat there on the ground crying at what Luciano said and did to him. "Now with that out of the way, let's-a see who's going to die" said Luciano. "If you want to kill one of us then you're going have to kill me. I spent so many years trying to get back to my brother and look how far I came. Come on! Are you going fight me or not?" asked Iyong ju. "Iyong ju! You can't fight him, not like this. Please let him kill me" said Yong Soo. "Even though I would let you do that, I've spent a lot of time believing that you're still alive and here you are by my side. I rather let you live then let you die. Believe me, I lost you once and I don't want to relive it again twice" said Iyong ju. "O-Okay......promise me that you'll kick Luciano's ass" said Yong Soo.
"Oh I will, just watch" said Iyong ju. "Alright, let's-a get this show going" said Luciano. Luciano then pulls out two twin daggers while twirling them before getting into a stance with one of the daggers pointing at Iyong ju. Iyong ju took a breathe in before getting into a stable of his own. "Yong Soo, I didn't expect for you to see this but during the time of 30 years I have gain abilities. I hoped that I'll keep this a secret from you however I think you're ready" said Iyong ju. "Wh.....what....?" asked Yong Soo who was confused.
"Cut through anything. Don't let anything set you down. Shine blue, Jug-eum-ui Puleun Jeonseon" said Iyong ju. What Yong Soo saw in surprise and shock was thin blue wires that looked sharp like razors being pulled from under Iyong ju's fingers. "They actually have a name along with a phase" said England. "Brother.....this...this...is so unbelievably amazing" said Young Soo. "So those are the things that you'd use to slice Lutz's gun with, am I-a correct? Now I see why you're-a so unique. With those sharp pointy things you-a can do anything you want with them; they're-a even better than my own knives" said Luciano. "Yeah.....that is true but I'm only using these wires to defeat you not torture people with them" said Iyong ju.
"Heh, let's-a see about that" said Luciano. All was silent till Luciano made a slight movement by gripping the handle of one of his twin daggers with his hand only to get his left shoulder brutality cut opened. Despite being fast when it comes to knife throwing, Luciano failed to see Iyong ju's wires coming right at him. "Those wires.....they're so fast" said Young Soo. "Damn it....damn it. I-a didn't even get the chance to attack him. You may have outmatched me at drawing out weapons, but you-a don't stand a chance against me" said Luciano. Iyong ju prepares himself before Luciano suddenly charges at him only to get tackled to the ground by Italy and getting beaten up.
"Leave Iyong ju alone you monster!" yelled Italy as he kept punching Luciano over and over. "STOP IT! STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT! YOU'RE-A GOING TO BREAK SOMETHING!" screamed Luciano. Italy didn't stop punching Luciano till he suddenly realized that Luciano went out cold. When Italy saw this he noticed that Luciano had blood all over his face while seeing that his own hands were covered in Luciano's blood. Italy then starts crying. "What have I-a done...? I...I......what came over me...?" asked Italy as he kept crying.
Iyong ju walks over to the crying Italy before embracing him into a protective hug. "I should've stopped when Luicano screamed to me about it.......it's all my-a fault. I'd probably punched him so hard that he's-a dead...." said Italy before burying his face onto Iyong ju's chest. "Feliciano.....it's not your fault. You had lunch Luicano in the face so he wouldn't attack me. You should be happy that you did that" said Iyong ju. "B-But....I-a killed him......how can I be happy?" asked Italy while looking at Iyong ju. "Who says that you'd killed him? Take a look at him yourself" said Iyong ju. Italy did what Iyong ju told hi to do and looked at Luciano only notice that Luciano made some movement indicating that he's still alive.
"Oh my......you're-a right. He's still alive" said Italy with a smile. "Yeah he is. Come on Feliciano let's get out of here" said Yong Soo. "Ve~! Let's go then. Say Iyong ju, where did you-a exactly get those wires from?" asked Italy. "Well...I....I was cursed by Arthur after faking to kill Yong Soo" said Iyong ju. "No you didn't. You got those wires from Haemosu didn't you?" asked Yong Soo. "What? No I didn't. Besides I've always that you believe that all forms of supernatural things all come from Sojonhang but mainly being Seokga" said Iyong ju.
"That's not true" said Yong Soo. "Oh yes it is" said Iyong ju before walking away. "No it's not. That reminds me, I heard from Vatican City that you were given a special sword. Is it the same sword that the legendary general known as Kim Yu-shin had?" asked Yong Soo. "No Yong Soo, it's just a plain old regular sword. It's actually a heirloom that belonged to.....well...some girl's family" said Iyong ju. "Oooooh does my big bro have a girlfriend?" asked Yong Soo mockingly as Iyong ju suddenly blushed. "S-Shut up! I had one but that was a longtime ago" said Iyong ju before walking away.
~Later that day~
"Luciano has been defeated, we got our friends back, everyone's still here. Go work Team Allied and Axis Powers! Mission accomplished" said America. "Why are you-a still calling us that?" asked Romano. "So did anything happen while you were imprisoned?" asked England. "Well China did got a needle stabbed to his back by Flavio, but it's nothing serious" said Oliver. "Technically, I've noticed zhat Luciano vas hiding somezhing vhich appeared to be glowing vhile ve got trapped in zhat cage" said Roland. "Wait....you saw something glowing?" asked England.
"Yeah, but ve veren't  given much time to study zhe vay how it glowed. It's a mystery" said Roland. "How interesting" said England. "I can't believe zat you trapped me in ice. Vhy vould you do zat?" asked France. "That's because I had to show my 2P what winter is like" said Russia. "But you didn't have to zat you know" said France. "Heh, sorry" said Russia.
"Ve~! Let's-a celebrate our victory with a party" said Italy. "Ja, zhis party iz going to be hosted by zhe awesome me" said Prussia. "Hold on zhere for just a minute, if jou're going to be hosting zhis party zhen it's going to be jour responsibility to clean up after yourself" said Germany. "Relax Vest, how bad can zhis party be anyvay?" asked Prussia
~SpongeBob Narrtor Voice: 5:06 a.m~
"Zhat vas an awesome party, right guys?" asked Prussia who recovered from being wasted. "It sure was. This place is a disaster, aru" said China. "Thank god that Germany isn't here to see this" said Japan. "This is why Gilbert shouldn't be hosting parties" said Iyong ju. "Hey guys, I've found Ludwig. He's all passed out on a couch out in the hallway with a smile on his face. Plus Feliciano is out there with him" said Yong Soo. "Ve~! You're-a so happy when you start having beer. You-a really need to smile more often" said Italy.
"Luciano, you have failed to kill the 1Ps" said a voice. "I know I-a have, but I promise that I'll-a make up to you" said Luciano as he was kneeling on one knee. "I had enough of your promises. I gave you a task and you allowed your own 1P to beat you up. How pathetic" said the voice. "I know that I-a had messed up big time, but I have something that was worth the trouble. I-a present to you the Glassed Rose" said Luciano while pulling out the Glassed Rose. "My god, it can't be. That's the Glassed Rose! Finally, we've found it at last" said the voice happily. "Eh? What do you-a mean by we?" asked Luciano.
"Tell it my top leading engineers, doctors, and scientists that's what. Since you and your 2Ps have been outmatched, we've decided to recreate the 2Ps that were dissolved during the events of a war that you'd previously mentioned" said the voice. "Y-You've-a successfully recreated them? How is this possible?" asked Luciano. "Easy, we used the DNA of the other 1P countries and with a little bit of slicing their molecules mostly their double helix, we've created their 2P counterparts. They're named by the way and are in their own respective chamber. We have Magnus Densen, Egor Von Brock, Thurston Väinämöinen, Egil Steilsson, Loke Bondevik, Bernard Oxenstierna, Anastasia Arlovskaya, Raimonds Galante, Tomas Laurinaitis, Katya Chernenko, Julie Héderváry, Franciszek Łukasiewicz, Elise Vogel, Voss Zwingli, Andres....eh....I hate the fact this his name is so long but you get the picture, and finally we have Paul the 2P version of Sealand" said the voice. "Oh my god, this is-a incredible! With all of these recreations, I-a might get back at my counterpart and his stupid allies" said Luciano before laughing maniacally. "Oh and that reminds me, we've created 2P South Korea along with your grandpa. To add on to this, we found away to fuse a 1P and their 2P together in one body which will be the body of the 1P" said the voice.
"My grandpa!? Why in the world would you-a bring back my- heh, I guess that fusing thing could work against North Korea's wires" said Luciano. "Wires? Hmm, I think I know what you're talking about. Those wires that North Korea have are very thick and long that they're impossible to see till it's too late. Plus those wires are colored blue meaning that they were blessed and they can cut into anything. He wears fingerless gloves just so he won't feel any discomfort when he pulls those wires out" said the voice. "Where did you-a get all of this information from?" asked Luciano. "Oh, I've been watching North Korea after since he first used them. Also from now on I want you to refer me as Sang-je and don't you ever forget it" said Sang-je as he stepped out the shadows revealing himself to Luciano. "Hehehehe......I-a can't wait for sweet ever sounding revenge" said Luciano before his evil laughter filled the entire room.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S1 Ep 37: Swapping Bodies OMG There’s So Many Bodies
The card hell card games continue, and Yugioh has decided to fall on old habits and hide everything under his RNG hat.
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Yep, for the 27th or 58th time people have just completely forgotten what it means for Pegasus to be a psychic. Yugi’s also a psychic so how did...anyways...
Up to now I thought the hats were a random toss of the dice, but it turns out Yugi has to choose which hat and apparently this is information that Pegasus can just reach over and nab and so Pharaoh and Yugi do their favorite thing and just start freakin the heck out.
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(read more under the cut)
So, the brain brothers decide to have a time out, which is a thing they can do now, where they hang out in this hallway between a vine covered wall and a Tetris map.
It’s a little unclear if this is all happening in a split second, or if Pegasus and Yugi are just staring at each other this whole time while Joey and Tea twiddle their thumbs. I’d like to think the latter.
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I’m glad we finally see the inside of this kid’s head. I’ve actually wondered for kind of a while and I’m happy to see it is sufficiently weird. Too bad we only ever get to see this blue floored room.
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To think that Yugi’s super annoying habit to keep a secret and lie to everyone he loves became plot relevant to beating the final boss.
Also it’s kinda weird that we put so much pressure on Yugi and Pharaoh melding brains together like for...so many episodes, for the real answer all along to have been “Just don’t.”
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It’s enough to screw over Pegasus.
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Joey’s eyes have so many different looks. Like I’d say this is off model Joey but have we ever had an on-model Joey?
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Considering that this is alternate history Egypt, I’m guessing that Pharaoh’s inevitable backstory plot will be way weirder than normal Egypt--it’s just that normal Egypt set a pretty high bar.
Side note from the research I did into weird Egyptian folklore, there’s some dispute about whether or not the Pharaoh that drew ho-ho’s and twinkie’s wherever he had a battle was one person or 3 people, which is even more like our Pharaoh.
Also on your own time please look up the story about the Pharaoh and the piss if you do not know it already, it is the precursor to Cinderella in the weirdest way possible.
Overall, he still hasn’t said which Pharaoh he is and hasn’t given himself a name. Yugi just calls him “spirit” which is...weird, honestly. I don’t even know if he knows at this point, he’s been dead a long time and without a body is it even important?
Speaking of people that clearly have no freakin idea what their actual name is or just don’t feel like it’s important, the ghost living in Bakura is having an excellent day.
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It’s OK, storyboarder, it happens to the best of us.
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None of you took off your jacket while running up this staircase? No wonder it took them like 5 minutes to catch up.
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I’m actually genuinely surprised Tristan ever caught on and that his mind hasn’t been wiped yet. Like, this is the longest he’s witnessed dark magic without getting erased. He’s improving.
Anyways, lets get some lazy animation in there, with this slowly moving monster on a shot that slowly pans out. Mm. The good stuff. That’s the good low-budget stuff I’m looking for.
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Anyway, Bakura really didn’t need to bother with the Man Eater Bug because he decided to throw a pot at them. Yes, a pot. It wasn’t all that interesting to look at so I didn’t cap it but the pot has been somewhat a recurring card that just kind of always screws up your day.
It’s a pot.
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Bro and I did a quick count just to make sure, and not counting people that came back to life, and not counting people who have been dead before episode 1:
the imprisoned card boys trinity + PaniK + Guy who got ritually sacrificed last night + these unfortunate mooks who were just doing their job.
We may have forgotten someone though.
As for Bandit Keith, he died in such a wacky way that he’s probably fine.
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Pegasus is so bothered that he can’t read their cards, that they wipe out his little toon town and he gave every hammy villain ever written a run for their money in how poorly you can scream “nooooo” Like I genuinely enjoy Pegasus’s VA but damn that line reading: wow. He destroyed it. Like not in a good way but in a “that was the take you decided to use?” kind of way.
And I went to see if there was a Youtube recording, but typing in “Pegasus nooooo” got me a lot of fan videos instead. So, I thought to myself, you know what? I can record it, it’s like half a second and I have the software, I do art and stuff!
So I go to record it in OBS but the thing about OBS is that the “record” button and the “stream straight to twitch” button are of course right next to each other. Like clockwork, I accidentally clicked “Stream” on OBS and had a legit panic attack that the five people who follow my art-only twitch account would suddenly get an email notification that instead, I’m streaming the worst voice acting in Yugioh. Thankfully, twitch has a safe guard where it won’t stream unless it’s been longer than a few seconds so...phew.
Needless to say it didn’t make it to this review. Maybe later, but I’m terrified of making that mistake again.
After mourning the loss of his weird fanfic cards, he decides “Fine then! I’ll make a freakin shadow duel! Have fun!” and Pharaoh was like “Dammit, again?”
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Bakura pulling an Office, looking straight into the camera and just nodding smugly at me that he will never have to explain to me how the hell he broke all the rules so far set up in the past 30-some episodes of Yugioh.
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So Ryou (which is Bakura’s first name it turns out--I did a hair of google research but didn’t click on any pages because of spoilers. We’ll talk later about how no one is close enough friends with him to use his first name.) is kind of a weird guy, right? Like he’s got a lot of the Yugi problem where you don’t always know where one ends and the ghost in his brain continues. When they’re compared with each other like this, especially in an episode where Yugi has to be independent, it’s an interesting take on the same problem.
Both Yugi and Ryou rejected their spirits at one point, but the big difference is that Pharaoh is a lot more flexible, and kinda understands that to get the puzzle to work you do actually need two people. This whole duel with Pegasus would have been pretty moot with one person. As for Bakura, he’s decided to try going solo with some desperate conjoined brain-twins surgery, and I guess we’ll find out how well that works out for him.
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So Tristan has to do whatever Bakura says for a while out of the fear of getting sacrificed to a pot.
Remember, canonically, no one has checked on Tristan and Bakura in about three episodes because they assume Tristan has extreme constipation.
Anyways, next week on Yugioh:
Will Bakura take over Mokuba’s body and get hair that is like Super Saiyan huge? Will Tristan throw Bakura over his shoulder WWE style like he did to Double Spike Mohawk Mullet Man? Is anyone going to fall to their death down this big tall tower? It’s just this tower seems really underutilized, and I’m not used to seeing a villain on a tower like this in a cartoon without someone getting Disney-deathed.
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