#but do not fret my critique of the us folk is just as similar
jeanjauthor · 2 years
Hi, I am new to this platform. Can you please tell me that how can I make my work visible to the audience, both for reading and criticizing?
Hoo, boy...this is a long process that takes time. But it can be done!
@heroineimages was in this position, and did some reaching out to folks for reading & critiquing, and has been getting fantastic feedback for their sandals & sorcery story from a lot of sources. (I say critique, not criticize, because you want the thoughtful analyses that include good points as well as fix-this-things. Plenty of people are willing to criticize, but even if you were a massive masochist, your heart is lovely and does not deserve shredding.)
Post your own content, & reblog things you like. (If your blog has a strict theme, stick to that of course, but it limits your options a bit.)
Click name links (with the @ attached, or up in the "reblogged from" at the very top of each entry). Also use the Search feature with keywords that relates to the stuff you're interested in.
(Also include keywords down in the tags area of your own posts.)
Read their stuff, and see if it's similar to what you want to write & be critiqued about.
Find folks you want to follow. (This above all, it does NOT have to be related directly to your writing, because you will find that those who have similar interests in other areas of your life just might have interests in your stuff, too.)
Reblog things they post. Add good comments, so they know you're not a bot, and that you are paying attention to them & their stuff.
Comment if they have the speech-bubble activated, too. (Always keep things polite, and strive more for light-hearted interactions wherever possible.)
Go looking for more content that is similar to your own, and vaguely like your own, too.
Continue to post your own content...and occasionally ask for beta readers & critique partners.
Understand that this is a long and slow process that builds up over time.
Understand also that the Tumblr "algorhithm" is literally REBLOGGING STUFF. Keeping that chain of reblogs going. The only way to "game" the system is to blog, follow others, & reblog.
Try to be authentic in your interests that you're curating for your blog, whether it's what you post, or what you reblog from others' posts.
Since what you want to get out of this is readership & (good) critiques, do not fret over follower counts!
People will follow you back, and that's great! You can ask occasionally in your blog for help.
But sometimes you can also post an Ask or a message-chat to someone that you admire & follow, and think they might be a good reader, etc. Politely ask them if they have the time & energy to do a bit of reading & constructive feedback-ing.
You don't have to have masses of Followers to get that, if you can find good quality people who have the time & energy, and are interested in the summary of what you're writing about.
And it all starts with blogs, follows, & reblogs.
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
kinda snowballing off that post and also bringing in what my vet said a few months ago about being surprised that my dogs are so nice and easy to handle 'for malamutes'
the idea that working bred dogs cannot be friendly with people (to their breeds ideal bc let's be honest golden friendliness is different than collie friendliness is different than husky friendliness etc.) is such a weird perception to me and a troubling position to see my fellow working sled dog peers take.
Like "oh they didn't do well at the show because they're working dogs." you say in a ring full of other working dogs and it's not even the question of "is this dog socialized to this or not?" because certainly my working breeder (whose dogs are highly titled in work in the breed) does not prioritize some of the situations my working pet dogs are put in by me, but they did not need to be heavily socialized to these situations to navigate them.
They have never been even remotely wary of a stranger and even though they have no show experience and never will I know that the only thing they'd struggle with in the ring would be stacking for long periods of time. Not being around other dogs of the same gender even though they are selective, not the poking and prodding. Yes, even my dog that is too naturally anxious to be breeding quality.
My dogs are a primitive breed and modern expectations of dog behavior doesn't often line up with their naturally occurring behaviors. They're loud, they wrestle too hard for many other dog breeds, they prefer a strict routine of respectful behavior and body language from other dogs -and yes the modern expectation they should act no differently than a golden is ridiculous- but despite not meeting these societal expectations i can bring my dogs to a restaurant or to the hardware store with me, my dogs greet children gently even though they've had limited exposure, even when they don't love what's being done to them at the vet they are able to be safely handled and none of that takes away from their working ability.
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candythemew · 4 years
I love the new bestiary but they completely screwed over the Arduff. I HC Lach’s arduffs as a subspecies.
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     I agree. I initially wasn’t too thrilled with the Arduff’s redesign. Especially comparing it to the other manga exclusive animals such as the Mounders and Rakkida who have gone unchanged. Just drawn in a more realistic style to fit the universe better. My friends and I ( @juliejewel24 specifically ) have come up with a theory that they may have combined, or misinterpreted Whouf with the Arduff that SkekLach has. Since it’s body shape and face look very similar to Whouf’s! But in a feircer style to reflect the Arduff’s nature. But I agree it is weird how they made an entirely new design when the old one is solid, and again, the Mounder and Rakkida were left unchanged.
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     Good news for folks like us who have liked these guys since the begging, the bestiary Arduff are said to come from the Crystal desert, and the Manga ones are native to The Endless Forest and the Spriton plains (Or at least the manga’s equivalent of it.) So our antlered moose-doggos are still completely valid to have in Thra! These are animals after all, and they’re is so much variety within the real world that I think that it’s 100% okay to have both! Heck, when I was working on my species sheet for these guys back in april, I was thinking of the possibility of regional variants! So that’s how I’m viewing them.
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     In my opinion, the bestiary is hit and miss. There’s a lot of really good content in there!! But there’s some other things that are both major and minor retcons and contradictions that I’m not too thrilled about. Ultimately this is supplemental material. It’s not 100% canon but it does help us get a broader sense of the world of Thra. So with that, it’s completely fair to pick and choose whatever bits you want to view as canon. Although I may dissagree or critique the bestiary a little, it’s a fantastic book!
With the Arduff situation, I was initially kinda sad and angry about it. I thought I would have to throw all of my creature design and character vulding out the window. Like I thought I had to do with my version of UrSen once the canon one came out. That’s my own problem I have since I’m much too critical on myself. But think of it this way, we now have two Arduff Subspecies like you said earlier!
My best friend @kaijukian put it in a funny way. Using a meme about worrying who’s cake was made better. We don’t need to fret about who’s cake is better, There’s two cakes!! More content to enjoy! And just because you don’t like a certain direction things went doesn’t mean your opinion is invalid!
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I’m also a huge Manga!Arduff fan, and Lach’s main Arduff pack will still be of that kind for me. I’m gonna incorporate some of the new ones in there for variety, but ultimately the originals will always be the true ones in my heart.
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firstpuffin · 6 years
Childhood reading: Redwall
When I was growing up I read a lot, like that’s all I did for long periods of time levels of a lot. Heck, I had a different book in each room of the house so I could put one down and pick up another. I don’t know why; I was a weird kid. But while I didn’t read books like Harry Potter or Skullduggery Pleasant (the latter of which seems quite popular but was published a bit too late for me), the books that I did read were pretty much my entire life and most definitely shaped me into who I am and there was one particular series that I thank for that.
   I adored the Redwall series, written by Brian Jacques up until his death in 2011; he consistently wrote this series on an almost yearly basis from 1986 until he sadly passed away. I must have stopped reading around 2005-6, and was recently very pleased to discover four more books that I never read, nor knew existed, assuming at the time that the series had been long completed. I say recently because upon realising that I want to write children’s fiction, I decided to revisit the stories from my youth. Earlier youth? I’m still pretty young.
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  The series follows the history of Redwall abbey, a place of peace and prosperity. Every character in the series is an anthropomorphic animal along the lines of mice, otters, hedgehogs and squirrels, amongst more; these are usually the good guys and are often referred to as “woodland creatures”. This is important as there are also animals such as foxes, stoats, weasels and more that are called “vermin” and play the role of the antagonists. Despite being based around an abbey there is little to no religion within the world, except maybe for a high level of reverence towards the mouse patriarch Martin the Warrior and his sword, which could be similar to that of King Arthur. There is a lot of interesting terminology within the Redwall world, with characters saying “beast” (such as everybeast, somebeast, etc), the young abbeybabes are referred to as Dibbuns; Bloodwrath is a reoccurring term, usually in relation to a badger and is a sort of affliction that sends a beast into a rage where they are immune to pain and unaware of damage as they focus solely on their target. These words are always made clear and so there is little room for confusion.
   The ghost of Martin is a constant in the series where he appears in dreams to guide the characters through hard times. He often provides ambiguous clues to assist in whatever puzzle the story needs solving, puzzles and riddles and such being a common and engaging part of the stories. As this would suggest, there is a certain amount of supernatural within the stories, with seers foretelling the future and prophesies to be fulfilled; there is even a legend of a particularly skilled warrior who is said to be born every now and again, marked by a pink flower birthmark and who is called the “Taggerung”.
  I read all of the books that I could get my grubby little paws on, which is probably all of them that were released up until high-school where I got a bit distracted from reading novels. They were such an integral part of my life that I was shocked to discover that my classmates in the university creative writing course hadn’t even heard of the series outside of the, apparently quite bad, short-lived cartoon. The only other person who I found had read any was one of my lecturers. I was aghast, so in the hope of spreading the word about this series I am writing this.
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   Now, one of my lecturers taught us about the, to put it politely, the faeces sandwich method of critiquing someone’s work. You say something nice, say the bad stuff and follow that up with some more positive; I like to add that if you can then try and suggest how to improve on the criticisms, even if it’s just how you would do so, then go ahead. If you can’t take criticism then don’t create. I figure that I’ve praised the series already so I’m going to bring up my criticisms here and go into the rest of the article positively.
   One issue that I remember being aware of even in my youth is the timeline of each individual story as well as them put together. Presumably due to animals shorter lifespans, Mr Jacques doesn’t work with years but with seasons which is in and of itself fine. The problem is that in any one story, the time isn’t always realistic; it can be less than a season and yet a character will learn years worth of skills, mature physically or emotionally by at least half a year or events may simply not match up with other events. One character learns to fix a stutter within a day or two or practicing (Broggle, The Taggerung, 2001); within less than a season another character goes from useless and untrained in weapons, to throwing a dirk with greater skill than those who have been throwing and such long before he was born (Tammo, The Long Patrol, 1997).
   Add to that, badgers live an unspecified amount of time longer than the other creatures; I don’t know much about animal lifespans but one badger can live for multiple generations of, say, mice. But because of this longevity, events that involve generations of badgers will sometimes throw a spanner into the clockwork of the world (See the badgers: Brocktree, Boar, Bella and Sunflash).
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   Another complaint is one that may not be noticed by children: characters are very much recycled. The events of much of the series could in all honesty be done with the characters of the first book; many characters are inanely cheerful, they are all gluttons and all love poetry and rhymes. The villains are always impulsive and ruthless to their own subordinates, not a one of them thinking of controlling them via a less violent yet just as evil means. Every! Single! Hare is the same, except for one; male or female, they are greedy, reckless and brave and all, except the aforementioned one, talk like a stereotypical 1900’s Brit on drugs (wot wot old chap and all that tosh).
  Yet, and despite the length with which I have gone on about them, these complaints are minor. The stories themselves are generally solid, and although the growth may happen at an absurd rate, the characters do develop; there is always a puzzle to be solved and an enemy to defeat. I was concerned for a while that the world was a little too black and white with vermin always being straight-up evil and the other characters noble and brave, which could easily be seen as a form of biological racism (as in “this race is biologically evil”), yet there have been books where this has been turned on its head: The Bellmaker (1994) has a searat (basically a pirate and rats are always bad) who is taken in by the abbey and cared for by the reluctant creatures who are uncomfortable having “vermin” around yet are compelled by their sense of duty to help. After this rat’s captain kills one of the residents, the rat is furious at his actions towards the kind folk and kills his own captain and returns that which he stole to the abbey. It is a clear tale of how the right circumstances can allow a bad person to redeem himself.
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   Another positive is the frequent presence of capable female characters. It is popular these days to talk of “strong” females, yet I personally believe that this gives people the wrong impression of what it takes to be a decent character, male or female, and so I choose to say “capable” in place of “strong”. While this is a personal preference, I also believe that it is more accurate about the characters within this series. Yes, there are females who break down in fear but there are many examples, such as the disabled Martha Braebuck who is also that unique hare that I mentioned, who will take command when others are fretting (Loamhedge, 2003). Another character who has been a personal favourite from childhood is Mariel Gullwhacker (Mariel of Redwall, 1991) who survives being washed up on a beach with no memory and who finds her way to safety and eventually seeks out revenge on the searat Gabool. For two books she actively follows her own path and fights with nothing but a knotted piece of rope. These are just two examples of different capable female characters, one who fights and one who leads, out of many possible examples.
  This next point could be either good or bad, depending on your preferences in fiction, yet I personally feel it is good for children’s books to cover, and that is death. It doesn’t happen in every book but it is not too unusual for Mr Jacques to build up a likable character or two, only to have them die in some noble fashion, or in one case to die “off-screen” or whatever the written equivalent is. Despite my own childhood reaction to this, being avoiding certain books that broke my heart (no spoilers), I currently believe that this is a positive thing to have in children’s fiction. It’s too easy to avoid anything like death when dealing with children, but that is an unhealthy attitude to have. The Redwall series is especially good in this regard as not only do likable main characters die, but it is not too unusual for a character to deal with shock and guilt after killing, reinforcing the value of lives, even those of “vermin”.
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   I would like to round things up with some of my personal favourites from the series. The already mentioned “The Long Patrol” was a favourite up until the time when I stopped reading so much: young Tammo (full name Tamello De Fformelo Tussock, pretty typical for hares) is unable to stay at home as tensions between himself and his father rise and his mother recruits her old friend to take Tammo to join the Long Patrol, a legendary army of hares. What should have been a peaceful enough trip was interrupted when the vermin horde, lead by Damug Warfang, start moving across the land and Tammo happens to meet up with a small scout group of Long Patrol hares. They join the peaceful Redwall abbey in their attempts to stop the horde before they reach the abbey, temporarily vulnerable after a collapsed wall leaves them open to attack.
   I’m not entirely sure why I enjoyed this story so much; maybe it was Damug’s unique sword as well as Tammo’s dirk, my first introduction to that weapon. Maybe it was the badger warrior Lady Cregga Rose-Eyes who spends most of her time lost to the Bloodwrath and runs around as a near-unstoppable juggernaut. I can’t say as I wasn’t quite so keen upon revisiting it, yet I will likely always hold fond memories of it.
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   My next entry is another already mentioned story, Mariel of Redwall. Sure, the amnesia trope might be a bit overused yet I’ll forgive that for anything published before 1990. Mariel is captured by searat king Gabool the Wild and forced to be a slave until she is cast into the sea. She wakes up parched, forgetful and with only a knotted rope to her name. She struggles onwards, hearing of Redwall and making her way there, usually alone but occasionally meeting friendly travellers and facing threats with only her rope. She eventually reaches Redwall abbey, regains her memory and sets out to get her revenge and to rescue her father.
   This entry to the series is an engaging story and I really like the character of Mariel, as well as her name. She is a determined and active character who goes through a lot of adversity and comes out the other side better for it. Gabool the Wild is also a typical example of a Redwall villain: while not all antagonists follow this pattern it’s not at all unusual for them to slowly go insane, losing sleep, not eating and failing to keep the loyalty of their subordinates. This is particularly good because in a one-on-one fight, Mariel isn’t an experienced enough fighter to beat a warlord, yet due to his strained mind, mutinous crew and tactics, the reader believes that she can succeed.
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   My final entry is a tough one to choose, yet I’m going with Mossflower (1988) for it tells of the conflict that brought about the titular Redwall abbey. There are other books that tell the origin of Martin the Warrior, though Mossflower details his arrival in Mossflower country and how he joins the rebellion of the woodland creatures against the tyranny of wildcat royalty. Martin and a couple of friends are sent to find the badger lord Boar, who could lead them to victory. Instead, Boar forges Martin a new sword from a meteorite and has them return. Martin’s new sword is a constant throughout the series: unbreakable, forever sharp and able to cut through most things with relative ease, it develops a legend of its own and is eventually thought of to be magic. After Martin inevitably prevails, they all start building their new home: Redwall abbey.
   I chose this one for the final for it tells of the story behind many reoccurring elements within the story: Martin, his sword, Loamhedge and of course Redwall abbey itself amongst more. It is also a good story.
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How to Write a Resume
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's easy to forget that it's
a recent invention.Of course, how recent of a creation it is depends on what you specify as a"resume". The word originates from the French résumé, meaning"summary". If we define a resume as a summary of job abilities and experience, then the very first resume dates from a letter that Leonardo da Vinci wrote to a prospective employer between 1481 and 1482. Resumes as we understand them today, nevertheless, didn't come into presence up until the mid-twentieth century. By the 1970s, they looked much the method they do today: professionally formatted summaries of skills and experience that were expected with any task application. Prior to this point, resumes did exist, however they were far more casual, typically doodled on scraps of paper. They likewise included information that would be, well, unsuitable on a contemporary resume such as height, weight, marital status, and religion.To read a complete, ahem, résumé of the resume's history, check out this timeline from Service Expert. So what function does a resume serve these days? Afterall, can't prospective employers simply look up your abilities and experience on your individual site or LinkedIn profile?They can, and in some cases job
applications will need you to apply with your LinkedIn profile. And it's constantly a great idea to include a link to your personal site as part of individual blog or website where you can showcase your work to any interested party.Above all, just take notice of the requirements for the specific task-- they'll indicate whether you require to send a resume, portfolio, or other materials.2. The length of time should my resume be? I understand, I understand
, you read College Info Geek. Which implies you probably have more badass accomplishments and experience than the typical individual. However that does not imply it's alright to create a 5-page resume
... and even a 2-page one.For a lot of people reading this
website, your resume should be one page, no longer. If you have more than five years expert experience, then it can be suitable to add an extra page, however I 'd avoid it in many cases.
Unless you're a senior-level executive, your resume ought to not go beyond one page.If that feels too short, then don't fret. We'll resolve how to make all the relevant experience fit in a bit.3. How"imaginative" should my resume formatting be? In an attempt to stand out from the crowd, some trainees will print their resume on fancy paper, add colors and graphics, or even provide their resume by means of provider pigeon (alright that last one may be a stretch, but you never ever know).
There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of these techniques per se,
however in basic I 'd suggest you avoid them. If you're a designer and know how to make a file that looks great and is simple to read, then by all ways get innovative with the design of your resume-- it can be a possibility to display your style skills.For most students, however, I suggest you stay with black Arial or Times New Roman on a white background. Particularly if you're submitting your resume digitally, this guarantees that the possible company will have no problem reading it.In some cases, obviously, the job application will ask you to consist of an unconventional resume such as a video or web page. If that holds true, then go all out!(even if it's" optional ").4. How need to I format my resume?I stated you ought to choose black Arial or Times New Roman on a white background, however that ignores all the other information of formatting the resume.
How should you structure it? What size font should you utilize? Do you put your contact info at the top or bottom?Instead of trying to provide one "best"response to these questions, I'll recommend that you utilize
among the thousands exceptional resume design templates that are already on the internet. Here are a few that will work for practically any task: One final formatting suggestion: unless the task application shows otherwise, submit your resume as a PDF. This will ensure that the recipient can view it with the format you planned no matter what os or
software application they utilize to open it.5. Can I recycle the same resume for different task applications?Well, yes and no. It's fine to utilize the exact same template and structure for various job applications in order to conserve time. You must always tailor your resume to
the specific job.In reality, not customizing your resume to the particular position is one of the most typical resume errors. Employing supervisors can identify a generic resume from a mile away, so put in the effort to consist of experience and skills appropriate to this job, not any task.6.
What should I consist of in my resume? I currently informed you your resume should be simply one page, so what do you include? Taking all of your experience and condensing it into one page can be overwhelming.
The key is to select the most relevant experience.For example, let's state you're obtaining an internship at a law company. Naturally, you won't have actually worked in a law practice in the past-- that's the whole factor you'regetting the internship.But you can consider your previous tasks and how experiences in them would connect to what you would do at a law company internship.A job working the front desk in your dorm, for example, has within all of it sort of potentially pertinent experiences. A job like that teaches you how to be expert, how to answer the phone, how to handle conflict, and how to keep a disciplined schedule. All of which could be pertinent to the law practice internship.7. What is a skill?Okay, so no one has ever straight up asked me this concern, but there's absolutely some confusion about what a"skill" is when it concerns resumes. So let's get something clear
: a" ability"is a particular technical capability you have.These are not abilities: Yes, they may be soft abilities, however your resume is not the place for soft abilities. Show off your soft abilities in the interview. These are abilities: If you're not sure if something is a skill, then leave it out.And please, please don't consist of an ability you do not have. Your employer will find out and it will be uncomfortable. Specifically if it's declaring you speak a specific foreign language at an "innovative"level when in reality you took one term of it as a freshman.8. What if I do not have any experience? When trainees state" I do not have any experience", that's hardly ever the case.
Unless you really did spend all of college sitting in your dormitory eating tacky puffs and playing Overwatch, you have something you can talk about. Sometimes you just need to think beyond the box.Here are experiences/positions that could all be relevant
to a resume:
Now, in many cases if you're finding that you simply do not have the right experience for a particular task's requirements, then it might be worth considering a various position.That being stated, I motivate you to apply to tasks you do not think you're received. The worst thing that will happen is the company will say no( or never return to you). If this occurs, you haven't lost your time-- far from it. You have actually gained important practice in obtaining jobs, and you've likewise acquired a concept of the skills/experience that would make you a better prospect in the future. As long as you learn from these experiences , they're beneficial. How to Develop an Exceptional Resume We've currently covered a lot about the art of developing a great resume, but I desire to conclude with a list of things that will make your resume stick out from the rest of the stack(in an excellent way).1. Proofread This ought to go without saying, however you need to proofread your resume. Spelling mistakes and typos make you look careless-- and no one wishes to hire somebody who's careless.Go through all of the following proofreading steps:2. Look For Specialist Help What if I told you that you could get a trained expert to read and critique your resume at no extra cost to you? Would not that appear too great to be true?Well, you remain in luck, because that's exactly the service you'll discover at your college's career center. Registration at your university entitles you to free, generally unlimited aid with making your resume the very best it can be. You're already spending for it, so you 'd be a fool not to benefit from these services.Not to mention that the profession center can likewise assist you discover jobs/internships, perform mock interviews, and typically offer you guidance on your post-college plans. Pro tip: Make certain that you get assist with your resume well before the application is due. That way the great career preparation folks will have a lot of time to help you.3.
Take advantage of Your
Network Naturally, the best individualto examine your resume would be somebody who currently operates in the company or market to which you're using. Discovering this sort of individual might seem impossible, however the secret is to look to the connections you already have.There are a few methods to discover market professionals to evaluate your resume:1. Asking household and pals You 'd be surprised at the people your loved ones members know. Just shoot a quick text to your parents, aunts and uncles, cousins, whoever would want to help.All you have to state is "Hello there, I'm getting a task at NAME OF BUSINESS in NAME OF MARKET. You wouldn't happen to know anybody who operates in a similar job?"If they do understand someone, then get them to introduce you and go from there.And do not think requesting help in this method is annoying.
As long as you're courteous and genuine, individuals constantly like to assist out college trainees and recent graduates.2. LinkedIn I only discovered this recently, however if I 'd understood about it when I was a trainee I totally would have
used it.First, log-in to LinkedIn. From there, click on"My Network". Click"See All "under"Your Links". Next, click on "Browse with filters". From there, you can filter your connections by all
kinds of criteria. I recommend starting with"Keywords"," Present Companies ", and "Industries" to discover people who would be able to give your resume an evaluation. As soon as you discover someone who appears like they could assist, you simply need to send them a message along the following lines: Hi NAME OF PERSON, I was simply checking out my connections and saw that you operate at NAME OF COMPANY/NAME OF MARKET. I'm currently obtaining
a job/internship/volunteer chance at NAME OF COMPANY/NAME OF INDUSTRY, and I was wondering if you 'd have the ability to review my resume. As a hopeful professional in NAME OF MARKET, I would be incredibly grateful to get feedback from somebody with your experience.And if your LinkedIn and network in basic seems a little scarce, here's how you can begin constructing your network today (even if you're an introvert).3.
Job Fairs Most institution of higher learnings have job or career fairs where representatives from business concern findprospective job candidates, perform interviews, and provide profession advice.You ought to absolutely go to these and bring
your resume along. If you're clever, you'll research study which business will be there in advance and create a resume customized to the particular companies that intrigue you. From there, you can get real industry experts (with hiring power )to provide you resume feedback.We have actually
covered a great deal of ground in this
article. I hope you now feel geared up to write a resume that will get you the task you dream of ... or at least that first entry-level task or internship that will put you on the career path of your choice.If you take absolutely nothing else away from this short article, bear in mind that you can and ought to ask for assist with your resume. You'll learn so much, and you may even make an important professional connection in the process.What are your biggest battles when composing a resume? Let us understand in the remarks below or begin a conversation in the College Info Geek Community.
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years
An early pioneer in Pittsburgh, Google seems to be to proceed development as tech rivals arrive
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/an-early-pioneer-in-pittsburgh-google-seems-to-be-to-proceed-development-as-tech-rivals-arrive/
An early pioneer in Pittsburgh, Google seems to be to proceed development as tech rivals arrive
PITTSBURGH — When Google opened an engineering workplace within the Seattle space 14 years in the past, it pioneered a motion of out-of-town tech giants establishing store within the rising Pacific Northwest tech hub. Facebook, eBay, Salesforce and dozens of others adopted swimsuit, growing competitors for gifted engineers and serving to develop Seattle’s tech ecosystem.
The identical phenomenon occurred in Pittsburgh when Google planted its flag within the Metal Metropolis in 2006. A domino impact occurred as giants like Uber, Apple and SAP tapped into the pc science expertise at Carnegie Mellon College and different close by establishments.
Google might quickly face a distinct state of affairs in Pittsburgh, although, as town woos one of many firm’s greatest rivals: Amazon.
Amazon employs greater than 60 staff in Pittsburgh, however that would change because the Western Pennsylvania metropolis is one among 20 finalists within the working for Amazon’s HQ2 sweepstakes.
Amazon and Google are fierce rivals, competing in areas like voice assistants, cloud computing, promoting, and e-commerce. If Amazon brings 50,000 jobs to Pittsburgh — town actually needs it to occur — it may dent Google’s recruiting efforts.
However Kamal Nigam isn’t fearful. Actually, the chief of Google’s Pittsburgh workplace instructed GeekWire it might be optimistic if Amazon landed in his metropolis.
“I assume normally I’m fairly excited in regards to the alternative for the tech scene in Pittsburgh to proceed to develop,” he stated.
A slice of the Pittsburgh’s previous, current, and future may be discovered inside Google’s rising 500-person workplace, which took over an outdated Nabisco manufacturing unit that when exuded candy scents of Nilla wafers all through the neighborhood.
Now, software program engineers hand around in the Bakery Sq. constructing, an emblem of Pittsburgh’s reinvention from an industrial powerhouse to expertise hub.
Google arrived in Pittsburgh 12 years in the past, opening a small workplace at Carnegie Mellon College. It was a seminal second for town’s tech scene, which has grown exponentially up to now decade.
Google rapidly expanded — very similar to it has in Seattle — and in 2010 the corporate moved into its present Bakery Sq. location, the place it now occupies 4 flooring. The corporate added two extra flooring throughout the road at Bakery Sq. 2.zero, a brand new constructing linked through skybridge on the location of a former center college. There are 20 open job listings listed at Google Pittsburgh.
“We at all times knew that with the power of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon and different universities right here, there was an actual alternative to construct one thing nice and lengthy lasting,” stated Nigam, a CMU PhD graduate who was one of many unique staff of Google’s Pittsburgh workplace.
Google’s workplace is situated just some miles away from CMU and the College of Pittsburgh; there’s a shuttle that goes between campus and Bakery Sq..
“We’ve got nice programs tasks; person expertise tasks; machine studying and algorithms — actually tasks of every kind right here,” stated Nigam, who walks to work. “There are some areas the place you see the power of Pittsburgh mirrored within the power of the workplace as properly.”
Google’s Pittsburgh engineers work on Google Purchasing, Google Cloud, AdSense and different important merchandise for the search large.
The workplace helped spur the revitalization of the encircling Larimer and East Liberty neighborhoods, and boasts a traditional Google really feel: main colours; a therapeutic massage room; the hanging cargo internet; an indoor cafeteria; a number of snack bars; and so forth.
However there’s additionally little question you’re in a Pittsburgh workplace. Every ground has a neighborhood theme — one is all in regards to the close by Kennywood Amusement Park, with precise “Thunderbolt” curler coaster seats embedded in a staircase and rooms named after well-liked rides. One other is bakery themed, a nod to Nabisco.
The location has turn out to be an necessary workplace for Google itself. Google CEO Sundar Pichai not too long ago introduced the corporate’s $1 billion Develop with Google initiative from Pittsburgh.
Learn on for an edited Q&A with Nigam.
GeekWire: Inform us a bit about how you bought to Google.
Kamal Nigam: “I initially got here to Pittsburgh greater than 20 years to do graduate work at CMU. After that, I labored at a number of small startup corporations within the Pittsburgh space, after which when Google got here alongside and wished to open an workplace, it was a fantastic alternative I used to be excited to be aside of in 2006.”
GeekWire: What merchandise do staff right here work on?
Nigam: “There are three large issues that we do on this workplace. One is — and that is my space — we work on Google Purchasing. The second is, now we have a big staff right here that works on advert high quality, which is making our textual content adverts actually helpful for customers. The third is that now we have a number of our technical infrastructure and cloud computing groups right here. It’s developed somewhat bit over time, however for final a number of years it’s been fairly secure.”
GeekWire: Inform us extra in regards to the shopping-related work you’re doing right here.
Nigam: “Whenever you situation queries on Google wanting to determine what to purchase, it’s my group’s stuff that builds that have. It helps you evaluate costs from nice retailers; helps you learn critiques; perceive what you should contemplate while you purchase a stroller. It’s all these totally different parts as they arrive collectively into the person expertise.
Within the Pittsburgh workplace we work on two parts of that. We work on constructing out the person expertise itself, however we additionally work on creating the structured knowledge about merchandise that we construct that basis upon. That entails a number of algorithms; machine studying; coping with actually messy knowledge and making an attempt to make sense of it. It’s fully unacceptable to have a question of pink attire and present inexperienced attire. So a number of that understanding of the semantics of the info is what we do right here.”
GeekWire: Let’s speak about Pittsburgh — what do you imply while you say you see the power of Pittsburgh mirrored within the power of the workplace?
Nigam: “It’s a mixture of expertise popping out of the colleges in addition to expertise that’s right here within the space. Traditionally, for instance, there have been a number of actually robust robotics experience at CMU and in small startup corporations right here. You see that mirrored within the multitude of autonomous automobile corporations right here within the Pittsburgh space. Equally for machine studying, CMU is the very best place on the earth for machine studying, and also you see that mirrored within the power of machine studying right here at Google, in addition to plenty of smaller corporations which are doing nice thrilling stuff for machine studying.”
GeekWire: It looks as if extra graduates are sticking round Pittsburgh now. How totally different is town in comparison with the previous few a long time?
Nigam: “It’s completely true that if you happen to evaluate Pittsburgh to 20 years in the past or ten years in the past, it’s very totally different than now. For instance, within the early days of the Google Pittsburgh workplace, we had been hiring lots of people not solely in Pittsburgh, but in addition from exterior of it. However the folks we had been hiring from exterior of Pittsburgh had been individuals who predominately had roots in [the city] and had been excited to have an thrilling alternative to relocate into the realm. Now, once we rent folks from exterior of Pittsburgh — and we rent lots of people from exterior of Pittsburgh — most people are coming for the very first time. They’ve heard somewhat bit about Pittsburgh and they’re ; the phrase has unfold quite a bit. It’s true that persons are staying extra; they don’t have to return as a lot. Many new persons are relocating right here for the primary time.”
GeekWire: “Has Pittsburgh’s development, notably with so many tech corporations coming in after Google opened its workplace in 2006, made it simpler or tougher so that you can recruit staff?”
Nigam: “A wholesome various tech ecosystem is clearly within the curiosity of town. It additionally makes our story a lot less complicated, as a result of then you’ll be able to speak to folks not solely about coming to Pittsburgh for a job, however you’ll be able to speak about folks coming to Pittsburgh for a profession. They don’t want to fret about the truth that possibly they’re in an remoted place. They know that there are lots of wholesome choices and I feel that’s good. It makes our lives less complicated throughout.”
GeekWire: A report launched final week famous that Western Pennsylvania may face a scarcity of 80,000 employees by 2025. Have you ever confronted any issue hiring right here?
Nigam: “I feel normally it’s in all probability simpler to rent exterior of the Bay Space.”
GeekWire: What are your development plans in Pittsburgh?
Nigam: “We’re greater than 500 folks now. We proceed to rent a number of software program engineers, but in addition for technical areas in associated issues like person expertise, product managers, technical shopper relationship people — actually throughout the spectrum.”
GeekWire: What’s your recruiting pitch?
Nigam: “I break it down in a couple of methods. For those who have a look at what’s occurring on this workplace, I like coming to work on a regular basis due to the folks right here. We’ve got actually enjoyable, extremely motivated folks with a very various set of backgrounds and experience. I additionally love the issues we’re engaged on. We’re launching issues on a regular basis which are affecting hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands of customers, which is admittedly thrilling. We’re actually working on to the core of Google’s mission, which is to arrange the world’s data and make it accessible and helpful. Speaking about why Google and why Google Pittsburgh — it’s a comparatively simple story.
Then I additionally speak about Pittsburgh, and actually, speaking about Pittsburgh can also be a simple story. Sometimes what I say is, if you happen to’re the kind of person who has to reside in Manhattan or you need to reside in Los Angeles, you higher go reside in Manhattan or Los Angeles. However in case you are not a kind of folks, then Pittsburgh is on the high of the pack. It’s clearly the very best place within the nation to reside. It’s a small metropolis with the bones and the cultural establishments of a a lot bigger metropolis. I stroll out of my home and hop on my bike, and I’m biking alongside the river in 10 minutes with trails up and down everywhere in the rivers that 20-to-30 years in the past, was metal mills. There’s been an enormous change within the metropolis of Pittsburgh by way of the power to be outside and be lively and all that type of stuff.”
GeekWire: So what’s lacking from Pittsburgh’s tech ecosystem? Extra funding ? An anchor tenant?
Nigam: “A pair issues. For certain throughout the tech scene itself, small startup corporations succeed largely of their skill to make connections and lift cash. The extra VC and angel funding cash that’s right here in Pittsburgh will assist that necessary and demanding a part of the tech scene speed up. From a city-wide perspective, it’s necessary to be sure that as a tech scene grows, we’re growing alternatives throughout the spectrum as properly.”
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Reason # 4: Video clip and also Text Assistance - No matter what you wish to finish with this software, help goes to your finger suggestions. Often times you run right into issues when you use other software however have no where to turn. This leadpages comes with complete video as well as file support. You could spend more time on your material than on ways to get it in the website. Considerably richer and also much more thorough details can now be selected off the Net like never ever in the past. Up up until now, perhaps the finest anybody might expect from an internet search would certainly be a name as well as a couple of days. Now with the inclusion of information as much reaching as burial ground as well as agrarian records one can have accessibility to truths concerning their forefathers which can inform them anything right up to exactly how lots of chickens they had. All of it begins with the promotion of your code. Your code could be published on article cards, home window sticker labels, indicators, as well as various other advertising products. Customers can see your code in e-mail messages, publication advertisements, on a Website, or in a TV commercial. Landing page is the only link in between the text of your article or add and is suggested to be brief as well as transforming. It is crucial to you making cash from your online organisation. Well created as well as effective landing page generator landing pages are absolutely important for you earn money online. Landing pages are crucial to the success of your Ppc (PPC) projects. To be able to make use of RSS, you first have to download and install a software application (web content monitoring system), by which XML layout can be reviewed. The title and, passage of the write-up, as well as a web link to the full post are shown. Besides simply message, you could likewise place multimedia documents in RSS feeds like photos, videos, mp3s and also others. Broadcatching, picturecasting, photocasting, and also podcasting are some functions you can incorporate into your feed, however will not be talked about in this short article.
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theratcatcher-blog · 8 years
ProfitBuilder 2.0 Development
Make your landing page trustworthy as well as protected. Every landing page ought to have links to get in touch with info, regards to solution and a personal privacy disclosure. Supply multiple means to call you. Use at least email, instant messages, as well as twitter for communication networks. Preferably, also give a contact number. You ought to have a tag for your landing page generator to indicate the XHTML nature of your site. XHTML is the favored language for mobile internet browsers (just in case you did not recognize) and this language provides mobile browsers the signal as to exactly what type of behavior your website desires the customer to experience. Mobile sites not executing this rule will certainly be shut off with due notification. Google just enables one unique address to appear for any kind of particular search. Simply puts, if 2 individuals are bidding on a search term and they are both sending out potential customers to the very same sales web page, only the individual with the highest proposal obtains their ad revealed. Your mobile advertising and marketing contact us to action need to be exceptionally basic and easy to use. Filling in a kind is very easy to do on a computer yet can rapidly end up being irritating on a smaller sized display of a smartphone. It must be very simple to put themselves on a mailing checklist.
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5 Simple Techniques For ProfitBuilder 2.0
When you are getting started in mobile advertising, you have to find out everything you can relating to how mobile devices work and how they display info so you can customize your advertisement material as necessary. Go out to a cell phone shop. Mess around on as lots of smartphones as you can. Acquainting on your own with gadgets that your clients use aids you comprehend how mobile individuals will certainly view your website. Inform on your own. Find out everything you could when it come to establishing your organisation online. This consists of discovering destination advertising, website production and also upkeep (preferably a blog site for its interactivity), SEO, ProfitBuilder 2.0, pay-per-click projects, website traffic generation, split screening, how to obtain greater conversions, and so on. When you have a basic suggestion of exactly how every one of these points work, you could ultimately outsource several of these tasks, yet it is absolutely essential to recognize how each item functions and exactly how they all work with each other. Why? Due to the fact that you will be able to repair better if you are not obtaining your preferred outcomes. You need to shell out about $100 for creating WordPress landing pages minus any kind of unique kind of coding. Creating WordPress landing pages could be a pricey event due to the fact that WordPress is made complex and also hard to fracture. Online news release is best for link building project. However publishing a somewhat modified variation of each news release to the information section of your website is not an excellent technique. This will urge visitors to change to other web site. See to it that you have a news area in your internet site to inform existing and potential clients about exactly what is taking place in your company. Not to fret though - you can establish up your personal website (additionally recognized as a landing page) by developing a complimentary blog writer blog site. There are different sites where you could leadpages completely free, yet you will find that blog writer has a great deal of extra features that you could use making your pages look more professional and also easy on the eye. Since you have a wonderful looking website with an excellent looking video clip on the web page, you need people to see it, so you should obtain the search engines to observe you. This set takes some time. You cannot just hire a person and get on the first page of Google the next day. Browse engine optimization is a significant organisation and it is a vital component to any business with a site. If you are not accustomed to SEO, there is a terrific book from one of my preferred Search Engine Optimization companies, SEOmoz. Offer it a read. Also if you have a good understanding of Search Engine Optimization, there's plenty of details here you will find helpful.
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