#but do they have more humanlike digestive systems? 'shrugs'
thedawningofthehour · 10 months
Please tell me Donatello doesn't end up paralyzed. And also, I can't believe Leo wet himself XD
If it makes you feel any better I actually didn't plan the spinal injury. It just kind of happened.
Bro I have another ask that talks about the dinosaur sounds I was referencing; when I have the spoons I'm going to hunt down links to all the videos I took inspiration from. Because look, whatever the fuck our ancestors were at the time, they heard that shit and made sure to write down their fear into our very genetic code. It is a primal fear and you'd probably lose control of your facilities as well.
(also it's caused by an influx of adrenaline blocking the hormone that causes our bladders to clench, so it's really not something you can control. Be glad it didn't happen to his bowels)
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