#but eh I’m a little clumsy- 😅
fallen-for-the-stars · 11 months
I just went downstairs to get food and I have my headphones on- and I just imagined dancing with Astar/ion 😭 like I don’t know how to dance for shit- (I like to, but I’m no professional and I haven’t danced with a person- or at least romantically) but… that was nice-
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bobmckenzie · 2 years
Hello! For the before dating ask game: 4, 6, 9, and 11 with Bob?
thank you so much Courtney!! These were a lot of fun to answer bc Bob is one of my f/os I have a verrrrry long pining stage with 😆 I hope you're doing well! (Also your lizard is super cute!! :'))
4. Was there a special moment between you guys that got you to realize you had feelings for them? Was it a deep conversation, spending more quality time with them or something else? How about vice versa?
I thought Bob was cute and a lot of fun to be around since we met, but what really made me fall for him was how he treated me as we became friends! He always listened to me and was really there for me when I needed him. Plus he’s a very touchy guy and I’m extremely touch starved so I think that made me fall for him even faster 😅
Bob basically had a crush on me since we met, but what really did him in was the first time I complimented him–he was teaching me about hockey and I made an offhand comment about him being smart. He’s really not used to being praised in any capacity and it made his feelings skyrocket :’)
6. How did you react once you realized you had feelings for them? Were you calm, stressed, in denial, etc.? Vice versa?
I was STRESSED skdjflkjdf. Having him and Doug as friends made my life 1000 times better and the last thing I wanted was to risk losing them or making things awkward. Bob was nervous for a lot of the same reasons–he didn’t want to lose me as a friend, but also didn’t want to or know how to suppress his feelings.
9. Before dating, did either of you ever have any embarrassing moments? (Examples: Socially awkward moments, almost accidentally revealing your feelings to them, being clumsy, etc.)
He caught me staring a lot 😅 Doug created SO many moments for Bob where he absolutely thought I would catch on and realize his feelings. The worst was when we were hanging out, getting food with Pam and the two of us we’re talking while standing in line, she asked me what my “type” was–I told her I didn’t really have one but that I tend to like brunettes. Doug and Bob were standing right behind us and he nudged Bob and (very poorly) whispered “You got a chance then, eh hoser?” Bob turned bright red and told him to shut up, but Pam and I were still busy talking and oblivious to the whole thing LOL
11. Have either of you ever had daydreams about being together? What scenarios did you guys imagine? (examples: dancing, cuddling, kissing, etc.)
Oh absolutely 😭 Like I said Bob is really touchy so “”casual”” hugging or cuddling up to me on the couch wasn’t out of the ordinary for us, but I would always daydream about what it would be like to cuddle with him and have him mean it in a romantic way–little did I know that he already did lol. Bob would daydream about kissing a lot klsdjfkjsdf.
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