#but fendi literally made me fall in love
diovstheworld · 2 years
Prosciutto and Fashion!
i’m blaming pinterest for inspiring this post, but also i just think about this a lot. this is going to be a really messy post i’m so so sorry lmao. also sorry so many of the clothes i’ve included have plaid on them but his suit gives me some plaid vibes anyway, on with the post ✨
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i’ll start with gucci because i mean this man just looks like he would be head to toe in gucci. and also, the fact that the model georgina grenville just looks like prosciutto. they look so similar even down to the teeth it’s actually unreal. i think he was inspired by her and in particular by her in some of the pictures i’ve picked but either way i had to say it. i’ve put pictures below, especially of her wearing outfits that absolutely remind me of prosciutto (they aren’t all of her but i think 6 out of the 9 photos are). this is probably the closest moodboard in this post to the clothes we actually see him wear, but please don’t expect the rest to be like this lmao. i didn’t even get to look too deep into too many of their collections because after i seen all these pictures of georgina, my moodboard for this section was already set. i’m sure there’s a LOT more than the ones i have below!
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1995 fall ready to wear
1996 fall ready to wear
also here’s an extra gucci picture i forgot to use on my moodboard because i made this post on my ipad and this screenshot was on my phone 💔
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it literally just looks exactly like what we already get to see him wear and it makes me 💖💖💖
so a lot of these outfits that gave me prosciutto vibes are kind of feminine and though i don’t think he would wear a skirt, i do think he would look great in these outfits (just picture the skirt as a pair of trousers or something). his suit reminds me of plaid and i think he would look great in some sort of plaid suit (more of that to come lmao). there’s one outfit i loved that i’ve put below and though i don’t think he’d wear the scarf the model is wearing, i think he’d look good in the outfit. all of these are from the same year and the same collections (i’ve named the collections below the little moodboard!) but honestly i feel like they all could work on him somehow. also prosciutto in a trench coat? yes please
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fall 2018 ready to wear
fall 2018 menswear
i kind of knew about this brand but hadn’t really seen any clothes until i was looking at some of the versace collections and omg some of these i think would look great on prosciutto and i think he would definitely like a few of these. some of them are a bit boring to me for the colour palette but i think prosciutto would suit them so much omg. again, prosciutto in a trench coat is such a lovely thought to me 💕 i don’t have much to say apart from that one off the shoulder blue sweater thing would look so good on him ahhh. some of these are maybe not something he would choose to wear but i think he could pull it off honestly. prosciutto in a sweater would be just *chefs kiss*. some of these are a little bit of a reach but like i said this post isn’t about exact copies of the outfit we see him wearing and more about things i could see him wearing so i’m letting it slide lmao.
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2019 fall menswear
2022 fall menswear
2014 fall menswear
2018 spring menswear
Vivienne Westwood
so there’s a lot more plaid here again and i’m so sorry about that lmao. that aside, i totally think he would wear these. plaid would look so pretty on him and i really think some of these vivienne westwood suits would just look so so good on him omg. also, a lot of skirts in here again but i just imagine the outfit with trousers of the same pattern. especially with the purple plaid outfit i’ve put below because i think that would suit him perfectly, especially with its colour scheme. also one of these suits are currently on her website right now if anyone was curious lmao. it actually does have trousers to match but the model for the jacket was wearing the matching skirt soooo. some of these are maybe a little bit off the mark for him but i like to think he would still look good in them.
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1995 fall ready to wear
1994 ready to wear
there were other collections but i typed them on my phone and it didn’t save i’m so sorry but i know one of them was from 2012 and i think two were from 2016
again some of these are a bit of a reach and honestly i kind of feel like sometimes if i see the right kind of suit i automatically think it will suit prosciutto but the first outfit i have in the moodboard with the pinstripe suit would look sooo good on him. also the outfits with the turtlenecks. he’d look so good in a turtleneck omg 😭💕 especially the outfit i’ve put below with the suit and the turtleneck, he would suit that so much! i once again don’t have much to say here i’m so sorry but here’s the moodboard anyway! also he’d look stunning in one of those dior chain necklaces that i didn’t include a picture of but i really should have lmao.
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2009 fall menswear
2021 mens resort menswear collection
2022 mens resort menswear collection
2019 spring menswear
2018 spring menswear
i’ve only picked 4 outfits here because i was sort of struggling and i was going to leave this one out altogether because of that but i actually think some of the ones i did manage to find looked quite close to or reminded me of what we do get to see him wear so i felt like i should at least mention them a little bit. he’d look beautiful in all of these but especially in the two on the right side of the moodboard omg 💕
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2021 menswear
2018 menswear
a few of these are feminine again but just pretend it’s trousers and not a skirt lmao. again i actually kind of struggled for this one even though i thought it would be super easy but what i will say is a lot of the shoes from prada gave me prosciutto vibes so i included some of them in the moodboard this time because i haven’t really spoken much about accessories and other things aside from clothes.
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2019 menswear
1993 spring ready to wear
2018 spring ready to wear
2020 fall collection
Misc. Brands
i was going to keep going but instead i’m going to conclude this post with a few outfits from a mix of fashion brands. i’ll put the brand down below the moodboard instead of the collection names this time ✨ i think he would totally rock the two dolce and gabbana suits i included
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dolce and gabbana
louis vuitton
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i might do more of these in the future for the rest of la squadra bc i seen a few things that reminded me of risotto and formaggio when i was looking at the different collections but this was such a time consuming post to make. that being said i had so much fun looking at clothes for like hours omg. if you made it this far, thanks for reading my ramblings about this man’s dress sense lmao. apologies for any errors, this was such a hard post to make but it was fun too 💖
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deadinsidedressage · 3 years
Boarding Update: New Digs & Lessons Learned 
Well, November to early December was an interesting time for Mitzy and I. 
Out of the blue one night during the beginning of Nov, my (now former) BO came up to me and told me I needed to find new boarding for my horse. That was a massive shock to me as my understanding of how our time there had been going didn’t give any indication we had anything remotely close to an issue. I’d not personally had any issues handling my horse and hadn’t heard of anything from the BO about her or her husband having a contrary experience. I had also explicitly written into my boarding contract that I wanted to be told of any difficulties in handling her so that I could address those in my training sessions with her. I had asked on countless occasions “Oh, how has Mitzy been for you guys?” and been told resoundingly how great she was.  /dnr
To then be told my horse was no longer welcome and that she’d reportedly been dangerous to handle was a huge slap to the face. I could hardly form a coherent thought at the time but did ask “How long has this been going on and why wasn’t I told earlier?”. Well I get a “We don’t tell boarders every little thing that their horse does” as a response before she launches into how apparently my horse was also destroying fences. I’m out there nearly daily, at least 6 days a week, and had never seen the fences in a state of disrepair. Maybe the chicken wire was bowed out a little, but that’s about it. Again, I ask how long has this been happening and why wasn’t I told. Allegedly “the whole time” and she’s tired of “fixing things my horse breaks”. If my horse was dangerous, I should be told immediately. Considering I’ve not had any issues leading my horse or handling my horse I’m not sure what I would’ve done to “fix” the behavior but I would’ve done something. Even if that something was only offering myself to personally do turnout for her. If my horse is damaging fences to such an extent, I should be told. I would’ve been happy to pay for fence repairs & offer my labor as well. 
The more information I try to get the more the picture is coming together of my horse not being the issue (thank God). “Well you know how difficult she is to halter”--- no, my horse self-halters. “You know how she can be”--- no, I know my horse to be extremely easy to handle on the ground for a 2 year old. “Well since Fendi freaks out, she’s been galloping around, rearing, and bucking when it’s time to go in for dinner and she reared up on my husband when he tried to halter her today since I grab Fendi so he can get Mitzy and bring her in at the same time”--- your not a horse person husband is who has to go and get a 2 year old who is amped up by another frantic horse? After you’ve assured me that you or the girl in your employ would be the people to handle my horse since I was concerned about that? That seemed like a sound idea in your head?
I can’t discount the fact that all it takes for a situation to be unsafe is for the handler to feel it’s unsafe. If they’ve decided my horse is dangerous for them to handle then it doesn’t matter how she handles for myself, my friends, or experienced horse people. She’s dangerous for them. She self-halters if you stand at her side, but sure she’ll freak out if you come head on. She’s extremely easy to handle, but if she spooks it’s big and you need to not get scared of that. Or if she’s being feisty you just need to be confident in shutting it down and know how to handle a hot horse. She’s a 2 year old decently hot WB who recently shot up in size, it doesn’t matter how comparably easy she is to other 2 year old WBs if you’ve never handled one before. 
So, knowing I couldn’t necessarily get her out immediately I offered a few solutions. A) Keep her stalled 24/7 until she moves or B) I can take her out in the morning and bring her in at night. “Keeping her in won’t fix her attitude.” Oh... so there’s the rub. There’s a fundamental misunderstanding in how we view horses and handling them. It’s not just unsafe for you to handle my horse because she’s big and you’re unfamiliar with hotter types, you believe in dominance theory and will hurt yourselves thinking you can be more stubborn than a 1200lb horse. Well, I can bring her in and out then. “She’s only a problem in the evenings.” Okay... well I will have her back in her stall everyday by this time. “I mean if you’re there that’s fine, but we can take her in.” ...Is this a horse you’ve labeled dangerous or is it not? Are you not kicking us out because you don’t think she’s safe to handle or not? 
Well... luckily I secure new boarding pretty quickly but unfortunately it takes 3 weeks to move her. Not because that’s when the stall was open but because I’ve never had the opportunity to trailer train my horse. Takes three weekends of trying to get her in a trailer, hiring a shipper so we can get a bigger trailer, some dorm gel to take the edge off, and a literal crew of people to essentially walk her in a foot at a time. In the meantime, before the stars aligned and she finally went in a trailer, I am bringing my horse in before dinner and dealing with increasingly hostile behavior from my (now former) BO and some of the other boarders! 
The whole situation has been absolutely bonkers to me because when I shipped her up to this facility I was under the impression that the BO was confident handling young horses. For the longest time everyone would love on her whenever they saw her, always calling her “the baby”, and the BO’s husband in particular would “smuggle” treats to her throughout the day (encouraged by me honestly). Retroactively, I can now see that at the point my horse sprouted up about a hand and had gained a deal more fitness from all her in-hand work... suddenly she was avoided like the plague. I also don’t understand why at no point was I told they had concerns handling my horse, especially around dinner time. I would not cared if my horse came in an hour early everyday so that they didn’t have to compete with the other horse that’s problematic to bring in. Which personally would’ve been the solution that was apparent to me as someone who has worked at a few barns. I also don’t understand how the horse who is a little too hyped up being brought in at dinner is somehow a worse horse to board than the _other _horse who gets crazy at dinner but also needs to be hobbled every single night so she can be stalled (otherwise she does her best to literally bring the walls down). If you’ve found a solution for that horse’s issues (bringing her in first & then hobbling her) then why is there no solution for my horse? 
Had I know my horse was being handled by the BO’s husband at a point where her behavior is likely to be less than predictable I wouldn’t have been okay with it. I would’ve volunteered myself to bring her in if it wasn’t possible to simply have them bring her in early. I’d already repeatedly asked to know when the BO was gone at a show so I could bring my horse in from turnout because I did not trust a non-horse person with my 2 year old. No matter how well behaved I think she is, she needs someone who knows horses. 
As far as issues with other boarders, they certainly was a contingency of people who seemed to purposefully slam the crossties into the wall when I was in the arena because it would spook my horse. Or similarly see that something was spooking my horse, make eye contact with me, and keep doing it. One woman very plainly made anything she did take about 3 times longer and be 10 times louder than normal if I was trying to work my horse. Notably suddenly choosing to pick out her horse’s paddock (the barn doesn’t do that and I was the only person who they’d ever had who’d asked if they could do that) while I was having some success loading & making such a ruckus that we lost all progress we’d been making. Was it everyone at the barn? No, but there were a few people being very pointed in their behavior and I think it legitimately came down to ye olde Western vs. English superiority complex. Since clearly I should be punished for my 2 year old not being dead quiet like all the semi-retired Quarter Horses. 
I think honestly, that’s the entire problem of why we ran into this. This was never a boarding facility I intended to work long-term, I wanted to move Mitzy in the Spring to the barn she’s at now... but I think it ended prematurely comes down to the discipline clash. I think the BO, her family, and the boarders who are her personal friends just have extremely different expectations for how a 2 year old should behave than what I do and what the people I work for do. It’s still standard for AQHA/APHA/AHC to not only have horses under saddle at 2, but to be in a pretty rigorous show schedule (futurities require horses to be started at 18mo). A lot of people think TBs/QHs/QH types mature “faster” than other breeds. The way I’ve learned to regard young horses and the industry standard I accept for starting young horses doesn’t view 2 year olds as adults. Nor are 3 year olds treated to the same stanard as say an 8 year old. Do I absolutely expect basic ground manners and developing in-hand skills? Yes, but I also anticipate 2-4 year olds to be unpredictable! So I’m never surprised when they try to jump out of their skin when a leaf falls too close to them. 
I am trying to see this as a learning experience and I think what I’ve learned from this is you really, really need to be compatible in your approach to expectations and handling as your boarding facility (no matter how temporary you plan for that situation to be). There are a lot of glaring issues with the magic of hindsight that point to this being an inevitable conclusion. I am really glad with where she’s at now! She’s at a dressage training/lesson barn that she’ll go into the program there once she starts under saddle. For now I’m just happy to be at a place where I can relax and enjoy my horse again--- plus I can take lessons at
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26. Part 3
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Looking around my daughter’ room, I just need to know I have everything ready for her. Like I am just being random, but I just woke up because I needed to pee but then it came to mind, have I got everything I needed. I know I did, I got everything, but I need to make sure I got plenty of diapers, but I am just wondering. I am more than happy with this room, she is getting everything I never got, and she is a queen, will be treated like one. Chris has yet to do the crib in our room, you never know we may keep her in our room for a while, but this room is perfection, it looks like a queen is giving birth to a future princess, but she is. She is super lucky; her room is direct opposite of our room. Because the way the stairs come up, it breaks the rooms up in a way, but her room is opposite ours which I like but I know this whole house would need babyproofing badly, everything here is not childproof at all, it’s scary. But I should go back to bed, but I will just go down, I did sleep better then I usually do so that is ok and that is thanks to Chris for snuggling me, putting the cream on me and also giving up his side of the bed. I am lucky to have him with me, I sighed out turning back on myself. I feel myself waddling, it’s actually not cute but I am waddling now. I did think I would have an easier pregnancy, like the model type but in real life I am a mess. I have not got ready for much, just Chris coming back, I don’t feel sexy like Chris says but Chris has no filter, he would say it to me in a joke, but he hasn’t so maybe it is just me feeling it.
The blinds rose up automatically as I got down the steps, one of many fancy things this place has which I like. It senses its morning and the sun is rising so the first person that comes down triggers to put the blinds up, let me open the door for the dog. He is probably waiting on someone to open the door so he can come up. It’s a little cold downstairs, looking out of the window, oh it’s snowed a little so no wonder. Opening the door for the downstairs “Zeus, come up boy” I said, he will come up when he pleases, I been contemplating on if I should get my chef back in my life, I think I may do it until I am back to normal functioning life but maybe I can just do it myself, why can’t I just be a normal pregnant woman. Hearing the scurrying behind me, either Chris cuts his hair, or he gets some professional. The dog’ hair is long as fuck “morning” Zeus always sniffs my bump, I don’t know why “yes, it’s a baby in there. Shall we cook breakfast, you don’t want to go out today. It’s cold out there” Zeus walked with me side by side to the kitchen, I am getting used to this big thing now, he’s not all that bad, he is better then Chris anyways because he keeps me company for longer then he does when sleeping, Chris moves off after a while.
Bopping my head along to the radio playing in the background as I made breakfast for all “hey Google, can you wake up the house” I said aloud, we going to wake up the house without walking up no stairs. I can’t wait for this home to be filled, after the baby born then I can start having my people back, holiday will be over. I can get family here to see me, it’s just going to be good vibes “waking everyone up now” I like the Google shit I have in this home, looking down on the floor, Zeus is laying there and doesn’t move unless I leave the room. It’s hard to get him to go downstairs, he doesn’t move at all because he wants to come with me but it’s very protective of him, I like that “oh, not heard this in a while” as No Guidance started to play on the radio, going to my phone. Mel has been texting me, she misses me for once. We are usually in each other’s pockets but since being married and pregnant this is the main priority in my life, but things will be back to normal, she will be back soon. Unlocking my phone, tapping on Instagram. Tapping on the plus sign and adding to my story, aiming my camera at Zeus and panning to the cooker and stopped it, tapping in a caption ‘who needs a man when you got this big ball of fluff’ pressing send, let them have a meltdown over that, which barely shows much.
“Robbie, I don’t like this loud noise that be waking up. It’s not nice” my mom is the first to come down “but you’re here, I made breakfast for us. I hope the boys come down next” my mom is not impressed, she is not impressed because the way she has come down with her wig lopsided and a robe on “come here mommy” walking around the counter “you look very happy today Robyn” fixing her wig “I am” pressing a kiss to her forehead “I am in less pain, and I just saw a different side to Chris. Like you know he is an idiot, every time he is stupid about things” moving back from my mom “I had a warm bath like the nurse said, he helped me out of the bathtub, so I don’t fall. He watched me that I didn’t fall in the bathroom on the marble flooring then, I didn’t want him to do it. Like I was nervous about it and I wanted the pads, but I did it, he put cream there where it’s hurting. I was scared because what if he did it wrong, but he didn’t, he was so gentle with me mom, and it was then I knew how much he loves me, like that love is deep to be doing that. For anyone” my mom’ eyes widened “he did that?” my mom said “he did, like he did it. I wouldn’t even get my own mother to do that, just the nurse because they are trained in that and generally, partners don’t do it?” my mom looks impressed “and you feel better too?” nodding my head “he has impressed me, not even your own father would do that” I chuckled.
They eventually came down; I mean I did need to call Dennis twice, but he finally came down “the pancake is cold” raising an eyebrow looking at Chris “you came down late? The hell you want me to do. Warm it up for you when I am eating myself?” Chris nodded his head “your thighs are warm enough” rolling my eyes at him “I heard what you did for my daughter, it just brings me so much peace that you will be there for her. No matter what people say about you, they don’t know you and I am so happy with you. That is something many men will not do for their partners, even be here for them like this. You are someone many don’t know, the real you” I died a little inside, my mom is mentioning it at the table “did Chris make your butt better?” Dennis snorted laughing “be quiet you!” Chris looked shocked, he was not expecting that “uh thank you Monica, it wasn’t a choir for me. I did it because it’s what is right for her, with Robyn I would do anything for her. I know she felt a little weird about it but like I seen it. she is the only one I would do that for. Like I joke about it, but I would. I know like how it will be for her; she will take lots of rest. She seems happy so I am happy” the buzzer went off for the gate “I will check” Chris said, nodding my head “things are quiet, don’t you think?” I said to Dennis “to you! You’re in your bubble” Dennis said laughing “things are still a mess, oh girl. Nothing is quiet, Roc Nation seemed to have tried to handle it weird enough. I think they are scared of you; they are scared on what is next” they should be “it’s a parcel, I will get it” Chris got up “cool, probably for the baby. I be ordering a lot of shit” which I have been, some things I don’t think I needed to get.
Furrowing my eyebrows “where that nigga go?” it’s so quiet and he never came back “so I was thinking, we could sell this to Netflix. Remember how Amazon outbid Netflix but I think with this we should aim for Netflix” pulling a face “but Amazon, I like them. As a team, they are very much involved. See what happens, I am warming to the idea anyways. I am just literally counting down the days until this lady is here, I feel it so much Dennis, the tightening. The heaviness. I feel my pussy is coming out” Dennis laughed out “he is so sweet Robyn; I have to say it again. I am in shock, to hear he did that for you. I am happy to go back once this is over” my mom is so impressed with Chris, Dennis looked behind me and then I felt a hand on my shoulder “there is so much mail Robyn, like there is boxes of things. Also the team are fixing the tree up for us” looking up at Chris “I didn’t do that, really? Where is the stuff?” I mean I have been ordering but not that much “in the hallway, just filled. I see some Fenty boxes too, and also Adidas. Maybe they are gifts” my eyes lit up “I love gifts, I want to see” getting up from the chair “come and help me” looking up at Chris “and I need you to shave this stubble” I grinned at him.
I gasped “oh my god, what is all this!?” I half shouted, “can you like move it all to the second living room, because the people are doing the tree aren’t they?” Chris sighed out “man, do I have too. Is Dennis going to help me?” turning around “I will help you there brother Chris” I laughed at this bromance, they have bonded “I think this is gifts from Bey, she has some new line from Adidas and I remember seeing the box so that is it. I won’t be able to fit in that yet. That is Dior” I know these boxes “also that is Fendi, why did these all come at the same time. Roc Nation too? Chile, what they sent us” I am scared about that box now, it’s probably some dead rat in here, they hate my ass “how does that dickhead know we live here?” Chris said, seeing the box “OVO, ok then. Erm, possibly Mel may have, I am not sure but Jay Brown knows where I live, I did tell him” Chris is not impressed, Chris is picking at the tape to open it “he has a fucking nerve to do that, he wrote a whole diss track about you” Chris managed to rip it open, I wonder what he gave and the nerve of him anyways. Taking the packet from him “a baby grow” I held up and then looking into the box “he’s given baby clothes” looking up at Chris “he disrespected you so badly, that shit has pissed me. He fucking made a diss song about you” Chris is so angry “there is a note” taking it out before Chris did, opening up the note “It’s handwritten too” oh this is Drake’ handwriting “wait there!” I pointed at Chris, he is ready to come and get it at me “Rihanna, I spent days thinking about you. I spent moments where I cried, I was hurt, and I made a bad decision to make such a song. I am sorry and I hope you are happy even if it’s not with me, I want the best for you because in my eyes you are queen. Accept the gifts from October’s Very Own, and I can’t help but think Adonis will have a play friend now and we can meet and just have kid day. Love Aubrey” looking up at Chris “not even a mention of Chris?” Dennis said, oh Chris is mad “no” I pointed at him.
This is wrong but we don’t need trouble “Chris listen to me” he went to get his phone “Chris, do not and I mean do not post anything! We don’t with that, we have moved on. We are not going to write any Instagram post, because I will” Chris furrowed his eyebrows confused at what I meant “I will post some shady shit, not you. What he did was wrong. I am shocked he had the nerve to send that, he knows you are here with me. He also knows you are the father, just don’t’ get involved. I will do it. Please move the things in there” Chris will do it and then it will be something bigger, I will do it because I know what he did and I know he fucking tried to make a song about me “just calm down, help him Dennis” taking the note with me walking off, I don’t think it’s the best idea to ever get Chris to do that, not when I am trying to help rebuild his profile so people can like him again, I don’t want them to say look at the man she is with “what is it?” my mom asked “Drake” holding the note up “he didn’t mention Chris in this, he made a diss song about me. He shamed me in that studio, he didn’t know that Chris was the father, but he does now” placing the note on the kitchen counter, taking a picture of the note “so what are you going to do baby?” my mom asked “I am going to write a nice little thank you” typing out the caption ‘Octobers very own bitch sending me gifts when you wrote a diss track about me, this fatherless child doesn’t need owl for clothes! She is ok and she kindly declined the dinner date, she doesn’t like blondes boo. Imagine being such a pussy all your life that you then bully a pregnant woman….. Trash!’ pressing send, I want to say more but then I am causing havoc.
Dennis took the picture of me with all the gifts that are for my daughter, I am super happy about this, I didn’t expect it “Roc Nation doing baby grows and shit, or was that just to be cute” Chris is never happy “it works, Chris standing there complaining looks good” Dennis crouched down to me, I am like drowning in kids clothes “mhmm, it does actually. Chris, you better post a thank you, I mean it. Send it to my phone, Chris help me up” this what happens I try to be cute on the floor, now I can’t get up. Chris yanked the hood off my head “hiding in the jacket” I smiled at him “let me pick you up, don’t get up. You might hurt yourself” before I could disagree he picked me up “don’t drop me, am I heavy” the face he pulled, I am heavy for him “no” he placed me on the couch “thank you baby, I am super shocked at the gift that have been sent” Dennis held my phone to me “write the caption, and Chris, I sent the picture to you also” I hide my face with he hood on the jacket and hid my bump, I look a mess but they still know it’s me ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you! For all of the gifts sent by everyone. So many to name, this could be a long post but thank you to my Barbados family for the gifts, all of the toys, auntie the outfits are the cutest. To @kimkardashian and Kanye, her first Yeezy’s and all of the Yeezy clothing, thank you. @Beyonce @Adidas the baby grows are the cutest, Also to @Fendi @Dior @Burberry @blackpyramidofficial and my record label @rocnation my family. And such surprise from @Fenty, these unique baby clothing that my team have made, you know I would love that. I am so blessed with love and support. We are thankful!’ that is long “you done?” I asked Chris “I put thank you everyone now my back hurts from moving the boxes” shaking my head at him, he is stupid.
Poking my lips out, I feel like a baby with diaper rash because I mean it was bad enough Chris had to do it last time but it’s another night and we have to do it again “are you ready? I am going back down after, Dennis and I are playing pool” nodding my head “sure, I love the tree by the way. It makes me all gooey inside because it’s Christmas and I love Christmas. I didn’t feel it but now I do, and I get to spend it with my husband” I am super happy about the tree “it’s ok, well I wanted you to feel it. Oh and I saw the picture you posted; I was shocked. Why?” he posted a very personal picture of me, like I wasn’t even looking for him but we was sat in the living room, I was talking to my mom but I look so well, like I feel I don’t but I am just concentrating on the conversation, I don’t hate the picture but I am glad he didn’t get me looking fat “you like it? I was just playing around with my phone and I realised it was a dope picture. I was like that fucking dickhead deserves a beating for that shit. He disrespected me” he got me choked up “it was very loving from you Chris, I loved the picture and the caption, thank you” I am so loved by him “it was nothing, come on. Get on the bed” smiling at Chris “no wait, let me read the caption again” unlocking my phone, it’s the cutest “go on then, than I can put it on” such a softie he is, letting me waste his time “You said she is for everybody but she is for me, you know Rihanna but I know Robyn. That really warmed my heart thank you” Chris kissed my forehead, I love him so much.
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polygamyff · 4 years
58. Part 2
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I threw on some sweatpants and wore Maurice’ hoodie, I am leaving Reign’ baby grow on so we can leave to go to the hotel Maurice is wanting me to leave the house already “you not bathing Reign?” Maurice asked “I did it last night, when I knew she wasn’t sleeping I gave her a bath which then made her sleepy. I have everything anyways let’s go” picking Reign’ baby bag up as Maurice picked up Reign from the bed “looks like mother and daughter didn’t have a good night without daddy, it’s ok daddy is back now. He can snuggle you both” rolling my eyes as I left my bedroom “mother” making my way to her room “mom” knocking on her door before opening it “are you sure you don’t want Adam to dress you?” she turned away from her vanity table to look at me “no baby, I am ok. I will be picking up my parents and Gloria ok?” nodding my head “Maurice, shall my mother come to the hotel first or not?” I asked him, Maurice paused thinking “erm, your mom is supposed to be riding with us but if she comes to the hotel I will get them in a SUV, so the hotel” nodding my head before looking back at my mom “the hotel, come there ok? Call me please, and are you ok?” I asked her, she is in the middle of doing her makeup “I am happy, I am ok. Tell Maurice I said hi and see you both soon” nodding my head smiling at my mom as I closed the door “let’s go then, so did you get everything in order. Did you sleep well?” walking behind Maurice as he made his way down the steps “I wrote up my speech with Ally and Nalah, they both got angry with me for most part. I didn’t write anything, I sat there and agreed but I don’t know. I might freestyle it; we went through the order. It’s just a small event, and then eating. It’s more like a party for me, with a few added words from my dad and myself, then that is it. In real terms the company is mine now, but we haven’t announced it to the world that it is, but after today they will know” Maurice opened the front “good morning family!” Rich half shouted “oh no, we not doing no pictures right now. I am not ready for it” he laughed “I been riding with Maurice throughout, these are private pictures but I understand” he better not “morning” Jay said “morning, oh we have extra security and two SUVs, oh this is a big deal” I said, they really going all out.
I stifled out a yawn “I need a red bull, but I can’t have it, obviously can’t so we got the whole company of bodyguards” I asked Maurice “we have Jay anyways, but we got Lenny and Matt. Also, Matt is officially my bodyguard now, my dad pushed for it yesterday so we have him to move in with us but he said he was planning on getting an apartment so they both can stay in but it’s still in the works. Matt has kids and a family here so it’s kind of difficult, but I only need him for when I go to events, so it may work out but I don’t know yet” nodding my head slowly “why do I feel like after today a lot is going to change?” I have this feeling “change in a good way but we need to live our lives honouring the company. We need to go to more events that my dad did and be good parents, we good. It’s not all that bad but I am excited” I can tell he is “and Maurice I am happy for you, I want you to take the company because it is what you deserve and you know that” Maurice grinned at me “you invited my grandfather huh?” Maurice laughed, he laughed because he is not stupid “being nice?” shaking my head at him “are you sure you are? I mean in real terms you want to annoy him; he is not all that bad; he just doesn’t shut up. He has an opinion on things, I mean he isn’t wrong I guess” he wasn’t wrong actually “this is your family too Robyn” pressing lips into a hard thin line as I nodded “yes, I guess it is but I don’t want him to start anything with your dad, so it’s hard doing that. But it’s all on you” if he wants him there then he does “family needs to come together somehow, you know this was going to happen at some point, he needs to accept what I am now, he can’t spreading things like that because this is also your name in this too” Maurice does have a point, he can’t be doing that.
Arriving at the hotel, it is terribly busy with arrival of cars here. So many cars around and people, it’s a lot “some way or another these are all part of the company or are family, some friends so we will be watched. The bodyguards are here for us, you never know, not saying it can happen, but you never know. I just want today to be good for us and to go well for us. We are on show, my life is on show, the company is on show. People are intrigued and would like to know who I am with and what I am doing and see more into my life, I am never that type to make you come to events but at times it may happen and I hope you enjoy it” the SUV door opened on Maurice’ side “I will, I am here for you and you know that. I am only here for you Maurice” Maurice grabbed my hand and pressed a kiss to the back of my hand “I love you” he said as he let my hand go to get out of the car “I love you too” my door opened also as I got out of the car “I am Matt if you have forgotten” letting out an oh “I remember, Reign just needs to come out from the car seat” I said to him “Robyn!” hearing my name as I turned around “hey, long time” Kellen said “hey” looking around him, where is Tiffany “this is Royal” he is cute “he has grown, I love his little suit but I honestly wouldn’t put that on him right now, maybe change him but that is so precious” waving at him, he is so cute with Kellen’ eye colour and Tiffany’ beautiful skin colour, I always thought Tiffany’ skin was a beautiful colour “I know, I got excited and put it on him, he is looking good for uncle Maurice ain’t you”  smiling at him lightly “I am not uncle of that child, hi Kellen” Maurice said “hi, Tiffany left him with me. Whatever you said made her go home, I am so happy. Like I just can’t help but be happy, but she didn’t leave anything for him. Just diapers and no wipes, so my mom is getting some. So literally this is the only thing he can wear besides a baby grow” I feel a little bad now “she left nothing? I have spares in Reign’ baby bag, do you need wipes, I will give you some” that is horrible “I didn’t want to say it but that is why he is wearing it now, my mom is taking her time though” Kellen said “it’s no bother I will give you some wipes from Reign’ baby bag, I have spare new pacifiers too” I am in mommy mode because that is a baby, I don’t play like that.
Reign is not in the mood, she wants to be held so the day is not panning out well already “once she has a nap she should be ok Maurice” putting the pacifier in Reign’ mouth “Maurice Davenport, owner of the Davenport empire. Baby, give Tina a hug my handsome man” she is always a nutjob this woman “who invited Tina? I didn’t” Maurice said as he leaned down and she hugged him “oh be quiet, I am coming to every event of yours” she squeezed Maurice “oh we have the beautiful princess Reign, you are your name. Reign over your dad’ heart and I heard Marquis’ heart too. I am happy for you, hello Robyn. You look fabulous just like this” Tina held her hand out as I took it and she gave me a kiss on my cheek “such a beautiful family, the new and improved look to the company, don’t tell Marquis that now. But I wish you the best, thank you for always having me, always there for my girls, I mean my models” she pointed at me “I can’t wait for the further business we will do together” I chuckled, she knew my mind was on overdrive there “thank you for always helping me Tina, appreciate your kind words. See you at the event” that was sweet of her to say such words “thank you” she walked off “she’s calmed down now that I am with you, she used to want me in a sexual way. She used to always call me her husband” letting out an oh “well your mine, thank you” Maurice and I started to walk off.
Adam yelped out “oh my god!! It’s been so long come here” Adam rushed over to me “you missed me? Seems like you did” hugging Adam “I love putting clothes on you, oh my god. You’re like my favourite client, also Maurice but you are a diamond” I cooed out, that is so sweet that he missed me like this “so we don’t have a lot of time, I mean we do but we need to bitch between those times. I bought wine for us also and oh my god. She has grown, we have a walking princess. Don’t you worry we have just the shoes for you” Adam touched Reign’ cheek “so you have your own suit? I am so sorry but I have been busy getting dresses for Robyn, these are from Europe but thank you Maurice for making my life easier, we have my team here and we got you today” I am excited, I am about to be dressed, I love being dressed because it saves me from deciding on things “I am going to see to my team Robyn so Reign is yours and I will see you later, I will be back to get changed” taking Reign from Maurice “ok, I can’t wait to look pretty” Maurice pecked my lips “as always and Reign, don’t outshine your mom too much” he kissed Reign’ cheek “I love you both, see y’all soon” he turned away to go “hey, what is wrong? You can’t have daddy, you’re with me now. So, Adam, you wouldn’t believe what I was going to do?” making my way to the couch, I need to settle Reign before they start “model!?” sitting down on the couch “yes! They wanted Reign and I to model” Reign poked her lips out as she held onto my neck “I can see it; you both are incredibly beautiful. Very model worthy, she is literally your twin. Maurice had no say in this one” I chuckled “she’s ok” wrapping my arms around Reign, she needs to stop being grumpy.
Laughing at Adam trying to impress Reign “these are Fendi slides, how are you not impressed. I am going to let you keep these because they look cute on you. I will charge your daddy’s card don’t worry” the Fendi slides look so cute my daughter’ feet “thank you Adam, I love them. She will be falling asleep soon, don’t mind her moody ass” now I get why Adam said we don’t have much time because all we doing is playing around and haven’t started a thing “let me pop open the bottle anyways, we need to celebrate “I am ok with water” I added quickly “seriously? You hear this girl?” he waved me off “I am pregnant” I announced “what!?” he spat “oh my god, what if these dresses don’t look right but oh my god! Congratulations, first Maurice wasn’t having no child and now he can’t stop awww, oh my god. I need another pair of slides for her” he pointed at me winking “oh my god, another Reign. I can’t even deal” I chuckled as Adam hugged me “but seriously, we need to check the dresses now! Imagine if this doesn’t work out” Adam is panicking.
A diamond is a girl’s best friend because chile, these diamond bracelets I want to keep them “so we have the all diamond necklace, you see that tear drop diamond on the end, you know what I am not even going to tell you how much you are wearing right now. You just look pretty, also to add. You have to tell me when you are pregnant because this could have gone wrong, but all is well. Trace, hold Robyn’ hair up while I put this on her” I hope I look good for the day, I mean the lilac tulle gown with ruffles, which skimmed out into a dramatic full skirt “it’s not short is it?” I asked “be quiet” Adam said “I love the sandals anyways” the silver wrap around sandals, it just compliments my legs “you have beautiful legs, I just had to say it” Trace said, I blushed “thank you, I just feel a little exposed, it’s that thing of do I look fat, are my arms big. Does my forehead come out because the updo” now I am stressing “I am back, I told you I would be back” Maurice said as he walked in “and where is Robyn going looking like that” I smiled while staring at myself in the mirror “nowhere” I mumbled, Maurice stood next to the mirror, looking at him “you look amazing, wow. The colour is perfect on you, beautiful” Maurice is staring so hard “I like the haircut” trying the change the subject and stop him from staring at me “but I like you, you done such a good job with the dress. I am impressed and in love with you, your whole look. Wow” Maurice is impressed and is happy so I guess that is all I need, his opinion matters.
Watching Adam on his knees in front of Maurice “do you enjoy doing that?” I asked “enjoy? Of course I do, I have felt these thighs a million times and I can continue to do this for the rest of my life” Adam said which made Maurice laugh, he is literally dressing Maurice but I guess that is his job “that tailor was lazy as, my god. But all is well, you look well” he lifted Maurice’ shirt up, he lucky that he is gay because that man is all in Maurice’ crotch. Looking up at Maurice’ side profile, god this man is literally what I have been wanting. Like ok, I find other men cute or whatever, but Maurice is it for me. When he wears suits a whole different persona comes out of Maurice, he just oozes power which is a turn on. After today I do see it, I see a lot of things will be changing which means I have to also make changes along with him, he is going to gain more. I am with a whole ass billionaire, something I would have never dreamt of in a life time. I just don’t see him as that, he is my Maurice and that is it but this man is powerful as fuck but I just don’t pay any attention to that but him in this suit is just making me wet as fuck, chile I need that. Reminds me of when I saw his moody ass at Kellen’ wedding, I liked him first off from then, but I did not want to bother so left it at that, he made that effort. He created that Facebook page and he contacted me and every day he would send me selfies of himself, and then when he said Bonita, I honestly assumed called me fat “what is up?” Maurice said, looking away “nothing” let me start on Reign and getting her dressed.
This girl of mine is knocked out asleep, I have done nothing but move her around “the amount of Fendi this girl wears, she needs some shares in it. They do be having all the cute dresses though” I said a loud “well when I was trying to match up mother and daughter this came up, and I think she is going to look just perfect” I have done nothing but move Reign, she hasn’t woke up at all “thank you Adam, I swear I would have you living with me at the home. Just so I can wake up and you can dress me” I love this “Maurice can make that happen, also I would love to move in with you” I smiled at Maurice “seriously, keep Reign’ head straight. She will be fine” I have Maurice holding Reign, I want him to hold her head but he won’t do it right “but like she might hurt” pulling a face “I need to brush my baby’ edges down and you moving her is not helping. She needs to be perfect” this crouching position is not helping “yes Maurice, this position for the baby is not good hurry up. Also, we have the diamond bracelet for Reign to put on” I cooed out “she is so spoilt with things, she is one lucky girl. I hope she realises this when she is older” glaring at Maurice, he moved her head once again “you are working my nerve” he is useless at this.
Locking my phone as I put it in Reign’ baby bag “shall we leave then?” I said, my mom is in the lobby downstairs too “yeah, we good now. You know your mom would have been best with us, I just wanted your family to make their on way. We need Terry to look after Reign for us, this is why I say we need a nanny because how you going to push a stroller and look like this? I need you to be there for me, you’re my wife and people will be watching, Reign will be there but she is a child” I see it already “well shamefully you’re about to be a dad of two which we can’t hide, she is there with us. Why do I want a nanny? Anyways, let’s go” I mean I do get what he means, I look good and I have all these things on so having to look after Reign and chase her down or push the stroller, it just doesn’t work but I kind of got annoyed. Pushing the stroller out of the room “you look beautiful though” Maurice said behind me “thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself. I am not angry at what you said, I get what you mean. I just see a lot of change to come for us and our family. I may need a few pointers from Bey” I bet she knows what to do.
The Lobby is so busy, but Jay, Lenny and Matt are here already. So many people are talking to Maurice and he is trying to move “Robbie, oh my god! You look so beautiful look at you” my mom hugged me “oh my god, you both look so nice together. My baby” I chuckled “thank you mom before the family come. I need you to be with us, Maurice said he needs me to be around him and then I have Reign and he said he wanted you to be around us, now I feel like I am burdening you, god” I said “oh no, no do not say that. Of course, I will look after her for that. This is a big day and I know how Reign can be, I don’t want you to ruin your dress. I will stay with you” my mother is the best “look at you Terry, look better then Robyn” Maurice said “awww stop it” Maurice kissed my mom’ cheek “I need to get out of here, too many Davenport here. These are your family Robyn” he said, I frowned at him “I don’t even know these people” I said back “Nephew” some older guy came over to him “uncle” he shook his hand “hi cousin” this pretty girl said, she is so pretty “what’s good Mila? You still angry at the basketball to the head thing, good seeing you come out though” Maurice said to her “no, I actually hate you for it, but the golden boy has risen and is now taking his thrown, we all excited for you. I said to my dad, I was never going to see this nigga. He is busy” his family are a different breed of weird, they have some dark as hell and some light as hell with different colour eyes “well this is Robyn, Mila this is my cousin and my uncle. He is the ugly Davenport brother nobody speaks on” I waved at them both “did you blind her? I mean in all seriousness, he doesn’t have a personality or looks so what the hell, you are so pretty hey” Mila said “awwww thank you and I let him chase me and I gave up” Mila pointed at me “that is how you do it, anyways shall we go now” she said, Maurice pulled a face at me “did I lie” I said laughing “as I breathe I am inhaling wealth, hello!” he is the queen herself “aunt Gloria” I said, she is all out “and if it isn’t Mr Forbes himself, welcome to the family. I don’t care what they say about you, you’re a good boy” my auntie said “Gloria, you need to not drink today please” I don’t think my grandpa or grandmother look happy “you’re supposed to help take care of them two” my mom said to Gloria “is he going to cause an issue mom?” I feel like my grandpa is “no issues, just wealth around here. I will be back. I just need to speak to someone” Maurice walked off, Jay stepped closer to me when Maurice walked off with Matt behind him “he has changed!” my grandpa said scowling “this is not Maurice, so good to see you” leaning over to hug him “then who is it” he asked, moving back from the hug “my bodyguard” I admitted, he looked so offended like I swore “murderous” oh here we go.
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~~~GOT7 REACTION~~~ S/O Walking and Tripping In Front Of Them
requested by anonymous
He left early that morning so he and the rest of Got7 could prepare for their comeback. You decide to stop by the company building to say hi to your boyfriend and to see if any of the other boys and staff needed anything since they are all working very hard for a successful comeback. You find JB walking back to the practice room from the water fountain. When he sees you, he flashes his gorgeous smile and you happily walk towards him. Being the clumsy person you are, you lose your footing and trip over your feet. JB catches you before you make a full face plant but he ends up slipping which causes you both to fall over. You land on top of him and he groans in pain but starts to laugh. You apologize profusely and quickly stand up and help Jaebum get back on his feet. You make sure JB is okay and start to rub his lower back frantically. As you huff about how much you hate being so accident prone, he tells you that its okay and that he loves saving you from silly accidents, even though sometimes you drag him down with you.
“I love how clumsy you are. It means I get to save you from silly deaths!” *laughs*
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You and Mark decide to go out to eat for lunch since he had some free time. He always wants you to feel loved, especially during this stressful reoccurring era in your relationship; comeback season. Mark takes you to a  cute secluded cafe spot and you internally squeal at how romantic he’s being. While ordering food, you knock over your water with the menu and some water soaks your top. You roll your eyes at your carelessness and Mark giggles at how predictable the situation is. You excuse yourself to the bathroom to dry your shirt under the hand dryer; something that is routine for you. While walking back, you notice that Mark is trying to dry off the floor under the table. You scurry over to help but end up tripping over a rogue chair. You slam your hands onto a nearby table as you manage to catch yourself. The waitresses gasp from the loud noise and your face turns tomato red. Mark begins to hysterically laugh since he didn’t even have to look in your direction to know that it was you who made the sound. He shakes his head and comes over to help you situate yourself.
“Oh Y/N....*sighs cutely*....What am I going to do with you?”
“I’m sorry that I embarrass you all of the time.”
“You don’t embarrass me. If anything, I embarrass you. Watch!...”
“NO NO NO MARK DON’T.....*pretends to trip and fall*.......ugh too late.”
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Jackson took a couple days to spend some time with you before Got7 had their comeback and world tour. He took you out for a day of shopping and you couldn’t help but feel blessed to have such an amazing, generous, and humble boyfriend. Since you are his girl, he just HAD to take you to the brand stores he represented, Adidas and Fendi. While you were at the Adidas store, he lined up so many different shoes for you to try on. He was so excited to see you try on everything he picked out, acting like a giddy child. You tried on shoe after shoe, track suit after track suit, sports legging after sports legging. He loved them all and was willing to buy them all for you, but you obviously did not allow him to. He huffed and asked you to at least try on the ones you really liked again. You gave in and tried on a sports outfit with matching sneakers. You hated to admit it, but you loved how it looked. You exited the dressing room and Jackson started clapping and yelling at how good you looked. You giggled and made your way over to hug him but you tripped over a rogue shoe box and you tumbled to the floor. You couldn’t stop laughing at what happened and Jackson was on the floor with you, laughing so hard that he could be heard from outside. He helped you up and looked at you with “heart eyes.” He couldn’t get enough of your clumsiness. 
“SHUT UP JACK! I could of died! Hahahaha”
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Jinyoung invited you to go to a company dinner with him and it requires you to dress up and let’s just say you are beyond nervous. You know how clumsy you can be when you are nervous and you have a feeling you are going to end up embarrassing yourself. You whine and complain to Jinyoung about how you’re afraid you’ll embarrass him but he just laughs and forces you to hurry up and get ready. You squeeze into your evening gown and started doing your hair and makeup. When you finally finish, you slip on your heels and check yourself in the mirror. You smile at your reflection, you rock the elegant look you were trying to pull off. You have to look elegant especially since your boyfriend is the one and only, Park Jinyoung. He always looks like an elegant prince. You make your way to Jinyoung. He is wearing a clean cut tuxedo and he looks absolutely perfect. You smile brightly at him and he returns the expression. Suddenly, you trip over your feet but manage to catch yourself before you fully fell down. You start to blush with embarrassment and Jinyoung walks over to you and giggles. He tucks your hair behind you ear and caresses your face. He whispers something to you and helps you settle yourself before you both have to leave for the dinner.
“Even when you make a mistake or even trip over your feet, you are still the most perfect girl in my eyes. How do you manage to make me love you even more just by being so clumsy?”
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It’s a hot and sticky summer day and all you want to do is stay inside where there is air conditioning. You absolutely hated when it was too hot to go outside but your boyfriend asked you out for a cute date of riding bicycles and stopping by an ice cream shop. You just can’t say no to his cute face and since Got7 will be having a comeback and world tour soon, you don’t want to miss out on any personal time with Youngjae. You want to make some amazing memories. After riding your bike around the park with him, he takes you to a cute, secluded ice cream parlor. You both pick out some flavors and order a big sundae for you both to share. Youngjae leads you to a table and you two wait for your yummy sundae. After a mini flirt session between you two, the waitress interrupts and places the giant sundae in between you two. You stare in awe and Youngjae takes his phone out to take pictures of the awesome looking dessert. You notice that the waitress forgot to give you spoons so you quickly chase after her. You get two spoons and turn back around but you suddenly trip over your feet and make a tumble. You start to laugh hysterically and you hear Youngjae freak out as he makes his way over to you. He checks if you’re okay and you brush it off like nothing happened. He giggles and kisses your cheek before running off to get new spoons.
“BABE! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Haha oh my gosh, you always scare me when you fall. I’ll get us some new spoons!”
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One night, Bambam surprises you by taking you to an ice-skating rink for a fun and cute date. You are so excited but also super nervous because you know how clumsy you are, especially on ice. You help BamBam put on his heavy, clunky, ice skates but being the brat that he is, he makes putting ice-skates on extremely difficult. You push and pull at his feet and he finally gives you a break and actually helps you get them on for him. You both hobble over to the ice and slowly start to skate, hand in hand. Your face feels cold but you feel so warm whenever you’re next to your boyfriend. Once in a while, he pulls at your arm to “brace” himself since he’s afraid he might fall and embarrass himself. You let go of his hand and start to freely skate and twirl. He smiles at you and also starts to spin lightheartedly. Suddenly, you lose your balance and make a hard fall on the ice. It hurt so badly but you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself and the situation. You hear Bambam laugh loudly and hysterically as he points at you. But because he was laughing too hard, he makes himself fall and you’re practically in tears from how funny he looks while laying flat and defeated on the ice. He starts to crawl over to you like a goof and kisses your cold, rosy cheek. He tries to help you up but he keeps falling in the process. You both manage to reach the edge on the rink but not without looking like two huge messes. He stares at you adoringly and you return the gaze. You both giggle and agree to take a break from skating and warm up with some hot chocolate.
“Yaaaaaaaaa! Okay, I totally deserved that but I’m still coming to get you for laughing at my pain!”
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Instead of going out, you and Yugyeom decide to stay at the Got7 dorm for a movie night. You both are in sweatpants and oversize tee shirts with matching couple socks. Surrounding the mini blanket fort Yugyeom made, there’s food and sweets everywhere. The other boys also stop in for a quick snack since there’s literally so much food. In between movies, Yugyeom plays music on his phone until you decide what to watch next. He starts to dance like a goof and you soon join him. There is so much laughter and intense dance moves with the occasional twerk coming from your goofball of a boyfriend. Your socks are slippery against the hardwood floor and you suddenly fall and manage to knock almost everything over. The remote went flying somewhere in the room and you hear it shatter. Yugyeom practically throws himself down in laughter and a few of the other boys run into the room to see what happened. You and Yugyeom are on the floor heaving with laughter and there’s a pissed of JB yelling from the distance. He demands you guys to be more careful and less silly and to also clean up the huge mess you two made. JB claims to be upset, but all he can do is giggle and smile at your young love with Yugyeom and the way his kid-like brother always looks at you with heart-eyes.
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kentonramsey · 5 years
R29 Fashion Editors On Which Fashion Week Best Personifies Their Style
That's all, folks. Fashion Week has come and gone, taking its spring 2020 runways with it. Over the past 30 days, Refinery29's fashion team saw tons of trends that we have already begun to add into our wardrobe, plotted out what pieces we have to buy next season once they are available, and even printed off specific pictures from the runway to add to our own personal mood boards. But we'd be lying if we didn't admit to playing favourites. Some cities just speak to our specific aesthetics better than others. Ahead, we explain which cities best represent the women we aim to be when we get dressed in the morning, or at the very least, who we would be if money were no object.
Mekita Rivas, Contributing Fashion Writer: New York Fashion Week I still get chills thinking about this runway moment. When Prabal Gurung sent a diverse cast of models down the runway wearing pagentry-esque sashes (à la Miss America) with the question “Who gets to be American?” emblazoned on the front — man, that really hit home for me. As a first-generation American, I have long grappled with my cultural identity. I’ve struggled to understand what it means to be born in a country and claim it, and yet feel as though my ownership of my “American” identity is constantly questioned because of my last name or where my parents come from. The immigrant story is one that needs to be told no matter the time of year. But given the current sociopolitical landscape and the huge platform that NYFW provides, Gurung’s artistic statement felt more relevant — and necessary — than ever.Photo: Randy Brooke/WireImage.
Eliza Huber, Market Writer: London Fashion Week Admittedly, it’s not the fashion that made me fall in love with London. I’ve been obsessed with the city since I first visited at five years-old; the 24-hour energy, the pubs, the underground alleys full of flea market carts and food trucks — everything. But once fashion became my work, it quickly became another reason to daydream about my favourite city. London Fashion Week is nothing like its counterparts in New York, Milan or Paris. The street style is edgy, despite the very traditional, old-world attitudes that make up the city, let alone the government. The designers are non-conformist and thoughtful, with Burberry and Stella McCartney constantly at the forefront of sustainable fashion and Simone Rocha and Charlotte Knowles never falling victim to traditional standards of what’s “pretty” and what’s not. Even the way things are set up is a solo act, with the British Fashion Council launching the Institute of Positive Fashion post-fashion week to bring attention to the industry’s detrimental impact on our environment. While often eclipsed by the fashion weeks that follow it, London has a unique air to it that I’ll never not want to follow from the first show to the very last.Photo: Victor VIRGILE/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images.
Channing Hargrove, Fashion News Editor: Milan Fashion Week I live and breath New York (quite literally). I love the hustle of the fashion industry who decided that here would be where they create their version of art. But Milan has my heart. More is more in Milan. I appreciate the maximalism of it all but also the showmanship. Versace brought out Jennifer Lopez in an updated version of that damn green dress, M Missioni “remixed, re-used, and respected” its mother brand while Bottega Venetta made me want to match my bag to my shoes again. Miucci Prada's latest offering at Prada reminded me it's perfectly okay to pile on the pieces that make me happiest. But Fendi? I want a want to wear a tiny bag around my neck. Jacquemus, who? The sparkly socks with the school girl Mary Janes? Ugh. The best part about Fendi's styling is how it aimed to make women to feel natural and good in these clothes. And as someone who stands up straighter and smiles brighter in an outfit that makes me feel confident, that's the power (and the point) of fashion. Photo: Victor VIRGILE/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images.
Jessica C. Andrews, Deputy Fashion Director: Paris Fashion Week I was first introduced to Fashion Week as a young child watching runway shows with my mom. I remember staring in awe as models made their way down the catwalk in sweeping gowns and structured suiting. Back then, runway fashion was wearable art, and it was mesmerising to me even through a small TV screen. Fashion has totally lost that sense of wonder and innovation. In an uncertain retail climate, designers seem more focused on commerce and social media fame than crafting art that makes a lasting impression. Paris is the only destination during the four-week marathon that truly embodies the Fashion Week I loved as a child. Though I didn't attend this season, I was still blown away by the showmanship at fashion houses like Issey Miyake and Rick Owens, the sharp suiting and cut-out gowns at Altuzarra, the Marie Antoinette-inspired dresses at Issey Miyake, the larger-than-life ball gowns at Balenciaga. In Paris, Fashion Week isn't merely a business operation, it's about creating a fantasy. And that's why I fell in love with it in the first place.Photo: Peter White/Getty Images.
Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
Prada Reminds Us Personal Style Is, Well, Personal
Gigi Hadid Interrupted Chanel’s Runway Crasher
Mismatched Shoes Were Huge During Fashion Month
R29 Fashion Editors On Which Fashion Week Best Personifies Their Style published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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phoenixmsj · 7 years
MSJ Online Spotlight #13
Alice falls down the rabbit hole. Milo drives through the tollbooth. Dorothy is swept up in the tornado. Neo takes the red pill. Don’t tell us about another world you’ve imagined, heard about, or created. Rather, tell us about its portal. [UCHICAGO]
 by Fendy Gao, 12
I’m an inch from being filleted by ruthless sliding doors. It’s 8:44 AM, and only by some miracle- or a conductor’s mercy- do I bolt into the train, unscathed.
 Riding the Bay Area Rapid Transit- BART- is a constant in my life, a journey I take a couple of times each month between my suburban hometown and downtown San Francisco. I have two rules for myself on the train: no headphones, and no homework (I’ll admit I give myself some leeway, especially during finals week). The memories I’ve accrued on this 50- minute ride have given me perspective, and made it a passage I appreciate just as much as the destinations on either end.
 My first time riding alone: I excitedly sit on the edge of my seat, trying my hardest to look impressively adult-like for my first day working at the Exploratorium. With my overprotective parents, this isn’t simply a leap of independence for me- it’s a grand jeté on stage, lights shining as the audience applauds enthusiastically below. Alas, in my ecstasy I forget my lunch on the leather seat.
 Everyone avoids me: I can’t wrap my mind around it. At first I appreciated the empty seat next to me, but now the entire train is packed and people are opting to stand instead of being in my proximity. I showered last night and I’m even using lemongrass lotion. When a woman glances at what I have in my lap, though, I realize. I’m reading a book called The Psychopath Test and I have Women Who Love Psychopaths balanced on my knees. I’m a little amusedly irked at how strong perception can be, but I’m sobered when I recall all the times I allowed my snap judgements to influence my actions as well. I vow to be more open-minded and recognize that skin-deep evaluations carry little to no merit. But I still put my books away in my bag for good measure.
 Game Theory: Rush hour, and it feels like we’re about 100 people over capacity. My thoughts turn to the Tragedy of the Commons: if some of us step out and wait for the next train, we’ll all be more comfortable. But who’s willing to sacrifice a precious 20 minutes from their lives for collective comfort? Society really is self-serving, I muse, except with my face pressed to the glass I don’t make an effort to get off either.
 Key Club, and opening doors: “We feel good! Oh, we feel so good!” The warm, energetic Key Club chant rings in my ears as I travel home after a service event at an Oakland women’s shelter.
 Aside from the humility and appreciation I feel for the privileges in my life, I’m also realizing that mutual, respectful understanding is a crucial prerequisite to lasting reform. Volunteer efforts like this one have fostered in me societal awareness, a desire to understand as many of the world’s perspectives as possible, and a lifelong insatiable thirst to enact appreciable change by working with others instead of over them.
 I perform, badly: I’m in my dance costume with full on “clown makeup”, as I call it, while I commute to my competition. A little girl gasps at the glittery sequins on my top and begs me to dance for her- the car isn’t full, so I stand up and do a few pirouettes as her mother apologizes profusely. She isn’t satisfied, though, she wants to see me really dance! I rehearse my routine for the makeshift audience with the music blaring from my phone, including all the jumps and choreography save the floor work (BART can be dirty). I almost fall over when the train stops- at this point, the color on my cheeks is only partly due to the blush I applied, but they clap regardless. What can I say? Sometimes being the center of attention is exhilarating.
 46 minutes one way, more than an hour-and- a-half for a round-trip. To me, each of the unique moments in this metal microcosm are portals of happiness, anxiety, whimsical daydreams, or simple contemplation that contribute to my larger mosaic of humanity. From discourse with complete strangers to nearly breaking a leg (literally), it always surprises me how different each commute and crowd I see on the BART is. I find this diversity simultaneously refreshing and jarring; it reminds me not only how many people there are in this world, but also that each carries his or her own personal story. I don’t know where each of them is going in their lives- heck, I don’t even know where I’m going in mine- but in this three-hundred foot space we are, even if it’s just for a few minutes, traveling towards the same place.
 Christmastime, 2016: A guitarist plays on the train and I can’t help smiling and humming along to his festive tunes. He asks for donations to help his musical career- “For good karma!” he says. I hesitate, but then I remember my college deadlines and empty the entire contents of my (relatively sparse) wallet into his hat.
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213hiphopworldnews · 5 years
Why Florida Producer Ronny J Is The King Midas Of Soundcloud Rap
Atlantic Records
Let’s say you’re a rising star on the cloud rap circuit. You’ve begun to build a following, you’ve racked up a viral single that has your name buzzing in the right circles, labels are bidding on your services — you just need that one hit to take you over the top. Who do you call?
If you’re smart, you do what Bhad Bhabie, Denzel Curry, Lil Pump, Ski Mask The Slump God, Smokepurpp, Wifisfuneral, and XXXTentacion have all done: You hit up Ronny J. The “OMG, Ronny” that ad-lib graces devastating, sonic boom-laden tracks from these and other burgeoning young rap stars has quickly become a signifier of both quality and a near-guaranteed banger. Ronny J crafts hits primed to demolish your speakers with blown-out 808s and buzzing, spaceship laser synths that make any of his productions sound like a War Of The Worlds-esque alien invasion movie — albeit one with undeniable rhythm.
Ronny J, born Ronald Oneil Spence, Jr. in Camden, New Jersey, found his way into the rap game via a roundabout path that saw him playing drums in church, pursuing arts and architecture, moving to Miami, and falling in with Denzel Curry’s then-bubbling C9 crew. The sounds he slapped together in those early recording sessions became both the foundation and the barometer for the scuzzy, bombed-out South Florida style. If it doesn’t measure up to Ronny’s irrepressible, spastic intensity, it probably won’t float for most of the cloud rap set, who’ve all proven that despite a tendency toward wild-eyed variety, they invariably come back home to the swampy trap Ronny helped make their trademark.
In 2018, though, the majors came calling, looking for that bombastic, red-lined-mixing board signature style. Bhad Bhabie’s breakout single “Hi Bich”? Ronny J did that. Iggy Azalea’s criminally-overlooked, comeback, get-money anthem with Tyga, “Kream“? Thank you, Ronny J (with additional production from GT and Wallis Lane). OMG, Ronny, did you play both sides of the white-boy war by foisting beats onto both Eminem (“The Ringer“) and Machine Gun Kelly (“Rap Devil“)? Absolutely.
Ronny J was everywhere last year, from the familiar, homegrown projects of longtime collaborators like Denzel Curry (he co-produced a pair of tracks on Ta13oo) and Ski Mask (“La La” from major label debut Stokeley) to burgeoning — and controversial — superstars like Tekashi 69 (“Fefe”) and Lil Pump (“I Love It” with Kanye West). And of course he received a coveted invite to Dreamville’s lauded Revenge Of The Dreamers III marathon recording camp.
Additionally, to limit his impact solely to production would sell his appeal short. Last year’s mixtape, OMGRonny, found the producer bringing his vocal skills to the forefront. As it happens, he’s proved to be as adept in front of the mic as behind a computer monitor with Reason running. His gift for painting casually detailed verbal tableaus of his newfound luxury lifestyle shines through on tracks like “824” where he rhymes: “Fendi the case on my phone, only got designer on / I stay up late in the zone, recently I’m never home.” On the other solo standout, “Ohshi,” he slickly boasts, “Everywhere I go I turn into a zoo now.” He’s got crowds going crazy just off the beat tag.
He’s well aware of his placement in the food chain at this particular wild animal park as well. As he told Complex in an interview, “I’m not your average producer. When I step in the room, you cannot ignore me… I literally made all of this happen. I put in the work and now it’s all unfolding. It’s cool. It’s so much, it’s overwhelming, but I want more.” To that end, he’s already announced the follow-up to OMGRonny in the form of a debut solo album for Atlantic Records called Jupiter. To date, he’s only released a trio of singles from the upcoming album including “Doesn’t Matter” with no release date in mind.
That gives him the breathing room to spend a little more time excavating the depths of his sound. Ronny’s got the hits and the name recognition. Now, he only needs the growth and craftsmanship. With expectations as high as the ones on him now, his only options are to fly or fall, and he can only do the former if he manages to surprise an audience that knows him well and is always thirsty for more. Fortunately for him, he’s got the biggest hitmaker in the game in his corner, the man with the golden touch — himself.
Ronny J is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.
source https://uproxx.com/hiphop/ronny-j-omgronny-soundcloud-rap-king-midas/
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promomagazine · 7 years
Marianna Rosati: Her Life in Leather
By: Maggie Kelly
Marianna Rosati has continued her father’s leather legacy with their joint label, DROMe: a luxed-out reinterpretation of one of the world’s most traditional materials. But, as you will find out, there’s nothing traditional about the kooky and candid Marianna Rosati.
Q: Marianna, you started the DROMe label with your father, Ferrero Rosati, who spent over three decades in leather development for major design houses such as Prada, Gucci and Fendi. What did he teach you about working with leather?
A: Working with my father mostly taught me to always believe in your dreams and always work hard for what is the aim I have. He is such an inspirational figure for the way he faces life and the way he applies his values to the work. Then, of course, I learn all the technics of garment making, not only in leather but also in fabric and knitwear thanks to the great people that have been working in our company for a long time and who dedicate an enormous amount of passion to their daily work.
Q: Leather in apparel traditionally has connotations of being tough, biker-style, broody, even punk. How have you worked to challenge this is the DROMe collections? Your clothes are so soft and buttery some are hard to believe that they’re leather.
A: Well, I really deeply love the punk and biker connotation of leather because I’m a big lover of the punk era! Having said that, I think leather can be many more things, it is such a versatile material, beautiful in its texture and great to experiment with. I always start from thinking about creating a fabric out of leather in order to create a completely different approach to the material. Working on its softness and weight, on the colour shades, interpreting it in unconventional shapes has been my challenge all along.
Q: You have a side project called Twisty Parallel Universe, a collection that overlays fashion with photography, art, and pop culture. How did this come about? Tell us a little more about it.
A: I don’t have TWISTY anymore sadly! I had to be more focused on DROMe, so I quit it. Although I have to say I hope to create a new project in the future of a similar nature! I am anyway combining art and photography in DROMe a lot!
Q: In both DROMe and Twisty Parallel Universe we see a heavy 1960’s mod influence: lots of pastel shades clashed with olive greens, tan, big checks, and chunky shapes. It’s almost a bit Wes Anderson in its vintage-kooky-femme vibe. What inspired this style?
A: I love Wes Anderson of course!! I think that I am very attracted by the mod style, mostly for the music and the era it represents. I really love the colours of that period and I love mixing these atmospheres with more punkie and rocky inputs. But, if I look at the recent ages of fashion, I find myself falling in love with aspects of all of them. Now I’m obsessed with the eighties and the nineties, obviously not all of them but some details, maybe some movies or artists that made history in those times.
Q: Before starting DROMe with your father, you were head designer at Italian label Santacroce, earning that title at just 26. You were so young! Did you feel at the time it was a large role to fill, or was it a natural progression?
A: Working for Santacroce when I was so young has been a great learning ground for me. I have to say I didn’t find it scary, we were a great team and I wasn’t alone, the teamwork is so important in our job! It was very interesting but at the same time I wanted to create a brand from scratch in order to apply all my ideas, all my filters to something new.
 Q: Like a potter works with clay, or a dancer works with their body, leather is your chosen medium. What do you love about it?
A: I love the fact that is a difficult material to work with, that has a natural elegance; it can be strong and sexy, or romantic and smooth. And we are really talking about just one material. I like that there are more limits that need to be broken and I like the fact that this is a challenge!
Q: Marianna, you come from a family of wild creatives: as well as designing, you participate in physical theatre workshops; while your brother Gabriele Rosati studied painting and sculpture before settling into photography. What was it about your upbringing that sparked such creative genius?
A: I don’t know! I think the open minds of our parents have helped a lot! Gabriele is 16 years younger than me so I have been taking him with me since he was very, very young to experience theatre, music and the art of beauty. Our dad is a very passionate figure that always gave us the possibility of travelling and of believing in big things. Our mother is a very strong woman, bit more rational but very determined in everything she does in her life. And, even if we come from a small village in Tuscany, around us there has always been a great creative energy, we have met people that literally opened our minds such as theatre Director Firenza Guidi who introduced me to the contemporary theatre and circus and with whom I’ve worked for the last 15 years. I think people with a certain kind of sensitivity are destined to meet each other and to share projects and ideas.
Q: The DROMe S/S ‘17 collection returns to soft, feminine shapes and a floral print that is all undeniably very girly and sweet. However, much of it is created with leather – traditionally a ‘hard’ medium. Do you feel there is strength and power in this juxtaposition?
A: The Spring/Summer season for DROMe is always the hardest! I tend to work mostly with soft materials to express lightness and softness. The Resort collection was inspired by Martin Parr photos, the world of flowery interior design, an eighties vibe that was going through the entire collection. That is where the romantic but still not too feminine part was coming from. The show in Paris was taking something from Resort but mostly was a wild interpretation of colours and deconstruction. I wanted to play with simple elements like ruffles and asymmetric cuts to restyle them into a smoothly sexy silhouette where the clothes could stay on the body with just one knot. The colourful pop abstract print, the golden, the paintbrushes and the amazing iridescent leather where the spaceship of the collection: a triumph of light and colours to express the joy of summer.
Q: Let’s play a game, ok? You are a DROMe leather dress: tell us about a day in the life of your owner.
A: Oh, if I have to choose to be one of my dresses I would definitely be the iridescent outfit with ruffled top and sexy pencil skirt! Well I’d sleep in my pink closet with my friends the feathers and in the morning. I would go out in the sparkling sunny day of Palm Springs! I would have a nice breakfast in my favourite cafe, have a walk in the main street of Palm Springs, having lunch at the Parker Hotel and then I would head to some vintage furniture shopping! I’d definitely buy some pink flamingos for my garden. I would end my day with a lovely cocktail by the pool to get ready for some kind of party!
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