#but for now pls take!! a happier patrick i forget that verse one is technically his canon verse
clemencetaught · 7 months
(jumps in your askbox to ask things about the birthday boy uwu)
THESE ARE!!! For Patrick (Verse One):
⏳ In which aspects have you seen Patrick change? As in, the initial idea/concept you had of him VS. Now? ⏳ If he had the time and availability to have a pet, which one do you see him choosing? ⏳ Did he use to have a favorite place when he was a child? Somewhere he remembers with fondness? ⏳ What's a place he's always wanted to visit but hasn't? ⏳ Does he know that a certain detective named Lee Hyuk always carries him in his heart and mind and misses him like nuts and blames me for being away (IUWEHDWEIUDHWD)?
Feel free to skip any (or all) questions ;W; HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL!!!
now it's the professor's turn ( nosy questions for the birthday enby w/ @jeoseungsaja )
ALEX!!! 💕💕💕 my dear friend, first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE 🥺🥺🥺 i shall do my best to answer them as thoroughly as possible :DDD
⏳ In which aspects have you seen Patrick change? As in, the initial idea/concept you had of him VS. Now? 
HMMM, well i make it no secret that his inspo is professor layton, specifically in the third game- like literally, i think i made a post adding him to my muse roster on suki’s blog ( JK IT WAS ON CALUM’S BLOG here’s the post tho )...i was honestly debating between whether to make an oc inspired by her*shel lay*ton or just to write the professor himself. But i also wasn’t confident in my ability to write canon characters and i also knew that the layton rp community is kinda…dead?? ANYWAYS, when patrick started out, i originally planned for him to be very similar to layton himself: someone whose life at multiple points has been marked by significant losses, but because these losses happened a while back, someone who has learned to, not necessarily move forward (yet) but more of learned how to live with the grief. Since the creators of the lay*ton games probably didn’t have as much time to flesh out the professor in the third game as i would have wanted them too, patrick was basically supposed to be my exploration of that…you could say patrick in a way, is my self-indulgent lay*ton fanfiction FJSKLDJFLSD 😂
But to be more specific about the initial concepts, patrick was supposed much more in touch with the outside world ( henceforth the ‘anthropology’ part of his career once upon a time :’D ), more adventurous and also a tad more…brusque? more frigid? Kinda like that professor who’s always affable and you admire from a distance, but u wouldn’t necessarily go to for emotional support….basically not quite the gay english professor that all of the queer kids end up loving and subconsciously consider him the father figure they never had :’D
This is all way, if i may compare patrick to lay*ton, i’d say patrick ended up be way more milder, reserved and closed off in comparison to lay*ton. Warmer too although i think part of that also comes from his relationship with hyuk AKA as once stated, hyuk uses his teeth for patrick so patrick doesn’t have to grow them himself. Also while the two do more or less do still have the same demeanor, but patrick, in particular, is unabashedly biased towards his loved ones. Would drop everything for them even his morals ( which isn’t exactly very good of a gentleman :’D ). So i’d say in that sense, lay*ton is almost?? Ironically milder in this sense? In while he does have preferences, he doesn’t have as many sheer dislikes….patrick on the other hand does have very specific dislikes that while he doesn’t vocalize, it’s very obvious to know what they are. 
I’ve also noticed in this past year, patrick, depending on the verse, is becoming a lot more…petty morally ambiguous ( hyuk come collect your person and chastise him too fjksldjfdls :’D ). Selfless yes, but the means and his way of thinking uh….maybe it’s not the most morally upright version :’D i also do think he’s a bit more prone to silliness too in comparison to my original concept <3
⏳ If he had the time and availability to have a pet, which one do you see him choosing?
It’s more apparent in verse three and maybe even verse two, but patrick is very much of a cat person. Not that he hates dogs, but i do think he’s more drawn to cats, whether they’re on the sillier side or the reserved side- he’s a big proponent of self-suffiency and since the man is like, always working, he would want a furry companion who doesn’t mind just passing the hours in peaceful quiet :’D as of right now, he could probably get a cat, but it’d be an adult cat, probably one still pretty young.
If he gets one after elise has flown the nest though…i could see him getting a kitten :’D preferably a stray one bc patrick has a tendency of taking in strays, human or not &lt;3 <3 <3
⏳ Did he use to have a favorite place when he was a child? Somewhere he remembers with fondness?
Libraries have always been a source of solace for patrick especially when he was in secondary school. As the only asian kid in his town and not to mention probably the only kid that was adopted, the books in the library provided him with examples of sorts of people who were more like him…granted in the 1980s there probably wasn’t as much as there is now, but it certainly made him feel less alone. So i’d say the library in his childhood would be one of his favorite places aka one place he also would probably sleep over in if not for the librarian kicking him out :’D i’d say if he didn’t get in engrossed in academia and teaching, he’d probably be a librarian ( which he was in his second life &lt;3 )
⏳ What's a place he's always wanted to visit but hasn't? 
Anywhere that has hyuk in it. OKAY BUT SERIOUSLY, i would say….maybe yeongju? Since that’s where he was born originally although patrick wouldn’t actually know that until like after the whole thing with felicity went down. But i do think it is a place that would also help explain some of the strange images he sometimes gets of his past life as a seonbi…
⏳ Does he know that a certain detective named Lee Hyuk always carries him in his heart and mind and misses him like nuts and blames me for being away (IUWEHDWEIUDHWD)?
Hmmm, i don’t know hyuk…you might have to say a bit louder for patrick in the back to hear JFKLSJDFLSKJ jkjk, pls don’t apologize for your speed, patrick and i are MORE than happy to wait for u…unfortunately for all of us, you are stuck with me for as long as this hellsite is around and even when it dies i'll still be haunting u &lt;3
but since you’ve mentioned this, patrick has snuck out here to say something:
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“Ah, spoken like a true pigeon– do let him know to come back as soon as he can. I’ll have a Crosstown donut and an iced americano ready for him.”
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