#but genuinely there are so many bots & quite creepy ppl so one has to beware
beyond-far-horizons · 7 months
Welcome to my blog!
Just a reminder to new users/followers: if you want to follow me - great! I hope you enjoy my wonderful, slightly incoherent blog.
However you'll need to have a proper Tumblr account- aka one with a customised icon, actively used etc. If not, you look like a bot and I (and many others on here) will block you. Doesn't have to be awesomely curated or anything, just not empty, left with the tumblr triangle/square icon or 'follow for more' etc.
Also I don't always follow back - no reflection on you, it's just my dash gets very cluttered & I'm only sporadically here.
Each to their own, but I also won't follow if the blog is explicit/coarse, very political (esp right-wing), gory, features a lot of horror, features lots of slash shipping (I'm pro LGTBQ+ but slash isn't my shipping focus & I tend to prefer the canon friendships that slash fans turn romantic/sexual), has a lot of purity policing (call-out culture/shipping wars etc) and doesn't tag properly so I can filter. I recommend minors don't interact, esp on the rare occasion posts are explicit.
As said in bio above, I'm a big Heroine x Villain/anti-hero shipper. As a rule how I see this is:
It's fiction not real life - I understand people's mileage may vary (i.e if you've had bad experiences in RL & the pairing/dynamics hits too close to home), which is why I tag/use content warnings so people can filter/ block. I try & be respectful, however please don't interact if you want to shame or police my or my friends' shipping/fanworks.
My heroines/protags are always aged up in my headcanons/fanfic if they aren't of age already.
I'm a big fan of feisty heroines with agency & am as focused on the philosophical discussions/development as I am the romantic/sexual tension.
My explorations in fandom/fiction do not reflect my relationships in real life - this should be obvious, but sometimes in fandom ya gotta say it ;).
I'd much rather you block me than try and argue shipping, fanon, or canon/fanfic plot points with me. Having lived through Tumblr 2013/14 and anime shipping wars, it's simply not worth it. Live and let live etc.
I also like hero x heroine ships & I'm a multishipper - chances are I may also ship your NOTP so use that filter option, it's a lifesaver.
I love that UST & I might occasionally post explicit fanfic, but generally this blog is SFW. I'm also not a fan of porny style language.
If all that hasn't freaked you out, welcome and enjoy the blog - it's mainly nature pics anyway lol.
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