#but ginger is so sweet actually dont get it twisted
swagging-back-to · 11 months
uh oh trouble in paradise
i guess all the ladies decided they wanted to fight every and anyone they could for like no reason.
ginger was humping everyone to establish her dominance and dhal hated it and now clove is fighting dhal bc clove liked it and ginger is fist fighting with jasmine who is partially blind but beating gingers ass
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inktailsaystuff · 11 months
Introducing Ivy to Nina
Freckle meets Ruby (Ivy's dad)
Tw: None :>
Freckle's tail twitched with anxiety as he stood outside his home. He had smoothed out his fur, and worn his mother's favorite suit jacket. It took all of his energy to flatten his bristling fur, in the corner of his eye he could see his silver furred cousin Rocky from the bushes. The cat offered him one of his signature manic grins of support. Now don't get him wrong. He loved his mother... but he was also mortified that she would be unapproved of his girlfriend. Ivy. Ivy stood tall next to him, her beautiful gray fur glowing silver in the moonlight. She wore a loose pastel green layered dress that went down to below her knees, with a matching green cloche hat. Her long thin wiry tail intertwined with his soothingly, as she fixed her hair. 
"Honey, are you alright?" Her sweet voice cutting through his worrisome thoughts. "You know I can always meet your mother some other time right?" Her piercing yellow stare looking into his eyes. "If your worried-"
"N-No." Freckle shook his head, his ear twitching. "I can do this. It's okay." Swallowing a lump in his throat he knocked on the door. The few seconds waiting for his mother to open the door felt like crawling through hell itself. As each second ticked by he could feel his skin prickle and fur bristle, fear clawing its way up his neck. 
"Calvin?" His mother opened the door, her hair tied back into a tight bun as she smoothened out her skirt. Her small ginger stature sent shivers up his spine. "Who's that you got with you?" She narrowed her eyes, fixing her glasses as she looked Ivy up and down. "You better not be getting hanky panky with her Calvin." (I don't know 1920's slang :'<) Nina's tail swished. 
"What? No Mother." Freckle shook his head, "I- I uh... I'm courting her? Yeah... I wanted you to meet her Mother." He fiddled with his paws, his anxiety eating him alive as his mother inspected Ivy. Earlier both he and Rocky had briefed Ivy on how to act and talk around his mother. Well actually Freckle did most of the briefing while Rocky screamed poetry about how to avoid angering "the wrath and fury that is the woman of ginger fur and short stature." Whatever that meant. 
"What's your name?" Nina asked as she finally let the couple inside. Her brilliant yellow eyes analyzed Ivy and her son as they walked in. Nina had to admit, the girl seemed like a sweet one. Large yellow eyes and soft gray fur, the young cat held herself up with an air of upper class, her thin and wiry body graceful and stunning.
"My name is Ivy. Ivy Pepper. Mrs. McMurray." Ivy smiled as she stepped inside, holding her purse in her hand as she smiled. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Ma'am."
"Hmph." Nina frowned. "Would you like some tea Ms. Pepper?" Nina asked as she poured three cups of tea. 
"Yes Ma'am." Ivy smiled, sitting down next to Freckle. 
"How did you meet my son Ivy?" Nina asked as she sipped her tea. Her eyes were cold as she analyzed every one of Ivy's moves as if to find a single blunder. 
"W-We met at a cafe." Freckle offered, twisting their meeting into a less… scandalous version of events. 
"Did she start courting you?" Nina asked wryly, her tail lashing. 
"N-No." Freckle shook his head. "I approached her first..." That was a blatant lie, but alas if they wanted this to work they had to. "She was... uh... drinking tea... and she looked like a nice young woman so I asked to speak to her for a bit." 
"Hmph." Nina narrowed her eyes. "I suppose you do seem like a nice young lady Ms.Pepper." Nina closed her eyes as she sipped her tea. “What does your family do for work?” (I dont actually know what he works as so I’ll just pretend he's also a mine owner)
“My father owns a quarry, a little out of Kansas City, currently I’m going to college.” Ivy prattled off, her happy chipper voice polite as usual. “Anything else Ma’am?”
“I suppose. I shall consider this arrangement then.” Nina hummed, “Now Ms. Pepper, if you could wait outside for a moment I must discuss it with my son.” 
“Yes Ma’am.” Ivy smiled, her heels clacking against the floor as she left the room. Freckle almost cried at the sight of Ivy’s slender tail vanishing behind the door, leaving him to answer his mother’s questions.  
“So what do you think, Mother?” Freckle asked as he wrung his tail in his paws. Worried thoughts ran through his head; What if Ivy was too straightforward? What if her manners were off? What if his mother didn't like her? However his worried thoughts were interrupted by his mother’s booming voice. 
“Stop messing with your tail Calvin. You'll ruin your fur.” Nina finished sipping her tea. “I suppose the girl is soft spoken. A good woman for you Calvin.” Nina folded her hands in her lap. 
“You like her?” Freckle’s ears pricked in excitement. 
“Now wait there Calvin.” Nina raised a paw, “I do quite like this young lady, however I do not know if she is the right fit for you.” Upon the sight of Freckles' dejectedness, Nina rubbed her temple. “However, I will give her time, Calvin.” She looked at her son. “And if she proves to be fit, I give you my blessing.” It took all of Freckles' self control to not jump for joy. 
“Thank you Mother.” Freckle beamed, his tail swishing side to side in excitement. 
“Yes. Yes Calvin.” Nina waved a hand, “Have you met her papa yet?”
“Errrrr… yep. He’s a little busy but I managed to speak with him over the phone.” Freckle lied with a smile, praying to the heavens that his mother wouldn't catch that lie.  
“Good. Remember no hanky panky until after marriage.” Nina waved a finger at her son. “Understood? I want no such godless behavior under my roof.”
“Yes Mother.” Freckle smiled, scurrying out of the room, practically quivering with excitement to tell Rocky and Ivy the news. Nina sat down in her chair chuckling. 
“That’s a good one Calvin.” She wiped her hands on her apron watching as Freckle ran over to the car where Ivy was waiting for him. 
“Goodbye Mrs. McMurray.” Ivy called out curtseying to the older cat from outside as she entered the vehicle. “So how did I do?” Ivy asked once Rocky managed to drive the car a few blocks away from the house. “Did I pass?”
“She approves!” Freckle beamed. 
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
1) CONGRATS ON THE MILESTONE!!! you’re the first blog i followed and i check your blog like 48482829 times a day for updates because i love your stuff so freaking much 2) can i get an angsty to fluffy ✨ of fred being with a slytherin girl <3 ily
omg thank you so much 😭😭 that is so sweet <3333
Fred falling in love with a Slytherin girl
he first started to take notice of her during defense against the dark arts
umbridge had forced he and George to sit apart, and he ended up stuck sitting next to y/n. since she was a slytherin he never payed her much attention, but being so close to her he couldn’t help but look
for one she’s breathtakingly beautiful. her hair is usually twisted up on her head in some kind of hairstyle, and by their dada lesson in the afternoon strands of her hair have started to fall out of it, framing her face perfectly
and her eyes, fred could let himself get lost in her eyes for days, just swimming in their deep color
they had made eye contact once and fred thought his heart would beat out of his chest
it doesn’t help that she’s got a sharp wit that’s quicker than even the fastest seeker in the world
fred has found himself having to stifle his laughter in his elbow more than once after she’s whispered some kind of comment about their professor
and he only starts to fall harder when umbridge gives them a break from endless reading to work on an assignment together
she’s as smart as she is funny, and for every quip or joke fred makes she has a response on the tip of her tongue just as quickly
she’s the only person besides George who has ever been able to keep up with him, and as they head from dada towards dinner fred keeps their conversation going, needing to keep hearing her laugh. 
their hands brush as they walk, and Fred’s legs feel like they’re jelly. 
fred is poised and ready to ask her on a date when they reach the great hall and she turns to head towards the slytherin table. and the bubble of warm feelings and young love around them bursts
she’s a slytherin. he can’t betray his house like that.
so instead he heads away from her with a wave, determined to squash whatever lingering crush he has on her.
he ignores her the next afternoon when she tries to make conversation on their way to class. she pokes him and prods, him but every joke or quip she makes fails to get him to laugh
y/n figures he’s just in a bad mood. until he switches seats with his brother - that’s when Fred’s absence really starts to hurt
she’d been making the comments under her breath all terms in hopes that the ginger boy would finally notice her. y/n has been pining after him for years, but she figured Fred would never be able to look past her emerald green tie to see the person underneath
she had felt euphoric when fred finally seemed to actually notice her, and after their flirting the other day she figured he’d finally managed to look past her house affiliation to see who she really is. 
but it seems she’d been mistaken
and it doesn’t help that she can still feel Fred’s eyes on her whenever he’s nearby
she can feel his eyes burning holes in the back of her head during dada, and a few times during meals she’s let her eyes wander over towards the Gryffindor table, only to spot fred already looking at her
this only infuriates her further, since fred has seemingly deemed her nice to look at, but not nice enough to actually be with
until one day y/n decides she’s had enough. she’s tired of pining after a boy who is too stupid to make a move, so she decides to do it for him
y/n waits in an empty classroom on the way to dada, peeking her head out into the hallway until she spots a shock of red hair barreling down the hall
once fred is close enough she grabs the back of his shirt and pulls him into the classroom with her
‘do you like me?’ she asks once fred has gotten his bearings ‘because I like you and I’m tired of wasting my time if you don’t like me too.’
 Fred’s face flushes red, and he starts to stutter. ‘but im a Gryffindor.’
‘so because some stupid piece of fabric put us in different houses you’re just going to pretend you don’t like me?’
fred truly had never thought about it like that. sure some Slytherins are absolute assholes, but y/n has only ever made him feel pure joy - so what does it matter that they aren’t in the same house?
‘ah screw it.’ fred mutters as he surges forward, pressing their lips together in a heated kiss
it’s the best kiss either of them has ever had, and when it breaks they’re both out of breath
‘I dont care that youre a slytherin. you’re beautiful and you make me laugh, that’s what matters. though I draw the line at eating meals with the rest of the snakes in your house.’
y/n rolls her eyes fondly with a laugh. ‘they are kind of a bunch of pricks aren’t they?’ she responds, kissing fred again
Come join the celebration!
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antihero-writings · 5 years
Reminded by a Flower—Pandora Hearts fic for Phmonth19, Rainsworth Trio, Day 6: Flowers (Full fic)
Fic Title: The Simplest Gifts
Chapter Title: Reminded by a Flower 
Fic Summary: Christmas may not be the happiest time for the Children of Misfortune, still, sometimes it's the simplest things that can bring joy
Notes: This was a Christmas fic I started during Phmonth18 last year. I wasn't able to write Break’s chapter for it, so I decided to use one of the Phmonth19 prompts to finish it this year! Oh, and you dont need to have read the other chapters to understand this one! 
Kevin crouched beside a flowerbed. Most of the flowers were white, especially considering the snow, but as he dusted off the frost he found a single red bloom amongst the rest.
“Which of them is to be tonight’s victim?” a voice only he could hear said behind him.
He glanced over to the group it was referring to, which probably looked like a lavish dinner table to the Chain.
Christmas had taken over the town. Evergreen trees were set up like well-decorated sentries at the corners of streets, a large one guarding the town square. Candles, tinsel, ribbons, bells, and other assorted decoration had claimed shops and houses as their own, inside and out. There was barely a person without a candy cane, gingerbread or other cookie in their mouth. The children were especially affected by its cheer, making angels and fights out of the cold.
People did litter the area, carolers, rich folks in suits and fancy dresses, chatting in benches, poor people in rags sharing bread and a smile, kids slipping and giggling as they fell on on the ice, families, parents holding their children’s’ hands, friends drinking together.
The world rarely looked so alive, so…merry. Often he wouldn’t care, his eyes glazed with the potency of his goal…Today was different.
He returned his gaze to the flora, reaching down and picking the red bloom.
“Master?” Albus asked.
He had never seen the place so alive. The manor, the family, always radiated a sort of warmth, but the glow of the assorted candles, the fires in their places—picture perfect, like everything else— the reflections in the ornaments and plates glittering like the sunset on the ocean were enough to make anyone feel the cheer of the time of year. The sweet scent of pine flittered down from the trees, the aroma of cakes, gingerbread, and other treats drifting in and out of each room. The hubbub of party guests, along with music, floated in the air like butterflies drawn by the lamplight.
Kevin stood by the door, his eyes sharp, surveying the room, the guests, like a guard dog, always trying to find a threat, never fully relaxed. It was his job of course, but the festivities didn’t appear to interest him in general. The guests, with their fanciful dresses, words, and smiles, didn’t seem to notice the young man either, like he was just a decoration, a painting in black, white, and red, on the back wall.
Two did notice him, however: a rather large man, with a brown—greying—beard, wearing a nice black suit, (the tie only slightly askew), with a white flower on his lapel, a smile on his face, and a little girl with short blonde hair sitting on one of his shoulders.
“Roman-sama,” Kevin bowed to his master. “Do you require my services?”
He laughed a little. “No, no…Well, yes. Actually…seeing as it’s Christmas, little Emily wants to give you something.”
Kevin blinked, as if waiting for the punchline. The thought that his master’s daughter would give him, a servant, a gift for Christmas, was at the least improper, at the most mad.
Upon seeing the quizzical look on his face, Roman grinned. “Come now, it’s Christmas!! Will you not allow one little gift?” he leaned over and spoke behind his hand, (though she could probably still hear him), “if you don’t accept, the little tyrant might just get offended. We wouldn’t want that, would we? Who can tell what her majesty’s ruling would be?”
“Please, I couldn’t possibly accept—”
“Keeviin!!” The little girl moaned. “Just let me do something nice for you, you dummy!”
He blinked. He knew The Sinclairs to be both benevolent and stubborn, but this was something else.
“My apologies, Ojousama,” he bowed.
The little girl had been attempting to hide something by keeping it behind her father’s back. Roman now lifted her off his shoulders, giving her to the floor. She pattered up to Kevin and offered him the gift with the innocent smile only little girls are capable of.
It was a red flower.
He blinked, reaching down and plucking it from her hand.
“It’s a…I forget what they’re called. But I’ve only ever seen these flowers be white. I’d never seen a red one, and it made me think of your eyes!”
The aforementioned eyes widened.
“See, I’ve never seen a person with red eyes either! I think they’re really pretty…and I just thought maybe you and the flower should be together!” She put her hands behind her back and swayed back and forth.
Others had noticed his eyes too...’noticed’ was a bit of an understatement. At her age he often got bullied for his strange appearance, but as he grew older people would often avoid eye contact, or seem very uneasy beneath his gaze…and those were some of the milder reactions.
“Well, what do you say?” Roman said like someone had just complimented his young son. Kevin cleared his throat and spoke properly and simply. “Thank you…I appreciate it,” he added when she continued staring at him.
She grinned, giving a small curtsey. “Good. Then I won’t have to behead you for your impudence!”
Something of his expression must have shown his shock because her father laughed, patting her head, ruffling her hair, “Always the little jester, this one.”
“Father! You’ll mess up my hair!” the Sinclair girl put her hands on her head, scowling at him.
“Sorry, sunshine!”
She took his hand, dragging her father back out into the party.
“We’ve leave you to keep manning the fort!” Roman saluted, and Emily waved.
Kevin leaned back against the wall, twirling the stem, watching the petals twist like a dancer in a red dress, trying to hide his smile.
Kevin twisted the stem between his thumb and forefinger.
The same flower, but the times were so different.
A lot can change in a year.
“Master?” Albus asked again.
Kevin stood, looking the way of the painting-like scene the Chain looked at as a menu.
“It’s Christmas,” he said softly.
On this day last year, he was in a warm manor, the knight of an even warmer family. On this day last year he was a part of these traditions and games, even if on the sidelines.
Now he was cast out of that world, and no fires warmed his skin, no glittering lights peppered his vision, no candy or cake gracing his tongue…Not that having come now could sooth the ache in his stomach.
His eyes darted from the twirling children to the twirling petals in his hand.
But others could still enjoy the warmth of this day. Even he was alone, and cold, his eyes attuned to the dark, others still gave each other gifts, and told stories, and ate sweets in the firelight. Others still had families they could sit with, and who they would be devastated to lose…especially tonight.
He began walking forward, tossing the bloom to the ground, it landing like a drop of blood on the snow.
“I won’t be killing anyone tonight.”
“Break! Break!” the little girl toddled up to him, her feet carrying her as fast as they could in the snow, causing her to nearly topple over in her oversized coat. “I—” she panted, “I found something for you!”
She held up the bouquet of unevenly picked flowers like a trophy of war.
“Mother said you’re supposed to put flowers on people’s graves.” Sharon explained once she’d caught her breath, “I don’t really know what that means, but I made sure to pick the prettiest ones I could find.”
He blinked at her, taking them in an almost ginger way. It took him a moment to notice the red bloom hiding, slightly wilted, amongst the white.
“Do…Do you like them?” she asked, drawing circles in the snow with her boot.
He tried to smile, “Yes. Thank you, Sharon.”
Reim caught up with his friend, then gasped when he saw the makeshift bouquet.
“Sharon! You shouldn’t have picked those! I was just reading somewhere; the red variety is very rare!”
“You have nothing better to do then read about flowers?” she put her hands on her hips, “Why not pick up a book about something exciting,” she flourished with her hands, “something that will actually strengthen your mind… like a romance novel!”
“Shelly told you you’re not ready to read those!”
As the children squabbled—(he tried not to smirk at their fight…he’d slipped her that romance novel)—Break carried the bundle to said graves.
He pieced out the group, setting a few blooms on each, until only the red one was left.
As he let it drift onto the last stone, he murmured, “Merry Christmas, Emily.”
Break strolled through the frosty Pandora garden. Reim had left his notebook back here—(…either that or someone hid it from him)—and he had commissioned (more like drilled) everyone in a nearby radius to help him look for it.
The garden was mostly barren at this time, though there were a few flowers that bloomed in winter. In particular, white blooms lined the pathway near the ground. He thought nothing of them until he rounded the corner to find a bit of a disaster on the pathway:
Petals were strewn about the stones, the stem in fractured pieces, like flower had offended someone, and this was their revenge.
Break knelt down and picked what was left of the bloom, guessing exactly who had decided to take whatever frustrations he had out on the innocent flower—(he made a mental note enhance those frustrations later).
“Oh, there you are Break!” Sharon ran up to him, hugging Reim’s notebook to her chest, “I found—Oh! What’s this?” She knelt down, observing the crime. “Who would do such a thing?”
“I think a rat may have gotten in here.”
She frowned, standing back up. “That’s too bad, I would have liked to put it in a vase. I think I remember someone telling me the red ones are very rare variety. It’s pretty... It kind of reminds me of your eye.”
He tried to laugh it off, crushing what was left of the flower and standing, joining her to return Reim’s property, thinking all the while it probably reminded Vincent of his eye too.
“What is it, Sharon?” Reim asked.
She had stopped, before proceeded to running off to a nearby patch of flowers.
He couldn’t recall their name, but when he caught up to her, he saw that they were white flowers, blending in to the surrounding snow. Sharon knelt down before them and plucked one.
The one in her hand, however, was red.
“It’s been a long time since I saw a red one of these,” she said softly, twisting it in her finger.
“Yes,” he leaned over her shoulder, trying to get a better look at it, “I believe they’re quite rare.”
She proceeded to add this red flower to one of the bouquets she was carrying.
“My apologies for the detour,” she mentioned properly as he helped her back up.
They finished the rest of their journey, stopping before the graves. She knelt down and set one down at each respectively, removing the red flower and carefully placing it on top of the headstone.
His wife tried to smile as she said, “Merry Christmas, Mother. Merry Christmas, Break.”
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Episode 6 - "Thank all gods, even the weird ones." - Stephen
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Thank all gods, even the weird ones. I was not ready to go home pre-jury again. Although I’m still wondering if theres a hidden redemption island twist because most merges happen at 11 not 10. I also need to be careful of Clash. I trust him now, but he’s a strong player. I need to be able to have my own game apart from his, and be ready to vote his ass out when he starts getting too close to ftc.
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Um so I have to vote one of my 3 closest allies which sucks but if I vote Allan that’s the best it won’t upset pat or randy and keep Stephen with me as well I hope I win this game I will IA 
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Liana won immunity which sucks because she was the easy vote and puts me in a terrible position. So far Ginger and Emily/Vilma are possible votes
Everyone's so cautious about saying names this tribal council, I definitely needed that immunity. If I don't hear anything from Liana/Ginger/Emily, I'm going to put Ginger's name out there and see where it gets me
Looking quite bad here, Emily did tell me I should be safe, but just incase that was to mislead me, I attempted some very poor guilt trip/flattery. :(
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i’m like pretty okay with going to tribal tbh because i trust the four in my alliance with me? like the only one i’m a bit weary about is ginger just bc she’s like a lil weird in general lol and she could turn on a dime :/ but i do think that if she did choose to turn on me, vilma, and michael, she wouldn’t choose me to vote out this round. she’d probably go for michael? but that’s only IF she chooses to flip. idk if she will. i have high hopes that this round will be pretty smooth. if i had it my way, we could vote tyler out now because i think he’s not as invested in this game as jacob. and it’s hard to play with people who are invested. if tyler or jacob don’t go this round, at least from our tribe, i’ll be very confused? also looking forward to merge! i’m worried but at the same time i’m content. like it’ll be a small merge which i love and i have pretty good relationships with a lot of the people left. so! that’s cute! i think i’m in a good position right now. well liked, in a somewhat powerful position, and under the radar for the most part. i haven’t really done much (or gone to many tribals for that matter) that have made me feel like a threat. yes, i was a leader on the saolatoga tribe and i was the one that brought up daniel’s name at first, but it was like an easily agreed upon decision. i don’t think people were too shaken or surprised by it. it’s something on my resume for me to see, not everyone else. and that’s exactly how i like it! i’ll read my list of doings at final tribal council. and i’ll wow the jury. but it won’t be obvious to them what i’m doing until they look at the game more objectively. i think that’s a good way to play. always on people’s minds, but not too much. positive opinion, involved in big decisions, but never the ring leader to the point where it’s dangerous. i think i’ve figured out a good balance! i’m hoping this takes me far. to the end!!!
so there's a lot of stuff going on so im going to try to organize my thoughts. here we go. liana is immune, so that's hard on the rest of the tribe who... pretty much all wanted to vote her out but that's fine. honestly liana being immune is better for me than it is anyone else, so I am fine with it. it is making waves though, but they're fun waves. so the alliance of ginger, michael, vilma, and myself mentioned either tyler or jacob because they're the only options not in our alliance right now, but the thing is, ginger went CRAZY and was pushing for us to NOT VOTE TYLER WHATSOEVER! and they just kept pushing for jacob instead. I was very weary about this, but I didn't say anything at first until michael messages me saying that tyler is gunning for ME. and then vilma messages me saying that Michael told her this too, only he said that the reason tyler was gunning for me was because she and I were so close. SO! this means that tyler is aware of vilma and I being in an alliance. and ginger was probably the one to mention it to him. and then GINGER MADE A GROUP WITH VILMA AND TYLER SO THAT VILMA WOULD WANT TO PROTECT TYLER MORE. anyway, once this got out, michael and vilma and I made a group to talk about the vote and I think we're leaning towards ginger for the following reasons 1. way too protective over tyler for no reason. how the fuck are they so close? 2. tyler somehow knows about vilma and i's connection even though we've been extremely low key and I have never talked game with him 3. ginger is just actually crazy I think we can get liana and jacob on our side way easier than we could tyler. we're planning on telling liana and jacob about the vote, but leaving tyler and ginger in the dark. we just need to make sure none of this gets back to ginger like for real! they leak literally everything. I literally JUST messaged them saying that Tyler had thrown out my name and not even two minutes after I get a message from vilma saying that ginger had asked her about tyler throwing out my name. like ginger gets information and RUNS WITH IT. I truly cannot trust them. and it would create less waves to vote ginger out than it would anyone else on the tribe I think. like... after all the craziness that's going down, we need to send ginger home. I could kind of tell that ginger was a little weird, but I didn't expected them to be so cracked like genuinely cracked. lmao
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Annoying Lyana HAD to win immunity, getting your lazy-social ass in multiple ORGs make u slay the physical game...and now I feel my ass is in danger! Im gonna do everything in order to stay here and Im already making plans. Not resting for a sec.
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Sluggy voted out... saw that comming, him cheering on Stephen may have screwed us a bit At least its not Merge Double Tribal is gonna suck though. FreeRice is a great challenge, while im not 100% comfortable in my position atm but I am going to throw this challenge a little to reduce my threat a bit. Oh yay... the only one we didnt want to win immunity, and they win immunity, this is gonna make tribal fucked. I dont know what we are gonna do atm but i will to figure something out.
Pre Double Elimination Tribal: I may have done it. It was messy bjt with the order of events, I may have been able to pull the strings to get Ginger voted out. Its going to have to keep Tyler in the dark but its going to have to be a risk we take. Ginger it too full on and too wild. He can't be trusted come merge 100%. Tyler i think we can work with a bit at least
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Double tribal? No thank you. I’m hoping it’s allan that goes home, I never thought I’d say that. I’d really like to survive this tribal idk if I am though. I’m v nervous 
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Uhhh so apparently we didn't merge and we have a double elimination round instead (Again???? I wonder if it's a redemption type thing this time). I couldn't compete in the immunity challenge due to a busy weekend irl so I'm vulnerable and really just hope I make it to merge. This round ended up being quite an emotional rollercoaster for me, here's a recap of some of my thoughts: 4:16 AM So ngl I would've wanted to go for Liana had she not won immunity She seems very sweet but I have chatted with her the least out of everyone She might've felt she was in danger Now I'm a bit lost and hope at least someone would tip me off if my name's thrown around 5:14 AM There's no way Ginger is voting Tyler out 8:26 AM Hmmm Jacob wanting to vote for Ginger I think Tyler I bet doesn't want that I'm trying to imagine whether I'd be willing to sacrifice Ginger or not if it came down to it I'd rather not I think Because he's been very open with me about his relationships and stuff So I feel I have a good read on him atm He still hasn't revealed he knows Clash though And I know he is capable of being messy Very good socially So I'm definitely scared of him But he is one of my closest bonds here atm so losing that would suck Of course if it comes down to me or him I have to go for it This really sucks because I like everyone on this tribe Jacob said he's closest to Emily and Tyler Tyler saying he wants to work with me and Ginger These relationships are so complex it's gonna be hard to find a common target And I don't even know what's my own preference I change it every three seconds 2:05 PM I tipped Michael off that Tyler and Ginger have become pretty close And he made a point that betraying that trust could cause us problems at merge Which I agree with So that leaves us Jacob I like Jacob a lot he is super nice but I agree he would probably be the 'least problematic' boot besides Liana As long as Emily is fine with it God I really just want to make merge and jury I've never not made them so my heart would break a little if I didn't Although my heart will break a little having to cast a vote for someone on this tribe tonight Everyone's so nice ugh 3:33 PM Um Okay so Michael told me Tyler is gunning for Em??? Apprently because her and I are close Soooo he wants to take a stab at me too? Not stunned by that That's not the best thing to hear right after establishing an alliance with someone Kinda feeling uneasy about Tyler and Ginger now People I am not voting for 100%: - Emily - Michael - Liana (she's immune lol) I feel Emily and Michael are being 100% with me So that makes me feel good about them 4:50 PM So looks like it'll be Ginger going That kinda sucks and kinda doesn't (mostly does) I'm partially okay with it because I've honestly been spooked by him since the very first day, he is very strong socially and he likes to be controversial sometimes which I like to stay away from as much as possible BUT That guy trusts me And he is genuinely very nice I like talking to him I'm gonna feel super super super dirty voting him out My heart will be filled with sorrow and I'm kinda scared of his anger afterwards He has been super honest with me so far But others are being put off by his aggressive playstyle Ughh it breaks my heart to lie to Ginger But I’m not gonna go out of my way to save him here I just don’t think that would be smart plus the numbers just wouldn’t be there Plus I feel more secure moving forward with Emily and Michael 0:04 AM I feel really really bad about this, haven't really been able to eat all day I understand why I took a six month break from orgs My mind is just not built for these I feel too bad about betraying people Plus I just think this move isn't quite ideal for me I'm betraying someone who trusts me so much and leaving out Tyler who also wanted to work with me, at least if I was alongside Ginger But I really just feel more comfortable staying with Emily and Michael I'm so sorry I'm a pussy and don't want to go out of my way to save an ally It's on me 0:57 AM I might have just messed up because I just talked to Liana assuming she had already heard about the plan but turns out NO ONE had talked to her about it yet... Two hours before tribal???? God if she lets Tyler or Ginger know I am going to be in massive trouble Also I don't think I can attend the tribal live I feel sick and disgusted at myself because of this vote, it's too much I hate myself Ginger I'm so sorry you were nothing but a good friend to me and I'm doing you so dirty I feel absolutely horrible having to lie to your face 
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Did I already make a confessional about this? idk. I won immunity! yay! this is good on two ends: I cant get blindsided and; I can maintain a fiction with my Ala Mai boys that I would have been next to go most likely if I need to. Right now the target is Allen, because if we vote Randy out Pat will be miffed. My only issue with that is it gives Pat a lot of power, especially if its not an American who gets voted out from the other tribe. 
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So that immunity didn’t go well. The one person we couldn’t have winning the challenge, won the challenge. Now the 4 are going to have to cannibalise ourselves and I definitely fear that eyes are on myself and Clash. Our only hope is to try and get Stephen on our side but I’m really not sure if we’ll be able to do that 
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Arg hi. Just woke up and we’re gonna thrive today. That’s a lie I never actually thrive it’s a facade. Anywho we’re going to tribal cause of the double tribal twist hooray. Everyone was down to vote liana but oh no she won immunity. Right so I like ginger and Jacob but these rats are going after eachother. Everyone is extremely quiet I wouldn’t be surprised if it was me going. It looks like we don’t have enough votes to save Jacob idk, I just don’t want to be voted out ok bye
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Nothing is cooking like im so bored Stephen own the individual immunity challenge so now the four of me pat clash and allan have to vote out im voting allan out, hope they do
0 notes
kyohiba · 5 years
snow white + prince cursing. jiang cheng and wen ning fix it post canon au
ssyifpfff🌙 i dig it, havent thot much of it tho
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 but the idea of wen ning trailing behing sizhui and jc trailing behing jin ling n thm meeting while they keep their respective babies safe os *kisses filgers* DOLCE
May 16 i feel like a whole 4th eye of mine opened to that... but my mind probably wont be able to focus much. i hate how i can only hyperfixate in one or two ships at time
yeeting patriarch jiang cheng's hostility decreasing as they kept meeting...
yeeting patriarch perhaps wn and jc could get my ass more than jc with huaisang !?
but nothing will ever get ur ass more thn jc/happiness will it
jiang cheng n huaisang is v Aesthethic bc huaisang is a pretty pretty hoe
May 16 jc + happiness is all that matters
but... the sweet angst road of wn and jc...
and yea the Appeal of jc ano nhs is that huaisang is Very Pretty plus his scheming charm. but we arent given much canon background to work on this. not that it matters, lord knows we built the content when we really want to make anything
but The Flavor, of the canon background content for jc and wn Is There And It's Stronf
yeeting patriarch nevermind what i said im already ass deep into it. i love both jc and wn way too much, the appeal got me immediately
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 them bonding over how dumb wuxian would act "he would float in the water n pretend he drowned" "yea he told a-yuan he needed to be buried in order to grow big n tall like a raddish" they look at each other n want to laugh but jc doenst know if hes comfortable enough for tht n wn doenst know if hes allowed to
but oh god, the way jiang cheng is,
their road would be So Long
yeeting patriarch another slow burn, uh...
and then so much confusion and conflicted angsty feelings along the way when everything is better because jc was almost forgetting that..........wen ning is dead :) hes a corpse. what future awaits them. this is terrifying
yeeting patriarch ...why cant i have anything nice and just soft. i need to throw angst in or i die?
ssyifpfff🌙 its awful its a terrible idea to ship tht what r u doin
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 but wen ning being a pure boy, dogs would love him, dogs would gather around him bc he has a Good Aura, n jianc cheng just observes from afar thinkin How can he be so approachable whn hes a fierce corpse
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 like it would have to start w jc thinkin wen ning is less thn a human u understand
May 16 yeeting patriarch
ssyifpfff🌙 SAJGDASDF
May 16 IM CRYING imagine one day jiang cheng finds wen ning, on the floor, on top of him there are like four different dogs all swaying their tails all that hyper bullshit dogs do.
the incident repeats quite a few times
yeeting patriarch jc notices dogs are drawn to wen ning?
ssyifpfff🌙 he notices MAYBE?? hes not a dangerous zombie after all???
May 16 he lets it slip and asks how wuxian reacted to it
as wwx is terrified of dogs
and wen ning is like. where we... spent most of our time... there were no dogs
(awkward silence timel
ah. ruined it again.
okay 2 take
when they're on those night hunts, wen ning + sizhui & jiang cheng + jin ling
fairy starts being Too Friendly towards wen ning
both jiang cheng and jin ling were initially taken aback by it
yeeting patriarch but as the time goes on... it Softens their heart
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 also take 2 on tht dog thing, wen ning is like "ah wei wuxian made me chase any dogs away, i quite like dogs but i had to" to remind jc of the puppies he had to give away bc of wwx lmao :)
May 16 yeeting patriarch THEY START REALIZING WEN NING IS THE PUREST ANGEL... and opening up, in their tsun ways, with him
yeeting patriarch i like how the canon wen ning art is him with a ginger cat, but for the sake of jiangning we made him a dog person
i honestly picture him being the snow white os mdzs, just all animals gathering around him
bird perching on his shoulders, deer eating from his hands. jiang cheng confused af
hes Prince Not Charming
ssyifpfff🌙 Prince Cursing, if u will
yeeting patriarch jiang cheng going thru the trees and shit then he finds wen ning all surrounded by all animals cutely around him, the birds singing, some squirrels on the top of his head, a butterfly kissing his nose and suddenly the scene seem to have 💖Sparkles 💖 around. jiang cheng is like *rubs his eye and looks again* What
ssyifpfff🌙 "hey you... you have some animals on you" n wen ning was just super still he only focuses on jc "Oh yes. they do this sometimes. its ok i enjoy it"
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 "everytime i wake up theres a few little ones on me, they must think im a rock or something" jiang cheng, internally, seein all the animals: CLEARLY THEY ENJOY IT TOO???
May 16 yeeting patriarch JIANG CHENG MACHINE BROKE
i would like the idea of, somewhere farther into the future,
some cultivator bitch being mean to wen ning and by instinct jiang cheng ends up standing for wen 5
wen ning*
but then hes a sect leader and...
yknow how it wouldnt work
yeeting patriarch BUT A NYARI CAN DREAM!?
ssyifpfff🌙 MOST BELOVED
May 17 jiang cheng has responsibilities but thEY CAN BE LIKE YOU KNOW.... CASUAL
ssyifpfff🌙 they dont gotta marry. not every couple can be wangxian
tbh im all in for casual couples too
yeeting patriarch not everyone needs or can have Marriage
hmmmmmm the more jc starts seeing The Light in wn, when they're at the middle of the road,
yeeting patriarch more tangled his emotions get?
he was supposed to LOATHE wen ning but then he sees what happened wasnt wen nings fault. hes angry, who to blame then? wuxian! but it also isnt entirely wwx's fault he lost the control, the dark cultivation is a dangerous path after all... and wwx had a lot on his shoulders... and most of all: it was the only path he could follow without his golden core :) the very golden core that now resides inside jc. who should he blame? who should he hate?? Himself???
yeeting patriarch goddammit can i stop with the suffering
me: snow white au hehe you, chaotic bastard: what if jiang cheng hated himself lmao
i hate specifically tht iT MAKES SENSE
listen up,
one day all those feelings that keep growing and bottling up inside jc overflow and he explodes in yelling and tears and etc
wen ning, whom was with him, witness all that
yeeting patriarch and tries to soothe his state of mind
yeeting patriarch telling him that it's no one's fault. none of them couldve known what would happen. all sides had their good intentions here and there, but unfortunately fates can twist it in a way they never expected
BUT THEN jc returns with an "then why do u look like u blame yourself as well?" BECAUSE WEN NING DOES
yeeting patriarch sorry apparently the half brain cell i have working, only does suffering hours
ssyifpfff🌙 wen ning is like "..............." jiang cheng: i know it wasnt anyones fault but then what am i supposed to feel? who am i supposed to hate??"
wen ning is like No one. there isnt any1 to blame anymore
ssyifpfff🌙 im franctically tryin to make it bETTER NYARI LEND ME A HAND DAM IT
May 17
yeeting patriarch okay lemme get myself back together and try to offer some fix it
yeeting patriarch me: *shaking, weakly offering a tiny ass pink hello kitty band aid* This Will Fix Everything (the hell hole im offering the band aid for is like 17cm)
yeeting patriarch wen ning goes confident mode again and says that he cant help it as much jc and wwx, all of them will feel guilty no matter what anyone says. they tried their best but it backfired and they will need, they have to, learn how to live in terms with it. not forgetting, but still forgiving themselves and each other
wen ning obv has the wisdom of some1 who has died, seen death, been death, and come back to life
he has an appreciation for the little things no others would have
if any1 could emotionally guide jc it wOULD BE HIM1!
ssyifpfff🌙 "i have regrets too, but theres no choice for any of us but to live w them n learn"
May 17 ssyifpfff🌙 ALSO
May 17 ssyifpfff🌙 i think wen nings sensibility woULD BE SO GOOD FOR JC, hes always tense he needs a break of him just being so still tht birds can perch on his shoulders
May 17
yeeting patriarch he'll literally become jc's heaven sent angel... his solace and calm
like, after that breakdown and the things wen ning said
yeeting patriarch jiang cheng actually does feel... Lighter
wen ning boutta be jiang chengs therapist
ssyifpfff🌙 its what he needs
May 17 but as jiang cheng starts dealing better with his internal demons
he starts seeing more too that wen ning isnt only light
wen ning carries his pain too, inevitably
and jc starts to help wn as well
yeeting patriarch each other's company start being the healing they needed?
ssyifpfff🌙 jiang cheng teached wn confidence and wen ning teaches jiang cheng stillness and softness
May 17 i teared up here
after The Wen Ning Effect, and jiang cheng softening. people of his sect start to be... less afraid of him? AND BETTER, the respect level only grows!
jiang cheng realizing there is strength in softness too
that to be tender doesnt mean to be weak
of course his actions arent Oh, Super Obvious as he is a tsun
yeeting patriarch but u can feel The Difference on his aura
ssyifpfff🌙 I KNOW THAT WHEN LOVE IS LOST..............
May 17 yeeting patriarch ME, ON THE FLOOR, SOBBING, SINGING ALONF,
ssyifpfff🌙 EXTREME MOOD RN
May 17 yeeting patriarch we did done it again and again... i cannot believe it
honestly if the ppl in his sect see tht jc has the ghost general over for tea they'd be like Wow sect leader cheng rly is amazing
ssyifpfff🌙 hes so fearless
May 17 im tearing up again
HMMMMMMMMM his relationship with wen ning also being a bridge for some fixing for his relationship with wuxian...........
takes so much time and it's slow
after he took it all in, and especially wen nings words that he shouldn't forget to forgive, and has to live with it
he starts Understanding the events. that is was inevitable. and that the anger would not help nor be good for any of them
yeeting patriarch that for the ones around them (like jin ling) they need to... overcome it
*sobbing* wen ning even helping him to overcome his inferiority complex !?
yeeting patriarch making jc see that this and this sides of him are greater and make up for this and this other ones. that he, too, was of vital importance on here and there
tht the ppl around him look up to him, tht they dont compare him to wuxian, tht the strenght he has shown isnt just coming from his golden core but from his choices as well
from his leadership
also jiang cheng realizing yanli wouldnt want him to hate
ssyifpfff🌙 the worst part abt yanlis death is tht we dont ever hear her last words
May 17 ssyifpfff🌙 she doesnt get to finish sayin thm, we dont know what she was gonna say to wuxian n i firmly believe tht if she has finished n she had said she didint blame him, thn jiang cheng wouldnt have been as hung up on hate as he was
May 17 yeeting patriarch
yeeting patriarch tbh yanli... she just Understood more. faster than the two dense dumbasses
May 17 and it's like. Obvious she wouldnt want them to be that way. she would want them to understand the terms of the situation and overcome it TOGETHER
but after jiang cheng learns how to deals with his demons,
and most important of all: Grows (emotionally)
he starts seeing things a bit more like his sister would
yeeting patriarch WWYLD (What Would YanLi Do)
yeeting patriarch hmm now what's left is his daddy issues
sadasdfsf the fuck jiang dad
ssyifpfff🌙 can u believ wen ning is jiang chengs love+fear era
May 17 hmmmmmmmm let's say that as he watches himself raise jin ling he starts to understand his dad couldn't be easy on him. and that he Had To be softer on wwx's for his situations
i cant go deeper on this one because his dad messed up
yeeting patriarch but let's say that was really the case,
ssyifpfff🌙 yes theres no excuse for his dad, he had a soft spot for wwx n his favoritism showed
May 17 ssyifpfff🌙 its more like, its important for jc to Know it doesnt matter, he grew up to be a good leader n tht proved his dad wrong
BUT!!! YES!!!!!!!
learn to let go of those feelings towards his dad
yeeting patriarch and the day it finally fully clicked inside him that he became an amazing sect leader, he proved it
it's also important that he could realize having wwx golden core inside him means as if wwx really kept his promise
he stayed by his side
yeeting patriarch a very important piece of wwx will always be with him
0 notes
 Start 2/2x/2017 211 lbs
***you NEED to do small exercises for a while before you start running and doing what you were once capable of. you have several injuries that were not taken care of properly because your parent(s) undermined the amount of pain you were in. that is NOT your fault, caitlin. take it easy on yourself and do NOT push yourself too far beyond your limits. you will build endurance. you will lose the weight. you WILL BE HEALTHY. you WILL run like you do in your dreams one day! don’t do something that will push that day farther away than it is currently:) take care of yourself. slow and steady wins the race.***
Go to your cousin if you need help! This is his career and he loves talking to you about your health as a whole. HE DOES NOT MIND. STOP BEING NERVOUS. He’s so personable and has never judged you, your weight, appearance, anything. Same with Meg! They love you, Caitlin. You are loved by everyone. There’s not a person who knows you that doesn’t love you. 
GO TO THE DOCTOR IF YOU HURT YOURSELF. Get wraps, icy hot, ice packs. BE PREPARED. 
Always stretch before exercise, and allow yourself that 10-15 minutes of walking before and after an exercise such as running, elliptical, etc.
chromium picolinate, ginseng, 150mg of coenzyme q10 in morning
rhodiola rosea essential oil**** drop a few drops of this in your tea morning and night, along with passionflower oil for bedtime tea
150 mg of coenzyme q10 before bed
Get a membership at the YMCA if you can! You’d LOVE it caitlin! LOVE IT! Swimming, yoga, basketball, a huge gym with everything in it??? UM FUCK YES! Sign me up please. 
***lose 15-20 lbs before you have “fuck it friday” allow yourself to eat out with jake or friends 2-3 times a month at absolute most. 
trail mix. you love trail mix. trail mix trail mix trail mix all the way. so much trail mix. SO FUCKING MUCH MAKE A SHITTON OMG. pretzels, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews, pecans, cranberries, coconut chips, white chocolate morsels, SO MANY THINGS...YOU COULD MAKE A FEW IN BULK!:’D
bags of organic/vegan candies like the ginger ones from marshalls.
oatmeal raisin cookies w/flax, gingersnaps, pumpkin/zuchinni chocolate chip cookies, diy coconut cookies like the girlscouts sell for asshole prices, apple pie oatmeal cookies, carrot cake cookies
make your own protein/granola bars! great for grabbing on the go:) peanut butter and chocolate drizzles over top? hm, yes. 
banana bread, pumpkin bread, cranberry sweet/potato bread w/almonds on top, fig/date/walnut bread, orange+lemon zest bread with poppy seeds 
make soups! you love butternut squash and asparagus soup. 
make your own hummus holy hell. yes yes yes. roasted peppers and garlic. great for putting in a tin and throwing in some veggies.
you should really stay away from certain fruits and veggies. avoid starchy ones like potatoes. but make sweet potato fries or put some potatoes in a skillet and fry them up in some rosemary olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. you LOVE collard greens. make those more. you also love black olives. grab that shit. carrots, celery, broccoli, peas, tomatoes, spinach are all great. fruit is great..but it’s too high in sugar:( stick to bananas, apples, all berries, grapefruit, oranges, and treat yourself to something exotic from time to time! no shame in that, girl! 
fish/chicken/lean meat. you really like those sardines/tuna, but try to go for fresh proteins like these. salmon is hella awesome. reward yourself with sushi sometimes and take it home! 
make cornbean salad that mom makes. and zuchinni pancakes..pls. sooo good. 
make your own pizza! so great for lunches. make a pie a week if you feel up to it! OR MINI ONES HOW FUCKING CUTE. 
okay, so you actually really like salad. but try to limit that. the more salad you eat, the more you’re gonna crave actual food. try not to use just lettuce. you could eat spinach leaves like its no one business, same with a ton of other things. get some green leaves, and make your own salad! i think youd love a lemon and dill dressing:) or some sort of ginger soy. allow yourself that delicious dressing. add things to the salad if you want. dont make it so bland that you never want to eat it again. salads would be great 30+ mins before dinner. fills you up quicker.:)
monday should be a lighter day for you, caitlin. make a salad like you used to get in red robin minus the chicken. eggs, cheese, bacon crumbles, all in good portioning. **dessert night**
have taco/nacho tuesdays! make guac, salsa, pico de gala (or whatever tf it is ha) and go all out! that could be so healthy and so much fun!!
wednesday should be another lighter day for you. make a soup:) **dessert night**
turkey thursday. turkey meatballs, turkey hot dogs, turkey burgers, or a turkey din din...make it about turkey! OR CHICKEN. 
fishy friday. try to get some sushi,  make your own if you can! make a nice fish dish. any kind of seafood. treat yourself, caitlin. 
saturday salad. make a salad for dinner! like a really cool one. like an iceberg wedge with a bunch of shit all over it. yessss. **dessert night**
sunday funday. idk just make some random shit for dinner. make it about the family. geared towards everyone. maybe this could be a burger night? we could have our own fuddruckers goin on haha. twist up the burgers/flavors...make some sweet, others savory, make sliders out of them. that would be cool!!!! 
**DESSERT NIGHTS** ...oh my lawdddd. what can you have? froyo with candy on top, jello with whipped cream, or something you pick out at the store on this day:) LET YOURSELF EAT GIRL YOU DESERVE IT...just dont overdo it. 
0 notes