#but god forbid if you like thrawn/maris
elivanto · 2 years
it kinda irks me that everyone is expected to love thranto but as soon as someone posts something about thrawn and ar’alani, thalias or karyn it’s all “awwww the sister energy :)))”
it’s just such an annoying double standard 😭
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fukutomichi · 5 years
Okay it’s the day before the reckoning, so I gotta ramble and vent about TROS for a bit before the dumpsterfire in the sw tags starts to spread...TROS heavy spoilers so don’t read if you don’t wanna be spoiled...
So...looks like the reddit leaks some months ago are almost ALMOST going to be true, GOD I HOPE THEY ARE WRONG, and unfortunately for J.J and Disney, GoT is still fresh in our minds and look how their leaks turned out to be... I had the feeling that nothing will end as it is supposed to this year... ¯\_(¬_¬)_/¯
I’m gonna say it...Kylo Ren dying is the most basic of basic endings that they can pull off. (Ari don’t at me (ง'̀-'́)ง lol) And ooohhh add the drama with Rey just to give them Reylos some hope, which is just pure bullshit fan-bait. Lol I’ve played too much rpgs and visual novels with gajilion endings to realize which are the bad ones and which are somewhat okay and good. Resurrecting the ultimate SW baddie and the rest of the original cast so he can have his way in the end? Like...how the fuck is that hopeful?? Ruining 3 generations of a family for shits and giggles?? I love Shiv’s evil ass, but holy shit how is killing off all the Skywalkers an acceptable ending of the saga? Let’s give the middle finger to the dark lord by wiping out everything cause “reasons”...Which brings me to Rey...
I LOVE Rey, but I’m pretty scared of how the fanbase is gonna react to her “well now I’ll be a Skywalker now that they’re gone” cause the plot needs to be tied in the end...She’s been called the ultimate Mary Sue in this franchise, I dunno how much this will help to defuse that statement...Not gonna go into her being a Palpatine just FUCK YOU J.J! God forbid a lead character be someone without a overpowered lineage...
I remember posting about theories about her being a Kenobi or that dreaded “girl Luke clone” that I despise as hell...Looks like I gave J.J and his “mystery boxes” too much credit, OFC he’s gonna go the most BASIC of ways. How could I forget that he lied about Khan not being in Star Trek 2 and oops what do you know, Benedict Cuecumber is Khan lol...There’s also the Disney side. 
I’m always saying that the Galaxy is SO MUCH BIGGER than the Skywalkers and there’s tons of proof that even without their storyline, Star Wars JUST WORKS *toddhowardpunintended* (KOTOR, Rebels, Mandalorian, Rogue One, Jedi Fallen Order, the Thrawn books)...But not at the price of the corporate “We need to get rid of everything fast so we can start all over again fresh with the licence”...which looks like is the thing they were doing since TFA I guess...
I’m probably one of the few that likes TLJ and without it, TFA still looks like rushed rehash of the original movie. TLJ might be weak as a standalone, but as a companion it works pretty good imo (i’m kind of a fan of deconstruction I guess?? same as KOTOR 2)...Disney wanted that time gap gone between the two movies for reasons *caughstreamingcaugh* and created the disadvantage for both movies to be depended on one another...and now with TROS what are we gonna get?? “Well it’s been a yeaaar who knooooows”...which leads me to boss lady Kenedy...
If she’s smart, she will need to step down after this is over. At this point all she did was experiment and had her own way. I don’t give a crap that she was there from the old Lucas days. Give the leadership to someone who cares storyline and characters. With the Mandalorian now out, I HOPE Filoni is the next one in line to be in charge of everything SW related. To think that they once offered that to J.J *shudders*
I’m not gonna go into the whole story of BUT WHY cause 80% of the people that follow the movies, don’t follow the books or the games or the series so no point to divulge too much into that right now I guess...I’m just...disappointed in the fact that I was expecting this? And ended up STILL feeling disappointed.
In the end, I can’t deny that I AM excited for the franchise to move forward (and by the looks of the Thrawn books I think I have a feeling we might be seeing some Chiss action in the next trilogy), and that I’M JUST DONE with this saga...but not like this...
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...Knights of the Old Republic still is THE BEST Star Wars story made. Period.
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