#but having more sources for sure helps any investigator. claudia. louis. armand. the photographs.
allyriadayne · 4 months
it's so crazy how this is the first time louis live editing of his story is so blatant. daniel found and inconsistency and unraveled the whole thing. putting words in claudia's mouth, making her hesitate, almost saying what louis could never do, that she loved lestat
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this aided by louis or armand cutting the pages out of her diary so louis can tell a neater story. what happened to claudia out there with killer? if louis is implying bruce raped her why not let HER tell the story anyway? or just plain don't imply anything in the first place. daniel saying in this episode that claudia seemed like she hated louis' guts and he couldn't abide that, just like he couldn't when she left too and wouldn't listen to him calling her in one of the s2 promo videos, daniel again mentions claudia was hating paris and it's implied louis didn't. i wonder if there are cut pages there too relating to armand or a more acute and specific unhappiness with louis that drives her to seek madeleine.
it's like in louis' mind claudia's troubles and unhappiness are all related to lestat, just like his. so they leave, louis "choses" her. but claudia is not happy because it wasn't all lestat, it was louis, it was her birth, it's her. louis can't find love again when she's unhappy. so he will try to tell a story where nothing went wrong and she was happy and he was happy and in love and where he didn't find guilty as he left her behind for armand. and that's not getting into the weird dynamic where he says claudia "let" him explore and find himself in paris!!
anyway it's a good sign in s2 louis seems to be more aware of claudia as a person rather than as words in a diary and that he's trying (?) to give back the pages and her missing life for a let's say....objective retelling of her story too
it's just UGH. the editing of claudia's life drives me so crazy sometimes. i mean, there is always going to be a subjective retelling of anyone featured in louis' narration, that is memory, how we perceive others is never how they perceive themselves or how they just are but there's a double editing in claudia because you've got louis and you've got her OWN diary, part of her self, that louis (or/and armand) ALSO cuts and pastes as he sees fit because he wants to "protect" her from.....WHAT? a fictional exploitation of her character that he is giving himself anyway by telling the story anyway? just hide the diaries. he wants to tell the truth. but only in his way. what does claudia has that louis finds so unpalatable? so miserable? a mirror of his own unhappiness etched in a little girl's face?
and i mean, it's not only that this is done, it's that claudia from the beginning is a character that is robbed of her agency. she's a child with a death mother, she should die, but then is stolen for louis to make a daughter out of her, so she becomes an eternal child. and it's worse when claudia is made to be 14 and in the cusp of womanhood! it's crueler! a 5 yo claudia doesn't know what it is to be a person, but 14 yo claudia does but never will. the point of her character is that she's constantly desperately seeking agency and freedomm to be able to make decisions on her own. and she never will, not even after death because louis is still part of her cage and decides how she will be, like her mean aunt did in life and lestat and louis did in her undead one
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