#claudia x louis
littlegirlinvisible · 4 months
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Chasing it! Chasing! Gotta be chasing it! Except he just threatened me with it!
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allyriadayne · 3 months
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I wanna say something to you. I don't need to hear anything back, I just need you to hear me. Hard words and soft words. The hard. Our life is shit. It's been shit. It is shit. It's gonna be shit again. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. No one's watching, no one cares. A shit life beats no life. But where we're going now we can't be running away again. Doesn't mean we forget what we saw. What she did in front of us. If I see you going that way, I'm going pull you back. I don't need that from you. As long as you walk the Earth, I'll never taste the fire, you understand me?
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loustat-0 · 5 months
2x1 is going to be about the revenants & Claudia & Louis being bitter towards each other in Europe . Louis seeing Lestat's hallucination .
2x2 arrival to Paris meeting the vampire Armand & the coven of theater the vampires .
2x3 Flashbacks to Armand & Lestat relationship & Nickolas . Parts of Lestat backstory & Armand's back story told by Armand in Dubai to Daniel .
2x4 Armand & Louis's relationship starting to form Lestat present in their relationship Louis & Armand hook up . Claudia as an actress & Louis & Claudia's fight about Louis choosing someone else over her . Claudia meeting Madeline after her show in the theater . Some bitterness shaping between Louis & Armand at the end of the episode in the Dubai timeline . Claudia starting to resent the vampires in the theater . " FUCK theses vampires " she will start resenting Armand too .
2x5 Flashbacks to the 70s . The first interview between Young Daniel & Louis . With Armand also present there . Louis's & Daniel's conversation starts heating up When Daniel tells Louis that he doesn't even know the meaning of his story & hinting to his story having missing pieces & he's not reliable so Louis gets in a fight with him . Some parts of Armand & young Daniel relationship which most people who got the screener said it was so interesting & intense & they were specifically asked not to spoil this part anywhere . Which makes me even more hopeful about the possibility of Devil's minion happening . But not fully . At least we'll get some hints of how Armand & Daniel's relationship started . ( Hopefully ) . Some Alice hints
2x6 Claudia demanding Louis to make her a companion because she feels Louis is gonna leave him & that she's in danger from Armand & the others . And then it leads to Making of the Vampire Madeline or so called the " woman vampire" by Louis & Claudia both . And Louis & Armand & Claudia & Madeline going to celebrate the new fledgling & new beginning . And Then Louis will finally be informed by Armand that it was him who used his powers on Louis to make him want to make Madeline & Louis . And Louis will try to leave Armand out of Anger & when he does & when he goes back to Claudia & Madeline the vampires of the theater arrest them & take them to the trial . This episode will end with Louis seeing the REAL LESTAT for the first time . And that would be the cliff hanger . + A new character will be introduced either from the Mayfair universe or one of the oldest vampires under cover . Or maybe just a new character .
2x7 it will be Santiago asking questions as the judge but being nasty about it . Some truth will definitely come out . Claudia's hatred towards Louis will become more vivid . She will blame Louis as much blaming Lestat . Only 1x7 will be revisited to reveal it was actually Claudia who killed Lestat . And the reason she chose Louis over Lestat as a companion . All her manipulation & her using Louis . Lestat's crimes are also gonna be called in as well . Like making a vampire so young . Like abusing Claudia & Louis & probably Louis & Claudia saying their maker ( Lestat ) never taught them any rules . But Claudia won't beg for mercy & that's her doom . She will probably say Lestat deserved it & she would do it again . ( Foreshadowing to what her ghost told Louis in Merrick ) Claudia will be called guilty & so will Louis & Madeline . Claudia & Madeline will be executed. And Louis will seek revenge & burn the theater down by the end of Ep 7 .
A : 2x8 you might say that while Louis knows everything about Claudia's death then why is he with Armand still ? I think the answer to this question is because Louis himself still doesn't know what Armand actually did to Claudia or what he could have done with Lestat back in Paris after her death . There are probably many things Louis is definitely going to see more clearly after episode 7 . The diaries will gather together Louis will know the real truth about Armand possibly Cutting Claudia's head & attaching it to another body & that how much she really resented Louis . 1x5 will most likely be revisited in the last episode as well because it wasn't mentioned in any reviews about Ep 1_6 . we'll get to see if Armand tampered with that memory or it was all really just from a different POV ? ( My anticipation is , it was hugely Armand's tampering with that memory ) . This will make Louis act out badly . BUT my dilemma is whether this will end to his suicide or him Going back to New Orleans to find Lestat again .
B : If the NOLA scenes & loustat hug scene are from 2000 then the suicide is more possible . BUT IF the NOLA reunion is in 2023 then I didn't think Louis would have a reason to commit suicide other than Claudia's resentment or Lestat's rejection to have him again . Also I noticed something that I think some other fans noticed as well . in the reunion scene there seems to be blood in Lestat's head it's like sticky blood on his hair when Louis hugs him Louis also has a cut on his finger which hasn't healed fast so that might have happend when Louis tries to hurt Lestat believing he's hallucinating him again but when Lestat bleeds & probably starts falling down being in a weak state & doesn't disappear after a long time Louis will realize that Lestat is actually real . But something important happens after this . Which will reveal the real Lestat as a big ending & possible opening for S3
. C : we'll also probably get hints of Armand & Daniel's relationship too in the last episode that hints at what actually happened between them . And what will happen to their relationship in 2023 & hopefully in S3 .
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streussal · 3 months
i 100% agree with u about the fight, my question is why do you think they even included that scene? i don't feel like it tells us anything we don't already know & it gives ppl who dont remember the original scene opportunity to believe louis was the aggressor.. don't know how to feel about it to be frank
I got this ask after I made this post. Responding almost 4 days later so I don't know if the anon will see this, but I have some thoughts.
First of all, no matter how strongly a piece of media demonstrates who is the bad guy in a situation, there's always going to be people who side with the abuser, ESPECIALLY if the abuser is a white male and the victim is anyone other than a white male. Louis straight up said in the scene (LESTAT'S VERSION) "like you wrapped your hands around our daughter's neck" so it's pretty clear he's responding to Lestat attacking Claudia. On stage, Lestat goes off script and insists that it was wrong of him to drop Louis from the sky, and that afterwards Louis was "a broken thing. I know, I saw, because I am the one that broke him". He then follows this with the admission that he did it because Louis hurt his feelings, not because of any threats or violence from Louis: “I couldn’t persuade him to return my affections. I could force him to love me. And so, I broke him.” If people don't get that Lestat was in the wrong here, I don't think there's anything else the writers can do.
As for why I think the show gave us that scene:
Playing around with different points of view is neat, and showing different recollections of the same event is a recurring thing in this show. (I'm torn on whether this is Lestat's actual recollection or just something the coven added to make Louis look bad - see my interpretation that Lestat is being coerced into participating in the trial - but either way it plays into one of the themes of the series.) Yes showing the POV of an abuser could backfire if it falls into victim blaming but I think the show handled it very well (and there is a portion of the audience that is always going to see Lestat as the victim even when he straight up says he was the bad guy in a situation).
It shows Louis physically protecting Claudia AND prioritizing her over Lestat. One of the major criticisms of Louis is his failure to do either of these things, so I actually think it made a lot of people like him better. Most of the twitter reactions I saw, from people who accepted the scene as 100% fact, was people talking about how great it was that Louis was ready to kill the guy who hurt his daughter.
It allows Jacob Anderson to do something different! One of the reasons I'm suspicious of this version of events with Louis cackling is that I have not seen Louis act quite like that before. But Jacob definitely sold it! Makes me wonder if maybe this is yet another side of Louis! I don't know! It adds rewatch value.
The acknowledgement that Lestat dropping Louis from the sky really did do long term damage to Louis. Not just physically. He became "a broken thing" - there was serious psychological damage. After he got back together with Lestat, we never really saw him push back against Lestat again. A lot of his time in Paris is a reaction against being in an abusive relationship. (And then he gets in another one, which happens a lot in real life.)
But I think it's also significant that right after this scene, we saw Lestat's remorse. And a much more real apology than anything we saw in s1. Now obviously this does not fix anything. (Claudia highlights this - "Can I cry and say sorry too?" - She and Louis tried to kill Lestat and are on trial, Lestat nearly kills Louis and just gives an apology.) But it gives the possibility that perhaps Lestat has changed or realized that he needs to change. And given that the showrunner has repeatedly referred to Loustat as the central love story of the series (link)... we need to see that Lestat is not going to do the same thing again. We want him to be better for Louis. Not that it would ever be an entirely healthy relationship (they are vampires), but not "drop him the sky requiring months of recovery" level awful. (@awildwickedslip wrote an interesting post relating to this here)
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In the iwtv book, the ambiguity in Claudia and Louis' relationship comes not from a siblings versus parent-child dynamic but from a lovers versus parent-child dynamic.
For example, Louis tells Claudia that he's staying with her out of love, and I quote "that [they] are wed". Claudia asks Louis to tell her what it was like for him to have sex as a human. (They kiss each other a lot. On the eyelids, on the cheeks, on the mouth.)
And so, at one point in the story, when Louis refuses to make Madeleine into a vampire, Claudia tells him something along the lines of hating Louis as much as she loves him, right after telling him that she never loved Lestat (and hated him just as much).
But then, in qotd, Jesse, a psychic that was sent to investigate the house on Rue Royale, finds one of Claudia’s diaries next to an old doll that's been falling apart.
And in the entry that Jesse reads, Claudia talks about how she's frustrated that Lestat keeps giving her a doll for her birthday each year even though she's an adult now So she asks Lestat if he finds her beautiful (as in, as a woman) or not. Lestat gets all red in the face and leaves the room but she goes after him, keeps asking him, demanding that he answers her question. Instead, Claudia writes in her diary that Lestat knelt in front her (keep in mind that she looks 5yo) and "kissed [her] roughly on the mouth", saying "I love you" twice "as if it were a curse he laid on [her]". Then he recites a poem and she wonders if Louis will like it.
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I've been thinking about that diary entry a lot since I've read it last month, and I (kindaaaa) hope that it's in one of the torn pages we still haven't seen yet in the show.
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yun-lii · 19 days
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my iwtv fanarts that i made during my time away :)
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Someone on TikTok just described Lestat, Louis and Claudia’s relationship as one between:
The mother who didn’t want kids but had them to please her husband and ended up resenting the kid once she grew up (Lestat)
The daughter who hates the fact she behaves exactly like her emotionally distant and strict mother (Claudia)
The father who wants to be his kid’s friend rather than parent because the mother does all the parenting while he does all the coddling, but will eventually always choose his wife over his daughter (Louis)
Now I physically need to throw up :))))
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macnronii · 3 months
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The Odyssey of Memory
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spell666ound · 29 days
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If you had life eternal...
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industryhbo · 3 months
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2x06 "Like The Light By Which God Made The World Before He Made Light"
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creativelycomplex · 4 months
The fight between Louis and Armand was one of the best scenes of this entire show. The way they both knew where to hit each other exactly where it hurt. But Armand really clocked Louis with the “my daughter was my sister was my throw pillow when he wouldn’t look at me kindly.” The guilt of what happened with Claudia will forever haunt Louis, the look of utter despair on his face after was insane. Also the way Armand yelled “THE NAME”, I was floored. Their entire dynamic is sickening. They acted their asses off, Assad Zaman is slowly becoming one of my favourite actors of the current generation.
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allyriadayne · 3 months
the play between louis / claudia / madeleine is so interesting because you have a louis resentful and angry that claudia found someone OUTSIDE of him to be her companion. someone he doesn't know, "a stranger" but someone he Feels and Knows in a deeper level for being her maker. and he just got armand.
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he could never be claudia's true companion because he kept putting her in this tight boxes: daughter, sister. never allowing himself, or her! anything beyond for fear of his own desires. "thank you for never treating me like a child". pointed!!!!
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it's just so obvious how the incestuous undertones in claudia and louis' relationship are wanting to burst through, especially from louis' side. claudia wants community and companionship, long ago accepting her sexual desires will go unfulfilled due to what louis did to her through lestat.
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louis wants to be (but doesn't allow himself to be) claudia's louis but claudia doesn't want to be louis' lestat. which causes much friction between them. ep 2 with claudia saying "I suppose I'm afraid my joylessness will take away his happiness and maybe I don't want his feelings".
so he makes sure he comes on top of claudia's only meaningful connections in paris while pushing claudia away at every change he gets because armand's boring!
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but when it's too late, claudia has already found a true companion who sees her and might love her better than louis ever did. it's when louis watches through madeleine's memories how differente her love is for claudia that he admits he can't be what claudia wanted.
then madeleine is to claudia and louis what claudia was to louis and lestat. sexual and romantic interloper, a band aid for a shitty marriage!
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he gives madeleine to claudia because he finally understands he can't fulfill her needs in any way. sex is killing and killing is sex! textbook anne rice! and louis is. gay.
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he doesn't want to let her go. it's like SHE owes him to stay with him. after him indirectly turning her and giving her a home, after lestat, after dragging him through europe. and now she wants to leave? when he can't leave armand? he's too into the role of louis the pimp to grant claudia her independence.
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loustat-0 · 3 months
I saw a some tags in a post about when Lestat threatened Claudia in 1x6 in the train scene . And someone is comparing Lestat to Bruce . Saying she jumped from an abuser to another abuser and completely forget the fact that Louis was her abuser too . Did Lestat rape Claudia ? Did he ?
Besides if you don't wear your " I hate Lestat so much / abuser Lestat " glass all the time you can see that scene in a different way too . How ? I can explain .
Whatever Lestat told Claudia on that train no matter how horrible and shit*ty it was . It was to make Claudia not leave New Orleans . Because he knew she would be destroyed . Because she was made young . She was doomed when Louis asked Lestat to make her and Lestat did it for Louis . When Lestat threatened Claudia he knew worse things are gonna happen to her than whatever happened to her in 1x5 . ( I will turn your bones to dust ) Well Lestat actually NEVER done that . And in 2x7 you saw exactly how she was burnt into dust by other vampires that Lestat warned both Louis and Claudia of .
Comparing Lestat to Bruce is sh*tty . Yes they were both abusive but Lestat didn't rape her . And even if you're calling turning her without her own consent rape then put half of the blame on Louis too because it was him who asked Lestat to do it .
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fire-gift · 6 months
Feast your eyes on this special extended look at Season 2 of Interview With The Vampire. May 12 on AMC and AMC+. (c)
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moondustinfj · 4 months
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archvillainofromance · 2 months
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Interview With The Vampire Do You Know What It Means to Be Loved by Death
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