#but he has a ghost audience so he doesn't need actual therapy experience. he just gangs up on people
pa-pa-plasma · 1 month
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AU where instead of Spectra, it's Dr. Phil with his stupid little studio he just summons Danny into to bully him on live (ghost) television
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ficuscircus · 2 years
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Yes!!! The Lemay song was for Romain, as were most of my hints btw (gaynor, ghosts, etc...) 💔 Fun fact, I had actually forgotten that Morgane re-enacted Titanic on the boat (and incidentally explicitly asked Karadec to hug her mhhhhh 👀👀), I just hinted at Titanic because there was a boat involved in the ep, I giggled SO HARD when I rewatched that scene last night 😂😂
And 1,000% agreed, poor Théa, she deserved so much better, and I actually have already written several scenes about her in an upcoming fic because SERIOUSLY some fixing needs to be done 😭😭😭
The logistics of Romain's disappearance and the resulting absurd plot made zero fucking sense, I think this discussion deserves a post in itself because honestly y'a rien qui va 😱😱😱
And awww, Gilles my beloved, the therapy conversation had me IN TEARS, he is such a precious inappropriately helpful bean (see also: he's right) 😍😍
Gotta love how committed you are to getting hugs out of this show, I commend your dedication 😂 (Food for thought: when they hopefully backtrack in S3, they’ll surely be very wary of touch… Until a near-death experience, probably, that will lead to The Most Emotional Hug You've Ever Seen. Il n'est pas interdit d'espérer... characters hugging > characters kissing)

I’m not saying I watch HPI for a thrilling mystery-of-the-week, but c’mon, the audience has standards 😆 If I may try to Fix That Plot:
In 2005, Romain borrows 50 grand from Mafioso and enlists Serge’s help to make bank (btw: le gars veut une vie simple mais trempe avec la pègre pour s’acheter une baraque à La Rochelle ? Since when does organized crime, like, save the turtles and stuff? Elles sont où tes valeurs Romain ???). Dirty Cop figures it out, robs Romain and leaves him for dead. Serge, qui sent que ça se gâte, takes Romain to le vil Facchin who saves his life and helps with the whole fake-body thing. Romain leaves for the UK, etc. Facchin decides to blackmail Dirty Cop for his troubles, ex. "Give me half the money or I tell everyone you killed that guy" (he could claim there was DNA under fake-Romain's fingernails and ask for his share in exchange for his silence). To clear his conscience, Facchin sends some money to Romain every month. 15 years later (did you notice how they insisted on that, rather than dates, so they wouldn’t have to age Théa up 😂), Facchin fait l’objet d’une enquête, puis Dirty Cop est interrogé à son tour (maybe he was seen near the casino around Romain's assumed time of death?). Uh-oh, ça sent le roussi pour les ripoux ! Dirty Cop threatens Facchin to take him down with him if he doesn't kill Roxane ("she dragged your name in the mud anyway, so it’ll be two birds with one stone"). Facchin shoots Roxane (and maybe he misses intentionally), Dirty Cop stages Facchin’s suicide (suffisamment mal pour que Morgane flaire l’embrouille). When Morgane investigates Mafioso, he figures out Dirty Cop has something to do with Romain and the money, and abducts him. Ta-da! Now all that's left is to save Dirty Cop and follow Facchin's money to the UK. Note: Romain never called because he was afraid of repercussions he’s a dick, and Serge never said a word about it because he was afraid of repercussions he’s a dick too. (Not to 🎶 generalize about men 🎵, but most of them were sucky in this episode. Ils n'ont qu’à en mettre moins dans l’intrigue 😆)
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(that's me rn. remember when I said ranting was half the fun of watching a show? that's what I meant)
All this to say, I think it could've made more sense, even if they'd kept the same number of characters and victims. BREF.
Agreed that Gilles is Most Right and Should say it, but also read the room first, because his timing is horrid 😂
Maybe it would benefit Théa too... She sorely needs your fix-it, at least!
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