#but he is so used to do his own thing with Chungu and Janja
spottedmischief · 4 months
Cheezi’s "greeting ceremony” is just him pouncing you over with absolute full force.
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dawn-sunlight · 22 days
A New Way To Go Analysis
I believe A New Way To Go is the best Lion Guard song because absolutely everyone brought their A game while making it. The visuals are amazing, the tune is catchy, but I think the best thing about the song is how well it illustrates exactly what's going through Janja's head. There's so much character work you can glean from the song and that's what's so good about it.
“Why am I so confused?  It all used to be so simple.” - Jasiri has completely upset the status quo for Janja; she doesn’t fit in his worldview because she’s a strong, capable hyena who follows the Circle of Life, is friends with a lion(the leader of the Lion Guard no less), and has saved him from death twice now despite being on the opposite side as him, and he can’t ignore his growing feeling that maybe everything he’s known all his life is actually wrong. He didn’t know there was another way, he genuinely thought he had to act like this, but now that Jasiri has offered him another way, he can’t get himself to just forget about it and carry on like normal.
“What changed?  Think!” - He didn’t used to have these doubts, and he’s trying to figure out what’s different now.  He’s trying to figure out and understand what has changed significantly enough to make him question his life and his beliefs like this.
“Jasiri doesn’t fear me she’s been saving my hide!” - He wants to be seen as this tough and intimidating figure, and at first it bugs him that Jasiri isn’t intimidated by him as seen in Never Judge a Hyena by It’s Spots, but now it just confuses him.  And on top of that, she saves him, not just once but twice, despite being on the opposite side as him.
“I know she buys the whole ‘Circle of Life’” - The choice of words here(he says Jasiri “buys” the concept rather than she follows it or respects it or something like that) implies that Janja thought the concept was literally made up and not real, which I do believe is a different case than someone who knows the concept is real and still decides they want more than their fair share.
“I mean, Si Si Ni Sawa’s kinda catchy all right.” - He’s trying to justify to himself why he’s been thinking about what Jasiri said so much.  Also, this song confirms he saw at least the last verse of Si Si Ni Sawa because 1. He knows the chorus to the song despite having never having been sung it, 2. He knows Jasiri sung it to Kion, and 3. He imitates the thing Kion and Jasiri did at the end of the song in his last verse of the chorus.
“He’d never give me something a hyena couldn’t handle, would he?” - Janja's trying really hard to rationalize Scar's behavior and treatment of him and his clan, but his faith in Scar is starting to waver. In the visuals, we see Scar with his master plan, and then we see Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu holding the ground up for him because they’re doing the heavy lifting for Scar.  But when Janja asks “would he?” indicating that he no longer has complete and total faith in Scar, the whole thing crashes down.
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This shot right here is beautiful, it really just sums up the whole song in one singular frame.
“‘Si si ni sawa’ means ‘we’re the same’” “Oh no!  It set something off inside my brain!” - Janja hates that Jasiri’s words make sense to him, and he hates that they’re resonating with him even more.
“She says I can trust her but I don’t know, could there really be a new way to go?” - Janja genuinely doesn’t know any better and that’s why he acts the way he does.
“It’s like I’d rather be happy then scrapping for food or respect ugh what’s happening?” - I think this is the line that gets me the most because it shows that Janja never considered his own feelings on things to be more important or even of equal importance than living up to expectations, and when he finally considers “maybe I’d be happier on the other side” he goes “this is ridiculous why am I thinking like this?”  To Janja, it didn’t matter what he actually wanted, because the way others saw him and getting food were more important than silly things like happiness.
“Maybe the stuff I thought was wrong was right! I think I like it but I’m still undecided how to choose, what to do!” - He’s torn between what he’s known all his life as the truth and what he’s “supposed” to do vs what his feelings are saying on the matter.
Since Jasiri told Kion they’re the same, if Janja accepts that what Jasiri says is true and Jasiri and him are the same, that means he also accepts that Kion and him are the same, and Janja knows this.  During the first chorus of A New Way to Go, Jasiri sings Si Si Ni Sawa to Janja, while in the second, she sings it to Kion.  While in the first instance Janja seems more worried about the fact that it resonated, in the second instance Janja seems more annoyed about this.  This and the fact that he crushes them with his paw during the second time indicates that he knows accepting what Jasiri said also means accepting that Kion and him are the same, and that’s something he really does not want to acknowledge.
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One of the things the visuals of this song really show is that Janja clearly feels separated from the other side, even Jasiri, and doesn’t know if he really could switch sides because of the divide he feels.
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The ending shot is very interesting because of this; while Janja still has his Outlander coloring, the Outlander spotlight is gone, making him still stick out but putting him in the same world as Jasiri and her hyenas, indicating that Janja has accepted what Jasiri is saying, even if only subconsciously.
Jasiri’s portrayal here vs The Worst Hyena We Know is pretty interesting, because in that song Jasiri is much more closed off to Janja.  She’s playful and somewhat flirty towards him, but still has a dismissive and “haha losers” attitude towards him and his hyenas.  Here however, she is a lot more sympathetic and open towards him.  She’s lost the snarky and dismissive attitude she had in The Worst Hyena We Know and is just playful now.  This is because before, Janja only had those kinds of experiences with Jasiri and probably thought Jasiri would push him off a cliff if given the chance(given the fact that he was surprised that she saved him from a horrible death via falling into lava I don’t think this is a crazy conclusion to come to), but now, he knows that’s very not true.
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There's even this neat part here where you can parallel the two songs and see the difference
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devilsrecreation · 9 days
we've talked about this before, but i wondered if you had any ideas of what would happen if the outlanders went on a roadtrip in a zootopia/human au? :3
Tbh I honestly can’t remember when we talked about an Outlander road trip but I DO have ideas!
I’m guessing it all depends on which Outlanders are going. It’s chaotic every way tho fjfhfh
The destination: The Tree of Life
Jasiri would obviously be the one driving while Reirei rides shotgun
Janja, Kiburi, and Mzingo are riding in the back….that’s gonna be fun. Janja DEFINITELY isn’t gonna annoy the fuck out of everyone hfhfhf
Shupavu and Njano are there too cuz they don’t take up much space (if it’s the Zootopia AU, if it’s a human au then they have the third row to themselves)
Kenge drives the skinks and Sumu on their road trip. It’s fine until some asshole cuts him off and he gets road rage
Kiburi’s mostly keeping himself busy by looking out the window or listening to rap music
When the car runs low on gas, everyone plays rock, paper, scissors to determine who gets to fill the car up (nobody wants to do it). Reirei loses and she has to witness the boys either being smug (Mzingo) or laughing and flipping her off (Janja and Kiburi)
Janja’s fun doesn’t last long since Jasiri tells him to buy everyone snacks. It’s mostly candy and beef jerky for Kiburi. Shupavu and Njano only get one measly pack of gum and nothing else
At some point, the skinks take an interesting picture of Janja sleeping on Kiburi’s lap like a pillow
For a croc road trip, Tamka and Neema are the one in a weird position. You could mistake them for a sleeping couple hfgfvfgf
Nduli and Cheezi are in their own world while everyone else is arguing. They’re just happy to be here
At the most inconvenient time, Njano has to pee. Same goes for Chungu, Goigoi, and Tamka 😭
Mzingo’s phone has the GPS plus he knows a couple shortcuts here and there so he’s very useful
Unfortunately they forget him at a gas station and it takes them like an hour to realize it. Dw they go back for him
On a hyena road trip, Janja “accidentally” forgets Nne and Tano at the gas station. With the crocs, they almost forget Neema. Jackals? It’s poor Goigoi. The skinks THINK they forgot either Nyeusi or Sumu but it turns out they just moved to the trunk lol
Lots of arguing happening no matter which Outlanders are on the trip
When everything’s quiet, Janja turns around out of curiosity and catches Shupavu and Njano making out (nothing NSFW just kissing)
Jasiri’s eyes start to droop a bit but is woken up by death metal on max volume (thanks, Janja lmao. Reirei was just gonna yell but that works too)
If it’s just Janja, Reirei, and Kiburi on the trip, then it’s like this
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Constant fighting over music. Jasiri plays pop music, but Janja changes it to a rock and roll station, which is changed to country by Reirei, then classical/opera(?) by Mzingo, then rap/hip hop by Kiburi. In the end they all jam to “What is Love” along with the head bopping thing lmaoooo
Thank god the trip is a win and everyone has a good time!….until the ride home where everyone starts arguing again
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handfulofmuses · 5 months
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It all used to be simple.
Life had always been rough in a place like this, struggling with food. Although a lot has changed since the lion cub had that stupid roar of his. Cheezi rolled his eyes. Before all that? Kion was nothing but a fraidy cat, who didn’t dare to step a paw into the Outlands and would run off to daddy instead.
The desperation of the dry season, starving more than ever - can ya blame them for taking up Ushari‘s offer? It was a choice they came to regret.
Scar sounded promising at first. But he is terrifying with a bad temper and … some of his plans work as well as Janja‘s. Although the young hyena knew better than to voice that thought out loud. Especially after last time.
Wandering the outlands on his own, Cheezi had distanced himself from the volcano. Home just did not feel like home anymore. Not with Scar around, not with anyone in the army.
On top of that, it has been a lot to take in lately. Finding out he has a dad and uncle that he forgot. How excited his dad had been while the younger one could only watch in confusion and not share the sentiment. Banzai‘s sad expression when Cheezi admitted he doesn’t remember them.
They looked familiar. Their voices were familiar. The scent was giving a sense of comfort and safety - it‘s a scene he doesn’t wish to lose again.
He wishes he could remember more. He feels bad for forgetting them. He shouldn’t have forgotten them.
And some memories eventually did come back.
He knows he eventually stopped searching. After Janja was there and then things were not frightening any more.
Dad was not happy that they resurrected Scar.
Neither was uncle.
He didn’t want to tell dad - played dumb to avoid the consequences. He didn’t want to upset dad more than he already did. Uncle back then didn’t told him much and Cheezi didn’t dare to ask.
It turned out to be a mistake.
It made him realize that he brought someone back who hurt the two most important hyenas in his life. Aside from Janja and Chungu.
And then this new hyena told him everything. He didn’t want to know. He didn’t ask. She just dumped all that on him while he was still processing that everything about Scar‘s defeat had been a lie. It was a tad overwhelming. On top of that, she doesn’t want him to tell his dad or uncle of her … “failure“ talk.
That only adds extra pressure. He always keeps running his mouth. Why tell hjm? It’s something she really should talk about with Banzai and Ed. And … he has enough secrets to keep as it is already.
Now he has this and information about Scar that he doesn’t know what to do with it. What if one of their spies heard the whole conversation?
Then she wants him to join her clan and just - too much at once. There is so much going on. He doesn’t know her. She just came recently into his life too. Familiar scent - but no memories.
Why join a different clan? They had Janja as a leader. For years, the three hyenas endured hardships together. They managed to get their own clan. Going to a clan with already three hundred hyenas? Fighting for a new hierarchy? He still remembers what it was like when Nne and Tano and the other two joined.
And while he might come from that clan, it’s not like he knows anyone in there either. Something tells him that despite the large number he wouldn’t be happy.
The three of them just appeared here after years of thinking that Janja and Chungu were the only family he has known. Now she was asking to leave behind what they worked so hard for?
Cheezi sighs, plopping himself down and resting his face in the dust with a long groan. He wishes dad would lick it all better, like how he did when he was a cub to let him know everything‘s gonna be okay. Maybe little headbumps from ‘Zai, but mostly dad. Maybe Janja singing. Anything to make these confusing thoughts go away. Dad was always so patient when it came to stuff or his shortcomings.
It’s just another reason why playing dumb makes him feel bad now. He will keep in mind to tell dad what happened.
He has such a cool dad. A great hunter, smarter and more focused - and then there is him, constantly all over the place and messing up. Dad‘s a lot more braver than him too.
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glorytoukraine2022 · 3 years
Can you do a character ask for Janja?
Of course! I love the Lion Guard!
Favorite thing about them: His reformation arc and what he represents. If there’s one thing that I love about the Lion Guard, it’s that they go back to to undo the stereotypes of Hyenas that have been present in the Lion King franchise since the original film came out.
At the beginning of the series, Janja’s portrayal and character isn’t too different from Shenzi and her own clan of hyenas. They’re all scavengers, taking more than their share and showing disrespect for the Circle of Life because they’re starving in the inhospitable environment of the Outlands.
But in the end Janja reformed. He turned against Scar and joined “the good guys.” By reforming Janja, they told us that hyenas are good. That they can be “good guys” too. Hyenas are just as capable of making the choice to become good and become neighbors and friends of the Pride Landers as anybody else. Hyenas can be and are good.
Least favorite thing about them: I’m sure one would say his criminal record, but I don’t hold it against him anymore, so I don’t have a least favorite thing.
Favorite Line: “Furbrains? Oh no! But Scar told us to go in there….we’ve been double crossed!”
BROtp: Cheezy and Chungu
OTP: Jasiri
NOtp: Janja x Kion and any other hybrid pairings with Janja that I don’t know about.
Random Headcanon: None.
Unpopular opinion: I do not 100 percent believe that Janja is Shenzi and Banzai’s son. At first I thought I saw it somewhere that Janja and his clan were the descendants of The Lion King hyena clan, but then I asked some other people and they said that Janja and his clan weren’t related to Shenzi and her clan, so while I’m sure our favorite Lion Guard hyena trio were definitely inspired by Shenzi, Banzai and Ed, I’m not entirely sure that there’s any blood relation between Janja, Shenzi or Benzai.
Song I associate with them: None.
Favorite picture of them:
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spottedmischief · 4 months
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Honestly his mind gets so easily stuck in a loop.
Ed taking him in for the first time? Only wants milk and his mother.
Ed leaving to hunt? What if he doesn’t come back. He eventually registered that Banzai can be just as fun but it took a while a to get there once he stopped getting stuck in that thought process.
Fire separated and other animals chasing him out? Doesn’t matter what Janja says he is going to find dad.
Whooping? Apparently a bad thing to do because other animals will chase you out for trying to find your dad to a point where finding Ed and Banzai became associated with something bad and that’s how the memories were eventually repressed in the first place.
Janja kicking you out? Can’t stop thinking about him
Allowed back into the clan? Remember it was your fault he kicked you out, you always mess things up don’t try to do it this time
Realizing you have a dad and uncle? I don’t get it for years Janja and Chungu were the only family I have known why did I forgot you it’s my fault for being a furbrain
Not allowed to join the meeting with Scar? Let’s prove that we are smart and not just mess things up what if Scar replaces us with someone
Finds out the truth about Scar? What’s going on. She is afraid, so all that cannot just come from getting blamed. His mind is trying to figure out what else Scar did to them from his own experience.
Asked to join a different clan? Cannot stop thinking about it, nevermind the information about Scar you cannot just show up after years of living on our own to join something different for "safety“. All this time we were not safe as cubs so why now when we settled into our clan? There are three hundred hyenas living elsewhere and you never brought us along so why now?? Has so many thoughts regarding that in general he genuinely cannot stop thinking about it because that question bothered him in so many ways
Realizing dad comes from said clan: Oh no he is gonna leave again, he is going back to that clan and we are going to be separated again. What if he is upset that I don’t want to join that clan. Uncle said they are living in the Backlands, but she said safety in numbers…dad is probably going to leave me soon again, maybe it was just a short visit to the backlands..
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