#but he just. won’t respond to people. won’t communicate. sam and dean ‘capture’ him and he ‘escapes’ only for them to find him curled up in
quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
once again. lucifer came out of the cage surprisingly well-adjusted. all things considered.
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witch-chester · 5 years
Where Mischief Lies Pt. 1
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Mariah scanned through article after article. Major electric storms country wide. Countless reports of cattle being slaughtered. Farmers at ends rope over crops just withering and dying. From all of her training, both witch and hunter, it all pointed to demons. But all over the country? There had been a giant spike in demon activity over the past two years and it was starting to worry her. Most monsters had a purpose for killing no matter how horrible. Feeding mostly. Demons? They wiped out everything in their path just for the fun of it.
She sipped her coffee then choked. It hadn’t been that good to start with and now it was cold. Wrinkling her nose she set it back down and clicked on another news report, trying to find one closest to their current location. Before, Kit and her usually would try and get a house or apartment and leave on cases every once in while. Now, with all the activity and recent events it just seemed easier to constantly move. Life of a hunter.
Mariah glanced at her phone and bit her bottom lip. Dean had given her his primary cell phone number on their last meeting. Hunters had a network. They could call on one an at anytime for intel on a monster, questions about suspicious activity, and even help when needed. And because of who and what they are, the two of them had never had that. Mariah didn’t want to admit it but she actually liked knowing that she could call on someone if they needed help.
Since leaving New Orleans and the coven, it had only been Kit and her for the past four years. It had worked out mostly but there were times when their lack of backup and support had almost cost them their lives. Some witches were perfectly fine being solitary. Having grown up in such a large coven, Mariah sometimes missed the feeling of community and family it gave. No matter how bad it had been for them. The reason for their leaving was still valid and there was no way they could go back, but she still wished she had more people they could rely on.
Kit still wasn’t keen on the idea of making allies of the Winchesters. No matter how chummy she had become with Sam. But they might have an idea about all this demon activity.
Before she could reach for her phone, Kit walked in carrying grocery bags in one hand and a fast food bag in the other.
“I come bearing food!” She dropped the groceries by the stand holding up the crappy motel TV and walked over to the paper littered table. “Still at it I see.”
Mariah shrugged and pawed at the food bag. Research had absorbed her attention so much she hadn’t even noticed how hungry she really was. She eyed the grocery bags. “Did you get me my snack cakes?”
“Yes,” Kit answered with a sigh. She read over Mariah’s shoulder. “Demons?”
“Mmhmm,” replied Mariah over a mouth of french fries.
Kit pursed her lips and nodded. “Sounds like fun. Where are we heading?”
“Don’t know yet. Trying to find one close so we don’t have to travel a lot.”
Kit nodded and moved back. The glint of red caught Mariah’s eye. She worried her lip once again and asked, “You’re still wearing that thing?”
Kit touched the necklace. “I told you that it’s safe for me to wear. You felt the energy yourself. It’s way to Light to be dangerous.”
“Yes,” Mariah said hesitantly. “But the guy that attacked you for the necklace definitely is.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Yeah. You said that but I really don’t think.”
Kit help up a hand. “I’m not in danger. Stop worrying. Goddess you’re such a mom.”
Mariah’s cheeks puffed out. “That guy could have been a demon for all you know. With all this activity I wouldn’t doubt it.”
Kit laughed. “He wasn’t a demon. His Aura was whiter than yours Miss Lightbright.”
“A simple charm could.”
“What? Mask a demonic Aura from my Witch Sight. Mimi, he wasn’t a demon.
“Ok but obviously he isn’t a friendly ally either. He attacked you.”
“Only to get the necklace.”
“Yes and he might come back for it!”
“That’s the plan.”
Mariah recoiled. “What?”
Kit sighed and put down the sandwich she had been munching on. “I want him to find me. I want to know what is so important about this necklace and why it is charmed with an angelic protective charm.”
Mariah blinked. “It’s what?”
“The Enochian I read, it’s a protection charm. I’m curious as to why he wants it.”
Mariah just stared at her best friend and coven sister. It had been nearly a month since Kit had stolen the necklace and this was the first she was hearing of an angelic charm. Granted, angelic magic had always been a struggle for Mariah despite her being a Witch of Light, so this was Kit’s area of expertise. She knew that her friend wouldn’t do anything that could get herself killed. But still.
“I think you should get rid of it.”
“It’s not your choice Mariah.” Kit’s eyes narrowed.
“I’m only thinking of what’s best for us.”
“This has nothing to do with you.”
“Anything that involves you has everything to do with me.”
“I do what I want Mariah. Back off this.”
“Oooh cat fight. I came just in time.”
The girls immediately responded to the unfamiliar voice. Mariah jumped to her feet, pulling the silver pistol from her waist band and aiming it at the man lounging on one of the beds. His hair was golden brown and a mess of tousled waves. His face was smiling and far to calm for someone with two guns pointed at his head.
Before Mariah could bark out for him to explain himself, Kit yelled, “You!”
“Hello again, Sugarplum,” the man said with a smile and a wink. “Please don’t mind me. I was enjoying the show.” With a flick of his hand a bowl filled with popcorn appeared in his lap.
Mariah cocked her gun. “You have five seconds before I blow your brains out.”
“Won’t do a damn thing. Save your bullets for something it will actually kill.” He tossed a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth.
“How did you find me?” Kit asked next.
Mariah’s eyes shifted between the two. Kit had lowered her gun.“Wait, you know him?”
She nodded. “He’s the guy from the warehouse.”
Mariah’s finger twitched on the trigger. Less than a second later her hand was empty, gun gone.
“Calm your trigger finger toots. I have business with Cupcakes over here.”
“Don’t call me that!” Kit growled.
“What ever you say, Snickerdoodle.”
Kit growled and the hand holding her gun shook.
Mariah had enough. “Times up, Asshole.” She raised her hands, a spell to send him packing on her lips. Suddenly, her hands bound together with invisible restraints and her mouth was sealed shut.
“Give us a minute,” said the intruder. His fingers flicked and Mariah was shoved back into her chair.
“Let her go!” shouted Kit.
He smirked. “I will. Once we have a chat.”
“Let her go or I’ll sent you flying.”
He was gone in a blink. Hands wrapped around Kit’s waist, pulling her back against him. “Didn’t you learn last time how unsuccessful that was.” His warm breath tickled her ear. An unwelcome shiver spread over her body.
She could hear Mariah’s muffled shrieks and the sounds of her kicking at the table next to them.
The man behind her sighed. “We need quiet,” he whispered to her. Then to Mariah. “I’ll return her safely.” And before Kit could even think, wind rushed around her and the world went dark.
Mariah gasped for air as her mouth finally was able to open and her body was released from what ever spell that man had put her under. She jumped up and scanned the room frantically. They were gone. She had seem them just disappeared before her eyes. Panic set in and her whole body started shaking. She snatched her phone and dialed the first person she could think of.
“Who is this and how did you get this number?”
Mariah felt tears form at the sound of Dean’s gruff voice. “Dean?” His name came out cracked and weak.
“Dean, I need help.” She couldn’t stop the panic or the shaking in her voice.
“Sweetheart, calm down. What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
She couldn’t respond right away. Her legs gave out and she crumpled to the floor. Full blown sobs left her body now. She could hear Dean curse and say soothing words to try and calm her.
“Kit’s gone.” She finally was able to get out.
“What? What do you mean?”
“Some guy just showed up in our motel room and and took her.”
“Was it a hunter?”
“No. I don’t know what he was. He had powers but I know he’s not a witch. Dean, I can’t lose her.”
“Calm down, sweetheart.” She heard a slight rustling and Dean’s voice ask, “Can you track her phone?”
Mariah took deep breaths and tried to calm herself. Sam’s voice was muffled then Dean came back on. “We are three hours away from you. Stay right where you are.”
“Okay.” She hated how little and pitiful her voice sounded.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll be there soon.” He hung up and the calm faded. Mariah let the tears fall now. She had failed. Her only job was to keep her sister safe and she had failed.
Kit knew she wasn’t in her and Mariah’s motel room. The bed she was currently laying in was far too soft and comfortable. The smell of the room far to pleasant. She kept her eyes closed and her breathing level. If her kidnapper was near by, she didn’t want to alert him to her consciousness. Flexing and shifting her muscles ever so slightly, she was able to take a mental evaluation of her body. Nothing felt broken or hurt.
“I know you’re awake.”
Kit sighed and slowly sat up. The feeling of silk on her skin startled her. “You changed my clothes?” Her voice cracked from the high pitch.
Her capture smiled. “Well of course. You were far to undressed.”
Kit stood and stared down at the floor length silver silk gown. It was fitted to every curve of her body. The neck line was a low V halter with thin ribbon like ties around her neck. The back was dropped low to just above her butt. The heaviness at her ears told her that some kind of outrageous earring were dangling there.
Heat burned her face, equal parts embarrassment and anger. “Why in hell am I wearing this?”
His face looked wounded. “What wrong? You don’t like the color?”
“Why in hell did you undress me?”
He looked confused, then laughter burst out. “Oh sweet sugar drop, I didn’t touch you. Not like that. All it take is a snap of my fingers.” And his fingers snapped and the dress changed to night black.
Kit’s hand went to her throat and she let out a breath of relief when she felt the necklace still there.
He noticed her movement and nodded. “I’m not going to take it from you.”
She raised an eye brow. “Then why am I here?”
His smiled turned dark and mischievous. “Curiosity. And dinner of course.”
Kit noticed he was also in formal attire. The black tuxedo fit him well. His hair was tamed and smoothed back from his face. A knot of attraction twisted in her stomach. “I’m not having dinner with you.”
He sighed. “I could have killed you and your friend. Doesn’t that give me an ounce of trust.”
He chuckled. “Fair enough. I promise you answers then.”
Her curiosity was also pricked. That’s what she wanted. The necklace was a whole mess of questions. “Okay. Dinner for answers.”
He smiled. “Shall we then?” He help out his hand to her.
“First. One question needs answered. Who are you?”
His smile widened. “You can call me Loki.”
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