#but he still has to protect his BROTHER from THIS FREAQ
pansexualkiba · 4 months
in case anyones wondering what the fuck is happening with mutual yandere tododeku, deku isn't killing people. he's more swung into the stalking aspect of it, you know, cataloguing absolutely everything there is to know about todoroki, bugging his place, stealing his blood samples, creepshots that take up a full closet wall, that sort of thing. todoroki meanwhile is all about obsession, but also he has this thing where he just sorta went on heroogle, typed in "how best to ensnare man if male", and is just doing a bunch of black magic rituals to ensure midoriya's heart (mainly because i think he would say "I refuse to be the other woman." apropos of nothing and not care to elaborate). most important is that bakugou is literally the only person to realize these bitches are crazy. because he ALSO stalked them. nosy bitch.
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