#but he threw that all into a bin and retconned it and proceeded to gaslight audience that she has always been just evil
katyspersonal · 1 year
(vent) Again I am not touching my other interests here often, but I think Thomas Astruc (Mir4culous L4dybug) is one of the WORST examples of this meme amongst the showmakers:
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Like... imagine writing an absolute textbook example of the mary sue character who is instantly talented in everything she does, the super ultra skilled designer and artist recognised by world wide celebrities for her skill, repeatedly hired by celebrities to do commissions for them, loved by everyone, one of the best video-gamer, apparently can invent complex mechanisms, is "the best Miraculous holder and the best holder of a ladybug miraculous who ever lived" (in 5000+ years!), instantly masters every miraculous she holds the first time, while also always getting away with her awful actions (if not getting rewarded for them) and taking up so much screen time that the supposed second main character (whose whole potential was assassinated to make him goofy, annoying and useless without this woman) might as well not exist
And when you DO address that, you are claimed to be some sort of sexist who just hates to see the girlboss wi- I mean, can't handle to see female lead or whatever. Not just that, but also claiming another character who was abused and neglected by her mother to the point of living basically without her, has god awful father that absolutely fails to act like a PARENT and instead just spoils her with gifts and favours and only had two whole friends in her entire life is evil just for the sake of evil and can never change and would not WANT to change because "she would not want to give away her PWIWWILEGES UWU".
That's not feminism, that's 'how do you do fellow kids'. That's the example of a boomer learning what ideals these darn modern kids support and trying to jump on the bandwagon without actually understanding any of this... and ironically ending up hurting the exact people you try to cater to. Also all mentioned characters are 14-15 years old.
Sigh... Sometimes I just wish show makers stopped trying to jump onto ideas they clearly do not understand. This is always just so embarrassing to watch.
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