#but he'd also ease into the idea because Caroline
galvanizedfriend · 2 years
I’ve just read your recent reply acknowledging the “sound of settling” fanfic you wrote a while back,, and I have to ask:
What do you think happened to Klaus and Caroline after the story ended; do you think by now (since you gave them their rightfully deserved happy ending) they would have gotten engaged or even have a child of their own? I know it sounds pathetic that I’m even asking but as the person before who loved the story so much; I also wish it had been a multi-chapter fanfic,, it was JUSTTT too gooooddddd!!!
So nice to get these messages about that story such a long time after it was posted. 😊
Personally, I don't think that story asked for more because I think all the conflicts were really in that first part. What I envision for them after is just a happily ever after, so it gets a little boring, I think. 😂
I'm not sure if they would've had kids yet. Klaus needed some time to work on his new business after quitting the office, and Caroline was too much of a control freak about the coffee shop (it was her baby), so she couldn't envision leaving for long (at the end she's struggling to even take some time off lol). Also, they were really just starting their relationship. But by now, they'd definitely be living together and Klaus would've definitely proposed. Caroline would bake her own cake and it would be glorious. ✨
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
Would you imagine Klaroline to be that couple that leaves notes for each other in the morning; cuddle on a couch on a Sunday afternoon; wake each other up with coffee and a kiss on the head; and even slow dance in the kitchen after a long day of being apart.
I feel like they would, or maybe I’ve been reading way too many romance novels<3
However, what kind of special couple-like things do you think they would do (especially when the world around them is falling apart) in your own opinion?
Like what is their love language?!
Anon, this kept me thinking for a long time. 🤣
I guess you can write that sort of situation in a human AU and make it perfectly believable, but my first instict is to say that in a canon context, nope. lol Caroline, for sure. She's definitely that kind of person. BUT THEN. I actually kinda do think Klaus could be that guy? Or at least someone who does these things? Hear me out.
Maybe not constantly and in an obviously romantic sort of way, like he'd just turn into a mushy cutie pie or something, but we've kind of seen that sort of thing from him, haven't we? When he leaves a birthday gift for her to find in the morning (I mean, it's both creepy AND thoughtful, which is quintessential Klaus Caroline-wise), and the horse drawing, and the message on the back of the invitation to the Mikaelson ball (~~Save me a dance). The big gesture of going all the way to Mystic Falls for her graduation just to tell her he'd be waiting for her 'However long it takes', when he says he wants to know everything about her 'your hopes and dreams and everything you want in life'. The fact he asks for a DATE with the puppy eyes, the fact he sends her a dress to the ball (that's so 1800s, Klaus, Jesus).
That IS kinda romantic, right? I don't even think he realizes the underlying tone of these things, he's just this very old school and also cheesy in an endearing sort of way dude. Caroline is really the only person he gets involved with for whom he goes all in like this, so the idea I get here is that when Klaus truly wants to win someone's heart and attention, he gets a little awkward and also very old fashioned.
So I can sort of see Klaus doing little things for Caroline that would be incredibly sweet, verging on cheesy. Maybe not like rose petals in the bedroom lol But sending her flowers in the middle of the day? Sure. Don't think he would make her coffee cause I don't think Klaus physically touches kitchen appliances lol But something like that. Warm blood straight from some minions' veins after she's had a long day. lol I mean, Rome, Paris, Tokyo sounds like a very romantic trip IMO.
The only thing I see him struggling a bit with is the cuddling part. It's my personal headcanon that Klaus isn't much of a cuddler, or even someone who seeks physical contact very often, especially in public. It's probably something he wants, but something he's comfortable with. He's an extremely paranoid person who likely hasn't been romantically involved with anyone in a long time (it's also my personal hc that Klaus is a hoe, so he likely had millions of partners, but no one he got attached to or allowed to come truly close to him), so I don't think that cuddling and having someone wrapped around him is something he'd be comfortable with. He probably sleeps with an eye open, kicks his partners out of his bed or maybe he gets out of bed himself. I can see Klaus being a sexual guy to the point that getting hot with someone means absolutely nothing, but for whom the real acts of intimacy and touches comes much harder. Caroline would be the one to breach that (because I say so in my heart 🤣). Especially since she's the complete opposite of him in that regard. Touching is her love language, for sure. She's every bit a cuddler. We've seen it several times in the show. She's also big on hugging and kissing and open displays of affection. So I think she would do these things and slowly ease Klaus into accepting it. He would cuddle with her because he knows it comforts her, helps her sleep, or whatever, but it would also develop into a comfort for him. Like having her near would top his nagging paranoia and centuries of being a weirdo when it comes to that. She would be the exception.
But anyway. Their love language. Personally, I think it's dancing. ❤ They share a few dances throughout the show, and I think Klaus, being the old man that he is, understands dancing as a deeper, more nuanced thing than it is nowadays. And Caroline is a great dancer, as we know 😌 She's had training 😌 So I like to think that dancing would be ~~their thing.
Anyway, I am rambling like hell! Hope I didn't bore you to death. 🤣 Thanks for the ask, nonnie, really got me thinking.
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