#but healing church members legit know password of the Gatekeeper + there is a secret cave through which fauxsefka snooped
katyspersonal · 8 months
A frustrating bit about the idea that Yurie is called the last scholar because of her having been one of the OG Byrgenwerth squad is her visible age.. Willem was already a sluggish ancient self even in Laurence's flashback and is still alive, for all we know the time in Byrgenwerth really has stopped as 95% of it is drifting between reality and Nightmare, but.. why at the expense of some wrinkles :pensive:
Would just be pretty great if she looked like a 50+ years old! (around 20 as Byrgenwerth scholar and at least 30 years since then because if Hunter's Dream has about 360 gravestones, it means 360 full moons ie at least 30 years of it existing) But, I guess it IS just a version?
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