#but hey what do I know. maybe she does let florence sing and their voices sound wonderful together
irulancorrino · 4 months
okay but if taylor doesn't let florence fucking welch sing I WILL eat glass
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Daniel surprising his girls with reindeers ~T
Friday, December 10, 2027
Daniel’s father instincts went off the moment he picked up his girls from school, Penelope climbing into the backseat in tears with Clementine following right after. He glanced over his shoulder to her as she buckled herself into her car seat through her sniffles and sobs.
“Hey, bug, what’s wrong?” Daniel asked softly, reaching back to brush the tears from her cheek.
“Christmas is ruined!” Penelope cried.
“Why ruined? What happened?” Daniel unbuckled his seatbelt so he could turn a bit more in his seat to face her.
“How does Santa get to everyone’s houses?” Penelope asked softly, her voice wavering.
“In his sleigh. You know that.”
“He can’t when reindeer aren’t real!” Penelope sobbed.
“What? Who said that?” Daniel frowned.
“A kid in my class!” Penelope wailed, a fresh wave of tears flowing down her cheeks. “He said they don’t exist!”
Daniel thought for a moment, watching his middle daughter nearly drowning herself in her tears and his eldest sitting quietly beside her, staring at her hands in her lap. He sighed, looking between the two of them.
“They don’t exist, do they, Daddy?” Clementine mumbled sadly.
“They most certainly do.” Daniel answered.
“But I’ve never seen one!” Penelope argued loudly, shaking her head as if to prove her point until her messy brown hair fell over her tear-filled eyes.
“Do you want to see one?” Daniel asked.
The girls only blinked at him.
“Yeah. We’re gonna go see some reindeer.” Daniel said, as if confirming with himself as he turned around and buckled his seatbelt again. “We’re going to get Mommy and Lucy from home and we’re going to go see some reindeer.”
Penelope sniffled, wiping her nose on the sleeve of her coat and looked out the car window as they started for home, snow falling gently from the grey sky. It wasn’t far to home and Daniel parked out front of the apartment building and called Florence to get her to head down to meet them and moments later, they were all set to head to wherever their destination was. The mood in the car was melancholy as Penelope and Clementine were still sad and disbelieving – almost sure that Christmas was ruined – but Daniel wasn’t ready for his daughters to lose their belief of Christmas magic before even hitting ten years old.
Lucy was unphased at three-and-a-half, yelling for Daniel to turn on the music from the middle seat in the back, kicking her legs against the front seats until Florence had to tell her to sit still. Daniel turned on the Christmas station and turned up the volume to try and liven the spirts of the girls in the back – well, other than Lucy who was gladly screaming along to the lyrics the best she could – as he drove towards their destination.
About an hour drive later, they were far out of the city and near rural farmland that was coated in crisp snow and Daniel pulled into a long driveway trimmed in Christmas lights and framed in tall trees and he parked with the few other cars that were there. Florence and Daniel stepped out of the car, sharing excited smiles together before getting their girls out. Penelope sniffled as she stepped out onto the snow and reached for Daniel’s hand with her smaller gloved one.
“Where are we?” Clementine asked quietly, taking Florence’s other hand that wasn’t claimed by the youngest.
“We’re going to visit some real reindeer.” Daniel said as he locked the car and led his family towards the barn.
The property was used as a reindeer farm in the winter where you could go visit and feed the animals and the people who owned it made it all magical for the kids who came too. The barn was trimmed in Christmas lights and was packed with a few people and shy Penelope shuffled closer to Daniel as they walked inside. They found a spot right by the small fence that housed a couple reindeer, each with a red Christmas ribbon around their necks.
Penelope’s eyes went wide and she took a step closer to the fence to get a better look. Daniel petted her hair back from her tear streaked face and brushed it down her back to tame her natural waves, smiling at her shocked expression. Clementine joined her sister at the fence and stepped up on the bottom pole to see over the top and Penelope copied her carefully.
“Horsey!” Lucy shrieked excitedly from Florence’s arms, pointing to the animals.
“They’re reindeer, Lucy Lu.” Florence chuckled, pressing a kiss to her pink cheek.
“Daddy.” Penelope glanced up at Daniel and he leaned forward against the fence so he was bent closer to her height. “Are these Santa’s reindeer?”
“They sure are.” One of the workers answered for him as she walked over to join them, decked out in her festive farm clothes and topped with a red Santa hat. “Santa let us borrow them for a few days so you could come see them!”
Penelope gasped, her face breaking into a grin and she looked back up at Daniel before turning back to the animals.
“Do you want to feed them?” the worker asked the girls.
“Yes, please!” Clementine nodded, jumping off the fence to hold out her hands and the lady passed her a bit of reindeer food from her pocket and then gave a bit to Penelope and Lucy too.
“They’re really friendly but you have to be gentle.” The lady instructed as she called over one of the reindeer. “Hold your hand out like this and he’ll munch it right out of your hand!”
Clementine eagerly joined her with her arm through the fence, watching with an excited grin as the reindeer sure enough licked up the food from her palm. Daniel crouched down beside Penelope and held her hand out with his as she shyly hesitated but once the food was softly eaten up, she was asking for more to do it again.
Penelope’s mood was much improved by the time they finished at the farm, saying goodbye to each reindeer and giving the one they fed a gentle pet on the head. Each girl even got a candy cane as a parting gift and Penelope sucked on hers happily as they headed back to the car, hand still tucked in Daniel’s.
“Daddy.” Penelope looked up at him through her candy cane.
“Yes, Penny?”
“Can I please have a reindeer for Christmas?”
“Where would we keep it?” Daniel chuckled.
“In my room.” Penelope answered, scuffing her boots through the snow of the parking lot.
“I think we should leave the reindeer for Santa, don’t you?” Daniel said.
“Maybe.” Penelope mumbled.
“Do you believe in reindeer now?” Daniel asked as he opened the car door for her and helped her climb in.
“Yeah! I can’t wait to go back to school and tell everyone!” Penelope smiled.
“Tell everyone that you met Santa’s very own reindeer. How cool is that?” Daniel added, leaning over her to buckle her up and then help Florence get Lucy settled in the middle seat.
“So cool.” Penelope said.
He pulled back out of the car and leaned down beside her, “Would I ever lie to you?”
Penelope shook her head, hiding her shy smile behind her candy cane.
“Exactly. Trust me next time. I know what I’m talking about.” Daniel winked at her and pressed a kiss to her cheek before closing the car door behind him.
With all the girls buckled in, Daniel and Florence got back in the front and Daniel started the car and the music.
“I want everyone singing until we lose our voices!” he instructed loudly, turning the volume up loud before starting back for the main road towards home.
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I want to tell you... (Part 8.)
Description: Nathan Drake is not the exact definition of an unhappy man. His job is steady, his friends still see him from time to time, he plays football, but his marriage is his main problem. Many things will change when a special person comes to his life.
Part Summary: Some things from the past are about to be revealed slowly... And you don’t know if you feel relieved that Nate knows first bits about you or if you want to keep the things secret. 
A/N: x
Word counter: 2.7 K
Tagging: @missdictatorme​, @peakymarvels​, @nemodoren​, @flavorishy​
Series master list: H E R E
Nathan’s car sing-along playlist: H E R E
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This time, Nathan promised himself to be better than before - and he texted you right the other morning when he woke up. First, he was feeling weird about it, but as soon as you texted back, a grin appeared on his lips. You've even sent him a photo of your completely moved-in living room with a heart emoji, which made grin all shift long.
It took exactly three days before your other hangout. Your semester was starting in October and you hadn't got many friends in the town, so when Nate offered you any kind of escape from the loneliness, you've accepted right away.
The hangout wasn't originally even Nate's idea - it was Sully's. They were just hanging out at Sully's place, Florence has been gone for the shift, and both boys were getting ready to visit a farmer market in the nearby city when the idea crossed Victor's mind.
"Hey, kid?" - Sully sighed as he walked out of the bedroom, adjusting his belt on his jeans. Nathan expected the old man to ask if the visage suits him, but Victor pulled a completely different Uno card.
"You know, I was thinkin' about that girl of yours. Ain't she free for the day? I mean... A bit of help never hurt anyone, amirite?" - The old man adjusted his Cuban shirt, having Nathan thinking about two things in particular. How could he charm Florence while wearing such fashion crime and why on earth he wanted to meet you? The first one was bothering Nate way more, but he still asked about the second subject. - Why would I invite her to shop with you?" - Nate asked confusedly, earning a chuckle.
"Because you, boy, have been staring outta window the whole time I've been in the bedroom, thinkin' about her. Didn't you?" - Sully asked, knowing he's right. Nate was thinking about you - yet he was thinking about the best text to respond with to your last joke. It wasn't like he was just mindlessly signing, talking about how pretty you were. - "How am I lookin'?" - Sully turned at himself in the mirror, putting a cigar between his lips and aviators on his eyes, before hooking them on the hem of his white top. Nathan rolled his eyes, standing up.
"Like someone whos too old to be attractive, but he still thinks he has it. Come on." - The younger man asked, already hearing his phone ringing as he called you, hoping you wouldn't pick up. To his bad luck, you've picked just after the second sound. Your voice told Nate that you're really glad to hear him.
"Hey!" - A joyful cheer came out of the phone, making Sully chuckle at your excitement as he locked the apartment door.
"Hi, nice to hear from you." - Nathan greeted you back nervously, looking at the old man giving him his well-known grin. Nate felt like a nervous girl asking her boy out to the prom, so he took in a deep breath to ask you if you'd like to join them, being interrupted by your giggle. - "You're out of breath? You're jogging or something? I mean, jog in this weather is a suicide, but you do you." - You rambled, being lost in the thoughts inside of your head.
The weather was beautiful, indeed. The sun was shining, and the air was nicely warm, so it would be ideal weather to go to the beach for a swim. But having you thinking that Nathan is jogging made Sully chuckle as the young man rolled his eyes at him. Nathan would jog only if necessary and Victor mas aware of that. It was more probable that Sully himself sets on a jog, this boy would rather go to buy an ice-cream, sit on a porch and watched the nature.
"No, unfortunately, I don't jog, so..." - Nathan answered, having you chuckle with quiet 'kay added in the end. - "But I'm going to a market and you, miss, are going with me. How does that sound?" - The man said with confidence, having Sully make a dramatic surprised face as both the man walked to Nate's jeep standing in front of the apartment building.
"You don't even ask me if I have time today? Rude." - You answered, and for a moment, Nate felt saved because you won't be going with them. - "Sure, where will you pick me up?" - You asked suddenly when Nate plugged his phone into the car's Bluetooth, suddenly hearing your voice everywhere around them. Sully was quite amused with the personality you seemed to have so far.
"I don't know, maybe on the street, you're livin' at?" - The old man asked, having Nate's eyes widen in horror. Sully just innocently opened up the window, lighting one of his cigarillos up. Nathan hated it when the man smoked in his car, but he also learned that resistance comes in vain when it came to this man, so he just rolled his eyes and set on the road.
"Excuse me, who is that? I thought I'm talking to Nate." - You asked nervously, all the humor suddenly leaving you.
"Don't mind him, it's my best pal. So, in twenty minutes at the corner of the street? I think I won't be able to drive in because of the people and stuff." - Nate smacked Sully's thigh angrily, watching the man having a problem with containing a serious face as he turned around to look from the window. For a while, there was this weird silence on your end, before you sighed.
"'kay, I'll be there. See you, both." - You said your goodbye swiftly, already hurrying off to put some clothes on.
"Was that necessary, Sullivan?" - Nathan sighed, turning on one of his car playlists. This man was a sucker for singing in the car when he was stuck in a long colony, so he made a few playlists over the time - some included rock'n'roll when he was feeling fierce, one of them was solemnly based on the legendary 80s' songs, but he had an indie one of the modern music that kids these days listened to as well. And because he knew that Sully's more this oldies guy, he turned this one on, having Sully sigh unpleasantly. But he deserved it at the end of the day.
"Shed see me one way or another, kiddo. Or did you plan on shovin' me into the trunk, makin' me jump out of it as a surprise once we arrive there?" - Sully responded with his typical sense of humor, having Nate take a while to think over his stupidity. No matter how much he didn't like it, Sully was right. You'd see Sully when they'd be picking you up, so maybe, it was better to be aware of the danger beforehand. You've been looking exquisite, almost kicking the breath out of Nathan's chest, which sully didn't miss at all - he just didn't say anything out loud.
You had the same denim overalls on, with another amazing t-shirt a huge sunhat on your head. The old man sprang up from the co-drivers seat, opening the door for you, offering you a handshake. - "Hi." - He said. Oh Lord, this man was at least twenty years older than you, but he had some damn charm inside of him. - "Name's Victor, what 'bout you?" - The man gently kissed your knuckles, stealing breath out of your lungs.
Nathan couldn't but eye-roll at the sight of Sullivan. This guy was something, trying to impress every lady around even if he was taken. - "I wonder what Florence would say about your 'bout you, Sully." - Nate peaked out of the car, giving you one of his typical grins. At that, Sully chuckled and winked at you, as you still realized you're holding his palm in yours and that you also have a boyfriend. - "I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you, Victor." - You smiled back calmly, finally letting his hand go as you climbed into the car next to Nate. Sully didn't miss the dreamy look on the young man's face as he watched you settling down.
"Hey, Mr. Drake." - You told him charmingly, immediately vibing to Nate's playlist. Nathan smiled after a while, waiting before Sullivan settles his ass down on the backseat.
"Hey, how are you?" - Nate started a small chit-chat as you set on your way. It took you quite a long time since, in the middle of your journey, Nathan decided he wants to have an ice-cream, so you had to get an ice-cream. And when you finally set on the real way, there was a huge colony of cars because of some roadwork ahead. You and Sully chatted about his girlfriend, about how he's doing, what is he doing. He was a business owner, which quite surprised by someone who was looking like Sully. Suddenly, a song dropped, having both you and Sully to look at Nathan, who started dancing around, mumbling the words.
"Well, here we go again." - Sully mumbled under his mustache, rolling down the window to have another cigarillo. For a moment, you were amused by simply watching Nate vibe to the song, before he turned to you and sang you the lyrics. - "What are you doing? Stop." - You told the man between the waves of laughter washing over you. Soon enough, you noticed that Nate rolled every window down, now screaming the lyrics from the top of his lungs. For a moment, it almost looked as if you just let the man make an idiot out of himself, but suddenly, you started dancing too, yelling the lyrics on the man driving the car next to yours.
"Like strangers. Perfect pretenders. We're falling head over heels, for something that ain't real. It could never be us, eh, just you and I." - And at that moment, Sully was sure by two things. First was that the people on the front seats were just kids in overgrown bodies, Nathan especially. And the second thing was that he understood what Nathan saw on you. Elena was crazy at times, she was fun and really smart, but she had never sung one of Nate's car songs as passionately as you did. Sure, he didn't crush on you as Nathan did instantly, but you were likable.
The people in the cars around yours were laughing at the sight of two adults making such moves and faces during a pop song, there was no-one angry about you blasting the whole highway with the song. - "And you were acting as if I was embarrassing you?" - Nathan asked you unbelievably when the colony moved forward, grinning at you. - "You, miss, outshined me. You're way better at car sing-along than I am."
"Well, I couldn't let you know my strengths from the very first moment, could I?" - A classy smirk appeared on your face before you turned to look out of the window. - "But Sully is looking like his ears are about to bleed every second. You okay?" - You turned to the big man on the backseat, who had that grin on. - "Well, it was an impressive concert, to say the least."
You needed to say... You were grateful that Nathan made you come to the market that day. It was happening in a small village and it was obvious that you either had to have friends there or know about this place on your own to find about a market like this. There were animals, hordes of vegetables and a lot of gardening tools. You almost bought some, but Nate told you not to because you didn't have even small flowerpots at home. Even if the market wasn't too big, you spent almost three hours there. And just when you were walking back to the jeep, Nathan was carrying four bags of goods in his palms, you heard your phone ringing. It was from Mike.
"Hey, baby." - The man sighed and you could already tell what that will be about. You were about to spend another day at home on your own. - "What're you doing?" - He started sweetly, as he always did.
"Oh, Nate and his best friend took me to a market to buy some veggies because Nate is about to cook dinner for him and his girlfriend. How about you?" - You asked Mike back. Yeah, sure, he was quite surprised that you were spending time with Nate again, but he decided not to comment on it. You were hanging out quite a lot.
"Guess where. I won't be at home until midnight, again, so..." - Mike breathed out and your face automatically saddened. Nate caught this just when he and Sully finished packing the goods into the trunk, so he slowly walked up to you, but didn't let you know that he's standing just a few feet away from you.
"Are you sure it's about work?" - A sour question left your lips as you tried to stay calm, not to cause some drama in front of Sully and Nate. But Nathan furrowed at the words you've said. He almost started assuming what you were talking about, but you asked another one to his good luck. - "Or is there someone else in work again?"
That made Nate widen his baby blue eyes and from the stress, he started to toy around with his fingers. Mike was cheating on you with someone? Was it before you moved there, was it happening now or..? How long did you know about that? Jesus. Nate didn't know why is he still listening to such an intimate call, but he had an actual feeling that in a way, it made him more sure about the feelings he was having for you. You didn't deserve such a jerk. - "Yeah, sure, whatever. I'll find some program for myself, don't worry about it."
With that, you turned on your heels and Nate's head sprung in the opposite direction as he pretended that he wasn't listening to you. You didn't know how much he heard, so you just gave him a careful look. - "Uhm, I and Sully talked about inviting you over to the diner... I mean... If you want to, of course, but I would like some help with preparing the masterpiece... That's what I wanted to ask... You about..." - Nate mumbled with nervosity in his face, still playing with his fingers. It was a relief that Nate didn't hear any of what you just spat at Mike.
"I think I can save some time for you and these two. It's your lucky day, Nathan." - You answered, fighting the urge to cry at least. Back when you were living in your old place and things got bad, you used to yell at each other. So you decided to move to a different town, start over - you finally started working on your degree and Mike had won a good work offer. And for the few months, the situation had settled down once again. Mike stopped seeing these... Ladies and it could be felt the love had come back to your relationship.
It was almost a month and a half since you've met Nathan (it took quite a long time before you heard back from him) and the relationship was getting cold again. It wasn't even that Mike was gone for a lot of time, it was just the feeling of love disappearing again. You were almost seeing Nathan more often than your boyfriend, which was sad, but you could understand him a lot of aspects of his relationship with his wife. That was why you were fond of spending time with Nathan, most likely.
When you watched that awkward goofball smirking as he looked away from you. So you immediately took off to drive back to Sully's place. It made you feel better about yourself once again - Sully pulled up all of his best jokes for you, so he had you giggling in no time at all. Nate was thinking about the conversation he heard, but he joined the conversation not too long after. And just like that, you were headed with two practical strangers to the apartment of one of them.
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Hey! How would react the Organization if their S/O dedicares to them a song? And wich song they would like to be dedicated to them? Your blog is fantastic and very original to me, go like this! >7
I’m very happy that you enjoy the blog, dear!
Song: Fly Me to the Moon cover by annapantsu - “Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars. In other words, hold my hand. In other words, baby, kiss me.”
Xemnas is a fan of old music so he’s happy that you chose a song he’s recognized even if he isn’t as familiar with the singer.  It’s something old and classic instead of modern. He’s pretty flattered and loves that it’s a song you can dance to!
Song: Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding - “Fading in, fading out on the edge of paradise. Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I’ve got to find. Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire. I’ll let you set the pace, ‘cause I’m not thinking straight, my head’s spinning around, I can’t see clear no more… What are you waiting for?”
The song is as passionate as your relationship is, so Xigbar can appreciate the song even if it’s not something that he would naturally gravitate to when listening to music. Surprised when you dedicate a song to him in the first place!
Song: Halo by Beyoncé - “I swore I’d never fall again, but this don’t even feel like falling. Gravity can’t forget to pull me back to the ground again. Feels like I’ve been awakened, every rule I had you break it… It’s the risk that I’m taking. I’m never gonna shut you out.”
Really touched that you would dedicate such a beautiful song to him. He really feels like he can relate to the words “I swore I’d never fall again, but this don’t even feel like falling.” He’d been in love before so he understands how it feels to be hurt by someone you love.  He’s very lucky to have you!
Song: This Kiss by Faith Hill - “Cinderella said to Snow White ‘How does love get so off course? All I wanted was a white knight, with a good heart, soft touch, fast horse. Ride me off into the sunset, baby I’m forever yours! It’s the way you love me, it’s a feeling like this - It’s centripetal motion, it’s perpetual bliss!’”
He would never admit that this is his style of music, but you know him better than that.  He’s super flattered but tries not to show it. The science references in the song are also a plus.
Song: When You Say Nothing At All by Alisson Krauss - “The smile on your face lets me know that you need me. There’s a truth in your eyes saying you’ll never leave me. The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall… You say it best when you say nothing at all.”
You both think that this song is perfect for your relationship.  Lexaeus is a man of few words and it’s nice to know that you know how he feels without him having to say a word.  He loves you more than anything even he doesn’t say the words aloud.
Song: All I Ask of You sung by Kelly Clarkson and Josh Groban - “Let me be your shelter, let me be your light, you’re safe, no one will find you. Your fears are far behind you. All I want is freedom - a world with no more night! And you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me.”
Zexion can’t sing to save his life, but he knows that if the occasion ever arose, it’s nice to know that the two of you have a good duet for your relationship! He loves Phantom of the Opera, too, so the fact that the song is from that musical is always a plus!
Song: At Last by Etta James - “You smiled, you smiled, oh and then the spell was cast, and here we are in heaven, for you are mine at last.”
An old, romantic song that the two of you can dance to whenever you want? Hell yeah. Saix isn’t much of a hopeless romantic, but for you? He’ll break out the romance in spades.
Song: Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran - “So honey now take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your head on my beating heart… I’m thinking out loud, maybe we found love right where we are.”
With the way things are, it doesn’t look like you and Axel will get the chance to physically grow older together. However, he does hope that one day he gets the chance to grow old with you and this song is the perfect description of that.
Song: Stay With You by John Legend - “Though relationships can get old, they had a tendency to grow cold, we have something like a miracle. Yeah, I’ll stay with you. Oh, I’ll stay with you through the ups and the downs. Oh, I’ll stay with you when no one else is around.”
Demyx knows good and well how lucky he is to have you around him - to love you and be lucky enough to have you love him in return. Despite his playful personality, your relationship is something he takes seriously.  He has no idea how you were able to find such a perfect song to dedicate to him, but he’s definitely going to listen to it a thousand times a day.
Song: Come Away With Me by Norah Jones - “And I want to wake up with the rain falling on a tin roof. While I’m safe there in your arms, so all I ask is for you to come away with me in the night, come away with me.”
Something slow and languid with the raspy voice of Norah Jones is a perfect song for you to dedicate to Luxord. He’s not much of a dancer when he isn’t in the mood, but you don’t need to be with this song - you can curl up in his arms and slowly rock back and forth, just enjoying your time together.
Song: Stand By Me by Florence + the Machine - “If the sky that we look upon should tumble and fall - or the mountains should crumble to the sea… I won’t cry, I won’t cry, no I won’t shed a tear - just as long as you stand, stand by me.”
Marluxia was definitely already a fan of florence + and the machine so the idea that you would choose one of her songs as a song for the two of you? He’s near tears.  He loves the song, he loves the singer, and he loves you. He doesn’t need much more than that.
Song: She Keeps Me Warm by Mary Lambert - “She says I smell like safety and home. I named both of her eyes Forever and Please Don’t Go. I could be a morning sunrise all the time, all the time yeah. This could be good, this could be good…”
You chose a lesbian anthem as your song? Nice. She loves the song and it’s now in the top five on her regular music playlist. She thinks it’s great that you found such a sweet song to describe your relationship.
Song: I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz - “When I look into your eyes, it’s like watching the night sky or a beautiful sunrise. So much they hold. And just like them old stars, I see that you’ve come so far to be right where you are… How old is your soul?”
You and Roxas have been through so much over the years and you know how much pressure he’s constantly under since he’s a keyblade wielder. He loves the song because it reminds him that he’ll never give up on you or your relationship no matter how many struggles the two of you may meet - you’ll face them together.
Song: I’m Yours by Jason Mraz - “Well open up your mind and see like me, open up your plans and damn you’re free. Look into your heart and you’ll find love, love love love. Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing - we’re just one big family - and it’s our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved loved loved loved.”
You knew that you couldn’t choose a sad or sappy song for Xion. Something happy and upbeat would be perfect for her.  She absolutely adores dancing with you to this song, playfully bouncing around your room together.  You couldn’t have picked a better tune!
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this may or may not help you since it's more pippa-pov but I'm v "third eye" by florence + the machine for hicsqueak/hecate. "Hey, look up! / You don't have to be a ghost / here amongst the living. / You are flesh and blood! / And you deserve to be loved and you deserve what you are given / And oh, how much!" but later there's also: "But your pain is a tribute / The only thing you let hold you / Wear it now like a mantle / Always there to remind you"
Thank you so so much for this! It helped immensely.  This got pretty angsty, but it’s also a giant fluff ball? IDK. I’ve been attempting fic for days but this is the first thing that feels finished, so thank you so much! I hope you like it. :S
tw: mentions of child abuse. nothing graphic.
Pippa doesn’t like to think about how Hecate got her scars.
There are two of them, one on the inside of each arm from wrist to elbow, both deep and white.
She only saw them once when she was in school, when she’d barged into Hecate’s room without knocking, and Hecate had only been partially clothed, in tights and her bra, dress halfway over her head.
She hadn’t paid much attention then, too distracted by so much pale skin, the slight curve of Hecate’s waist and the way one black bra strap was falling off her shoulder.
It was only a moment, a glance she barely had time to take before Hecate spun around, quickly shielding herself, and Pippa had looked away.
She hadn’t asked then, and Hecate never offered to tell her. She’d thought then, maybe with time—
But time had been too short, and Hecate pulled away, and then twenty years sat between them, strained and bitter and at times hostile.
So much different from now, she thinks, pressing her lips again to Hecate’s shoulder, smiling against her skin when she shudders.
It’s been six months since the Spelling Bee, six months of dancing around one another in mirror chats and over tea, six months of barely there touches and long looks and so much wanting Pippa had felt fit to burst from it.
But they’re here now, Pippa curled into Hecate’s side, skin to skin, Hecate’s hand on her waist, so soft, Hecate’s stuttered breathing in Pippa’s ear as she kisses the line of her jaw, her cheek, her lips.
Their kisses are unhurried, gentle and drawn out and Pippa can’t say she minds, being the sole focus of Hecate’s attention, even after the rush has faded and the sweat on their skin has dried. Even though she’s given as much and taken the same, a calm stealing over her she hasn’t felt in ages.
And yet Hecate’s still hesitant, her eyes still questioning, as if she’s waiting for the moment Pippa will pull away, will say it’s a mistake, or a one off, or a laugh.
Pippa hasn’t quite found the words to tell her otherwise, so she keeps kissing her, keeps her body curled into Hecate’s and tries to tell her with soft murmurs and her hands on Hecate’s cheeks that she isn’t going anywhere.
That she won’t leave.
She thinks sometimes it should be the other way around, that she’s the one who should be fearful, but she isn’t. Not anymore. Not after they spoke, finally, not after Hecate admitted, her voice so low and resigned, that she’d only done what she did because she was afraid. Afraid of falling harder, falling faster, of losing herself in someone who could never love her back. Not in the same way.
Pippa had stared, voiceless, too struck by the admission to do anything for a long moment. And Hecate, of course, had panicked, tried to flee, and it was only Pippa’s hand around her wrist, Pippa’s startling kiss that kept her in place.
The look on her face had almost been comical, her eyes wide and jaw slack, but Pippa hadn’t laughed. She couldn’t, not with her heart in her throat, everything she’d ever wanted not a foot away, staring at her like she couldn’t believe.
And that’s the problem, Pippa thinks sadly, that Hecate never believes. That she’s good enough. That she’s wanted enough. That she’s loved enough.
Even now, with Pippa’s soft touches and warmth and steadiness, Pippa can feel the tension in her frame, the fight or flight of her magic humming beneath her skin. Can hear it in Hecate’s voice, the tremble of it, when she asks Pippa if this is truly what she wants.
“More than anything,” she says, and holds Hecate’s gaze, a palm on her cheek and the other flat against Hecate’s stomach, almost possessive.
Hecate nods, but her eyes are unsure, her hands still tentative at Pippa’s sides.
“But is it—” she starts, stops, fingers twitching as she resists the urge to curl them into fists.
Pippa leans back and takes her hands, pressing a kiss to Hecate’s knuckles before pulling them close to her chest, over her heart.
“Everything,” she says, and it’s enough somehow, the right word at the right time because Hecate surges forward, capturing her mouth with hers, her hands freeing themselves to tangle in Pippa’s hair.
Pippa gasps, and feels the edges of a smile against her own.
She knows, without words, that Hecate feels the same. It’s written all over her face, in her touch, in the way she holds Pippa so reverently, like she’s precious.
Pippa’s had her share of girlfriends, and boyfriends, but none that have meant as much to her as this, and she knows she’s never meant as much to anyone as she does to the woman lying next to her, and it feels her with so much warmth and light and giddiness she can hardly stand it.
But Hecate keeps her grounded, as she’s always done. When they were in school, it was always Hecate with her feet planted firmly on the ground, Pippa with her head in the clouds, Hecate who always pulled her down before she flew too close to the sun.
She does the same now, her hands still cool, almost cold, sweeping up and down her spine like she simply can’t bear to stop touching her.
Pippa knows the feeling. Her own hands can’t quite settle, keep tangling in Hecate’s hair or smoothing down her side, her stomach, her arms.
She doesn’t quite realize what she’s done until Hecate flinches, drawing away, turning her elbow so Pippa can’t see the scars.
“It’s okay,” Pippa says softly, catching her wrist lightly. “I don’t care.”
It isn’t quite what she means—she does care, she cares so much, and she wants to know but she doesn’t want to press; wants to rid Hecate of the suddenly haunted look in her eyes in any way she can.
Hecate nods, settling back, allowing Pippa to take her elbow and turn her arm so her palm is up, the scar on the surface between them.
She doesn’t touch, though she wants to. Instead, she draws her thumb over the pulse in Hecate’s wrist and settles her head in her shoulder, giving her space.
“Will you tell me what happened?” she asks, careful to keep her voice calm and gentle.
Hecate stiffens, as she’d expected, but doesn’t pull away. She continues to trace her fingers along Pippa’s spine, but she says nothing, and Pippa accepts that.
Accepts that things take time. Accepts that maybe, there are some things about Hecate she’ll never learn. Some things she keeps too well and truly guarded.
And then Hecate shifts, and she feels a soft exhale against her hair before the words, so quiet, “My father.”
It hurts, more than Pippa had been expecting, and the rush of air from her lungs is entirely involuntary.
She knows little about Hecate’s home life, other than that it was dreadfully unhappy. Her mother died at a young age, Pippa knew, and her father was a man steeped in tradition and rules and discipline.
She wants to ask, wants the story but the air around them is too fragile. She knows, if she pushed, Hecate would tell her. Would tell her now and regret it later and she wants everything Hecate wants to give her, but only on her terms.
“I’m sorry,” she says, because she knows, can tell by the way Hecate’s breathing has quickened, her muscles tense, that it wasn’t an accident. That whatever happened was intentional.
Because they’re still there.
Like most things in magic, scars can be healed. Put right. But only by the caster, and the thought makes Pippa feel sick, feels her eyes sting and rage coil in her stomach, a writhing thing.
She wants to scream. Wants to demand Hecate look at her, to beg her to tell her she knows she didn’t deserve it. Whatever it was. However bad it got. That it wasn’t her fault.
She doesn’t. She takes a deep, shaky breath, and gently, so gently, takes Hecate’s arm and leans down, pressing a kiss to the center of the long, jagged mark.
Hecate stills, doesn’t appear to be breathing when Pippa meets her gaze, and she forces herself to smile. To tuck a strand of hair behind Hecate’s ear and kiss her temple, her cheek, her nose.
“You’re beautiful,” she says, and Hecate slams her eyes shut, her whole body trembling, and Pippa worries maybe it was too much. Too much too fast and too many emotions for Hecate to process. She watches her face closely, and it’s only because she does she sees a few errant tears streak along her temple, disappearing into her hair.
Hecate shakes her head, and after a moment, turns her body and curls into Pippa, their places reversed, Pippa on her back and Hecate wrapped around her like a summer vine. Her hair is everywhere, half covering them both, and Pippa runs her fingers through the strands, careful not to catch any tangles.
It isn’t until she starts to hum, an old song she remembers Hecate singing once, just once, in a voice that at the time had seemed far too sweet, on a night so similar and so unlike this one, when Pippa had been so sad. She doesn’t remember why now—maybe a teacher yelled at her, or her sister said something insensitive. Maybe she failed an exam, or had a fight with a friend. It doesn’t matter, only that Hecate had been there, her arm loose around Pippa’s shoulder and she cried into her hair, the same song settling the air around them.
“You remember?” Hecate says, awe in her voice, and Pippa smiles.
“Of course I do.”
Hecate raises her head, the smile on her face so bright, so warm, Pippa thinks maybe she never saved her from the sun after all. Maybe it’s Hecate she’d been flying toward all along.
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