#but honestly i do think itll be fun bc the professor for this class is well known to have her classes super fun
keirientez · 8 months
diving head first into learning italian just bc of khr
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mattygraygubler · 5 years
our campus: chapter 4 (tom holland fanfic)
summary: frat!tom and reader go to the same college and y/n is tasked with being his tutor, they don’t really get along at first (because i love reader and tom hating each other trope)
warnings: none ?????
word count: 2.1k
a/n: so many texts and so much dialogue fuckin kill me also texts are bold
for a list of characters click here
to be added to the tag list send me an ask !
“I don’t know what you did to get her to give you a second chance, but I need to warn you.” Ally said. Tom turned to look at her, they had only ever spoken when necessary for theater stuff. 
“Warn me?” He asked. 
“Y/N can make your life either very, very good or very, very bad. She has most of the professors in this school wrapped around her pinky. And she doesn’t make it obvious, but she’s the smartest person I’ve ever met. She can really help you if you let her.”
“Well, thanks.” He said awkwardly and turned back to his stuff. 
“One more thing.” Ally said. Tom turned again and raised his eyebrows. “Don’t you dare catch feelings.” “Seriously? No need to worry about that.” Ally scoffed. 
“I’m serious, Tom. Don’t. She doesn’t need that right now.” 
“Yeah, fine, I get it.” He said. 
“Alright guys let’s get started.” Gigi said, signaling rehearsal was about to start. 
* * * 
It was finally Friday, and your phone was blowing up as you walked to the library. Class had gotten out late, so you were walking as fast as possible so you wouldn’t be late to your meeting with Tom. 
if Y/N is ok with it its fine with me
i still dont know how i feel about this
pretty pretty please guys i really like this guy and he really wants me to go
what are we talking about i was in class
harrison invited em and all of us to the delt party tonight
and i said we shouldnt go bc of what happened
plus isnt tom a delt? wouldnt that be a bit awk?
honestly i couldnt care less. after the week ive had im gonna too blacked to even realize where we are
lets take it to a vote
im abstaining
the ayes have it! delt BABEEEYYYY
ill have harrison put us all on the list
glad we got that sorted ill see u guys at mine at 8
You walked into the library, checking your watch and seeing it was 4:02. You bit your lip. Hopefully he didn’t give you any crap for being late. 
You walked quickly into hlab, and you knew you looked like a crazy person. Your bag was falling off your shoulder, you had a coffee in your hand and your water bottle tucked under your arm, and your phone in your other hand. 
You scanned the room and saw Tom sitting across from Max, both of them had books out. 
“Hi,” you said breathlessly. Max slid over a seat so you could sit across from Tom. “So sorry I’m late, crazy day.” 
“No worries dar-” You heard him start to say darling, but stopped himself. “No worries. It’s only 2 minutes after.” 
“How long have you been waiting?” You asked.
“Max and I have been hanging out for a while, not a big deal.” 
“Speaking of, I’m on alc duty for tonight so I better go.” Max said, did his stupid handshake with Tom, and walked out. 
Hlab was almost empty except for some freshman. Most people don’t like studying on a Friday, who could blame them?
“So I got a copy of your lectures from this week. What do you want to start with?”
“I don’t care.” 
“Ok, what is currently confusing you the most?” He thought for a second before saying “Astronomy.” You nodded. 
“Great, grab your notes and your textbook.” He pulled out a notebook and his laptop, opening the online textbook. You pulled out your laptop and a pen and highlighter. 
“May I?” You asked and pulled his notebook to your side. You went through his notes, circling certain things with the pen and highlighting others. 
“These are really good, Tom. I like how you put question marks next to things that confused you.” He laughed. 
“Do I get a gold star?” He joked. You rolled your eyes. 
“So phases of the moon.” You started. 
“Wait a second,” he said after you had been talking for a while. “You’re telling me that the moon doesn’t actually, like, change?” 
“It’s all shadows.” You replied. He nodded and seemed to finally be getting it. 
“The phases will most definitely be on your next lab, which isn’t open note, so make sure you memorize them.” You said. “Let’s move onto stats.” He groaned. “What?” You asked. 
“Statistics is so stupid. Letters and numbers shouldn’t go together.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Stats is easy, I promise you. This is the first unit, all we’re doing is descriptive statistics and graphing. Let’s start with some vocab.” You said, highlighting certain words in his notes. 
Once you could see his brain was about to explode, you moved onto writing. 
“There’s not much to talk about, just email me your most recent paper so I can go through it and look for themes we need to discuss.” 
‘“Themes?” He asked. 
“You know, on going issues that need to be addressed.” He nodded and emailed you his paper, which you would read tomorrow. You heard your phone buzz and took a quick glance. 
al dont be upset
then dont give me a reason to get upset
what is it
……….. It’s themed
are you kidding? were not freshmen, i dont wanna go to a stupid themed frat party
its blackout !!!! itll be fun i promise
You turned your phone back down and didn’t realize you had an upset look on your face. 
“Everything ok?” He asked. 
“Just arguing in the group chat.” 
“Do you need to go?” He asked. 
“No, no, just arguing about tonight.” 
“What’s tonight?” 
“Tonight is not related to political conflict, which is what we should be talking about.” He laughed. 
“Do you ever have fun?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“I’m serious, do you ever have fun, or do you just go to sleep surrounded by planners and textbooks.” 
“That’s not funny. There’s a lot more about me that you don’t know.” 
“So we’re starting off with socioeconomic issues over time and the class strugle. Did you read the Marx chapters?” 
“Yup. Didn’t understand a word of it.” 
“Ok, let’s get into it.” You said and began rambling about the bourgeoisie and the communist manifesto. Politics was your favorite subject, you could talk about it for hours. 
You were having a really good discussion with Tom. It was global political conflict, and he was able to connect the themes to both America and England, which made you really pleased. 
You were pulled out of your discussion when your phone vibrated. 
pickin up panera anyone want anything 
“Jeez it’s already past 6:30, I gotta go.” You said. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” He said. 
“No it’s not your fault, I get so into politics I lose track of time.” “I can tell.” He said as you both packed up your stuff. 
“Wanna grab some food?” He asked. 
“Sorry, can’t,” you said. 
“Why, got a hot date?” He joked. 
“Maybe,” you said. 
“At least let me walk you to wherever you’re going.” 
“You don’t have to do that.” 
“Well where are you going?” 
“Congression Hall?” You replied. 
“Wait, you live there?” 
“Uhm, yes? Me along with practically every other junior.” 
“What floor?” 
“8.” You said. 
“Should’ve guessed.” He replied as you started walking across the quad. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Honors 8. I forgot you were in hc.” He was referring to the eighth and top floor of Congression Hall, which was reserved for the honors college juniors. 
“Yeah.” You said simply. 
“I’m on six, by the way.” He said. “That’s why I was curious. I’ve never seen you around there.” 
“I’m not usually, I only really use it for sleep.” 
“Of course,” he replied. 
“I assumed you lived in a frat house.” You commented. 
“Nah, next year.” He said with a wink. “Speaking of frat houses, there’s kind of this party going on at Delt tonight-” 
“I’m aware.” You said, cutting him off. 
“Ah, well, if you want I can get you on the list.” You smiled to yourself. 
“No need, I’m already on the list.” You said. 
“Oh?” He said, clearly embarrassed. “Because of delta nu?” 
“Nope.” You said, not offering any other information. 
“Well maybe I’ll see you there then.” 
“Even if you do see me there, I will be pretending I don’t know you.” 
“Why?” He asked, clearly offended. “I run that house.” He joked, trying to play off the embarrassment. 
“No offense, but your reputation would not be good for mine.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Well I have a certain reputation in the greek community, and if people see me with you they’ll get the wrong idea.” 
“The wrong idea?” He asked as you walked in the lobby of your building. 
“Well, see, the thing is,” you said, stepping into the elevator. He pressed the button for six and eight. “I have certain standards. If people see me with you, they’ll think I’ve…” 
“Wow, you are really uptight, aren’t you?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Certain standards? Jesus christ, you’re not the queen, Y/N. And I don’t have a bad reputation. But god forbid I don’t live up to your ‘standards.’” He said, storming off the elevator without another word, clearly upset. You sighed. Good job, Y/N. 
Tom got to his room and threw his stuff on the floor, collapsing on his bed. His head hurt from all the tutoring, and trying to focus on not staring at your lips. 
delt juniors
aight important question guys
whats up tommy
do you guys know a girl called Y/N Y/L/N? shes a delta nu
dan knows her ;)
fuck, Y/N? what are you doing with her? 
shes tutoring me stop buggin 
i know her which u know shes in hc with me 
oh danny DEFINITLY knows her 
who doesnt know Y/N? shes a hot commodity
what do you mean? 
shes like the perfect girl next door, totally hot and so smart which just makes her hotter
doesnt help that shes a huge fuckin flirt AND can hold her alc
dan is being suspiciously quiet……..
shut up joe
care to share with tommy your story with Y/N, daniel? 
i hate u all 
i was like in love with her freshman year
and i thought she was into me too
and we made out a couple of times but nothing else
the second she found out i was in delt she stopped talking to me
like complete radio silence 
wtf? Why? 
she doesnt fuck with delts
thats like common greek knowledge
maybe its because shes gonna be dchi sweetheart? 
nah theres gotta be something else
well i just put her on the list for tonite
wait YOU put her on the list?! 
yeah i invited her friend Emily Gold and she doesnt go anywhere without Y/N and these two other girls
Ally Park and Isabelle Miller
yeah howd u know? 
theyre like those cool girls from high school everyones obsessed with that are just out of everyones league
wow american high schools are so weird
tom if u wanna get with her i wont be pissed
nah like you said she hates delts, and after three tutoring sessions with me i guarentee i am her least favorite delt ever
theres no fuckin way she shows up tonight
she wouldnt be caught dead at a delt party
wait you said Y/N Y/L/N may come tonight????
noah u seriously show up just to call dibs?
yeah bro have u seen her? if she comes tonight and any of you try to cockblock me i stg ill deck you
pretty sure tommy has rightful dibs to this one
nah fam she hates me so fuckin much
let noah try his luck
i doubt she’ll even show
she’ll show. 
what makes u say that? 
max does know her best
she and ally and emily and isabelle are ride or die. they circulate who picks what party they go to and if its emilys turn and harrison somehow conviced her to go, Y/N wont miss it
she hasnt set foot in a delt house since freshman year, you seriously think she’ll show? 
five bucks says she does
youre on 
i just wanna make it clear
that if she does show
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