#but honestly i'll take a humiliating loss that's entirely my fault over getting steamrolled by a rare any day
dravidious · 10 months
You're real neat, you know?
A really neat thing that happened in a draft yesterday was I was playing a UB control deck against a WU control deck, and we were deep in the late game, I had a flier and was whittling away at their life total, they had a creature that gets infinite +1/+1 counters and were whittling away at my board, and then one turn, I realize something: I have exact lethal. Thanks to my menace creature, I have exactly enough damage to kill them no matter how they block! So I swing with everything.
And they activate this
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It had been on their board. Sitting there. For the past like 5 turns. I had completely forgotten about it.
I lost the game next turn.
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