#i had every reason to win that game but somehow i managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
dravidious · 10 months
You're real neat, you know?
A really neat thing that happened in a draft yesterday was I was playing a UB control deck against a WU control deck, and we were deep in the late game, I had a flier and was whittling away at their life total, they had a creature that gets infinite +1/+1 counters and were whittling away at my board, and then one turn, I realize something: I have exact lethal. Thanks to my menace creature, I have exactly enough damage to kill them no matter how they block! So I swing with everything.
And they activate this
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It had been on their board. Sitting there. For the past like 5 turns. I had completely forgotten about it.
I lost the game next turn.
0 notes
katsutae · 4 years
stupid, silly crush
mark lee x reader, bf2l, fluff 
summary: i have a stupid silly crush on mark lee so i’m making it into a oneshot before i lose my mind
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curling up on your couch, snuggling in blankets and eating your favorite snacks was what you planned on doing for the rest of the night. after having to take over for your partner’s side of your group project, you were exhausted and wanted nothing more but to rest. 
your friends, on the other hand, had other plans.
you crashed onto the couch of your apartment and were ready to take a well deserved nap, but were interrupted by the vibration of your phone. you shot your head up and snatched your phone from the coffee table, glaring at the contact name.
“what?” you asked, clearly irritated.
from the other side of the phone, you could basically hear yuta’s smile. “come on, we’re going to the school festival!”
“no, i’m tired.” you pulled your phone away from your ear to hang up but stopped once you heard yuta’s faint protests. reluctantly, you held your phone back up to your ear. “you better have one convincing reason as to why i should go.”
“well, for one, because we’re your friends and you love us so much,” yuta teased. “and also, mark is going!”
you stayed silent, contemplating how you were going to strangle yuta once you saw him. “just because you said that, i’m not going.”
“what? y/n, just imagine how cute it would be if you were to confess to him at the top of the ferris wheel, or something!”
you laughed at him. “first of all, mark is afraid of heights, so that’s not happening. and second, i’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me back. i’d probably just make a fool out of myself.”
“you’re kidding, right? are you stupid?” yuta gaped at you, a humorous smile laid out across his face.
you rolled your eyes. “i didn’t stay on this call just so you could call me stupid.” you felt your phone vibrate in your hand and you looked to see that it was a text from no one other than mark. “i got to go, yuta. see you.”
“wait, are you-”
quickly, you ended the call and opened your messages.
mark me in your heart
yo u going to the festival?
y/n aaaaaa
ehhh not really feeling up to it
yuta told me you and the others are going so bring me back a stuffed animal
mark me in your heart
whaaaaaaaaaatjrjklf why not?????????
i’m not gonna win u one bc ur gonna win it urself
also bc i probably wouldn’t be able to do it anyway
i’m picking u up
y/n aaaaaa
you’re gonna have to drag me off of the couch then
i don’t think it’s worth it
mark me in your heart
u act as if i haven’t done it before
already omw 
feeling defeated, you slumped against your couch cushions and awaited mark’s arrival. had it been anyone else, it would’ve been much easier to flat out say ‘no’, but with mark, the word was completely erased from your vocabulary. you were only able to have about ten minutes of pure bliss before you heard the jiggling of your doorknob and mark’s faint humming.
“thank goodness for the spare key!” mark cheered as he entered your apartment.
lazily, you turned your head towards him and looked at him with a dead gaze. mark only laughed at you and jumped onto the couch next to you, barely missing your head. 
“tough day?” mark asked, reaching for your leftover drink that sat on your coffee table. he cringed at the watered-down taste before standing up to go throw it away.
“yeah. you know that group project i had? they didn’t do jack shit,” you grumbled into the cushion.
“you know what’ll make you feel better?” he kneeled down to meet your eyes and smiled. “going to the festival!”
he reached for your hands that you desperately tried to hide from him and began to pull you up into a seated position. you groaned in response but made no move to fight against him.
“come on, i’ll buy us ice cream once we get there,” mark offered. you looked up at him to see him staring at you with his wide, doe eyes, basically begging you to say yes. he made it impossible for you to say no.
you hated it, but you gave in. “ugh...fine.”
“wow, they went all out this year, didn’t they?” you mumbled as you stared out the window of mark’s car. you couldn’t help but admire the colorful lighting that lit up the area.
“i know right? it’s awesome,” mark agreed.
after parking the car, the two of you made you way to the ticket booth where you paid for your tickets and entered. you stayed close behind as mark searched for your other friends, flinching when he grabbed your arm to drag you towards them. 
someone’s arm slung around your shoulder, weighing you down. “so, you decided to show up?”
you looked up to see yuta smirking at you, raising his eyebrows and shifting his gaze back and forth between you and mark. you glared at him and shrugged his arm off, punching him in the ribs. “oh, shut it.” luckily, mark had been too busy chatting away with johnny that he didn’t notice yuta’s odd behavior. 
“so, are you gonna do it tonight?” yuta asked you excitedly.
“do what? confess?” you snorted and shook your head. “i already told you, yuta, there’s no way he likes me back.”
yuta groaned loudly, catching the attention of a few other students walking by. “the two of you are going to drive me insane, i swear.”
you furrowed our eyebrows in confusion, but before you could question what he meant, mark was tugging at your arm and leading you towards the games.
“okay! i’m gonna make it a mission to win you a stuffed animal. which one do you want?” mark asked you with a big smile.
you chuckled at him and shook your head. “i was kidding, mark, you don’t actually-”
“no! i’m gonna do it. now, tell me which one you want.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at him as he said that, falling for him and his dorky antics all over again. scanning the area, you spotted a dinosaur plushy that was practically calling your name. immediately, you took mark by the arm and led him over.
“oh, this will be easy!” mark said confidently after seeing it was a basketball based game. he turned to look at you with a smirk on his face. “just watch.”
you chuckled again and stood off to the side. “don’t get too cocky now.”
mark had always been a naturally funny person, so it wasn’t surprising that after only two minutes, you were clutching at your stomach, unable to hold in your laugh. mark had somehow managed to miss every shot and approached you with sunken shoulders and a shocked look.
“wow, i didn’t know i was that bad. in my defense, that shit is a lot harder than it looks.”
coming down from your fit of laughter, you pat his arm comfortingly. “it’s okay, mark, i didn’t expect much. let’s go find something else to do.”
“hell no, i’m going again.” before you could protest, mark was already stepping up to the booth and offering his money.
you shook your head at him and sighed. mark really made it hard not to love him.
after about ten minutes, mark finally returned to you victorious, a proud smile peeking from behind a large dinosaur plushy. gratefully, you took the dinosaur into your arms. “was it worth all that money? you really didn’t have to, you know.”
mark let out a soft laugh. “yeah, but i wanted to.” you were lucky the dinosaur was big enough to hide the wild blush upon your cheeks. “what next?”
“i’ll win you one for a change. i think that if i let you play any longer then you’ll spend all your money,” you nudged him gently with your shoulder.
“i didn’t do that bad,” mark whined, pouting at you. 
“whatever you say, mark.”
like any other night you spent with mark, it was filled with laughter and jokes. you seemed to always have a good time with him, it was one of the very many things that you loved about him. he had the ability to turn your frown upside down, as cheesy as it sounds. the two of you had regrouped with your friends with stuffed animals in both of your arms, as well as bright smiles plastered across your faces.
“did you win her all of these, mark?” yuta teased the two of you.
while you blushed, mark laughed it off and shook his head. “actually, y/n won majority of these. i’m not as great at those games as i thought.”
johnny approached the three of you, an ice cream cone in his hand reminding you of mark’s promise. “fireworks are starting soon, we’re gonna go grab seats on the grass.”
“i’ll come with,” yuta called after him. he waved the two of you goodbye and, again, it was just you and mark.
“hey, you promised me ice cream!” you said to mark.
mark’s lips curled up into a shameful smile. “i was hoping that you would forget...whatever, i was craving some anyway.”
“i’ll go get us a seat,” you told him, taking his stuffed animals into your arms. he nodded and you went your separate ways.
thankfully, you were able to quickly spot johnny and yuta who had already saved a spot for you and mark. as you sat down, yuta scoot himself next to you and nudged your shoulder.
“you should confess today or i assure you this crush of yours is gonna end up going nowhere,” he said.
you scoffed. “i was already expecting it to go nowhere.”
yuta groaned and grabbed your shoulders, shaking them. “are you an idiot? do you seriously think mark isn’t head over heels for your dumbass?” he let go of your shoulders and dramatically sprawled himself across your lap. “you two are both big, oblivious idiots.”
“why do you keep saying that?” you asked him with furrowed eyebrows. 
yuta sat up and gave you a dead stare. he sighed, “like i said, big oblivious idiot.” he averted his gaze to someone behind you and then back to you. “just trust me on this, he likes you.”
yuta was gone before you could ask how he knew, and mark took his spot next to you. he handed you your ice cream, which was your favorite flavor, and scoot closer to you. his shoulder brushed against yours, making you blush. if you weren’t too busy trying not to choke on your ice cream and looked over, you would see that mark was blushing as well.
as the night grew colder, you cursed at yourself for not bringing a jacket. the coldness of your ice cream didn’t help your situation. you only hoped that mark didn’t notice, but he was already shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders.
frantically, you shook your head, encouraging mark to keep the jacket for himself. “you’ll get cold, mark, it’s fine.”
he shook his head and draped the jacket around your shoulders, a soft smile sitting comfortably across his features. “i knew you were probably going to get cold at some point, so i wore a sweatshirt too. thank lord you got cold, i was lowkey sweating my ass off.”
“thank you,” you giggled.
the lights dimmed and you and mark both turned your attention towards the sky. you felt mark lean backwards on his arms, one of his arms settling itself behind your back. as the first firework set off in the air, the crowd erupted in sounds of awe. even beside you, you could hear mark let out a small laugh. turning to look at him, you couldn’t help but adore the way his eyes glistened and shimmered in amazement. 
mark could feel your gaze on him and he could feel his hands grow clammy. "they’re pretty, aren’t they?” he asked without turning to look at you. 
you turned to admire the fireworks again and smiled, feeling glad to enjoy this moment with mark. “yeah...”
you felt something soft hit your cheek, and looked down to see a gummy bear sitting in your lap. you looked around to find where it came from and found yuta staring at you with wide eyes. he was mouthing words at you that you were barely able to make out.
tell him.
nervously, you chewed at your lip and scraped at the melted ice cream in your bowl. if yuta had been dropping that many hints, he couldn’t have been lying, right? before you could say anything, mark beat you to it.
“hey, can i tell you something?” mark said suddenly.
“um, yeah of course...but actually there was something that i wanted to tell you,” you chuckled nervously.
“oh, really?” mark asked, clearly surprised. “okay, yeah, what’s up?”
out of habit, you turned away and laughed fiddling with your hands in your lap. “i um...” you gulped down the lump in your throat and wiped your sweaty palms against your jeans. “i really like you, mark.”
you were too scared to look up and see his reaction, but his silence was scaring you even more. when you looked up you were expected to be met with rejection, but were surprised when you saw mark smiling down at you, his eyes shining the same way they did when he was watching the fireworks.
“really?” with the way he looked at you, you knew he thought you were joking. you gave him a soft smile and nodded. 
“yes, really.” you chuckled at the way he sat up in shock. 
“no way, i was going to tell you the same thing!” mark beamed. 
the two of you stared at each other with idiotic smiles on your faces before you both burst into fits of laughter. 
“you’re not joking, right? because i’m not joking,” you asked to clarify.
mark laughed again and grabbed your hand. “no, i’m not kidding.” he threw his head back with a frustrated groan. “man, i thought yuta was lying to me, we could’ve gotten to this point a lot quicker.”
“it’s okay, i thought he was kidding too,” you reassured. 
you weren’t sure what else to say and could only stare at mark with the brightest smile that you could give him. he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and let his hand cup your cheek.
“c-can i kiss you?” he stuttered out nervously.
frantically, and quite pathetically, you nodded your head. 
as if he had been waiting forever to kiss you, mark crashed his lips against yours and pulled you closer to him, his thumb caressing your cheek. your eyes fluttered shut and you gripped the soft material of his sweatshirt, trying your hardest not to smile. luckily you didn’t have to worry about ruining the kiss by smiling, because mark had done it for you. you giggled against each other’s lips before pulling away and smiling at each other stupidly. mark pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you and kissing the top of your head softly.
from afar, yuta smiled proudly. “i told you they’d do it. you owe me.”
johnny rolled his eyes and handed over ten dollars. “oh, shut up.”
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pokemoncreepypasta · 3 years
Tommy Boy
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It was one of those sleepovers, just me and my bestie, when we got bored and had a dumb idea. Well, she got the brilliant idea anyways.
Apparently, she thought it would be “fun” to try and perform one of those summoning rituals, even though she knew anything and everything paranormal gave me nightmares for weeks. Which is why I think she wanted to do it so bad.
Of course, I wouldn’t willingly go along with the ritual, so my friend had to persuade me by offering her Darkrai plushie which I had coveted for a few weeks now. I remember wondering if the risk of eternal damnation was worth it for just a toy...
Apparently the answer was yes, since I eventually went along with this freaking idea.
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The requirement for the ritual was paper, pencil, a candle, 6 random dolls, and 60 minutes of your time.
It had to be in a dark house, or in the middle of the night. We did it around midnight, after everyone else was asleep.
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The first step was to put the 6 dolls in a circle.
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Then draw a summoning circle on the middle of the paper and put it in the center of the circle of dolls.
After placing it on the floor, recite, “Any entity, you may enter.”
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Wait for a while, around a minute, then prick your finger and put your bloody fingerprint in the middle of the summoning circle.
Recite, “By blood we are bound.”
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You then turn off all the lights, if any are still left on, then light your candle and recite, “Whomever loses may never leave.”
Afterwards, you stumble around in the dark and play hide-and-seek with whatever you just summoned, if you even successfully summoned anything.
You must switch the room you’re hiding in every 10 minutes or else you will automatically be found by default. If you candle doesn’t blow out within and hour, then you win, and allegedly whatever spirit you summoned will be bound to your eternal service.
If it does blow out, then you’ve been found and you lose. Whatever happens afterwards depends on whatever spirit, peaceful or malevolent, that you summoned.
While me and my friend were huddled in the laundry room whispering and giggling about stupid things, the candle flickered out. I promptly flipped and hid in the corner with my hands over my head waiting for the worst to happen, while my friend laughed at pathetic little me.
After about five minutes of trying to convince me I wasn’t going to die, she told me she had blown out the candle herself. That made me feel a little better, even thought I still didn’t believe it.
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Though, the Darkrai plushie I received the next day helped wash my worries away.
Though it wasn’t enough to wash away everything else that was about to happen.
Later on that day after my friend left, my little sister had begged me to let her play my Pokémon Emerald. I let her, since all she did was pretty much give free training to my Pokémon.
I was watching TV, and was a bit peeved when she ran into the room and started nagging me about a green Trapinch, so I waved her off. It took me a few seconds before I realized my grave mistake, so I quickly snatched my GameBoy back.
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I was pleasantly surprised to see my sis had somehow managed to find a shiny Trapinch.
I told her to back off and let me handle this, since I wasn’t about to let her try to catch it. Although, things looked bad as my Pokémon were all too strong to weaken it.
But I was feeling confident with over 40 Ultra Balls in stock along with a few backups, so I kept throwing and throwing until one of them worked.
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The trouble was, this stubborn Trapinch didn’t want me as its trainer. 
I might not have been able to weaken it, but it still chewed through nearly every one of my PokéBalls.
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I was awash with horror at the thought of failing my first ever shiny. That’s when my sister offered to catch it for me.
I didn’t want to hand it over to her, but then my mind rationalized it by thinking that if she failed it, losing the Trapinch would be her fault, not mine.
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I was shocked again as she handed me back the GameBoy less than a minute later with a brand new shiny Trapinch in my party named Tommy Boy.
The only response I could think of at first was, “Tommy Boy? Why name it that?”
“Because, it’s a boy and I wanted to name it Tommy, so Tommy Boy!”
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I didn’t even want to know what went on in my sister’s head, but I quickly stopped caring and all I could do was just stare at my newfound shiny.
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I went to immediately test him out and see what he could do against a wild Sandshrew.
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“Tommy Boy refuses to attack!” 
I tried to fight, but I got this refusal instead. I tried to attack the Sandshrew again, but I just kept getting the same message.
“This is a load of crap.”
“Oh, I can make him attack!” My sister stole the GameBoy back and then proceeded to defeat the Sandshrew with no further issue.
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“What the... How did you do that?!” My sister gave me a stupid grin, “He listened to me because I’m his mommy!” Sure, whatever, I thought privately to myself.
I was happy to let her train this Trapinch into a Flygon for me, anyway. I was puzzled by its behavior, to say the very least, and decided not asking anything would be better for my health and just kept watching TV.
I thought she would grow bored of training the Pokémon, but no. For the rest of the day and deep into the night, she worked tirelessly to gain experience for Tommy Boy. I wondered how someone could stand training the same Pokémon for so many hours without getting bored at all.
Finally, around 11 PM, she had to go to bed. Unwillingly, she saved the game and turned it off, but not before saying good night to Tommy Boy and kissing the GameBoy goodnight.
I was still allowed to stay up longer, so as soon as she was in bed, I quietly grabbed my GameBoy out from under her bed sheets. Emerald was already in, so I simply switched the game on.
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Once the game was loaded, I saw that Tommy Boy was the only one in the party, for some reason.
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But he was already evolved into a Flygon, and at level 66. Too bad she only had interest in training Tommy Boy, so much that she decided to stuff all my other team members in the PC.
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I started to leave the desert where my sister had last saved when I ran into a wild Baltoy. I lovingly sighed as Tommy Boy came out sparkling. Then, my expression became a bit more serious.
That freaking pixel better listen to me this time.
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I clicked on “Fight”. He had new moves: Crunch, DragonBreath, Sandstorm, and Hyper Beam.
I selected Hyper Beam, and desperately hoped that he would obey. I held my breath.
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“Tommy Boy refuses to attack!”
“Dang it!!” I yelled at the screen.
Tommy Boy got hit with and attack, which didn’t do too much damage. I kept cursing at the Pokémon. I couldn’t believe I had a shiny in the palm of my hands and it wouldn’t even listen to me!
I selected DragonBreath, despite knowing he wouldn’t obey anyways.
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“Tommy Boy wants his mommy!”
I gawked at this line of text. I surely hadn’t seen any Pokémon do that before. I almost wanted to laugh, the way that line was written almost sounded funny, but I was off-put and confused. Tommy Boy got hit with another attack.
“Come on, can’t you at least show some pity for your aunt?!” I spoke aloud to the game, like my sister had started doing. Tommy Boy offered me no pity and kept refusing. I didn’t want to deal with him getting knocked out, so I just turned the game off and begrudgingly went to bed.
The next morning, I found my little sister leaning back in a chair contentedly playing the GameBoy. I realized she snatched it from my room while I was asleep, which I guess was an equal exchange. I asked her if anything weird was happening with the GameBoy, but she said all was fine.
Then she asked me why I was playing on the GameBoy last night.
“Uhh... because it’s my game? I should still be able to play it too.”
She eyed me. “Just don’t mess with Tommy Boy again. Just because you’re his aunt doesn’t mean he likes you.”
She immediately changed her threatening disposition by cheerily calling out, “Oh, good boy, Tommy! You showed that Sandshrew! You make mommy so proud!”
I decided to shrug it off. I wasn’t about to get into an argument with my sister about a video game.
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A few days into this, I was over her shoulder watching her play.
She was in the desert, and kept battling the Pokémon there over and over again. Tommy Boy acted like a normal Pokémon, and did nothing unusal.
“Why do you only battle Pokémon in the desert?” “Because, Tommy Boy only likes to battle Pokémon here.” She kept playing, as if everything was normal. After a moment, I thought of another question, “Why will he only obey you and not me?” “I told you, he’ll only listen to his mommy.” “It’s my game he’s on, so I should be his mommy, shouldn’t I? How does he know YOU’RE his mommy?” My sister paused for a moment. After a minute she responded, “Tommy Boy says screw you.” She giggled, while I gave up and left, fuming.
However, days turned into weeks, and my sister had been spending our entire vacation so far just sitting in her room. Apparently, she had started neglecting to eat or drink anything, and would only ever fall asleep when she passed out, GameBoy still in her hands.
It started getting so bad that my mom told me at one point she threw up blood. We’d tried taking the game way from her, but she’d screech at us like she was possessed and tear the whole house apart trying to find it.
Mom said they were arranging for her to see a therapist and get an opinion on what the heck we should do, but for the meantime she was allowed to keep the game, to make things easier for everyone until getting an appointment.
But I wasn’t satisfied with that. I needed to intervene.
One night, I decided to work up the nerve to confront her about her addiction. I found her in her room, as always. She was on the bed with the covers over her head. One would think she was sleeping, but the quiet sounds of the GameBoy gave her away.
I pulled the sheets away from her and she hissed briefly at me before continuing with her eyes glued to the screen. I hardly recognized my happy-go-lucky sister. She looked half dead. I tried holding a conversation with her, but all I got were distant “Mm-hm”s and “It’s fine.” The only way I could get her to talk to me was to attempt to take the game away, to which she immediately responded.
“NO! He’s my baby!!! He NEEDS me!” My sister screeched at me. 
“IT is an inanimate object! It doesn’t NEED anything!” I yelled back at her, clutching her arm that was holding the GameBoy. I managed to rip the Emerald cartridge out of the game while it was still running, causing it to let out horrible screeching sounds. I then pretended to throw it out an open window into the darkness outside of our house, to which my sister immediately pushed me onto the floor and jumped out into the yard after it. 
Picking myself up, I noticed she had dropped my GameBoy, too, so I discreetly plopped the game back into the system and stuffed it into my pocket.
I spitefully closed the window behind my sister. She could come back inside once she realized what this game was doing to her.
What... WAS this game doing to her, I wondered?
Once my sister had collapsed from exhaustion and been carried back to bed by my confused dad (to whom I lyingly explained I had no involvement in this), I decided I would find out for myself.
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When I booted up the game, I was in the middle of my secret base in Route 120.
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I checked my party to find only Tommy Boy, at a whopping level 100. Since it hand only taken her a day to get him to level 66, she must’ve reached 100 long ago, but she’d still been playing this all month.
Was she seriously doing the same battles over and over, despite him not being able to go any higher...?
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When I exited the party screen and was back in the base though, a circle of six Pokédolls were around me that I hadn’t noticed before, which quite frankly creeped me out.
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When I tried to move, a text box popped up saying, “Any entity may enter.”
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“By blood we are bound.”
A strange red circle appeared in the middle of the circle of dolls, and I quickly realized I didn’t want anything to do with whatever was about to go down.
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I tried to step away again, but another text box appeared. 
“Whomever loses may never leave.”
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I tried running for dear life out the exit, but I was stopped.
“You may never leave.”
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A shiny Flygon appeared in the middle of the circle and let out what I assumed was its cry, albeit I was too horrified for my life at that moment to care much for details, and the game froze.
I shut the game off, stared at it for a second, then suddenly every memory of what I had done earlier in the summer came flooding back at once. I knew exactly what Tommy Boy was now, and I was absolutely terrified.
I wanted to hold myself, cry my eyes out and throw this game into the woods where no one would ever find it, but then I thought about my sister. I thought about how if I didn’t get rid of Tommy Boy now, things would probably get worse and soon I’d wake up to find my little sister stabbing herself to death, or me.
Through my tears, I turned the game back on.
“It’s just you and me now, Tommy. Rematch. Double or nothing.”
If he won, he could take us both. But if I won, he would take his sorry demon hide back to wherever it was he came from. He seemed keen on my offer, as the game started up with no problems.
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Once the game was up and running, I found my character in the middle of a dark cave. 
I instinctively went to my party to make someone use Flash, but then I remembered more than likely Tommy Boy was going to be there.
I braced myself...
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But I was pleasantly surprised to find there were just some random Pokémon instead.
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Of course, I didn't have the HM for Flash. Or the TM for Dig. Or any Escape Rope.
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So I stumbled around in the dark, trying to find my way out of this mess.
I kept bumping into walls and rocks, climbing up and down countless ladders, but there was no exit in sight. Or any trainers in sight, for that matter.
In fact, I hadn't run into any wild encounters either, until I came to the conclusion that there was only one Pokémon I would be running into here, and that I should avoid it like the plague.
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Was spamming Super Repel going to protect me from a level 100 demonic Flygon? Probably not, but I couldn't be too careful.
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After some time nowhere near an hour, I found myself in a small room that had nothing in it. I tried to go back the way I came, but I was stopped. My character wouldn't move. I started to tense up again.
The light surrounding me in-game was snuffed out, and all that could be seen was darkness. I was about to turn the game off before something happened, but before I could, something happened.
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“Found you.”
The text in red popped up with a Flygon cry to accompany it, and the game froze again.
"No!" I yelled desperately, flickering the game off and on again. "One chance, give me one more chance!"
Instead, when I loaded the file, I was met with a glitchy, pixelated mess of a screen flashing multicolored lights while blaring the loudest beeping noise I'd ever heard in my life that sent my ears and eyes ringing. I quickly shut off the game and stared at the empty screen in disbelief for I don't know how long.
Had I lost the game?
I couldn't accept that. I was going to play this game all night if I had to. One of us would be leaving tonight, and it wasn't going to be me. Bracing myself, I tightly closed my eyes and powered the game on again. I expected another cacophony of buggy sounds and flashing lights, but surprisingly, I was able to boot up my save file just fine.
But, unfortunately, I didn't get the Round 3 of hide-and-seek that I had vainly asked for.
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Instead, I was at the bottom of Mt. Pyre.
I still had the same team as before, unable to Fly or Surf away from this nightmarish set of circumstances that I'd been put in.
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I don't know what Tommy Boy was getting at, or what he wanted from me now, but I knew the only way to understand exactly what I was dealing with would be to play along, just for now.
My only option left was to climb Mt. Pyre.
I felt a mounting suspense that kept rising each floor I went to, although I didn't know why. Maybe it was because every floor, even indoors, were all unusually foggy.
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However, the wild Shuppet started to make quick work of my low leveled Pokémon.
I then got the sudden idea that maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all. If my entire party fainted, I could get sent back to a Pokémon Center and escape the boundaries of Tommy Boy's "game."
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When they all fainted though, I didn't get sent back. Instead, I was still trapped on Mt. Pyre.
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All of the Pokémon that were protecting me were gone now.
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I still ran into Shuppet, except I kept sending out a large "?" where a Pokémon should've been.
I kept whiting out, only to return to the position I'd started the battle in.
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After a nerve-wracking climb though the graveyard, I reached the top.
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Surrounding the pedestal at the top were six PokéBalls.
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As I checked each one, a picture of a Pokémon would pop up.  They seemed really familiar, and soon I realized all the Pokémon here were part of the team I was just using.
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After I checked the sixth Pokémon, I found my character to be trapped in the center of the pedestal with no way out.
I frantically mashed the D-Pad in hopes of finding some way to escape.
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In the midst of my panic, a glowing red circle materialized on the ground, connecting all the PokéBalls surrounding the pedestal, with me still in the center.
I remember at that moment thinking, I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die, and I wholeheartedly believed I was going to.
Then, a large text box in all red with a Flygon cry popped up...
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That right there sealed the deal.
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I wasted no shred of time pulling out that Emerald cartridge and cutting it into an unrecognizable pile of green plastic with my scissors.
In my desperation, I brushed the remains of the cartridge into my trash can, wrapped up the trash bag, and went to the extent of escaping through my window and throwing it into the woods. Screw littering, screw the police, I didn't want that thing in my house.
And especially screw Tommy Boy. Screw his little game, screw the thought of him having any sort of control over me.
The only way to win is not to play, and I made sure no one would ever play this game again.
The next morning, my much more well-rested little sister asked where my GameBoy was, and I was about to tell her she was never allowed to touch that thing for as long as she lives, but then she asked to play Mario Party Advance on it.
I was baffled, to say the least, but found no problem in it and let her play it. She showed no signs of becoming obsessed and got bored of playing it after an hour, so I was relieved and assumed that the worst was over.
You can be sure I am not, and will never, plan on performing any more summoning rituals any time soon.
Thankfully, my little sister's gone back to being completely normal. If anything, her only sign of change is that she's getting into that "girly stage". She'll get Pokémon plushies and sit them all in a circle and play tea party with them in her room. At least, that's what I think she's doing with them.
Doesn't matter to me though, I'm busy with my own things. I'm happily content with my dear Darkrai plush that took entirely too much effort out of my life to obtain. I feel really bad for neglecting him these past few weeks, but it's okay.
I won't be giving any more of my time or attention to anyone else except my little baby.
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ethelphantom · 5 years
How to Become a Part of Your Target's Family as Told by Damian al Ghul (or should he say, Damian Dupain-Cheng)
You should be happy and very thankful. I would have given you angst, but then I came up with this and instead you're getting humour with little to no angst.
This is Maribat -- Don’t like; Don’t read
It was supposed to be easy.
He’d had her in his sights, she wasn’t moving at all, there were no obstacles between them, and she was just a girl. He knew how to aim a moving target even when he was moving as well, this should’ve been easier than ‘snatching candy from a baby’. He was rather certain that was the expression anyway.
But then…
Then why…
Why was she able to sneak up on him, now in front of him, and completely unharmed?
The girl — Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the Ladybug, he’d been told — was standing in front of her, looking like she was just disappointed. For some reason, the chance that was the case stung. She had his crossbow in her hands, as well as the arrow he had shot at her which she snapped in half, and with a sigh, she crossed her hands over her chest.
“Are they serious? A child? Do they really think I’m that easy to get rid of?” she asked, clicking her tongue and shaking her head. “Go home, kid, and please tell Ra’s that just because I said no to his offers doesn’t mean I should be underestimated. If he’s heard about all of his missions around here having gone wrong, he should have already realised it was me and that a kid isn’t going to be what takes me down.”
“I— what? What are you talking about?”
“Oh my god, I was just joking about the kid part, you’re just so short, but you’re actually a child? What are you, ten? Goodness, he’s getting even worse at this.”
Damian, for a moment forgetting all his training and the fact this girl was holding his weapon and that she could see him and was far too close to him for comfort, just stared at her. She was young as well, a little bit shorter than him, and dressed in a red skirt and satin shirt and there was no good reasoning or logic behind how she somehow had managed to approach him without him noticing.
The girl looked at him up and down as though she were sizing him up. Which, now that he thought about it, was most likely the case. “Well, aren’t you gonna try again? Why are you just standing there like an idiot? Surely Ra’s had you trained better.”
The words hit him a little too late, and his eyes just widened. Did this girl actually ask him if he was going to attempt assassinating her again? Just who was she? Was she to be killed because she had refused the league, had she said she was not going to join them? Or was it because she’d been ruining Grandfather’s missions? Was she even telling him the truth?
Still looking at him, she cocked her hips and tilted her head. “Kid, please. You’re the only one in a long time that has made even a mediocre attempt on my life, it’s offensive if you don’t try again. Not trying again would be rude. And you wouldn’t want to offend your target when you’ve also managed to fail at killing them? Like, please choose to either succeed and offend me or fail and at least try once more,” she sighed, placing her hands on her hips. Then she booped his nose. Which, excuse her? Who did this girl think she was? He was Damian of the House of al Ghul, the heir of Ra’s al Ghul and his League of Assassins, and he was not to be disrespected like this, by his target nonetheless.
This was so confusing. “You actually want me to kill you?” slipped from his lips.
The girl shrugged. “I mean, not really, I don’t think I would enjoy dying, but I do want you to try again. If you manage to kill me while you’re at it, that’s fine with me. It’s not like I didn’t ask you to do it.” The girl flipped her hair from her front to her back, pushing it away from her eyes. “Besides, I’m bored. You, kid, are the most interesting thing that has happened to me in weeks.”
Then she flipped out her yoyo — a yoyo? What even… — and made a ‘come here’ gesture with her hand. The crossbow she abandoned on the side, though not without taking it apart first.
Damian huffed out of irritation and unsheathed his sword, brows still furrowed because he was confused and rather offended for getting sassed by his own target for missing. It was humiliating.
He didn’t think enough much, and instead just went for her. That was… definitely a mistake on his part as she simply stepped aside, giggling. Giggling. That had him realise this was not a fight to be won without plans and she was not an opponent to be defeated all that easily, so he jumped and grabbed a tree branch above him, bringing himself to the safety of the shadows of the leaves. The shadows were familiar, they were home — they were the best place to hide.
He knew them and they knew him, and he could use that.
The girl was left yawning on the ground, and her eyes seemed to search where exactly he went. While she was doing that, he studied her and her movements, trying to find a weak spot. There was a limp in her walk, clearly. Maybe she’d injured her knee while they were at it because she hadn’t had that a moment ago?
Well, he had not been trained to fight fairly, he’d been trained to fight to win. He could also use her injury to his advantage.
So that was what he did.
As soon as he moved though, there appeared a slight smirk on her face and she turned to look at him, her eyes locking with his even though she wasn’t supposed to be able to see him. It was disturbing. After all, he had tried to hide from her.
Regardless, he dropped down from the tree right at her, almost managing to pin her under him. The problem was, she threw him off of her, and that was lost.
That continued for a while. He attacked, she dodged. Every single time. She didn’t even try to attack him, which on its own was insulting as well. Did she think he was too young to be attacked? That he couldn’t handle it? He was eleven already. He wasn’t that young anymore. Surely Grandfather and Mother had known how well trained this girl was and decided that Damian was the best suited to take her down.
Aside from dodging and the occasional remark (“Is that the best you got?”, “In order to kill me, you must first be able to actually get the sword to touch me, but nice try”, “Rule number one of assassinating: don’t let the target find you, and especially don’t let them start a game — chances are, they’re better than you and you haven’t got even a chance at winning”, “It’s okay, don’t worry about not succeeding, worry about why I’m winning”, “Actually, you know what, if you’re indeed Ra’s’, maybe you should worry about not succeeding”), the girl did nothing. It was infuriating, and at this point, Damian wanted to slap her before actually killing her.
It took him until the latest remark to actually snap, though.
“Please tell me Ra’s didn’t think he was sending his best because this? This is not the best,” she sighed at some point and shook her head, jumping to the side, away from his blade.
“Silence yourself!” he snapped, clutching at the handle of his sword desperately. His voice wavered a little. “I am one of the best Grandfather has! Mother made sure of it!”
That had the girl stop. She threw her yoyo at his sword and snatched it from him before throwing it away and placing her yoyo back at her hip where it seemed to belong. Then she approached him cautiously, her hands open in front of her so he could see she had no weapon in her hands. When she got close enough, she placed her hands on his shoulders and looked at him with a serious expression, brows furrowed and mouth a thin line.
“Your grandfather? You are the perfect vessel and weapon Ra’s mentioned in passing? You must still be like, ten.”
“I’m eleven!”
“You just proved my point, kid, and that doesn’t make it any better. Okay, yeah, the game’s off, I’m coming with you to the league. Nope, you don’t have a say in that.”
“You’re what?”
“Coming with you to the league. You’re too young for this, and I’m gonna make sure nothing happens to you for failing to kill me. It’s not like you’re gonna succeed anyway, and neither is your grandfather — or mother — if I have any say in it. They’re not the only people in this world with training too excellent. Especially not when one’s been trained by a lot of people, including someone from the league. Besides, if I willingly come there with a changed mind, I doubt Ra’s would kill me until he found out why. So. Let’s go.”
Still, not completely sure about what was happening, Damian let himself be dragged along towards his transportation, and he couldn’t understand how she knew where it was until she showed the little tracker she’d taken from his pocket. This day was proving out to be the most embarrassing and humiliating he had ever had the dishonour to face.
When they got back to where Mother and Grandfather were waiting for him, even they couldn’t hide their surprise at the girl that had forced herself to come along, completely unharmed (had she faked the limp earlier?), smiling. Damian was sure the smile wasn’t happy or gentle though — he’d seen it before so many times, and it reminded him more of Mother’s smiles when she saw someone she loathed or someone she was furious at. It was sharp and dripping with something that could only be called wrath and superiority. Like she somehow had power over Mother and Grandfather.
Judging by how Mother sighed and told Grandfather she was leaving him to deal with this, and how Grandfather just told her that yes, sure, she can stay if she does what the league tells her to do like his offer months ago had been, there was a chance she actually did have power over them. Some, at the very least.
It was confusing.
Years later, the girl — he’d eventually taken to mostly calling her by Ladybug or Akhtaa (my sister) — who had proclaimed herself Damian’s big sister but said that if Ra’s somehow got the idea of making her an heiress or something because she was older, she was going to ruin any and all plans Ra’s had, and then gift that right straight back to Damian as long as it didn’t bring him any harm, and who had become one of the best assassins the league had ever had, told him to stay quiet as she took him to a plane she’d insisted on learning how to fly a year back. He could now see why she had wanted to learn. It was smart of her not to try anything until now. At some point, she stopped, took out a paper and a pen from her pocket, scribbled something on it and slammed it on the wall closest to her. It seemed to be a post-it note as it stuck.
When he questioned her actions, she replied with “They’re abusing you, and you’re still a child, which also means, you still have a chance at a better life and I’m going to make sure you get it before they fucking destroy any chance at the life you might’ve been able to get” before the plane took off.
They ended up in Paris, of all places. If Ladybug was planning on having them hide somewhere, the capital city of France wasn’t probably the best of places. At least she’d left the plane in another country.
The bakery, instead, might have been. It was small, even if popular judging by the number of people waiting in line, but Ladybug — maybe Akhtaa when they were near civilians who certainly didn’t know of her other life — just cut in line (apologising, of course, she was always so very polite to most people despite usually also being superior to them on all fronts), and told them she needed to see the bakers, and no, she was not going to buy anything, she’s not cutting in line that way. It was unlikely Grandfather or Mother would look into a bakery, of all places.
“Maman! I’m back,” she yelled when she got inside, dragged Damian to what looked like a living room and seated him on the sofa. In full assassin regalia. Accompanied by what was at least three different weapons, few kinds of knives and daggers and a sword. How was she going to explain this to anyone, let alone her… mother?
A woman came in, wiping her hands on her trousers. She did indeed look like Ladybug did — and yeah, he should maybe learn to call her Marinette now, shouldn’t he? Unless she was still content with him calling her Akhtaa because that was more comfortable to him —, just older. She also looked way too much like the infamous Nocturne in the league. She couldn’t, right— “Ah, it’s good to see you, baby. My, you’ve grown. Ra’s didn’t treat you badly, now did he? I don’t need to go kick his ass?” the short woman with a pixie cut asked Marinette, pulling her into a hug. Marinette hugged her back and smiled before untangling herself from the embrace and leading her to Damian.
“Maman, this is Damian. I saved him and he’s now my little brother, which, actually, I should probably inform Papa of. Also, I’m not sure he actually listened to me when I taught him how to bake, so that might be in order.”
The woman looked at him up and down, as though she were sizing him up, and didn’t being looked at like that feel just a bit too familiar? At least now he knew where Marinette — no, she’d called him her little brother in front of her mother, Akhtaa was probably still alright — had gotten her ability to do so from.
“You look a lot like Talia. And maybe a bit like— Baby, please tell me this isn’t who I think it is.”
“It’s exactly who you think it is, Maman. Talia’s only son, Ra’s heir and the perfect vessel, but also the son of the Detective Ra’s originally was so obsessed with years ago. I would’ve taken him to his Father but that’s no less safe than staying with the league since he’s an emotionally constipated idiot who fights crime dressed as a Bat instead of getting therapy and would have taken him along, so I took him here. I thought we could keep him until I trust he’s either old enough to actually say no to his father if the need be or at least old enough for the fighting part not to be that bad. It’s not like I could’ve left him now. Oh, and you remember how I left for the league for a few years?”
“Yes, how could I forget?”
“Well, it’s because this kid was only eleven at the time, was told to assassinate me, failed, and you know how Ra’s would have taken that. So.”
A beat. Then a groan, which then turned into a growl.
“I am going to kill Ra’s.”
The exchange between Akhtaa and her mother was, the least to say, strange. They were talking about the league like both knew it like the backs of their hands, and there was a chance they did.
The woman Akhtaa called her mother was the Nocturne, wasn’t she.
It would explain why Akhtaa had said she’d been trained by a League soldier years and years ago. Why she knew exactly how he would move. Why she knew how to handle Grandfather and Mother because there was only a handful of League soldiers who could leave the League and stay alive — she must have learnt it from Nocturne.
Nocturne turned her eyes to Damian and smiled. It was sharp, but not in the same way as Akhtaa’s had been when she’d smiled at his Mother and Grandfather a long time ago. This smile was also soft, like she wanted to make sure Damian knew he was safe here with them.
“Hello, Damian. I’m Sabine, Marinette’s mother, though you might know me better as Nocturne since you’re from the League. And, as she claims you to be her new little brother, I suppose I’m your new mother as well. You can call me Sabine or any version of ‘mother’, whichever you prefer. House rules are as stands: No smoking, no drugs, no underage drinking, no weapons at the dinner table, at least one meal with the family a day is a must unless the rest of the family has been informed of absence at least three hours before, and absolutely no killing within the city bounds. Also, no scaring away the customers.”
Damian just found himself nodding as Sabine continued speaking.
“Marinette can show you to your new room. If you need anything, just tell me or Marinette. Dinner is at 8 pm sharp. Being late is not an option today. You can choose between getting homeschooled and an actual school, but we’ll discuss that later. Have fun, I’ll see you in a few hours.”
And that was how Damian found himself inserted into the Dupain-Cheng family. How he’d gotten here from trying to kill their only daughter, he wasn’t too sure, but honestly? He wasn’t complaining.
Five years later, Akhtaa took him to Gotham and introduced him to his Father and adopted siblings (which, how in the world had Father adopted so many kids? There was at least Cassandra and Jason whom he’d met at some point in the league, Richard, the first of his children and on par with Akhtaa when it came to hugging people, Timothy, the second youngest of the children, and Duke, who was only a few years older than Damian.) They were confused but welcomed him after they’d confirmed he was indeed Father’s blood son, and Damian was relieved about it. He’d come to appreciate found family with the Dupain-Chengs and Akhtaa over the years, so it wasn’t too hard to adapt into this family either — though that was probably because Akhtaa and he had insisted on having her as a family as well. After all, she was more of a big sibling to him than any of the others together.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to know how meeting them would have gone if Mother and Grandfather were the ones to send him to his Father, especially if that had happened when he was still younger.
Good thing he didn’t need to know.
He would never need to know.
Basically, Marinette is hurt and offended because the only one who has made a proper attempt on her life is a child, and Damian is confused and offended that his target is sassing him for missing. You were supposed to get someone actually, physically hurt and instead you're getting this. Be happy.
@kris-pines04 @thethirdwheelfriend @daminett4life @abrx2002 @persephonebutkore @rebecarojas07 @corabeth11 @freshbark @maribat-march2020 @catsandfanfic @fertileleaf @eat0crow @cutechip
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maluminspace · 4 years
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Genre: Smut/Angst/Enemies to Lovers
Pairings: Calum Hood/Luke Hemmings
Word Count: 4.5k
Requested:  @iovehemmings​
I just had to request some cake Hogwarts!sos cause Hogwarts!sos has been so good and I have a soft spot for my boys. So um hufflepuff!luke x slytherin!cal, both quidditch captains and don’t really get along. after a game where hufflepuff loses cal goes to the locker room to talk to luke but finds him alone in the shower jerking himself off so he offers to help and luke just ends up getting all his anger from losing the match off of him by fucking calums throat pls oh my gawd
Content: hand jobs, shower sex, blowjobs, face fucking, hate sex, masturbation, the use of degrading insults (slut), sex in a public place,
Trigger Warnings: strong language, explicit sexual content
A/N: Turns out I love writing hate sex... I hope you all enjoy this!
The golden snitch fluttered past Luke Hemmings’ ear, almost idly before zooming off towards the viewing stands.
The Hufflepuff seeker kept his eyes on the sneaky little ball, though, determined to catch it and win his first match as the captain of his team. He could already hear his housemates and the rest of his team cheering his name in celebration of the incredible win as he sped towards his prize.
He was so focussed on the tiny winged sphere that he’d entirely forgotten to scan the pitch to see where the other players were situated.
It was that simple mistake that led him straight into the path of one of his own beaters. By the time he noticed, neither of them had enough time to get out of each other’s way. 
The inevitable collision was painful, the beater was much sturdier and more muscular than Luke so the seeker was almost knocked off his broom. Luckily, he just about managed to keep his balance. The beater muttered something that was bound to be unpleasant under his breath, but he obviously didn’t want to put his position on the team at risk by voicing it out loud. He just shook his head and sped off to intercept a bludger that had just been hurled towards one of the Hufflepuff chasers.
As soon as his head stopped spinning, Luke refocused, scanning the quidditch pitch to find the snitch again. He spotted it hovering just a little higher than it had been before he crashed into his beater. Not wanting to risk losing it, he made sure to check that his path was completely clear before immediately setting off at full speed, ignoring the pain in his shoulder caused by his previous lack of judgement. 
The Hufflepuff seeker was gaining on the snitch fast, it was hovering idly, as though it was tired of evading capture, like it just wanted the game to end already. Luke could understand if that was the case. The game had been going on for well over two hours now and it seemed that everyone was silently begging for an end to come. He only hoped that he could be the one to do it. He lifted his good arm, stretching out his hand until his fingers were so close to the snitch that he could feel the constant draught of its wings. The little shit waited until that moment to zoom right past Luke’s face. He swore that he could hear the fucking thing laugh on it’s way past his ear.
“Fuck!” Luke yelled, exasperated and more than a little pissed off as he swung his broom around to chase the stupid little snitch.
The commentator's magically amplified voice was mocking Luke, laughing at his failed attempt to grab his prize. He tried to ignore it and focus on finding the snitch again, he was determined to end this damn quidditch game once and for all.
After scanning the pitch a couple more times, Luke noticed the snitch bobbing up and down near one of the Slytherin goal hoops. Once again, he was sure to check that his path to the little shit was clear before speeding off towards it. The winged ball, taunted him yet again, allowing him to get close enough to it to trick him into thinking he had a chance of catching it before it darted off once again.
This time though, the snitch didn’t manage to escape into open space. Before Luke even had time to redirect his broom, the Slytherin seeker, Calum Hood, lept forward, stretching out his large hand and closing his fingers around the golden sphere as it collided with his palm.
The crowd erupted into an equal mix of cheers and boos as the reality of the situation crashed down around Luke. 
He’d just lost the game.
Calum beamed, his pearly white teeth glinting in the early afternoon sun as he brandished his prize, bracing himself for the inevitable hugs he was about to receive from his team.
Luke couldn't even bring himself to look at the rest of the Hufflepuff team in the face. He watched as they descended to the ground one by one, each of them looking more dejected than the last.
It was part of his job as captain to give his team a speech after each game. He couldn’t even begin to pull together a coherent sentence in his head, let alone an entire speech. As he slowly drifted down to the ground Luke spared one last glance at the Slytherin team, anger and resentment simmering in his chest.
Calum looked so fucking pleased with himself, his stupidly pretty brown eyes glimmering triumphantly as he basked in the praise his teammates were showering him with. 
“We’ll get them next time, cap…” Odessa Grail, Hufflepuff’s keeper, smiled sadly. 
Luke wasn’t in the mood for pitying gestures from the team he’d let down. He was fucking pissed off and he just wanted the opportunity to simmer in his anger for a while. He gave Odessa a half-hearted nod before storming into the changing rooms.
Luckily, the rest of the Hufflepuff team seemed to understand Luke’s need to be by himself for a bit. He allowed them all to filter into the showers whilst he pretended to search for something in his locker for much longer than necessary.
It was only when the Slytherin team bustled in, that Luke’s attention snapped back to the room. He hated them all in that moment, especially, Calum fucking Hood. He looked more handsome than ever when he was happy, his ridiculously soft, caramel coloured skin was practically glowing as he accepted every clap on the back and hi-five that his teammates offered him.
The Slytherin seeker seemed lost in the moment, smiling and offering praise to each of his players, telling them all that he wouldn’t have been able to snatch the victory if it hadn’t been for each of them.
That’s right… Luke thought bitterly. Show everyone that you’re a better captain than me as well as the superior seeker, like you’re not making me feel worthless enough already, you arrogant, over-confident fuck.
Calum chose that moment to glance up, his beautiful warm, brown eyes meeting Luke’s cold blue ones in a somewhat intense gaze that somehow lasted much longer than Luke would have liked. Yet when a couple of Calum’s fellow Slytherins bustled into the changing rooms to congratulate him on his spectacular win and distracted him, the Hufflepuff seeker was left wishing it had lasted much longer.
His confusing feelings about his Slytherin counterpart, hung over Luke like a storm cloud as he sat on his bench and rifled through his kitbag under the pretence of finding his shampoo and other toiletries. He just wanted to wait until everyone had left so that he could shower in peace and quiet.
Annoyingly, Calum’s friends long outstayed their welcome. To make things even worse, amongst them as the silly and boisterous, Michael Clifford, quite possibly Luke’s least favourite person at Hogwarts. He was loud and obnoxious and worst of all, the mouthy little shit was incredibly close to Calum, the one person that Luke wished more than anything that he didn’t have such complicated feelings for. 
Even when the rest of the Hufflepuff and Slytherin teams had finished showering and getting dressed, Michael and the other Slytherins still lingered on to chat all kinds of shit with Calum. Luke fought back the urge to tell them all to fuck off as he stripped down to his underwear. He was faintly aware of someone watching him as he wrapped the towel around his waist and shuffled out of his boxer shorts, but he didn’t bother to turn around to see which of the Slytherins it was. Forcing himself to ignore it all, Luke picked up his toiletries bag and headed for the shower area, purposely not sparing his rival or his entourage a single glance. 
He chose the furthest cubicle from the rest of the locker room, hoping to finally get the peaceful shower he’d been waiting for. Luckily, the sound of the water thudding against the aging tiles on the floor, drowned out the annoying voices of Calum and his cronies.
Once he’d ensured that the water was the perfect temperature, Luke shed his towel, hanging it up on the wall hook outside the cubicle before stepping under the shower stream. The pounding of the warm water against his bare skin instantly started to ease the tension in his tight muscles and even the pain in his shoulder started to dull, as he tipped his head back to wet his hair. He reached out blindly for his washbag, having unzipped it before placing it on the shelf, it was easy for him to locate his shampoo bottle, which he pulled out and popped open before squeezing a generous amount into his palm and massaging it into his caramel coloured curls.
Once his hair was washed, Luke took out his shower gel and rubbed some over his body. As he allowed his mind to drift away from his humiliating defeat, his body started to react in the way it often does in a nice warm shower. 
He told himself it was just a natural reaction to the feeling of the water on his skin. It was his body’s way of helping relieve his stress. The fact that Calum’s handsome face, strong arms and muscular thighs flashed through Luke’s mind as he reached down to stroke his stiffening cock, meant nothing at all. The Slytherin seeker was the last person Luke had seen before taking a shower, that’s the only reason why it was Calum’s face in his head now.
Despite the fact that part of Luke would love to think of anyone else whilst he jerked off, his desire for a quick release was stronger and he decided to just go with it, allowing his brain to churn out whatever was lurking in his mind. 
Luke was so lost in the moment, focused purely on the building pleasure in the pit of his stomach as he stroked himself, that he didn’t register the approaching footsteps or the quiet knock on the door of his cubicle. All that he could hear was the rush of the water pouring over him, the pounding of blood in his ears and the soft moans and mumbled words slipping past his lips. It even took him a moment to process when the door opened, meaning that for a split second, Calum fucking Hood saw him jerking off.
“Oh fuck, I’m so sorry!” Calum gasped, although the way his eyes raked over Luke’s naked body, told the Hufflepuff that his quidditch nemesis was not at all disappointed in the sight that greeted him. “I thought I heard you call my name and you didn’t reply when I knocked, I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Just fuck off!” Luke screamed, trying desperately to cover his raging boner. “I didn’t call your name.”
A slight blush rose in Calum’s cheeks as he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, still allowing his eyes to roam every inch of Luke’s bare skin. “I definitely heard my name, you sounded kinda desperate, when you said it. That’s why I had to check that you weren’t in some kind of trouble.” 
A stream of gibberish and nonsensical words spilled from him as he sinks back against the wall, trying to make himself as small as physically possible. It didn’t help matters when he noticed that Calum was wearing nothing but a small towel tied haphazardly around his slender waist, like it could unravel at any moment and fall to the ground.
A mischievous smirk curled the corners on Calum's lips as he noticed where Luke’s gaze was focused. “Do you mind if I lose this?” He asked, tugging at the loose knot in the towel that is the only thing keeping him covered. “I’ve seen you, so I guess it’s only fair.”
“What makes you think I want to see…” Luke trailed off as Calum dropped his towel. He’d stolen the odd glance at the Slytherin’s crotch when he wore those tight black jeans on Hogsmeade trips so he wasn’t altogether surprised by the generous size of his cock. What did shock the slightly younger boy, was the fact that Calum was half hard. 
“I’ve got nothing to hide from you, Luke.” He shrugged, finally meeting the Hufflepuff’s startled gaze. “I know that you're pissed off because I beat you today, but that only makes you hotter to me.”
Processing Calum’s words didn’t come easy to Luke. He’d never once considered that the Slytherin seeker would reciprocate any of the complex feelings that Luke had for him. In fact, he’s mildly surprised that Calum even knows his name. They’d never interacted much off the quidditch pitch so it was a shock, to say the least, that Calum thought he was ‘hot’. All that Luke could do was focus on the part of the curly-haired boy’s sentence that reminded him why he could never fully fall for the gorgeous prick. “Your win today was a fluke, Hood.” He sneered. “The snitch just bumped into you. Just because you made one lucky catch, that doesn’t mean you’re a better seeker than me.”
“I think you’re exposing a little more than your cock to me right now.” Calum leered. “I’m not interested in your badly veiled insecurities, Hemmings. “All I want to know is if you want to take out your frustrations on me.”
Luke swallowed thickly, his sluggish mind struggling to catch up with the implications of Calum’s words. “What’re you talking about?”
Calum rolled his eyes, stepping into the shower cubicle and closing the door behind him. “I’m offering you the opportunity to fuck my face, Hemmings” He replied simply, gently closing his fingers around Luke’s lower arm. “I wanna know if you’ll finally admit your feelings for me after I suck all that resentment out through your cock.”
The Slytherin’s words kindled a fire inside Luke that he couldn’t even begin to try and control. He’d often imagined what Calum could do with his strong arms and sinful lips and now he finally had the opportunity to find out. “Don’t project your feelings onto me, Hood.” He warned, pushing his face closer to the older boy’s almost as though he was threatening to kiss him. It was like a test, he wanted to see if Calum was just all talk. “You’re just my competition, another bug I need to crush on my way to winning the house cup for Hufflepuff.”
A faint laugh escaped Calum but he didn’t back up, in fact he made the tiny gap between his own lips and Luke’s that little bit smaller by tilting his head slightly. It was an obvious invitation for Luke to Kiss him, one that he backed up with another carefully thought out string of words. “Bullshit, Hemmings. I see the way you look at me when you think I can’t see you. I heard the way you moaned my name just now. You want me, don’t you?”
Luke licked his lips in response, too scared to say it out loud.
“Then take me.” Calum whispered.
If he didn’t do it now, he never would and Luke knew he’d regret it for the rest of his life. He put his last lingering doubts out of his mind before pressing his lips to Calum’s. He was met with a softness he hadn’t expected. Whenever he’d imagined kissing Calum, his mind had always played out fantasies of frantic, lustful battles for dominance. It seemed that in real life, Calum was happy to let Luke take control, at least on this occasion. He wasn’t complaining though, the thought of pushing Calum to his knees made his cock throb in anticipation.
The Slytherin tasted faintly of coffee and cigarettes. Not surprising seeing as Calum always drank a large mug of coffee with breakfast, the last meal he’d had. Luke has also noticed the older boy sneak off behind the greenhouses with some of his friends before heading down to the quidditch pitch for the game. Luke knew that’s where some of his fellow students gathered to smoke. 
The kiss lasted long enough to cause Luke’s lungs to burn with the need for oxygen but he was far too intoxicated by Calum to succumb to such a basic requirement. He pressed his body against the other boy, forcing him back against the wall of the cubicle and promptly pinned Calum’s wrists to it. 
“Fuck, Luke…” The Slytherin gasped, finally breaking the kiss. “If you’d shown half of this passion during the game you’d have beaten my team no problem.” He goaded, clearly trying to keep the fire burning inside of Luke. 
“That filthy mouth of yours is only good for one thing, Hood.” Luke growled, aiming a nip to the exposed skin of Calum’s neck. “So stop ruining this and get down on your fucking knees.”
A whimper that sounded somewhat reluctant slipped from Calum as he became pliant in Luke’s hold. “You finally want to accept my invitation, huh?”
Luke responded only by stepping back until he was pressed against the opposite wall of the shower cubicle. In his fog of lust and arousal it was hard not to appreciate how gorgeous Calum looked in that moment. His black curls are sopping wet, clinging to his forehead and cheeks like the perfect finishing touch framing the work of art that is his face. His eyes are dark with lust and lips are the absolute definition of fuckable. “Don’t make me tell you again, Hood.”
Calum seemed to enjoy being bossed around, another whimper escaping him as he dropped to his knees, placing a hand on each of Luke’s thighs to keep them apart as he positioned his head teasingly close to the Huffepuff’s achingly hard cock. “Before I do this I should make one thing clear.” Calum explained, locking eyes with Luke through the steam rising from the water still pounding relentlessly over the Slytherin’s back. “I’m the best at this. Just like I’m the best seeker. Once you’ve fucked my face, no one else's will come close to satisfying you again.”
Before Luke could respond to the taunt, Calum closed his lips around the younger boy’s tip, coaxing a sigh of pure bliss out of the Hufflepuff. It’d appear that Calum wasn’t lying, his mouth felt like heaven around Luke and he instantly craved more.
The Slytherin smiled around Luke’s dick before sinking further on to it. He made his skills immediately clear by the way he worked his tongue expertly over the pulsing vein on the underside of the blonde’s dick.
Luke’s fingers automatically found Calum’s curls, he gripped hard and pulled on them impatiently until the Slytherin used one of his strong hands to cover the little of Luke’s cock that he couldn’t fit in his mouth. “Fuck, Hood!” The Hufflepuff hissed. “Suck me off like you mean it, damn it!”
Another whine rose from Calum’s throat as he began to bob his head. He was obviously experienced at this, he knew exactly what to do and when. If Luke didn’t know better he’d have sworn the Slytherin could read his mind. 
Unable to hold onto the remnants of his resentment towards his competitor when he was making him feel so fucking good, Luke gave in to the pleasure and allowed his moans to flow freely from slack lips. 
He wasn't sure how long he was nothing but a whimpering mess before Calum pulled off him, tilting his head to fix Luke with a desperate glare. “Are you just gonna let me do all the work just like on the quidditch pitch?” He demanded. His voice was weak and scratchy but his pointed tone was still abundantly clear. “I told you to fuck my face you lazy Hufflepuff shit…” He groaned, “show me that I had at least one good reason to think you might worth my fucking time.”
The harsh words were all Luke needed to snap out of his daze. This was his chance to dominate his competition, sure Calum might have beaten Luke’s ass out on the quidditch pitch but the blonde was determined to be the boss here. He gripped Calum’s curls, yanking his back and pulling a moan from the older boy in the process. “What did I tell you about that mouth of yours, Slytherin?” He growled. “It hasn’t made me cum yet and it’s not worth a damn until it does.” 
Savouring the look of arousal on Calum’s face, Luke thrust his cock into the Slytherin’s mouth until it hit the back of his throat. Calum gagged and tears sprung up in his eyes but he held Luke’s gaze through his thick, dark lashes as though he knew it’d bring the younger boy that much closer to his orgasm.
Without overthinking things for once, Luke obeyed Calum’s only instruction and began finding a rhythm as he fucked the Slytherin’s face.
It felt incredible. Not only was Calum’s mouth heavenly, the very notion of him on his knees taking every one of Luke’s harsh thrusts almost made him cum just at the thought. “That’s more like it, Hood, you look so much better with my cock in your mouth. Can you take more?”
Calum nodded as best he could, relaxing his throat muscles to allow Luke’s cock deeper. 
The Hufflepuff didn’t hesitate to take advantage of the brave gesture, pushing his dick into the blissful tightness over and over and he held Calum’s head steady by wet curls. 
Just when Luke thought it couldn’t get any better, Calum began to moan around his cock as the obscene, wet sounds of Calum jerking himself off reached his ears. He watched for a minute in wonder as the Slytherin matched his movements to the rhythm of Luke’s thrusts. As much as he enjoyed the sight he couldn’t let another opportunity to assert his authority over his competition pass. “I never gave you permission to touch yourself, greedy Slytherin slut!” The words spilled out of his mouth before his filter had a chance to kick in and check them.
The moan that tore out of Calum’s throat was so raw and needy that Luke was sure the older boy had just climaxed. A weak smirk tugged at one corner of his lips as he realised that Calum must be into that. “You liked that?” He asked, his voice so thick with lust that he could almost taste it on his tongue. “If you touch yourself again before I tell you to, I won’t cum down your throat. I want you to put on a show for me when you’ve swallowed me down, got that, slut?”
Calum nodded, once again struggling due to the cock in his mouth but he redoubled his efforts, seemingly determined to finish Luke off with his best moves. He relaxed fully, giving Luke complete control of everything except his tongue, being sure to use it perfectly every time Luke was still enough. 
“Holy shit, Hood…” Luke cursed as his hips began to stutter. “You better swallow every last drop of what I’m about to give you!”
The way that Calum glanced up at Luke through his lashes again was a clear signal that he was ready to take whatever Luke could give him.
It took only three more thrusts before Luke came apart with a strangled wine, spilling down Calum’s throat before sinking back against the wall. His breath escaped him in ragged breaths as he cursed softly, equally furious and delighted by what had just happened. One the one hand, he’s just had the best blowjob of his life and dominated his quidditch rival. On the flipside, he’d just allowed his weird crush on Calum Hood to get the better of him.
As the Slytherin rose to his feet, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he kept eye contact with Luke, his need for a release painfully obvious by the way his hard dick brushed on the younger boy’s thigh. As much as Luke would have liked to make the curly-haired boy suffer, he knew that he couldn’t leave him like this. After all, he’s done everything Luke asked of him, the least the Hufflepuff could do was return the favour.  “Now about that show…” He whispered, reaching forward to graze his fingertips over the wet skin of Calum’s hips. “I wanna see you paint that six-pack of yours. Can you do that, Slut?”
Calum groaned  as he took his own dick in his hand and began pumping desperately. “Fuck, Hemmings… Keep talking!”
Gripping Calum’s hip tighter, Luke leaned forward to growl into the Slytherin’s ear. “Bet you wish that was my hand on your needy cock, huh?” He teased. “If you moan my name when you come apart for me in a minute, maybe I’ll touch you next time.” 
Luke surprised himself with the suggestion that this could happen again but Calum seemed to enjoy the ide as he leaned back against the wall, fucking his own fist like his life depended on it. “I doubt a slut like you could last long with my hand around your cock, though… I hope you can work on your stamina Hood because I can give you the workout of a fucking life time.”
“Who said I want your fingers around my cock?” Calum whimpered. “Maybe I have another use for them.”
Luke was more than a little taken aback by Calum’s insinuation but he ran with it anyway. “Ah, of course you’d rather I finger fucked you, such a greedy little Slytherin, aren’t you?” His lips grazed Calum’s ear as he spoke and the tiny contact sent the older boy over the edge. He came apart with a string of curses, painting his tummy just like Luke had asked. The Hufflepuff was pleased that he could distinguish his name amongst the gibberish, though. It meant that Calum had listened to him and indicated that he'd be happy for it to happen again.
As Calum came down from his high, Luke waited, his face still far too close to the Slytherin’s now that it was all over. “Maybe you’re not completely worthless, Hood.” He whispered. “I’ll see you in the prefect’s bathroom tomorrow if you’re up for it…” 
With that, Luke opened the door of the cubicle and stepped out of the shower, tying his towel around his waist and grabbing his washbag before heading back to the changing rooms. He still had no idea where all that had come from but he sure as hell hoped that Calum would take him up on his offer for round two.
Tag list: @cherrycolamike​ @byxthexway​ @afuckingunicornn​ @painkillerash​ @moonchildsblack​ @calumbbyyy​ @h0tsos​ @loveroflrh​ @sexgodashton​ @megz1985​ @myfalsedevotion​ @aulxna​ @honeyedlashton​ @tea4sykes​ @ghostofmashton​ @fairyintheglass​ @cashworthy​ @cashtonasfuck​ @opheliaaurora23​ @5sosnsfw​ @wildmichaelflower​ @wildfl0wer-meg​ @irwinkitten​ @cxddlyash​ @wildmalumflower​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @iovehemmings​ @lowpowermodex​ @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles​ @celticclifford​ @5-secondsofcolor​ @queer-5sos​ @Secret-Diary-of-an-Aquarius-blog @babylon-corgis​
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aticklishtem · 5 years
Weakness of Doom
((oh boy here I go bringing my bullshit into a new decade again~ this is dedicated to @ticklishjevil bc she is 100% to blame for my descent into ZADR hell and generally inspiring/encouraging the creation of this...thing!! I hope you’re proud of yourself darling 💖
ALSO I’m very sorry if the spacing/formatting is borked tumblr mobile is terrible but I am doing my best to fix as we speak ;w; ))
“Give it up, Zim! You’ll never get away with this!”
Dib had lost count of how many times he’d said that by now. Eight years, countless crazy schemes, a couple near total obliterations of the galaxy as they knew it and an almost equal tally of humiliating defeats and triumphant (if temporary) victories for both sides - somehow, it always seemed to come back to the two of them. Dib, Zim, the doomsday device of the day and this seemingly endless chase that remained as frustrating yet exhilarating as it was the day the green kid first rocked up to class. Would it ever end? That almost didn’t seem to matter at this point - this was the life Dib had chosen. As long as Zim was around, he had a purpose, a reason to get up in the morning, a duty to the rest of humankind to keep protecting his planet from impending extraterrestrial invasion...even if most of them remained too dumb to appreciate his efforts.
“You’re too late, Dib-stink!” cried the bug-eyed bane of his existence, waving around some kind of remote with a red button. “Just one press of this button, and every single whiffy signal -“
“...do you mean wi-fi?”
“Zim knows what Zim means!” he barked, an antenna twitching with irritation. “As I was saying, every signal will be scrambled, and without their mind-numbing entertainment, your fellow earthworms will inevitably turn on each other! Leaving the planet defenceless for when I, Zim...figure out how to do whatever it is I need to do to destroy you all!”
“Noooo! That’s…” Dib paused mid-dramatic wail. “Actually a pretty solid plan? I mean, I can see your logic. It’s definitely an improvement on some of your others, like that one with the rubber chickens -“
“Silence!” Zim pointed an accusing claw at him, though Dib could’ve sworn he preened a little at the almost-compliment, puffing up his chest and planting his free hand on his hip. “Of course it is foolproof! And if you imagine for a second that the amazing Zim could ever become so distracted by his own ingeniousness that he could be lured into monologuing until a hypothetical opportunity might arise for someone to take - hey gimme that back!”
Fortunately, some things had changed in all those years; puberty had been at least kind enough to Dib so he could now dangle his superior height - literally and metaphorically - over Zim’s head. “Sorry, what’d you say?” he taunted, holding his prize high out of his enemy’s reach after snatching it from his claws. “I couldn’t hear because of how much taller I am!”
His moment of glory was cut short, however, as Zim launched himself at him with a hiss like a feral cat, sending them both crashing to the floor in a tangle of limbs and antennae. They were still surprisingly evenly matched; Zim was a lot stronger than his size would suggest, but Dib now had the advantage of longer arms and legs to attempt to hold him off as they wrestled for the device. He might even have been winning - right up until Zim grabbed his side, claws digging into the sensitive spot just below his ribs.
Dib yelped, reflexively slamming his arm down to protect himself; before either could do anything, the remote flew out of his hand and across the room until it disappeared under one of Zim’s experiment tanks. Instead of running after it, Zim took advantage of the distraction to seize Dib’s wrist, pinning him to the floor.
“Ha!” Zim loomed over him, now straddling Dib’s waist so his maniacal grin filled his whole vision. “You flesh-bags really are pitiful, cowering in pain from the slightest touch!”
“That’s not what that - was…” Dib froze, heat rising to his cheeks as his nemesis bore down on him, now painfully aware of his compromising position. Zim couldn’t - did he even know what tickling was? Because this would be a really bad time for him to find out.
“...Eh?” Zim narrowed his eyes, curiosity flickering across his face alongside the usual suspicion and irritation. “What are you smiling about? Why is your grotesquely ginormous head so red?!”
“My head’s not bihihig!” Dib bit down on his lip, but he couldn’t stop a few embarrassing giggles from slipping out when Zim jabbed at his ribs again. He struggled to bat his hand away, but with only one arm free and Zim basically sitting on top of him, he wasn’t having much success. “Quihihit ihit!”
A shiver ran down his spine as he could practically see his doom unfold along with Zim’s smile, sadistic delight sparkling in his eyes, and oh god no Dib thought he was prepared for anything but please not this, anything but this, he’ll never live it down…
“Well, well - you really thought you could conceal such a glaring weakness from me?” he demanded, mercilessly prodding and pinching his way up Dib’s side. “I’d...sort of imagined more writhing in excruciating agony, but this is rather amusing too, watching you squirm like the wretched worm you are!”
“Thihis isn’t fahahahair!” Dib spluttered between peals of laughter; he hadn’t been tickled since he was a little kid, but this was so much worse because it was Zim and he hated giving him the satisfaction but was equally powerless to stop his body from reacting as those probing claws dug right into his horribly exposed armpit. “Zihihihim!”
“Yes, yes, I am Zim!” his foe cackled, releasing Dib’s wrist to attack with both hands, one even scuttling under his shirt - which was so far beyond fair - and scratching at the tender skin almost hard enough to hurt, but his gloves dulled the sensation so it just tickled even more. “If I had known you were this easily incapacitated, I could’ve built a device to take care of you long ago! Now, laugh, pathetic Dib-thing - admit your annihilation, or perish in helpless hysteria at the merciless claws of Zim!”
“Nehehehever - !” Dib had not foiled so many of Zim’s plans to let him win this one by tickling him, of all the cruel and unusual methods. There was only one way to fight back, and he had no idea if it’d even work on an alien, but what else did he have to lose, more of his dignity? Arms flailing as he tried desperately to suck in his stomach before those treacherous claws could get to his bellybutton, he eventually managed to grab a handful of Zim’s side and squeeze it repeatedly.
Zim let out a squawk like a bird having its feathers pulled out, letting go of Dib as he scrabbled to slap his hands away. “D-do not touch Zim with your fihilthy meat-sticks!”
Huh - that sounded like a game-changer, and now it was Dib’s turn to grin like a mad scientist as he kneaded Zim’s sides like his life depended on it - which it might - until he had an armful of squirming Irken trapped in an almost-hug, one arm around Zim’s waist with his PAK pressing against Dib’s chest.
“What’s the matter, does it tickle?” he asked, smirking from ear to ear as he savoured the sweetness of revenge - and possibly the most important discovery of his career as a paranormal investigator. “Is the mighty Invader Zim ticklish?”
“Lies! Cease! Ihihi’m gonna destrohohoy yooooou…!”
It wasn’t like he’d never heard Zim laugh before - only like every day since they were at skool - but this was different; less controlled and mocking, more free and almost joyful, even if it was a joy forced upon him as he writhed, kicked and cackled under Dib’s skittering fingers, exploring the surprisingly soft and smooth skin under his shirt. It wasn’t exactly an autopsy, but the thought that he might be the first to hear - the first to make Zim almost squeal when he wiggled his fingers under his arms - that was more deeply, weirdly, sadistically satisfying than anything he’d imagined. “Wow, I think you’re worse than I am! So are all Irkens this ticklish, or is it just you?”
“Zihim is telling you nohothihihihing!” Zim’s laughter seemed to jump an octave when Dib felt around his back; the skin around his PAK was slightly raised where it was embedded, which was interesting, mainly for the way he bucked and squirmed frantically as Dib traced it with his fingers. “GIR! Where are you?! Do something to make this stohohop!”
“Yes, master!”
Dib looked up just in time to see Zim’s robot assistant propelling towards him at alarming speed, his eyes blazing red. Before he could move to shield himself, however, GIR came to an abrupt stop, eyes flickering back to cyan and his metallic mouth stretching into its familiar hyperactive smile. “Ooooh! Tickle fight! I wanna plaaaay!”
“Now, GIR! Fire the - wait, no, what are you doing?! Put that back!” Both Zim’s and Dib’s eyes widened - in horror and intrigue respectively - as GIR plonked himself down on one of Zim’s legs, picked up the other and pulled his boot off. Dib had never actually seen his feet before, he realised; he had three toes, clawed like his fingers but a little shorter. Judging by how he scrunched them up when GIR prodded them, they were also pretty sensitive.
“This li’l piggy went to Foodcourtia,” GIR chirped, wiggling a toe; Zim made a strangled noise of protest and attempted to pull away, but Dib was still holding onto him. “This li’l piggy went home - aw, we outta piggies! And thiiis li’l piggy…”
“GIR - nooo!” Zim begged, and Dib could actually feel him tremble in his arms as his toes curled in anticipation of what was to come. “Don’t do this! You’re supposed to attack the intruder, not -“
“...went weeweeweeweeeeeeeee…!” GIR hugged Zim’s foot and scribbled furiously all over it, his tiny metal hands a blur as his master shrieked with laughter, helpless to escape his ticklish doom.
“How’s it feel, Zim, betrayed by your own minion?” Dib snickered along with him as it occurred to him he should probably be recording or taking photos of possibly the greatest moment of his life to date, but holding Zim captive and laughing helplessly was way too satisfying, tickling under his arms while GIR happily went to town on his foot. “Maybe I’ll just keep you like this - you’re not much of a threat to the Earth when you’re just a cute little giggly alien puddle…”
The sheer incredulous outrage in Zim’s voice tore through the air, and Dib couldn’t help but wince, recoiling as the ear-splitting screech assaulted his eardrums. As his grip loosened, Zim wriggled free and kicked GIR off of him, scrambling back to his feet, and the chaos was replaced by an unusual and equally uncomfortable silence. (Apart from GIR eating popcorn out of his head as he watched them, and that was the most normal thing about this situation.)
“I - uh...“
“He thinks you cuuuute!” GIR giggled, grabbing Zim’s cheeks and squishing them together comically.
“No I don’t!” Dib felt his face flush under the spotlight of both GIR’s carefree smile and Zim’s laser-beam glare, the protest coming out just a little too quickly. “I was teasing you - it’s just a thing people say when they…”
He trailed off, because man, things had gotten weird, even by their standards. But this was still Zim, and he was still a jerk and evil and the total opposite of cute, even a little breathless with his clothes all rumpled and one foot still bare, antennae lowered and quivering and what looked suspiciously like an olive-coloured blush staining his cheeks. That warm feeling was just Dib enjoying the sight of his enemy humiliated in defeat, like anyone would. Right? That made sense.
“Give me my boot, GIR.”
“Go long!”
Zim caught the offending item without looking, but instead of putting it back on he hurled it at Dib, who dodged just before it smacked him in the face, bouncing off his shoulder instead.
“Ow - hey, that’s sharp!”
“Good! Suffer! That’s what you get for trying to taint the mighty name of Zim with your disgusting lies like…” He screwed up his face as if he could barely bring himself to spit out the word, making dramatic finger-quotes, “cute!”
“Okay, geez! It’s not like I meant it…” Dib rubbed his shoulder, shifting awkwardly - he wished they’d stop repeating the word like that. But even this momentary weirdness couldn’t change the fact that he’d just uncovered a significant weakness in his nemesis, even if he inconveniently shared it. He’d be an idiot not to exploit this for all it was worth, a smug grin tugging at his lips again as he picked up Zim’s boot. “But thanks for this. I bet I can get all kinds of useful evidence from a genuine article of alien clothing…”
“You…!” Zim’s eyes almost bugged out of his head as he let out an indignant splutter - only to break into a dangerously familiar smile before activating his PAK legs, towering over Dib with a renewed gleam of vengeance in his eye. “Enjoy your last few seconds of freedom, Dib-worm - we shall soon settle who is cute!”
“I’d like to see you - wait, what?!”
Dib didn’t have time to figure out what Zim meant by that as he darted for an escape route, still clutching Zim’s boot - but when he was quickly seized and hoisted into the air by a pair of metal spider legs, he was pretty sure things were only about to get a whole lot weirder.
But this was the life he’d chosen - and would he really want it any other way?
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hello-sad-im-dad · 5 years
A Tale Of Paper Airplanes Romance And Marshmallows (Prinxiety oneshot)
A fanfiction based on this post by @naoko-shiakuma :
"Virgil is a caretaker who was hired by Remus's parents to take care of him and when Roman came home from school he was met with a cute boy on his living room playing with his little brother."
Characters: Virgil, Roman and kid!Remus + briefly Roman and Remus's parents.
Relationships: Platonic Virgil×Remus, brotherly Remus×Roman and the begining of romantic Roman×Virgil.
Word count: 2.3k
Tw: none
Ao3 link
Virgil wasn't normally good with kids.
It's not like he didn't like them, he always thought kids have a pure type of innocence and that their imagination is incredible. He could appreciate the happiness they radiate and loved hearing funny stories about them. At times he envied the smiles that rarely seem to come off their face.
But there's a difference between liking kids and being good with them.
They may be cute and not yet corrupted by our society but they can be little devils if they want to. Whether or not they intend to they seem to automatically and effortlessly cause chaos to erupt whenever and wherever they go.
And Remus Sanders was even worse than that.
Remus was a sweet kid, he had a very strong sense of empathy, which was often ignored due to the trouble he created. He would do everything from spilling juice and the cups and mugs containing it off tables and climbing on cupboards and tables at light speed. He was kind of like a human cat.
Remus rarely caused himself any damage but cleaning up after him was pretty much impossible.
Most people would give up on trying to contain him but Virgil didn't really have that option, the only reason he started babysitting is that he needed the money. He didn't think that there was much of a difference between liking kids and being good with them and when he did it was too late and he couldn't find another job so he had to continue working with Remus.
Virgil usually worked with Remus on weekends, it wasn't like he had anything better to do anyway, unlike Remus's brother who he only knew existed from the pictures of him scattered around the house.
He didn't know much about Roman other than the fact that they were the same age. but he noticed that somehow the dude always managed to make plans for every single weekend.
Virgil would usually show up in the morning at around 11:00. He would usually watch TV with Remus while methodically keeping the remote away from him so he won't raise the volume to deafening levels "on accident" again.
At 12:00 they would make lunch, Remus was fascinated by the chemistry behind cooking and Virgil did his best answering his questions while occasionally spilling something and muttering curse replacements (Fudge, shift, etc... ) That he started using around his friends too.
After lunch they would make dessert or Virgil would try to convince Remus to play some board games with him, ultimately failing and usually having to pick up the content of whatever game he was holding up while doing so.
From that point on they would watch TV, take walks and do whatever Remus suggests or agrees to until 16:00 (4 pm) which is when they would focus on cleaning whatever mess was made throughout the day.
At about five Remus's parents arrived home, paid Virgil and he left, exhausted.
He sometimes got the weekends off because Remus's parents stayed home or they made Roman replace him but that was what happened pretty much every week.
This week was different though.
Remus's parents called Virgil at about 7 am on a Tuesday and explained to him that the teachers at Remus's school are protesting and that they needed Virgil to watch him and due to him still being tired, not wanting to go to school and definitely not the existence of a soft spot in his heart for the kid Virgil agreed to watch him.
He came over to the house about an hour later and saw that it was empty. He used the key he had to open the door and called out to Remus.
He started looking for him around the house. After he found nothing he went to the kitchen, started looking through the cupboards and grabbed a bag of marshmallows. He crinkled the bag and called out:
" I have something for you here!"
"If you don't come out I'm just gonna have to eat all of these delicious beautiful multi-colored marshmallows by myself!"
He started walking towards the laundry room and Remus jumped out from god knows where making Virgil jump.
"Fine you win I want my marshmallows." He said happily.
"If you say please we can make chocolate milk with them and watch tv." Virgil said teasingly.
"Peassss, can we make chocolate milk??" He said in a high pitched voice.
"What was that?" Virgil said, letting him know he noticed the vegetable in the request.
Remus made a disappointed noise.
"Pretty please?" He said while attempting puppy eyes that were definitely not the most adorable thing Virgil has ever seen.
"Just because it's a pretty please."
Remus jumped up, snatched the bag from his hands and started running to the kitchen, earning an annoyed smile from Virgil.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly and the only thing that made them notice how much time had passed was the arrival of Remus's brother.
Roman was a pretty social person so it wasn't a surprise that it took him a little longer to get home. He and his friends walked around doing god knows what for some time but after a while passed Roman decided he desperately needed a shower and started walking home.
He walked all the way to his house humming Disney songs which was making him even sweatier than before but he forgot about that and just looked at the people walking around him and the cars that occasionally passed by. After about 15-20 minutes of walking, he got home took out his key and went inside.
The moment he went inside him and Virgil locked eyes.
There was something about him that made Virgil's brain falter a bit. He was wearing a loose tank top that exposed his biceps and stuck to his skin highlighting his athletic build and dark blue jeans that only added to that image because they were pretty tight too. He had messy chocolate-colored hair, but the kind of messy that always looked good, giving him an adventurous look that fit his face perfectly, sticking to it a bit due to him being rather sweaty. His brown eyes weren't too special but at that moment he wished the stories were true and that he could look into them and gaze into his soul. Overall, he was a pretty good looking dude.
And he definitely had something to look at, because when he walked in he saw pretty much the opposite of himself. The person in front of him was wearing all black clothes. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a loose black hoodie that somehow perfectly complimented his pale smooth skin. Everything other than his skin was dark. He had shiny dark brown hair topped by a dark gray beanie and fringe covering his beautiful dark brown eyes. He was one of those people you looked at and couldn't help but wonder what their story was.
Virgil saw the red already existing on Romans cheeks due to the heat get even darker and couldn't help but blush too.
After a few seconds Roman came inside and took the focus off of Virgil to see Remus and him sitting on the floor, surrounded by markers and making paper airplanes. And then it clicked in his mind.
"Oh you're that babysitter our parents hired right?"
"What? Oh yeah yeah, that's me." He said while standing up.
There was a brief moment of silence followed by a:
"Oh my name's Virgil" and his hand awkwardly reaching forward, initiating a handshake.
Luckily Roman had a bit more social skills than him.
"Oh there's no need to be so formal." he said, high or- low fiving Virgil. Earning a shy but happy smile from him followed by an amused huff of air.
"So what were you two doing?"
"We were having a paper airplane competition and you're not invited" Remus joined in.
And before Virgil could say something Roman sat down, threw his bag on the floor, grabbed a piece of paper and said:
"Oh you know I don't need invitations."
Immediately after that they all started working again, only this time Remus was even more motivated to win, wanting to impress Virgil, but more importantly, trying to defeat Roman.
While they were working Virgil noticed a pride flag pin attached to Romans schoolbag and couldn't help but feel a tiny spark of hope which he quickly shut down. Though he couldn't completely forget it and it ended up inspiring the colorful lines at the end of the wings of his paper airplane. Remus's airplane was mostly green but upon seeing Virgil's airplane he added purple green and blue at the exact place Virgil's rainbow was. Roman was the last to finish his paper airplane. He drew a lot of red details that looked like you could find them in a castle and later added highlights in yellow.
Right after he was finished the competition began.
The first to throw his airplane was Roman, they were in the living room and throwing their paper airplanes to the kitchen. His airplane got to the chairs that were on their side of the table which was a pretty good distance. After him went Virgil, hitting the table and falling close to Roman's landing spot.
Remus went last and got past the chairs, landing close to the leg of the table near them but still beating both Roman and Virgil.
He quickly ran over to the table, grabbed their airplanes and called:
"I'm keeping these forever!!!"
Both of them simultaneously yelled "No!" and started chasing him around the house.
The whole deal ended with Remus keeping the airplanes as a souvenir and all of them making more airplanes, this time flying them in the hallway where there aren't any tables to "scare Romans airplanes".
Time went by pretty fast and the only thing that Roman really remembered is him and Virgil reaching for the same marker and touching hands, and Virgil and Remus jokingly fighting over the yellow one.
At the end of the day at about 20:30 (eight-thirty pm) Remus went to bed, almost 40 minutes earlier than usual. Roman and Virgil started cleaning after themselves talking about random topics, it felt like they could keep talking for hours without getting bored or running out of things to talk about. Remus and Roman's parents always worked kind of late. Their mom usually came home after nine so it looked like they had a chance to at least talk for an hour.
"I'm sorry there was barely any romance between them-"
"She tried to warn him about Christmas!! she cared about him!!!"
"Well yes, but it doesn't mean they're in love!!!"
"Dude it means exactly that!!"
"I'm sorry I think they made Jack and Sally a couple just for the sake of having a relationship in the movie."
"Well, clearly it worked so-"
"Ooooooh you know what could have been better??"
"If Jack ended up with the guy that called him bone daddy-"
"WHAT! when did that happen???"
"Dude, open youtube and search "The nightmare before Christmas Jacks lament" and it will show you a video of it."
"No way."
The conversations went from the most ridiculous topics to some serious ones, they were pretty open with each other straight (well no) away and the more they talked- the more they wanted to know about each other. They seemed to form a bond pretty easily and the minutes faded into an hour and the next thing they knew knocks sounded on the door and Remus and Romans mom came in. She was a bit surprised to see Virgil there but took out her wallet, paid him and wordlessly went to check on Remus. Roman walked Virgil to the door and they stood there for a bit. Romans social skills seemed to have disappeared when he said shyly:
"I had a surprisingly nice time today."
"Me too," Virgil said, looking down.
"Sooo... can I, maybe, get your number?"
Virgil looked up again, red visible on his cheeks.
"Hmmm," he feigned thinking for a moment.
Roman's heart did a little dance at that and they both handed each other their phones. After a few moments passed they returned them and locked eyes again. None of them dared to look away.
"Your eyes are beautiful," Virgil said, still gazing into them, searching for a trace of Roman's soul.
Roman smiled but still kept eye contact. He wanted to object but Virgil didn't let him.
"They look like you."
Virgil smiled awkwardly.
"Not in a weird way but it's just-, They look pure, and golden, like those Disney princes-, they're just soft and kind of angelic. Like you."
"Yours are beautiful too," Roman said back.
"Kind of like those Disney villains, But in a good way-, I mean, they're kind of dark, and deep, like there's no end to them, and they're smart too, but a silent type of smart, kind of mysterious," he said looking up for a moment, and looking back into Virgil's eyes.
They didn't want the moment to stop but they knew it had to end.
"So... can my "prince" eyes and me take you and your "villain" eyes out for ice cream?"
"How about tomorrow?"
"Six-thirty?" Virgil suggested.
"It's a date." Roman winked, getting a bit of confidence back.
"I'll text you the address-"
"And I'll pick you up at six-thirty." Roman said.
"It's a date," Virgil said back.
They both smiled.
"So, I guess this is so long and goodnight then"
"Goodnight Virgil."
"Goodnight Roman."
Virgil hesitated a bit but pressed a kiss to Roman's cheek, sending sparks through his brain and making his heart forget how to beat for a second.
He then proceeded to turn and walk away. Leaving Roman a red-faced mess standing in his doorway, disbelievingly grazing his cheek with the tip of his fingers, looking at his mysterious dark angel gracefully walking away.
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sarah--goff · 5 years
Their Dark Materials:  Chapter 7; A Fleeting Encounter
“This doesn’t feel so bad anymore” you say cheerily walking in unison with Hoggle.
The stones below you were yellow now. The Labyrinth’s threatening image was melting away.With every step you felt more confident in actually beating the Goblin King now, you felt like Winner material
“Hmmf that’s what you think” Hoggle kept looking back just in case. Though your fears had subsided you still kept a wary eye on every stone that your feet passed over.
“We must be closer now” you said positively .
You looked at the warm sky with a sudden peaceful state washing over you.
“Hoggle, I know this sounds ridiculous but I- I think I can feel it; the castle’s presence getting closer to us, it feels… warm and …glowing…” you laughed at yourself  “how crazy does that sound?”
He didn’t reply and you looked back, you hair whipped behind you “Hoggle?”
The path was empty Hoggle was nowhere to be seen.
The sense of peace you had vanished and you felt panic-stricken without your inside guide leading you through.  
“Hoggle? Hoggle stop playing games -we don’t have time for this!” you in a high voice with your chest feeling tighter.
“Hello, Hogwash” Jareth leaned against a tree, one hand behind his back the other tossing a crystal in the air and catching it again.
Hoggle turned, confused how he’d just been with you one minute, and now he was in front of the Goblin King.
"O-oh!" Hoggle exclaimed, voice wavering. "Y-y’ Majesty!”
“You look very surprised to see me, Hogspew” Jareth tossed the ball once more and it vanished “did you really think you could insult the crown without consequences?”
“Insult the crown, y’ majesty?” Hoggle kept his trembling tell-tale hands behind his back.
“Don’t play the fool with me, you know very well how, helping the girl! Helping her to defeat me and that is treason, Hoffle, high treason and you know what that means-”
Hoggle fell to his knees , clutching the Goblin King’s leg  pleadingly “Please no, not the Bog of Eternal Stench!”
Jareth kicked him off, disgusted, brushing away the traces of dirt on his breeches.
“Well it looks as if you’re in luck this time because I have other plans for you” he grinned wickedly making Hoggle’s heart drop.
“Wh-what?” though Hoggle had a bad feeling he knew exactly what. He knew there was a specific reason those of the Underground had been told to steer clear from the Runner the king had got himself mixed up with.
“I want you to abandon the girl in cold blood”
The Goblin King said it slowly and ominously with his chin raised in a regal expression.
Hoggle quickly surmised there was more to that then it seemed. He didn’t trust Jareth for a single second especially when you were so foolhardy to this rotten place, and everyone in it.
“No! I won’t do it, she won’t last five minutes in here!” he cried “What if she gets lost or, or-”
The Goblin King waved his hand impatiently “Precisely, Heffle, precisely, unless, of course, never seeing anyone again sounds more appealing?”
Hoggle hesitated, realising he was stuck. He could go against Jareth to help you win, but he knew the devious fae would stop at nothing to make sure you failed at the end. Whatever choice Hoggle made… you were doomed.
“she’s…just a sweet girl” Hoggle said in a defeated tone
“Oh?  Why the concern?”
Hoggle crossed his arms “I won’t do nothing to harm her. She said that we was-”
“What?” The Goblin king interrupted with a sneer “ Companions…Friends?” He lowered his tone, emphasising the cruel word.
Jareth quirked an oddly shaped eyebrow at him -not showing the stab of pain that passed through his heart. He refused to be jealous of a repulsive dwarf who had already won your affections so easily.
Hoggle shook his head miserably.
It was no good arguing, the King, as always, was unyielding. Hoggle could see that. He groaned hopelessly with a pause “just promise me… you won’t hurt her?” he said in a quiet voice .
Jareth twitched at these words but then looked down at him sternly “I will do as I please” and tossed the crystal in his direction, replacing a forlorn Hoggle.
Hoggle can only look at the ground, hearing your footsteps coming  closer.
“Oh thank god!” You cry with relief “You’re back!”, you drop to your knees give him a hug “for a minute there I thought you ditched me or something. Phew!” you laughed but Hoggle twists out of the quick embrace.
“hey, where are you going?” you sprint to catch up with him holding his arm “woah, woah, woah you’re not actually leaving me are you? We’ve come so far!”  
The hurt look in your eyes made Hoggle curse himself for being such a coward. He cursed the king too, who he knew would be watching over them this very moment.  
Hoggle looked uncomfortable “I said I’d take you as far as I could -now leave me alone”
“Hoggle!” You’re surprised by his sudden change in character “Is this because of the Goblin King again, you don’t have to be afrai-”
“I said I’m leaving!” he snaps
You cling to his arm, your fingers grasping the layers of cloth, securing your hold “Are you my friend or not!” you cry as tries he wriggled free
“No, no I’m not! Hoggle is Hoggle’s friend”
You release him, shocked “what’s come over you!” you splutter at him.
He looked apologetic for a split second, warning “even if y’ get to the centre, y’ll never get out again- turn around now! Just get out while y’ can! ”
You snatched his bag of jewels as an attempt to black mail him to stay, ignoring his headings. You were getting to the centre and would get out.
You raised the bag above your head far from his reach, “I’m not a thief, Hoggle but you can’t just strand me here!”
Hoggle jumped at them and tried to kick you a couple of times before giving up. He threw his hands up surrendering “Y’ keep them!” and ran off.
“Hoggle you coward!” you yell, shaking the bag at his retreating silhouette so that the contents jangled.
And to think you called him a friend! He was just out to save his own neck!
Rage bubbled in you. So this was how it was going to be- nobody was going to help you- they were too afraid of the bloody Goblin King- or were they just loyal to him?
Well you weren’t afraid, he wouldn’t intimidate you.
Whenever you seemed to finally be getting somewhere the rug was pulled from underneath you.
Now what? You ran a hand through your hair, exhaling at the setting around you. You just needed to stay focused and rational. That would get you through.
“Oh dear me, lonely again?”
You whipped around, coming face to face with the man from your dreams, a gloating grin on his face that you wanted to wipe off so badly at this moment.
His outfit had changed, he looked less threatening now, poet’s shirt, boots, leather coat, and those pants. Your eyes flew up again, rapidly banishing every thought that came after that. You firmly reminded yourself that he’d technically stalked and kidnapped you and that those ideas were highly inappropriate. Is that a riding crop?
“Catching flies, Sweetest Thing?” he noticed your fleeting downward glance and your face burned.
You ignored him and the sickly pet name, choosing instead to look at the hedges so you couldn’t give him the satisfaction of rattling you.
“What do you want? Or have you just come to say your goodbyes already?” you tried to keep your voice steady, squaring your shoulders.
“What a quaint sense of humour! I do hope you won’t lose it when you come to live here,” he circled you predatory like, hands behind his back “entertainment is so few and far between”
“I’m sure you’ll manage somehow in my absence” you crossed your arms  "is that all?"
He leaned back on the balls of feet airily “actually, I came to give you something”
“Well whatever it is you can keep it. I’ve had enough of your gifts, thanks” you say sternly determined not to lose track of where you were wandering while he was talking.
Jareth laughed condescendingly whisking his hand a few times until he conjured a bundle of dark, thick looking clothe -throwing it at you.  "Here. you'll need it"
You just caught it, barely glancing at it. "I won’t take anything from you " you hissed.
“very wise, understandably,”
You unravel the bundle anyway, feeling his stare burn into you as you did.
In your outstretched fingertips, you held a thick cloak, seemingly made from long thick feathers of a midnight blue colour with gold trimming the edges. It was extremely heavy, the fur lining incredibly thick, a deep long hood. It was very him.
Though it was indeed the most beautiful and probably grandest thing you’d ever seen and held you pretended not to be interested with it in the slightest.
You ball it up ready to throw back at him.
“I have my jacket, thanks “
“Ah, yes I see you're already beginning to dress like me – good taste, naturally" the Goblin King gestured a hand at you.
He was referring to your brown leather jacket that looked vaguely like the one he was currently wearing and of course your white floaty blouse. You hadn’t even realised the similarities until he’d said it and drew your folded arms further across you.
"I was already wearing this" you pointed out, but you wanted to rip them right off you after he said that.
“Suit yourself" he folded his arms mimicking you “but those clothes will not serve you well- it gets cold outside” he lifted his eyebrows “or you could always come inside, where it’s warm” he had the audacity to wink at you.
“then I’ll get cold, I don’t need your help” you bit back
“Oh, is that so?” his eyes twinkled, deep voice sent a chill through your spine.
“Yes” you said sternly tucking your hair behind your ear in the rising gust of wind.
He blocks your footing so you are forced to stand before him. The Goblin King folds one of his arms across his chest, propping up the other so he can hold his chin and jaw in a thinking position.
“You intrigue me so” he says so softly you barely caught it.
You swallow hard forcing yourself to stare him down as if unconcerned but you manage to string together: “I’m really not that interesting” you say flatly, in an attempt to sway him into backing off but it only seemed to fuel him further.
“Strange” the Goblin King gave a flicker of a smile, still looking at you over his gloved hand with a gaze that didn’t waver “uninteresting people never have to say that”.
You had to get around him now, conceal yourself from under his sharp eyes.
Instead you were rooted to the spot, challenging him, daring him , almost, to do something.
What’s wrong with you! You screamed at yourself Move!
The Goblin King steps closer until your almost nose to chest- with the height difference- and you’re mesmerised, going against your instinctive reaction to run.
“Why are you trying so hard to run from me, Sloane?” he whispers
You pressed your mouth together not daring to speak and betray your calmness, or your sanity.
“Clearly you’re not afraid of me, not now, but there is so much defiance and hatred in those eyes of yours. It confuses me- I’ve only done what you asked me for, those late-night whispers of your heart’s desires I’ve only tried to fulfil.”
You stumble back at those words, closing your eyes as if in pain.
Every word you said, to what you thought was a dumb bird was him. He’d heard it all, this real-as-real man heard everything. Your face turned scarlet at the realisation.
“you’re delusional” you whisper.
He raises the end of the riding crop to tilt your chin to meet his gaze. “Tell that to your starry eyes, precious girl” he let the riding crop trail slowly down your cheek making them flush and shiver to the touch.
You flick the riding crop away, thinking about dumping the heavy cloak on the nearest hedge but he catches your wrist.
“Oh, and Miss Hazel?” his voice still dreamy and floaty as well as his tender gaze, he moves his hand down your wrist to graze your palm. You can feel your pulse rising which no-doubt means that he can too.
“don't even think about throwing it away,” the Goblin King says, catching your tell-tale look.
You gave him a blazing glare and tear your wrist away while he let his fingers trace it.
“See you soon” he mimes blowing you a kiss and your stomach flips.
You turn away sharply and walk on briskly.  You look back for a second to see if he was following you but he’d gone, thank god. You tuck the bundled cloak under your arm. You’d look utterly moronic in it- like a ‘Sesame Street’ extra.
So here you were, all alone in this bloody place. It seemed like for every step forward you took two steps back.
You didn’t dare think about how many hours you had left, you just walked along the path hoping to get somewhere new.
You didn’t dare think about your fast pulse.
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coincidencetheories · 8 years
The Gatewatch Have Failed Each Task So Far
There’s been a lot of talk on my feed about how the Gatewatch are just waltzing through the challenges they face like a home-made banner at a pep rally. While they are all currently whole in body, and the perceived threat from each plane is no longer actively threatening, follow me down this line of thought.
The Gatewatch have failed at what they have set out to do, every time.
Their name is synonymous with failure.
Battle For Zendikar
Nissa and Gideon toil on Zendikar. Ulamog is loose and really bringing everyone’s grand Hedrons and Felidars game night down. Scion and Spawn scuttle around, and the very color is draining out of the mana. Gideon hits his main man Jace up for a solid to gather some help, which Jace initailly fails to do, asking LIliana and Chandra, who for diverse reasons have bigger personal demons they are wrestling with. So Jace, heads back to Gideon, and decides what he needs most is information. Nissa is looking for Ashaya, as Nissa did for several stories in a row. Turns out Nissa just had to believe. But Jace stumbles upon Ugin, doing vague and portentous spirit dragon things, as spirit dragons do, at his Eye. He tells Jace “These are beings beyond our understanding, here for a purpose we cannot fathom’ and then proceeds to give a very understandable metaphor about fishermen in streams. But he tells Jace that they can’t just blow up Ulamog. It will have untold ramifications now and in whatever distopian future we can bring ourselves to imagine.  (Side note... what were the ramifications of metaphorically driving a stake through the hand of the fisherman for 10,000 years? Riddle me that, Ugin dear.)
So Jace knows the stakes Ulamog is a fragile and precious part of an ecosystem beyond our ken. So he agrees that perhaps just pinning him to a butterfly display is the best course of action. Jace, Nissa, Kiora, Gideon and Ob Nixilis respectively fail, fail, lose their pet leviathan, drown in a puddle, and successfully disrupt this plan using the tried and true ‘Surprise Kozilek with a chair from the top rope’ method. Ob reignited, Walked on, walked back and captured three planeswalkers. And he would have gotten away with it to, if it wasn’t for that meddling pyromancer.
Oath of the Gatewatch
What Gate do the Gatewatch watch, exactly?
Sea-gate. The Gatewatch are watching the Sea Gate fall, to Ulamog, then to Ulamog again, then to Kozilek and Ulamog.
Now a lot of nifty stuff happens in OGW, not least of which is the insight we get through General Tazri of what a world where Kozilek out-watches the gate looks like. And in the end, Zendikar is saved from the predation of the two titans. But Jace and co had to physically drag multi-demensional beings into three dimentional space, then channelXfireball in a way that hadn’t been done since the days of the oldwalkers. Impressive, no?
Imagine you go to the doctor and you find out you have a blood disease that delicate surgery could halt the ravages of. Now imagine that, while you were under anesthesia, , your doctor slipped up and the cancer was about to kill you before the Dr. House stormed in and told the surgery team to flush your entire body with pure oxygen, then light it on fire, flash burning away all the bad stuff. Your life is, indeed saved. Phew. I was worried there for a minute.
But would you call that a successful surgery?
Shadows over Innsmouth Innistrad
We have ourselves a good old fashioned mystery here. With Ugin’s warning ringing in our ear to remember they came as three, all apparently we had to figure out was who that mysterious ‘They’ were, that Ugin referred to in the middle of a conversation about the Eldrazi Titans. The stage is set. Liliana has a veil, Tamiyo has a Journal, Thraben has an inspector, and Jace has too many cloaks. Also, too many clues. Avacyn is going crazy. Bruna and Gisela start doing their Shining Twins cosplay, despite Sigarda telling them repeatedly that it creeps her out, and The Gitrog Monster is a fan of 1990s Elton John . 
But who is this mysterious corrupting force, and seriously, what’s with all the spaghetti. Sorin’s mansion of foreboding has been renovated, but he’s nowhere to be found! Jace follows the hundred of arrow shaped rocks and finds Nephalia! Zombies! Mystery is solved, it must be Liliana! Liiiana says no. oh. The angels are turning on the humans, Avacyn must be stopped! Jace has GOT this one, guys.... nope. Jace is rescued by Tamiyo, and Sorin permanently grounds his daughter who in no way resembles his former protege. Well, Another successful investigation.Except it’s not. Jace, you don’t know what it is at all right now, in fact you don’t find out until...
Eldritch Moon
...until Emrakul emerges from the water, like a tribute to all those bond girls before you. “I know who it is now!” says Jace, thinking he’s Hercule Poirot, but is in fact barely keeping up with Captain Hastings. So here we are, Eldritch horror setting up residence in the middle of Thraben, and creating life like there’s no tomorrow, which might just well be the case. If only there was an inter-dimensional team of powerful mages, who had some dealings with.... oh my it’s the Gatewatch. We need the Gatewatch, don’t we. Well, they got together just in time, didn’t they. Innistrad, is today your lucky day. Jace 'walks to Zendikar, where presumably the Naya walkers are ‘overseeing’ the Zendikar rebuilding efforts from the comfort of a king-sized bed built for three. Come fastest, Jace cries, What’s with your outfit, they reply, Then off they go. (meanwhile Sorin and Nahiri two oldwalkers that are battling with current generation powers, must feel like two former boxing champions having a punch-on in their retirement home. But that’s not really germane to the success or failure of the Gatewatch.) Smash cut to the Battle of Thraben. Olivia and the vampires are here. Sigarda, Thalia, St Traft, form an unlikely alliance, killing Brisela. Also Arlinn Cord and the wolves. Surely they are around here somewhere during this battle? Maybe they just were on the other side of town. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. Liliana is drunk on Chain Veil power and summons zombies by the hordeful and marches on the town. The Gatewatch are in the thick of it, somehow managing not to get sural’d to pieces every time Gideon has a backswing. Emrakul’s massive form crowns the town. The vampires, humans, geists, even Rem Karolus’s are driven back. Only Jace and the Gatewatch can help us now. They try their most successful Eldrazi Titan-defeating play in the playbook, aaand... it fails. It fails so badly that Tamiyo is about to read her plane-destroying story spell. But Emrakul and Jace had a mutual Zach-Morris ‘Time-out’ and Jace saved the sanity of the gatewatchers and Tamiyo (by delving into their deepest, darkest story hooks, apparently) and Emmy simply re-wrote Tamiyo’s story, taking a vacation into the moon for the now.
Was that a win? What aims were achieved? Again the ‘plane was saved’, but despite all the effort that Jace and co. put in, the final call was Emrakuls. And i doubt she locked herself in without taking the key with her.
So, Zendikar is safe. But the ecosystem of the Multiverse may be irreparably altered; innistrad has gone from passively being influenced by Emrakul to ACTIVELY being influenced by Emrakul to being passively influenced by Emrakul again. Great job guys and gals. Which leaves us with...
You know, I wonder exactly how many mage traps Captain Baral has around the city, Whether they are one-countermagic-fits-all, or if he has to lead the fire mages to different ornately engineered snares than the telepaths. Also, Can you planeswalk to the plane that you’re on? If you can, neither Nissa or Chandra know of it. And I have to say, I guess that in the Kaladesh block, ultimately the Gatewatch succeeded. Succeeded in picking the queen in Three Card Monte while street hustler Tezzeret picked their metaphorical pocket. Yes, they saved Pia. But Tezzeret simply used the conflict between the Consulate of benign-if-overly-paternalistic-bureaucrats and the revolution-if-that’s-alright-with-the-rest-of-you guys renegades to snatch up the inventions and Stockholm Syndrome the inventors.
Aether Revolt
So while Chandra is focused on the personal issues, and their ramifications vis-a-vis the cancer within the consulate, Jace and Liliana, with backing vocals from Gideon and Ajani, identify Tezzeret’s plans with, well with anything Tezzeret plans is going to be bad news. Especially when they find out about the planar portal. So they defeat him! I mean, do they? He puts something suspiciously like the functioning part of the portal into his own arm and then planeswalks away as the roof caves in. The Bridge on Kaladesh is no longer functional. But we find out that Tezzeret is doing something (planar portal or othewise) for Bolas. And the Scooby Gang have no idea what that, in fact is, or if he completed it, or anything.
Going Forward
So each time, the Gatewatch have gotten something accomplished that subjectively gets them a tick in the win column, but with more scrutiny are questionable at best. Going to Amonkhet with no plan, no intel, and no backup just because ‘well, bolas would use that time better’ seems like a great way to stumble into, once again, a technical victory that has lasting consequences that are at best uncertain, and at worst offer comfort to the enemy.But I suppose, given their track record, going in with no plan merely skips the Gatewatch past the part where they come up with a plan and then completely fail to execute on it.
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I Like You
Happy New Year!! I wrote a New Year-themed Baekhyun scenario today, as a special present to all you lovely readers! I hope you enjoy it. ^-^
♡ Admin  강아지
     The room was fairly dim, only lit by colored Christmas lights that no one had bothered to take down after last week’s Christmas party. A lopsided banner hanging up on one side of the room read “Happy New Year!” to remind you why you had come to this party in the first place, since with the blaring music and the milling party-goers in a refreshing variety of either Drunk or Completely Plastered, you kept seeming to forget.
     You were almost tempted to drink some of the spiked punch that seemed to the the hit accessory of the night, complete with red plastic cup. After all, maybe you’d be having as much fun as everyone else seemed to be having. You raised the cup to your nose and sniffed the fruity concoction, wrinkling your nose and setting it back down without bothering to take a sip. You knew that the only reason your friend had bothered to drag you along was as the Designated Driver. She knew you didn’t really like rowdy people or loud music, but she also wanted to get Completely Plastered and she didn’t want to have to hail a taxi in the freezing snow. She’d promised to make it up to you, and now you were wondering how she would manage that.  
     A particularly amorous couple didn’t seem to feel the limitations that usually come with being in an area containing other people. Perhaps the alcohol had liberated them from the tethers of “boundaries”. Whatever the cause, you didn’t love being a spectator to their sudden inability to keep their hands to themselves, or the sickening murmurs that apparently no volume of Top 40’s Hits could drown out. Edging carefully around them, you moved unobtrusively toward the stairs to seek out a quieter spot where you could possibly hear your own thoughts. 
     Narrowly dodging a swing of Sehun’s arm as he gestured dramatically, too immersed in a lively conversation with with Tao on the staircase to notice you trying to move past him, you finally made it upstairs which was, to your immense relief, quieter. You wandered down the hallway until you noticed a door hanging open, and you peered cautiously inside. Thankfully, despite the suspicions in the back of your mind, you had not intruded on some indecent scene. It appeared to be some sort of rec room, so you stepped inside to get a better look. There was a television with a couch across from it and a few beanbag chairs, and the walls that weren’t covered with shelves of comic books, anime, and video games, were decorated with an assortment of posters (including a quite large one of just Chanyeol’s face). 
     Your friend Baekhyun was sitting in one of the beanbag chairs, video game controller in hand, playing some fighting game that lit up the television screen with flashes of red and emitted screeches from the foes that Player One conquered effortlessly. You took another step, the floorboards suddenly letting out a loud creak, and Baekhyun’s head shot up to look at you. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion effect and the whole screen was a blaze of fire. Baekhyun’s head whipped around again, and he frantically pressed a few buttons, but it was too late. “Game Over” flashed across the screen in harsh, black letters.
     "Uh, sorry, I’ll just-“ you began backing out of the room, but he interrupted you.
     "No, it’s all right. I was getting tired of this game anyway. You can stay if you want.”
    “Okay,” you agreed readily, not really wanting to return to the drunken chaos downstairs. Moving over toward the shelves, you perused the video game titles before one leapt out at you. “Oh my god. You have Mario Kart Grand Prix?” You snatched the case off the shelf. “I haven’t played this in forever!” Baekhyun laughed. “Yeah. Do you want to play with me?” “Really? Aren’t you playing your own game on there right now?” “No, no, I’m tired of this game,” Baekhyun said quickly. “Let’s play Mario Kart! I haven’t played it in a while either.”
    “Okay!” Without further hesitation, you tossed the case to Baekhyun so he could set it up, sinking comfortably onto the couch. Maybe it wasn’t so bad that you’d come to this party after all. “Why aren’t you downstairs at the party?” “I’ve been trying to beat Chen’s high score for weeks. I thought I’d take advantage of him being gone at the party, but I still can’t beat him. I think he’s messing with me somehow.”
    After setting up the game, Baekhyun handed you one of the controllers and joined you on the couch. “I’ll be Yoshi,” he announced, choosing his character from the selection screen. 
    You giggled as you selected Peach as your character. “You’re going to be the squibbly-faced dinosaur?”
    “He’s not squibbly-faced,” Baekhyun protested. “And he’s the best character! He steers better." 
    "Oh, he does not,” you scoffed. “They all steer the same.”
    “They don’t! Yoshi steers better. He just does.”
    “Suuure he does.”
    “I don’t appreciate your sarcasm.” Baekhyun pouted.
    You pretended to cry, drawing dramatic tears over your face with your fingers, and he snickered. “Just press ‘Start’ already.”
    Obliging, you pressed 'Start’ and the two of you awaited the countdown. 3… 2… 1… GO! You began to drive, and watched as Baekhyun zoomed ahead of you. “Hey, no fair! How did you do that?" 
    "Hmm, it’s been so long since I’ve played, I don’t remember!” teased Baekhyun wickedly, giggling and dodging as you tried to hit him and steer at the same time. FInally, you gave up and tried to concentrate on steering. Suddenly remembering something from when you used to play, you turned your little kart and headed off the path.
    “See, I told you Yoshi’s steering- Hey, how’d you do that?” Baekhyun cut himself off as your character was suddenly ahead of him on the track.
    “Secret tunnel.” You stuck out your tongue at him.
    “Oh, I see, so we’re playing dirty are we?" 
    "I’m not playing dirty,” you argued indignantly. “The tunnels were put there on purpose so we could use them!”
    “Yeah. You know what else they put there so we can use them?”
    "First-place seekers!” crowed Baekhyun triumphantly.
    “No!” You gasped, staring at his screen. There it was indeed, that blasted blue turtle shell from hell, and Baekhyun’s fingers were poised to release it at any moment.
    An evil grin spread across Baekhyun’s face, and he pressed the button. “Oh, yes.”
    You watched in shock as that pitiless, periwinkle projectile of crushed dreams headed straight toward the unwary princess and blew her kart sky-high. Yoshi zoomed heartlessly by, not sparing a glance at the wreckage being towed away by a tiny cloud, and crossed the finish line unopposed. Baekhyun smiled innocently as you glared at the screen, until you finally found your words. "I demand a rematch!" 
    Baekhyun willingly obliged, and the two of you played the same stage again. This time, you recalled how to get a speed burst at the beginning of the game by syncing up your pressing of the "gas pedal” with the “GO!” and stole the beginning advantage from Baekhyun. The two of you chased along down every shortcut there was, but in the end of the third lap you had a big lead. The win was sure to be yours.
    “Guess what I have.” Baekhyun’s voice sounded over the mesmerizing music that made the video game more addicting.
    “What?” you asked, not breaking your focus. He wouldn’t distract you that easily.
    “Guess,” he pressed, and something in his voice made your eyes dart to the corner of his player screen.
    No. Not again. That ignoble, indigo, insult to ambition of a missile was there, ready to tear down the glory of your rightfully deserved win. Speaking quickly, hoping to delay his fire, you asked him in a feigned whine, “How do you always get those and never me? It isn’t fair.”
    Taking the bait, Baekhyun smiled smugly. “Because the universe knows that I am the superior Mario Kart player and wishes to aid me in my noble quest to destroy you in this game.”
    “If you’re the superior Mario Kart player, then how come the universe has to help you win?” you challenged, continuing with your diversion as you carried out your plan. 
    “The universe is worried that I’ll take pity on the poor princess who couldn’t beat me if I had both hands tied behind my back.” Baekhyun winked at you, and you quickly turned to face the screen before you got distracted by his dastardly charm.
    “Is there a risk of that happening?”
    “Maybe. I have a weak spot for pretty girls.”
    You didn’t dare look at him now. “Then why didn’t you let me win?”
    “I wouldn’t dare be so rude as to reject a gift from the universe.” Baekhyun snickered, and shot the missile. 
    A second later, it turned around and blew up his kart.
    For a moment, Baekhyun was dumbstruck. Then he looked at you. “What just happened?" 
    You cackled as you zoomed past the finish line. "Victory!”
    Baekhyun groaned in disbelief and put down his controller. “But how? I never passed you! You were in first place.”
    “I WAS in first place. Then I went backwards through a shortcut and let you get ahead of me.”
    Baekhyun’s mouth was hanging open at your ingenious tactic, and you teasingly reached out and put your finger under his chin, shutting it for him. 
    He looked at you for a moment, and his eyes seemed darker than usual and you gulped, but then he just grinned. “Let’s play another round.”
    The two of you continued playing Mario Kart, no longer holding back as you both got intensely into the game, each determined to be the champion. Toward the end both of you were fighting dirty, throwing couch pillows at each other to steal the game. You were about to win for the third time in a row, and Baekhyun was not willing to accept defeat. When he ran out of pillows, he reached over and started pressing buttons on your controller. 
    “Cheater!” You protested as you tried to move the controller out of his reach, but he pulled it out of your hands before you succeeded and laughed as he started driving your character backwards. 
    With this unacceptable turn of events, you gave up any last shred of dignity you had and basically tackled him. 
    Yelping in surprise, Baekhyun struggled as you stretched out to grab your controller from his hands, managing to keep it out of your grasp with his long arms. 
    “Give it back,” you grunted, pulling uselessly at his arm. “Give it back or I’ll bite you.”
    Suddenly, Baekhyun rolled over so he was on top of you and whispered in your ear, “Promise?" 
    Your eyes widened and you stared up at his smirking face, ears reddening. Baekhyun snickered and got off of you, poking you in the side. "I win.” “Wh-what?” You stammered, still flustered at his sudden change, and he pointed to the television screen. Baekhyun had somehow won the game. “Ugh, you massive dirty cheater!” You threw pillow after pillow at him, and he dived to the floor to dodge your upholstered assault, choosing to stay there as he laughed until he was gasping for breath. 
    Baekhyun returned to his seat next to you on the couch for the next game, despite the threatening look you shot him. As the two of you played, you were relentless. You shot missile after missile, dropped banana peel after banana peel, and yet somehow he was still in the lead. As you aimed another turtle shell at him, you heard chanting from downstairs, “Ten… Nine… ” and you realized it was almost midnight, almost the New Year. 
“Eight… Seven… Six… " 
    You had an idea. Shooting the shell, you knocked him off the course and gained the lead.
    "Yeah, that’ll last,” teased Baekhyun with another devilish smirk. He was already gaining on you.
“Five… Four…" 
    You leaned over. "Wanna hear a secret?" 
"Three… Two…”
    Baekhyun leaned toward you without turning his head, his eyes locked on the screen. "What?”
    As everyone downstairs cheered, you quickly kissed him on the cheek before you lost your nerve. "Happy New Year!”
    Baekhyun’s head whipped around and he stared at you in shock. His ears were turning pink, and he didn’t even glance at the screen as Yoshi plummeted off a cliff, kart and all. 
    You focused on the television screen and took advantage of your lead, finishing lap 2 with a massive lead and closing in on the third lap.
    Baekhyun was still looking at you, and you gulped. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. 
    “Did you just kiss me?”
    “Y-yeah, so I cheated. You play dirty too,” you returned defensively.
    “I didn’t kiss you.” His gaze was unrelenting, and you felt your cheeks growing warm.
    “Sorry,” you managed, still avoiding eye contact. 
    “Look at me.”
    Slowly, you turned your head to meet his eyes. 
    He was smirking. “You like me, don’t you?”
    “Aren’t friends supposed to like each other?” you responded, dodging the real meaning behind his question.
    “I think you like me more than that. I think you have warm, squishy, sparkly feelings for me,” teased Baekhyun, and you wished you could wipe that smug look off his face.
    “Maybe that’s just wishful thinking on your part. Maybe you have secret tingly, lovey-dovey feelings for ME,” you accused, hoping to get him on the defensive.
    “Maybe I do.” Baekhyun winked, and you threw a pillow at him.
    “Shut up.” You returned your attention to the video game, getting your character back on course to finish the third lap.
    The screens became motionless, the pause screen appearing over both. You turned to look questioningly at Baekhyun, who put down his controller. He turned and sat facing you, looking more serious. “Listen to me.”
    “Okay,” you said, not quite sure what was going on.
    “I… like you.”
    You laughed. “Yeah. I like you, too. That’s why we’re friends, remember?”
    Baekhyun rubbed his face in his hands. “No. I want to be more than that. I have… feelings for you.”
    The smile fell away from your lips. You looked at him for a long time. His eyes were too dark, too serious. “That’s not funny,” you said quietly.
    “I’m not joking.” He put his hand on your knee, gazing at you intently. “I have feelings for you. Since pretty much forever, and I’m tired of being only a friend to you. I need to know if you feel the same way.”
    Your heart was racing, your skin tingling at his touch. “I…” You couldn’t lie again. “I..” But you also couldn’t face him when you finally admitted your secret. You covered your face with your hands. “Ilikeyoutoo,” you finally said all at once. Hearing no response, you peeked between your fingers. 
    Baekhyun was grinning broadly. “You… what? I don’t think I heard you correctly, with your hands on your face like that." 
    Oh, that little shit.
    Slowly removing your hands from your face, you muttered, "I like you, too.”
    “Sorry, could you repeat that a little louder? There must’ve been some fluff in my ear; it sounds like you’re speaking very softly." 
    "I’m not going to say it again!” you scowled.
    Baekhyun was smirking again. He took hold of both of your wrists, pinning you down onto the couch. He leaned close to you, and you gasped. His breath tickled your ear as he whispered, “Say it.”
    “I like you.”
    His lips met yours immediately, and he released your wrists, propping himself up on one arm and skimming along your side with his free hand. With your hands now free, you ran your fingers through his hair like you’ve wanted to do for so long. Baekhyun groaned, and he moved away from your lips to plant kisses along your jaw and down your neck. You felt his soft lips against your skin, his tongue poking out lightly to taste your neck, and you couldn’t hold back a soft moan. You heard his breath catch in his throat, and he sucked on that spot, grazing it lightly with his teeth. Another involuntary moan left your throat, this time slightly louder. 
    A quiet laugh escaped Baekhyun’s lips. “You’re going to have to be quieter than that. There are still people downstairs.”
    With his lips momentarily releasing you from their captivity, the fog lifted from your mind for a moment. “Oh, crap. I have to give my friend a ride home,” you recalled suddenly.
    “Who?” Baekhyun still looked dazed, his lips parted, breathing heavily, and his hair was all tousled and messy from when your fingers ran through it. It was all you could do to keep from pulling his lips back down to meet yours.
    “My friend, the one I came with. You met her at the Christmas party.”
    “She’s not here. Chen gave her a ride.”
    “He- he what?” you groaned. “Are you serious right now?" 
    "Yeah. They left, like, an hour ago. Probably went to hook up somewhere." 
    You sighed, annoyed that she hadn’t bothered to text you. Although, come to think of it, she probably could have and you might not have heard it over the Mario Kart war that had been happening not too long ago. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you checked it and saw three new text messages. Baekhyun climbed off you as you pressed "open”. 
    Chen’s taking me to get coffee or something. You’re off the hook. 
    Helloo? You can go home and be antisocial now if you want :) 
    I heard you playing Mario Kart upstairs. Nerd. Have fun. 
    The door shut. You looked up from your phone when you heard the lock click. Baekhyun was walking slowly back to the couch, a smile slowly appearing on his face, and you wondered why there was even a lock to the rec room. You were distracted from these thoughts, however, when Baekhyun’s lips met yours once more. Smiling into his kiss, you began tugging at his shirt, and he obligingly raised his arms so you could pull it off him. 
    Okay, so maybe it was a good thing you came to this party after all.
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