#but hrng these are hot just to think about the answer to
nadisabug · 4 years
How You Meet // Volleyball! reader
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Pairing: Bokuto Kotaro / Nishinoya Yu / Oikawa Tooru x fem! volleyball! reader
Genre: Crack. Pure crack.
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 2.5 k 
Summary: You are a volleyball player in the same position as the boy, and he is taken aback at your beauty and skills. 
A/N: all of the boys would just be so supportive and hrng need me a volleyball boy
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Haikyuu Masterlist
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Bokuto K. 
Bokuto would prolly be the one that suggested cheering for the Fukurodani girls team
Like he and his bros are bored between matches
And he notices the girls are on in a different court
So he manages to drag akaashi and a couple others to go watch with him
So they enter the stands...
Bokuto walk through the door to the stands and he is immediately blown away.
"Y/n!" Your setter nearly screams. You, eyes still trained on the blockers across from you, answer with a small smirk that sends Bokuto's head spinning.
"Here I come!" You yell in response, vocalizing your claim on the ball. You squat then set off running towards the net. At the last moment you push off of your feet and jump, albeit not as high as Bokuto could, but high nonetheless for your stature. Your arm shoots up and makes contact with the ball with a satisfying smack.
In front of you are two freakishly tall blockers, and Bokuto doesn't know how you'll get the ball past. But, as soon as the ball leaves your hand, it seems to find a small gap in their block and blows past it, landing on the other side of the court in the blink of an eye.
Once everyone lands on the floor again, both teams look up at the referee. He blows his whistle and raises his arm towards the Fukurodani side of the court. The Fukurodani girls erupt into cheers and surround the girl apparently named Y/n.
The setter cheers, claps Y/n on the back and shouts. "That's our ace!"
Bokuto watches her in awe as she flashes a gorgeous smile and shyly tucks a stray hair behind her ear.
"C'mon, are you gonna sit or just stand there like an idiot?" Akaashi tugs Bokuto by the back of his collar, not giving him a choice to stand there for longer.
"She's the ace..." Bokuto mumbles dreamily.
"Yeah no shit, that was insane, blowing through that block." Akaashi mutters, no choice but to agree. He drags Bokuto to where the rest of the team has already sat down and pulls him into the seat.
"She's amazing," Bokuto breathes, his eyes still locked on you.
"Quit it before you start drooling," Akaashi rolled his eyes.
But Bokuto couldn't. From your receives to your serves, every movement you made he was mesmerized. And before he knew it Fukurodani had won consecutive sets.
Once he saw you and your team leave the court, he shot up from his seat.
"I've gotta meet her!"
Akaashi looked up at him with wide eyes. "Wait-"
But Bokuto was already leaping over chairs and scrambling to the door. Akaashi stood up too and, with a resigned sigh, followed him too.
Bokuto didn't stop running until he made it to the first floor. He skidded around a corner and finally locked eyes with you. He couldn't help himself and ran up to you, absolutely panting from the running he had done.
"You-" pant "were fucking" pant "amazing!"
Embarrassment flooded your system and you looked down at the floor nervously. The setter walked up and put herself in between you and Bokuto.
"Back away from our ace, owl-boy," she hissed. "Don't think we didn't notice you drooling over our captain during the game."
Normally you would be more confident, but once one of your teammates pointed out the boy in the stands going absolutely apeshit for you, it started to eat at you. The embarrassment of a guy - a hot one at that - calling your name from the stands and drawing everyone's attention was just too much for you.
"You're the captain too? No wonder! I am too, Im-"
"Bokuto Kotaro, I know who you are," you cut him off and put your hand on your setters shoulder. "It's okay, I can handle him."
Warily, your setter backed down and joined the rest of the team cooling down.
"You know who I am?" Bokuto beamed, his chest puffing up.
"Of course," you rolled your eyes. "You're one of Japan's top five aces. And you go to our school."
"Why hadn't I ever seen you before?" Bokuto gushed.
It was at this point that Akaashi finally caught up. "Because you leave all the grunt work to me," he sighed. He looked at you and gave you a slight nod. "Y/n."
"Akaashi," you smiled and replied.
"You know her?" Bokuto nearly yelled.
"Duh," Akaashi rolled his eyes. "We coordinate stuff together like the buses or practice."
"I wanna know her," Bokuto pouted at Akaashi. Akaashi rolled his eyes and sighed.
"What he's asking if you'd go get lunch with him sometime," Akaashi looked at you, speaking for Bokuto.
You felt a heat rising to your cheeks. 
“Sure,” you smiled. It couldn’t hurt to go out with the absolute hottie who was cheering for you all game. 
“Great!” Bokuto shouted and grabbed your hand. He started pulling you away from your team. 
“W-wait, right now?” You looked back at your setter for help, but she just shrugged. 
“I’ll cover for you!” She called as you got dragged away by the excited boy. 
You had no idea what you were in for. 
Nishinoya Y. 
Noya was definitely the one who suggested watching the girls
Girls playing his favorite sport?? What could be better?
He was able to drag most of Kurasuno to watch the girls 
Daichi ofc came to support the other captain, Yui Michimiya
But little did he know after he sat down that he was in for a big surprise
The whistle blew and a girl with h/c hair stood at the sidelines with her sign. She and another girl from the team switched out, and when they did there was a commotion in the stands. 
“Oh my god, finally! L/n is back in!” A girl in the row in front of the boys cheered.
“I know, I still can’t get over her last receive,” the other girl gushed. 
Noya looked back at you and noted the reversed colors of your jersey. 
So, she’s a libero huh, he thought to himself. He looked you closer and thought that you were a little cute. 
The game resumed and a long volley started. It looked like it was about to end when the other team set up for an unblocked spike. The setter had feinted and sent all the blockers to cover another spiker so that their one player could hit unmarked. Not a single soul was on that side of the court, and Noya could feel himself wincing as the spiker hit the ball. That was going to hurt. They were already down too many points and really didn’t stand a chance of winning. 
He waited for the ball to hit the ground, but in the blink of an eye, you were there and the ball was up. 
You called the name of your setter and quickly she set it up for one of your spikers. Since the other team had thought the had this in the bag, they were not ready for the counter attack and Kurasuno got the point. 
“Did you see that?” Hinata gushed and leaned over Noya’s shoulder. “She totally just did rolling thunder! She was like whoosh and swoosh and the bam!”
Noya nodded enthusiastically. “That was an amazing receive!” 
After that, Noya began cheering every time you made a receive, even if it wasn’t a hard one. You started noticing very early on and part of your attention was focused on the short king in the stands. You did your best to ignore it and keep your head in the game, but its kind of hard to ignore a hot boy cheering for every move you make. 
You were almost glad when the game was over. 
“Hey, Y/n,” one of your blockers smirked. “Looks like you’ve got yourself a fan.”
“I will murder you with my bare hands,” you growled, tired of the team’s teasing. They had not let up on the whole fan thing since Noya had started up in the stand, and frankly, you were tired of it. 
“Ouch, save some of your love for your boyfriend,” the blocker smiled. She then looked at something behind you and smiled even wider. 
“He’s not my boyfriend! Listen if I see that guy again, all shit will break loose- what? What are you smiling- oh.” You turned around to see the boy in the stands standing awkwardly behind you. 
“Hi,” he smiled and waved. He was acting quite demure, a stark contrast from his shenanigans in the stands. Now that he was closer, you kinda had to admit. He was kind of, sort of cute. “You were really good out there. Really impressive. Sorry if my cheers were distracting, you were just so good.”
You seemed to have lost your steam, because you couldn’t bring yourself to yell at this genuinely kind and supportive boy. Instead you rubbed the back of your neck nervously and broke eye contact. “Uh, thanks,” was all you could mumble. 
“Wanna practice together sometime?” He suggested, a nervous smile on his face. 
“Yeah sure, if you can keep up,” you responded. 
“Oh don’t worry, about me,” he puffed out his chest dramatically. 
“Okay,” you laughed a little. You pulled out your phone and handed it to him. He looked at you quizically for a second. “Number?”
At that he flushed bright red. “Oh, uh, yeah,” he stumbled over his words, typing his number in quickly. Once he was done he handed the phone back. 
“I’ll text you sometime,” you smiled and walked back to your team. Immediately after you turned around you heard an energetic voice shout. 
“Did Noya-senpai just get a date?”
After that you heard a scuffle that you only assumed was Noya silencing the other boy. 
Oikawa T. 
Okay lets be honest
The last place he wanted to be was in the stands watching girls play
First of all he could have his ~fans~ doting on him
Second of all he could be practicing
Third of all he could be watching the team they were slotted to go up against next
But all of those other options were out of the question when Iwaizumi decided that Oikawa needed a break
(and also didn’t need to be near his fans)
So grumpily Oikawa will sit in the stands to watch your game, but he’s not really watching
Instead he’s watching a match on his phone
that is until Iwaizumi says something that peaks his interest...
“Holy fuck, that’s the captains fourth service ace.”
Oikawa frowned. It was a simple sentence really, one he had heard a million times. The difference was that usually it was aimed at him, not someone else. 
Oikawa looked up from his phone to see who was apparently the  Aoba Johsai girl’s team captain. It was hard to tell from this far away, but Oikawa’s senses told him that she was a looker. The way she carried herself it was obvious that she was confident in what she was doing, and that to Oikawa was enough. 
He put down his phone and leaned forward in his chair. He was invested now, whether he liked it or not. 
He watched as the referee blew their whistle and you lined up for your serve. You threw the ball up and jumped, hitting it mid air and sending it straight to the other teams side. It landed in bounds with a satisfying thwack, completely unimpeded by the other team’s girls. 
Iwaizumi let out a low whistle. “That’s five.”
“I can count, thanks,” Oikawa snapped dryly. 
Iwaizumi looked over, cocking his eyebrow. “I didn’t know you were paying attention.”
“Well I am now.”
Iwazumi shrugged and turned back to the game. You lined up for your next serve and hit it, but this time the other team’s libero picked it up. After that your team had a chance ball. 
Oikawa huffed. 
“What, shittykawa?”
“She should have kept aiming at their number 4. She got confident aiming for their libero,” Oikawa stated matter-of-factly. 
“How do you know she was aiming for the libero?” Iwaizumi retorted. “What if it was just on accident?”
Oikawa rolled his eyes. “You don’t get five services aces and not be able to aim in the air.”
Iwaizumi shrugged. “I’m just saying it could have been an accident. Like you said, she was on a roll aiming and scoring off of their number four. Why would she switch that up?”
Oikawa pursed his lips. 
“You never know unless you ask,” Iwaizumi added slyly. “Not that you will.”
Oikawa whirled on Iwaizumi. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean,” Iwaizumi started without looking over at Oikawa. “You don’t talk to girls unless they fawn all over you.”
“Not true,” Oikawa huffed.
Iwaizumi just shrugged. 
“That’s not true!” Oikawa repeated in frustration. 
“Then prove it,” Iwaizumi replied bluntly. 
“Besides, how do you know she won’t like me?”
Iwaizumi laughed. 
“What?” Oikawa grit his teeth, starting to get annoyed at Iwaizumi. 
“You don’t remember?” Iwaizumi shot Oikawa a side glance. 
Oikawa just glared at Iwaizumi. 
“Hey, fine.” Iwaizumi sighed. He turned back to the game. “You hit on her at school a while back and she didn’t give you the time of day.”
Oikawa snorted. “I do not ‘hit on’ people.”
Iwaizumi shrugged. 
“Fine, come with me then,” Oikawa nearly growled. He got up from his seat and marched away. Iwaizumi sighed but got up. The game was already over and he was upset that he couldn’t enjoy it, but what did he expect from watching it with Oikawa. 
Oikawa stomped his way all the way downstairs and was a fuming mess when he finally stopped in front of you. You waved off the teammates you were walking with to go ahead and stopped to see what The Oikawa Tooru wanted from you. 
“Did you purposefully aim for the libero after the five service aces?” He growled. 
“I don’t know what crawled up your ass, but usually you’re supposed to congratulate someone on that kind of shit,” you smirked, enjoying Oikawa’s bad mood.  
“Congratulations,” he forced a smile and said sweetly. “Now did you or did you not?” 
You grinned. “How about we make a deal?”
Oikawa cocked an eyebrow but let you continue. 
“You watch out next game, and let me know if I did.”
Oikawa scoffed. “That’s hardly a deal that favors me.”
“You’re smart,” you shrugged. “You’ll figure it out.” You took your leave at that, leaving Oikawa behind, still frustrated. 
But he couldn’t help but want to watch your next game, for some odd reason. Maybe this deal wasn’t too bad. 
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ratbastarddotfuck · 4 years
Hrng this is going to be a hot spicy problematic take but I think people who detransition need to be a lot more responsible with how they talk about their experiences because I just watched a video of a detransitioned woman who absolutely threw the entire trans community under the bus. Like no, no thanks, you don't get to do that. You don't get to find comfort in our community and then go give fuel to transphobes as soon as you're done here. I know detransitioning happens and people who go thru it are valid and probably have a lot of trauma but please for gods sake you now have a choice on how you want to handle this and talking about how "if your access to hormones had been blocked this wouldn't have happened" is NOT the right answer. Trans people have fought so hard for the right to access hormones and you do not get to take that away from us because you made a mistake. Take responsibility for your choices.
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