#but i also think june just doesnt like feel as romantically inclined as everyone else does like shes just not on that shipping grid shit
moonsetterz · 2 years
My feelings on June and dave are as follows
Dave had a crush on John for the longest time but struggled bc Period Typical Homophobia and then eventually was able to confess but it was unrequited (or well. it was complicated) so he brushed it off and got over it
but then john sort of starts to mull it over and hes very conflicted about it (mostly cant get over the gay hurdle but also like the general fear of souring your best friendships with attempted romance)
but eventually june girls out and she's like well now I feel so much better about it it feels right I think it could work now but dave has fully moved on by then and it's kind of like just sucks bad timing etc. but they get past it and eventually it's like it always has been no like tension nothing leftover and they're honestly grossly close to each other. Like only slightly more boundaries than dave and karkat have which is none
June is definitely still one of the boys she just uses her newly realized feminine intrigue to make them faggier over time so it balances out
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