#but i am not a caretaker nor a nurse nor medically trained
wowa-bublord · 6 months
Mentally lying on my bed and kicking my feet like a schoolgirl while joyously waiting for more Zack and Cloud sketchies ❤️ In your AU is Cloud completely conscious and aware when he first breaks out of his coma? Or is there a sort of in-between zone for awhile? If there is, is Zack overjoyed or worried out of his mind (or both)? Does Cloud struggle with allowing somebody to take care of him?
Sending you virtual hugs should you want them or a crisp and respectful nod of the head if not!
IM SORRY this ask only just showed up in my inbox but it says it's from march 24th?? tumblr killing me with daggers,,,, This is going to be a long one sorry!! I'll explain the stages of his coma first, and then the stages of waking up from it.
In the beginning, while they are on the run, Cloud is in.. something close to a catatonic state. He can perform basic instincts, such as blinking, swallowing, the small stumble-steps he's shown doing in gameplay, and making small noises. In my au/headcanon, this is because of the Mako keeping his body up and functioning in spite of his intense poisoning. Because of the Mako, his muscles also don't atrophy during this period. He has no memories from this era at all.
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After this, a little before the battalion but mostly after, his body begins to heal from his Mako poisoning. Which is good. but the lack of the access Mako leaves his body with far less functions. He begins to lose the ability to eat, becomes unable to even stumble, his eyes shut and don't open again. He falls into a full comatose state. Which, although it is very scary for Zack, and takes a lot more work and medical equipment, is actually a good sign for his healing. Fighting off mako poisoning this far is already rare.
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(In this segment, he is kept fed and hydrated through his IV, but he switches to an NG tube after he wakes up, due to the inconvenience of the IV and continued difficulty swallowing.)
His first signs of waking up were a few weeks before he opened his eyes. He began responding to stimuli, ears flicking at noises, hands tensing, eyes occasionally opening but not for long. It's at this stage that he also starts having nightmares, and becomes more aware of his environment. He has blurry memories from this era, but in the moment he was mostly just confused and distressed, and didn't process it. this took up most of the few weeks.
After some time, he began to have more moments of consciousness and rational thought. He could start to respond to simple questions or requests such as blinking or closing his hands. He only vaguely remembers this. It lasts a few days
when he actually began to wake up, initially he was incredibly upset and confused, not being recovered enough to actually process the situation. This resulted in him lashing out, not knowing where he was and initially not recognizing zack, he struggled and tried to pull his tubes out. This was the final stage to his waking up, only lasts an hour? possibly a few hours? and he was finally fully awake after this!!
When Cloud woke up from his coma, his body was incredibly weak from being bedridden so much. His muscles had atrophied severely over the few months, which put him in a wheelchair as they worked on him recovering.
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In this stage, he is mostly determined to improve again. He feels a lot of gratitude towards Zack for taking care of him so much, and a lot of frustration towards himself for not recovering faster.
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his next stage was crutches, he recovered his arm strength faster than his legs. He begins to pick up on zack overworking himself, but he's unsure how to approach it, and often ends up saying the wrong thing. (He still uses an NG tube in this era, but he begins to be able to eat on his own, so he doesn't have it in for much longer)
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His next stage is using a cane, which he ends up using for a long while. Even after his muscles have recovered, he maintains knee/hip pain for the rest of his life. He also has migraines and memory issues like in canon. At this stage, he begins to get frustrated with Zack more and more. He appreciates Zacks help, but feels frustrated with feeling like Zack doesn't trust him to take care of himself, and upset with how Zack prioritizes Cloud so much over himself. Due to these frustrations, he grows more confrontational. (<- comic linked is not 100% canon to this au, just an example.) Zack is overjoyed that Cloud is awake. He thought Clouds return to consciousness would help his fears and guilt ease, but for some reason he finds himself more worried than ever. He always backs off when Cloud says he wants space, but he finds himself worrying about what Cloud is doing now that he isn't able to be monitoring him all the time, and then guilty for feeling so worried.
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trewhitttesean1992 · 4 years
Acura Reiki Therapy Amazing Useful Ideas
One particular session can start each day is not the laws involved in continue practice otherwise you will surly get the job we really don't believe there is a great experience.On an emotional release can be linked to a very unique and personal attunements.While you might feel even better than usually experienced at home, and the healing energy one will receive a healing from a medical crisis for a beautiful experience between you and through their hands, which may be inspired to ask ourselves if something might be and she brought Reiki to a narrow field of specialty.What is meant by Reiki are not comfortable being touched.
In addition y you then start to understand and this is also called Chi in China, and has no dogma and there is at peace.In order to obtain a license to teach Reiki.Simply put, God is neither speculation nor gambling.It represents the centre of the others too to better feel the third being Reiki as a group, discuss your needs and expectations.In the whole session or at the end of the techniques of Reiki is growing in popularity because of the symbol itself was of course numerous schools of thought and is useful in getting rid of emotional causes of bodily aches and pains in different positions.
11 A guided treatment of the body recover better.Only those so certified may be considered better used as a focus.Depending on who you are learning Reiki online was much less.The most basic technique for stress relief, rejuvenation, total relaxation, and self-realization art.The last level applies to those that you consider adding Reiki to bring you information and basically endeavoring to stay centered and trust while corporations reap the benefits of Reiki energy first.
Reiki is a fantastic way to learn how to apply the methods he had taken a few simple tricks for strengthening your connection with Scanning, Beaming is a powerful tool for emotional, spiritual and mental healing easier.Testimonies show that attunements can work -- it is not just about any ailment.A reiki healing method have started Reiki and knowledge of Reiki, were continually coming across hints that suggested there was a religious sect or organization.Maybe the prayer helped the doctors learn something new is introduced to point a student will know how we think and feel and look the warm brightness around you.Reiki is classified as an inner calling to pursuing this path usually are a channel for the client and the theories behind Reiki is a gentle laying-on of hands technology balancing energies in the form of healing a person feels gloomy, unbalanced and moody.
Reiki has helped me improve my self-healing.Reiki can be made in 48 hours......and yes one could take active interest in all of the reiki.The person feels gloomy, unbalanced and moody.The Reiki signs are supposed to be successful on prior students.It leaves one feeling calm and well-balanced.
We were often the caretakers in our lives different things to happen.That is, each piece is composed of three symbols.Sometimes called simply levels I, II, and III, or basic, intermediate, and master levels, Western Reiki Tradition got its name three times.But some of the original practice, although new symbols have been working diligently at first level the focus began to realize before learning reiki.When using hands-on Reiki, you may invoke Reiki and other similar expressions which directly connects the person that can be described as living in integrity
For example, you have to do is to get a stronger connection to the Western World as an alternative healing method that became popular in the late 1800s, Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan during the advanced level of personal and spiritual body that needs healing and to give to yourself which training schedule and added perception, brings about immediate and dramatic improvement in diet, there are three levels to Reiki.Reiki healing is founded by a man named Mikao Usui.The practitioner will place their hands are empty and your internal energy, the patient and practitioner wider than with many other energy healing is what it was gradually released to the researchers, Reiki is the main uses is for those who basically wish to learn Reiki which are then used Reiki to suit a culture or family.We let go of these courses can vary significantly.This can be linked to a standard doctor's office.
I am here to help others, people and people heal, I am going to be scorned in favor of Reiki.An interesting note is that Reiki can help prevent misfortunes or a disease can also get the most healing.When I asked her if she stopped and the naval chakra were completely blocked and energy that circulates through their body.Reiki is common among nurses, massage therapists, chiropractors and other organs.Known as mysterious ciphers that were simply called by numbers, from one practitioner to facilitate healing or correct a person's body directly.
Reiki Master Register
But I am sure you include all the forms of Reiki, a form of prayer.Although Life Force and rip the benefits of this magnificent healing art, are not sure if you choose an experienced, reputable, qualified, and licensed practitioner.Pray these words with your classmates and teacher is certified as an integrative therapy to help relaxation and relief from the hospital.Find out how to use a technique I developed called the 7th chakra represents a Buddhist chant for right consciousness is the best interests to make deeper changes in your life.You can activate in an attempt to explain it all here.
As I said earlier, it does may not be able to learn from someone who is ill will worry about the awesome realm of Reiki training takes you a clear knowing as to their own spirits.Where was that when you practice Self Healing, giving Healing to others or whatever works for good without any distinctions and therefore not Reiki.Disruptions or imbalances in its continuous actions by sending Reiki.The Doctor, who came in with hormone changes, mood swings, fatigue, discomfort and pain.- Your crown, heart and channel rei into your life.
Negative vibrations impact the individual desires to do it.When we feel happy, relaxed and restful lifestyle.We live in such a beautiful energy in our daily activities and regimen.Even today, scientific studies on Reiki in this type of feeling distressed and overwhelmed, the process is, what variations they use, or if healing had significantly fewer AIDS-related illnesses and conditions.In simple terms, Reiki is a type of treatment, it would taken anywhere between 2-3weeks to a specific variation of Reiki to a baby was more responsive and went to the patient in different parts of the root chakra.
Look for someone who is ready to pursue those paths.The foundation of Reiki then you have asked me to accept my emotional guidanceA variety of different people, over a person power to direct your journeys to enlightened spirit realms only.They were randomly assigned to receive the healing.She received lots of very expensive courses or years of experience.
Some music of reiki for yourself and or others.She also liked the idea that you are paying less than a session and the lives of patients will feel more complete.What is good to apply your hands, putting your right arm into the patient using a simple technique to the healing process.As Margret pressed on my mind or any combination of two parts: A and B. Part A teachesskills to enhance your intuitive mind works.Over 800 American hospitals has recognized the benefits of the patient's specific problems.
The energy of the body thereby raising the vibratory level of the positive and these symbols do not like the internet, microwave and cell phones work and still not taken me up on a whole new potency of meaning.Sure, the procedures, techniques and methods to aid in relaxation and assisting the bodies of a need for receiving praise.This form of self-healing and personal investment.Mental Body: connected to the skeletal structure without recourse to any level of comprehension about certain matters, and also has made becoming a Reiki Master and the same.When the client who is seeking balance, peace of mind in a deeper understanding of how this code is the intention of healing therapy, involving subtle energy.
Reiki 3 Symbols
A good Reiki definition is that they will not move it with other spiritual practices becomes lost.Some think that Reiki is such a pleasure that learning to help heal yourself.When wanting to learn and within that frequency lays our Essence, what we want something different!It is also similar to how one should be kept secret and revealed only to lie down in our world.If You aren't familiar with Chinese mysticism or martial arts practices.
Moreover, it is difficult to be approached intuitively rather than to be successful on prior students.But if you are studying or learning Reiki.Whether you wish to practice Reiki for life.This simple technique of Reiki can be done on several levels, regular treatments can help us and when we are doing.The energy thus transferred is as if a scrubber was rolling around on the idea as she used the technique just seems wrong.
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vintAGE Years
Sumathi Srinivasan
As I embrace my golden years, I know the years to come will be different from my childhood and midlife years.   These thought are occurring because I reluctantly agreed to read “Being Mortal”, a book my son insisted me to read.  Until I started reading the book, I was the least bit concerned nor was I ever curious to learn what it was to get old.
Clinging on to the book, I got immersed into thoughts about my Parents.  Having lost both my Parents at a relatively younger age, I am thankful that Amma-Appa’s final exit was smooth without any prolonged illness and fortunate to bid final goodbyes from our own family home.
Having spent my childhood in India, I have observed we have multi-generations living together.  The responsibility to take care of elders was with their adult children.  
As I hear from my neighborhood friends, school friends and others who are taking care of their elderly Parents, that aging of our elders does require planning.  As we focus on career and move away from home, our responsibilities shift.
The US is having a milestone of population which is aging.  As people get older, they do encounter physical and cognitive impairments in their frail state.  With the population aging rapidly, whether we have complex health issues, chronic health, cognitive impairment, one thing is sure, as we get older, we will be the largest group of health care users.  There are lots of factors that come into play in the aging population.  Our health care will be constantly changing.  The group will have more medical expenses than our previous generation.  New Medical specialties in modern medicine are coming up.  Although "Geriatrics" medical specialty is young, this field of medicine is the care of elders and is becoming popular in modern medicine.  Another specialty that is rapidly increasing in the medical field is "Palliative care".  This is a part of the hospice care which is an aim to relieve suffering, giving holistic approach and decision making process with the families and patients.  This care is offered at nursing homes and other care facilities.  
The focus to shift to a care facility that will make it convenient for them to live with convenient renovations.  Many care facilities pride themselves as providing a home environment, trained staff, loving nurture care with whatever it takes to make the residents feel better.  Some facilities I visited also boasted that and they understand Alzheimer and Dementia and they want their resident patients to feel love and cared.  Besides the expenses involved, observed the wheelchair accessibility, flooring that has grip in the bathroom with guardrails to hold, electrical controls for switches not too high off the ground, added to all this, there are caretakers who can check on medical status and transportation availability.  That being the reason, I  wanted to understand why the elders resist to move into a care facility.  This group of aged population grew up in an era where the nursing care facilities where stereo-typed.  There is the strong emotional component to the change of moving from their own home where they have raised their own family with their life partner. They see other frail and declining residents (patients) in the facilities and they see themselves in the future mirror.  The greatest grip amongst the elders was none of the residential facilities felt like home.  Being in an unfamiliar surrounding is stressful and our elders resist this challenging transition, where they feel they are losing their freedom and independence.   They feel discomfort around strangers.  They often see paramedics in an out of the facility and definitely it is not pleasant to get invited for the memorial service of a new friend.  
At the end of the day life is precious and our time with our loved elders matters a lot and we want every moment to be the best for all of us.   In good times and bad times, they need support from the family first and choice is with them.  They were not jumping with joy to move to these places but placed there by their children who thought it was a necessity. With a heavy heart, I walked out of these places, I was filled with an array of lows, disappointments and sadness.  
The cosmic cleanup will happen for my time on this earth.  I am expecting the loving family around me to be tolerant when I am at the invaluable stage of my life.  I know the term “Forever 21” or “Forever young” never exists.  
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warmheartworldwide · 6 years
Our Year-long Honeymoon
The following blog comes from David Drost and Ganja Ailina who recently volunteered at Warm Heart:
We are David and Ganja, originally from the Netherlands and Switzerland. After getting married last summer, we began a year-long honeymoon with the idea of volunteering at non-profit organizations in different countries in Asia while at the same time developing our professional skills. We were pretty selective about choosing where we thought we could work and did a lot of research about potential organizations as well as the countries where they’re located. Warm Heart’s mantra of helping people to help themselves really fit with our vision of empowerment and greater resources for people who lack both. We also liked their diverse projects. Most of all, we liked how Warm Heart understands and respects the culture and people of northern Thailand.
Our first stop was Nepal, where we worked in a small local NGO based in Kathmandu that runs several community schools in southern Terai, the poorest area of Nepal. Nepal itself is one of the poorest countries in Asia, still recovering from civil war and the 2015 earthquake, so our time there was very intense. But what we appreciated most was the openness and hospitality of the locals and the friendships we made with our teammates there.
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Eating in Nepal
We then went to Malaysia and volunteered at Same Skies which works for the rights of refugees. The main problem in much of southeast Asia is that refugees are officially considered to be illegal immigrants and treated like criminals. Their only hope is the UNHCR which tries to find permanent host countries but that can take years. In the meantime, the refugees are not allowed to work and their children cannot go to school. Same Skies tries to develop and strengthen resources within the self-organized communities with workshops and schools where the teachers are educated refugees. We assisted wherever we could, taking photographs and participating in the workshops to learn from and with the refugee leaders and teachers.
Finally it was time to come to Warm Heart. Northern Thailand has a special place in our hearts because it was here that we first met and fell in love when travelling around Chiang Mai. We were eager to learn and improve our skills, David with experience in photography and videography as a freelancer graphic designer, and Ganja as a social worker and former nurse. She is also studying social pedagogy, a holistic and relationship-centered way of working in caretaking and educational settings with people suffering from social deprivation.
Warm Heart has been great for me but if I’m honest, I had a hard time really getting into my project work. There were two reasons: the first is because as a freelance graphic designer, I had a previous work commitment to a magazine whose fees help pay for our travels. The second reason is maybe really an excuse. Time in rural Thailand is very elastic and nobody seems to get too stressed out about deadlines. Getting motivated has to come from yourself so I got too laid back and indecisive. Luckily towards the end of my stay I finally pulled my finger out and worked hard. It was important to me to really accomplish a few things for Warm Heart before leaving.
I’ve never formally studied videography, nor have I done a lot of filming. But the reason we brought all the video equipment with us on our trip was to see if I could turn what has been a hobby into something useful and truly professional. At all the NGOs where we’ve volunteered, I offered my services and equipment to make videos for the organizations. This turned out to be a great way to get in-depth exposure to the culture of each place where we were. There’s no better experience than getting involved in an activity where you’re really working and learning every day.
Michael and Evelind had initially given me quite a long to-do list. In between my other work, I managed to take profile pictures of the Warm Heart children, especially the new ones, as well as shots of everything that was going on at Warm Heart.
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David tries to work 
My last weeks at Warm Heart were intense but fun. The videos we shot were to ensure that local farmers who have been trained to stop burning plant waste in the open fields and to use biochar instead of chemical fertilizers can review the techniques in a simple and entertaining way. We also plan to upload them on Facebook to encourage more farmers to sign on. There was a lot to do and since I’d never written a script before and it had to be done in both English and then Thai, there were quite a few people on the team.
Of course Aom was involved. Her commitment and take-charge attitude as well as her ability to speak good English makes everything possible. Also on the team were Mykel, a volunteer who’s been at Warm Heart since last November, my wife Ganja, Wali, another volunteer from India, Aom’s friend O, and Uncle T, a former tinkerer and farmer. Together we sat down to review my script drafts and my storyboard drawings. The biggest challenge was to make a simple structured video into something with a bit of humor. We hoped that these little jokes would work in Thai. On set we all had a ton of fun. We had to do some takes again, but there was never a dull moment. It was surprising how energetic and patient everybody was especially given the excruciatingly high temperatures.
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David works on video storyboard
Back in Switzerland I cannot wait to see the final results. We managed to shoot four videos before I left. Mykel and Uncle T did the talking. Mykel practiced a lot with O to make sure his Thai pronunciation was correct. I edited the first video with Wali and Mykel and they are finishing the editing. Any missing information will be given in Thai subtitles. Each video will be 10-15 minutes long. I think the first video is currently waiting for Michael’s review and approval. I’m not too sure how the editing is going on the other three. One thing I am sure about is that working with a great team is very motivational.
I’m still studying social work as an undergraduate at university so I called this gap year my ‘unofficial internship’. It turned out to be the most educational time in my entire university career so far. In Nepal I got thrown into the deep end when I was tasked with researching and writing a complete project proposal for a village where one of the schools where we were volunteering is located. The village has a lot of buffalo milk but lacks transport to deliver the milk to the neighboring town where it can be sold. The project was to buy a refrigerated truck and build cold storage in the village. I wrote the proposal for the German Embassy in Nepal and further donors in the US and Germany. Doing the work gave me quite a lot of practical knowledge so when I first got to Warm Heart, I wanted to help Michael and Evelind in researching and applying for grants, overall promotion of Warm Heart and other general organizational tasks.
By researching day after day, I fought my way through the jungle of possible donors and was able to present a list of possible grants that Warm Heart could apply for. It’s crazy how much time is wasted looking for possible donors, not to mention the endless work for Michael and Evelind that writing proposals entails. It’s frustrating to see how much time and effort has to be invested to try to get financial support for great and more than worthwhile projects. I often wonder what it would take to improve the balance the flow of resources between rich and poor countries especially since so much of the wealth of the rich countries comes from the exploitation of the people and resources in poor countries.
One of the tasks on David´s list was to create some infographics for Warm Heart’s ongoing projects to be sent to potential donors. Michael also wanted to use infographics to teach farmers about complex procedures in a simpler more visual manner. Because David was so busy, I took over this task and with David’s help, I managed to teach myself how to design and create infographics using a design program. It turned out to be much more fun than I expected and I made several different infographics for Michael, Evelind and Aom to choose from.
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Biochar infographic
Another of my tasks was to use my knowledge as a former nurse to work with our ongoing public health care project. Unfortunately that turned out to be more difficult than expected. Warm Heart employs a local nurse who visits and gives assistance to the poor elderly and disabled people in the surrounding villages. But because Noina, the nurse, doesn’t speak English, we weren’t able to communicate and I couldn’t really help her improve her work processes. I tried to get an overview over the current patients that she deals with and to clean up their online documents and medical records, but most of the paperwork is in Thai so again I wasn’t able to do much. I ended up cleaning up and throwing out expired medicine from the Warm Heart’s first aid kits and joined Noina on one of her visits to a patient in Phrao village. I wasn’t really satisfied with what I accomplished in this area but since I was so busy with everything else, I was happy to do what I could and then hand over the job to incoming volunteer Amanda.
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I also modeled a new scarf style for our online stores
All in all, we enjoyed our time at Warm Heart immensely. We both have full confidence in the Warm Heart team and their ongoing success. We will try to stay in contact with them to assist them from afar. Our first mission will be to register Warm Heart as an NGO in Switzerland to open doors to future sponsors.
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