#but i can also laugh at it now. izzy told ed to watch his step and ed was like ''no u''
the marooning was always a funny scene w the crew being their usual goofy selves but the way that ive also extended my comedic appreciation to both lucius getting tossed off the side of the ship like a fucking ragdoll with his shoe going flying in the air and to the "edward better watch his fucking step" setup and then toe scene punchline and now every act of violence ed did to go Full Kraken just being funny to me
this is the REAL gay pirate show brainrot. laughing at fictional violence like im watching happy tree friends or some shit. the clowns are throwing pies at each other and im cheering them on
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barbwritesstuff · 3 years
THat was AWESOME! Heartpounding! Like seriously, I got the chills and then the "oh noes" and then I laughed bc Gaius actually took us literally and watched the show and wrote a letter in LIPSTICK. And while the whole neighbourhood massacre made my stomach drop, that's what it is SUPPOSED to feel like. Holy shit, I mean you kept dropping the hints that those poor people wouldn't decompose and were mostly thralls and just sacrificial pawns, but it's not like you can take it easy on them, when they outnumber you AND go for the kill. Also, yes dammit, I called it, Minjo of course was a total badass and had her baby in the middle of all this, by herself and kept it safe. Holy shit, this woman! Alex never stood a chance, who wouldn't fall in love!? And as for Mom powers, I'm glad I didn't bother helping Marta. After realizing that she's Terry's mom I was fairly sure that she would neither need nor accept any help, so I went for Farro like my heart told me to (and I promised his alpha). Only one of those two choices still has a living kid to protect and the repercussions with Roe's pack would hurt, so yeah, heavy hearted bc it feels like being a bad alpha, but it's actually the political choice (and the private one coincidentally). Terry and Elma made me sad, but it would have been a little unrealistic to suffer no casualties whatsoever, I guess. Besides throughout the series Terry was always a little reckless when he came up. Poor kid! As for Elma, well, my wolf will make that up to Izzy and remember to protect the kids, like Elma wanted me to. *sniffle* Having her be the first to run up to us and hug made my heart melt and all my protecc instincts were instantly on the baby, but also, future alpha right there, leaving the pantry, scouting and finding the alpha all by herself. I'm so proud! Seeing my gang (team stray for the win!) all in one piece (though a lasting scar on a werewolf after a full moon? holy shit Ed, how close did you get to having your face clawed off? on that note super glad we dragged Lee into it!) made it feel worth it and the confused howls that answered back were frankly adorable. Especially Sergi. Marco was adorable and super supportive best friend the whole fight and aftermath and I'm gonna romance the heck out of him in my next playthrough!
I'm still wondering what happened with Roe, did Blackwell send someone after them already? Were they attacked? Did they just feel too undecided to answer the phone? Or was it just that they were au naturel romping naked in the forest? I'm really glad Lee keeps in contact and a little sad that Ruby apparently breaks contact after that last phonecall? Also a little concerned bc I still don't know which spells involve werewolf bones.
The credo from the beginning being tied into the ending wraps this story up really nice, but having Farro and Hani move in and giving my Noelle their very own family almost made me cry in joy! Jay stayed, too and I kinda feel sorry for poaching Roe's coolest wolf (Hani, obviously), but since he wants good relations - one of his marrying the alpha, with Hani's aunt still in his pack, isn't the worst choice. Also, everyone needs a giant tall dark and handsome to cuddle in their bed and a math hating step daughter, with endless energy. Izzy needs a friend that can keep up with her. THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS and giving me all these feelings and making me fall in love with those super sexy lovable (asshole) characters!! ♥♥♥ (only now I'm slightly late for work, sliding hours or no. oops.)
Thank you so much for this message! I've been hoarding it for a wee bit and reading it again whenever I needed a pick me up. 💙
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faejilly · 6 years
if broken hearts were whole (pt 2)
so. I posted a one-shot soulmate prompt fill for @janoda​. And now I wrote some more. Yay? Isabelle and Jace are surprised and delighted! Basically. (AO3)
There’s maybe gonna be a part three at some point. I still haven’t gotten to the massage part of the original prompt. I have no idea what’s going to happen after that. It might be done? It might turn into a whole big thing? No one knows. Especially me. I have made it abundantly apparent that I have no idea what I’m doing, right? But hey. Lightwoods are awesome, and Alec and Magnus are adorable. So there’s that at least. 
"What are you doing?" Isabelle slid and skidded her way down the Institute's steps to stop her brother before he walked into range of the entrance camera. He was lucky she'd seen him in time. "Mom's back from Alicante, and Jace fobbed her off by saying you'd done a quick morning patrol since things are so unsettled, but that's not going to work if you walk in like—"
Isabelle gestured, she couldn't quite figure out what he was walking in like, but when she'd told him to stay at Magnus' last night she hadn't thought he'd stay all night or be stupid enough to walk back to the Institute the next day hand in fucking hand.
Apparently encouraging Alec to smile at someone besides family also encouraged Alec to lose his damn mind. "I'm sorry Magnus, but no matter how stupid it is, he can't just bring a warlock into the Institute, and you both know that."
"Yes, I can." Alec grinned, and Isabelle felt the weird tangle of almost-panic that had been tightening around her lungs all morning burst like a bubble in her chest. She couldn't remember ever seeing him grin before. That. That would be worth whatever the hell their mother did in reaction to this. Whatever this was.
Isabelle couldn't help but smile back, even as she lifted her hands and spread them wide with a shrug. "How?"
Alec looked at Magnus, and Magnus looked at Alec, and by the angel, something burned in her throat and she had to blink, almost missing the lift of Magnus' eyebrow. They turned back to her, and let go of each other and turned their palms up towards her.
She blinked again, and then looked down at their hands and oh. The feather on Magnus' palm was as red as the ones Alec used for his arrows, and Alec's hand looked like he'd grabbed a galaxy out of the night sky and claimed it as his own.
"You had a soulmark and never told me?" She'd thought she was startled when she opened her mouth, but her voice came out too sad, soft and slow.
Alec's other hand reached under her chin, slight pressure up from his fingers making her lift her head and look him in the eyes. "I didn't think I could let it matter."
She closed her eyes. She knew what he meant. She'd always known, but she hadn't realized just how deeply hopeless he'd felt. She opened her eyes again, and turned to Magnus, and had to sniff at the look in his eyes, soft and adoring as he stared at her brother.
"Finally someone besides me noticed Alec's amazing, huh?" Her voice sounded a little damp, but Magnus smiled, and Alec ducked his head, and somehow everything was better. She coughed. "Well. This is going to be an interesting morning."
Jace saw Isabelle and Alec on the security screen, and before he could manage a sigh of relief he saw Magnus Bane walking up the Institute steps with them. Working with the High Warlock was one thing, but bringing him here, when Maryse was just waiting for an excuse... He slapped the power button and kicked the power cord and ran before anyone else realized the monitors were all off.
He reached the front door right when they did, and grabbed Alec's shoulders right before he ran right into him. "What are you—"
Alec grinned at him, and loosened the usual grip they kept on their bond, letting it flood forward rather than humming quietly in the background. Jace felt such delight pouring through him that he stopped, mouth still half open. He'd always known that Alec was trying to repress how unhappy he was, but now that it was the opposite, he could sense how deep that unhappiness had really been.
Yesterday. Before Magnus.
Jace stepped back, trying to figure out what to say, or what to do, because Maryse wasn't going to realize that Alec was actually Alec for the first time in... ever. She'd just see a Downworlder in her Institute, and Alec failing to enforce the rules.
Alec reached out, his right hand curving around the back of Jace's neck, and he nudged, and Jace looked down. Alec lifted his left hand up between them, and Jace felt his eyes widen as he saw the night sky across Alec's fingers.
Jace laughed, he couldn't help it, and he pulled Alec into a hug. They had different rules to play with, now.
"Magnus!" Clary's voice echoed down the hallway, and Jace stepped back in time to watch her hug Magnus.
Magnus hugged her back, and Jace swallowed another laugh as Alec shook his head and sighed. All Alec's favorite people liked Clary, he was stuck with her now. Forever.
This morning was amazing.
"Good morning, biscuit." Magnus smiled at Clary as she stepped back, and she tilted her head.
"I've never seen you smile like that." She leaned in closer, glanced sideways at Alec and back again. "And I remember a lot of afternoons in your lair now."
Magnus shrugged, and looked almost shy, which was honestly really weird and kind of adorable and Jace nudged Alec with his elbow in delight. His parabatai made the High Warlock of Brooklyn shy. Clary glanced down at Magnus palm, and her eyes widened, and she let out an honest to the Angel squeal before hugging Magnus again. "I'm so happy for you."
"Happy for what, may I ask?" The whole group stiffened, and turned, and Jace resisted the urge to wiggle his fingers in a wave at their mother. Maryse didn't look like she'd be amused. "And why is Magnus Bane on Institute grounds?"
"I'm updating his security clearance." Alec spoke up immediately, his voice strong and steady.
Maryse's eyes flicked to Alec's, a frown visible between her brows. Alec just stood there though, back straight and expression still, and Jace had to bite his lip to stop himself from grinning.
"While it's certainly helpful of him to assist with Valentine's daughter," Maryse's voice made it clear how much she valued Magnus' help, and Jace felt Alec stiffen beside him. "I am sure we can come to an arrangement regarding payment without doing anything so drastic."
"You misunderstand me." Alec's voice was a little deeper, and still steady, and Jace swallowed as something shifted in Maryse's eyes. Alec felt almost dangerous beside him, in a way Jace had never felt from him outside of a fight. "I wasn't asking."
Maryse didn't say anything right away. She could clearly tell there was something else going on, but she equally clearly had no idea what. "You are not Head of the Institute, Alec. You cannot unilaterally make such decisions."
"I can about this." Jace swallowed. Alec wasn't going to tell her. He was going to make her ask. Make her come to him.
Maryse's lips tightened. She knew what he was doing. She was probably the one who'd taught him how, and Jace thought there was a flicker of something like pride in her eyes before her frown came back.
"Alec." Maryse took a step forward. Alec lifted his chin and she stopped. Clary started to move, a shift of red hair in Jace's peripheral vision, but Izzy reached a hand out and she stilled.
Alec waited.
"Why?" Maryse's voice was quiet now, soft in a way Jace didn't think he'd heard in years. He wasn't sure if it was a peace offering, or surrender, but he had the feeling Alec could tell. He'd always understood their mother better than the rest of them.
Alec stepped forward, reached out with his right hand. Maryse put hers out too as if in habit, as if to shake. Alec took her hand, turned it and lifted it, and then put his left hand across her palm, his fingers spread wide so she could see.
Maryse inhaled, sharp enough Jace could hear it, and then closed her eyes. Her shoulders shifted, as if they'd almost sagged before she got herself back under control. She pulled her hand out of Alec's grasp and stepped backwards, opening her eyes only after she'd stopped moving.
"The Clave—" she started.
"The Law is very clear, mother." Alec's voice was gentle. Much more gentle than Maryse deserved, in Jace's opinion. The Law was on Alec's side. Nephilim soulmates immediately had the same security clearance and access as the highest ranking partner. As Alec's soulmate, Magnus Bane was kind of second in command of the New York Institute. Jace was relatively sure that it worked both ways, too, and Alec was now sort of part of the Warlock Council.
Not that Shadowhunters ever actually came home with a Downworlder soulmate, or Downworlders ever voluntarily had anything to do with Shadowhunters, most going out of their way to avoid any contact that might trigger a soulmark.
Somehow it seemed appropriate that Alec would be the one who'd change that.
Maryse shook her head. Her eyes were too wide, and Jace was startled to realize that, under the anger and the tension in her posture, she almost looked afraid.
"You know very well," she swallowed, and couldn't seem to finish her sentence. "Magnus Bane?"
Maryse threw her hands up in the air, as if she couldn't deal with any of it for another second. "I have to go tell your father." She turned around and walked away, her heels clicking against the floor.
"That went well," Izzy said when they couldn't hear Maryse's footsteps any longer.
Clary scoffed, and then paused as she looked at Izzy's face. "Wait. You meant that. That was well?"
"Much better than I'd expected." Magnus shrugged as Clary stared at him. "You'll see, biscuit. It's just going to get more exciting from here on out."
Alec snorted, and turned back to face the rest of them. He smiled at Magnus, and Jace almost awww-ed out loud. They were both adorable. It was amazing. He needed a hundred pictures so he could tease Alec forever.
Alec flicked a glare in Jace's direction, clearly picking up on his intentions. Jace grinned, and plastered as innocent an expression as he could manage onto his face. Izzy giggled, and Alec sighed, but he didn't stop smiling. Instead he reached his hand out, and Magnus took it, and they started walking again, further into the Institute.
Jace turned and looked at Izzy.
They're holding hands, she mouthed at him. She had the biggest grin he'd ever seen on her face, and he grinned back.
He tilted his head, and Clary nodded, and they all trailed along behind Alec and Magnus, waiting to see what they'd do next.
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