#but i can't help it!!! THE IGNORANCE. IT INFURIATES ME. 😂😂😂
suga-kookiemonster · 7 months
just watched the halftime show, and i really hope some of you realize just how massively stupid you sounded when you were talking crazy out the side of your neck about THEE usher raymond iv 🥴
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aerynwrites · 2 years
Victor x reader - brushing hair behind the reader’s ear or stroking their cheek when he thinks they’re asleep
I kind of went…overboard with this request so I apologize for that my friend 😂 the prompt comes in towards the end of the one shot. I hope you enjoy!
Seeds of Love
Viktor x Female!Reader
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Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: unrequited(?) love, but not really, misunderstandings, out of context conversations, emotional hurt/comfort, love confessions.
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The Gala is still in full swing, even though it has been several hours since it started. Fancy drinks flowed in abundance along with dainty hors d'oeuvres and a buffet of food that never seemed to diminish, no matter how much people ate.
High society parties are still something you haven't quite gotten used to, no matter how many times you've been brought as a plus one by Viktor or Jayce. Yet, you loved them all the same. 
Maybe not the parties themselves. Quite frankly, you find them suffocating and filled with too many people who never say what they're honestly thinking.
Too many people fawn over Jayce, the Golden Boy of Piltover, while completely ignoring Viktor or turning their nose up at him whenever Jayce tries to include him. It always infuriates you because you see the important things in Viktor. 
That's the only reason you agree to come to these events anyway. To spend more time with him. And the fact that you know he appreciates not being completely alone throughout the night as Jayce is pulled in a million directions. So, more often than not, you get to spend ample time alone with the Hextech partner, just like now. 
After Jayce was pulled away yet again, you and Viktor retreated to a small balcony. The doors have been propped open, allowing the cool evening air to circulate through the crowded room.
Viktor sighs as you both step out into the open air, and you can't help but agree with his nonverbal relief. Inside was entirely too stuffy, and you could feel the beginnings of a headache coming on from all of the rich perfumes assaulting your senses and the constant hum of conversation and music. 
"Remind me why I continue to come to these dreadful events," Viktor says sitting on a cushioned bench facing the city landscape.
A huff of laughter escapes your lips.
"Because Jayce asks you too," you say, gathering your dress in your hands before taking the unoccupied space beside him.
"And you get to spend time with me." You nudge his arm playfully as you tease. 
The inventor's lips twitch up into a smile as he looks over at you.
"Your company is much preferred to Jayce's, especially considering he is never by my side much at these events."
Taking a sip from the champagne flute in your other hand, you try in vain to stop the butterflies that flutter in your tummy. You want more than anything for his words to mean more than they do.
Your feelings for him have been shoved down since the moment you met him, and as time goes on, you are finding it harder and harder to hide your affections. 
In truth, you've always found the man intriguing. Being friends with Caitlyn Kiramman had inadvertently brought you into the two Hextech creators' lives. And as Caitlyn was to Jayce, you were to Viktor, eventually.
Viktor hadn't said much to you initially, as there wasn't much to say. You had studied Botany at the Academy and are now head of the department, which is vastly different from Hextech. Yet, as Caitlyn was talking to Jayce, you had found your way over to Viktor, who sat hunched over at his desk, muttering to himself about something. He startled when you asked him what he was working on, and the man seemed shocked you were even remotely interested in his work. But as soon as he got started, he didn't stop, telling you about their next project and answering all the questions you had. 
Curiosity led to friendship with Viktor and…something much more for you.
Something you had hoped he would return if you could just find it in you to talk to him about it.
But every time you had an opportunity, you were alone, or he was with you in your greenhouse…you couldn't do it. The words would be right there on the tip of your tongue, and then he would look at you, and they would die in your throat. Golden eyes filled with excitement or happiness would stop you from ever saying anything in fear of ruining what you already have. 
Like right now. 
Viktor has moved on to talk about what he and Jayce plan on tackling next. A larger version of a teleportation portal they have been working on. The Hexgates is what they plan to call them once they get them working correctly.
Viktor is always so animated when he talks about his work; his face lights up, his hands move around frantically in the air…and you want nothing more than for him to talk about you that way.
As selfish as that may sound. 
You almost do it again. Almost manage to tell him how you feel when there is a lull in his speech. Finally, you actually start this time; you can feel your lips part as you speak, your heart thudding in your chest.
He looks at you, brows raising in question and a silent request for you to continue. And you just about have the words out when a familiar presence stumbles out onto the balcony, a broad grin on his face.
"There you two are!" Jayce's voice is booming in the soft silence of the balcony, and you can't help the way your shoulders fall slightly at his appearance. 
Another chance was gone. 
Viktor rolls his eyes.
"You act as if we left you to the wolves."
Jayce scoffs, strolling over to stand in front of you.
"You kind of did,” he defends, leaning against the balcony’s railing. "I have had to explain our next Hextech project like fifteen times. It's exhausting."
You move to take another sip of champagne only to notice that your glass is empty. Frowning at the offending object you stand up and send Jayce a smile.
"Sounds like you need a drink. I need to refresh my own anyways." You turn to Viktor. 
"Would you like anything?" 
He shakes his head, waving his hand dismissively.
"No, thank you." He gives you a polite smile. "I could go with you if you'd like?"
Butterflies start up again, and you try to school your reaction slightly.
"Yeah, I wouldn't mind-"
Jayce cuts in.
"Actually, I was hoping to talk to Viktor about something, if you don't mind?" 
You glance from the taller man back to Viktor, a slight sense of disappointment tugging at your chest.
"Yeah, of course. I'll be right back."
The two men give you short nods as you turn back into the building to seek out one of the waiters handing out champagne.
The search takes longer than expected, and the whole time you try to think of ways to talk to Viktor. 
Maybe you've had so much trouble because you're trying to be too forward.
Instead, you could start by asking him out on a date.
Something simple.
Viktor practically lives off coffee, so maybe you could ask him out to the coffee house by your apartment? 
You finally locate a waiter just as that thought runs through your mind, and it feels like something finally clicks when it does.
Nodding to yourself, you pick up two glasses of the bubbling drinks, trading in your empty one.
Why hadn't you thought of that before? 
Of course, asking him out to coffee or dinner would be easier than confessing your love to him.
Probably a bit less awkward too…
You can't hide the triumphant skip in your step as you head back toward the balcony, a new plan already forming in your head. 
However, just as you are about to enter the outside space, the conversation between the two men you are returning to makes you pause. 
"She likes you, you know," Jayce says, presumably to Viktor. 
"What are you going on about?" Viktor asks, his accented voice unmistakable. 
You know you shouldn't eavesdrop, and you are just about to step out onto the balcony when your name falls from Jayce's lips and makes you freeze completely. 
"I’m almost positive she likes you. And before you say it, yes, as more than a friend." Jayce's voice is firm as he speaks, like they've had this conversation before. 
Have you been that obvious?
Heat rises to your cheeks at the thought.
If Jayce knows…
Then you've definitely been more obvious than you intended. Because that man is oblivious to just about everything. 
You hear Viktor sigh as you take a few more steps closer to the open doors, careful to stay out of sight. 
"I don't believe you are correct," he says, matter-of-factly. "And even if she does feel this way, it's not like I would not act upon it."
You don't even hear the rest of what he says as your heart starts to ache deep in your chest. It feels like you've gone numb, your fingers tingling with how hard his words hit you. 
He doesn't feel the same. Of course, he doesn't.
The familiar burn of tears is what forces you to move, and you practically burst out into the balcony.
The conversation immediately stops as you appear, and both of them look like a pair of startled deer. You quickly hand Jayce his drink, managing to spill a few drops onto his pants due to how your hands shake. 
"Here's your drink. Sorry, I took so long. I-" 
"Hey, Hey. Slow down." Jayce is up from his seat instantly, setting his drink on the ground and taking the one from your hand to give to Viktor.
"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." 
You shake your head but can't stop yourself glancing over at Viktor, more tears welling up at the concerned look on his face.
Finally, you drop your eyes to the floor. 
"I don't feel well. I think I'm gonna head home." You say simply, brushing Jayce's hands off you to head towards the door. 
Turning to leave, you don’t wait for a response from either of them, but Viktor is already hauling himself to his feet, leaning heavily on his cane. 
"At least let me walk you home-" 
Your rejection comes out much louder than anticipated, and you cringe internally. You try to ignore the startled look on his face as you elaborate.
"I'm fine. Have a good night, you guys.”
You leave before either of them can stop you. Gathering the skirt of your dress in your hands as you walk, you can’t help but worry the delicate fabric between your fingers. Right now, it's the only thing grounding you until you exit the large mansion onto the street. 
Only then, when the crowd's murmur disappears behind the doors, and the cool air washes over you, do the tears fall. 
While you had told the boys you were going home, your feet had inadvertently carried you to the greenhouse on Academy grounds.
It was the one place you could go to calm down; your plants always had a calming effect on you. Tending them, pruning the dead leaves away, sketching new blooms or new breeds of flora and fauna. 
It almost helped drown out the ache in your chest.
You can't help but feel silly sitting on a stool in the plant-filled space, your evening gown still on and trailing against the dirt floor.
You had taken your hair out from its intricate style, letting it lay free as you nursed a particularly picky plant in front of you. 
Adenium obesum.
More commonly known as the desert rose. 
It's a beautiful little shrub plant with vibrant pink-white flowers when it blooms. You were able to get your hands on one when a foreign market came to Piltover a few months ago. 
The flower is supposed to bring good luck. It resembles courage, self-belief, and resilience.
All things you had desperately needed-
Desperately wanted to confess.
But it seemed it hadn't done you much good. It was all in vain anyway. 
At first, the plant had struggled to survive. There aren't many subtropical plants under your care, and you worried for many weeks you would lose the little plant. But after weeks of tender care and careful adjustments, the flowers started to bloom. 
And you foolishly took that as a sign. 
Sighing, you trim away a few dead leaves before opening your notebook to a blank page.
The small shrub is in full bloom, its bright flowers complemented beautifully by its vibrant green leaves.
You had yet to sketch out the plant and decided now was as good a time as any. 
Anything to get your mind off the sting still lingered in your heart. 
You lay your pencil on paper, trying in vain to occupy your mind with your love of plants rather than your unrequited love of Viktor. 
The halls of the Academy are eerily quiet in the late hours of the night. It was just past midnight when you had left the Gala in a haste Viktor did not expect.
Jayce had called it a night soon after that, and Viktor agreed, wanting to go check on you more than anything. 
And talk to you after his and Jayce's conversation. 
He didn't believe his partner when Jayce told him of your affections. But after you left, the conversation continued, and he felt like an idiot once his partner pointed out all the signs.
The way you found any excuse to be close to him. The way you'd give him your undivided attention no matter the topic. 
"Do you really think she cared about the stabilization process of the arcane when she has a botany degree? You didn't even use layman's terms, Vik." 
Viktor had always assumed you were just being polite, but the more he realized it, the only polite people to him were his partner, Caitlyn, and Heimerdinger. Everyone else looked down at him or ignored him completely. 
But not you. 
You always praised him.
Laughed at his witty remarks. Brushed your fingers through his hair, looped your arm through his at events…
And suddenly, as Jayce was laying all this out, Viktor realized that he felt much more for you than he ever knew.
He has always wanted to be around you and craved your presence and words. Loved to listen to you speak of your plants and your work.
For Janna's sake!
He spent the precious time he could have been working on Hextech making an automatic water mister for you when you couldn't be at the greenhouse. 
Viktors has been a fool, and he hid all of his feelings behind a wall of 'professionalism' in fear of pushing you away.
…It seems that he's managed that anyway. 
He had gone to check on you after your abrupt exit, and when he didn't find you at your apartment, he knew exactly where you'd be. 
The greenhouse is one of the only places in Piltover with thriving natural plant life. Most of the greenery scattered around the city was intentionally placed to make the city look brighter and more pleasing to the eye. 
But you've made the greenhouse, and the Academy gardens a flourished, lush, paradise.
Even though he's been in the large building too many times to count, it still takes his breath away every time.
Green plants hang from the ceiling, their leaves or vines hanging from pots to create a fantastical atmosphere.
Plants with bright flowers or lush leaves sit on the multitudes of shelves and tables throughout the space, and every time Viktor takes a breath, it feels cleaner than the last. 
He understands why you love it here so much. And he feels the worry that settled in his belly dissipate when he sees your form hunched over your workbench in the far corner. 
He approaches slowly, the sound of his cane muted against the packed earth of the greenhouse.
He calls your name softly, brows furrowing when you don't respond. Then he understands your silence when he's finally by your side. 
You had fallen asleep. 
Your head rests on folded arms, a leather-bound notebook scooted to the side with a half-finished sketch of the plant that sits to your left. A pencil is still clutched between your fingers, and Viktor can't stop the smile that tugs at his lips. 
You look beautiful like this.
Hair down, face calm, and at rest, cheek squished adorably from where it rests against your arms.
But as Viktor gazes at you, he can't help the way his smile disappears as he notices the faint streaks of mascara on your cheeks and the red puffiness around your eyes. 
He reaches up, gently brushing a stray piece of hair behind your ear before trailing his fingers along your cheek.
His touch is feather-light, yet it must have been enough to disturb your slumber, because your eyes begin to flutter. 
Viktor knows he should pull away, knows it's more than inappropriate, but he can't bring himself to do so. Not even as you begin to sit up, eyes widening as you realize who's standing before you. 
Finally, Viktor drops his hand as you shy away from him, avoiding his gaze. 
"What are you doing here, Vik?" You ask, voice sticky from sleep. 
His concern never leaves his face.
“Were you crying?" His voice is soft as he speaks, and he reaches up to cradle your cheek again, but you stop him, swatting his hand away. 
You ignore the hurt obvious in his eyes at your action.
"Why does it matter? I told you I wasn't feeling good." You snap, turning back to your notebook.
Viktor frowns, placing both hands on his cane.
"I just wanted to make sure you were alright. You were acting…strangely when you left the Gala." 
You huff, turning away from him more as tears start to blur your vision again. 
Why can't he just leave you alone? 
"Well, I'm fine." Your voice cracks, and you don't even care if he heard it. "So why don't you just go? It’s not like you’d ‘act upon it’ anyways." 
Viktor freezes at your words, and everything falls into place. Why you rushed out, why you are pushing him away now.
He feels guilt claw at his chest. 
"You heard us…." He states, voice low. 
"Yes, I heard you." You bite. "So don't worry about it. Forget Jayce even said anything, and I will too. He had no right to even talk to you about that-"
"I shouldn't have said that." Viktor cuts you off, and when you don't say anything, he continues. 
"I didn't believe Jayce when he told me how you felt. And it took him talking some sense into me to open my own eyes." He explains, fingers turning white with how hard he is gripping his cane.
"I was a fool to not see it and an even bigger fool for not realizing I feel the same way." 
At this, you tear your eyes away from your sketching, sending him a wary glance.
"I love you too." He finally says, never tearing his eyes from your own. 
He watches as your lower lip wobbles, and uncertainty fills your gaze.
"Viktor, if this is some kind of joke-" 
He takes a step forward then, cradling your face gently in one of his hands.
"I might be blind, but I'm not cruel." He says, lips turning upwards. "It just took Jayce talking some sense into me so I could finally see what is right in front of me." 
A shaky breath leaves your lips as you lean into his touch, your eyes slipping closed.
"I've loved you for way too long," you admit, reaching up to cover his hand with yours. "I'm sorry for the way I acted-"
Soft lips on yours stop the apology in its tracks, and you hesitate before realizing what's going on. 
Viktor is kissing you.
Viktor is kissing you! 
When your mind finally catches up, you return the kiss, surging forward to bring yourself as close as possible to him.
Viktor obliges, leaning his cane against your workbench and wrapping his free arm around your waist. 
When you pull away, you want to take a breath and kiss him again, but Viktor pauses - resting his forehead against your own. 
"I should be the one apologizing." He tells you, nudging his nose against your cheek. 
Shaking your head, you smile.
"All is forgiven." You say, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to the beauty mark below his eye.
"Although I do have to admit, making out in the greenhouse isn't very professional. So maybe we should go somewhere else."
Viktor laughs, pulling away to look at you properly. He brushes a thumb along your lower lip and then your cheek.
"Damn, professionalism." He says, leaning in, so his lips brush yours. "I just want you by my side. For as long as you'll have me." 
The way your heart flutters in your chest is unmatched by anything you've felt before, and you can't help the giddy laugh that escapes from your chest.
"If I had it my way, that would be forever." 
Viktor hums. "Forever, it is."
Then his lips are on yours once more.
And as he kisses you in the greenhouse, flora all around you, you can't help but silently thank the little Desert Flower beside you. 
Maybe it did bring good luck.
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leoneliterary · 3 years
I love this IF so incredibly much and I just think you’re doing such a fantastic job bringing your characters to life. Sutek is the loml and the mental image of him telling drunk!MC that their lover is dead had me CACKLING if you have time omg I would love to read a snippet of that! I just imagine theMC bursting into tears just absolutely inconsolable bc their love is “dead” and Sutek trying desperately to backpedal and reassure them he was joking😂
Thank you so much!! This is such a funny scene to me! Especially because his delivery is dry enough to be convincing.
(One thing I will say though is that Sutek and most of the ROs, except Desma, aren't the type to get super drunk or to let you keep throwing back drinks.)
Sorry I'm it's so late, but here is some Sutek for you! Also here is the other drunk ask in question.
He places his hand on top of your drink, smiling slightly when you still try to lift it to your lips.
"You've had enough. Let's go home," he says and you ignore him, instead struggling to get up from the table. You finally do, and even take a step before you're tripped up. Quickly he's by your side, supporting you almost completely, with his arms wrapped around you.
"Are you alright?" he asks as he caresses the side of your face, admiring you for a moment.
You lean into his touch slightly, before smacking his hand away.
"None of that!" you say as you struggle to get away from him.
A sting of hurt ripples through him. Where you drinking because of him? Had he upset you?
You continue to squirm, but he doesn't let you go, worried that you would crash face first onto the street.
"Look, I have someone I'm trying to go home to and I can't do that with you clinging onto me," you say and it finally sets in.
You're too drunk to recognize him.
You continue to try to get him to leave. "I am taken! Happily taken! Find someone else to go home with!"
You not recognizing him was both laughable and endearing. You declaring your happiness with him just made the situation even better. As he looked at your infuriated face he felt himself warm and melt. But then another idea took root.
He can't help the grin that takes over his face.
"So you have a lover?" he asks, holding in a laugh as you nod vigorously.
"No you don’t. He’s dead. I’m your lover now.”
He watches your face crumble and immediately regrets saying it.
Tears well in your eyes and your breath quickens, you let out a low cry that turns into a wail, causing people leaving the tavern to look at the two of you in alarm.
"Sutek is dead? Take me to him! Sutek!" your tears wet his shirt and while he isn't sure if your drunken reaction would be an accurate portrayal of you grieving his death, he knows he doesn't want to ever put you through it. He thought you would focus on the 'new lover' part, not the 'Sutek is dead' part, but now he sees that he was very wrong and wishes he could take back his dumb joke.
"I'm not dead. MC. MC. MC, I'm not dead," he tries to tell you, even shaking you slightly but you just keep crying. Time to change tactics.
Leaning you against a wall he speaks to you softly. "He's not dead."
You look at him with teary eyes and he holds himself back from wiping them away.
"Not dead?" you ask and he quickly nods. "
"Not dead. I'll go get him," he tells you and he quickly runs around the corner. Counting to three he reappears and prays that it worked.
"MC, I'm here," you open your arms to him and he thanks the heavens that that worked.
"Sutek, someone told me that they killed you!"
"No." he says shaking his head as the two of you walk home. "I killed him, don't worry."
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