#but i certainly don't care %) plus she looks hella pretty
the-ace-of-fools · 1 year
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my tes oc -- Iueleai :)
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so-long-soldier28 · 9 months
if you could omit a storyline from the tvd show. which one would it be and why???
okay to complete this ask, i had to recall the main storylines from each season. this is what i produced. i will stick that below along with my decisions and thought processes.
also, i say it in the notes, but if this form of answering asks is too chaotic, i can switch back to the neat paragraph format i used in the avengers x kai post. i can cut out my gibberish and actually capitalize my sentences again 😅 just let me know which you prefer!
no tw except for spoilers all the way to season 8
the seasons & their storylines
1 - damon + kath / tomb
2 - stefan being a dick (+ wolves)
3 - mikaelsons
4 - shane + cure
5 - silas + travelers
6 - kai + geminis
7 - heretics + rayna cruz
8 - fucking sirens + stupid donovan family reunion
now... to judge them all and remove one...
alright… tbh, it took me way too long to remember the second villian of s7, because post-lily, my mind went blank
then it went, ah, yes, that stupid hunter storyline
and then i immediately selected that one bc i hated watching bonnie get abused again
this storyline was so stupid; the seven year time jump was so confusing
we were also given NO CONTEXT and MINOR HISTORY into bonnie and enzo's THREE YEAR RELATIONSHIP
like i love both these characters, but them together came out of nowhere
also… damon caring so little for enzo and vice versa in seasons 7 & 8 after all the history they had together PISSED ME OFF SO BAD, like they don't care for each other at all?? not even romantically, just platonic care / trauma bond, NOTHING?
anyway that's aside the point
i loved early season 7
nora, val, and mary louise were funny; matt being angry all the time was funny; bonnie and damon coming back from europe and immediately killing a heretic was funny
bonnie had so much sass in this season
but then plec had to drive her underground again with the magic pills & nearly killing her & all that shit
and i liked rayna, to some extent; she was pretty cool
but there was no reason to drag bonnie in the mix and make her kill her friends just because she took some stupid pills, just because some relative of enzo wanted her to open a vault
that st. john stuff was insanity; i still don't understand it
i don't think the characters did either; probably not the actors, either
i also don't like that the rayna storyline killed off nora and ML, like, let the lesbian heretics live, fuck off julie plec
and bonnie and nora should've had a fling but that's a different story
so yeah… the 7 years into the future storyline + hunters is the storyline i would erase
also… i don't know why caroline kept showing up with blood on her face and ranting about stefan, like, i was genuinely confused
it kept reminding me of season 2 when damon dated that newscaster but then stefan killed her.. or whatever happened...
anyway, let's take a look at a close contender… season 8 - donovans
why… the fuck… did the donovans have to have a family reunion?
i do not care about his dad, i do not care about his mom, i do not care about vicki, i don't care about matt, and i certainly don't care to see them all in one place
matt only survived bc zach and julie plec were hooking up i stg
this man and his whole family are weak links
the sirens didn't bother me all that much, compared to the donovans fucking existence
i actually liked seline, ish
[unless i just liked the actress bc she's in that containment series so i associate her with chris 💀]
but i liked that she was playing games with alaric
i think she and kai would get along well… fucking with alaric, nearly killing twins… plus his comment about wanting to fuck hot cannibals…
this post isn't about kai moving on
the sirens were hella annoying at first and i hated them, but as soon as they released damon & enzo, i started to like them
then they died
speaking of death, stefan's death was so stupid
i have a lot to say about that but that's for a different time
kelly ruining steroline wedding was so stupid
gtfo woman
another contender… the stupid travelers of season 5
what tf was happening bc i genuinely don't know
i have no idea what happened when tyler was possessed
i don't even know what to say bc i was so lost the entire time
but i wouldn't omit the storyline bc the spell that eradicated them is what kai sucked up later
and then he became all hot & dangerous
but where did they go after the spell kept them out??
where did they come from, where did they go??
i liked liv & luke, they were both grumpy & slightly dickish
the travelers shit introduced them so that's cool... bc they had to stop the dopplegangers or something, i have no idea
liv has a vendetta against life for no reason. she's just so angry
she doesn't even remember the Great Sibling Slaughter of 1994, she was 4. why are you so bitter, liv?
we'll never know ig
idk tho living with joshua parker post-1994 doesn't seem fun. doesn't seem fun pre-1994, but i feel he'd be even 10x angrier after, so maybe it's just the childhood trauma. sorry, liv
also i might've shipped her with bonnie just a little bit… just a smidge… thought bon would be real cute with another witch
aside the point
stefan's dopplegangers were great… i like both of them more than i like stefan
but the kill the dopplegangers thing was confusing and if not for early s5 with silas & quetsiyah + blonde twins in later parts, i would hate s5
other seasons' notes
season 4... i hated shane bc he was creepy, but i found it funny that bonnie was so into him. damon was so perturbed at this
oH! not a storyline, but omit them killing kol bc fuck elena. that's my other man
but i know why they did it
and i adored davina bringing him back
so ig not omit, but fuck them for killing him, especially for their own personal gain
kol died so that jeremy could dramatically yell while ripping off his shirt
season 2... so i just remembered that s2 was more than just a precursor to klaus / middle part elijah; it also had wolves
i forgot about them initially, bc i don't care about most the wolves
tyler, i have so many mixed emotions; hayley, hated in tvd, liked in s1-2 of the orginals, didn't care for her later on; mason, nice to look at, don't care about him; jewel, or jade, idk, blonde girl that was looking for mason and found tyler, hated her; the random apperance of stephen amell… gtfo off my screen
wouldn't omit the wolves bc they had a point (ish) and grew the show, but i just don't care
not to say i don't like werewolves bc i fucking love the werewolves (cough twilight cough) but i don't care for the tvd wolves - the originals included, fuck off jackson
that was mean… he was a good man, good husband… i just don't care, i'm sorry
oliver was way worse, let's focus on him instead. he can fuck off; jackson can stay
so yeah, the hunter curse thing in s7 needs to go
unless you're kai and there's sexual tension involved & you're mutually causing each other pain, don't hurt bonnie
the magic pills were confusing, don't hurt my lesbian heretics, either
st. john stuff made no sense; probably just an introduction to the armory so alaric could feel important again
one final note
i hate that the beautiful salvatore mansion was turned into a school for weasel-y children to destroy
children are messy, that thing's an antique
i hate alaric
oh, i know i also made a post about wishing kai didn't kill jo so that alaric wouldn't have feelings for caroline, but i don't know if i fully stand by that post
as much as i wanted kai to have a redemption arc, him being a heretic was fun (while it lasted)
if they were dedicated towards keeping kai alive (therefore omiting his death storyline), he'd be a great time
i can see him and damon becoming buddies & being absolute menaces together
damon fights it sooo hard at first, but can't help wanting to dive into kai's bad influence
he makes vampirism feel like vampirism again… raising hell and not being afraid to be the bad guy
while simultaneously getting bad looks from all his friends and promising he's trying to be kai's good influence, but we all know he's not trying that hard
jo would survive and raise her twins with her creepy husband
she'd live in fear of kai coming after her kids any given day, but would try to ignore the thought
maybe they move away & free us from ric for good
but while this sounds really fun, i don't know where the story would go from there
kai would definitely get stuck under lily's control with the rest of the heretics & he'd have a big fucking fit about it
if enzo got with bonnie with kai still alive, that would be ugly
he would totally fuck a siren… and then help them kill the twins
him killing jo & raising absolute hell was very fun & i loved it
his sudden return in s8, effectively pissing off damon & ric was hilarious
loved that he got back & immediately killed a grill employee
just like old times
i really wished they didn't kill him off, but i did like his pop-up later on
so… the storyline I would omit:
hunters. as explained.
back-up omissions:
kai death
stupid legacies
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azurdlywisterious · 8 months
Strange Is The Night Where Black Stars Rise...
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AN: I teased in my last post about Harvey that I wanted to give her a backstory as to how she got those scars (plus I really wanted to write some friendly banter). (Sir vs. the mojave will be next dont worry)
Word count: 1k (hence the read more)
CW: injury mention, blood mention, [idk if theres anything else i should put here so lmk if theres another one i should add]
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The raider punk I decided to trust today turns the mic off for the night as I drag a dirty mattress up the stairs for him. I'm not really worried about him raiding my place because I don't really have anything worth raiding. I take off my gas mask and set it down on the floor of the unfinished second level of my base.
"Hey, thanks for letting me crash here, by the way," he tells me again, fidgeting with his hands as he talks.
"No problem," I respond. "It's not much, but you certainly can't beat that view."
I sit down on the unfinished ledge and stare at the amusement park across the road. The raider punk sits down next to me, still flicking his fingers nervously.
"I never did catch your name," he remarks sheepishly.
"It's Harvey," I tell him.
"Like a Harvey Wallbanger?" he chuckles.
I smile so wide the scars on my cheeks ache a little. "You're not gonna believe what my legal last name is."
He covers his mouth to stifle a laugh. "No fucking way."
"My parents certainly had a sense of humor."
I should email my mom. Let her know I found that park she went to all the time when she was a kid.
"Something wrong?" he asks me.
"Nothing to worry about," I tell him flatly. "I don't think I ever caught your name either."
"You didn't," he replies cheerily. "Most people just call me Punk cause that’s my codename."
"I mean, if that's your codename, that's your codename," I quip, paraphrasing some old Western my dad showed me years ago.
"Next time you go out you should see if you can find any orange juice," he tells me after thinking for a while.
I snort. "Any orange juice I find is gonna be irradiated to hell. You know that, right?"
"We'll just mix some Rad-X in. That should neutralize the radiation."
I roll my eyes jokingly. "Oh, yeah. Totally. And are you gonna get the vodka?"
“You’ll probably have to get the vodka too.”
I laugh. “So what are you gonna do?”
“Mix the drinks together when you get back with the components, duh!”
“Well,” I continue, “if I ever find any hella irradiated orange juice, I’ll bring it back to base.”
We sit in silence some more as the sun goes down. I absentmindedly run my thumb over one of the jagged scars by my mouth. Mom would sometimes show me pictures of the gala she and my Dad would go to at Camden Park when all the rides were lit up and everything was sparkly and bright. I want to fix this old park up for her. My mom and dad deserve one last good gala with the park lit up after everything that happened.
"So..." Punk pauses; and I know exactly what he's going to ask next. "What happened? I mean, how did you get those scars?"
I don't respond immediately. I always have to take a second to remember the event, and brace for the person who asked me to not believe me.
"Sorry, sorry," he backpeddles, wringing his hands like he's trying to squeeze the blood out of them. "I shouldn't've asked."
I wave him off. "Don't worry about it. It's only one of the single most traumatic things that's ever happened to me and no one ever believes me when I tell them.” I shrug lazily. “Nothing major."
"You seem pretty nonchalant about something so serious."
"It happened a decade ago. I was sixteen. I don't really care that much anymore."
“Look, I’ve heard about a lot of weird things since working with that ‘network’ I’ve told you about.” He gently squeezes my hand. “If you’re worried about me not believing you, then don’t worry too much and just tell me.”
I don’t know what to do with my hand. I let him keep holding it.
“I was half asleep when it happened,” I start. “There are some days I wake up and think that it was only a bad nightmare I had years ago until I touch the scars on my face. Memory’s funny like that. Every time I remember it, I remember it a little more wrong. Imperfect recall, or something like that. That’s how memories work.”
“But what happened that night?”
“Oh, right. So I’m half asleep, right? I wake up to the sound of someone ripping paper right next to my face. Except it wasn’t paper. That slick, oily feeling of blood came next, I think; like my brain couldn’t believe the pain signals my body was sending to it. This was all happening in a matter of seconds, by the way. My eyes finally processed the… thing cutting open my mouth.”
“What did it look like?”
I rack my brain for any words to describe it. “It looked like just a person in a tattered cloak. But there was no head. The cloak had a hood like there was a head; but in its place was an infinite black void, like I was staring into space itself. It was using some sort of claw or talon to rip open my face. When I finally registered the pain, I started screaming, and the thing disappeared into mist, leaving only those claws behind.”
“I’ve heard of a lot of weird stuff,” Punk says to me, “but never anything like that.”
I sigh and look away. He squeezes my hand tightly for a second.
“I believe you, though.”
I feel my heart stop for a second as my eyes start to sting. Before even I realized it, I had wrapped him in the biggest hug I could give him.
Tears running down my scarred cheeks, I tell him, “No one’s ever believed me aside from my parents. No one else has ever believed me.”
“Well, I believe you, Harvey. I’ll ask my ‘network’ if any of them have heard of this thing.”
I nod, unable to get the words out. I can trust this guy. He believes me.
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tamiddyinyourcity · 4 years
Me: *sees an attractive flirty guy*
Me: nice
Attractive flirty guy: *flirts with other people*
me: nice
Attractive flirty guy: i have a crush on you
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Attractive flirty guy: *still continues flirting with other people*
me: oh what the F U C K
And if you thought THAT was bad enough, getting emotionally wrapped up in someone who's probably not gonna be anywhere near my level of romantic obsession and/or intimacy with them....
Sprinkle in a bit of "all his friends are girls, and he flirts with all of them, even the ones hes not attracted to.... and he's still friends with every single one of his exes."
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Why oh why oh why oh why must I attract very flirty nondateable men or really cute nerds with terrible foresight in their actions
It's like, "Ha! You thought the Azalea thing was bad? Or what about the ex before that? HA, bitch, you haven't seen NUTHIN yet!"
Ah yes, I certainly didn't expect "the next man you're romantically attracted to has many ex girlfriends as close friends, who he actively flirts with."
Oh dear.
I think a lot of red flags are popping up, and I definitely don't think I wanna see what might come from that.
Not major ones; he's sweet, charming, funny, and I dig his face and accent. Hella foine.
I already know how I get. And if I'm gonna end up as one of those "see their likes and notice all the pictures they're responding to, or the inside jokes of him and an ex, then block him", types of psychos, I find it easier to leave, than reach that point.
I've only reached the "who is she? She's pretty.... they're just friends, who cares, literally his entire friend group is of women. Stop thinking about him. Go watch FoundFlix and sort your clothes", sort of level.
Which is, "tinges of curiosity, but self restraint, and of course not wanting to see others as competition."
Plus.... not gonna lie, I never enjoy the concept or idea of envying another woman, or seeing another as competition. Believe it or not. I'm much too gay to want to fight another girl over something as easily replaceable as some tallywhacker. (Whether you're a boy or girl reading this, its relatively agreeable that plenty of horny men exist on this planet. No need to fight over men..... And sure, there's tons of pretty women, but the key point is I'd rather be caught simping for a gorgeous looking girl than an Average Joe with poor hygiene, or some shit.)
(Not that he has poor hygiene... not like I'd even know anyway.)
I don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me, but just to clarify in a simpler way that even nongay people can understand...
"Women fight eachother too much. I'm cute, and most likely, the other girl is cute as well. If the guy I like likes me, thats perfect. If I sense he's into another girl, then leaving is the best route, since fuck no, I hate simping for men, its embarrassing as a motherfucker. And if the girl is unproblematic and cute, then there's no problem to really be had."
I think that's why I was quick to be ready to leave Patrick #1 when the opportunity had arose. I was making it clear that I was the "needs lots of quality time and words of affirmation" type. Which doesn't pair well, with a hot guy that doesn't want to be monogamous.
And he always got SO WEIRD about it. Like? Yeah, you can be single, and I can be single, and we casually do our thing without any romantic attachment. OR we are a monogamous fling. Why agree to be romantically attached to him, if inevitably I'd be the one clinging to him and he easily shares romantic feelings for a variety of girls aside from me?
I get it, "why choose one entree when you can have a buffet"? BUT, if I wanted to be romantically interested in a man just to still have a risk of STDs, since some fuckass nigga wants to "yeah, of course i love you, we can have the condom off for a little right?", with any girl with a fat ass and a nice smile..... I could just be single.
It's basically just me not wanting to get hurt, or obsessive. Much easier to either be the Rihanna-esque summer fling, for fun and a good time without seriously expecting anything..... or, the girl you're trying to bring to family events, spend several nights and mornings with, and not have to worry about guys blowing up her phone in the middle of dates.
And I wanted the bliss to know how he felt, without fully tripping.
Rowan's messaging me. Poor guy stays up all night just to keep talking with me. I can't tell if he does that on purpose, or if it's just apart of his new view on life at the moment. (I think he's taking life less seriously. Which sure, may or may not be a dangerous thing for a suicidal person to do, but it always worked for me! Made me a lot less "god everything is terrible and i dont think i can handle this", to a much more cheery smile as i laugh, "this shit is so bad lmfaooooo thats crazy.")
Ironically, he messaged me just to apologize for falling asleep.
And apologizing again, to tell me he's not in the mood to talk to me right now.
....Relax, man, its 1:10am over here. I wasn't exactly expecting any texts, nevertheless a reply to "Have you seen Tucker and Dale versus the Forces of Evil?"
I wasn't gonna be sweating bullets with shaking hands anticipating your answer for that, bud.... He's so cute for caring about my feelings, though. Aww.
I guess to an extent, he does like me. I dig him, too. I don't know.
We did have "the talk" about it. It was a good honesty hour. He told me he's not sure how close he can even get to the feeling of a "crush", due to his relationship past... and honestly, same.
Whether I talk about He Who Shall Not Be Named or not, I still kind of doubt I'd be fully healed enough from the most recent events to be in a relationship. Moreso, well, I'd have to be fully honest about several aspects of my life before I could ever fully humor that.
If I eventually feel like it, I'll just show them this page, or something? Is that a bad idea?
Probably, since He Who Shall Not Be Named ended up lurking this page for so long, and his dweeb side whore, and I personally want some time to pass before I have another case of a brunette marxist guy reading and analyzing all my posts about them, or my relationship history, you know?
Plus, the many references to death on here in the past few weeks alone are serious.
Eh. Not like anything happened anyway.... but still, too soon to date again if me blacking out and purchasing a crossbow on a whim, is considered "something that may happen for complications".
Yeah. :)
But eh, I get the feeling he likes me.
And I can't tell if this is the time where I:
Distance myself dramatically and become distant or aloof to avoid seeming too clingy, which just makes me look like a dick, which then ends the relationship
Instantly try to find a second romantic interest to lessen the pain of everything, by knowing that even if he moves on or doesn't like me, someone else will
I don't even know, man, even writing this has me in a weird cold sweat, and I don't know why, man.
UGH, man.
Maybe it's over the paragraph I had written earlier.
Well, to clarify, which seems easier?:
Getting all creepy or jealous over a boy, who is wishy washy over if he is interested in me seriously or not, and potentially seeing some unknown girl as a "rival", or an "enemy", when the only problem at hand is "huh, does she also get flirty texts like i do?", and.... is not serious enough for a rivalry like that. Especially if its the dudes fault, you knw?
Going, "Damn, that girl is fine as fuck", shrugging my shoulders, blocking the dudes page to avoid any obsessive page lurking, and then, moving on with life.
Yeah, there.
I'm not creeping his page.... I'd never admit it.
But I don't know, some of the replies to tweets are just ridiculously flirty.
He's not my man.
Another classic dilemma of "they're not my boyfriend, but would still be hurt if I blocked them spontaneously or something".
Hell, that did happen earlier in the week, I think. They said they had a crush on a girl who was just their type, and of course I got hurt, (since yknow, kinda praising a girl and flirting with her has vibes.....)
But they did the thing where they just instantly hit me up on Instagram and we talked it out anyways, I guess.
There's obviously not much potential for a "id totallg love to see where things go with you, if not for the whole UK thing".
That's like when Patrick #1 pulled the "i could see you as someone id like to be with monogamously. 100%. But I'd need to graduate college, get a good job in case you ever got pregnant, and etc" type shit, you know?
*also yes, he did reference needing a good job for a hypothetical pregnancy with me.... i know im nuts, but geez he was thinking HELLA far ahead.... nigga kept thinking i was gonna have his babies or something. Would've if situations were different though.
It's not a concrete answer and it just gets the hopes up!
Since Patrick saying that, was basically him saying "I could see myself having a future with you, I really could", but also saying "So I still fully intend to clap cheeks in the meantime before I ever even THINK about a long distance relationship with you."
Like..... NIGGA.
God, Alexa, play Trina.
It's either IN, or OUT. I hate that "grey area" bullshit. Not gonna lie, I don't like the idea of my boobs sagging or my eyes getting sullen waiting up on some bitchass dude that is probably gonna fall in love with any other bitch who can bend it over. (Women are attractive, yeah, its not rocket science to know that it's natural to find other people attractive sometimes. Yet, that doesn't mean I'm into the type that's gonna have that be the case ALL the time, you feel me? Right?)
I see it as:
Wait up on a guy and get hurt.
Be told straight up that nothing will ever happen. Live with that, and stay friends. (Honestly, thats rarely an option for the guys I know.)
The same as the last bulletpoint, but I end up still seeing them as a fun fling.
Moving on, and just reading books while sitting ontop of a dryer full of rocks and wet socks, running at full speed, any time I think about texting them.
They tell me they see something with me. Whatever the fuck happens from that.
Aaaaaaaand all I can do is wait and see.
I might toaster oven some Domino's or some shit. Idk. Peace.
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