#but i did see alot of people wearing the SAME shirt and i couldnt find out if they bought them somewhere specific
elvenking42 · 6 months
Kiiiind of sad that I didn't go through the effort of buying myself a tacky eclipse shirt. I really should have, it was one of my favorite things I've done all year 🥺
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
Wrecked part 16
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I felt the headache even before my eyes opened, everything was aching. My hands were tied in front of me, i could feel the scratchy rope chafe my wrists. I felt the cold ground and leaves under me as i began to open my eyes. Everything was quiet, to quiet and that scared me more than hearing gunfire. When my eyes opened fully i found the sun was setting behind the mountains and the wind was picking up.
I didnt dare move at first at least not until i figured out if i was alone or not. My eyes were still blurry and a little unfocused but i could see eell enough that there was no one in front of me. I was somewhere in the woods, somewhere i didnt recognize. The smell of rotting flesh hung thick in the air here i almost gagged. I chanced a look over my shoulder and gasped as i saw the same man who had captured me sat on a stump right behind me.
His head turned to the side as if he was examining me, his hair hung across his face making him much more scary than any other person i had met before. I took in his appearance and realized why it smell of rotting flesh. He wore a skin suit of a walker like a rich man would wear a fine three piece suit. "Who are you?" I asked as i tried to back aeay from him.
He stood and kneeled in front of me, his eyes black as night. He slowly raised his finger to his mouth ,"shhhh."
My heart began to beat frantically as he just stared into my eyes. Those black eyes seemed like something from a nightmare. "Just...just let me go." The back of his hand connected with my cheek hard enough to split my lip.
I heard a rustle in the leaves to the left of us, i looked over to see two more people dressed just like this man. His head turned slowly towards them, seemingly having a conversation without talking. All eyes were on me in a instant then i was being yanked upright by the giant of a man.
I pulled against his grip but nothing was working his hold only tightened. We walked a few more feet and i heard distant voices. "Shes close! Find her!"
I knew that voice, i turned my head in the direction it came from, "negan!" A hand clamped over my mouth, my screams muffled by the mans hand.
"Be quiet." He whispered in my ear, just then i was dropped to the ground again but this time i landed on my stomach. Pain shot from my stomach down into my groin area.
I barely heard the gunfire over the sound of the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. I tried to roll to my back but stopped when i felt exactly where the pain was coming from. A branch that was probably four to five inches round protruded from my lower stomach. "No, no." I whispered.
My hands were still tied and i had no idea who was attacking these people who took me but the only thing i could think of was my unborn child. "No!" I screamed or at least i think i did. I felt dizzy, my breathing shallow. My vision became blurry and tunneled.
I tried to crawl but any kind of movement made me scream in pain. I looked around and wanted to scream with joy when i spotted the walkie talkie laying in the leaves a few feet from me. I conjured up all my strength and began to crawl towards the radio.
I could feel my shirt becoming more warm and sticky where my wound was. My fingers hit the radio and i gripped it for dear life. I pushed the button hoping and praying negan had his still on.
"Negan! Negan...please i need help!" I screamed, but all that i heard was silence. The tears started to fall from my eyes as the thought of not being found hit me. "Somebody...please." i begged but silence again.
The bullets were still flying over head, the sun would be fully set soon and i knew the chances of being found when it was dark was minimal.
My eyes started to get heavy as i began to feel the chill of more than likely losing to much blood. I clutched the walkie talkie to my chest, just as i was about to close my eyes i could hear a muffled voice coming through the speaker.
"Hello?" My voice was weak but i knew i heard someone.
"Y/n! Where the fuck are you?" Negans voice came through angry as ever.
"I...i um....i dont know."
"What do you mean you dont fuckin know?"
I couldnt help the way the corner of my mouth lifted slightly at him actually being angry with me. "If you hear gunfire, follow it. Youll...youll find me."
There was a slight pause and when negans voice came through again it was no longer angry but worried. "Whats wrong?"
"Im hurt, losing alot of blood." My breathing became shallow as my eyes started to close. My body began to shake making my teeth chatter. "Im so cold negan. Please, hurry."
"Baby listen, im gonna fuckin find you. Im not far. You just hold on okay."
I tried to stay awake i really did. I didnt want to let him down again but my body and my mind had two different agendas. Negans voice became distant so i did the only thing i could think of. "I love you negan. If i hadnt have screwed up our baby would have too." I whispered into the radio just as it dropped to the ground beside my head.
The last thing i heard was the panic in negans voice. "Dont you fuckin leave me!"
@holylulusworld @tftumblin @an-unhealthy-obsession @jesseswartzwelder @justanotherwinchester @kingdomkey13 @nikki082489 @tcquotes @thequeenreaders @aubageddon91 @imaginesforthepeople
@elliecapper @ly--canthrope
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svtmatokis · 6 years
Hello! I fell in love with your work and I was wondering if I could get a story where Vernon helps you study your med school notes or something? Thank you sm!!!
Hi!! Sorry it took so long but there were so many directions I could’ve taken this in. I hope you enjoy it and if it was what you wanted ^_^
Pairing: Reader x Vernon
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1912
“ I REALLY cant go out today.” you said into your phone while walking to your dorm room..
“Y/N come on!!! It’s the final party before finals! You HAVE to go!” the boy on the other line said in a whining tone and you sighed.
“Finals are  the reason why, I can’t go out tonight. I need to study, med school doesn’t pay for itself you know.” you said as the boy on the other line snickered.
“It does for me.”
His statement caused you to roll your eyes, “Well considering your father is the director of the university hospital…anyways I can’t go out tonight. My first exam is the day after tomorrow and I need to study and finalize my notes.””
The boy sighed on the other side but you noticed it sounded more exhausted than frustrated., “Fine…Where are you now?”
“Just about to get back to….my…” your hand which was holding the phone dropped to the side as you stared the person standing by your room door.
Vernon looked at you with a nod of his head and hung up the phone. “Let’s go.”
You and Vernon met on the first day of Medical School and were assigned to the same lab group. Many tried to befriend him to get on the directors good side and Vernon was well aware of that.  It was the main reason why Vernon kept his friend circle tight and you were one of the lucky ones.
You intrigued him with your professionalism and also the fact that you didn’t openly flirt with him like alot of the female med school population did. He liked that you were always striving to do you best and always ended up in the top 1 percentile only second to him.  It was a friendly competition the two of you had and to this day, he would only beat you by the slightest in marks
What he didn’t know was that you were working hard to keep up your grades. You had admitted to yourself long ago that you had crush on Vernon but never thought he’d feel the same way and never acted on your feelings.
“I told you, I can’t go out tonight-” you tried to explain while opening your door but he cut you off.
“I’m helping you study tonight Y/N.” he said stepping inside your room and made himself comfortable on your bed while looking at your exam calendar that you had on your wall. You were fortunate enough to not have a roommate and made good use of the space.
“You don’t have to Vernon….” you said as you put your things away and took out the books you needed to study.
“I know I don’t have to.” he chuckled, “But I want to. Come on, we have a long night ahead of us and I have several take out menu’s in my bag so you can choose what you want for dinner after.”
You smiled at him as he grinned at you, “Are you sure?”
“Sure that I want Chinese tonight? I was thinking more fried chicken…” he said pretending to not know what you were talking about making you roll your eyes.
“The party Vernon, I know it’s the biggest one before finals..”
“And you’re right, finals are important so let’s get the books cracking young lady.” he said taking your closest textbook and handed it to you finally making you give in.
For the next few hours you and Vernon sat on your bed as he helped you review your notes for each class. You were well aware of how close your bodies were getting as you readjusted yourselves to get more comfortable. In the end, you were sitting between his legs as he quizzed you over your shoulder. His breath tickling your ear as he spoke and you could almost feel the brush of his lips on your cheek. You tried not to blush at the almost contact and focussed on your notes.
“Okay, I need a break!” you said lying down as your shirt rode up exposing your mid drift.
Vernon watched as you stretched with a small smile. He knew you were ready for finals and despite lacking the confidence there was no doubt that you’d do well. He looked at his phone to check the time and agreed. It was about time for dinner anyways.
“Are you hungry?” he asked and at the same time your stomach growled causing the two of you to giggle.
“I guess we have our answer.” you said as you held your hands up towards him. “Can you pull me up? I worked out yesterday and I’m still sore.”
Vernon grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him so your faces were only inches apart.
“Thank you,” you said almost breathless from the force of the pull. Your small hand remained pinned under his much larger one behind him but you didn’t bother to try to pull away.
He smirked at you and brought his face closer to yours and tilted his head so your lips almost met. You could feel his breath brush against your lips and if either if you had moved a mere centimeter, your lips would have touched.
“No problem” he whispered before releasing your hand and you pulled away trying to calm your heart, that was threatening to jump out of your chest.
“So…what should we order?” you asked as you hid your face behind the menus so he couldnt see your face.
“Mmmm, I was thinking fried chicken…but if you want something else-” he started saying but you cut him off.
“No fried chicken’s fine” you said looking through the menu. After ordering the food, you went back to reviewing your notes as you continued to calm your beating heart as Vernon went through the various messages he got from his friends who were all at the party.
He looked down at you and smiled, even if his friends were having a blast without him, he was happy that you agreed to let him help you study.  He knew the day would come where he was going to tell you his feelings but also took into consideration that this was your hardest year and the labs and homework came first. As the years went on, Vernon was starting to realize that he was seeing less and less of you. He knew that you were volunteering part time at a local hospital to build up your repertoire and between that and school, you barely had time to meet up with your own friends and he was almost sure that if it weren’t for your best friend Eunwoo; who secretly updated Vernon of your whereabouts from time to time, you would forget to eat.
Once the food arrived, the books were put away and you turned on a movie while the two of you ate in silence till all the food was gone. The movie continued playing and the two of you made yourselves comfortable on your bed promising to get back to the books once it was over.
The weight on Vernon’s shoulder told him otherwise.He looked at you from the corner of his eye and chuckled softly.
“Typical Y/N”
He moved his arm so that it was now wrapped around your shoulder and he gently moved your head so that it was placed in a more comfortable position on his chest.  He decided that he would finish the movie first and then decide what to do after, plus you had studied so hard and deserved the rest and he couldn’t find it in his heart to wake you.
A few hours later, Vernon was getting ready to leave after he tucked you into bed. He found sleeping you so cute that he turned on another movie to savor the moment of having your head on his chest. He tidied around your room before finally picking up his backpack. Leaning down to kiss your forehead he whispered, “I’ll see you after finals are over.”
He knew that once you woke up tomorrow, you’d be on lock down and probably wouldn’t do anything until your last test was done. He was the same way and was preparing for the ones he had himself. He made a mental note to text Eunwoo tomorrow to make sure that you had something to eat or may he would drop by with lunch…yea maybe he’d do that..
Vernon was right though, outside of his and Eunwoo’s periodic drop bys to your room with food and in Vernon’s case, to study more. You did not leave your room willingly until a week later when your last exam was done.
A few weeks later, the results were posted and you fought your way through the crowd of people to see what your marks were.You had a feeling you didn’t do too well this time around, having lost a lot of sleep thinking of a certain Hospital Director’s son and what not but you had to at least done decently right?
As you got to the front, people turned to look at you with shocked faces while others started whispering. Looking up at the results, your jaw dropped.
“Congratulations. I knew you’d do well.” a voice said behind you causing you to whip around and there was Vernon holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand while wearing a smirk on his face.
He took a step towards you, “I was going to wait till after grad…but I really don’t think I can wait that long anymore…” he cleared his throat as he noticed that people had formed a circle around the two of you, “You are one of the hardest working people I know and I know how important becoming a doctor is for you and I had no doubt that you’d top the class this year. My dad even called it when he saw your lab reports but I didn’t believe him until now.”
Vernon looked down, it was now or never. Looking back up at you, his eyes were filled with hope and you couldn’t help but feel the same way. Did this mean…Was he saying what you thought he was going to say?
“I didn’t want to ask you then because I knew we weren’t ready. But I really really can’t wait anymore Y/N. Put me out of my misery, stitch up my heart and be mine….please?”
The next thing you knew, your arms were around his neck holding him tightly as he lifted you off the ground and spun you around as howls from whom you assumed were from Vernon’s friends were heard off in the distance.
Once he put you down you both let out a breath.
“So is that a yes?” he asked and you nodded making him grin.
“Good, cause then I can do this and not care that anyones looking.” he said leaning down and gently placed his lips on yours and suddenly the world melted away and you actually felt like the stress of exams were finally worth it.
You were in the arms of a man who would mend you up whenever you were down and burnt out but he was also the man who would be your rock throughout your career and sure, things wouldn’t be perfect but you wouldn’t want another doctor taking care of you either way.
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